Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 01, 1904, Image 4
" ' " --.Lo" " _ _ _ " ! _ _ _ " ' " _ QIu ler o.tPUbUo ) . Publl.bed eniy TbnudlY at tlie Couuty tcat ! D. 11. AMSDElUtY. - - : - : - } ' : - ; Bu rod a\ \08\omce at lJrolu ; Dow , N b. , U lIOOOud-G1AaI matter tor trlJl mlr lou through thoU. . , 8 ; Mall. . - . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - 8U1J80RlPT10N-i'm K : Ono yoar.tnadvRuce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00 , . lJIock , 10nrth Ave. " \ co In On tor . . - - - - - - - 11 iADVKHT181NG ! tATG8. on' ' f lU ' \ Dontll,17 .06. Ouo.balt col. 'Ilan per 'lll\r $1.00 ttu1utor columu , Ilor 1B0ulh , 12.00. lAIeII ) tban qnarter column , r.o conti per Inch pormonth. Oanh on Ilrlt 1'11110 , 60 coute Jlor Inoh , per montb LocahdvertlJllUK ( I ceut. per lIuo each It lor. tlou. " Notloo ot church tAira , 'oclnblea and oDIorlalll- monil wbero moner La cnnrged , one.balt rlltel. & 010t7 DOtiCO. aud relolntlone , ono-b.1t rntc. . Weddlnjl DOtlce , troe. bait price tor publhnlng lIat ot prc utll. DIIAUI notloo. tree. hlLlt lflce tor pnbll.blng obituary noUce. , and cardl of tbauM. Lt1gal noUceutItC8 provided b7 . 'atutelof ' Nebra.t& . . - Thursday , September 1 , 1904. UCllUbllcuu 'ticket. . . . N TIONAL. For President . .Theodore Ruose\'e1t. New York For Vlce.presldent. . . . .Sellalor Jo'alrhallkq. 11111 For U. S. Seliator..I lmer J. Ullrkelt. 1.lm'ulli ) , 'orConllteRsman ( , th nlHt. .1\I.I'.KlnkaI < I.O'Nell STATU. 1-'or Governor. . . . . . . .Jllhllll. I\Ilcko ) ' , O ccula For I.leut.Governur. . . . I . G. McGlltoll , Olllaha } o'or Secreiary or State..A. Galusba. Ued Clou < l For Auditor. . . . . . . . . .I . M. Hearh ! Jr. , Olalalla For Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . Peter MurtenRell.Onl For CommlMlulI PIIlJlh : l.allllq alld I1l1lhIlIl118. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U. M.I aton. " 'relllolil } 'or UrowlI. Kearne ) ' ) , 'or Superilltendent or PulJllc IIItructlull. ; . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. L. 1'IcD rlell. nellcva } 'or Sellator Fifteenth Sellaturlal DIRtrlct. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. r. . l rleR. A rcailia For Representatives. Plft.slxth Dl trlct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. II. CUJJRCY. 'V Rtervlllc ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'V. V. Mathcw" . Callan-a ) ' } 'or County Attorlley. . . .A. R. lIuIIIPbre ) ' . 11. 11. For Supervl.or. third dIRt..G. U. Thurpe. U. H. ror Supervlqor.l1fth diRt. . " ' . J. IJrulII.Callan- TOWNSUII' . For clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . A. D. IJalljR 1'or , trea.urer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. M. KlrlllJerllnl ( ror road overseer dl.trlct 1. . . . . . . .AURtllI I.oyd Io'or road overReer dll\trlct 2. . . . . . . Prallk Routh . } I'or road overseer district 3. . . . . .1' . H. Strait Ie ) ' } 'or road overReer dlRtrlct 4. . . . .0. I. . : . Ell'elROIi For road overReer dlRtrlct 5. . . . . . . . . . .1\1. Krause . 'or road overaeer dhitrlct 6. . . . . G. ' 1' . RobhlRun } 'or road overseer district 7. . . . . . . . . I. . CURhlllall The protective tariff is the bulwark - wark of national independence in time of peace .and in time of war. Protection guarantees that the workingmen of this country sh ll be well paid and not underpaid - paid , as are the majority of the artisaas of Europe. Protection has already made us the richest and strongest n - Hon on the earth and under a properly restricted immigration will bring to us much that is most valuable in the populati n of other countries. Under the protective tariff opportunity - portunity is furnished , through diversified industries , for every person to find the emplo'ment best adapted to his or her genius or capacity and that will secure the largest income or the greatest - est happiness. , 'l'he democrats in Nebraska are getting very liberal in estimating - mating President Roosevelts majority - jority in. Nebraska. Edgar Howard is not alone in putting it"at 50,000. But some republicans - cans are even more sanguine than that , stating , that if every republican should stay at home on election day , Presideut Roosevelt - velt would carry the.state. The democrats are counting on J. J. Hill , president of the Great . orthern railroad , contributing I . . $400,000 to the national dcmo- " 'craticcampaign fund and $100,000 . tp the New York State , fund. ( fThe latter is based on the nomination - nation of Mr. Lamount for Governor of that state. Mr. Hill lives at .Sf. Paul , but hc feels that no expense is too grcat if cash will defeat Roosevelt , who so : successfully prosecuted the . merger suit against him through the attorney gcneral. The populists seem to have reached the conclusion that Gov. Mickey is unpopular with the republican party and for that reason they have a chance to elect their candidate , Berge , as his successor. In this the ) ' are building on a false basis. There is no doubt but there are republiu - - - j COO < < 1 J F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and O > > ticia.n j West , Side Square , fi " .roken Bow , J" Nebraska. 8 . l ; ! + ; " i ' " . . . t. . . . _ . . . . _ , _ _ " \ " ' ' ' " Wee " AI ! " " cans who would have preferred to have seen some other repuhli- can nominated but it docs not follow that even they will vote for Berge or vote against 1\1 ickey. Gov. Micley raised himself several notches in the eyes or the people by the firm stand he took in the railroad assessment. It \vas on that point many republi. cans feared that the Governor would nul be with the pcople. Whcu hc proved his faithfulncss in that mattcr his stock rosc iu the politicalmarkcl aud he be. came strongcr with the people than he had ever been beforc. What little followiug he may have lost with the corporations because of his firm stand in that matter will hc more than made b } ' the indepcndent voter. Gov. ' Mickcy will' not only be reelected - ed but hc will havc from 5,000 to 10,000 great r majori ty than he had two ycars ago. . II f'U II 's rl-r ; ; ; OIlIlIlU 11011. - - - - " 1 have nothrng to tale back , I have nothing to withdraw of the things that I have said against thc methods pursued to advancc his candidac } ' . It was a plat/I and deliberate attempt to deceive the part } ' . , 'l'he New York platform was vague and purposel } ' so , becausc the advocates - cates of Judge Parker were trying - ing to securc votes from among the people who would have opposed - posed his vi ws had they known thcm. * * * ' .rllC nomination was securcd , therefore , b } ' crooked - ed and ilHlefensible methods. " - \Villiam Jennings Bryan , "The Commoner , " July ' 13 , 1904. BrJIlII'tI ) 'Icw of l'lntrorm. "I shall not mis.rcpresent thc s tuation , or appeal for vote's for the ticket up n false grounds. A democratic victory will mean VltRY LI'l'TLlt , mANY , PROGlmSS on economic questions so long as the party is under the control of the \Vall Street element. , . . * * The LAnOR PLANK as prepared by Judge Parker's friends on the sub-committce was a straddling , meaningless plank. * * The nomination of Judge Parker VIRTUALJ.Y NUI.LII1IItS 'run ANTI- 'l'lmST PI.ANK.-\Villiam Jennings - ings " ' 'he " Bryan , Commoner , July 13 , 1904. Custel'lIulltist AHsoclutioll. ' ' ' ' 'l'he 'l'wenty-First Annual session - sion of the Custer Baptist Association - sociation was held at Ansley last Friday , Saturday and Sunda } ' ' 'l'he attendance of delegatcs was the largcst in the history of tile Association. Every church was represented by its full quote of clclegates , with possibly one exception , besides a large num- - -bcr of visitors were prcsent from several of the churches. " ' ! 'he sesRions were al1 intercst- ing' and spiritual and many declared - clared the best they ever at- tended. 'l'hc work of the \Voman's HOllie Mission Society was abl ) ' represcnted by Miss VanNess of Lincoln. 'L'heVolllan's 'l'raining School was prescnted by 1\1 issI a hIe Hall of Sargent , vcr ) ' nicely. Miss Hall has been a studcnt in the school the past year. 'l'he work of the Woman's Foreign 1\Iisssion Society 'was presentcd by Mrs. A. B. Cornish of f40li , and Mrs. J. II. Kerr of Ansley , showing the societies work to be in most cxcellent shupe. Saturday evcning a crowded house listened to an eloquent ad. dress on the work of foreign mis. sions b } ' Rev. Henr } ' WillialllR of DcsMoines , Iowa. Gencral 1\Iissi01 ry C. W. Neaclt'cted ( : OUls. Every part of the mucous mem. brane , thc nose , throat , cars , head ancllungs , etc. , arc subject. ed to disease and blight from neglected colds. Uallard's Hore. hound Syrup is a pleasant and effective remcd ) ' . 25c , SOc , $1.00. W. Akendrickr Valley Mills , ' .rex as , writes : "I havc uRe Ballard's Horehound Syrup for coughS' and throat troubles ; it is a pleasant and most cO'ecti remedy. " Sold by Ed. McComas , Broken Bow and Merna. \ I . . .1 . , . . , . .11. . . . 1 , Brinstad of Omaha , presented the work of the state in an able sermon Sunday morning at 11 a. 111. 'l'hc work of the Association was prescnted at 10 a. m. Sunday by Hey. J. H. Woods of Mason Cit ) . . Hev. Yale delivered a fine sermon - mon at 2 p. m. Sunday. 'l'he B. Y. P. U. and SuI day School session Sunday afternoon was one of th interesting fca- hires of the session. ' ! 'he young peoples work was prcsentcd in an able and entertaining address by Miss Mable Hall. Gcneral discllssion followed in which a numbcr participated. 'l'he session - sion closed Sunc ay evening with an ahle addrcss by Hev. D. D. Propcr of Des 1\loincs , Iowa , District Missionary for the Homc Mission Socic1j' . _ _ Ahle discorses werc dclivered by l ev. S. C. Cadwell of Locli , Hcv. F. Ii' . DeLong of Merna , and Hev. F. C. Barrett of Ansley while the Asso iation was in session. 'l'he association will be held at Brokcn Bow next yea ! , commencing - ing on Friday before the last Sundaj' in August , lasting over Sunday. ' .rhe ofl cers for the ensuing - suing year arc , ' D. 1\1. Amsberry , Moderator ; Mrs. J. H. Kerr , clerk ; A. B , Cornish , treasurer. 'l'he Associational Missionary Committce for the year is , Hevs. J. RVoods , F. C. Barrett , F. F. DeLong. 'l'he people of Ansley deserves great credit for the splendid manner in which they entertain-I ed , not only the delegates but all. , the guests of the Association. i VI 1t tile Old 13'olkH. I . One fare plus $2 for the ron trip to a. great many points in Ohio , Indian\L \ Bnd Kentuckey. Tickets on sale September 6 , J3 , 2 , 27 and October JI. Good via : St. I oUls and for stopovers at the great ! exposition. I1inal limit thirty days. ' See me for fuB particulars or write to L. W. Wakeley , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. 8.JS H. L. ORMSU\ ' , Ticket Agent. Curd or JI'huuks , 'Ne hereby extend to our friends of Broen } Bow and vi ttl- ity for their k1nd assistance and s111path ) ' during - the sickness atHI hurial of our bcloved mother Mrs. Belle Hastings. Signed , IIHH Cmr.mum. Mrs. Deardorf of Merna , while getting off tra1I1 No."tl at that place last Sunday morning was thrown between the train and the depot platform and was slightlY injured. She had gone to thc wrong door when the train stoppcd at Merna and by the time she got the vestibule door open the train had started and in jumping 01T while the train was in motion she fell.-Alliance Grip. - - - - - - - Keeps Fresh Do you know ast Foam ? Yeast Fonm is the yeast that makes the best bread. of the best flavor. you ever tasted. Yeast l"oaltl is the ) 'east that never grows lifeless , stale or sour. but is always fresh , sweet 110(1 rea y for use. Yenst Ionm is l he best Bnd most reliable yeast made , regardless of COtlt. Is 11 dry , compreosed yeast , compoutlded of malt , hops. coin aud other healthful iugredients , in the sweetest and c1eauesHaclory iu the world. No matter how long you have kept it. Yeast Foam is always ready to pro. duce the freshest , nuttiest bread that can be made. Tlze secret is in tlze yeast. All grocers sell it at SC a package. Each lX1ck. age contains 7 cakes- euough to make 40 loaves. Send { or our book. "How to Make Dread , " fre. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. , CHIC Go. , . . . " , . . , . . To Itvcr"Vl1crc UI1 < < 1 1I/'cSe. 'rllJ IIUIU.1W'roN'H I.OSUMntR : RATHS. ' 1'he nurlingtoll alTers excursion rates III every direction-so low that there Is no excuse for st/lylng at home. Below /Ire sollIe of them : St , I.ouis./lilit hack. ' 1'hree Idllds of daily rates heside/ ! the speci/ll low rate' ' coach excursiolls Septemher I , J , 4 , 6 , 8 , I I , 13 , IS , 20 , 22 , 27 nllIl 29. thlcn o IIl1d hacl : Dally tow rates , ellher ( ! lreet or via St. Louis , wilh stop. 1I\'ers at St. Iouis , Kallsas tity ntlll lllaha. Worlds 11air stopo\'crs all through tickets. tolurulo , Utah and Black lIills rcsorts there nlld ' halflItes - - hack-practicallj' \lItes all sUnllner. ' ' 1'0 Denver , tolorllIto Sprillgs allil Pllehlo 1111(1 ( return. Atlgllst 30llId Sep. tCluher 3 , 6 , 10 , 13Iud 17 , $15.00. ' 1'0 ta'1ifornia-San Frallcisco11111 I.os Augeles allil hack , Au ust JS to Septem- her IU , ouly $ - . ' 1'he ouly chance iu 190. ) to Met this low rate. ' 1'0 1\1tchig/lu , 1\1 uuesota , WiscolH\iu \ /lnd the Gre/lt I.ake regioll , the i.lcal summer conntrY-ll/lily low rates to take you away from home. On thc' first 111111 third ' 1'nes/lay ! ! of each 1II0nth very low rOUlli1 trip rate ! ! to man ) ' points ill the Northwest , West /ln Southwest. Daily troUl SeptemlJer IS to Ocloher J.Ii one W/lY tickets to hundreds of points west and northwest at practicaBy hliH ratns. ' 1'0 muny points in Indiana , Ohio flllll cntuckey September 6 , 13 , ,20 , 27'nud October II , one f re plus $2.00 for the rOllnd trip. Write or call , descrihe ) 'ollr trip ; let tile advise YOII the least cost. II. I. . ORISuTicket Agent. Or , I . \ V.VAK1 r.1W , General Passenger Agent , 12-14 Olllaha , Nebraska. - - $14 :25 : 'ro Ht l.oulH . .Iul Uctnrn. The llurlington olTers the aho\'e low rate for tickets good in coachcs and chair cars ( seats free. ) On Sale 1'uesdays an.1 Thursdays Iluring 'August al1l1 Sept em her. See tile for full particulars. 8.IS II. I. . Ormsby , 'l'icket Agent. A 110) " " 'Vlld IUde I ( ) r 1.1 Ie : . With family around expecting him to die , and a son riding for life , 18 miles , to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and Cotc1sV. . H. Brown of Lccsvillc , Ind. , endured deaths agonies from asthma ; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes : "I now sleep soundly e\'cry night. " . Like marvelous cures of ConsUluption , Pneumonia Bronchitis , Coughs , Colds and Grip prove its matcbless mcrit for all throat. and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles SOc and $1.00. ' [ 'rial bottles frce at Lce Bros. , drug store. . . , - - - C. S. Martin of Broken Bow , Nebraska , c.unc to the cit } , re- ccntl } ' with the most roseatc crop story that has yet been received. 'l'he Broken Bow and Custer , countn' ' has had the most magni- ficcnt 'crops in its histor } ' this year. Wheat has yiclded as high as forty bushels an acre , and alfalfa ele\'cn tons an acre this SUUlmcr. Other crop3 are pro. portio 1atelj' largc. As an illustration - tration of Custer county's good fortune , the crops in SOUle instances - stances cquallcd the value of the farms. Mr. Martin backel up : his prosperity story by loading out two carloads of wagons. He rcports a nourishing trade in wagons and vehicles.-Implemcnt 'l'rade Journal , Kansas Cit } . . Hl'lIl1bllclln SIIIIC\\'Isol' COII\'CIIUOII. The Republicau Supen'isor tonvelltioll will be held iu District No. 7 at 1\la50u City 011 the J5th Ilu ) ' of Septelllhlr , 1901 , at 3 o'clock J. III. to place in lIomillation n cUl1l1iliate } or supervisor to be , olcll for at the lIext/llllluul elCCtiUII. Bach taWil- ship will be the same lIumber of delegates . the last rcpublicall count ) ' COllventlon. lly order of commiUee. ' ' 1' . J. WOOD , Ch airmal . 'rhe llig "nh' CIIIIINI Xcxt Wt'ek. The Custer COUl1t ) ' Fair takes place at Brokcn Bow 011 'L'llesda" , Wednesday , 'l'hursday and FIi- day of ncxt wcck , Sept. ( J.7-S and I ) , and present indications are that it will in cveryway be the I best event Custer count } . has cver seen. 'l'here are already intrain- , ing on thc Broken Bow track more horses than werc evcr as. scmbled therc previous to thc opening of the fair. 'l'he racing program is unusually strong with 20 big events and purscs ranging in amounts up to $125. Already a large number of cowboys have arrangcd to take part in the cowboy .carnival and a good bunch of buc1dng bronchoes havc bcen secured. 'l'he balooll ascension - sion each afternoon , and thc shooting tournamcnt each forenoon - noon and the sham battle and , - - . ' . , . " . . - . - - - - - - - - - Ayers - - . . - You know the medicine that makes JJure , rich blood- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother , grandmother , all your foll\s , used it. They trusted Sarsap rilla " it. Their doctors trusted it. ) , Your doctor trusts it. Then - \ trust it you rself. There is health 3nd strcngth in it. "I l1tTorl'll torrlhy ! from h1lI uUol1 I1.1 thin 101011.1. . 1 rllllllll ' " ' rclh' ( 1111111 I took AYl'r's f\nr nl"ltllla. l'ullr lIotUe , lcrmK' , . lIelltly cllff',1 MIIH. 1111' P. " It. HAm' , lilt. ItIsco , N. Y. PI.OO n hotlle. . .1. c. A YEll co. . " " AlIllrugghlA. " .1 _ _ IW. . for 1.1I"'l'tI. JllIIA' , Rich Blood yer's Pills nre gently Inxntlvo. They grently nld the Snrsnpnrllln. . big list of tent shows and open air attractions insure a most unusual - usual wcck. 'l'he up town attractions - tractions at night will this year be exceptionally good , the big . . . - evcnt being the soci ty circus which takes place each evcning. All in all the Custer County ! i"ait : this year promises to be the be t e\'er seen in Ccntral \Vestern Nebraska. . Brokcn Bow will no doubt havc the largcst crowd cvcr seen in the town. U'HU1 - j SE Pu res t an d sweetest IDf all \vhcat foods. j , . I 2 lb. packages. 'All high-class grocere. 1 - - " . , . , - - - . . \ - - - - - . . I I m * mm mm * * m * mw 1 ' /W J. R. Street [ I : u. C. Street. , . ! Sree't r < > s. , t' Tublar anl1 casing wells. Pumps , anl1 pipe fittings. ' Willil mills anll tanks. . fr. North Side. - - - - Broken Dow , Nebraska. f i m m m & m m lli m - - - - - - - - = . - GASH GIVEN AWAY -to Users of \ LION , COFFEE In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums 11 ow Woulcl You lKe _ a Cbeck like This 1 . Cash to Lion Coffee users in our Great World's Fair Contc5t- We H I d d $20 000 00 Ive war e , . 2139 people gct checks , 2139 marc will get them in the . Presidential Vote Contest Five Lion - Hends cut , Grand First Prize of $5,000.00 1 First Prize . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " $2,500.00 , 1 Second Prize . " , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . 1.000.00 2 Prlzes-S500.00 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,000.00 will be awarded to the one who Is nearest 6 l'rlzes200.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . 1,000.00 . , . 10 Prizes100.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.000.00 correct on both our" orld 8 Fair and P res. 20 Prlzes50.00' . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , .1,000.00 50 l'rlzes20,00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .1.000.00 dentlal.Voto Contests. 2no PrlZ0810.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .2,500.00 1UOO l'rlzos6.00 . . . . " . " . . . . . . . , , . 0,000.00 Wo also after ! 5OOQOO Special Cash Prizes to Groeen' - mi PRIZES - - - 21 TOTAL . . . . . S20.000.00 Clerks. ( Particulars In each case of Lion ColIee. ) How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks ? .4 Everybody uses cotTee. Ie YOll will use 1.rO.V COF o' : : long enough to get acquainted with It , you will be sultell anll convincell tiler" is 110 other sllch vullle ( or the money. 'J'hen you wlllinkc no other-and that's why we allvertlse. Anll Wt : art : using our allverllslug mODtY so that both of us-you as well as we-w\l1 \ get u benefit. Hence Lor your 1lun 11cfU' WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZES Complete Detailed Particulars In Every Package of " . LION COFFEE . I WOOLSON SPICE CO. , ( CONTEST DEP'T. ) TOLEDO , OHIO. I j . ' . -