Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 08, 1904, Image 6

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\ Brief Telegrams
The In ternallonal POIlCO congress
moobl In Boston In Octoher.
Governor Yates decides to mnlw , hlA
homo In Springfield , where he will
.wago his camlJ/llgn / for United States
senator. \
The burning of the Standard 011
, plant. at Autwerp will probahl ' bring'
the prlco UI sovoml centa n gallon
In this country.
'I'ho wcoldy trade rovlows rCIJOrt a
confident. t.ono In business , with all nc.
tlvo countr ' demnnd nnd satisfactory
dlltrlbullon of morchandlse ,
Sharp advance In Natlonnl Cnrhon
shares on the Chicago stoc ] oxchnngo
Is accompanied hr rumors thnt n denl ,
probnhly In the nature of n consolldll'
tlon. Js 'on.
An' arrnngement has been mnlle' ' In
Now , Yol'le br which Itnllans holdiNg
fraudulent cltlzenshl)1 ) pupera may eH'
, capo prosecution hy smrendorlng them
for 'cancellntlon. ' '
Secrelary 'raft. In nn ndell'ess In
Monlpeller , Vt. , defended the porson.
nllty of President. Hoosovelt nfl con.
servatlve , though energetic ; a leader ;
but not. n tyrant.
Officlnl re1JOrls of the fire thllt de.
stro 'ed the town of lnnnfI In Lagu\1l
province , Philippine Islands , do not.
confirm provlous nccounts of the henvy
Joss or Ufo there.
1\Iarshnll \ Piehl of Chicago Is the
henvlest. taxpa 'er In the United States ,
Porty mlJllon dollars Is the aHsessed
"nluo of his tnxahlo proJerty , real
and personal , In Chicago ,
Slate Treasurer Kempf of , Wlscon.
sin appeals to the 1\IIIwaultoe courl
to prevent his removal from the La
. : ri'ollotlo stnto tlckot , eharglng that he
resl ned unllor IJolltical coercion.
William E , Cm'Us writes of the
great. alnB In education In .Tapm ,
where every person untler the ago of
30 Is able to read amI write. , am1
schools are within the reach of all.
General KuropaUdn reporl ! ! that the
Japanese have advanced on Llandlan.
sian , ono of the principal dofemes of
Llao-Yang , " and TantzlaJlltzr , which
lief ! bet.ween I.iandlanslnn and Anplng , .
Dy dlroctlon of Preshlent. Hoosevelt , i
.1ullus H. Wolss has been nppoluted
recolver of the land' omco at Del
Norte , ' Colo" vlco Percy Hobart , re.
moved on account o ( ph 'slcal IlIsa- .
bllltios. ,
. The action of Dishop Geay of Lnval ,
In going to Home In splto or the
counter orders or Premier Combes ,
hns resll'ttell ' In the determination of
the government to sUGpend the pny
of the blsholl.
' . The steel trust Is altlcd hy the ralJ-
roals : west. from Chicago In a fight
for the westo1'11 steel marlet , anll the
. Colorado Fuel and Iron company , the
concern aimed at , 'fights baele wllh the
aid or the Gould systom. .
The largest. Eugar factor ) ' In Germany -
many , named lCulmsee , near 'I'horn.
\Vest. Prussia , WIlS burned , Involvln a
loss of $1,250,000. 'fhe fire caused a
rlso In the sugar mnrlwt at HamburG
of 3 cents a hundred weight.
The city of Blnang , In Laguna )11'0\ ) "
Ince , Island or Luzon , has been lIe.
slrayed b ' fire. Ono hundred perHons
perIshed In the fiames and fIve thous'
and were rendered homeless , 'fho
loss Is estlmatell at. $200,000.
Itolla Wells , mayor of St. Louis , at
the head or a lelegatlon of Worhl'H
'fall' , officials , called on 1\Ia'or Harrl.
son of Chicago to ask the ma'or' at.
tendanco at. the eXIJosltion Octob01' S ,
which hils' been designated "Chicago
day. "
At. the request. of the olIlcerR of the
National Geographical Rocletr , the
secretary of war has detailed Brlga.
dler General A. 'W. Grech' , chief Hlgnal
ofIlcer of the army , as' one of the rep.
resontatlves of the wal' dlarlmont at
f.ho eighth Inlernatlonal geographical
convontlon , to bo held In Washington
city next month.
President E , Benjamin Andrews of
the Unlverslt . of Nebraslm met with
( an accident. In Den\'er , Colo" which
prevented him from taltln ; the lell l.
Ing IJIlrt IlSslgned to 111m at the an ,
nual Institute ot the Cool < county
teachers , to bo hold at normal school
six days. lIe slipped on 11. Im\'emcllt
n 'was sovreh' Injured.
Olto 'c , Tollofson , secretar ' of the
Northwestern Flro al\ll 1\Iarlno of Mln ,
neapolls , sa's that hall alreadY has
caused $ I,100CfJO dam ago to crops In
UIO t.wo Dnkotas and l\lIn1\esota \ , Farm.
ers In the northwest. are most of thvm
In the habit. of Insurln tholr crops ,
and the result Is that crop Insurance
throughout the northwest will moet
with a heav ) ' loss. The Northwcstern
has paid nlread ' for hnll dam ago to
crops In North Dnltotn $100,000 , In
South Daltatn $30,000 and In MlnnCo
sota. . $5 , OO.
Commander James H. Perr ' or the
bureau ot steam cghleel'lng will retire
for ago with the ranle of captain. 110
Is now III with typhoid foyer.
Fitzgerald S. 'I'urton , second 1I0u-
tenant In tllO Twcntysecond United
Stat.cs Infantr ' , has committed 'Sui-
cldo on the Island of Manllanao ,
The pay of Gcneral Kurolatltln ) Is
said to bo 200.000 l'ubles-$100,000-0
) 'car during the Will' , Whcn ho left
for l\Iancllllrla. . the czal' made him , It
Is said , a. . present or GOOOOO rl\lJlc \
U50OOO. ) 'fho llaY of the ItusElnn 111
the ranis is Jdmost nothl1l1 : .
- . - -
- 1
Nc,1rly Half :1 Million Men Engaged I
In a Btttle Thilt May Mean a C.'unh. . .
Ino Defcat for One SIde or thc I
Other. _ I
ST , pgT HSTJUHG.-Wlth tho.
Imowlellgo that the HusHlan and Jap.
nnpSO armies about Llao Yang nl'o
loclwd In a dcath struggle the tonslon
In St. Polm'shurg III Rt1'll111ell to the
utmost. It. Is hello\'eel here that. the
fight cannot slop Hh01't of the cruHh.
Ing defeat. of one sldo or the other.
All l'OIJorla so far are favorable to '
tll1l Husslans , though the suslwnfllon
or IlII news for many hours hils heen
exceedingly tr 'tng uncI hus glvon rise
to Hoverlll rUll101'S , flolllowhat. tomper-
lng , the enrllor entl1l1Rlasm. It II ! I
etated officlull ' , howovcr , , that. the rc- !
port. that the railway ! lnd teleg1'llph
have hcwn cut nOlth ot I lao Yllng Is I
A lllemh01' of the general stafr salcI I I
to the Asoclaled ! Press ut midnight : I
"I can assure you thllt up to this hour
comlllunication with 1 lao Yang has
not. hcen Inte1'l'1Iltol ) ) . General Kuro.
Imlldn hns tal < on IJ/lrtlcular / precuu.
tlons against. any attelll11t. to cut the
mllwny , Whllo It. Is nlways posslhlo
that. a s111all ruhllng 11I\I'ly might. slip
through the Husslan } l/ltrolH / 01' that
hired Chlneso han lls might cut the
wIre , It Is IL fall' supposition that this I
has not. hcwn done , " I
' 1'ho highest mll1tar ' authorltle : ;
hero cOllsld01' that. the most cI'ltical
stugo of the hattle hns not. , ret ho n
I'eached , ILnd they hello\'o the fIght
111n ) ' conUnuo fOl' some tlmo heforo
nltl1er Hldo nclmowledges dofeat. ' 1'hls
Is an In1)lortunt ) cC > 1Islderation hy the
light or which to Inter)1I'et ) nny 1m.
modlato now ! ! . It Is thought hero that.
In "low of the 1111 111 hers engaged , the
desperateness of the assaults and the
length of the IIno ( about soven' mlles ) , I
the losses In the two days' fightln
cannot fall short. or 10,000 on ench
elde. Dolu sides are straining every
nerve , realizing that the forlune ! ! or I
war for a whole 'ear are In the scale ,
aud nolther sldo Is In the mood 01' the
position to spare men In the effort. to
nchlevo a final \'lctOl' ' .
'rho battle o ( Lluo Yang will II1'ob.
ahly rank as ono of the great fJl1nluln.
ary hattles of hlstor ' . It Is estlmllted
by the general Htuff that the .Japlln-
esn armies engaged numh01' sO\'on- ,
teen divisions oC 15,000 men each'l
or allow'Ing for Inetllclenls , about ,
140,000 mon , Each division has - '
nix guns , and there arc two thlrtr-I'
ent. artlllm' ' 1l1'Igades of 100 guns
each , mal\ln1 ; a total of ahout. SOO gI1l1 ' :
The esttmales of HusslRn correspondent - ,
spondent mnge nt f'Olll GOO to 1,000
guns 'er side.
In the IJrellmlnm' ' fighting onroa : : -
day the Russians 200 '
CalJtured )11'Is- )
oners , who have alrendy a1'1'h'ell at
Harhln , and report llel'slsts thnt. they
captured over forty .Iapanese gum 'es-
terday ,
Genoml T\uroJatldn's ) orrect\'e ! :
forces are , 'arlouslr estimated Ilt fl'om I
170,000 to 200.000 men. I i
The .1llpaneso Wellnesdar m01'11l g
nltacltod three ! i1t"m1 " of the Hussllm position -
sition , Ono or the Assoclatell Pl'es
C01TOSIOIHlents [ nlso mentlonR a .Tap.
anoso movement to the northeaRl or I
Llao , Yang , showing that the . .Japani i
cse were ul1l10uhtedlr tr 'lng to wOl'le '
nround KuropaUln's rem"
Ono of the surpI'lslng phases of tho' ' .
situation Is the endumnco of the mcn.
They have heen en aged Ilesperatcl '
for two days , after moro 01' less se-
\'el'o fighting under unfavorahlo conl1l'
tlons 0\01' ) ' da ' slnco August 24. It
would seem that human endl11'ance
could not IJerslst much longel' without
resllto ) of some sort.
Will of William Weightl11ln , the
Chemist , Flied for rebate ,
- will oC
William Weightman , head of he firm
of Powers & Wolghtman , mnnufac.
turlng chemists , who died a few dn 's
ago at the Ilr.O of ! II 'eurs. was IJI'O-
bated on l\or.da ' ,
'I'ho entl1'o estate , \'alued at moro
thnn $50,000,000 , Is left to his daugh.
tor. 1\Irs. Anna 1\1. Wallwr , widow oC
the late Congl'essman Hohort .T. C ,
\ValltOl' of WllllamsllOl't , Pa , Br the
tonnH of the will 1\lrs. \ Wal/tor / , who
Is the only sur\'lvlng child , becomes
solo IJroJrletor ) of the rntensl\'e chem.
Ical worls , which maltes her ono of
the rIchest women In the worlll.
1\Irs. Wallel' will assume active
mllnagement of the drug huslness , he.
sltles lool\lng after the real estate left
her by her father , who was ono of
the largest holllers ot rcal estate In
the countr ' , 110 owned milch prOI' )
orty In Penns 'I\'anln outsldo of Phil.
adolphla and also In Now Yorl" Ohio ,
NOhrnslm , Delaware , West Virginia ,
1\IIssouri and Wisconsin.
Nine Persons Killed.
MONTHEAL-Nlno ) Jersons were
1lIIed and twent.threo InJured In a
headon collision on the OI':1ml Trunk
rnllwa ' , near Hlchl1lOlHl . ' -
, Que. , 'I-ues-
dnr , 'rho tmlns l11\'oh'ed were a 81JO'
clal oxcl11'slon from Montrelll bound
for Sherbrooke and IJns&enHer tmln
I No. Ii , runnln : : hJtw en Islllnd Dond ,
Vt. , nnll Montroal. The co1111:110n : , It Is
clnlmed , was Iluo to nplect oC orllers
on the part of the train crGw of the .
excursion tmln. which left It1chmonll
without aWnllln the arrl\'al of the
passengel' trnl1.
. _
. '
Steck Handlera and Other Laborer : ! .
, Ordered Out.
I CllI < 'AGO , 1II-'l'ho ofrorta of Pres.
i Mont. Donnoll ' or the hutchors' union
to Hllreael the 8lrll\O a11l111Ht. the pacl { . I
' throughout 1111 tradeR that nro In I
any wa ' connected with l lO paeltln .
house Industry wus only pllrtlally ! Juc'
I ceRsful on WCllnescuy. !
'fho fi1'Llt stop waa In calling out.
the mon employed by the hlllelwllIl.
en t. IJ/lclccrs / and the Htocle hunlll'l's
that. wel'o aUlI Ilt. worl for thoHo ) J/lcl- /
Cl'a aJalnflt whom the original strllw
was made. ' 1'ho totnl number of ruep
to qutt work tOday In I'espono ! ! to the
aJ1lleals C Presldenl Donnelly was
ahout. . ( ) QO ,
It wlla also 1\nnounced hy President
Donnelly that he hud mallo nrrungc.
ments fvr u sl1'lJO of tlit switchmen
on the railroads doIng hU lness In the
stock yards , amI that In a short. tlmo
the pncleers would lInd It In1)l0sslblo ) to
Rhlp out. tholr lroduct. 'rhe ! ! wltch :
I men , howo\'el' , huvo refused to ! Jtrllw ,
Artor r long meotlnJ ; which waR at.
101ntl ' hr members of tho'
switchmen's union ancl mombCl's of
I the Brotherhood or HIIllwa1' ' 1'ruln111en ,
It. was decided that the members or
hoth orgllnlzatlons would remain at
wOl'lr , The memher3 of the switch-
mon's union declared thomselvl's
ready to sll'lIte , hut those switchmen
who arc memhers of the Brolherhood
of Hallway 'Prnlnmen docllned to clo
so. 'When this was made IC1lown to
lho memhers oC the switchmen's
union they c.1ecllll'cl ( that. a strIke on
tholr part would bo useless unless the
members o ( lho hrothel'hood went out
nt the same time , nnd the ' rosclndell
thol1' acUoll.
Russian CorreElondent Tells of Bat.
tie at Te ow.
IIARllIN.J1hlsHlan cOI'l'osponclent
or the Associated Press supplies the
following :
"FIghting with the e.tremo left
flank of General Horsehelmann's COI'JS )
commenced at 10 o'clock 011 the night
of August. 2 ; ; , with an attnck on our
position at the vlllalo oC 'I'sogo\\ ' .
'rho .Japanese Ilttack wns porslsted In
through the 'nlght. and by .1 o'clock tbo
next morning It Invol\'ed the whole
line. They dro\'o n. hard uttack
agllinst Geneml Herscholmann's rIght
lIank whllo uttemJlIng' ) to turn his loft. ! I
" 'fho 1'llmboff roglmcnt despemtely
protected the loft lIanl , until after daylight - I
light , and just as It was wavering
from the I'clleatecl shoc1es C the .Jap. t
ancse assault 9ur rolnforcoments ca1110 i
U)1 ) und the whole IIno , IncludIng the
weary defendants , charged shouting , I
" 'rhe Japanese stooll stuhhornly to
the bayonet aUac ] " Imt 1inall ) " wcro
b01'110 hacl In the whirl of the hand- I
to.halllll1ghUng , leavIng honJs ) o ( dead
hohlnd them , I
"Later n. false re1Ort that the .1np-
anese had canled the lJOsltlon brought
up an9ther bllttallon of resorvl'S at
1I0ubio qulel" 'I'ho baUallon cnught It
JaJaneso ) Infantry column standing
with Its flanl , exposed and fil'ed , 1,11I-
Ing many and forcln ! ; the othCl's to re.
"Our battorles oJened with the dar-
light , fm'clng the , Tlllmneso from 8ev-
. eral positions In tl1e hills. 'rhey lost
hundreds by 0\11' \ shraJnol ) fIre ,
"We held the pos .lon all day long ,
hut at G o'elocle In the e\'enlng retired
In acc ) r llllco with orclCl's , "
I - - - I
: Nebraska Executive Will See New
I Battleship Christened ,
I LINCOI N , Nob-Govornor 1\l ley
and twenty-fiVo InvltecI guests will go
I to Seattle to witness the christen In ;
and , launching of the Imtlloshlp e-
I hrnslm. A , Nobraslm gh'l , prohnblr
'l\lIss Marla 1\lIclw ) ' , w/l1 / toss the hot.
tlo of champagne asalnst tbo hull of
the vessel , However , the go\'ernQr
mllr object to any memh01' of his fam-
: 11) ' handling Intoxicating liquor , and
In that O\01 the honor will fall to
I HOlll0 ono else , 'rho ro\'ernOl' hus no.
lIncll the shlpt ulllll1\ ! ; authorities that
I ho will ho IJr05enl.
I 'fhoso who will al' : ; mpany him will
be state officials and polllicians ,
Russians Abandon Stores.
LONDON.JA dispatch to a news
agenc ' from 1'01\10 rep01'1lng the
. occulmtlon or Anplng and
'fltngho 'en , says :
"On the Japllneso advancing to at-
I tack Anlllng the Husslans e\'l1cllntetl' '
I the place , abandoning lal'ge qllanll. .
, ties or storcs.
j "It Is I'oughlr cOIllJllted that the
I Russian force around Llno Yang
I consists ot thirteen dl\'lslons. ' "
No Revolt at Constlntlnople.
LONDON-Tho 'furklsh e1l1bass '
hero today Issued n. formal denl111 o (
till ) report circulated In the United
States br a new's agenc ' 'esterda ) ' In
It 11Ispatch frum Berlin to the effect
that the sultan's hodY guard had reo
volted or that. a fight occurred at the
Irnperlal IJIllaco at Constantlnoplo be.
twcon Turls nIl II Arabs.
I Letter In Hands of Printer. "
oYs'rElt BA Y.-Havlng trammcted
I all huslness of pressing Imporlanco
j that has been pending slnco his ur-
, Ilval at Salnmol'O Hili the ) wesldont
: will glvo moro tlmo henceforth to "Ie.
litoI'D. A few callen , will ho 'e olved
I almost ever ' dll ) ' , l\tombcrli of the In.
tCl'lalloual arbitration conference
which Is to bo held In St. 1.0\\10 \ In
the next tan dnrs. will ho l'c < , ovod :
! hy the Ilre.slclont at the Whlto hct'lo
i Soptemhor .1. 'fho dolelntelol , will hq
I , the lcsl3 of the nation whl/o / In lhls
I coulltr ' .
, t
, .
( For Twenty.Elght Yearn I-Ie Hac Been
Held < 1S Prisoner of His Brother ,
the Present Ruler-The Malady
That Carried Him Off.
tnnllIrad : V. dled Wcdnesdar of dla.
betQs , fmm whtch , ho hall long suC.
ferecI ,
It 'was l'ol1OrtecI In 1\Iay last from
Vennn that. : 'IlllI'ad V. , the thlrtyth Ird
sovOl'elgn of the house of Osman , was
drlng nnd nt. tlO ! same tlmo It. war
reported from the sume source that
his udherents nil over 'I'mlwy , Imown
as the young Turks , were secretl ) '
arming nUll only awaited the signal to
rIse In Insll1'1'ectlon.
1\IIIrad V , was born In 1840 nnd as.
cendod the throne after the mUl'dor or
the sultan , Abdul Azlz , l\Ia ' , IS7G. In
, Tub' o ( that year Murad was IJlacocI
upon tllO rogenc ' of his hrothor , the
present. sllltlln , Ahdul Hamid H. , ancI
on Atlgust 31 ho was dethronocI. Out.
wardly this act was performed legall '
h ' the counclof / ministers on the
ground that. ho was Insanc.
'rho rea'i facts In the case , however ,
wl/1 / probnllly novoI' bo Imown , but. It
has been claimed UlIlt. 1\Imad was a
good cIeal mol'O sane than his broth l'
and ono o ( the ! ; reatest. terrors of
Abdul Hamid's oxlRtonclJ was t.ho fent'
thllt this Turldsh "man with the Iron
maRk , " as he has lieen termed , might
escape fl'om his place of confinement
In the Cherngan palllce , and some six I
years ago ho was removed to the
: \rnlta Klosle , In the grounds oC the
Ylldlz ) mlaco OCCUIJlel1 hy Abdtll
Hamid , which Is stll'1'ounded by loft '
walls. In sVlto of the secrecy or
: : \rtll'ad's romo\'al he was seen n ' :0
l.aHsed hy severnl forolgnms , who de.
elm'cd that though he had a cd anti
' , 'as haggard In applarance , the fonl-
or sultan harl" " not 10Rt his majoJI IF
\parlng \ and that he pl'oRerved the af. ,
pearnllCO of a JUall In the full poswc- : ;
! .Jion oC Ills mental facultlos.
' 1'he confinement of Murad has Leon
. 'f the c"uelest character , Only hl- ;
jallms(11'0 allowed to see him al1rl
l'YC' : ' ) ' ! 'rl'cautlon was talwn to pre-
\'ont any Intolllgence of what wns go'
Ing (1n In the opposlto wor1l1 Crom
reaching him.
Althou hlurad Is annourced to
ha\'o died fr0111 dlabotes , It had gem.
e1'fiIl ' been understood , according to
the palace representatives , that be :
was sufforlng fl'om tuherculosls.
1 _
Seven , Th usand Men Will Be Out or
CEICAGO-'J'he gl'eat shops of the
Pullman cOl ll1any are to shut down
on SelJtember 1 and thousands C men
C111lJloyc'd In the various departments
of the car building corporation will
bo wIthout WOl'I ; : , 'fhlrty thousand
) Jeonle at Pllllman nd In the sur-
rO\l1l1l1ur \ ; towns will ho offected.
When the Pullman companr IJ :
worltlng on the full time 7,000 person : ;
arc C1l1plo 'etl. During the last few
months owing to a lacl { of now or.
del's , men have heen laid off , GOO anel
400 at a time , until now the f01'CO
cloes not amount to more than : ! , OOO.
'I'hoso men m'e engaged In finishing
the c nstruetlon of cnrs already un.
del' war , nnd when these are' ready
for the rails the 'sh011S will ho closed
and the plnnt rendered Icl1e , The
plant ma ' romaln olosed Cor more
than a month.
Forts Chmge , Hands Repeltcdly at
Port Arthur.
CIIg FOO-A Chlneso who lIvol1
near Hlhlunoesha11 , declares that ho
Haw the Russlnns occnpylnl ; this fort.
from whIch pro\'lous' 1'elJOrt8 stated
thnt they had been drl\'en , Probahh'
hoth rel10rts were cOlTeel at the tlll1lt
they Wel'O current , as seml.omclal nd.
\'Iccs state thnt many positions about
the fortress change hands rOllentedly.
'I'ho fighting , which hegnn on the
: ! ith soon hecame general.Vhllo the
ChlncEo were at sea August 28 , the
hoa\ ' ' firing was resumed ,
'fwo junls containing contrahnnd
of war were sunk by a Japanese tor-
JJelio boat ten miles ocr Llaotl IIrom.
ontorr ,
It Is sad ! that fort No , Ii has
ehangod hllnds four times find Is
now unoccu1led ; ,
NCGro Lynchcd at Laramie.
LARAMIE , Wyo.-Joe : 'tlartln , col.
orl'd , wus I'nched by a mob of 300
men In front ot ITudge Carpentor's
house at. 8 o'clock MOl1l1ay night ,
Martla was a trusty In the county
jail. Ho atttncketl Denn Krause , a
white girl emplo 'ed In the jail Idtch.
cn , and slashed her face and arms i
with a knife , Ono man was Inj\11'od !
h ' Martin when they were entering .
the jail to drag him out ,
Count M Ichereux Is' Dead.
EW YOHK.-Count AI1Jert yon
1\1lchereux Is dead at his former resl.
deuce In Daldwlns , L , I. . at the ago
or G2 years ,
Count \ 'onlIchoreux. . who had
ser\'ell In the Austrlnn arm ' , accom.
panled the I r.l JOror Maxlmlllian to
: -.rexlco and ) JIlrllclpated In the wars
there until the downfall of the ( \mlllro ,
'rhen ho went to New Orleans , where
' ho renOl111cel his tltlo IInll became a
'I naturnlled : citizen. For 11. tlmo ho
wna lu the hanll111 : bU6lness. hut 1'0'
: IInqulsbod thnt to establish a silk tr ; : .
" I
. .
. . . .
, . , '
, ,
. "
. -
C :
- - - - - - -
Attorney General Attemts to Defeat
the Church Howe Injunction.
AUDURN.-'fho case wlwreln Hon ,
Church 1Iowo obtal1wtl a temlJOralT
Injunction restraining the county clerl {
from extondlng on the tax rolls the
fj POl' cent Incroal\o : made hy the State
Board of gquullzntlon came on for
hearing on the mellon flied by the
attorney general and county attorney
to dlssolvo. the temporllry ord r he-
fore Judge W. H. Kolllgar oC the dis-
trict. court. 'J\Uo1'ney General Prout.
and his delutr , Norris Brown , togelh.
er with Count ' Attorney Quaclwn.
bush , nt'guod the case In sUPllort Q (
the motion , and Edgar I ornenu and
II. A. Lnmbert. represented the ) Jlaln.
lift. The first contention oC the attor.
neYR for the defense was that the
ourt } 1Il no jurisdiction oC the case ; '
that the board acted .1udlclall ' . and
Its nctlon was final and could not. bo
ro\'lewcd hy 11. CO\11't o ( equltr. This
contention ovo1'l'uled ' ,
was b ) the court
which announced th\t In a IIroper
case n. court o ( equity would gmnt
, roll of. 'fho case wus thell argued on
the quesllon whether thq lJOtition
atated It CIIUSO Co I' action. and whoth.
er there was an ) ' eqult ' In the bill ,
und on this ! Jhaso the court took the
case under advlsoment , and will rent
: leI' an early decision. .
Ono oC the contentions of the plain.
lIff Is that. t.ho au h01'lties cannot. tax
II. lllan on n. valuation of hIs propert ) '
for moro than the true value thereof ,
and that. any law that permits It. 01'
anr uttompt. to do o Is Illegal Imd
In vIolation of the constitution.
The motion to dissolve Is In the 11a-
lur of a demurrer , and the Ilttorno '
general announced his Intention to
stnnd on his lllotlon , should It bo over.
ruled , and take the case to the supreme -
promo court , where ho hopes to get a
apece ! ) ' hearing ,
Alleed Forger Arrested.
YOItK , Nob-On Aurust 2:1 : a mnn
stepped at. the : \llIIer hotel and regIstered -
Istered as 1 , II. Seaman and wife , lIe
remained ono do ) ' Rnd when he cnlled
for his bill 111'esonted a chocl ; : Ul10n a
leading' lumher firm oC Davon1wrt , la. ,
! lnd ll/l'ablo / at the CItizens' National
bank o ( that clt : ' , The draft was
IJroteste and the banle notified hero ,
lhat. It was a forger ) ' , ill' , 1\111I01' at I
once begnn the search for the mnn
who slned his name E , II. Seaman.
He was ll'aced from here lo Hastings ,
'Sutton nnd Falrmont. where ho toole
lho train for Palrbur ) ' . ' 1'ho shorlfi
of Jefferson county was notIfied nnd
pn his arrIval at that 1I1aco ho was
arrested and ! Jlaced In Jail ,
Flaman ! Has a Close Call.
KEAHNEY.-Gedrgo Smith , a Union
Pacific flngman at the Central ave.
lUo crossing' , met with a painful ac.
cldent , and at the same tlmo had an
exceedinglY narrow eSCa1Je from ho.
Ing crushed beneath th wheels of a
Jocomotlve. Ho attomJted to step
UJon the pilot of an al'proachlng 10.
comotlvo nnd missed his footing , His
foot was caught beneath the pilot ,
and whllo ho held on he was dragged
for some distance , his foot. lJOlng
t.urned and the sldo and top of It
ground into , the gravel beneath the
Wreck 8 : > 1110 Wheat.
GRAFTON.-As a freight. t-aln
from the west wus slowing up for
this station a cal' oC stono' destined
here for sll'eet crossings , hroke 110wn ,
Four cars following were demollshed
and the contenls _ wheat and corn ,
scattered ahout , 'I'ho front truclm
were torn from another car o ( wheat
which remnl111 on the tracl ; : . Pns.
senger train No , 12 , coming just after -
tor th wrocl , . bncl < cd to Sutton nnd
wont around b ' way of Lushton.
Killed by Train.
AUROItA.-Pranlc Kllm1C1' , n e
about 22 , when driving hOluc from a
nelghhorhood dance hotweon 3 andt
o'clock the ether morning , WfiS strucl ,
b ' 11. B. & : \1 , ! Jassenger train and Instantly -
stantly I/lled / at 11. place .lmown as
the Buller cI'ossln , between Aurorn.
and Hnmpton. It Is suplOsed ) ho was
asleep when st1'\1el \ , Doth horses
were I/lled. ; : /
- -
Former County Clerk Inane.
ALllION-I < , 1\1 , S/IIII / , . an enrl '
settler of this counh' and count ) '
clorle for two terms , was adjudged
Insane h ) ' the Insanlt ) ' honrd und
tnleen to Lincoln ,
Omaha Man Gets Place.
F. 1\1. Coleman of Omaha has been
appointed ballU't of the SUlremo court
to taleo the place of Hcnry Loavltt ,
who wIll lenvo the ofIlco SOJtomb01' ) 1.
The Dlalr cannhlJ ; factor ' Is now
In oporatlon , using about ono hun\lred
tons ot sweet corn 1Jor dn ) ' ,
House Burned by Tramps ,
PLATIS\rOUTH.-'I'ho : large. two-
story farm resldonco of John Wiles ,
located six miles south of this cU ) ' ,
was burn cd to the g-round. None of
the memhors ot the .famlly were nt
homo at the time. Ilnd wlen dlscn' .
ored b ) ' some mon worlln ! ; In a fIeltl
some dlstanco nwa ' the roof was a
mass ot flames. Some or the house.
hold goods were saved , hut the men
were powerless to stolJ the progress
of the fire. It Is hello\'ed that the
bl1\zO was started by tram1s ,
Thrmhll1 { ; machh\e men have tIc-
chlecl not to malte any exhibit at tho-
state fair.
'I'ho citizens of HooJer 111lv'o ta1een
prollmlnary steps for organization of
II commorclal cJub.
Wages of count ' teachers In Lancaster -
caster cOl1nt ' have been consldorahlY I
Increased , Rt III good instructors a'ro a .
scarce article . \
Just now a great. many weRtern , ' . ,
sheep are btlng ! shlppod Into Johnson
countr to he fed lilo coming fall amI
part of the wInter.
Imponlng- ceremonies w/ll / attend tho-
la'lng of the corner stone of the now
postoffico Imlldlng at. Lincoln If pres-
ena ) Jlans nro carrlod out.
Whllo travollng from Wisconsin.
and whll asleep In t.ho Omaha. . dopot.
Salem 'fwlst , a resident ot Callnvay. ; '
wus robhid ) of n bll1bool\ , which contained -
tained : \ draft. for qulto a smn or
mOIW ' . beside ! ! his pension vouchol" , ,
and other \'aluablo papers
Patrolman H , C. Joerger oC qlO Lln- . "
coIn polco ! fOl'ce hils sued the Un-
coIn Trl1dlon compan ' for the Bum . ,
of $ , OOO. 'fho suit. Is 11. result ot the
pollce.street. railway war , the com-
) ) [ \n ) ' having withdrawn all Creo t 'I1S
portatlon from the policemen.
In the justlco court Ilt Sowar John
1. Goeggors wa.s . hound over to the
November term of the district court.
In the SUlll of $ OO , charged with 1m. :
personating nn officer. Defendant Is
the young mall who tried to gain nc , , : t
cess to fund oC the Tnmorn. hanl < by
claiming ! o bo 11. bl1nl < examiner ,
Whllo the ) 'olmgest child of Re ,
H n Smith of Palls Clt ' , who lives
upstairs over a grocery store , was
pla 'lng about the hacl. door ther t
screen was pushed open and the chlll1
fell to the platform below , a distancCJ'
or about twent.y Ceet , lighting on It
head : Ind receivIng Injuries that are
/11\01) / ' to 1JrOVO fatal
Olney D. Smith , alias Drent A. Neal , "
a young mlln who , It Is allegld. ! silc-
cooded In defrauding se\'oral banls.
of Boatrleo and private citizens in
amounts aggregating about $2,000 hy
forged checl.s and mlsroprosentatlofls.
Was arrested on n. charge of obtaining
money under false pretenses. Ho wa
bound over to the distrIct court.
Charles F. Junlccn , an , old soldier
anll a cnrpentor , 7G ) 'enrs of nge , met
with n. serious accident at Bancroft.
He , with fJJmo oth01' laborers , were
engaged In raising a roof on a dwellIng -
Ing , n. section of which dropped and
caught l'Ilr , .Tunlten , one leg helng
crushed nt the lnee , ono arm was und-
] y torn. besldos being badly brulsell
on the body , 110 is not eXIJected to
Del1\1ty \ Game \Varden Hunger has
reported the arrest and conviction 0 :
threO , pI'omlnent citizens of Ord , Neb. .
for violation of the state game 1,11ws.
: : \11' , Hunger wns at 01'11 and arrested
'I' . Roclforll and C. H , Patridge for
having In their possession ten ) ' 0\l11 \ { ;
pratrie chlctens , , ; hlch ther ha slain. '
They were IIssossed $50 and costs
amounting to , ! JO. When the two ,
mon were arresed the ) ' at. once sent \
out mounted messengers to noli f ) '
others hunting In the vicinity ot Ord.
Frank Darl < er who Is under sent.
ence to he hanged September 2. Is at
work whoellng cement for woremen
within the wnlls of the prIson. He Is
not compelled to worl , . The warden ,
out of deference to the usual custom ,
would rather IteoJ ) the man in seclusion -
sion because oC the nearness of the
day fOl' the oxecutlon , but ho was ,
obliged to accede to Darlwr's request
for work ' 1'ho mnn pined away when I
shut up In his cell Cor three days and , :
now the worlmon witness the unusual I
spectacle of 11 follow lahorQr whoso
IIfo isdrawtng to a close on the gal- II
lows' worldng along' contentedly at
theIr sides II I
I .
At Decatur Art gngllsh Idlled
.Tames 1IIInsllp In a quarrel over n
horse trade , cholclnr ; him to dcath.
Doth m'on had been drJnllng , English
was arrested anel Is now In jnll at
'felamah. Hansllp Is a harnessmal , .
or nnd has lived In Decatur thlrt '
yonrs. Art English's homo Is In Lln.
coln towllfhlp , Monona count . , Iowa ,
and his fath01' Is 11. farmer :
there , I
A brand new barn on the premises J
or 1\Ir , Cathorlno Duval In East Tecumseh -
cumseh was burneel to the ground. '
Children and matches wore the cause .
For the first tlmo In the blstor ' of
that Institution has a general fnrmlng
campaign been made on the GI'anll
Island soldlors' home farm-tlio efforts -
forts hitherto belug confined to stock
purposes , and hay more pal'tlcularly
'nlls year , } lowover under the 11Ircc- I
tlon of Adjutant Dowen , sixty acrcs
W01'O also put Into corn and quite an j
acreage to oats antI both have 'leldet1 I
well . .rho homo has sufficlont Ollts In '
the Ulreo gllstonlng stacls for Its own
use , GOO tons of alfalfa hay , OO more
than needed , and will da.VO . : : :0 : bushels
to tbo acre of corn
At Auburn WllIlnm Flaele was nr-
rested for desortlng his wife and chillI I
some : ! montls old. 1 lacle was aI'-
ralgncd befor ! , : Justleo Horn and aI'j j
a thIrty da ) s' contlnuanco and his
bond "ms } ) Iaced at $500 , but ho bns I
not yet furnished surctles ,
: : \Ioutlay ovenln. at Tahlo Itocle a
neighbor of l'Iliho 1\IcCorlt , on going to
his homo on an or1'll11l1 , founel him In
11. el 'lng conl1ltlon. anel In a short tlmu
he was dead Bo waD ahout 70 'earr.
of age and unmarried Ho lived by
hlmsolf for man ' 'ours and h:1tl : $8,000
to ; 10,000