Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 01, 1904, Image 2

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Brief T elegran1s I
I.'JCteon thousand and sovonl.slx
persons registered for clnlma on the
[ < 'ort Totten Indlnn reservnlon. !
R. C. Durrough , clmufur of the nu.
tomobllo thflt lllunged Into the rlvor'
' ) ff Hush street brldgo at Chlcnto ! , IH
'rho Gel'l'nn.n ' . Veternns' . nssoclntlon
In convention nt Sl. LouIs votell ho.
( ere adjournIng to hold the next meot.
Ing n.t . Joliet , III.
Plvo persons were Injured , on'l or
! hem dn.ngerouslY . , hy the explosion or
' " hn.rrol . of turpontlno in the cell Ill' of
/1. / ! ! lore In Armour ln.le . , KnD.
In.mes . E. O'Connor , who fOl' nHln ) '
yeaI'll wall engIneer of the , Inanch
811hu Yale nnd an naslslnnt In hand.
ling Yale crews , Is dead of llPIHJndl.
'l'ho natlonnl honrll oC dIrectors of
the KnIghts of Columhus have voted
to llold the Oclohel' meollng on Co.
lumbus day at the St. Louis ex [ JoH. ! .
Korsalw\'sk , I\ . city on the RussIan
Island of Snlmllen. ) Is hem hn.rded . hy
1JalJ neao wnrshlp. l"lvo govcrn.
fIlent hulldlngs and eleven honHes
are destroyed. . .
The TexnB rOll11hllean stale nom I.
nn.Ung . convention was held at Port
Worth amI a full . qcIot was
nomlnuled , headed b ) ' J. C. Ln.wden .
for governor.
Uecent financing of the Clnclnnn.tI . ,
Hamilton & Dayton rl\.lIway , Involv.
Ing II. loan of $8,000,000 , Is said to
hn.vo . cost , the borrowers 17 to 18 pm'
cent for 0. year.
Miss DOBSlo .Johnson , dnughlor oC
, ' \Ia'or .10hnson of Cleveland , 0. . 11IL
IIlgned with Chn.rles . l'rohman to talO
. fI. part In the forthcoming production
pf "Brother Jacl , . " .
The 'Weokly trmlo revlows Inlllcate
n slight Increase In wholosalO1's' ac-
tivit ) " but the genernl huslness sltua-
lion r'oflects uncertainty as to the
condition oC crOllS.
HnJlroad mnnagers are searchln
Chicago for 8,000 laborers needed to
\avo ; the cotton crop of OIlahoma and
thQ Indlqn ' 1'orrltor ) ' . A rate of 1
cent I\ . mlle Is offorell.
Tko People's National hanle at
Swanton , Vt. , was closed by ohlcr or
the comlltrollm' of tho' curronc ) ' . Na.
tlonal Dank Examiner Franlc L. Flale
nas been appointed rocolvor.
The republican national commilleo
plans to sentI to different sections of
UIO country Hpen.l\Crs . who are oXllorts
( n the particular things which Interest -
est the people of the localities.
Chicago Is safe from tornatIoeR , n.c- .
, : Jordlng to Inspector " \Vat ? of the
weather burenu , who says lho colli 0.11'
\\bovo the lake ! 1rovents the fOl'ma.
tlon of the nccr.ssliry t'\'lstlng cloud.
Jullgo Lacomho In No v Yorle shns
nn 01'1101' , on ngl'eemont of counsel ,
lIsmlsslng the suits agn.lnst . the
.united States Shillbullding company
nnd Cl1arles 1\1. Schwab. ending nIl 11.
'fho 1\hn'phy.1\IcCarren fight IH saltl
to bo ollmlnated from the camllclgn
, ' the n.ctlon . of the democratic lead.
PI'S In placing Senator Dowlingor
' 1'nmmany In control of orgnnlzatlon .
In Greater Now York.
Grand Dulco Doris , who Is on lho
way to St. Petersburg from the Cnl'
east , Is bringing a lotteI' on behalf of
General KurolmUdn nmIlts nt'my ,
congratulating the emperor on the
birth of an holr to the throne.
A man mnttes confession to Dll'ln ,
Ingham , IDnglnnd , llOlIco that ho stole
pn.pors . from I" . Kent Loomis , tile
Amerlcan em'oy who disappeared
Juno 20 , but the Rtory III notbellovell ,
Sir Thomn.s . Lll1ton announces thnl
ho wIU build the Shnmroclc IV. nllll
WIU ch llengo n.galn . for the Amerlc
cUJl.Wlllinm O'Brlon WU ! roolectel'
tnomber of parliament from Corle clt
unopposed. 1\\1' . O'DI'Ien No\'embOl
16 , 1J03 ! , resigned his leat In pnrllu
ment for Cork clt ) , and as 0. membm
oC the governing bed ' of the Unltel
Irish League owing to dlfforences 0
opinion with members of the nation
allst party.
William T. McGinnis of Lander
Wyo" has heon found dead on till
: -allroall I\.t Rldgo. His head had beO !
'dovOl'ed from his bed ) ' by a train. 'fhl
authorities OItortuln the theory tha
the man was murdered 1\1111 robbed } Ie
fore the decapitation occurred. 'fh ,
holly was so place that the first trail
would cut off his head.
III Record oC the public land office fo
the fiscal 'ear ended .Juno 30 , 1 ! 1O.1
hews that 16.2 8,8J2 ! n.cros . of puhll
lands were disposed of during th
'ear , as compared with 22,6 OJ2 !
Jlcres Inst ) 'enr. The totnl cash 1'1
colved for these lands was $8,79 ,89 :
RS compn.r . d with $10r ti7,018 IRE
yonI' . The numb or or ontrles wo
172,857 ,
MIs8 Susan D. Anthonr arrive
from London on the steamer 1\l1nnl
DavJt1 'l'hompHon , United State
mlnlstor to DrazlJ , and 1\Irs. Thoml
Don were ! lUSsengcrs on the stoll-1\I -
NYl'On from nl'nzll I10rts , " : hlch n
rived last weol ( " .
JOSOllh liJ. IIn'en of 11IhlOis ht
been 311110Inted Amcrlcan commOl'cli
agent at St. Clu'lstophor , West Indle
Amorlcan , AIIChol' - and Loylntl
steamEhlp con111anl03 cntor'tho ocen
rnto war and anllOlll\CO reductlon I
cast-bound lassages. :
- - - - _ . . . . . .
Dut Owing to HCrivy Artillcry Flrc' .
of the Jpnllcsc ! Thcy arc Unccr. . ,
tln-Boys ! arc Fiohtlng In Russlnn !
CIIE 100Gohon ] hIlI , White
Mnrhhi IIntl J.lnoll mOllntnln , nccord.
In to Chhl0ElO advlcos , datcII the I
night of AlIgllflt 22 , IIro ! lOW lho only ,
main f01'11i tHwurely hold b ) ' the HUH'I I :
: ; Inns Ilt Port Arlhlll' . Others nro '
I' I
oecllpcll ! hy thom , Imt the ) ' nro Hllh.
jerted to Iln : lI'tl1lor ) ' fire which ron- I I
dOl'R Uwll' tellllro uncortaln. ) . 'ort I
nll11lbor five , which has frequently I
hoen reported laliCn by the Jalll\11' ,
OHe nn(1 ( retalen It ) ' the Hnsslnns , lu I
lI aln dlwl\refl ! to he In the hands I
of the JalJ1lnose.
A I'Ulllor IlIwln Homo poInt ! ' ! Indl.
caLlng' authontlclt ) ' sny ! ! that the
now \11'ollCnn Hectlon of Port AI"
thur Is In lIames , Owing to the mllll I
and hl'lcle cOlIstl"\ll.'tlOII of the build.
Ings , hO\\'O\'OI' , It Is lll'Obuhlo that the \
flro Is not enem1. ,
It Is' said that the .Tnllal1eso nro
IIRlng II111S lal\On fl'Oll1 the harlHIl'
dofonsoG of Koheagmmlel : : unll Yo.
l\Ohnma. 'fhoao gllnH , lIu111Jorln !
300 , ere of heavy ca1lhro. I .
A junlt which left Port Arlhur All'
gllst 22 ropOl-I.t ; that the Husslan I
wOllnded ut thnt date numbered fiOOO
n.nd . that the .1apn.neso . occuplell the
hel-hts ! nelll' Chnochnnlw , It Is 1
flll'ther rOllOl'lolthat \ hoys are fightIng - I ,
Ing III the lll\fslall \ ranIs now , ,
Majol' 1. . . I , . Seamau , U , S , A"
went 1'1'0111 here YORtercln.y . to the sum.
mlt of a mountain 011 one ! , If the
1\lIao 'fau I lands. twenty mites from : '
Golden HIli , near l'OI't Arthur. Wllh
a IlOwerful toleseOllo Major SCHmUIl
could lIeo a grent dcal of lho coaRt
of the I.lao 'fling Il0lllnslIll1. ] 10
hearll six healihots aJ\(1 \ ( milch small
nrtllllJl'r firIng , InlllclIllIIg thllt 11h ! t.
Ing had subsillell lo a cel'laln del-ce.
RussIan Vesscls to Remain at
ShangHai with Small Guard.
. SHANGHAI-Tho Hmslan ! 'trul or
Asltolll I\nll the torpCllo boat 11estror'
01' Gro7.0bol have gene out of commission -
mission , bllt Iho wOl"le of ropalrlng
them Is belns ( : onllnnol1.
' ) 'horo was. , no formal cOl'emony
when 'tho vcssels wcnt..out of commission -
mission , 'rlwll' flags wel'o not raised
'l'hlll'sa ) ) ' . A slmlllo nnllouncement
wall made by lho COmmll1l1OI'II ] of the
lwo wal'sl1l1ls that the \'e83els wonlll
I-omaln In 110'tlntll ! the war Is over.
'l'ho worl , oC dhmHlnlllng them will
hegln on Frltlay. 'fho Asl\OllI lias
IlOen aulhOl'lzell lo remain In 1I0cie until -
til SerltombOl' 1 J In ol'dol' to complete
her rellah-B.
' 1'he crows of the I wo vessels , with
Iho excelltfoll o ( the necesorll' ' guards ,
w111 be llarolell and allowed to return
lo Hussln.
The Shanghai newsJJapOl' unanl.
l1If/lIsly / l'ogll(1 ( the onlcome of the recent -
cent sltnatlon as IIno In no small
moaslll'e to the 1i1lomacr ] ! Ilnll tact of
John Goodnow , the AmOl'lcan consul
goneml hel'e.
Nebraska Executive Will See New
Battleship Chrlstcned.
I..INCOLN , Neb.-Govel'nor 1\lIcl\e '
nnd twenty.flvc Invited gnests will go
10 Seattle to witness the chrlstenln
mill Innnchln of I hc hattleshlp No-
IJraslm. A Nehraslm girl , . '
l\I1SH l\laria 1\lIclO ' , wllI los ! the bot.
lie of champagne against Iho hull of
the \'eHsel. 1I0\'lOVOl' , lho gOYOI'nUl'
mar ohject to llIlr mcmbel' of his fam.
, lIy handllnp ; Inloxlcatln ; ; IIIlUOl' , nl1l1
In that event the hone ! ' will fall to
some ono olse. 'rho : ; overnOl' has no.
tlfied the shlpbulldlnr ; aulhol'Itle8 that
ho will he present.
'fhostJ who will al.'c mlnn ' him will
bo state officials :11111 1I0llticlans.
Cost of Colorado Uprlslng .
DgNV8H-A sJleclal committee of
the grand jury I'elllll'toll to District
Jullge Cal'\JOntel' \ cI'ltlcls ng certn.ln .
eXllensos of the mllltar ) ' Ilurlng the
cal'l11algn In Cripple Creek und Tol. ,
lurldo as "extrllvagant. " , , 'lth 1'0' ,
gard to the eXIIOl'lenco of troops on
the all'eets of Denver on election day , ,
comment to "whothm' '
as n s01l11el'
shoull1I01'CoI'm \ l1 I'than services un-
dOl' the gulso of eltlzonshlp and ron-
deI' a hili to the state therefor" Is ,
wlthhell1. 'rho report shows Indobt ,
edness for InsUITectlons of $921,239 ,
Hay Will Speak at Berlin.
. nl RI..IN-lt was annOllllced 'fhurs.
tlar night that Secrctn.r . ) ' of Stute Johtl
Jlny will maleo an attempt to bo 1)J'03
IJIlt Ilnd malco al least one udl1ross III
the Inte1'l1atlonal l'oaco eonforence
which opens In this clt ) ' October a
It Is thousht ho will discuss the subJect
Joct or the rel1ucllon of armamonts.
Iowa Crop Bulletin.
DES MOINES , In.-1'ho tempera
ture of the . weele was about nor ,
m l. Well dlstrlbutell shower8 It
llen.l'ly . all parts of the statu ICllevo :
1Illll1'ohenslons' of dalllllro hy llrouth
anll l'o\'lved the llUstm'os. 'rho cm
dlllonB have booiJ especially favornbll
COl' the healthy dovoloplllent or till
C01'l1 crop , conRhlemblo portion 0
which 10 no\v In the roasthl ! ; eal' slaH' '
nnd Ilulto hcav ' In stal1e Ilnll Qat
Gool1 lIrogress has heen lIIado In the
northern districts In stacltlng ani
threshlu ! ; small Gl'aln.
Observtlonc \ of Prof. Pickering of
Lowe Observalory.
CA1\IlJH1 ] ( . : .m. hI1l8S.-A tcICgl'a/1 !
' ' hol'C' fem Prof. " ' .
IltA : hooll 1'C'cl.\'cII ! :
H. Plc1Orlns , who 13 ILt the Lowe oh.
ROr\'atClry , California. Ipnl1ln { ; to con-
111'111 1111 Oh8111'VlllloII flf a apot on the
Inoon , lnade hy him last month. Hc
BIlW a haz ' lJl1lC'h 111 the large lunar
cmtel' , Plalo , which had not been do.
tocled hC'forc. It was again secn on
I A\lJusl 2 allil : : . It hnd then grown
darl" metRl1rl'll : ubout two Inches In
i dln.1I1elC'r . I1n < < 1 I'escmbled a sl1lalll crn-
I tOl' . 'rho oiJject , Is said to coincide
II I In poaltlon with n provlously record.
ed cralorlol , hut It ! aJlllarently larger.
HellowPl1 flcrutillY h\ \ the last few dn.'f . !
reveal l ho conlln\led exlstenco of the
featurC' , which now 1I1easnres three
mllps IwrOSR. ' 1'wo ether tiny crate I"
lott ! and 11 d\l'le : spot on the floor oC
Plato , not. Ilrovlousl ) ' reported , all\o \
art. ! Ilnl101111cell hy Prof. 1'lclOrlng.
- - - -
Converted Man W < 1nts to Mke !
Good H IG Pecul < 1t1ons. ,
8'1' . p UI.-A letter was recelvell
at the office of Presldont Blllott of
the Norlhern Pacillc rllllwa ' f'Om a
woman mlRslonarr IIi San Francisco
lolling of the COli version of a man ,
f01"l\l:1'lr : 11 sectloll foreman on the
Northern PlIcllll' road , and that he
confossell to her that for several
yearA ho regularly reported one more
man than he hall on his force , In his
pa ) ' roll , When the checl ( nrrlved ho
1111111'01Iriateil th ( ' amount to hlR por-
sonul uso. The missionary says the
1111111'1 ; converfllon Is so slncero. thut
he wlHhes to rotnrl1 1I0t only the
money tulton , hul wlshei ! to obaervo
the old : \Iosalc law of IJa'lnJ. ; one.fifth
n.lldilional . In the form of Amart
mono ' , The lolter ms ] thnt the
recorlls ho gonu O\'lI' amI the amount
[ determine ! ! .
- - - -
Pl < 1ns of NcVl Cruisers.
WASHINGTON-Luxur ' will ho
sacrillced for fOl'mhlah1l1l ' In the
new armored cruisers nuthOl'lzell h ) '
I the last congress amI the plnns now
In IJrelmration In the Itl11'eau of COll-
i strucllon 111111 tOlmh' ImlJOrtant
I changes In lho Interllr arrangements
, of these vesselR _ The water tight
SUINlIvlsloll will ho made complete
1\l1l there will be no plOl'clng of bull , .
heads bJ' venlilatlnl ; plllCS or other
olICnlngs. 'I'hls change Is In the ef-
I fort fl11'thor to 111'otect the vessels
from the Ilamagng : effects or lOI'lICdo
I _ . _
I May H < 1ve Fount ! Murderer.
DENVER.-Chlcf of Police Oola:1Cr
I of this city has communlcatell with
the warden of the ponltontlary at
, Joliet , 111. , to ascertnln If u IJ1'lsonCl'
conllned lhere unda , ' the name of
' .10hn 1\1ahran Is really Wolllngton C _
Llewoll 'n , 11 former mcmlJOr of the
' ) 'hlrlr.fourth Unltell Slates Infantrr
who shot and Jdlled Pollcemun 'fhom-
afl C. CIlfCord and N. B. GI'lllIths III
this city August 13 , lSJJ. ! ! 'rho 110'
scrlJtlon ) of l\1ahran la11les with
Llewellrn , who wus six feet In height
at lho time of the murdors.
PreGldcnt Enjoya < 1 Rest.
OYS'rl n. BAY , IJ , I.-President
I Roosevelt Is cnjo 'lng a { lel'lolI of rest
I1nd l'ccrea tlon , un In lel'l'1ll1ted either
hr puhllc business 01' b ' callm's. 'flllc
Inp ; a\1t1ltnge ( of the beautiful
weather , ho anll 1\Irs. Hooscyelt
IlIlssed seveml hours III the sallllle.
Is the president's Intention during
his sojourn here 10 tale as n1\1ch rec.
I1S his Il1ltJllc dutton wlll'lICr-
mil. It Is announced that the rule
requiring these who I'nll on the III-esl ,
dent to mal\O engagements In advance
or their coming \\111 he adhOl"ed to.
Repairs Ordered Stopped.
W ASlIlNG'1'ON - Consul General
Goodnow at Shanghnl cabes the Slate
lIepartment that the Chinese to\ln.l .
of Shanghai , through th Bl'itlsh con.
aul , has order d that the relln.lrs . to
Iho Husslall ( : nlls\jr ; .r\slcold and the
100'pello bOIlL deslro 'el' Gromvol : ho
I Protesh Against Russlnn Action.
DUHTIAN , Natat.-The captan ! o (
the Drltlsh Atcamor Comedian has
1011go1 [ 0. Ill'otest al alnst lho action 01
the Husslan l\uxl1larr CI'UISOl' Smo ,
lensl , In stofl)1lnlj ) the sloamer n.nd e : -
amlnlng ItR pallCl'S on Sundn. . ) ' last 011 ,
the southealolt coast of Capo Colon ) ' .
: I
. !
, ,
, I
'I , Map shows path of cyclonc In Mln
. I nesota Aug. 21 , which cost fifteer
i lives and 1 property lees , of over 3 ,
I 000,000 ,
. : In th Hands of Brigands.
I DI NVI R - A He/JUllllcnn / alloclo
. from Roswell , N , 1\1. , sa's .John EI
1 , lund , \'Ico l1rcshlent of the Danl , 0 ,
1 Portales , Portales , N. 1\1. , and a wea
t thy sheOl ) ml\n , has fallen Into tl1
hnnds of hrlgands In 0111Iexlc (
where he went on hudness , Mrs. E1
1111 has recelvod lottoI' '
a n fl'om hit
f 11ontmarlOII OlllltO. Stnto of SOnOl'f
o I Mexico , fm-Int ; thqt he has hoen c : : .
" I turOl\ ) ' rlgn.nds . : Ulll the ) ' IIOlllU11Il
o " honY ) ' ransom I\IHI \ that unless al
II l'lllgemcnts are made to J1a ' the rnt
I som ho will bo tOl't11r'd un Icllled.
I .
i - - - I
I Jopanese Guns Pou lng a Destructive
Flrc Into the City-No Doubt but
That thc DC:1th Roll Will Be Vcr >
, Hc < 1vy.
TOKIO-'fho final assault on Port
'AI-thur In l1l1minent. \ Hundreds of
I Jnpanesc gllllS continuo to pour a de.
slructlve flro Into the clt ) ' and hn.rbol"l .
ulong the lines of fcrts and entronch.
men to Jlrepuator ; , ' to the Infantry as.
It io evIdent thn.t the Husslan lines
have been wenlccnod nnd partly IlOno.
tralod In the vicinity oC AutzshanIIII
Jlzahn.n fortn. 'rho entlro lIne of Hus'
' " ahoul the
sian defenses .
harllol' are within rangc of the .Tap.
anose guns. A tlUmllOl' of Russll\lJ
forts n.nd . battorles continuo to he vlg ,
I orous.
'fho Japmeso : denlll roll w111 he
I heavily Increased before th r UI'O cap.
tured. 'fho direction of the .TuIJtlneSf
attack creatc the Impl'esslon herc :
that lho city nnd defenses on elthOI
aide of the harbor ontl'nnco111 fal
IIrst. The finel slnnd will bo lllatIE
at Linotlshnn.
JIlIlRnese official channels of Information -
mation remain closed anll the navy
dl'lmrtmenl's announcement of the
slrlltlng of I mine hr the batlloshlr
Sovnstorol ntHI the firing upon thE
Husslun forts h ' the cruisers Nl3shh'
and Kasugn. . are the only dlsclosurN
made f01' ncveral days. ,
It Is bellevefl here that both sillN . safCered heavy losses and tho. '
the finn.l . I'ocord111 malw the Rleg (
the iJloodlCJt ! slnco Sodano 'rho .Tap
anese arc oUlll'emolr eonfident of I he
ultlmato rosult. The leaders of the
government await the outcome witt
calm aS3uranco. ' ) 'ho lIcoplo al'o ov' I
erywhere decomtlng streets unl i
houses and erecting arches allll tlag ,
slaffs In llreparatlon fol' n national eel' . .
ebrntlon of the eXll clel1 victory.
LONDON-'rho C01'1'ospondent 0'
I ho 'rimes In II. ( ! Ispalch elatell thf
: ! -1h , 11:3 : p , m" 3V. 'S that Ol'd01I
from Emperor Nicholas hllYO beel
. ' ' ' Roltzonstel ,
1.01l\0 'e to Calltaln
I.'ommanding him forthwith to dlsal'll
the cruiser Aslcold Ilnd .tho torllOd
heat destroyer Grozovol , anlr tl at "tI. '
lIagr. on both vessels W l'O lowered n.
j o'ciocle tonight. "
Chicago Council to Try Itt : Hand In
-the Strike.
CHICAGO , JII-Tho city aulhorltles
arc to male n. 8econd effort to setlle
Iho stQck yards strl1\C. . At II. meeting
I of the city council .Wednosday nlghl
I n r soJutlon W Q vassod emllowerIng
, 'layor Harrison to HPl10lnt n. commit
tee of cleven aldermen , who are to
mule It their' huslness to bring n.bout .
0. Bettlement.
'fhqro was : : :0111e : 011posltlon to the
resolution , u number or the aldermor
dccln.rlng . that In lholr opinion tht
result would bo nothing. ' 1'ho resoln' '
lion. however , was Illssed , and. th
committee aVllolnted by the mayor.
Invitations W01'O at once sent to the
lenders of the strl1wrs and to the em-
1I10 'ers , Inviting' them to meet tile
members of Ihe committee.
They Receive Officnl ( Notification of
Their Nomlnwtlon.
NEW YOR.K-Thomas E. WalJOlI
of Geotgla.lIll' ] leollI0's part - canll1
dale for llresldent , 1U1I1 Thomns H.
'flhhleH of Nebl'nrlm , vice presilion
tlal candidate , were forma ) ) ) ' noUfied
of theh' nomination hero Thursday
night at CooJlor Union. The hlg ] m ) )
wan cro\\'lled when , at S o'clocl" the
two candhlales , accomlianlel1 hy AI ,
fred G. Boulton of DroolI 'n , chnlr
man of the moetlng , nllpeared on the
. platform. 'fhoro was much cllcerln .
Chalrmnn Donlton at once Intro-
duce.l . General SamnelV1I1lums of
Indiana. who made 11 speech officln.y . ) )
notifying the calulhlates of their selec'
Funeral of Mrs. Davis.
WASHINGTON -'fho funeral of
1\lr . Davia , wlfo oC Genern.l . George
\V. Davis , governor of the Panama
canal zone , was conducted 1\t St ,
Matthew's chnrch Prhln. . ) ' , n.fter . which
b1l1'Ial services WOl' . held at Arllng ,
ton , where the r.mnlns were Interred ,
The Imbearers ) ) were General Geol'gc
W. GlllesfJle , acting chleC of staff ;
General F , C. Ainsworth , mllltar ) '
secretary ; General 'raslccl' H. Dllss ,
prmddent oC the wnl' college ; Genornl
Sanger , General Wilson and DominicI !
Democratic Spcakers for Maine.
NEW YOHK-Formor SenatOl
l"ran1c J , Cannon o ( Utah and Franle
. Cln.rlc . , democratic nomlneo for con ,
1 gresH In 1"101'1110. , will speal , for the
. ( democratic tlclwt In Mulno during the
On a Slen er Foundation.
I LONDON-Tho Constantinollio cor
[ . respondent oC the London Staudnrl :
f cmislders that the dlillomat o trlU11111 ]
I , of the United .States 111 the mattOl
o of ( hnt governmon's domnnd IIfJOI'
I , 'rurlcey rests ufJon a slender Counda'
I- tOIl ! , and IJrOceeds to g'o In detal
n the 1I0veiollmcnts alroad ' unnouncei
I. In the IlIslln.tches . to the Assoclntei
I' Pl'ess , ' 1'ho corrpsllOllllent sa's lIu
1cOlI1cll \ of ministers thor recom
r mended 'll1ldlng to the American de
I' maild , but that the sultan absolutel' .
decllncl\ agree to this step.
, ,
II NEWS IN l' BRASKA ' < ell
The Burt cOllnt ' 1'ollnlon has becn
called off.
The clovator of the Albion 1\1l11lng
comlmn ' was destroyed h ' fil'e. .
I"remont's now cannery Is now In
op ratlon with ono hundred men e111'
] lloyed.
Arrangements are n.bout . completed
for the holdlnJ ; of 11 harveat jl hlloe
and agrlcultl1l'al exhibit in 1I0ldrego
frol11 SelllcmlCI' to 10.
Houben Nanco and lIenr ) ' Frerichs ,
two farmers , fought on the streets at
13eatrlco and the latter was badly cut
about the fllco an head.
Wllllum GUl11m of Julln.n . wenl to
nleoll In the depol at Nebrn.slm . Clt ) '
anti when lie awolw found that five
dollllrs had been lal\On fl"Om hln
The grn.ln . staclcs on the fn.rm . oC
John Hlckc ) ' , west. of West Point ,
IJn.ught . fil'o fl'om causes unl\l1own and
cuuse a loss of $ :100 : , partly covered
by insuranco. .
August Dauman , nn aged farmer
living three miles northeast of Sny-
lIeI' , was gored to death b ) ' a vicious
bull. His den.d hody was f01 lll b ' a
Jnember of his family who went In
search of him.
Durglars entered the Nebraslcn.
State bank atIflford and hlow the
oUtOl' door off the safe , but got no
mone ' . The ' were ovldently f1'lght
pned away , h\clluSO the Innm' doOl's
were not disturbed.
Word rcachcd Lolgh or the killing
of 1\1lss 1\1alle ( Fry , noullg woman
living with her pal'ellls lwelve mlloH
Routhcast f town. She was Iclclod
by I.L horae , the hlow striking her In
the region of the hearl.
Kathm'lno GJJuble of Kewanec. 111. ,
who Is visiting with the family of
Superintendent E. L , Rouse , In
Plnttsmouth , had the misfortune 'to
slip and fn.I1 . , sustaining n painful
fracture of her left arm.
Clnudo101ton , ' 011J1gest S il of H.
H.lOl'ton , Illteh' decensed , wao
stmck and Instautly le1llol1 by lightning -
ning at the SImdo ranch , near Chad-
ran. Ho ] eaves a mother and brothel'
Harry , who IIvo In Chadron.
The prellmlnar ) ' hearing of Dr. D.
IJ , i\loehan was concluded last weole
In Sewar . The charge was statutory -
tory a sn.ult . on the person of Desslo
Corcoran , an Inmate of his home , The
accusetl was bound over to the No.
\'embor term of district courL In the
sum oC $2,000.
Horman" Nolle , a farmer Hvlng near
RO eland , was brought before Count ) '
.Judgo Dungan In Hastings on the
cha.rgQ of assault and batter ) " _ The
charges were filed hy his wlfo Cor
alleged cruIt ' , nnd heating their 1 -
rear.old daughtm' . lIe was given
three monlhs In the county jail.
Thomas Andrews and son , owners
of. : \ Illrge herd of high grade th01"
oughbred shorthorn cattle of their
own breeding 011 their ranch three
mile : ; southeast of Cambridge , left
wIth sixteen head of their prize win.
ners to bo on oxhlbltlon In Iowa , l\I1s-
souri and Nobrasm. ] After allend-
Ing' the Iowa state fall' at Des Moines
they w1ll return to Lincoln to the Ne.
In'aslstato ] fall' and from there thel : ,
fine stock will go to the wOl'ld's fall'
at St. Louis.
A " 'councll of ministers and dele , ,
gates from the several Daptlst
churches of Custor countr , after a
long hearIng , has decided to recom.
mend that th'e ministerial ordlnanco
of Rov. S , P. 1\1ol'l'ls of this city be
rovolccd and that , he bo excluded
from the Daptlst church. This Is the
outcome or II. . . re-
fmltlng In the divorce' suit of Ro\ ' ,
: \11' . 1\1ol'f'IG from his wlfo and the aI ,
leged nllonn.tlou . of the wifely affec.
lions of 1\1rs. Dar , one of his parish ,
oners. -
The corner stone of the now
? ! cthodlst ehurclt at McCook wae
laid on the 25th.
Frauk Rhoades , who was shot
whllo plcldng corn for Carl BnEberp
west of Premont , (11 cd [ l"Om hlr
wIHlnd. Arthur Cn.naga . , aged 17 , em
poyed ] hy Vasholllz , the hutcher , vol
untarll - went to the county jail and
eleared the mystery of the shootln
oC Rhondes , IIo said he and \1nothel
lad were on l"Outo to the sluughtCl
house with u 4-1-callher rillo to h (
used In slaughte1'lng. Ho fired at r
sign on a telegrnllh pole , using II
as a targel. Ho belloves that It WOf
this shot that Idlled Rhoades.
I Last weel { } "ranl , Iams the well
Imown horseman n.nd . Importer , ar
rived In St. Paul with his flfteentl
, annual hnportatlon of ta1l10ns dlrecl
I from } 1'rance. The shipment contalm
: about eighty head of lIne Dolglans ali
1'ercherons , 2 and 3 'ears old , anI
ranging In wolght from 1,800 to : : ! ,40 (
Ilounds. At the dlnembn.rlmllon . Ir
Now Yorlc the horses were plnced Of
: II. specll\l express train , chartered b3
. Mr. lams from the Wells.Fnrgo Er.
, press comJlan ) ' Ilt a oost of $2,500
, and brought through In Ilulcl { limo.
Miss Iatlo nIuechol , a populal
'OI1J1g woman oC West Point , hn:3 : ho
. I.'ome mentally unbalanced nnd wn :
I tal\On befol'o the Insanltr commission
I ors for examination , She waA ad
. judgell In nno n.nd talwn to the hos
I pltal n.t . I..lncoln.
Laud Commissioner Follmer ani
I Deputy Commlsslonor Eaton havl
I recommended thllt" the public laud :
I not outel'oll under the KI nlm 111 tiC
) bo loa8ell nt uot IcBS thau 3 ceuts III
IlCl'i'I nnd ns much IIwro liS the Innl
. . will bring 011 the ell n 111ar\Ot ] b
Iompetilivo blddhu : .
. . . . . .
Society Scnds Out Circular AdvlGlng
Them to Walt for Dollar Twenty.
J.INCOLN-When.t . growora in this
aocUolI have recently receive 11 Ich' .
culn.r . from President Iavorltt of th o , .
Amerlcm : Soclet ) ' of 1qulty ! : l1rglllg.
thom to mal\O a minimum prlco 0 ( '
$1.20 bushel for No. 2 red winter
wheM , Chicago marleet bn.sls. . Ever.
Itt estimates the winter wl eat erOl ) '
In the United Stntes I\.t 3G5OOO,000 ( .
I bushels nnd spring wheat at 210 , .
000,000 bushels. To reduce this to n
1I01l1'-maldllg baals there mllst ho de.
dueted nn Immcnso Iluantlty oC low
grndo wherit , caused from rllst nl1l1
wet wen.ther. . Much of this , ho says ,
Is fit only for feed. lIe estlrnn.tes. .
Iho shrlnltage at 25O OOOO bushels.
lIe . his figures on ostlmates ro
colved from 12,000 farmers. Of thiEf
1\11Iuber ho sa 's 11,122 say they do
not need to sell at once , 1\1111 ho
Elronglr 1II'1OS that the farmcrfl unit"
In controlling the marlcot hy hilling
the vlslblo SU11plr out of sIght of the
olevntor mon and wheat gamblers ot
Chicago , and thus force prices to
lholr own satisfaction.
Counties Who3 { ) Valuation 01 Was
Raised Look for Flawc In Law.
I..INC'OLN-A York'counly mUll
slatel1 Ihat lIlero 10 a possibility thut.
the Increases In county valuutlonM-
. ordere by the State Doard oC Equall-
zatlon ma ) ' all bo Invalid , because of
I the interfercnce with thb } lower or ,
Ithe cOllntr hoards to raise revenue.
: Unller the stn.tute for the reguln.tlon .
lof county levies , connty boards fire
rcqulred to malto estimates In .Tanu-
Ilr ) ' of the amount of revenue whleh
thc ' wHl ralso for local pU1'l10S0S ,
and ther are sUbject to a fine should
they mise moro revenue thn.n the . calls fol'Under the now
\ ' statute lho state boar to
equRllze 111uSt of necessity Interfere
I with the amount of revenue raised
i Iocall ) ' , amI that fact , It is claimed , -
' malccs the section granting the power
'I to the stllte board invalid. It is not
ret l\1lown whethol' II. test suit 1\111
bo Instituted In York countr. 'rho
sUl.'ces of such II. suit would cut down
tllo grand nsnessmcnt 1'011 of the state .
by about $4,000,000.
Many Applications.
S. C. Bassett of the state faIrman-
agement Is' trying to male room for
11.11 the hog owners who seeking
sace. ) The applications on file fill
the lions alreadr on the groun s 0.1111
'allow Iln overfiow , but 1\11' . lln.sselt .
promises to malw room Cor all ox.
hlhltorG. The same situation Is found '
In rogarll to the display of agrlcul. - "
tural Implements , but the solution
\\111 be fonnd b ) . lUalcfng the Int1l-
vl ual exhlhltors tal\O less space.
' } 'ho 11l'esenco of Dan Patch on 'l'uos-
da- , August 30 , Is eXlecte to dr w i
an enormous crowd. . ; \
Cilrpentcr Decl < lred , Insane.
W AlIOO-Frederlck Anderson , a
' ' and cabinet malwr
cm'pentel' , was
brought' llCfore the board tollay antI
adjudged Insane. ne served 11. . term
In the asylum at Lincoln In lJOO ! , hut
released , having been pro-
I lIounced cured. Of Jato ho h\\s been ,
seized with fits of Insanlt ) , several
times threatening \'Iolence to his
Tcachers' W ges Have Increased.
' 1'he county superlnten etts' re.
POl'tS which are being received at the
office of the state sUIICrlntendent In.
dlcate that there has heen a largo
Increase In the average saarles ] palll
sollool teachCl's , both male and fe-
mlllo. as comllnred with the l1gures
for ID03.
I Runchmen Are Worried.
Chief ClerIc E. S , l\Iclccy ! of UIO
. gOVCl'I1Ol"S office , who has rolurnel1
.1 : 11'OID his Kern Paha ranch , stalell
; that lho oulloolc for the J'anchmen Is
. not very bright In the near future.
. Even with the ending oC the strllco
he bclleves lhnt thel"O Is danger or
11. . Sllllllon rush to the marl\Ct which '
. w1l1 glut lho atocl , 'ards and run
. prlcm down lo u low 10vel. Ho sayr ;
that manr of the ranchm n are hold.
' tl1 lr cattle , waiting for tbo cnd
l of lhe strllo. It Is 0. scrlous malleI'
hecauso from now on theh' catllo w111
shrink l"allhll ) ' ,
Inspecting the New Celie.
LINCOIJN-'J'ho state honr Ir
} lublle lands and buildings visited the
penitentiary 101' the ll11rposo of In.
tllectln ! the new colis In the west
cell house Ilnd to pass on un C3t1l11l\to
for payment of work all'eadr done.
The cells are nearl ) ' completed and !
are expcct l to bo entll-ely finlsholl
by October I , when Nebra.slm will , !
. have the finest coli house of an ) '
, city In the Unlte States outside of
Baltlmoro. J
Farmer Oored to Death ,
FREMON'-Allsust ) Dauman , a ed _
73 , wn.s . fatallr gOi'ed by a buH 1:1 hi/ / ! _ . ,
pasturQ , thl'eo miles northwest 01 ,
Sn 'der , Tucs llr. He Was dead wh m I
lOuud. 110 lived In Dodse count . for
I iong tlmo IU1I1 was highly I'Oopoctel1 _ IOn I
On a Tour of Inapectlon.
G\noral Chaffce. the conunanlle- : .
In.ohlef of the a-m ' , amI GcnOl'nl
Humphre ) ' , the IUarte1'1l1ast'lr O l'
erlll , vlsltetl 1"ort8 Nlohrul'n and Hoh.
Insnn on 1.'helr - - _ n tour . of the wost.