Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 25, 1904, Image 2

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    - ' " - . .
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II '
tlor'\ .I
b , I I Ii
'p"on and
1'cA.rr to A.p
up with , h" fh'.Ih . I ,
of bU.linr.J.I 'hou/1/It.
NIlcJrr'"rr.l.VrcJerfoll.l. . " '
Smpl" In con.llrucllon.
EolIl. . F/lrd. ;
_ . .
School Hooks ,
- NI'-
School Supplies ,
J" G. Haeberle"s : .
. - . . . - . - . . . - - . .
I am now located just north of
the Custer National Bank. Come
, and see me for bargains 111 real
estate. Some choice acre property -
perty for Rale. . '
8 tf Rs. . ANDI RSON.
HflmlJUeulI S"lleJ'VIROI' : COII\'f'lItiOU.
'fhe Republican Supen'isor Convention
will be held in Districl No , 7 al 1\Iason
Cit'y on the 15th day of September , 1904 ,
at 3 o'clock p. m. to 'place in nomination
. It catf it1ate for to be , "oted for
: at the next annua election. Bach town-
Rbip will be entitlel to the same number
of de1egates as at the last republican
COl1llty convention.
Uy order of cOIlltniUee ,
I ' 1' . J. Woou , Chairman.
Company M. of the National
Guards returned Wednesday
morning from David City , where
they attended the gtate encamp-
It benlu"tlMIU ,
When pains r irritation exist
on an ) ' part of the body , the application -
plication of Ballard's Snow f4ini-
mcnt gives 'prompt relief. 1 , W.
, Sullivan , Prop , Sullivan House
EI Reno , O. ' 1' . , writes , June ( "
1902 "I take in
: pleaRure recommending -
mending Ballard's Snow Liniment -
ment to all who are affiicted with
rhuematism. It is the enl ) ' remedy -
edy I have found that gives immediate -
mediate relief. " 25c,50c , $1.00.
Sold b ) ' I d. McComas , Broken
Bow and Merna.
- - -
) O' ; . ; :
, . The. . . . .
i _ . Groc ry I :
Ii'resh li'ruits ,
li'resh Vegetables , N
Apples , S
\V atermelonR ,
Pure SpiceR , -
I Cider Vinegar.
_ _ t _ _ . . _
D A Full Line of
, l. I D Fresh ctroceries - - I
Yale Coffees.
'Phone 58. I
. , I
1N : : : : : . : : : : : : g
' , J.1\ ' . Cooper and wife of Montrose -
rose , Colorado are viRiting in the
city with old acquaintances.
W. H. and J. ] . Dorgan of Lincoln - . .
coln were in the cit ) ' se\'eral days
.this week , the guests of C. F.
'riemer. 'rhey made the trip in
au automobile.
Prof. Geo. Boggs of Hastings
was a friendly calUer this a. m.
He was on his way to Elton to I
visit big parents a few days be ; '
fore his college re-opens.
'l'he Broken Bow schools will
not open until after the fair so as
to give the children a chance to
ttend. 'l'his plan is also adopt-
d by a very large number of dig-
trictR over the connty.
Zin Grant left a sam pIe , li'riday
of blue stem grass she got off of
her father's section homestead in
the north west part of the county
that measures six feet in length.
T4and that will grow such grass
as that will raise corn , wheat ,
oats , potatoes or alfalfa.
Prof. Zahu has resigned the
position of superintendent of the
Broken Bow Business & Normal
ColleJe. The board has another
man in view that will take his
place. .At a public meeting last
Friday uight the citizens decided
to , uphold and help make the.
school a success.
Johu S. Smith , who lives just
west of Callaway informs us that
he had thirt ) ' two acres .of 'Yinter
wheat that averaged 38 bu hels
to the acre and tested 61 pounds.
He threshed 2,000 bushels from
40 acres of oatg. His barley
went 40 bushels to the acre and
his macaroni wheat 25 bushelR to
the acre.
A. G. HolTman of ArnoM , was
in the city Monday and ordered
hig address changed to Ii'orest
' I
Grove , Oregon. H and' his
family left Wednesdal over the
U. P. railroad for their new home
on the coagl , It is with regret
we see Mr. Hoffman and his estimable -
timable family lea\'e CURter
Mr : Simmons a civil engineer
of Central City , arrived in the
city tonday over the B. & M.
railroad and went out with A. G.
Hoffman to Arnold 'l'uesday to
do engineering' work on the pro-
< lo ed dam on the- South Loup
below Arnold for the electric
: eilway that is proposed froll1
! tlroken Bow by the way of . Am-
; old to Gandy.
. .
: \Ve are 111 receipt of a large
I poster , printed in red , dvertis-
: tug the town of Kink id , laid
: out July 4. It is located on the
I Calaunis l iver VaHey , in the
: center or 140up county , at Ule
! junction of the proposed lines of
: the'Sioux C.ity , O'Neil , North
. Platte and Del\'er and the extension -
; sion of the B. & M. from Burwell.
I 'l'he promoters of the new town
t is the Central Exchange Co. ,
t Council Bluffs. The poRter tells
t of the advantages offered to be-
; ome million ares .by takjng 640
acres homestead in the vi inity.
I Great excitement' prevails in the
north part of the state over the
proposed roads and town. :
. :
. I
P. P. Stanford of : Merna , wns
among the sight seers in the city
last Tuesday. '
Dr. J. E. Potu ) of Columbus ,
Nehraska , was in the city. last
Sunda ) ' as a guest of Dr. Leach.
Will Davis is building a tine
cottage in the east 1 , > art of town
on the Hunter addttion. Grant
Drake is doiug the worl { .
H. Lomax's fine residence in
the northwest part of the Ctt . is
fast reaching completion. ' l'ip.
ton , Wahl & Osborne are doing
the work.
R. E. Glass ig enjoying a visit
from his brother of Lincohl this
week. He is an ngineer on the
B. & M. between Lincoln and
J. II. Cross of Ansley , kindly
remembered this office with a
social call 'l'ucsday. lIe reports
the best crop of corn he ever had
in Nebraska.
I lijah Crawford of Corydon ,
Iowa , arrived. in the city last
Friday morning. lIe is visiting
with the family of his daughter ,
Mrs. G. 'I" Hobiuson of li'leming
! \Hgs Henne , who has been visiting -
iting with her brother , Walter
T. , in Springfield , Illino ! , for
several weeks , returned home
last week. She reports having
, enjoyed the visit very much.
A. R. IImnphre ) ' and famil ) '
went down to their ranch on the
Loup Friday of last week for a
few days outing. 'rhey were
eqnipped with tentR , a boat and
other paraphanalia for a good
\Viltnon W. Blackmar of Bos-
ton , was elected Comn ander in
Chief of the National G. A. R.
The session closed last Friday.
Denver , Colorado , was selected as
the place for the National Encampment - '
campment 1905. 't
J D. Harrison , au old tim
Nebraskan , press agent _ of the
Walter T4 Main Showj" .was a
welcome caller at this office
Tuesday. Mr. Harrison was an
employee on the Omaha Bee
twenty years ago.
W. P. Rogers , wife and boy
left ' ! \lesdav morning on a visit
Satide , Cripple Creek and Pueblo ,
Colorado. Mr. Rogers has a
brother at Sohda he has not seen
fcr 19 years. They expect to be
gone until the 15th of Sept.
Ii' . A. Amsberry has sold the
Mason City Star to Wm. Ander-
son. ' Mr. Andersou is a practical -
cal printer and has growu up in
that vicinity.Ve welcome Mr.
Anderson back to the newspaper
fraternity and wish him succegs
in his new venture.
The absence of people from a
distance at the circus last Tuesday -
day is a guarantee that they are
waiting for the fair. A strong
bunch of horseg are in training
on the Broken Bow track. The
20 big racing events for the fair
will bring more horseg here than
were e\'er seen on the track be-
J. G. Breni r , whose ranch iR
three. miles south of town , says
his winter wheat is threshing 30
bushels to the acre and that he
is selling it for 88 cents a bushel.
Doc bought that land three or
four years ago for about $ .OO an
acre. 'J'here is yet plent ) . of
Ruch land in the county that cad
he hought for $20 to $25 an acre.
Philip JohnRon of Ortello , call.
ed Ionday and had his RUbscrip-
tion advanced several notches ,
He informs us that his gen , Mark ,
raised .5,000 bushels of wheat on
his place this season. ' 1'he win.
ter whet\t went bctween 30 and
40 bughels to the acre. 'l'hey
now have , o\'er eight hundred
acres of land all paid for and aR
planning t build new house and
barn this fall.
F.llet of IIIU r FIIChl.
" 'J'wo phygicians had a long
and stubbord tight with an ab.
cess on my right lung" writes J.
Ii' . llug'hes of DuPont , Ga. , "and
ga\'e me np. grybody tiJOught
my till1 had come. As a last reo
sort I tried Dr. King's New Dis.
co\'cr ) ' for Consumption. ' 1'he
beneht I received was striking
and I was on my feet in a few
days. Now I'\'e entirely regain'
ed my health. " It conquers al1
coughs , colds and thro t an
lung troubles. Guaranteed b }
Lee Bros. , drugstore. Price,50c
and $1 00. 'l'rial bottle free.
The Custer County li'air occurs II
week after next. Get ready for
it. It will be a ho tone.
Dr. Job and her father return-
etllast Thursday from their outing -
ing in the Mountains of Colorado.
F. H. Yonng is at home again
after spending se\'eral weelg in
Colorado lookmg after hig stock
ranch. He haQ se\'cral hundred
acreg of his ranch put in alfalfa
this sea on.
'l'he Custer Baptist Association
will coilvene at Ansley tomor-
'row afternoon for a three days'
session. A number of the Bro-
k n Bow church people are planning -
ning to attend.
'Hazel Jewett brought to this
qfi ce a few da's , ago a sample of
very fine plumbs , raised by D.
\V. 'rhompson in Idaho , on three
year old trees. In the box of
ph\mbs received from Mr.'L'homp-
son , Mrs. . Jewett , Mis s Pearl
and Hazel Jew tt were rem m-
'l'he populist congrc ssional
convention of the Sixth District
was held at , Kearney Wednesday
of last week. 'l.'he only delegates
present were five of llutralo county -
ty and one from Dawson. A. A. ,
\Vorsley of Butte , Boyd county ,
received the entire six votes and
was declared unanimousl ) ' nomi-
B _ _ _ _
; For Fair Week
. At 'Brpken Bow Opera Honse
, one solid week , commencing
Monday , Sept mber 6th
-TIm l AI\OUS-
Arrington's Comedians
Of 14 people ; all gpecial Rcenery ,
new plays , costumes , and pretty
g' r13. Ent re change of program
each night and specialties between -
tween the acts.
Ladles Free First Night
That is eacb lady accothpanied
by a person hoMing one paid reserved -
served seat ticket will. be admitted -
ted free first night only. Prices ,
Gallery Seats , ,25 , Cents ;
Chair Seats , 35 Cents ;
Reserved Seats , 50 Cents.
Se-ats on sale at the nsual places.
" . . .
The following good word for
the Arringt01'l's ' is taken from the
Nasbville Dem < < ; > crat :
"Walter Arrington's Troupe
appeared at the Nashville Opera
House last Thursday , Friday and
Saturday evenings , and made a
decided hit. 'rhe house was
crowded each night and the people -
ple went away delighted with
th performances.
"His repertoire in this city
consisted of "The Black Flag , "
"In Old " "
Kentucky" and "East
Lynue , " and were played in the
order named. Saturday afternoon -
noon a matinee was given , and
the company presented " ' 1'he
fAttle Torment" to the utmost
. delight of a large gathering of
children for whom the play had
been eRpecially arrange. Ogarita ,
the Indian actress , appeared as
the star on 'l'hUl'Rday and Satnr-
d ) ' nights and her acting was
Il1gh class. In her Mr. Arring-
ton has succeeded in securing
one of the best actresseH ever
, making hel' appearance in thiB
city. 1\1rs. Arrington , who appeared -
peared as the central figure "In
Old Kentucky" likewise proved
herRelf an actress of no mean
ability , and both ladies came infer
for complimentary mention
on all sides for their clever work.
C. D. Hatfield , the husband of
Ogurita , proved himself a verRa-
tile performer and one appearing-
to tine atlvantago. His work
during the three nights' staud
was par excellence. ' ! 'he remaining -
ing members of the compau ) '
likewise did Rome noteworth ) '
work and will aid in making the
productiong favorites with the
, theater going public. I 'l'he company -
pany was organized here and
l marked the opening of the opera
I season in this city. 'l'hey had
r previousl ) ' appeared at Okawville
: I and Marissa and gave the best of
sl.tisfaction : at these places. "
. .
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " + 1" " " " " " " ' " " " " " " " " " " "
I Wagon 51 I ;
: : : : : 'C :
= = .I bought two ( 'Ill' loads ofv figons from ' : : : :
= = } ) n.1 ties ; who hud mol'CTngol1s thnn mOl1 ( Y. ' = = , "
E .i\mol1.g' them nl'\ Homo Bnorkil1R , Bl'ocksmith , 3 \ 'j
: : : : : .H lorenc and Luf'uYl'ttV ugons. As' long fiS' = = ,1
= = these lust. . .I : n m going' to soIl yon \V ngons for lesR = = "
= = money thul1 other denIers can buy for , Oome In . = =
= = nud let me show you us good aV fig'on ns oth i. ' = = '
= = denIers are splling' for $65.00 to $70.00 . :3 <
: : : : : : : :
- , , -
- " -
I - For$55.0Q.1 " i
- - 'Jj
E 'L ' also have u ' 01 : Gang and Sulky' 'r i
= = Plows which J am Holling nt pl' cos thnt Ul'e leBs ' = =
= = dum ot.her denlel's hU T fOI' . = =
: : : : : ' : : : : 1 .
- -
- -
= = . Gang Plows , 12 and 14 inch , $56.00 , :3 : . . ' ' . ;
= = Gang Plows , 16 inoh. . . . . . . . $35.00 I' :3 : '
- -
- -
liThe Dealer That Saves You Money , " \ :
C.S.MARTINMfl.Agt ! : .j ,
- -
= = -AND DEAI U IN- . , : : : : : : : }
- - ,
- ' -
= = ANTT-'l'l usrr GOOOS. : ,3 ;
111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 1111111'111111111111111111111111111i ' . '
- . . . . ' -
1tf'IIUhllf'IUI'I'owUI\JllllIIIII'IIR ' ! \ : , lIo\lle lit 2\0 : : p , tII" to notllillat tQW/1-
- Hhip ofiiccrH IIII n calldldute Cor SUpl'l'- ,
'l'he npublicu/1 eleclorH oC UrolclI 1I0w'IsOl' for Diatricl No. 3. nll l Cor thetlll/1s- ' "
towlIHbip ure herc1J ) ' culled to meet ill netloll of HIiCh other business us 11111) ' he . .k
caucus 'l'lIesda ) ' August 30th at the Court require , ' . D , 1\1. AlIS1I1tkllCOlli. . t ,
, " - . . . . .
aocot . :"cr.r.r..Cf . : .cf. : . ;
g X I'
S . . . . . E C . 'U"OUCtE ; . . . . . ' N
I . ! : ance : ;
v o uc t c .r I O 't ) " o
S I have some of the best ranches in the state for sale. '
I havc three good c l ) ' residcnces for s lc. ' :
I have some of the most desirable city lots for sale. t ' .
I have money to loan on good in proved farms in Custer Co. ' : ;
I have money to loan on good ctt ) ' property. . ' ;
I I ha\'c the hest equipped Insurance Agpncy in the , comity. .
' S "
S - - - " :8 : i
S - - - ' 8
6 :
I Hail ! Ham Ham Ham
Now that ) ' 011 have the best prospects for a , bl1l1p ( r
crop , protect it by insurance in the old reliable S1. l'Jaul Fire
6 and Marine Tmmrance Co. againgt Hail. : : . \
6 8
I E. : C' , HOUSE , :1 :
S AGIN'l\ ! . S. 8 . ' " }
L Bro teen How , - - - - - - - , Ne hrast' . I !
QOI".r..rJ'"J"J'.r.r.rJ'"J'J'.r..crJ".rJ'.Q.rJ'.r " . Jt .
_ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ , . .J-- _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' 1
. . . f' " ' - 'f' - . . . . . . . . . .ft.e . ! 'ft - ! : " " ' ' ' .n. . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .ft ! 't. ' . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u. . . . . . . . \ j
i ; t < : & . ! a1tX ; & i ! II > ia :6 : : : ia : & 1&&It'N : : N ' ;
Ii - I Have n Goo Stoek of , 1 I
! Ou ck Meal Rangesl : ii' '
' ,
cli -
'rhere is heft ' in the { ' I. , i . .1 !
: no ; r I'Ungo nt - . ; . ;
: ket ; than the QUICk Meal. ' 1.1118 IS . : : . ,
: ; f t.he time when the cook is oxpeeted ; :
to put 011 11 good men 1 fOl' threshers . . ; -
: and you Sh01ild treat UWIIl fuirly . , ; ' !
nnd furnish II range that , vill bake I : I
I \J , veIl ' , )
c - . . _ a > l .
: : , : .
c . -r- . . . , , ' . . ' 1
Ct.i : I
: Our 'ear loud or 4 > . " . : I . "
c ' . ) . -
I . .OLD CK B.Y."f' AGONS . , : " : m1 j"
f'om .LolllsvIllo len- . , ' 1
: were shIpped ! , - . i :
tucky , on t.he 22nd of August , and . . , I.- r : . . r
, : will he IWI'e by tlw time you l'eud ' : . ' , t' . : :
the 0 lei l-liekoIT , bl1 t nolle so g'ood. ' :
LI' you want a goodV ng'on buy u } : ' )
: 1-1 iekolT , . . -
i 011I' Motto : "Und rsell. " " - . \
' tf
= : . c. W. APPLE , ; ' Ii "
: : ' \ " est Si e Squfire , Bl'okoll Bow , N ebrfiskn. . : ' j
jiWJii > > ) JtttJ& ! : : : t : . . j ' 1W