Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 01, 1904, Image 8
II t ' . : : . : . . . . . , , "I " , . . . . . , . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " , , . . . . . . , , . - . - . . . . - - , . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . @ . ! : i , : " , , " 1 ' Having 11lll'chnscd a complcte line I\i& \ I' of genel'U I goods and furnishings , t w'e ure now ready to supply yom' f ? :1 : Dry ; dSnF : ; ; il hi h 81oes.11 ; : , ! at the lowest priceR.Y 0 lwvo U . $1 tJ nice line or now und up-to-date goods 'ThS ; und will . be . pleusld to have you fo , J i come III an d. 1118pe ( ' ( ; t ; I WII ) ' . ! . II \ t 'LD , ! , f H mem el' we , ef I'I'Y n full an , com- , 1)lete hne of Stuple und I. . aney 10"1 tl , Glass a Chinaware , ! ! wInch we sell at prICes tlmt are ) , right. Our line Qf Pure. . . . . . . . . . : I Spices , Teas and Coffees are Fine , i ] 're8h Ifruits ulwuys on hUllct 'rhe : R I location is on the cust side of the . ! public square , Broken Bow , N cbl' . il Poalo-Shoppard co , , , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . "IWJ ; I . 00' " . ' 00' ' ' IOO' ' " . " . "COO" " " " " , " " : I' ' ' ' " . ' ' ' " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " / " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ! StlOO' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' 'C' ' ' " " " " " " ' ' ' " " " " 8 ' ; ' * v'Ql S ; ; : ' : > : s S9 v I - - Local Mention. , . . . - . J.V. . Snell of Anelmo ! , made this office a friendly call 'l'ues- . day. . J. M. Fodge of Ortello , was a friendly caller . at this ofiice yes- , terday. W. A. Dillavou of Hound " ley , made this office a welcome call yesterday. P. G. Green Ie ft a fine bundle of Japanese millet at this ell ce one day this week. It measurer nearly six feet in height. John Govier of Elton , was a friendly caller yesterday. Mr. Govier engaged in the bee industry - dustry last faIt with one colony. He now has seven colonies as the product of the one.Ve had saved tliree colonies from one nd we thou ht that pretty good but Mr. GovIer has the belt. Ducldeu' . Arnica Solve. . . Has world-wide fame for mar- vellous cures. It surXJasses any other salve , lotion , ointmenet or balm for Cuts , Corns , Burns , Boils , Sores , Felons , Ulcers , 'l'et- ter , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores. Chapped Hands , Slein Eruptions ; infallible for Piles. Cure guar- anteed. Only 25c at Lee Bros. , Druggist. Peter Rap ! > of Berwyn , was a friendly caller at this office' yes- tenlay. 'J'wenty thousand pe9ple 'yit- nessed Dan Patch's rac agal1lst time at Lincoln yesterday. lIe made one mile in 2.05jG on the state f ir ground track. A hea\'v rain visited this vicinity - ity last ilight. 'l'he precipitation - tion was one and a half inches. It means another half foot ad ed to the third crop of alfalfa. S. P. Great , manager of the Broken Bow Opera House , has secured the Arington Comedians for every night during fair week. 'l'his is a good company and will rece ve the hearty support of the public. L. A. Parmenter sold his farm of 160 acres west of the city a few days ago to Mr. Rmlisel for $31200. As he only paid $1,300 for the farm tour years ago it shows , to what extent the price of land has increased . in that time in this vicinity. John Holland , formerly of \Veissert , who has been in Oregon - gen for the past two or three years called Monday amI requested - ed his paper changed aga111 to 'Weissert. He repor.ts the season dry there this year , but thinl < s the climate out there fine. . : " : 'f" l 101 : ! : : ' " ' . . . ' : ' ' . ti . , . . J : < . : . . . . ' . . : . " : ' . . { ! . Jl" ' . : . itro : ' : . , . j.S'I. . .rn'I" " " ' : ! : , ! : : : ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . : ' : " t't. . L ' _ ; ; ' ' " . " . ; 0. . .d ' , _ . : _ : + .71t.j. ! " ' ! ; r ! . : . . . : . . . , J"f. , , : . . . .I.l.j.I.l.t ' ; .1. ! : : ' : " , ! ' . . . . : , L : _ : : ' W " ; O. : " ; ' . : _ : , ; ' ; rmo 1"'Ir. ; . . ; .I.O' . . : : . . " . ; ' : ' . "P . : . . . : . tI. " , : rl : . 1 Halt ! Attention ! About Face ! i1 I Forward , March ! to I _ The Rerrulator ! ! , : t . . . a - - I. " . - . , . . - . r : , : JIJ A re rou 11l.1n . to l.'eCClve t I lC b ene f" Its of. _ DIJ our full filhng ? .Hnve YOll seen 0111' new t ; ? ' ' stock of Sensible , PractiealV earable , J I 't' .t an d U 11 t earn 11 e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.r I. " ! : ! . I Men's , Women's and Childrens' ! -r 1"1II."II : : : : : ! If'Jt . I ! : I : : : : . . . & ; ; L " - ' . .a : : . . . P. ( . , . 1 IIave you investigated our prices on : Shirts , Underwear , Hosiery , Blanl < - n t. . ets , Furnishings , Dress Goods and i:1 : 1'.e Dry Goods'l , Ii 1 ' , 1ST'UE : W CEJ : : : : ) . " 1 _ I If you haven't trie(1 us you should , : : If you knew our prIceR , yon would. t If you realized just how we .s oed , i iCJ . You would go no place else If YOll could. i II Meet Us Fair Week at M - a1'ts. ; en.n.edy : CO. . . Side , Broken Bow , - - - - - Nebra sIca e . , " . . . - - - . . . . - . . . . . . . - - . " " - - . . . . . . . - . - . ' ' at Ans- 'l'he Woodman picnic - ley last 11'riday was attentlcd by I a large dclegation froUl this placc. A. ' 1Seyuolt has the sympathy - pathy of thc community .on the dcath of his lI other , who died at 1-4111coln last weel < . lloHN-'l'o Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hoagland August 25 , a teu and one half pound girl. Mother and child doing well. A telegram -was received here this morning announcing the dcath of A. H. Humphrcy's mother - er at Drakesville , Iowa. 'l'hc ball game between Ansley and Brol < cn Bow last 11'riday at the Woodman picnic was won by Broken Bow. 'l'he score stood 9 to 10. District court convened this mortling in the city with Judge Hostetler on the bench. It is an cjuity term and will not continue in session three days. C. Parldmrst , who went to Oklahoma a few days ago from this count'y is back again. lIe has ueen over most of the southern - ern country since he tlas becn gone and states that Custer county is much preferable in many respects to any place he found. 'l'he M. B. A. lodge of this city elccted four delegates to the district convcntion at the regular meeting last week , to lie held at Shelton , September 13. 'l'he delegates are , R. ' 1' . Baker , 1\1rs. J. B. Osborn , Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Amsberry. At the close of the session thc ladies served rc- freshments. A pleasant time was enjoyed. Mrs. Mnry Brown's house in the southwest part of the city was struck by lightning last night. It struck lhe chimney , knocked a hole in the roof and set fire under the eves of the house. None of the family were hurt. Neighbors saw the fire and by their assistance extinguished - guished it before it got under headway. It was a very narrow escape. M. Suyder has sold his New Helena farm to Sam VanBuskirk an IllS residence in the city to 1\1rs. Sanderson east of town. He wi111eave in a few days for his old home in Virginia for his wife's health. Mr. Snyder has accumulated a very nice sum of money in this county a11 < 1 is not going away because of any dislike - like for the county. He says hc prefers this county to Virginia and e pects to return if 'Mrs. Snyder's health will permit of it. Church Servlcell. M. It. CHURCH. Therc will be a uuion temperance mceting of all thc cburches at the 1\1. E. church Sunday night. ThomBs Darnell .f Lincoln will speak. Special Ulusic will be rcndered. . All are invited. \V AN'rIw-Men with families. Fair price and good houses. 'WItS'l' UNI N Mn..ING Co. 34tf West Union , Neb. ORTELLO. R. G , Saunders and wife spent Sundar at C. D. Day's , M. Hill al1l1 family were at Maplc Grove Sunday. Melva Bowman will teach in the Phillips district , Arthur White amI brother drove to Callaway Tnesday. Mrs. Johnson returned from Brokcn I Bow last Thursday. J. 1\1. Iodge and J. K. Cooper drove to Brokcn IJow. Wednesday. W. J. Wilson's little one. who has becI ] quite sick , is much hetter now. Dick IIcmpsteall fillIl wife took dinner with Mrs. Ashhaugh Sunday. Maude IiIHlIey will teach a short term of school in the Whittle district. J. B. Wntltlinglon and wife drove over to Spring Creek , Sunday evcning. P. S , Hughes and family were entertained - tained at Mr. lIunts home SUl1I1ay. Jamcs 111111 I.yle Cornish retnrned to I I.o < 1i Wcdneslay ( , after a short visit her ' . Rcv. of Merna , will preach herc Sunday Scplember 11. at 11 o'clock a. nl. J. K. Cooper and family relnrned' here MOilltay for another week's visit in Ortello. J. n. Jobuson came up Sunday 10 spen a few da's resting and visitill1 : ] relal1\'es. 'fhreshing in immediate ' our neighbol' : < hooll is at a standstill , while 11 new : separator is being purchltsed , Mrs. Cornish ntlll Isabel Johuson rove OVC1' from Iodi 'l'hursday , on their way to AUBle ) ' to atteud the Custcr Baptist. Associl1ttou , The ) ' 111..0 visited friends at Mason aud returtlcll here Tues l1) ' . Ir.urf. . , 0. ' . . . . "Knl..t Illuar Bedrhlden , alone and destihtte. . Such , in brief was the condition" l of an old soldier b.y name of J. J Havens , Versailles , O. Fo , ycars he was troubled with Kidney : - ney disease and neither doclorf nor medicines gave hiin relief. At length he tried Electric Bit ter . It put him on his feet in short order and now he testipes. "I'm on the road to complete re- coverv. . " Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and aU forms of Stomach amI Bowel Complaints. Only SOc. Guan n- teed by Lee Bros. , Druggist. T < . . J . " . , . - - . , . - . . ' L , , - - . ' " ' ' RP.POR'r 01" 'rUE ONDI'rION 01' TJlP. ' Ban k'of COllllnerCe , Of Drokell ) Jow. N..bra'lka , Charl..r No. iW , III' coramralell III IllIIlallJ of NelJraska , at the cloRe uf IJlllllllellR AIIlCu"t 25 , 1'(4. HItSUKCItH : IoallR allll UI coUIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13 83 ( , 20 O\'erdraft" , " . .cun'd allli ullsecure.I. . . . 53 3 SlockH , " . .curltleR , JIII"I'II"lIt. . , clallllR , .tc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IiI ) 16 Otll..r a"qet'l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1j551 lIalllcr1l1' ! 1I0u e fllrlliture all.1 IIxlureR. . . Moo UII-r , real ella ( " . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . 2 350 I ) CllrrellteXI > eIlSI'Ia'lIl ' ( axeR I.alll. . . . . . 1 ( , ( ,1 , & 1 Ca..11 lteIllR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57604 Uue 11'0111 lIatlollal , IIlale allll 1 > rl\'at. . hallkfl allll balllcerll. . . . . . . . . . $ J'j' ' ) 7H Ch..ckR nlllllt..lllfl 01 l'xchalllCe ' )6 33 Ca" h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( J'7 W 'l'otal ca'lh 11I1 lIal1l1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 40(1 i6 - - ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J16 o IIA III LITIP.S : Call1lal IIlock 1 > aldll1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15 01.10 ( J U 1,11 , vllll'.1 lirolit 'I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 % 77 11111h'llIlIal d'III'IltR lIuLdlct : 10 ch ck . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! p J52 i7 n..lllall.1 cI'rtilicale'l 01 II. . 1 > 011 It 4&726 982' ' ) U3 UIIIII Ilaya..le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOt. ) 110 - - 'l'olal. . . . . . . .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . $27 316 Ij ( ) STATI ! 01' NJ > IIIIASKA , , . COUNTY . CII' CUST/IH. f SS. I. " . M. HUULJ > U , I'rI'slilellt of tlte above lIalll' . . . \ bank , do lIolelllnly sW"lr ( hat Ihe aho\'e 8lat..lllellt Is correci a".1 " a tnll ! COil } ' of tilt ! re- IlIlrt iliad. . to tll" HIlle : BallkllllC Uoanl. I , " 1\1. HUIILHI : , I'rt.IIlenl. J C. J , Srln'ItNS , Dlrectnr. . J \lIes ( . ' , . . . 1\1. HUIILI. : ! ; . Uireclllr. SlIhscrlh..d alld IIworn to ! Jdore lilt ! thl'l 31qt day 01 AIIlI'lIsl. I'Jo.I. NAVV. . I'mlisoN. ISEAL ) Notar } ' 1' Attorney Byron Clark of Platts- 1110nth is attending court in this city. Attorney F. II. Bentler of Ansley , is in the city attet ding District Court. \ V.V. . Potts and family ret - t rned last week fr0111 their overland trip to the mountains. ltlnrket Iteport .or Today. GIIAIN- GIIAINWbaat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 .8 Ullrloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ZI Oalll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 , H'u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4' , Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ji LIVS STOOK- HO/fl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 f. ! ' tiloon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 ( (1 ( , 4.51 COW8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ :1.51 : @ 2.7 : POULTIIY- I'rlng Oblckonll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 " Oblok.mll , per ponn. . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .u : Turko's. par pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m PnoDucK- ! Jutter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J ( Egg. . perlloiten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 ] \h \ CELLANEOU8- Potatoes , per buebel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S ( Onlollll. per b08boi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 : lI"y , pt.r tau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. ( ) ( tUrl1wpcr cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 8ugbr. Grannlated , per CWI. . . . . . $5.50 @ c..1 ( ss m m BUSINESS POINTERS. m m m m m Dr. Leach , Dentist. Tel. 258 , - - J. C. Moorc , abstracting. 2tJ Insurance that insures. 38tf R. G. MOOHE ! Special prices at Mrs. Zabn' millinery , west side of sqnare , fair week. only. $2 plumes $1.50 : $1..00 plumes , 75c ; 75c plumes , SOc. Latest shapes in hats. FOR SALE-Valley Farm , 32 ( acres , 6 mile3 from Broken Bow , well improved , 'phone , rural de. livery. List of improvement by mall or 'phone. 960 acre ! good table land in southwesl Custer. 2 good U's S to O mi1e out. A. ' SItYBO'l' . . I have one good residence property to trade for farm prop' erty. One gQ.od young team fOI sale or trade. Some old build. . ings for salc. E. C. HOUSIt. , FOR SALE-Tow.l lots and few five acre lots in this city -Allen Reyner. t Money to loan on improve ( farms.-R. G. MOOHIt , Gleill Block. 41t , . Stocl < ers amI' feeders for sale. lltf li'HANK 'VmsUNHHDl H. I Drs. D ; ; Farnsworth 0 Gr nd Island , Nebraska , arc pre pared to treat all forms of chronic I diseases , such as rheumatism stomach disorders , tumors , can . cers , paralysis , kidney diseases etc. 'rhe doctors use beside ! , mcdicine and snrg'ery , the X-I ay hol-air baths , eleclricitr an ( massage. 2t . - - - - - - - - Bring vour chickens to P. J Simonso I a ld gel lhe highes : markel price. 10 l I ; " " , . . . . . .r . 155 acres , 6 miles south eas' ' of Broken Bow , 3 miles nortl : wcst of Berwyn ; 85 acres in culti V'ttion. 70 acres in pasture ( fenc cd ) , well and wind mill , SO ( . house , 4 rooms ; sod stable , fram ( granary , over 1,000 Box 1 1 del . lrees , H. & 1\ [ , track in sight fOI ' , . 3 miles. Pric and terms giver on application.ViIl give pos session this fall. J. KAY , Ut ( Broken Bow , Neb. - J. C. Bowen buys cream alH pays the highest inarl < et price. , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Legal Notices. - - _ . , - . tollnconrt ClI6t r Cllnnl ) ' . Nl'hra6ka. T < J t'lU ' lll1lrll a 11I1 lIt'xt of Kill of lIellt ! C . 11:10111111"11 : , lI'cI'a I..I. ' "UtI arc lIercb } ' 11111111"11 thai JOIIII S. lIas t1t1 Hof IIaltllh'c'asl.I , lIall 11\11 \ IIIH 1' lltllIIl II , said .co\lll , allklt. . . : tllat \ l'O. W. ! 'o1cl ae , or SIIIII' ' . . otlmr ulltabl. . JI..r"oll ilia } ' . . . . apl.olntt,111 01 1I1'IIIJ C , UaRtllIlI' nlJultrtratur 01 tll" "Htal" doclued. Sallll11aUur lIali . . . . . .II . .et for lIearhll { .or l tptCJIJber 10 , 19\H , at 10 lI'clnc\ \ . III. . al tll' ' Connty CUoUrt HOOIII , III lIrok , , " Uow. NelJraska . . . .11..11 AU Ju'erelitl'd partlell ilia } ' ll.pear all.l IJ , , hea.rd. Ualelllh" 1011111ay 01 01 AIIII'IiRI. 19\H. 11-.1" - llUl.u.J J. . \ . AH.10UK. Count } . Judllc . . it' , ' . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . - . - . - " 1--- = Chattel Morlll lI'e Sale. I No\ce \ I lIereby II'lven Ihat loy11'1116 III a l'hattle IllOrtr.calle . lIate.1 011 th. . . IHt Ilay of Oe" tuher , 1'JU3 , atltl tlllly IIle.1 III the onlc" III tlw I Cltrk of CII'It..r cOllllt } . . N..hraHlm. alltl . .XCCII- te.1 hy Clallllu H , W. HnhlRIIII tll J , W. SIIIU III , , " 'Cllre the Ila'nlt'lIt of thu HIIIII of $2.50 all.1 I 111'011 whlcll thert ! I" IIOW tllle the " 1111I 01 $26.50 allll tell per cellt InlereRt lrolll the l'1t III : } ' of oCloher1l'J ' ) : ddallil ha\'hllC l"clllllalle tll the l rlllflo the lIaltl 1II0rtllale. Ililtl IIIIJ whol. . 111111I haR lJ..ell all.IIR tleclare.1 till. . allli Ilayahle. alI < I 1111 Ilroctt.lhlilfl : . at law hab..ell had to coll..ct the lIaltlllole nr all } ' Ilart (11"1'.111 ; tlterefllre I will lie II at plI..lle . auctlllll at th ! ! tow II of A II' fUlllln , CUlller C ( IIlIty. N..braqlca. nil thlJ 24th da ) ' 01 Sellltlll..r. . tilt ! IIIlInwlll1l' Ile ! < crllJ.,1 pm. l'erH' lakell :11111 Ilell\"l're.1 hv Clallllo 11. W. HoblHolI 1IIIIIer the Ralll IIlnrllCar.c" . : 0110 .Iar ! ( IJrowlI lIIart ! 5 y"UII : 0" " ' . weluhl : lIHlllt 1.200. 011. . ch..qlllut I'orrellCol.lIl1R' R y..arfl n" " ' . OIlU hlacl ( 1\1111 whltu cow 7 } ' . .arll 0111. Olle rel cow 3 Yt'arR nili. Olle fl'd cnw with whltu 111",1'1. 5 ) ' , 'arfl nl d. ) , 'our helferfl2 year" oltt. UIIO heifer nl' ' " nld. 0110 red allll white heller calf. Said Ralt ! to he lIeltt all.1 lIa.1 at tlte 1I\'Ir } ' harn } 'anl of CllrtlR mderllI th , ! vllllllu of All' SIItIlO. ! N..lora'lka. 011 ( hu 41h Ilay 01 S"lllulllher. 1'I ' ' at 2 o'clo l < I' . III. J.v. . HNBII" 12,14--94 N. ' 1' . HAil" . At'y. . - No.ilCl nIN.\I-SI 'L'1'I.I mN' III cnullt ) ' cnurt , CII'Ilcr cnlllllV. NIhraqla. 'I'll ( lw cn'lllIorll alllllleini. all.1 to all wlm are IIIele'ledlll the e'latlJ nf 1 1I1r".rt Ol'nll. U"cea'll'd. , 'l'alo IIO\C. \ . . 'l'hat " ' . H. Wanl. AIIIIIIIII..tra. tor of Ill" alnr..sald 1 'Itall' , lIa'l IIled a n'I"II'1 01 Ills doltllH as lIuch.1111 : a'lIII tllat th , , ' lIalllt ! h.1 alllll'Ov"I. all.1 Ihat he htJ dIIcharUI'.1 ( IWIII fllrtll..r ohlilralloll tllI'relll , all.1 tlt tllo Cnullty Jlllhre lIIalcu IIlIcli nnlel' a'l to tTie dllltrllJlltlnll nf tilt ! a''Ietll ! JeIOIlIl" 1I1 : ' In lIal.1 estatl ! all 11Iay lIeelll jll'lt all.II'1l1ltalJlu : allIl to d..slll'lIalll Ill. ! lIelrfl . .I1(1(1td to a IIlIare III sal.l . . . .tat. . . : UIII tn ' Hllell nthur . . . .lief . , II'rallt a'l ilia V h. 11eelll"ll ; lIeceh\ ! ' } ' III tll. . IIl1al M ttlt'lIIelll nf lIal < l e'ltal. . . SaI < l 11I:111111' ha. . hl' ' ' " R..t fnr lIearlllll' nil tile lqt day of OctolJtr , l'ILI , :1110 o'clocl < a. III. al Ille cnullty cOllrt ronlll. III Jlrok"l1 IInw. Nehrasla. at wlilch tlllle all.1 place all partl..R , t..1 ilia ) ' al' all.1 h. . heartl cnllcerllllll : ' the sa11l. . . Uat.l tlll1l26tll da } ' 01 AUII'II'It. IIJU4. 12.15-/1 [ SIAL ) J. A , ARMOUII. Coullty Ju.hJ't ! . Ulllte.1 SlaleR Iallll Ollic. . . / IIrokell Ilow. Neltl'asla. AUII'lisl 2 . 1901. f NOllee III heret. } . II'h'ell that th. . Inllnwllllf' lIalll".ll1lUlel' hall 111..1 lIotlcu nf hili IlIt"tlou to lIIike Iillalllwof IlIlIUllpnrt of hlR clallll. allil that "aid IIroof will ltt ! 11I.1110 IJdnre Hell"l ter alltl H..celvtr al IIrolcell 11011' , N'hra..l.a. nil Ocol..r . J , l"lJ.I. vl7. : PI'HHY : CJo'I.'MAN N.w : lIelelia. Nehraska. fnr the II. 1 . 9'/4 ' / g4 ; Re S..ctlnll 26 , 1 12 lIel. S..ctlnll 35. 'l'o\\'IIShlll 19 Nortll , Hallll'e 2W. . III ! lIallleq the InllnwllllJ' wltll..seR to l'reI\'t ! hi" cnlltlllllnus r..IlItICllce : IIpOIl alld cllltivatioll 01 Raltllalltl. vlz : Olh'.r Swick of New NIbra'llm : : 1'atrlcJ ( Kellcy uf New lIeleua , N. . . . hrlska ; nt'orlfu'l'.IIIIII..r of New lIelella. Ne- , \.IraHlm \ : Arthllr Newhoul. nf Jlml.ell IInll' . , NeJraska. ! I 11.16-1j' } " 'IIlTlIII\U. HelJ'lsltr. I _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ d _ j HOAU NO'l'ICI . . ' 1'0 wllolllil ilia } ' COllc..rll : 'rllt ! COlIIlIIIIISlolI allpnllll..1 to "Iew alltl If dcelll..11 : for the PlIlJllc II'nol to locate a mati cOllllllencltl1C at Ihe celiler of the IId S. . tloll 22. 'l'owlI"hlp IS , Halllo 22 , tliellCI ! caRl ahoul lilliI' tll llce alll'llJ ue dowlI callyoll a'l Ihe traveillow II'O"S tn a 1101111 011 15 lI..ctlnll 1I11l1 1'1111111111 ( lIorth aud snllth throul'h S..C\IIU \ 21. th" celller IIf Hec\nll \ 21. th..II.'e lIor(1I Oil 1S IIectloll 1111. . tn sl'ctlnll IIl1e hetw..ell S'ctlolls 16 alltl 2\.lIaIt1 ma.1 lIa,11I1I' beell 1'l'lItlnlled Inr h } ' N. 1' . Neilloll alltl otherll , lIa'l r.'rte.1 , III la\'nr oftllt' Incatloll thereof , alld all obj..ctloll'\ . or clalm'l for dalllall'eS lIIu,1 W 111..1 Itf .111' cOllnl } ' clerk'II omc" 011 or heCnm 1101' " of tll. . 2itll Ila } ' 01 OClohcr.'leJ ' .t. or RIICII roa.1 will \.Ie \ e'llahllshed wllhollt refer"ce tllIreo. 111 ' ' 'ltlleslI WllI'reol. ) have herelllllo set Ill } ' halltl alld stal of said county. till. . 21111 11t : } . of AUllIlIt.l'.I04. ( ; HO. W. UIWHY. : COlillty CI..k. 12.15-92 [ SI\L ] lIy Jus. PW"'IAN , Depllt } . . ROAU NO'l'ICI . . ' 1'0 wllolll It lIIay coucerll : A petltloll lIavhllC bet1I filtd .III tile onlce of the C0l111ty clerk 01 CI1"ter cOllllty. N..lJralllca. to vacate a IlulJlIc road. cOll1l11euchl/ tile ql1ar- ttr slalce ! Jetw..en sccllonll Imlrtl'en (14) ( ) and twellly.tltree (23) ( ) . towlI > .hlp elll'lIteell ( IS ) . north ral1l1'e (2J ( ) w"sl & 111 1' . M. R 111I II- Ing tllt'l1ce sOllth 8U rods.-tll..uce wo..t 1.0 rUtI'l to I'eCIiOIl 11111' IJctweellllecllOllll twtnt-two (22) ( ) allll tweut-llIr..e. ' 1'111'111'1' rUlluhllr "olltll 24U fOIls or thereabolltR to callYou or R"CtiOIl corller scctlollq : 22. 23,26 alld Zi a. . per roadillat. 'l'lIls bellll ( tilt ! lerlllillal of tllill ma.1 011 the houtll " 1111. All olJ.ctloll'l therelo. or clalll1l1 lor dall1all'es II1l1st b" IIlcll III thu COUIlt } ' clerk. . omce 011 or lJefore 110011 of till ! 13111 Ila } ' of Oc- tob..r , I'JO.t , or fluch roa.1 will ht ! vaeat..1 WltllUlit ref ere lice tlwn'tu. \Vltuts Whereof , I ha\'e herel1utu set Ill } " ' - halld allll Ileal of lIahl couul" . tlllq 10lh Ila } ' of . Glto.V. . DH\\'I\ ' ' . Allltllqt , 1904. DH'IcoUul'clerk. ' ) . 2-65 IIy Jo ! ; . I'WMAN. DCllltly. - - - - - - SgHYCI 01' SUM1\IONS PUIII.ICA'1'ION III Ult ! dilltrici cOllrt of CII ler cOllnly. Nebaska. Silas U. Allllrc\\'II. ) { ectlver of Oxfonl COUllt } . I.oall ASllocla- 11011 , PIal 1111I1. vs. 'VIII. I.awyer. etal , nel llIlalllA Will. Iawyer will lake 1I0tice thaI 011 the 211I1 da ) ' of Allltu"t. 19H. J. A.Arll1plI" . COUIII } ' jlllille of salll CUllter county.lsslle.1 an order 01 attach- _ lI1eltl lor tile SllIn of $172.20. III an action pcud. IIII.IefOI't \ ! 111111 whtrelll Silas U. Alldr.\\'s. ro. celver 01 Oxfonl COUIII } ' Ioall Alllloclatioll III . plallltll1. all.1VII1. .'er aud tile lIanl. of Callawa } ' an' Ilnfmlllant" : that propert } ' of tile delmldallt.VIII. .'er. cOII"I"tllIl : ' of 7. of aJollt ! 25 acres of wlll\\t hi IIlIocl ( an.1 of YJ of - a"ollt 41.1 acres 01 lIarley IlIlIhock , UOII' III 011 tile lollllwlull de"crlb..l real f.lltalc IIltllate III Cu..ttr . couuty , Nehrallka. tl..wll : NII' 01 "ectlon H , . towllsllip IS , lIortli of ralll'lJ 25 , west Qf ! Jth 1' . M. Ita. . beell atach"llIllIlur IIahl onler. Saltl cause wall coulllllled (0 tilt ! 41h dlY of Octohtr. 11))4. at 10 o'clock a. 111. 111.HILAS D. A nlllws , Rccel\.r of Oxford COIIUI } ' I.oall Allsoclatlou , plailltiff. 113-87 ( lIy HUlON CAMHHON. His Att } . . PROPOSED ' ' ' ' . CONSTI'l'U'l'ION. . . . AM1 NDI\1f N'1' . ; - ' 1 'It I' followlllll' 111'0110'1..1 all1tudlllellt to. ai' " COII\'eutioll lor tllo re\'lsloli 01. the COII"tltlltloli III tile Rtale of Ne\.lrallka \ , a" Itereiliaftur " . .I lorlll III 11111. IA 1IlIlJllllttctI : to tllo eleclor.of tile . Htate of Nehrasla. ( u be vo.1 I1pOIi at tilt ! /"tral el..clloll to he lIeld 'l'lIe llay. Novell1ho. . . Ii. A. D. . 11)04 : . ( SH ATI ; PILI' No.14. \ . ) A 11111 for a Joilit Hesollllloll fl'C 0 III lilt ! 11.11 IIII' 10 tile ell'ctors of Ihe IItatc ! to'ole at tllo lIexL el..clloll 01 lIIell1Jurs 01 tllo I''IlI"latlire for or , alJ'allillt a convtlIlIolI to re\'lse , : t1l1 < ' 11.1 an,1 _ cllal1l1" " tile COlllltltlltlll1l of tilt ! Htate of N..lJrall' ka lu acconlallctJ wili S..ctloll 2 , A rllcle 15 , of til COIIltllllloll of llie Slatu of Nebraslm. of N..hra'lca It ol\.1 : hy tht ! 1''IIIIlalllrt ! of IlwSLale 1. 'l'hal It Ifl de I1,1 Ilc"'Iar } ' to call a CIIII' velllllll 10 revl" , : . : III'ld alltl cllIIC t. COII- IIllutloll of IIII' Stal" of Nehrallla. 2. ' 1'hat llie Ih'ctors : arc n'Clll1l11lllle.1 tn'ltn at lhe lIext ellclllll of lI1ell1h rH of lhl' 1''IIIIla. - tlre lor or alailist II cOlI\Htloll ( I wvlll" , . all1ellll all.1 challle thlJ COII"tllullll of the SlallJ 01 Nehraslm. J. ' 1'lIat at slich lIext electoll of lI1elht rs of thu I"lCllllallll 111 tile hallllof . .ach Ih'clor vo- tllIIlIch electllll. shal h. , , Irilll..dor 11111:11 : . III slIcli a lI1aUlier lliat lhe eh'ctlr call ill.llcale Ills "refl'rellcl' lindeI lht ! law ( hi' wonlll : HI"OJ callhll , [ a COIIV..lltlOI II n'I I' . alll'll.1 al.1 challu tilt ! COllllltutllllOf the State 01 XIhra'l- ka 1111 tAUA I NS'L' call1llr aC'II\'clitlll tu r. . . , 'Ise. all1l'l.1 allli 1'11:1111' tile Cllslltutllllof tilt ! Sial" 01 NIlJrabl.a : : " alllli a lI1ajorl\ vOllll. - at lallll..ctol : IIlIal vlte for a counmtlol. tlltJ Lellslatr .lIa II , at 111 lIexl "e'lsiol. provide lJy law lor cal1ll the "al. . . I. G..o. \ \ ' lar"II , Secr la ! } ' of Siale of Ihl Sttle of NIhrallka. , II her..h } .celll } ' Ilial Ille lun'lulol Inu'II ' .1 :111tII.hnelit II tlieCuu"IIII' 11011 01 the St\"ol NIhralll.a ,\'hllll : ' lor a COllvelltloll lor Ult ! rovlllioll 01 . .altl Cou"tltu. tloll or tile Slale 01 Nehrallim. III a lr" alltl cor. r.)1 COP } ' of tile orllChlal l'umle.1 h11111a1Re.1 h } ' the 'l'wellt.ehrlllh hehllllllol 1110 1"II"latur 01 _ tile ! llle of N..hralll.a , aH It all'l'ars frolll saltl orhnal ! hil , 011 llo III Ill } ' OmCI' , all Illat lIaltl propo",1 allll'II.llellt all.1 revllliolol tilt ! CUIIR' tllllloll of tll. . Sttc , of Nehrahk.1 I" IIU hi ' . 11'.1 In the qlalll.1'ltl'r : 01 tlltJ Hlat. . of Nehrahka , - lor Ihtlr a.lolllllI ur . . ' ! , at til ell..ral c:1"cllulI to h" 1I,11 111 'l'IIlu } ' . tht HIli ! } ' If Non'I\tr. A. D. l'II. IIII"sthuUI' wller"I. I 11 aher""lIlu lItt NIhrl"ka. lIall.1 : all.1 : IJix..t ( he tr < .t Sl'al of II. Slatu Iy nOlle :11 rluclll tlli 5111 of Jlh' III the } ' . .ar 01 011' 1..011 Ollt 'l'h I II ta ) Nillt ! 1lllrc.1 :11 ) , 'our. ul tllo llltJell.ll'ucl of llie Ulllh',1 . Slatellille Olt ! < a'II 'J'\elt } . Nhlll all of Ihlll Sialt ! thL 'J'lIlrty 1 Illth. Him. ! W. MAIISI. 8.21-8 [ GICAT SIAL ) Seerelao' of Siale. Hapgood has opened a paint " shop just south of t.he Globe Hotel - tel , wh re he 1S prepared to paint buggies and do all kinds of work. Call and see him. lIe is' the . largest contractor in this section. . " . i. . . . . . . ' . , ' . ' . J . . , . ' . ' , . . ' . _ . _ _ T . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . I . . . r COllty COlrt CUHter COUlty , elrukl. ' 10 the" : uIIII..xt uf 1 < lllf Murll W. Hltuuwl. , lec..a'l.I. hertb ' . that l' . . . ( YOI nru ! } lIutlc.1 I. MlrrlR. . lIalt II..eca . . .I , ha'l 1 ell Ills 11..1111' III In II , cUlrl. aqkllll' that ho lay h" allolllh.1 All. 11111Rtraiur If tile t'qtall of MurUlller W. HII' 111I allt that hlA acculIlI aH Ilanlal If Rall W , SlnllulI'l lIIay ho \ . ' all.1 lurluwr ' allllm\'t . . hlJ 111 II..chal'lCet all IIlIcl IlIanlall. lat. hrl hah..11 lItt lor hearllll lor Ocilber 1. 1' . at 1 u'cuck a. I. at tilt ! COlillty cOlrt . III ! . Nehra'lka , ' whcl II' Irokt1 10w. ni ter..III..III.ull' roUI. " lIIay aplear , alld lu IlI'anl , " 2i. ' . AIIII"t ' [ HIAI. l'I ] J , A. AkMOUI. COI.Ily J.utllCe. IWA U NO'l'ICI . 'I'l whll It lay CIICI'rll : . 'J'h. . COIIUls'lIUI..I' nllllItc,1 lu'Iew :11111 If , llelll..II"C\i'Iao' flr tlt ! Ilblclu.l tl IUIal. : ! . lor h ' Hchwhh'r , a r.lllclltuUI.1 . ) lIeut. : uII . ani . nl Ihn ' If " ' CIIIII..ucluj ellIh'r H"l'llol I'J ' , ' 11\\11 'h I. IH. Halll'o 17. CIIHI..r COIIIII" . . Nehrllm. th'lIet ! Nurlll I til laltlll"o.1 : III ' . . , 18 , 17. , ' 'Iali ! II..CUII IJ tl\lIshll' rll u 1'uhlll' \ . III all'alll : th. , cI'ul..r II H'CUOII 1'1 . , 'l'IWI hll 1 .Ialll't ! 17. theucl' . sOllh to Utc..III'r II ke' (01131 Oil ( I" . lIalf.I.cloIlIIIO all th.'I.e t allil ' . lu ( ' . ha'l 1' ' ' ' 11. oll'.hal 111..0 lahlll Il0rle.1 thl' . . . I'oat. ' ' . 11 fa\lr .f .IIlal.\.III..1I1 tl''of. . all.1 all ' . fer .ldl'cIIIIII ( hch'll. Ir cahu' 11:111- : . ' a : " h ' wcouJlly ' ' ' r . nllql 11'.1111 ( cl'rlc''Incl' 11 ur . . .fltl 1""lf Ill , ' 31't Ila } ' uf Octlh'r. 1'.1. . . . . . ur such roa.1 will hll ' . , n.f..r. , 'uce tll'rett. , 111 lIlahl'Il.,1lhlli ' . I ha\'t ! . hln'uut " . .I I ) ' h:111 : :111.1 1I.'al nf Bal.1 . COl I I } ' . thlll JIlli . .Ia.If AIIII'II. 1'/ ! , . nlm. W. 11'WI . Clullt } CII'rlc. 12.15-'J3 ISI\J Ju ( . IH I.\N , IJIIII ! . . UIJI..1 Stal..R . lau.1 omc < l Imll'lI Ilw. Nthralll.a. " "IISI 219lH. . f I" h..reh ' ' - thai . . . " th. } - uw..III.Ulcr : NIUee , ha. . 11..lnllcu Ih'I-1 of hlq rl.lowllIl- . . 11I1'Uuoll 101ale lualll\lf III 111'1".t If hil . \ call. aut thalllalI"mnl " he . : . . : II r..cln'r : U. wil . Ia:11 la.l al hdlru r..asler Nehra'l . H"llh'llIhi'r IUth. . : I'OH < 11 111. ,12 1 . \ . gI.I.1H II : I"'la. N.'hra lm. flr thIIII' th\ 110 Sccllu 8 , 'l'uwu'lhll 18 Nlrh , J allll'e \ \ \ ' . Il 'llI'S tllo : 111101IuI1111"1110 . to III\'C CllthlHl1 1.ItI'lco UIOIl clllivatiol If . sall lall. V12 : ( ; , 'orUI' . ' I'hlnll : II MI'rla. N..hrallka : Sa 111 \'allhl'lklrl { of M..rna. Ne- hralla ' . 'ra ' . . , . . : } ! Charle'll. 11'lf M..rla N..hrlllca ; Cllarl. . . . Mc : IIlhll II If Merlla , Nehra'l.a. - - JA : ' . H./lsI..r. 8-1J-H _ h _ _ . _ _ . _ If . Wnl'lwBAI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' ' . . , ' ' ' . ' AR'l'IC.I.S : 01 INCORIORA'l'ION 01 'UI IOUI \\.I.I Y 1'II C'II { AI. HA , COMPANY. lJOA \ . . . . . . . . ' ' Kllow all 11"11 h } ' ! Ilr..II..II. : 'l'hat we , Jacob 111. . . . I. I' : . Hohll""I. Iltq. C. ' 1' . . A.IIIII : Hel'.I. A. J. Morll. ( ; . J. lollta . } . lalllll'I.I. C. C. BalJcocl. . Johllleh. . I { . I . Allel. W. C. . Ira 1' . , . . . Charlel lel7. 111111 Ianll. I. 1. Hhlllq. lI'e aqsoclal..d oJI' , , " 101Clhl'l all.1 h ' " ' . . . . ) tw'In pre"elll'llil alls.flale olr".ln.q toglllI- el' fil the pllrpOllt ! of fOlllhl1 ; 111 lecolllll a . III tile SIal. of NIbraHka : , with corporatol 1"II..r 10 hllll.l. lalllalll al.1ol.eral. . :111 el'clrl- . cal ' ' In IIahl , Iall\'a } Hlale at - COlllllnlchl1 Ir- Iell 101 CI'Iler COli II } ' . Nehraslm , h } ' wa } ' 01 Arlolll.aml rlllllllllll' ' Ihn of ) ,111'011. Iolal :11 CII'II..r. tlirlll'lI III COlilte ! ' ul . N..hralllm , :11 ' at nalll . , : h'rlllilathil lulal } I , . lor . wlilch ' Nehrqlca C. we COlilty. 11l't : llopt..1 al.1 lIen'h : } a.lolll tile PllpO lollowllli A rlcl. . : I ll1curporaloll . 1'1" lallle of "al.1 coPOft.11 "lIal be 'l'he IOUI''alley 1'lectrlcal : Hallrul COlpal } ' of , l.a. ami tllJ , ) of - N"ra hl'lll. . . . . . prllcpalllaco thl cl' of A talll- . COII. ) of ClIshr. : 1111 Htalu of N hr\ ka. ' 1'1I1 of sal" of II lIlreclorll he 10anl 1 el.t 111 IIlIal hellill Ille cl ) ' of Arloll. II lIaltl iIa I. . , . 'l'he ' of ' to h. . - 21d. ltlln' hl'liles' . : tm tlallS- acI..1 h lIail corplratl.1 shal he th ' . } con'ltIC. tlon , amloperatlollof all - lalllallalctJ eeclrl- cal ralra.1 nr 1ll'ctrlcal : ralwa.lllallJ hrancll"l1 II tlln Stah' of N..hra'lla all an slcll oilier . } . \ stat..s all 1t1rlorln' a II ia } ' aCllllr corJor. aln rl/ht 10 lnhr lor tllat l'IIII""e. 3rl. 'l'lItJ alltlrJ7I' " callial Rloc of lIal" cOlllatioll shall he OIC 1l1lml a 11 10 onl' . . III of . IIl1n.ln.III" IlolarH IIlare" Ollt ! 11111".1 "ollarll each. I h slh'lcrlh..1 all1 pal" as re- Il1lre.1 hy the loanl of lIlrncturll of saltl 1'01- I'al III ohe.II"lce 10 the lawI 01 llin Stale of } NelJrallla. Sahl < } ' ho . . - caplallllocl Ilcr..all- ia . . . . . . .11111 a laller Ilr\.II..1 h } ' law to slIch an . . . . . . . ho 10 alouul alay .1..IC.llecn'sal } accol' Ille of thlll . . plIlle culloratloll. PIII11 . ' . . . 41h. ' exl..t..llco of this cnnlratloll IIlIal\ \ COllllence Oil tile )1jlh da } ' of JUlie , , \ . D. 1')4. : lIllIhal terlllinat" Oil tlt 181h Ila } ' of JUliO , A. acconlalce D. . IIlles" IIOOllr . "IIIIIol\11 or contlllled II 5111. ' 1'1I1 hll'lllI of sal" . corporotoll IIlal II C0I.IICh..1 hya of . to ex- . 10arll Dlrectrll. 101 . . . St\.11 III 1 II 1 hI r. to htJ ' 1I..cte.1 : h } ' tlln IIlnd. 1I01.Itrs , alnlaily. at , "ch tllle ant IlIac" as ilia ) h , Ilre'crlh"11 hy till" of Ralt COII' ' } ' 1I0t 111'01111111"1 wlll tl lawlI of the Slatn of NtlJra < lm. ( , . 'l'h. . of Ih. lIaltl ) . . olcers . , . . cnrlUratol lallJe a Pr."hlelt , VI"-I.n.hlmt. S'crctary a 11 'l'leaSlirer. who 111111 he cllo'lel IJ ) ' the Boar . nl Dr..corll. ( al.l who sllall 110M omcl for tlltJ perlo.1 of ear al" their " Ors enl IIlItl IIIICC"I . } , . . , . . Ahalll" lect..1 ali quall"I. III caR. ' of allY vacIIC : } ' . II IIlIall h . h } " . Ile.1 t" rmlallllli of Ih. Board of 1 < lhtJrll Dlreclor , ; all of . . . . . whlcll omcers eJ..cI..l frlll the IIhalll alonl II10cl ( 1I0ilerll 01 bahl . . corporaton. 7th. 'l'he ' 01 - to ' 1111111'1 alonlt hlllelh-tlleRs wlilch ! altl ; o..orulon . cal. al al } ' tl. . . IIlIh. j'Clltsl'lf IIhall tllanive . . lot li lore lul.lre.l . \ive . . 'l'hollsII1 alldlo Ow.hlll.h..III' "olarll. HIli. 'l'hc lallner of ' llllJ of Itucldllltrs for the eloclol 1I01lnll' of , lr'ctrll. leetllls ( lie . el..ctlull of olecrll , amI the Iwlh".lof cellluct- Inll' tlw . . of altl , . hlsilell. corporatol sllal hI prebc..lJe" ! h ) ' tlln h.laws a < : Ulopl.,1 hy the . of ' . loanl WII'reof , ' . ' , . 11 WII s" 'lhe 111.lerslll'ne,1 havt ! h..relilto "t'llhelr lIaml'l "ealll tllill I'Hh da 01 Jllle , I I : allt JACUIII.I.III. . - . . I 1.-g. HUlssos. C. ' 1' . I 0. LIM \ - AI S . > M : SSI'L. : . . . I A. J. MOHOAN. 1. J. 1A I INI. , C. C. 1.\II.ock. . , ' . JOlN I'INCI. H : I . AI.IIN. W. C. IILTZ. IliA 1. 111S. . ; . CIAIILIH UIKIN. 1. J. SIMMS. ' , \ , STATr 0' NrIH\SJAl ss Cusrl < COUNTY. f' " 011 thlll 18111 Ila ' of JIII. . , , \ . n. 1901. hefore 1.:1 NOlar' IlIhlc. .llly COIIIII"lol.1 all,1 . . . Ilalll..1 an.1 re.llllll : ' IlIlIalt cOIII } ' :1111 IIlate 1 of NelJrasl.a , pnrllolllly " . B. g. HobIISOIl , C. 'I' . ap.uartJIIJac"h , Helhll Miler. , J A. J. Morlal , 1. J. lalllllon.I 101hla.1111 , Ir 1.1111 , C. ' C. labcocl ( . Johl l"llch. H. g. Allel. W. C. I lelt Da\III SIIII'I , ChalIns . Hanlll , 'erllOI' ; kllOWII to ! lIe ' I'urllon aly lt 1.lnltcal ! wllolll ( lalell are alacllt'.1 to till fore\olil Ilstrl- , ' ' . , . lelll all "e\'rall ) uclcolle.IItI th. : ballh' to I . . . . . htJ tllelr vollllllal } all all.1 .I..t ! " lor the I.llrpo. lIell thereillll'l forlh. . \'ltls" I } hIII : aliliolorial sal till datI ) llt aho\1 wlltel. A. n. HUI'I r\N. " . NOI.IO' . ST.\TI : 01' Nmlc\sJ\ ' 1nhll. CIUNTY 1Cusrm { . \ S ' 1 , ( : . \ \ ' . ' ' . . . eo. Ih'\\'I'.COIIY III : ) ceri. :111 fOlsal.l . .10 ' . ' . J cnlllly IIrh c..rlh' thlt : Ih" allt'w.lll- . , . , . . ' ' RtrllelL illlx'cllt..1 :111 : aclwt\'lnllte.1 II .hltJ furl accunlhlr \ tll..lal' ul IhtJ Slale uf e- hra"l.a 10 cIIIIt ! It \ h. ! " 'cuII.,1 tllm'll ; al o I A. ( : . . ImfurtJ . . tlt . 1ufflal. IItUI salllo wa. ' . , . . . tw Jm\,1 :11I.1 " . al " acl"llle.lle.1 lall. tw til" If ' h . laldll : slll Ilmuf :111 aclclwle.lltunWII , a nulary Ilnhllc ill an.1 IIr IIail conn I . dily Clalllc.1 allt altllurlzed tu lalm lhe salll. . . an,1 I ' } ' tllal I , ' . . . Wit flrtwr cl'rlf al w1 aCllllalll..1 tll" hlll'lIalll..e . . . . I " I ! the IIaltl A. U. I u111.1 II , a IUlur ) ' Illhlc , ill al.1 lur hall c.nllll } al.1 \.ril } ' I'leve 'f'llIhl' II. . IIlllatliru tu th , ' " : ltl c lncate lu \\11 , ' ' " I ' lIal,1 : n.ll. " " .11 If : il cOLllty . al . III , Brul.el Bul. sa hi thlb 2ilh 11,1) ' 01 cUl ) Il . , . . ' . . } . JIII. \ I. 1'J4. 01(0. W. 1.1\.y. . , 7.12.-iS Is 1\.1 ly Jo . lJ..I\S. CUl III l1trlc. , } ' . , - - - = - - . _ - - - - _ . . . . .ller.J Ilt'ltle'l 1 . . . . . . Crlmilll Scol , No. 17.0J. ' . .Ji , . . . f , J. G. BRENIZER , Breeder of to. Iuro My Scotch b'r.1 , .n,1800toh numbers , ' 'ol\eI18horl 10r Cnt. II brel'tll : II ' 11\lt ) wih 4 COli. loy Wi COl IIr t . &Iy 61\erlnncd h hu ht mo 10 ; \ thlt Ilvo uII llhrlclI. hr "ltn cltt'e ' musl 110 ralsod In this altllude. J expect to ralso the here 111 equal of 11)'lhlll rRlded III the U. m I. I MW.hMve . , ' buid HII'lblo for thlM. and ! Ioxt yo/\ / elvlcu. Ily COWd wolgh , < 0 Il0lna. " 001 : an.llo1 . 'hom. CODl 10 tl - , -