Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 25, 1904, Image 6

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. . . , .
. . - . . " - ' . . - - - -
I Hot Rolls ,
hot muffins , hot cales ,
. 111ade wi ch ( oyal Baking
, \ P vler { be
! ' r\ lYlay freely
eate11 "vitllout fear of
indigestion. . ' - . . J
] . .
. - _ . . - - - _ . . . - . - . . - . - - . - - - "
, ,
r' . .
I\ ' " - account . for the total incre He of
r" state debt.
I Fr d Good , fusion cal1didate
' for the legislature in , Webster
, j' county fully c1eserves his sur-
: uame. Mr. Good occupies a
, ; ' \ . " unique . po ition in the po1iticul .
( 111stonof Nebraska ; he enJoys
, , ' . the distinction of being the mt
. , r i , . " member of the OI > IQsi tion l > al't J v
: ' _ to stand qcfore an assell1blag of
" his partisans and tdl the rnth
' abOlt a republican measure.
" . \ . ; : . Says Mr. Good , in bis speech
I"t\ ! > : ! . of acceptance : .I''his new revenue -
' 1aw has reactec1
' * : nue agaiust
tl't : - th se who fr . . 'l'he rai1-
1L ; < . " roads < 1ug this plt all 1JI now
: . ' they have fanen 111tO It them-
'ff' se1ves an < 1 are being compelJed to
ir ; pay for more than their just pro-
' 6fr : . . , : portion. "
/ , : - , The silence whicb greeted tbis
' : " 'l : : . plain statement of a vel' ) ' appar-
; ! lf' - . , ent fact warned Mr. Good tbat
. ' . { t , : , he ba < 1 violated all ethics by being -
. , : . : ; . . . - . ing trutbful , an < 1. he closed his
. i' r brief but interesting speech with
: t' . , the remark that it was growing
; : : la e and the de1egates were
, ? ' < 1oubtless tire < 1-another statement -
' .
. ; " ' . ment of which no one questioned.
" .
i. '
' . . ' ' ' '
" , 'rhe Cowboy Carni vai Wh ich is
. , . to be heM during fair week
" '
, , \ . promises to be a most unusual
I attraction. Some of tIfe best
. .
; : . br ncbo riders in the west have
, been secured and it is expected
_ : that at least a dozen bucking
, , ' bronchoes nlaY be seen at one
PutN.AII FlId to It A. . .
i A grievous wail of times comes
as a result of unbearable pain
from o\'er taxed 'organs. Dizziness -
ness , backache , liver complaint
and constipation. But thanks to
. _ Dr. King's New I ife PillS they
put an end to it all. 'l'hey are
'to" ' . , gentle but thorough. 'l'ry them.
, r' Only 25c. Guaranteed by T-4ee
Bros. , < 1ruggists.
- - - .
" .c'l'oRi.lA , .
1\Irs. A. Boley bas been on the
sick list. I
Mr. an < 1 Mrs. Snyer ( visite < 1 at
Mr. IIaisch's Sunday. ;
Okev Hobinson and wife visit-
e < 1 at 1\11' . Byer's Saturday an < 1
Jeff Hobinson and chiMren
were visiting at l { . R Hobinsons
the past week.
Mrs. Nicholas and < 1aughter
Sarah , of Masou City , are visiting -
ing at Mr. E < 1mUluls.
A little frost was < 1iscO\'ere < 1
Mon < 1ay b ) ' Mr. J < 1mun < 1s. No
damage < 1Que thus far.
Sarah E < 1munds has been at
Kingery Bros. , the past week
helping cook for threshers.
'l'he little daughter of Mr. a1i < 1
Mrs. lIaisch has been very sick
but is better at this writing.
Mary E < 1munds came home
Wednesday to visit her parents
returning to Merna 'l'hursday.
Mr. an < 1 Mrs. E < 1munds and
Mrs. Nicholas were viewing the
country around New Helena
OR.TUi..O ;
Mr. Anderson's enfertaiiled q nit a
party at dinner Sunday.
l veryoue is busy threshing' noVo' , 'and
the : grain is yi lding .splendidly :
Mrs. Hempstead was at Maple Grov
a few days the first of the w' k.
Mrs. Fol1ge has been suffering from an
injtify sustained two weeks ago. .
Miss Swenson will teach the Ortcll
school this year. We wish her Ruccess.
Mr. } ? itzwater of St. I.ouis , 1\10. ; , ar.
'rived Sunday monling to remain indefi ,
nitely. II is a cousin of Di k Hemp-
SherifT Richardson came up last Thurs.
day and "spirited away" Peter 'Vonder.
, liu , on a churge of insanity , and we
understand that he waR adjudged insau .
He has been in the asylum once hefore.
Rev. Miller filletl his appointment herf
Sun ay uml preached an earnest and inspiring -
spiring sermon. On Monday evening
a meeting was hef to transferthechurclJ
property to the W. B. organization ,
Re\ ' . Miller will not have this chargt
. " _ . . " t
.M . ,
, , j ! ; ' Before You Buil l , Consult
1\ t ec > . : E > > apin..eau. : . ,
. r Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates
I . Fl1rnishe < 1 free with plans and specifications. " .
{ .I u
_ _ _ _ = / W0'1. @ .
. . . , . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . .
& : l ! ' fr. : . . . . . . , ' . . . : .In .1.t. , . . . . .li . . . . Y. iff' . t. . . . . . ; . , 1.'I.ji. " ' ' IL. . . : " . . . fm..r I. . WI . ; .iftirb.i . : fr.L. ! : . : . , " . Y , , , . . t.i .f } : . _ : _ :1.- : . . . . . . . : . .L. . ' . i . ! I. r. t.i . . . " . : i . M. . : : rfUM.11ijY Uk ( ; : . . . . . . . , f..i . : \ . . : . , . . Q
" l
I r Wben < 1esiring to figure on a hill : Jj
. '
.i' ' ia it ; 0 f T-4umbercal1on the. . . . . . . . . . .
. ' . , . .w
r .
: " I C. L. Turner Lumber eu. .
. iw.i .
. : . . " "e " 1. carry a 11 stoc k f L U111 b er ,
! j
fSi if : Rash , Doors , Mouldlngsl etc. . : .11
il' ' . Agents for the Nebraska Ceutral
. , Building & Loan Association.
' ' . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . , . ' . . . . . '
\ , I. ' { . . " ! 'lJr.fJ.J"'f'1IJttf1tmN'fJt" : ri'i , , II , , . . { , . .fI. : " " "t" . .p. . : iJ."t . . : ! ' i.t. , , ! . . . . . " .ci.J'JIl1f.- ! J 'ni
I : -r.i' : , Qi1f.lj 't'l : , iJi ; : . : \'l.J \ . i . ! Jr-ZJ. : : ' . : \I.J' \ : o..i.Ji : Y' : : : . : ifj : ; : ' ' : < Ji ol' . : Jt.J1i
. " . - . -
- - -
Are .You Interested .in the South1
GlrrE a't Cen."tra1 : Sc > 11L ; :
. ' ' ; ' Do you want to kllo\v \ about rich farllling lands , f rtilt : , well located , on
- : ? ft 'rruuk Railroad , which , two , three ant ! fOllr crops from the flail
. . fielll each year ? I.aml now to be lall at froUl $3.00 to $5,00 1111 ucre which will 1
\j \
. ; .r worth from $30,00 to 150.oo within 10 year : > ? About stock. raising wher 1I1l" e
. ' treme of winter feeding is but six (6) ( ) Rhort we ks ? Of places wh r truck grow l
. and fruit raising ) 'idd lIorlllOUi r turlls each ) 'ear ? Of a lalill wlllre ) ' 011 CUll , Ii
. .j' out of oors ever ) ' da ) ' in the ) 'e r ? Of opportunities for lItub1isliil1g prQfitul :
. . . . mauufactming industries ; of rich minemllocalions , Rnll splemlltl businessopenll1 !
If ) ' 0\1 wallt to kllow the details of (111) ' or 1111 oe 1Iles write me. I will glud .
. 1 ' ad\'lse you full } ' uutl truthfully.
' " : \f. " G.A. PARKGenerallmmigrationan < 1IndustrialAgent' ,
, . { ; . Louisville & Nashville R'ailro d C'b'
. . . t , to . ' .
"l 1
. . . . . . .
. . A
. . . . . . ,
gillb tl he tii t. to go tG U [ ! Uifw .l
11ea\'er Crossmg. lie hl\9 lll1ule nIAU ) '
friends while with U9.
P. S. Hughes , wlte au son Archie
or Amsterdam , 1\10. , arrive < l here Thurs-
ay. 1\Ir. and 1\Irs. Hughes wlt1 villl
with their son , George , aml1\1rs. Hughes
elster , Mrs. Baker , ( or a few weeks.
This is their first trip to Nebmlka ! and
they are delighted with the country.
Archie , who has been herc pre\'lol1sly
will stay iu efinitely. Ills 1IJU1) ' frien
are glad to hovc him back.
Somethlug Nc , , ; lu Oustcr ( Iollut ) . .
The Custer Dramatic Stock Co.
is the name of a new home or.
ganization that will give its lU-
itial performance nex.t We nes.
< 1ay night at the opera house.
Tbe name of the play is "Love
an < 1 Duty , " by the famous English -
lish Dramatist , T. 'V. Robertson.
'l'h company is compose < 1 of the
best talent that can be procure < 1
in this part of the county an < 1 in-
clu < 1es the followihg well known
people : . The Mi1ses ! ' Stevens ,
Skelton an < 1 Xanders. Messrs.
Palmer , Holcomb , Piclcetl , Iszard
an others.
( : l' " or ' ) 'hl1uks.
We hereb ) ' exten < 1lto ourfriends
of Broken Bow our heartfelt
thanks for their kin assistance
amI sympath ) ' exten < 1ed during
the sickn ss an < 1 death of our be-
10\'e < 1 father and also to the
friends of Somerfor < 1 who so
kindly assisted us in his funeral
an < 1 burial.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H.Andrews.
'I'wo More ( J ! 'lseugl'r ' ' 1'1'111118.
'l'he B. & M , railroa < 1 has put' '
on Nos. 43 and 44 passenger
trains from 1-4incoln to Broken
Bow. No. 43 arrives here at
11:45 : p. m. It ma < 1e its first trip
Sunday l1ig t. No. 44 is ma < 1e
up here and leaves at 9:55 : a. 111.
Nos. 41 and 42 will run on the
same time as formerly. I No. 41
will stop " 'at all stations while
No. 42 stops at Ansley between
here and Rave ntl. and at county
seats from there east.
' .rhese additional trains have
been greatly needed for the accommodation -
commodation of the public as
well as for the convenience of
the roa < 1. It has require < 1 two
sectio s of 41 to accommodate
the passenger traffic ui st of the
time to this place and when only
one section was run the train
was too heavy to make schedule
: Reports from all over Custer
county iu < 1icate' that the people
general1y are coming to the fair.
1i'rom what we can learn most of
the threshing gangs will stoll
wor ,
' ' . . . , 'lU "O'd Back ,
1'0 .tr " = rc "
'fhe llurlington ofTenl excnrsion ratel
in every direclion- low that there il
n 110 excuse for sta'ing at hOllle. Belo\\
are some of them :
St. I.ouis and back : 'l'hree kimls 0
daily rates besides the > ecial low rate
coach excursiollR ou Sl I 'fues ay lUll
'l'hursday during August and September
Chico o and back : Daily low rate
either threct or via St. I.ouis , with stop
overs at St. I.ollis , Kansas City UIII
Iollisville. Ky. , aud back , $
August 12 to 15.
Boston und hack-the only chance 0
the season for a loW rate visit to Ne\
Hnll1lul ! ; , $37,30 , AlIgllstl1' to 13-10nl
Worltl's Puir stopovers at St. Iollis 01
through tlcketll.
Colorul1o , Utah alllllllack JIills resort
-there ullil back , praclicaHy half rlllt :
ul1 S1I1IIWer.
' 1'0 Califorllia-San I1rallcisco anll 1,0
Angeles und buck , August J5 to Septeu
ber 10 , enl ) ' $ .19.80. ' } 'he onty chance i
1904 10 g t this low rute.
PorUaud , Pliget ollnd unll hack , AUI
ust 15 to 18 , one fare for the ronnd tril
' } 'o Michigan , Minnesota , Wi cons
and the Great J.Ike region , the IlIcl
Runllller cOllntr.r-llaily low rutes to tal :
. VOII away from hOllle.
On the first Ullillhird1'lIesl1t ) 'tI of eae
- 1II0nth very low roundtrip rutes to 11111
Iheds or points in the north west , . . . . .e
and south-west.
Write or caU , describe your trip ; I ,
me all vise you the least co t.
II. I , . ORMsuv'l'icket Ag nt.
Or , I , . W. WAaIUIW ,
" G neral Passenger Ageut.
8.12 Olllaha. , Nehruska.
- - - - - - -
Cnretl Hc'lttlca.
a _ _
lie RcW. . T-4. l iley , T-4.T-4. D
t e Cuba , New York , wntes : "A
J tel' fifteen da's of excruciatil1 .
vc pam fmlll sciatic rhnematisll
lIe un < 1cr various treatments , I w
i ; induced to try a1anl's ] SilO
1-4inimel1tj the first applicatic
giving my first relief and t1
second entire relief. I can gi ,
it unq ualifie < 1 recommendation ,
I' 25c , 50c , $1.00. So1 < 1 by E < 1. M
Coma9 , Broiten B6w and Merna
. " . ' ' -
: .
, -
- " , .1 \ . " " ; " 1
. ' Fall Buyersl
' \Vith our large cOlUvlet.c . stock of Fall Goo s there is no occasion for
anyone to look f lsewhel'e , as we Hpprc iated your necds in advance.Ve
have the goods , you hav , , the cush. Let ; us exchungo.
ladies' ' Department.
New stol'ks and pnterns ( ; in Dross
Goods , Silk Suitings , : Mohair Suiting"
] lunnelsl Etc. 8kirts , Pettieonts ,
, I nckets , Coats , nnd Shoes.
' \Ve can please you.
JlntR , SuitR , Cont.s , lJ upkets , .Il os-
cry , ete. BveryU1 llg to l > lem e t.lw
ptlrticulm' mothers. You will he , , ? 1l
: supplied if you IHl1'chus ( 'l.H'B. }
Men's Department.
. . . , .
Olothing in nIl styles , qualities , , I I ,
nnd putte.rns , lInts , Shoes , Shirts , Un-
dOl'weul' . . , nnd n. Yost nssnrtnHmt of. ,
] 111'111S I 1111gS. . : \ \ .
'riley were bought for you.
\V 0 recently added n lilw or
' .1'1'l1n ks and kind red a rHcles to our .
stock. Anr one desiring those tI'nypl-
iug ( 'OIlVOmellCOS would do well to SOt' "
these unloro : huying.
Vellicle Department'
Good vnlum ; h01'e in 0111' ( ) orT'ng'ons , Bl1ggies and nil Farm Im-
vlemcnts. ( ) thilig bettor. _
Hardware , ' \ \ hile this dovartm nt i.s noii so o01\1leto : m ; ( ) II' oth l' Jines YOl1 t
wlIl do well to 111 < 11111'0 nR we cun SitY ( YOli some money
on whut we (10 ( carry. ' . . ,
Groceries and Chinaw , re D " r rtment amI Groceries g'oml we ones have at , ,
that. Nice , clean nnd rJ'esh nIl the t.ime. Chinawilre , 'the flu'gest an nieest ;
ussortnwllt to he fOl1nd nnywlWl't1.V P Hre selling n helll ) and selling it cheap. .
un _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S. cream separator.
40tf A. H. STUCKHV.
and } ) uroo Jersey 1I0g bred alul ohl. ! JOlt 1110011
ortllelrclau. Addreu , U. K. O JWICII. .
IJroken 1J0w , Nebraska
Keystone Restaurant ; .
01'IS FHSSHNDlm , Prop. ,
Regular Mea1s 25 cen ts.
J-4lltlch at all hOllrs.
Your patt'onagc solicited.
North Side of Square.
- . . . -
. ! B I : enl TIME TABLE
" ' , , colli. uenvtr ,
un.1ab. . . .Ie.eo. . ,
CblcUlro. nutlc.
. .t. .JoNepl' . I-orualld.
Kuu.a , . Clt , . . ttult "o.kc City ,
Ht. 1.00. . . . A ud Hun Ifrollc'HcO
All po.ut Ha..t And AUo.ut. . .
ADd "ontl1. Weln.
No.Vo Ullul d eXI'lel' dally , Lincoln , Oma ,
b" , In. Jo eph. KIIII8& Cltf. St. Looll , Obi
oligo and all poillt. . "alt 811d lIoolb..l0 21 A.m ,
No. 4l-Vllltllloled eapre81 : : dally. l1el81111 , Muat.
110. Dotte. PorUanll IIUlI 811 l'acUlc Coal I
Ilolnta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40aUJ
Hloeplng. dlLlug 11011 rOcllnlng cbalr can ( IOltt'
'reo ) on througb train. . . . 1'lcklll .old and ba .
II gage cbeckell to any volnl III tll Unltoll ! 3lutl\l
&lid Cant.da ,
. InformaUon , mapa , Ihno table. &lid tI clr III
s cdl nn or wrltll tn 11. L. Ormlby. all\lIl. III I. .
s W. Wakeley , n. P. A'I 0lo8bvJ NebrMb.
n. I , . , ) IUIIIII" . , , " . . . ,1
Easy Credit Terms
PIAN 0 S Sl24.70UP.
GRCANS 110.00 UP.
Of 011 kinds ot ClO oonts up.
.g FURNITURE From so.n up.
II , W. atll &bo lUlled manufaeturere on
eartb. ban uollmlted capital and nil
IS direct frolD the work.hop to the flrellde
W bonorablo people In an part. or the
III world. No other maoufacturer will Ie'
JOU UI' the goods for Jears whllollowl ,
Ie parlow for them. -
Ie Write for ilor..aUOI ! ud Free Cllllouo No.l75
, C.1IIOI14.\toJ r..lorl. . .
cIIt.83'Rin'dol ' . , , ! \ , St. . . . Cblclgo-III. . . . . . U. S. A.
. I
DUB. H. 0. & w. E. 'l'AI O'l' ,
011I00 over llaollHrlu'lI Urng IUoro.
rokcu ! Jew , . - Nuhra.a. . .
DR.V. . II. COI-4E ,
, Veterinarian.
lleclalllUouUou glvon 10 COIIB. calves and 1.lglI
Illal nrt1 In 111I nnlllrlty condlUun. 'l'ulu-
I.hool ! No 203. HeBldonol ! , t'vo 1II00kll wilit ot
Montll Hide Holiool lioulu. I
li. CONHAD ,
. . . . . .1 > ealor 11\ , . . . . . . .
PUUlI'I. Wind , MIIII , 'J'anlt. . , Flttlllg..0"loI1118
Rnglllu" . uto. etc.
Uroken Jlow'Nehrlllka. : '
Up-to-date Photographs.
First prize winner at state aR-
Rociati ll 11)03.
llH r90Y 8 cell r
lIoom8 B ami II , Heally 1II0ck , Uroilcil Uow , Noh.
Highley & Honeywel1 ,
I Pluin lIud ornumcntal p1a.1ter : . IInd
hrlckluyer/ / ! . All work promptly
Ilolle and saliHfllction guuranteed.
Residcllce , three hlOl kH west of H.
I & 1\1. depot , Broken Bow , Neh.
s. 1\1 \ , I > OlUUS ,
ml1Q1 ( " . _ ' I4l.
AI. klndd of work III oar IInl ! donb promlt1 , !
OIudlu flrll.-\Ia : urllrr. s'I'f"ltl : ; > ll .tliojJ ! 1111 Uu
c rnCf lIolithtlut III 1110 "Iuaro.
tJrokoli lIow , . . _ . . Nlhlad' & ,
Christian Endeavor Hotel ,
' \vonl.'H FAUI ,
"T. . . . .UIH. " 1"HOI\IIII ,
UeHlqnarterH ( ur chrllliiall tH'OJII ! ! a 1111 ( rltmdl
o ( 1II0rality. A r HJI ctahle hotel fur rCHIICciahl ,
JI.I . . I.ocah,111X1 h'cl frulll Hatu III Pall
UrIlIlIlIlH. Htn'd carK IlIrccl ( rolll UIIIIIII Hla
Iiou. IJllllt ( fir lIa ( IY allil Cfllllfurl , Cal.acl1 ]
3tlUU II'III."H\l1 dally. UackelllJ ) ' III II IIf hhIItIH
IHaild 1 IIII' allil I'mlorlll'II b ) ' WOIIII'H 1'all'lIl11claIH
' 1'lIulIHallllK of r"l'r"loelllalh'c 1"'I.h , fl'lllll al
, wcllflll. . IIf Ihe cUllnlry havl1 " ' "llalll'I'aCCllll1Ii
dallllllR. Ral ! ! " an'allll'ellill alh'allCI ! $1,00 ani
$ .oo 111' day , H11 Iur h""klel ! Ch'llIlI' ( III
JlarllClilarH. 'J' II ) ' 11111' ( rlCIIIIII ahUlII it. AI
IIreKK al OIlC" , . , , ' ,
CIIHIHTIA' " 1 " 'IJK'rlH.
Ht. IuIIIH. : .1 ! II"IIII rl.
Dit. 'I" [ 4 , FAHNHWOlt'I'II ,
I . :
i > > .om . .u" " ' . .
. . .
. .
- - .
I MlrlnJjtrtlll-twll1 , AND N01 Jl JC .
80 JalUce of tlltll'uco. H cllllllltl'otou ! ahllu . .
10 colll1cllonl 1)olloKllloll" talcnllolisloli voncll. .
rlllloaUy IIxocnl.od alill allltindl ot 10KBII > l\llor. I.
wrlltllll. Ollnu ! In thu r ar of COlillnercu.
! JrokolillolV. No \ Imlka ,
. .
W i1J l 1 'j 1I11 m'IHiJ. ' . _
Two blockdllorlll of Oraud Oentrlll JloS"I. I' U'
fOlillgo lIollcl1oll , I'rlees reasonablo.
- " .
W A. 1'HO IPBON , ' ,
' IInll ollhualolollllllorlnoUco.
prI'l"1I1 .
. IlrokelillolV , Nobr8lka. .
DH. C. B. JOB ,
1.hihnD ( } 1) ) I'IHD.
( ) lcu In Heally lJIock' . dr81 atalri 'oom IV
enll. IIOlh1uIII'a at tlllll111111ltoi.
alaceBarber Shop
Per first-class work , caHllt the Puillce . ' . .
IIlIrher Hhop. Hv rythillg up-to.dat'l
InO DHAN , Proprietor.
DR , C. 14. MULU NS' , { il
Ph ysi cian Surgeon. 1
2011 fHllrlVRy rromf6'1 ullliin nually Jllo ;
rc.hlunclJ , Srll wu t M. K. churcb. on lIalnU lIidu
of .tfOr-t. cJrokuo : ! 1IoNubraakl1. .
. .
CI4IN'l'ON DAY , . .
Physician & SUl'geOn.
OOcoln ! rllar or Ille 11111111 or Commllrc . It I'
d nclIlIlII hoode Wo 1 or tllo JapUII obarcll.
1J10lellJow. ! ! N..brlullil.
- -
I C { TV BAHBIilt : SHOP ,
U. 1I.IIU1"l'ON. ProjJrletor.
JII181-0Ial. wllrk. Hear Itoom , of IIroken ! Jew
1111&(11 IIAIIII. lIru 1I1I Uow. NIblalkb.
- .
ROSS G. MOORE , : La w.
11,81 e.t.atl ! luLl 10lln brolLI'r. Olllrft III Al'Ill "
Wock , Ilrokl'lIlIow. N hu'ka ,
. . , " ' " " .
" 'KiiL : \ 0 U c H. tl
" - - . .
ITII Dr . .King's. 1
. New Discovery
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