Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 25, 1904, Image 3

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! News in B1 + ef '
The prospective "Islt ot l'rlncu lIeno
rr of Prussia , ,111 furnish occnHlon fet
sovernl hleh social cventH Ilt New-
Alexnnder J. CnsRntt finished hla
< < ! ducntlon nt Heldelherg univerllity at
20 ) 'enrs of ago nnd jolnoll n'lIurvel'
Ing pnrt ) . In Georgln.
The Carnegie Sleel cOmlllln ) ' hns
notified all the elerls In the South
Sharon , Pn" office thnt after Seplmn ,
her 1 tholr services would not 11e re-
' of Turke ' haR .
'fho sultnn ) Reventy.
ono titles atHl on the parchment con.
tnlnlng them are the words , "As mnny
moro ns mny lJa desired cnn ho ndded
to thla llumher. "
.Josoph W. Schnefer , ascII 37 , 1\
'Vorld's fnlr v\lor \ ! ! from Denumont ,
Arlc. , wus Instnntly lellled while walle. ,
Ing on the street cnr trnclto nonr the
exposition grounds. I
. . Four mora hodles ot victims ot the
Denver & Hlo Grnmlo rallwny wreck
were recovered and nil Itlontlfied. All
ot the ( lighty.elght hotflos. . > recoverc(1
lmvo lICen Itlentlfied.
Ray FetterhnllR of Chlcngo. who
drew No. 2:12 : In the Rosehlld dmwlng ,
arrived jllst one dn ) ' too Into to mnlto
his fI1ln nnd thorally lost ' n clnlm
worth at least , $5,000 ,
At Everett , WnRh. , four' trainmen
were severely scalded as a result ot
the lJlowlng out of a crown aheet on
11 locomotlvo , hauling nn extra GreU't
Northern frelcht train.
Wa'ne 1lcVeagh , formerly attorney
general of the Uulted States , has do.
termlned to malco war Ulon alllomo.
lJllo scorchers In the aectlon of Penn.
sylvania where ho lives. ,
It Is snld that Stephen W. Dorscy.
ox. United State ! ! BcnMor and Ilt ono
tlmo noted because of hla connection
IWlth the otnr route frnuds , hns made
UI his mind to settle In New Yorl , .
Pfof. W. F. . King , chief astronomer
for 'tho Cnnl1t\lan \ government , 11'1 ' un.
dortaldng the resurvey of the Aln'slmn
lJoundary In accordnnco with the 1'0'
cent award of the Alaslmn commls ,
"If the manner In which hnrclware
merchants are ordering huslelng gooda
Is an Indication , Nehr 8lco. wI ! ! Imvc
the lJlggest corn crop In Its history
this senson , " says n wholesnlo hard.
ware mM.
Lafayette 'V , .Tones , a weulthy far.
mer living ten miles west ot Platts ,
'burg , 1\10. , was shot and hlS uhtl ) , 1\111 ,
cd lJy his 15-yeur-old son Hugh be.
cause 110 wns not allowed to drlvo
the family horse ,
MIss Justine Ingerso1\ \ New Ha.
von , Conn. . daughter of the late Gov-
ner Chnrles R. Ingorsoll , hus deeldOlI
to erect u tombstone over hel' ] Jet
monlwy "Jim , " who hanged hhpsolf to
n. tree In her gnrden.
The South Dalwtn. 1\1 1\1 \ ers' nasocln.
tlon la In session at 1\Iltchell and from
reports ot membm's It' Is sthnated
that the wheat yield ranges from
olght to fourteen hushels pOl' acre. It
Is cut down largely by rust.
Consul R\lmn \ cables the state de.
partmont from Ascunclon that martial
law lIas lJeen declared In Parnguay
The forces of the rovolutlonlots and
the government have hnd a fight and
consillernblo disorder prevails.
Advlcos recolved from TnlJrl ? . Per.
sla. state that on Juh : . 13 11. lJand ot
Armenlnn rovolutlonlsts appeared
near Outchldllssa and thnt the 'rurlt.
Ish s01l1lers , using this us an excuse ,
nttaclted and destroyell the clt ) ' .
SecretarShll.W ; left WashIngton for
Doston nnd from thQro h will go to
Squirrel Ialnml , on the Mnlno canst ,
for n. lJ 'lcf vIsit with his famlb' . Lat.
'or In the weele ho will start ou a
tour at iho nort1nvest and the Pacific
coast and w1n mnleo speeches In Mon.
tana , 'Vushlnglon , Oregon , Cnllfornla ,
II.nd probably In 'Utah and Colol'l1do.
Don't think It Is IncumlJent on you
to malto lmown just how ) 'OU I'Itand ' on
Acting Comml sloner Fhnpla ot the
general land office has "isaued orders
restorIng to the ] JulJllc l1'omaln 319liOO
acres at lands , constituting a part of
the area whlcl\ bad lJeen temllorlully
wlthllrawn from entry for the prollos ,
ed DIuo mountaIns forest rosor\'e.
Oregon , and 17,000 a es , vhl h had
been similarly withdrawn for the pro.
110sed ' aIlQ\Va fOl'est reBerve. Oro.
The 1 > 001' condition ot the PIma In-
( Unns of the Gila rIver reservation In
Arizona. wnll the sUbject ot a confer.
enco lJotween President Roosevelt ,
Commlsslonor of IndIan AffaIrs Jones
and Rev , TJlOmas C. Morrett of 'rue ,
son , . ArIzona. The l > reslllent hnsI. \ .
rected a fresh Investigation regnrdlng
the Indians , wboso crops are attected
lJy tilO 11Iverslon from them of the
waors ot the Gila rIver ,
AccordIng an an order Issued b ) '
Postmnster General Pnyno largo Imles
of postage stnmps to purchnsers who
Intend using them tor mailing mattel'
In other offices wl1\ \ not be tnlcen Into
account In dotermlnlng a postmastm"a
The repulJlIcnn state judicial con.
ventlon of 1\1lssourl \ , held at Jefferson
Cltr , nomlnl1 od Hour. } ' Lamm of Se-
dalla for SUllromo judgo. Bert D. Nol"
. ton at at , Louis for jUdge ot the St.
Louis c urt of npllenls and James 1\1 ,
John80n of St. Joscph for judge of the
lanslls CIty court ot Ilppeala.
. - . '
- - - - -
. .
Succeed In Ci'lpturlng Important POGI.
tlons on All Sides of Port Arthur-
A Demand for Surrender of the
CIII FOO-A haltlo of hUlo 111'0'
lQrtlona raged around Port Arthur .
August ] .I al111 1 G , and It was resumed
August 17. The JIlI1I\nese , It lore.
ported sncrlficed 20,000 moro men ,
but gained Important Ildvantagos In I .
the matter of Il0Hltion. ' 1'ho above
nOW8 WaS brought hero hy junl < s , ono
ot whlcil , hnvlng on honrd throe Hus.
slllnll concenlel ( In the hlllgago of the
Chlneflo to eScnlJO from the .Jallnnese ,
left Port Arthur Wednesday night
and Wa ! : ! blown 11111(11) ( ' to Cha Fee hy
a. . gale.
The mnln force of the attnclt WaS
directed ngalnst the left wIng and
resulted In the cnllturo of the Pigeon
bay Ilo llIonH and some of the forts
nt LlaoU Shan , At Pnlun Chang the
,1apnneso hnlltl1r mountell guns , which
did excellent ser\'lco In aiding the
storming of the I'lght wln , where
the Jal1aneso are anld to hllvo captur.
cd two fOl.t8 of minor Importance ,
mounting eight guns-two slego and
six fulcle-flrln . .
'rho position that the Japnnese oc.
cupy on the J'.lnoti ' Shan l1enlnsula Is
not clear , hut numm'ous Ch 1OS0
sourceH aVer that the .Inllancso ha\'o
been seen In force In thnt fiectlon ,
Arlllnrentlr a cl'llshlng attacle , ol'lg.
Inntlng at LoulHa ba ) ' , Hwellt through
the PIgeon bay ' 1lo31t1ons Into the
l1enhumla , In the doing of which a
mnjol'lt ' of the lives of the ntlaclclng
force \/ero sllcrlficed. .
On the 'night of August 15 the bat.
tlo lulled somewhllt , when the .Japan.
ese sent the terms of surrender to
I..Ieutenant General Stoessel. The
terma declm'ed that the sar1'lson' '
should mnrch out with the honors of I .
war and join Goneml KuroIIl1t1tln :
that all cl\'lIInns ho lirought to a
} Ilnco designated hy the Japnnesc ad. I ,
mll'lll : that the HusRlan warships In I
the harlJor and twelve or morc tor.
Iledo heat destroyers and four gun-
honts lJe surrendered to the , Jnpanese.
Lieutenant General Stoessel Is al.
leged to lll\vo recelvell the terms
wIth a burst of wonderful profanity ,
his hl\bltunl taciturnity deserting
They Receive Official Notification of i
Their Nomlnttlon : ,
NEW YORK-'fhomnR E. Wntson
ot Gee gln , the people's ) lnrty candidate -
date for presillent , and ' 1'homas II.
Tlbbles of NelJrllRlw , vice pres hi en.
tlal candidate , were formnlly notified
of their nomlnntlon hero Thursda ) '
night at Cooper Union. The big hnll
was crowded when , at 8 o'clock , the
two canclhlateR , accompanied lJy AI.
fred G. Doulton of Uroolcl'n. chairman -
man ot the meeting , appeared on the
platform. There was lnuch cheering.
Chal1'lunn Boulton lit once Intro.
duced General Samuel WilIlnms of
ImIlnna , who mllde a speech officIally
notifying the caIHIIdateH of theh' selec.
General Wllmon Dlackmar Elected
_ Commander.lnChlef.
BOSTON , 1\Inss.-Genernl Wllman. .
W. Dlnclemar of this city was elected' '
cOI11""mler-ln-chlef of the Grand
Army or the , Rcpubllc by acclamation
at the closing session of the national I
encampment 'rhl11'sday , and Dimver.
Colo" was selected as the place fOl'
the encampment of 1J05. ! ' 1':10 other
national omcers elected were :
, Senior Vice Commnndt..r-lnChlef-
J'ohn n. King , Washington. , .
.Tun lor Vlco Commnnder-Georro.
'V. Patton. ChaUanoo a , 'fenn. .
8urlI'on Geneml-DI' . Warren R.
King. IndlnnaiJOlIs.
ChaplalnlnChlof-Hov. J. H , Brad.
tordashlnston. .
Uncle Sam'a Cash ,
'V ASHINGTON-TodnY'R statement
at the treasury hnlnnces In the gen.
eral fuud , oxcluslvo of the $ lliOOOO , '
000 goltl resol'vo In the dl\'lslon ot re.
demptlon , shows : AvallalJlo cash bal.
nnco , $149,38J.2GD ! : gold , $ Hlli8,4jj. ( (
Cloudburst In Arizona.
KINGl\IAN-Hoports b ) ' telephon ' )
from Layno ISprlnSfI , iourteen miles
north of her , say that between 5 nnd
( j o'clocle a eloudburst fell on Summit
Cernbnt mountains , sending a flood at
water fifteen feet down the can'ons ,
cnrl''lnJ ; e\'OI'ythlng before It. At the
Night lIawle mlno a house was Car.
rled aWIlY and two men drowned.
George 1\1. Dowers. a well Imown min.
Ing man , escape J from the building ,
but was Itnllrlso ed In the tunnel of
the mlno and dug out by fellow mn. !
Make Deed to thleland. .
W ASIIINGTON-A mall re110rt re.
eelved at the navy department from
Commander Undel"\'ood , the Amorl ,
can nuval Io\'ornor at 'futulla. an.
nounces thnt the Jlnt\'o ! ehlefs of the
Island of i\lall\m hn\'o aclmowledged
the Go\'erelnt ! ' of the United Staten
over that Islnnd. ThIs they did In the
form of a deed , which Is enclofetl !
with Commallllel' Umlorwood'n re ;
ports. The action If ! not revardell bj'
omclals hero aH a cession of a govorn.
mental character , l . the United Stntes
nlread1' owned the Islanll of Munua.
- - . "
for' '
ProtettG Innoc and Prnyo
Time to Demonotrateltlt
LONDON.-The Dally Chronlclo
this mornlng.puhllHhes n threecolur.m
Intor\'low with 1\Irs. l loronco 1\Iay' I
brlcle , mostly concerning her c : < Jwr. I
1encts ! d1\l'ln \ her IIfo In IlrlllOn , 'rho r
Inlorvlower tmc1'lbes ! Mrs. 1\Iuybr.lcl. I
all clenr witted , outsJlol < cn , mllt1y 1'0'
bust ntul In no " ' 11) ' shntterod , elther ,
ph'lIlcn1ly 01' mentn1l ) ' , thollgh her
face Is drawn , as with grlcf and auf-
DORcrlblnJ ; the arrnngementa for her
releasc , Mra. 1\In 'l > rlck Rnld she cOIII(1 (
never hOlle to rcpay the debt of grall.
tulo ( Rho owet ! AmlJnssn.or Choate ,
1Iol1l'y White , l1ecretnr ) ' of thlJ Amerl.
cnn eml > nssy. nnd other lelnd friends ,
and she wished It Imown how good
the omcfals of the American emhassy
hnt ! been to her. As a practical
recognition of the fact that UnltCll
States Immigration officlalfl regarded
her a8 an American citizen , she said
that AmbnRRador Choato provIded n
gentleman CSCOl't fot' her when she
Ic ft 'f 1'111'0.
'fo the Interviewer Mrs.Ia'brlclt !
proteatucl her Innocence ns firml ) ' as
she hat ! done at the lJOlnnlng ! , I\nt !
said : "I am prn'lng for the tIme
when my Innoceuco will lJc proved . to
the weJl'h1. "
She aacl ! she exporlenced nothing
but klndnesJ ! from the prison officials
ahd apolw with deep S1'lltltud9 of the
late Lorel Chief .1ustlce Hussell'a ef.
forts In her behalf.
1\1 rl ! , 1\Iayhrlcle declared that sle
wns most anxious to get to the
Unltod States , snylns : "I shnH feel
hnplller thore. "
f I R'7I1IS/f. ' ' T.P : , 'Al' ( . , ! 'i ; ' . , I
I .
'I. ' ,
- ' ' -
-9' C JtItA' ST'AC"f'l.o i
Democratic Nominee for Vice Presl.
dent Receives Committee.
Va.-Henry Gassaway Davis ' .wns tOI'-
mal ! ) ' notified on Wednesday that ho
Is the nomlneo o ( the democrntlc
part ) ' for vlco president of the United
SlllteM. MI" Davis accepted the nomination -
nation In a brief sl1eech reviewing
the political situation , expressIng the
sentiments of .1udge Parlor on the
money qucstlon and expressing' the
determination to lJe successful In the
camp lgn ,
.10hn Sharp Wl11lams of lIsslsslppl , I ,
chalrml11 : of the nomInation commit-
teo. dellvored the notification address. I
' 1'ho cel'Qmonles were held on ( the
lawn of thQ White Suhlhur Springs
hotel , which affords a nnturnl amI1hl-
theater , the groundH sloping up' f'Om !
the BJlealwr's stand on all sIdes , ancl
sheltered by huge , sprendlng oals.
'rhe dny was aJ1 Ideal one from every
standpoint. THere was a largo. attend.
Ch:1lned to , a Tree and F < 1Dots Plied
Around Them. I
"STA TESDOHO , Gn..Wlth : clothing
saturated with ltoroser. . ' ? , wrIthing and ,
twhltlng- tholr agony. screaming to
heaven for the mercy th t the mob
would not show. Paul Reed and WI11
Cato , negoo'oes , two of the prIncipals
In the murder and bu nlng of Honrj'
Hodgef ; ! " and faml1 ' . sIx miles from
Stateshoro. three Weel.s ago , were
burne at the stalco Tuesday. A detor-
mlnel ( mob eharred on the court
house , overpowerQd tlle mllltnry 1
guard , so cured Catl. and Reed , who :
I hnd hoen found guilty aftc ! ' a legal .
trIal and sentenced to bo hnng-ed , toolt
themHwo miles from Statosbot'o and
thOl'e burned them alive , The cllmnx
came qulel < ly and unexpectedl ) ' .
Confers with His Lieutenants.
W ASHINGTON-Clmlrmm Qortol.
YOll of the Natlonl11 relmhllcan commit.
tee , who Is In the cll ) ' for n few dnyo ,
hnd n lre1 ! ; conference with President
Hoosevelt. The chah'mnn will rot urn
to New Yorle onIonday. ! . Secretnr '
Ua ) ' was at the White house for S0l110
tlmo Sundny night , as was also Secre.
tary Wilson. The latter hl s just re.
turned to the city from the west and
glwo the Ilre ldent some hiformatlon
regardIng the } > ollllcal nnd crop cou ,
I dltlons In that secllon of the countr ) ' .
, In Dally Touch Near Llao Yano.
I.IAO YANG 'rho '
Jnpaneso 111'0 re-
I1:1rted to bo much nearer Anshanshnn
on the southeast than twol\'o mlll 3
and LIeutenant Geaeral 7.assnllteh's
troops , who ha(1 ( a severe sl < lrmlsh on
the 13th , are now 111 dnr ! ! touch with
the onelU ) ' , The lallor's ad\'nnce
HU-lrds , beginning 11 few mllc south
( It Anshanshnn , swln around to San.
ehenr.tse , OCCU11Y Llal1lllnnslau , K' ,
chlatzu ( about thlrt ) ' miles aouthotst :
of Llno Yang ) nnd tl10 hlIH : opposite
Penal1m (011 ( the Taltso rl\'er. about
I rort.l1vo mHes east at 1.lno Yans ) .
It la Radlcnlly Dlffcrent , from That
Adopted by the United States In
the Spal1loh. . War-The Right of the
Mikado to Independent Action
. '
W ASHINGTON-\Ir. : Tnltnhlra. thu
,1\paneso mlnlater , has received a
lung communication from his hon l :
go\'ornment setting forth Its vlewa
il ! ; to the right of Russlnn ships to
tal\O reruge In Chlneso IlOrts. It Is
belle\'ed to be Identlcnl with o t11C I'
notes Ruhmltted to th European
chancelleries nnd Is evidently an 111111.
ration of the Japnnese purpose to
/'f1alco a defense In advance for dratj.
tiC' nctlon whleh It proposes to tale
rC'gardlng these RussIan shIps.
'fhe officials hero freely ndmlt that
lhe problem presented In the Jallan-
( ' ( ,0 demuJlI ! that Rusil'm ' ships ahl111
not be harbored lJy China Is a most
Intrlcato nnd perplexing one and th < 'l'(1
are precedents on an sides of tlhl
ruse. As Into n'3 : .he Spanlst1 war
tl10 AmerIcan scouts and g'll1hoatr. '
PlUde frc < < luent use rf neutral ! Jm t3
In the Weilt Indlc.3 , notalJlY 1 > ,11118h
and Drltlsh ] Jorts , to communlcato 'or
cahlo with the homo government and
with sections of the American fleet :
ret there was no charge that neutral.
Ity had lJeen'Iolnted. . Dut the Jap.
anese contention , as made In this Inst
nole , Is that Chlnoso neutrallt ) ' hns
been \'Iola d at Che Fee throtigh the
wnr br the Russian gunboats and"
junles which repentedly passed lJe.
tween thnt port and Port Arthur with
'fhe Japanese are understood to pro.
test agnlnst the mnltlng of repaIrs on
the Russian ships In Chinese harbors ,
yet In the S1111nls4 war the United
States' cruIser St. Paul spent nearly n
weelttln } < 'rench West Indlnn ports repairing -
pairing and no ehargo of violation of
neutrality fdllowed. The .1npanese
are understood In this note to olJjoct
to lJelng deprl\'ed of their lawful prey
by the dismantlement of Russlun
ships In Chinese harbors nntl nlso In
the German harlJor of Tsln Chau ,
but In the Svanlsh war the Drlttsh
government held an American torpedo -
pedo boat-tho Somers-In port
throughout the war. Dut It Is also
110lnllid out thnt the ablllty of the
American navy to secure such prlvl.
leges during he Spnnlsh war lJy no
means constitutes a I > osltlvo assertion -
tion of the right of the neutr ! l na-
tlon to accord them. It may lJo
statbd posltl\'ely that our go\'ernment
lools upon the Issue presented by
.Japan as ono distinctly hetween that
country and Ctllna and t.ber fore It
will not Interfere In the fJettlement.I I
- .
Admiral I < amlmura Reports Severe
Engagement ,
TOKIO-Vico AdmIral Kamlmurn
encountered the Russian Vladivostok
squadron at dawn today north of Tsu
Island In the strait of Corea and at-
taclted the enemy at once. The battle
laste for fi\'o hours and resulted In D
complete .JaiJIlneso victor ) ' . The Russian -
sian crulse Rurik was sunle and the
cruIsers Rossla and Gromol.JOI fled to I
the northward , after having sustaIned
sorlous dnmage. .
Vice Adml1'll1 lamlmura cables the
navy department that the InjurIes In.
flIcted upon his "essels were slight.
'fhe fate of the crew of the Rurik is
not Icnown. It Is preshmed that man ) '
of thom were Idlled or drowned ,
The strength ot the fleet under Vlco
Admlrnl larplmura Is not Imown , but
It Is presumed that he had the Ad.
smua. ti10 Idsumo , the Iwate , the
Taltashll\O and othOl' light cruIsers ,
'l'olelo Is jO'OUS o\'er the news , as
It gives Japnn mastery of the sea and
restores c ll1unerce.
.1apanel > 0 sunn domlnato the doclt.
ynrds at Port Arthur , and In view of
this fact It would seem to bo Impos-
slblo ngnln to malco ser.wortll ) ' or
fightublo the Russlnn lJattleshlps
whIch have returned to Port Arthur.
It Is 11rohnlJle that the Russlnn hattle.
shIp Czare\'ltch will dlsnrm at 'fslng
The best poeslhlo naval force that
RussIa cnn now concentrate at Vladl.
vostole Is four cruisers ,
: rh ImIlOrlal , prlnco , IIlroyasu
Kwacho , waa slightly 'wounded alJoard
the Imttleshlll l\Imsa \ In last Wednes ,
da"s engngement , The Russian armored -
mored crulsor Rurlle was sunle In the
tmgngcment In the Strait at Cren. : .
The armored cruisers Rossla and
Gromobol escnped to the northward
hea"II ' ( ! amaged.
W ASHINGTON.-Tho Japnnese Ie.
gation has rocolved a cablegram from
' 1'01\10 sa'lng that Admiral Iamlmura
reports that his squadron , after five
hours' severe fighting with the three
ships at \'Indlvostok squndron on
the mornlns of the 14th , In the mouth
ot Tsushlma Island , snnle the Rurik.
The other two ships. whIch appeared
to have sulterelt heavllr , fied north-
wartl. "Our " ' the '
damages , sa1'S 1'0-
I > ort , "are slight. "
- -
Farmers Ask for R < 1tes.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D.-A petition
has been filell with the state hoard of
rulll'ond commllslonors by the l1eol110
of Twin Brools and "Iclnltr , protest.
Ing agnlnst the high freight rates
wlllch the 1)'oplo ) of that 111nco nnd
vlclnltr have to pnr when compared
with the rntes charged cast of 1\111.
hnnle and other towns. The farmers
In the nolghborhoOd ot Twin Drooles
arO Eald to hnvo discovered that the
rates on crain trom Twin Drooks have
been too high , ' nUll efforts wl11 be
made for a reduction.
" i
- - -
. ,
Parties Have 'Taken Lease on Land
Where Discovery Is Made ,
COlJUMDUS-Gold has been dlsco\ "
ered withIn three miles ot this city
and the land has lJeen leased and
preparntlons hnvo been mndo to thOI'-
.ughly prospect the lliacc. The gold
was dJscovered on the farm of Got.
1I0b Klause , n. German , who Jlveo on
the south hnnk of the Pl.tto rI\'er In
Uutler county. Miners from Denver
mndo the discover ) ' and found theIr
pay dirt three feet under ground In a
bog or qungmlro. It Is saId that
Omahn capital 19 bchlnd the enter.
prlso , and 1\11' . Klauso has l asc < l his
farm , bllt the names of the partlos
have not yet been disclosed.
'fhcro Is much the sarno 1lnd of
looking Innd on each sldo of th Plntte
near here and If the enterprlso Is'n
IIUCCCSS moro prospecting wl11 bo done.
The gold Is In the form of what Is
cnllod by the miners "rust deposit , "
and IB very easr to get nt. Juat at
present 1\11' . I < : lau e has refused all
orrers to seU his lUlld and wl11 awnlt
full developments. The prospectors
also claim ther hnTo discovered evl-
denco of an 011 deposit near the sarno
locnlltr ,
' . -
State Board of' Equalization Laying
Out Course of Action.
LINCOLN-Attorney General Prout
was In consultation with the members
at the state hoard of eQualization for
the purpose of determinIng upon n
course ot action In the suit brought
by , Nemaha county citizens for th
purpose of avoiding the 5 11er cent
Incrense ordered bJ. ' the state lJoard ,
and a decision was reached to file in
the Nemnha county dIstrict court a
motion to d ssolve the temporary InJunction -
Junction grnnted to Church Howe ,
Iwho Is appearIng for the remaining
'taxpayers of that county. The suit
wlll bo made a test cnse for the pur-
! posp of determining all the questions
conected with equallzntlon , In tbe
counties , and the attornej' general will
use o"ery possllJle eltort to bring the
case to a speedy decIsIon In the supreme -
premo court.
The suit will obllgo the board to
disclose In the courts the reas rt for
the Increase. whether It was due to
the low "aluntlon of land nlone or to
other fnctors. It , Is probable that they
count on thIs feature ot the suit In
Nemaha county to secure C''ldenco as
to a. dlsproportlon te assessment of
dl1erent classcs of property. -
Boys Find a Floater.
DAKOTA CITY-Arlo Hager and
Charley 1"ueston " , two young bo's of
thIs plnce , were In the timber about a.
mlle south of this plnce , and becoming
thirsty , went to the Missouri river for
11. drlnle , On getting down over the
bank a gruesome sight presented It-
IfflU to them , It being that of II. fioater ,
who was IrIng face down In the
water , his feet reaching the shora and
hIli body extendIng out In the water.
The bed ) ' was recovered and burled
without being Identified.
Epworth RecelptG Big.
LINCOLN-Over $10,000 was talon
In by the Epworth assembly manage.
m nt In eight days , The exact figures
have not been complied ,
Child Drowns In a T nk ,
PETEHSDURG-A 1I t10 child at
William Lordeman , a. farmer living
near this place. wns drowlled In a
water tank near the house.
Heat cause3 ; Death.
DEATRICE-John J , Shandoll , for
the last six 'ears a resldcnt of Dea.-
trlco , dropped dead at hIs homo from
heat prostration and heart falluro ,
Big. Price for Land.
HUMDOLD'l'-The sale of a twenty-
acre tract adjoinIng the clty limits a
few daya slnco from Christ Beutler to
I\Valtor Ha'es at a rnte of $170 pel'
acre dlcates that Richardson county
soil Is still In demnnd e\'en If the rate
of assessment Is pronounced too high.
Stell < 1 Depot Is Robbed.
STELLA-Whllo the night telegraph
operator was dellverlnrr the mall to
the omce the other morning some ono
gained an entrance to the station
through n. window and tool , $27 trom
the cash drnwer.
Seward County Farm Lands.
SEWARD-John Schucknect has
purchnsed ot John Durland 400 .cres
near Staplehurst , Ila'lng $28,000. An.
other farmer WIJ.S oltered' $100 per acre
tor hIs land , but refused to sell.
Section Man Killed By Train ,
GRAND ISLAND-Gus Tegtmeyor ,
a section man on the Union PacIfic ,
was struck and Instnntly Itl\led \ br an
engine. Ho stepllod out ot the way
of ono train 111 front of another.
Calf Case Ir Su : > reme Court.
LINCOLN-A stipulation hns lJeen
filed In the supreme court continuing
the case of JncolJ Crocldord pgalnst
the stnto until the second NovemlJer
sitting of the supreme court. Crock.
ford and Fred Cogger were convicted
by the district court of McPherson
count ) . of stenlln ! : a calf valued at
$10 from n. II. Fowels of McPherson
counton Ma ) ' 1.1903 ( , and were sen.
tonced to I\vo \ 'ears eaeh In the penl.
'tontlnr ) ' . Crocltford appenls on the
ontentlon that the two men should
hnvo been t1'led liopnrateb' .
, . -
. '
DurIng an electrlcnl storl11 IIghlnlng-
strnck the cupola of the high sch tH
building at Humboldt , completely
shattorlng It nnd doIng damage estl-
maled a.t $100.
A far-reaching cnttlo qunrn1tlne w 11
800n be established upon the territory l
of the northwest , lJeglnnlng olthor nt . '
Oaledalo or at O'Neill , nnd running
west. The exact IIno has not yet been
determIned. _ , I
During n. henvy electrical storm at I
Ashlnnd at 1 : 30 In the morning , Mrs.
H. C. Henry dlsco\'ered a man slnnd- \
Ing within three reel of her lJed. Shoo i
screamed and the lJurglar retreated , j
securing no , boot ) ' . t I
The execuUvo committee of , the I
ot08 County Old Settlers' assoclaUon
r I
haB made arrnngements to hold the
thlrtseventh annual picnIc In Mortol1
Park on Mondar , September 5. Com.
mittees have been appolntod to com.
pleto the final nrrangements.
Captain Ashby , nn attorney ot De. !
atrlco , was In Llucoln and made application -
plication for the pardon of Kelley nnd
Hlmobarger. two lJO'S sent up from
'Vymoro to servo three ) 'ears In the
penltentlnry for highway robbery ,
They have served but oho ) 'ear. _
Some twenty.fivo of the heavy tax7
pa 'ers of Nemaha. . countr filed with
the countr board a. protest against
runnIng upon the tax list the G pel'
cent Increase on the valuation made
by tbe state lJoard of equalization antl
certified lJy It to the ' ounty clerIc of
the county.
A LIngle , emplo'ed on I\ . hay pressIng -
Ing mnchlno In Otoe count ) ' . sustaIned
a terrIbly crushed foot while feealng- -
hay Into the machine , The hay got
caught In the wheels and ho tried to
\msh \ It In with his right foot , whIch
was caught by the cogs and the bones.
were crushed.
Quito a strife Is helng crrled on at
Thurston lJr parties Interested In the .
saloon lJuslness. 'rho townshIp hns ' )
only sIxteen freeholders. , One nlan
hils secured the slgnntures of five of
'them already and the other partlos'
Day they will stay.ln the fight , mid If
necessar ) ' put In another saloon.
Miss Francis Knight Wilson of No- -
braslca City has been en-gnged for the ,
comIng season to sing the prIma donnt'-
role In the comic opera "The Tender-
foot. " She will commence rehearsals
In Chicago In two weeles. 1\Iiss Wilson -
son was the lending woman In "The
Chlneso Hono'moon" company last
season , '
John Robertson of North Dend was
found b'lng alongside the traclm of
the Union Pa lfic railroad near that
city In a partiallY unconscious condItion -
tion , with SOIne bad cuts and bruises
on hIs head and lJody. A partly empty .
whIsk ) ' ItJask was In his pocket and It
Is supposed that whllo intoxlcatcd 110 '
was walltlng along the traclI1.nd ! ' ; was
struck by a passing train. He will .
prolJably died ,
\ 1
l\I 'fon , the 3-yoar-0Iel son of Mr. and . . . . . .
Mrs. Walter L. Thomas of Platts. \
mouth , died from the effects of arsenIcal -
Ical poisonIng. While the oth r members -
bers of the family were absent from
the house the little ono awolte antI
mounted a high-chair near a cupboard _
Reaching the door.lntch , he opened
the cupboard and took therefrom two
rat-bIscuits , which ho ate , with results
lJefore Indicated.
During a heavy hall storm at No- 0
braska City thousands of sparrows
were Itl11ed , Under a tree at the home
of Mrs , E. Krebs over 200 sparrows
were found dend and man ) ' other citizens -
zens say a largo number of sparrows
were found ead under trees In theIr' (
ynrds , The trees were not. struck by
IIgbt.nlng and the hall stones in the
cltr did IIttlo damage and people are t
. .
sll' . hter of these little hlrds. I I
The Lexington Chautauqua opened I
with n good nttendance. . '
A storm near " \Va'ne dId much damage - ;
age to crops.
The other dny a stranger appenrell
In the bank at Tamora and offered his
card. saying ho was a banI , exnmlner
and wished to examlno the lJoolts _
He said he had just finished eXamln
Ing the Utica ban Ie. His general ap .
pearanco aroused suspicion , and ho , .
noticing this , ran out of the banI < : and
cnugllt the eastbound D. & M. train.
Word was sent to Seward and the ,
sherlft toole him from the train when
It reached there , and h6 was lodged III
jail. i
County Asscssor Flnhert ) ' ot Nanco
county came to Lincoln Inst week to.
explain to the state bonrd of oquallzn-
tlon the dlcre ! > : lncr ot $430,3G6 In the ,
va1":4tlon , of his county , It develops.
that the countr boaI'll In equalizing-
decreasfd farm real estate nnd some ,
town prollerty 16 pOl' cent. rho-
count ) ' assessor In mnltlng out the abstract -
stract for the guldnnco of the board ,
used the original figures returned to
him 1 > y the depllty assessors. These
figures were fooYed U1 In the office of \
the secretar ) ' of the bonrd.
Alma wl11 hold Its annunl comblnell I
street and agricultural fall' September
14.16. Good tree attractions besides
the regular Immllldn show features . j
will be engaged. ,
Federal eres have been tal < en off
the United Stntes court house nml
l1ostofl1co bulhllng In Norroll , . Super ,
Intendent of Construction Jnmes n.
Fain has loft the worle and gene lo ,
Hnstlngs. where he will 11\0 for IO _ \ ,
next two ) 'enI'S , watching the new fed.
eral structure nt that plnco. ThQ new
buildIng In Norfolli Is about comJJlet.