Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 25, 1904, Image 11

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    . w ' .
Pleasc , i Want some more
I I That's what they a11 say. This food contains
I the' valuable phosphates of lime and iron ,
10 necessary in food for children ,
WhcntooSc is n flaked wheat food
and when properly cooked ,
becomel a jelly-like substance ,
healthful , light , and delicate.
I - . , . . . _ . , . .
II I I Sol d in
2 lb. packages
I by all high class
! grocen.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
, -
Itl" ' ' ' I&lun.
' ' ' '
parlorB of the Grand Central ,
Thursday evening , Augut ! 18 ,
A. C. Hapgood and MiHs Ollie '
Pershall , Hev. XanclerH ofticiat-
lng. ' [ 'he'bride is the daughter
of 1\11' . and Mrs. I. N. Pershal1 ,
formerly of this \'iciIl ty but now
of Washington , hut who still
owns . their farm near hcre. She .
enjoys the high estcem of a large
circle of friends of this vicinity.
'l'he groom is a young mau ,
paintcf and decorator h ) ' trade ,
who has recently located in the
city. He is a man ot indm ry ,
good morals and has built up a
reputation for honesty and integrity -
tegrity . as well as a first clasq
arth in his Hnc. Mr. Campbell -
bell and Miss T40ttie Sims acted
as groom and maid. They have
secured a suite of rooms in the
old Burlington , where they are ;
house Iteeping. 'l'he RUPUBTI-
CAN extends congratulations. .
To Itvcr.J'wlicre Mud Dock. .
'fhe Burlington olTers excursioll rates
iu every directloll-so low that there is
uo excuse for ! ltnylng nl home. llelow
are soule of them : I.
e St. Louis and back : Three kinds of
daily rate l besides the ) low rate
coach excursiolls all eac I Tuesday and
'rhursday duriug August aud September.
Chicago and back : Dally low rates
either direct or via St. Iouls , with stopovers -
overs at St. Iouis , l'an8a'l : : City and
Louisville. Ky. , al1l1 back , 28.35 ,
August 12 to IS.
Boston und back-the only chance of
the season for a low rate vllil to New
En land , 37.30 , August 11 to 13-long
World's } Ialr stopovers t St. louis on
through tickets.
Colorado , Utah aud lllack Hills resorts
-there an back , practlcal1y half rnteH
al1 suwmer.
To Californill-San Pmucisco allll 1,0s
Angeles and hack , August 15 to September -
ber 10 , only $49,80. 'I'he only chance iu
1904 to get this low rate.
Portlalld. Puget Souud and back , August -
ust IS to 18 , one fare for the round trip.
To .Michigall. Minnesota , Wisconsl11
and nie Great Lake region , the idelll
Bummer country-dall ) ' low rates to tllke
you awa ) ' ftom home.
On the first allli third 'l'ucsdays of ench
month vcr ) ' low' round trip rate to hUll-
dreds of point' ) in the north west. west
and south'west.
. Write or call , describe ) 'our trip ; let
me advise you the leust co't.
II. I. . ORMSU\Ticket Ageut.
Or. L. W. WAI'm.IW ,
General Palscnger Agent ,
8'12 Omaha , Nebrn.'Ika.
- - -
. .4 :15 : To HI. l.oul8 ullt1 Returu.
The Uurllngton olTers the above low
rate for tickets good ill coaches nll chair
cars ( seatR free. ) On Sale Tuesduys und
Thursdays during Augustand Septt'mber ,
See me for full particulars.
8-15 n. I. . Ormsby. .ticket Agt'nt.
. . .
- - - - - - - - -
CurC' . . Hctuticn.
Rev. 'V. L. Riley , T4.T-4.D. ,
Cuba , New York , wrlte8 : "Af-
ter fifteen , da's of cxcruciating
pain from sciatic rhulUa tiSlU ,
under various treatments , J was
indnced to try Ballard's Snow
Liniment ; the first application
giving my first relief and the
second entire relief. I can give
it unqualified recommendation. "
25c , 50c , $1.00. S d by Ed. Mc-
Comas , Broken Bow and Merna.
T _
At 'the home of her aughter ,
Mrs. .ra Woo in thh , city ,
August 11) ) , PO.I , Mrs. , Bell C.
Hasting' , aged f,2 year ! , 3 months
and 10 days.
' ( 'he c1eccameI : wa hum i.n
PiUsbll1'g , Pellll. , in 1842. Camt'
with her pal'ents to li'rcepOl't ,
Illinois , she mel anll was
united ill marriage with Julius
IT asti ngs ill 18,0. ' ( 'hey 1110\'ed
to N e hraRka i u 1 S71 a uel to us-
tcr count ) . iu 1879. 'I'en chil-
drcn w r ( ' the issue of the union ,
seven daughters and three sons.
might of whom are living. TIer
husband diccl January I ) , 18 ' ) t
5inec the death of her hUflhand ,
the ( eceased had remaincd ou
the farllt , on the Dutchman east
of town , and succcssfully managed -
aged the husincs8. Her funeral
was [ conducted in the M. E.
church by Rev. Geo. P. Trites ,
Saturday afternoon , and her remains -
mains laid to rest in the Broken
Bow' Cemetery. 'rhe RUl'UnrI-
CAN joins with the friends of the
hereaved relativcs in extcnding
to thcm the sympathy of the
S'l'ulIDlms-A t the home of his
daughter iu thi8 city , Mrs. W.
II. Andrews , Saturda ) ' , August
20. . at 5 o'clock p. m. , Joseph
Stubhens , age 82 year8 , 2 months
and 14 days.
Joseph Stubbens was born in
Baltimore county , Maryland. He
was married to Susan Mataon 01
York county , Penn. ' 1'0 thi
umon were born five children ,
four boys and olle girl. 'l'wo 01
the boys dicd in infancy.1"i'0I
the past year he and his age ( :
wife have made their hOllte wiU
'V. II. Andrews of this city , ha\ ' .
ing come herc from York , Penn. .
His rel11aiu ' were taken to Rom
edord for hurial , when ! thl
funeral services were conductci
by Rev. W. H. Ward last SUl\llaJ
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
. .
- - - - - -
A UI'leId. .
We ure informed that on
friend , J-4. H. McCall , has jus
finished threshing , and that hi !
oats averuged 62 bushels to till
acre , Speltz CiO bushels und ry
J. II. Prettyman 'f the samt
ueigh'borhood had a Held of oat
which u\'eraged 75 hushels to tlu
Also Sherman Bcrge of t hi
ame locality , thre hed out ( , :
acres of oat which made I , S7
bushels , while his r'e , was al
excellent yield.-f..onp Val1e
' ! 'he McCall oats made S
hushel.s weight.-Ed.
. _ . -----0.- _ _
FOR SAT,1t OH 'l'HADIt-One U
S. cream 8eparator.
-tote A. II. S't'uCJHv.
- - - = .
- - - - - - -
- - - - . - - - - - - - - . . . - - - - . - - - . - - .
. .
North Side
BI.olcen'Bov , - - ' . . N ebr slc8 '
. . . \ , , ' ' . , . . ' ' ! . ' :11 : , : , ' ; ' : \ ' ' ; ; 'I.F'J' : ; "
Suntlay HrlJOol ( JonvenUonl'roKram.
- - -
tl'he following program of the
Northeast District Sunday School
CoO\'ention will he rendered Sep-
temher 3rcl and 4th , 1904 , at
Wescott , Neh.
SA'ruIWAY 1tvltNtNG , 80'CI.OCK.
Opening s ng service , conducted I
by the Young People's Choir.
D'votional Exercise , John Welch
Song , bv the young people.
What is J ally Day and its Beue-
I fits , Chas. Sims , Mm. W. M.
Song , .J ames Butler.
What and Whcre are the Best
Methods for a 'l'eacher to Ipre-
pare a lcsson , Mrs. Bartholomew -
mew and 'I' . J. Hiple ) ' .
Ciosing song , B. D. Anen.
SUNDA v J\lOnNtNG , 10 A. M.
Quartette , 1 . m. .l\lickle , leader.
Dc\'otioual exerClse , Rev. Stew-
Song , Westel'ville Choir.
Re\'iew of S. S. Lesson , Nev.
Van f4U\'en.
Song , l\1 rs. Van Lu ve'u.
'l'he Baptism of the Holy Ghost
for the 'l'eacher , Mrs. Bartholomew -
omew and John \Velch. .
Duet , Pearl and Bessie .Walton.
Hecitation , Irs , Mary Matox.
Song , Dave McGugiil.
( ev. Stewart , state superintendent -
dent of the S. S. Work in Nebraska -
braska was a delegate to the
World's S. S. Convention held at
Jel'Usalem , April , 1904 , will givt'
a lecture of his trip through the
1101 ) ' f4at1h . All should avail
them8e1ves of this opportunity to
hear him.
Do not mi8s the lectur .
Song , .T. II. Walton.
Basket dinner in the grove.
1 :30 : o'clock p. m.
Opening song , Mrs. Geo. Bry ou ,
Prayer , Mrs. Bartholomew.
Song , James Butler.
'J'he Bible in the S. S. , Rev. Vat1
T4uven and l . E. Mickle.
Song , Geo. Shuman.
Why Should the S. S. be among
the Leaders in the 'l'emperanc (
Cause ? A. L. Donahue all ( :
Irwin Potts.
Temperance Song , B. D. Allen.
Recitation , Mrs. Dora Walton.
How should as. S. be conducted
Should we follow the order 01
the Quarterly or have a variety -
ety ? A. . J. Pickle , Atel Sher.
heck and .M rs. Parks.
Closing song.
Come to the S. S. Conventiot
for it concers you. We nee (
) 'our presence and help.
J. A. 'W AI.TON , Pres.
JOHN Mu.I.S , Vice Pres.
B. D. AI.I.RN , Treas.
'l'he annual election of officer :
wilt take place at this conven
! ion. 'Co Ute.
Church Her tcell.
There will be no preaching service
lIt-xt Suuday as the Custer Associatiol
will be in session at Allsle ) ' . Sundll .
School lit the IIsllI\l hoi r. 10 a. III.
U , n. CHURCH.
Preaching next Sunday 1II0rning nlll
evening III the IIsual hours. 'l'he mOrll
. ing suh ect is II A Prose Pastoral. " l velJ
iug subJcct , "Recompellce of Reward. '
Pr ching at Custer C nter at 3 p. In.
, . . . .ft the Old FOlkH.
011l fure plus f,2 for the rom1 trip to \
great mauy points in Ohio. Imlillua au
Kentucl.e ) ' . 'rickets on sale Septelllb
6 , 13 , 20 , 27 nnd October JJ. Good , 'i
St. Iouis amI for stopovers at the gre
exposition. _ Final limit thirty da1
See me for full particulars or write tn 1
\V. Wukeley , General Passenger Agenl
Omaha , Nebraska.
8-15 H. I , . ORlISU'l'icket Agent.
l eports froUt all over Custe
count ) ' iudicatl : that the peopl
generally are coming to the fait
It'rom what we can learn most a
the threshing gangs will 8to
'rlle Delllll IIIMU'I
A little thing sometimes f (
1 sults in death. 'l'lms a "tuer
scratch , insignil can cntH , c
lJUny boils have paid the deat
penalty. It is wise to hav
Buddin's Arnica Salve ev ( ;
hand ) ' . It's the hest Salve 0
earth and will prevent fatalitJ
when bnrns , sores , ulcers an
piles threaten. Only 25c , atI-4e
Bros. drug store.
- - - - -
Christian Endeavor Hote ]
'VCUtl.I ) ' ' ' ' A.I" .
. . . . . . I.OVI" , ItIl HO\U'Ik.I. \
U.lIlqllan..rN : fur chrh.llall 1"01,11'auLl frleu ,
ollllurallt ) ' . A reHI' < ! ctablehuh'l ('ctal ,
l"olle. Iocat..IIOII feel from \atu to 1"
Ii 1'011 11I1 N. Htr.1 carll . dlrt'ct from Uuloll SI
tloll. Ullllt . fur . .afet ) alld cOlllfurt. C:1pacl
3.000 ICU..lltN Iially. Uackt'd by IIlell of hllCllf
Klalldhllr alld ellLlorHt'd by World"IIl-'alroftlcla :
'J'houllalldll oC relll"'Helltalve ! l'eolle from ;
"tClltIlIN of the colllltrY hav" "Ullall'.d aCCOII !
Llallollll Rates arrallll'ed III ad'ancc $1.00 al
$ , OO per Llay. Selld IIII' bookfet II'lvhlll fl
putlcularli. ; ' 1'ell your frlendll ; aboJlt It. } ,
dre 1I at IIlIce.
St. LI-'ulw , NI1I80uri
The Cowboy Carnival which il\
to he held during fair week
promises to bl' a most unusual
attraction. Some of the he t
broncho , riders in the west have
heen secured and it is expected
that at least a dozen bucking
bronchoes may he een at one
1tlnl'ket "epol't ' 01' TadM , . .
nIiAINWheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
U.rlor. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lO
U.18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
UfO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . .49
Uorll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J ( ,
lIolot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ! .o
HlcOfl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 4.50
Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 112.5 I @ : C. 75
prtDg Oblcken ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Cblok"n. , Jlel ponnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OS
'forkoJ8ver pOUD.J. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .O
lJolter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .10
Egg. , per 1.I0len. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
fJotal.0C8. per bllll1ul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,50
Unlon..porbolbol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Havp"r loon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,00
tilrbw. Or c."I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
1I0 : br.GranuI&ttld. parOWI.S..Q @ IdO
- -
Htop T'lat CUUKhl
'Vhen a cough , a tickling or an
irritation in the throat makes
you feel uncomfortable , take Bal-
lard's Horehound Syrup. Don't
wait until the disease has gone
heyond control. Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Anderson , 35.Vest 5th St. ,
Salt 1--4ake City , Utah , 'V rites :
" \Ve think B llard'\ ! Horehound
Syrup the best medicine for
coughs and colds. 'Ve have used
it for several years ; it alwa'fJ
gives immediate relief , is very
pleasant and givcs perfect satis-
faction. " 25c. 50c , $1.00. Sold
by Ed. McComas , Broken Bow ,
a nd Merna.
w m m m
! ! ir&mri ; : w.m ! : mm i& ! :
Dr. Leach , Dentist. Tel. 258 ,
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tl
Insurance that insures.
38tf R. G. MOORR.
I have otle good residencE
property to trade for farm prop' '
ert ) . One good young team fOI
sale or trade. Some old bnitl
ings for sale. E. C. HOUSR.
Dr. Sumner Davis , Grand Is
land , Nebraska , specialist I
disease of eye and ear , examina
tion for glasses. 2t
United rethl'ru nt the I-'nlr.
'rhe ladies of the U. B. churc }
' \Vi11 serve meals on the fai
grounds during the fair and wil
also have a lunch counter ani
stand in connection. When a
the fair if YOU want a clean bit ,
for 25 cents , go to the big tent.
Farn. lor Hldc.
155 acres , 61 miles south eas
s of Broken Bow , 3 mites nortl
_ west 'of Berwyn ; 85 acres in culti
vation , 70 acres in pasture ( fenc
ed ) , well and wind mill , so' '
house , 4 rooms ; sod stable , fram
granary , over 1,000 Box EI de
trees , B. & M. track in sight fa
s mites. Price and terms give
on application. 'Vilt give pO !
session this fall. J. KAY ,
lltf Broken Bow , Neb.
Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgag
and Warranty Deed blanks iJ
this office. .
- - - - - -
S\I.HSI\IHN AN'fUD-1'0 se
lubricat ng. aud paints ,
splC'ndid opportunity for a goo
mall. Addrcs , 'l'he Harvey a
Co. . Cleyelan , O.
- - - - -
A strong featun of the fa
this y , ar that there is vcry littl
ditTerence between an ) ' of tli
three cla.y ' program. All (
them arc trong clays.
- - - - - -
All the latest designs in wa
paper at J. C. Bowen'8. 71
- - - - - - - - - - - -
'J'iemey Bros. ' allts your pou
try and will pay for 8p1" ng chic !
If ens , 12fcj olcl hens , 5cj duck
P 5cj geese , lOc. 1)-1
- - - - - - - - - -
, ' [ 'he bills amI posters arc 01
announcing thc I.ewis & 14ake
Societ\ ' Cir n , wl ich will he U
- ig lip-town attraction durin
' fair week. 'l'hi : . an unusual1
strong' show. ' ( 'heir mau1tllot ,
tcnt will seat se\'el'al thommu .
peopl ( . and those who..attend t11
fair caunot" alTorel to miss it.
Hapgood has opened a pait
n shop just south of thc Globe III
tel , where he IS prepared to pait
buggics and do all kinds of worl
Call amI see him. He is t1
largest contractor in thissectiol
- - - - -
\Jr. \ r.t ach makes Cl'own al :
brlllg , work t hat. , 'a n not be e :
ct.'lIed for : : is.Of ) a ttoth. Plast
fi11ing' . 50c uPi gold filling
$1.00 tlPi a full sd of teethgua
,1 > 1 anteecl t. , tit , $5.00.
. .
lie - - - - -
: 'rltis ofiice for neat job work.
- - -
t ) ' J. C. Rowen hU'H
'fit ' , ) cream ar
ii 'pays the highest market price.
' .
10- - -
l'ti ' \V ANTRn-Mel1 with familie
d. Fair price and go'od houses.
\\Tns' ! ' UNION MILI.ING Co.
. 34H W Bt Union , Neb.
. . . . .
. \O [ . . . , . : : , IJj- , . cot. . . ! ! .
Gold crown are very unsight-
Jy iu the front of the mouth. Dr.
Leach makes pocelene crows and
bridge work. I t is just as strong
and much neater in appearattce .
than gold , at $5.00 a tooth.
- - - - - -
TAKItN ul'-A sorrel colt , ahout
one year old.
11' . \VmSSItNHItDRR. .
FOR lots and a' '
few five acre lots in this city.
-AUen Reyner.
Money to loan on improved
farms.-R. G. MOORR , Gleim
Block. 41tf
Mrs. Zahn has just returned
from St. Louis , where she purchased -
chased a fan and winter line of
millinery goodR.
Stockers and feeders for sale.
l1tf 1"i'RANKV1tISUNR1DHH. .
Drs. Davis and" Farnsworth of
Grand Island , Nehraska , are pre-
pared/to treat all forms of chronic
diseases , such as rheumatism ,
stomach disorders , tumors , cancers -
cers , paralysis , kidne ) ' diseases ,
etc. 'l'he doctors use besides
medicine audsurgery , theX.Ray ,
hot-air baths , ele'ctricity and
massage. 2tf
- - - - - -
Bring your chickens to P. J.
Simonson aud get the highest
i market price. 10 tl
. .T - - - . . . -
Legal Notices.
All Bdnrlliemonh under lobi. JaUlAtI will hi
cbargod for al. 10val r8t\'ll , vis : 11.00 1"r 'lIlu , , '
I for drat ln ortlon. aud Wc 1J0r .qoarl ! tor libel
nbseqo DI. lnsertlon.
"sqoaro" II Len 11nol or fraetton thereor.
Coullty Court Custer Couut ) ' . Nebrallka.
' 1'0 the lIelrR alld lIext of Kill of BellI ! ' C
lIa llulI'R , Dl'cl'al-\ed.
You are hereb } ' 1I0tlfie,1 that Jolm S. lIa .
, thlllll of lIald deceal-\ed. \ lta'l filed hili petltloll II
! laid cOllrl. a..kllllC that ( ieo. 'V.l\1cRa. . . . or ! .0I111
other sliitable person ilia } ' bt' allpoilitell Ad
mllllRtrator of the eRlate of nelle C. lIalltlllR" ' !
_ deceal-\I'd. Said lIIaUer haR beell el for hearh. . .
Cor September 10. 1M. at 10 o'clock a. III. . at thl
COllnt ) ' Court ROOIII , III Brokeu Uow , NebraRka
whell alllllierested partle'i ilia ) ' appear alld b ,
Haletl the : Oth day of of AUICII t. 1904.
11-101-88 [ SRALI J. A. AKMOUK. Coullty JuLlIC"
United State' ! I.alld O ice. ,
Brokell Uow. NehraRka. AUlI'ust 4. 1904. i
Notice I hereby II'lveu thaI the followlu .
- lIalllell settler hall filell 1I0tice of hl Illtentiol
to make filial proof lilllllpport of hl'i clallll , alii
that Raid I'roof wlU he made before Rell'lste
- all < 1 Heceiver at Urokeu Uow. Nebrallka. 01
- October 3. 1904 , vl7. : PERRY COFI < 'I\tAN
New nelella.Nebrahka. for the 11. E. 994 1 }
lie } ) Section 6. E ue Sectloll 35. 'l'owllfihl :
_ 19 North. Ranlle 21 'V.
lIe lIallles the fotlowhlR" wltneRRes to l > rev
his continuous rellidellce 111'011 alld cuJtlvatlui
_ of R hl laud. vl7. : Oll\'er Swick of New lIeleu : !
Nebraska : Patrick Kelley of New lleleua. N.
braRka : ( ieorlCe 'l'elllpler of New lIe lelia , N ,
brallka : Arthllr Newbollnd of Brokeu Uo"
11-16-8' ) JAMES WIIlTKJmAU. RelClster.
- -
'I' " wholllit lUay couceru :
A petilioll havllllC beell filed III the ollice ,
the couut ) . clerk of Cnller cOllllty. Nebra'lka. I
vacate a 1'lIbllc roall. commeuclnrr at the qllal
tel' slake betweell I-\ectloull \ fOllrte..11 ( HI all
twellty.three (23) ( ) , towlI..hlp ellCht..1I IIH ! , 1101'1
ralllC" twentY'lhrl'e (23) ( ) west lith 1' . 1\1. RIIIII
_ Inll' thellce lIouth 80 rodll. thellce weRt 160 rod
to sectloll line between ! -\ectloull \ twellty-two (2 ( :
alld twelltythree. 'I'hellce rlllllllutr 1I00Ith 4
rod" or thereabout. . to call'on or Rectloll corne
lIectlonll 22. 23.26 alld Z7 a'l per road plat. Thl
belntr the terminal of this road on the IIOUt
eud. All objectlonll thereto , or clallllll f
damalles IIIlIlIt be 1IIed In the count ) . clerk
office 011 or before 110011 of the 13th da ) ' of 0 ,
tober , 1904 , or Ruch roall will be vacated wlthOi
referellce thereto.
III Witness Whereof. I have herelillto Ret m
haud allli Keal of . .aid COlility. thlR 10th day (
AlIlClist. 1904. ( iRO. 'V. DltWRCOllllty Clerk.
Q.12-65 lly Jos. PIGMAN. DeputJ
In the district cOllrt of CURter cOllllt ) . . Neba..k :
Hnas D. Audrews. Receiver of
Oxfonl Coullty Loan ASliocia.
tloll. Plaintiff. " '
'VIII. Lawyer. etal , Defendallts
Will. Lawyer will take notice that ou the 2u
day of AUlI'ullt. 19tH , J. A.Arlllour. connty jud
of flald Custer county.lslllled all order of attacl
Ulellt for the sum of $172.20. In all actloll pelu
lull' before hhn wherein Silas D. Alldrew. . , 1"
celver of Oxford COllnty L'oall Aflsoclatloll ;
plailltiff. alld Wnt. Lawyer allli the Uallk .
Callawa ) ' are defendantll : that propert ) ' of t\ \ :
defelldant. Will. Law'er. conlllRtlnrr of C
about 2S acreR of wheat lu IIhock and of Y.a (
about 40 acres of lIarley In shoCk , nuw In 011 tI
followlllldescrlbe,1 real Ktate 11l1uate lu CII'It' '
county. Nebrallka. co-wit' : Nw of . .t'ctlon I
tuwnllhlp IS , uorth of ranll'e 5. west of 6th I
M. haR been attached ullder . : ahl onler. Hal
; - calise was contlulled to the 4th day of Octohe
11' l < JO.t , at 10 o'clock a. m.
Receiver of Oxford COllllt ) . I.o : !
le Aswclatlon.plailltiff.
1Q.13-87 Uy SIMON CMUKON. His Att ) . .
) f
_ AM ENDM EN'l' .
11 'fhe fullowhlll' proposed alllelldilleut to , ai' '
convelltlon for the revlilluu nf. the COII'itltlltl (
tf of the Rtate of Nebras . aR hereillafter
forth III filII , IN slIbmltted to the electors of tI
- State of Nebrallka. to be voted IIt'OIi at tI
1- lCeneral electloll to he held 'J'lIelllla ) ' . Novellll"
II. A. 1 > . . 1904 :
{ - ( S"oJATI l tLK No. 114. ) '
S A 11111 for a Joillt Re-\ullitioll \ r..collllllelulh
' ' 10 the el..ctorll of the litate to vale at the ue'
. 1' electlull of nlelllber. . of the Lelllllatllre for ,
_ all'alll'li. a cOllvelltloll to revl..e . , amell < l al
chanll'e th" COIIRtltlltloll of the State of Nlbra
lt lla In accordallce with Section 2. Arllcle IS. ,
's the Conlitltlltloll oC the State of Nebra..ka.
lie It Re ! < olved b ) ' the L"llllilatllre uf theSta
Ie of Nebra ka :
1. 'i'hat It IN deelll..d UI'CeSRar ) ' to call a co
g ventloll to revise. alllelul and challlle th" Co
Iy Htllutlon of I.he State of Nebrallka.
. 'i'hal. the el..ctorR are rl'collllllelld"ll to " 0
It at Ihe lIext el..ctloll of melllbers oC Ihe 1'11"1'11
tllll ! for III" alCalulit a COII'elltioll to revi
allleud alld Challll'e the Coustltu\loli of Ihe Sta
Ie of Nebrallka.
3. 'I'hat at sllch lIext el..ctloll of lIIelllber"
the Lellllllatlire on the ballot of each elector v
_ tlllg at . .uch electloll. shall be prllltl ! < 1 or writt.
In Buch a mauuer that the elector call IlIdlca .
It his preferellce under the law the wordN : . . . ' 0
[ ) _ call1nlC a cOllvellllon to re\'llIe , ameud al
chaulI'e the Colilltitntioll of the Stale of Nebra
1t ka , " alld "AGAINS''callhllC acolI"entluntor
I. vise. amelld alld chalille the Coustltutloll of t1
1State of Nebraska : " aullt a majority votlll
Ie at liald electlolillhall vote for a cOII'enlloll. tI
Letrislalurc shall. at 1111 uexl ses'iloll. 1'1'0\1 ,
11. by law for call hill the salll. . .
_ _ 1. Geo. W. Marsh. Secretar ) ' of Rt le of t1
Htate of Nebrallka. Llo hereby certlC ) ' Ihat tI
I d forellohlll prol'oRed alllelldmellt Co theColllltil
_ tloll of the State of Nebraska. a..1 . provhlh'll f ,
: a COllvelltloll for the re\'lslolI of Kald COII tlt
lC 11011 of the State of Nebraska. IK a true all < l r
rect COP ) ' of tile orlilinal ellroll..Ll bllll > all ed I
S , the 'l'wellt'oehlhth flellRlon of the L"lClslatllre
1'- the Stale of Nebraska. as It al'pearii frolll sa
orlll'llIal blll. all file III m ) ' o\lce ( , alld Ihata ! \
I'rol'o..d amendm"t allli revlsloll uf the Call
_ titulloll of the State of Nebrallka Is "lIblllltt4
10 tbe qualified voterll of the Slate of Nchrask
for their allop\lon or rej..ctloll , at the 1C1'lIer
- election to bu held ou 'l'uesday. the ! jth da ) ' .
1 < 1 Novemb..r , A. D. 19O-f.
In teRllmon ) ' whereof. I havu herennto lIet II
halld alld affixed the Seal of the State ,
- Nebraska.
DOlle at Llucolll this 5th da ) ' of JulY lu tl
S. year of our 1.ord One Tbousalld Nille lIundrc
and 1o'our. of the IUdel'endeuce of the Unltl
States tbe One lIundred and 'l'went ) ' Nln1
alld of thlll State tbe Thirty EllI'hth.
Hl1o. W. MARS" .
1i.21-jl [ GJU AT SRALI Secretu ) ' IIf State.
.r.--- . . " . , / " 'po ' " "I
Unltfd Slate. I.a'nd omce , l
Brokell UO" " . Nt'braska , AUllu t 2. 1 ; r
Notice 1'1 hereb ) ' ! llvell that th" foUnwlllll'
lIamed "I'tlh'r ha'l flied 1I0tice of hili IlItl'lIl1un
to make I1l1al proof In flllpport of hili claim. and
Ihat Raid prouf " 'Ill be made before relll ter
alld receiver U. S. Iatal OlUce at Urokl'lI Uow.
Nebra..ka. on Seltenlber 10th. 1904. vlJ : , , 'ORU
A. ELLIS of Merna. Nebrallka. for the IIW
III ! SectioliS. Towu'lhhJ 18 North. Halll'e 21 W.
lie lIalllt's the followllllC Whlle\lIe'l to prove
bl" cOlltllllloll'l rCRldellce 1I110n and cIIIII'atioll
of Ralclland. vl % : tieorR'e M. Iblell of Merna.
Nebrl ka : 8al1\111'1 VnllBuRklrk of MerUI , NI"
brallt.n : Citarlelll'l'a ) lor of Merlla. Nebra ka :
Chtrlelll\lcLallllhllllof : Merna. Nebraska.
8.13-84 JAMES WmTltlCRAU , RelClllter.
' 1'0 , , 'homlt lIIay coucern :
A petltloll havlllil beeu l1Ie.l III the conllt ) '
clerk'lI ofllce aRklnll to vacale a certalll mad de.
IIcrlbeLl all follo'l'lI to.wlt : COIIIIII..IIChuc 011 Ihe
"eetlou 11111' ! O rodR "uullt of the lIorth Wl'sl
corner Sectlou 24 a 11I1 rl1l1l1hlll lIorth alolll (
CtlOIi IIhe to tlte north east COflll'r of S..ctlou
14. frum thcllce we..t alollll' , , ( 'cllull 1I11t ! to the "
I'ollth weRI corner of Sectloll 10 , all III 'l'oWllshllJ 1
17 , lIorth of Rallll'CI 17. WI..t of f.o P.1. : : . , alld all f"I
ubJeclioll'l therein. or clahllll for Ilalll lCell , !
IIltlRt be 1l1a'1111I thl ! coullty clerk'lI oflke 011 III' '
hefon' 110011 of t he 4th day of October , IIjO , or
! luch road will be vacateLl wltltollt rl'ft'reuce j
III Wlhll' ' 1 Whl'rl'nf. I ha'e herellllto ! lei lilY I
Italld allli "eal of " : ahl COllllt ) . . 111111 211tl da ) ' of
A 1111'11"1. 1')04. ' tilO.V. : . DIWR\ ' . ,
8.11-8.1 [ ! lltAI,1 COlilln'
'J'o wholll It ilia } ' COl1certl : '
'I'he cUIIII1\II-\.lollcr apllollltt'd to , 'Ie\\ ' a roaLl I
lIetltlollell for br II. Krol'lrer. et al. COllllllenc-
hllC al abollt 30 rods lIollth of Ne corner uf Sec- I
tloll 21J thel'ce I'll II II hill abollt IC.O rodll IIH'I'l' or
Il's al'olllllllall'oOlllllll1l 1.trl1es \ MICtiOIi lIoe
fllllllhllC lIorlh :11111 Olltlt Oil a pllbllc roaLl , all
III ' 1'OWllllhlll 13. Halll'c 17. :111 < 1 tn vacate th" 1
I'alt pact of till ! road Oil lIecliou IIl1e bet\\'t'ell
Secllollll 17 allll 20. HIIIIIIIIIIC east aliLl west ha'l
reported III fa\or of thl ! ellabllshlll"lIt anLl va.
catloll thel'euf. ami all ubjectloll'l thereto or
clahlill for 1.1 a ilia 11'1. III II 'It belied \ In tile counl ) ' I
cler1'R onice UIIII' b < ! fore 110011 uf the 3rd day of
October , 1904. ur IIlIch ruad will hll e'ltabllshed 1
and vacatell wltholll ref..rellc" thereto.
III WIIII..II. . Wherl'of. I ha'e hl'rellllto set lilY 1
halld alld ! I"al of I < ahl COli 11IIhl'i ht Llay of J
AIliIIRt , 1 < )04. 0110. W. DI WR\ " . I
.Il-Ill [ SKAJ.I COllllt ) ' CIl'rk. 1
' ' ' ' ' ' '
Kuow all mell I. ) , Ihe'le pre'lellt'l : 'I'hat WII ,
Jacob Mlllt'r. II. 1' : . HobIIiSOIi. C. ' 1' . Holliday ,
A 1.1 a III Sell "I , A. J.torall. ! . n. J. II a III 1II0lld ,
C. C. lIabcock. Juhll PllICh , n. I . Allen , W. C.
Beltz. Ira 1' . MIII'I. Chari. " lIardlu , D. B.
ShIlIllN. bavl ! all 'Iodated ollr'lelves tOllelbl'r alld
by theMI l'n' I'IIt'i III ) a'l oclate 1)111'1.1'1\1 < tt'lreth.
er for the pllrpo'le 1) ( fnrmllllami becollllnil a
I'orporatloll III the State of Nebra'lla. with
power to blll1ll , lIIallltalll allli operate allel..clrl.
cal rallwa ) ' III "aid lI\ate. COIIIIIII'IICIIlIC at lire.
Custer cOllllt . Nebra'lka. b ' of
kell 1I0w. ) , . ) way
. \rllold. aml rllllllllll ! ' tbrough the , coulltles of
1.llIcolll. 1,01Call alld CIIRter. III tile Statc of
Nebrahka. alld ttrlllillathlil :11 Gantl ) ' . Ioll'an
' COlilltr. Nl'braska. for which IlIlrpu. . . . wc bave
adoptl'lI alld h"reh ) ' a.lopt the lulllwllll : ' A rtlclell
IIf ll1rOl'poratlulI :
lilt. 'i'he uallle of salll curporatloll shall be
' 1'he 1,0111' Valll' ) ' 1'It'ctrlcal Railroad Call1pall } '
uf Nebra ka. alld the prlllc".al place of tratls-
: lcthu ! ' It bll'llnes'l ! lhall be thl ! CII ) ' of Aruold ,
. COllllt ) . of Custer. aml State of Nebra'lka. The
meethu's of . .alII. Uuanl of Directors "hall be
Itehlill the clt ) ' of Arnold. III salLllltatl ! .
II.I. 'J'he lIatlire of tbl ! busllle'l'l to he Irall'l-
acted b ) ' said corporathlI sball be the CUII'ltruc-
- tloll. lIIallitalllallee alld operatlou of all electrl.
cal railroad ur electrical rail roadR alld brallche
III the State of Nebraska allll all ) ' slicb olher I
' . ! ltate ! ! alld terrltorlt ! ! ! a It lIIay acqulfl ! Corlr.
ate rllCht to eliteI' for that IIIUIIO-'I' .
3rd. 'J'he allthorl7.ed capital IItocl. of salLl
corlloratlon shall be Olle 1\1111I011 alld uo aile-
hlilltlredths dollars III IIhares of olle 1IIInllreLl
dollars each. to be sllbscrlbed allLl I'ahl as 1' ' '
qulred b ) ' the Hoard of Director. . of flahl COlli'
pallY III obedlellce to 11m lawII oe th. , State of
Nebrallka. Sahl capltailitock lIIay be Illcrea.-
ed III a lIIaliller pro\'hled b ) ' law to IIlIch au
allloullt all ilia ) ' be dl'ellled IWCl1l1ar ) ' tn accolII'
pllsh thl' pllrpo e of thiN corpuratloll.
4th. ' 1'he . .xls\ence of tblll corjoratloll "hall
COlIlIIeUCe ! Oil the III\h : da ) ' of Jlllle. A. D. 1904.
all,1 "hall ternlillate 011 the 18th da ) ' or June. A
D.2003. IIlIlells snoller dlll ol\'ed or cOlltillued III
accordallce with law.
5th. 'rhe bn"III"SIl of Raid corporotlou sball
he cOlldllctell b ) ' a Hoard of Dln.'ctorl. 1101 tu ex.
cet'd Revell III lIulllber. to h. . electell by Ihe
Htock holdl'r. . . : llIlIlIallly. at kuch tlllle aud
III act' aM ilia ) ' he 111'e.crlh'd b ) ' Ull ! by-Iawli of f
! laid compall ) ' 1I011llColI lstelit with the IaWIi of '
the Slate of Nebra'lJa. ;
Mh. 'i'he ol1icers oC Hald corlloratlull shall be
a Presldeut. Ylce-presILlellt. Secretary : lud
TreaHurer , wbo shall be chosell b ) ' the Uoard
of Directors. all < l who shall hold olllce fOI' tbe I
lIerlod of Olle ) 'ear alld II lit 11 their IIUCCellSOrl 1
lihall be elected ali < I qllatltll'.l. III ca e ot all } '
vacaIlC ) ' . It IIhall be tilled b ) ' the remalnllllC
lIIemberll of the Board of Dlrectorll : all 01 (
which ollicers shall be elecltd frum :11110nlC the . . - (
stock hohle. . " of lIalll Corporatloll.
7th. The hltrhe'l alllounL uf Indeblt.tllles" IU
which "altl ; : orporatloll call , at all ) ' tlhie. slIb-
j..ct It cU "hallllot be lIIore thaul"lve lInlldred
'rholllallli alld 110 olle-hundredthR doliarH.
! jth. 'I'he lIIallllel' of holdlnlC thllllleetlllil's of ,
Rtockholderll for the electlull of IlIrt'ctorN. the
electloll of olllecrs. alld the lIIethod of condllct-
IIII ! ' the bUHllleslI of said cOflJOratloli. 'Ihall be
prescribed b } ' the b-lawR as adopted by the
Board of Directors ,
\Vllllell'l Whereof. 'l'he ulHlersllCliell have
herelilito set their hauds alld eals this lilth da ) '
of Jlllle. 1 < 104 : JACOH 1\IILI.IK.
C. 'i'.lIoLLIUAV.
n. J. lIAMMOW ,
It. 1ALLtN. .
IliA P. l\hLr.s.
n. B. HI I ls.
STATlt 01' NJlIKMAl : I
. .
011 thlll 18th Ila } ' of Jlllle. A. D. l'1lH , before
1II1 ! , a Notary Pllbllc. dilly cOlllllllk'llulleLl and
quatlfied alld resldllllC III Kalal CUI"t ) ' alld 'Itate
of NebraRka. perRollally appear , ' < 1 Jacob MlI\er.
n. I . HobIIlSOIl. C. ' 1' . Uoillda ) ' . ALlalll Hell"el ,
A. J. 1\Iortrall. Ii. J. 1Iallllllo"l. " Ira J' . I\IlIIs , C. , :
C. Bahcock , Johll PillCh , H. Jo : . Atlell. W. C. I
Uelt7. , Davlll HI III mil. Charle'l 11 a 1'111 II. Ilerson-
ally kllOWII to lIIe thl' h1elltlcal l'er"OIlIl who'll !
nallle'l are attached to tbu forelrollll ! ' hllliru. '
lIIeut allli lIeverall } ' aCkllowledlCI ! < \ the . .ame CO i
be their \'ullllltary act alld d..e < 1 for the IllIrllO-
se thert'llI "et fllrth.
\VltliesN lilY hallli alllllllliorialeal \ th. . dat" i
JaRt abowrlttell. . A. n. UOI"I'lIIAN ,
Notal' ) ' Pllbtlc. ,
STATR 01' NlmKAsA , I \
cc ,
COUoJT\ > CUSTHI < . r n I
I. neo. W. [ Jewe ) ' , COli Ill ) ' Clerk III allli forhaiLl I
CUllllty do hereby certlf ) ' that the anllexed III- 1
sll'UlIl < 1l1t III execllted alld ackliowiellireliin , Iue
forlll accordlnll' to the lawlI of the State of Ne-
brallka to mltlUe It tll be recurtled therelll : alsu
that A. n. UolTlllall. hefore whulII Ibe Hallie wa'l
111'0\1.11 alld acknowll'dlCed was. at the tlllle of
takllllC Hlicli llrollf a 11I1 acklilOwleLll'elllelit. a
1I0tar ) ' Pllhllc III alld for salll COllut ) ' . du\o \
IllIalllled allli allthurled : to takll Ule . .allle. alld
1 fllrlher certll- that I alii well acqllallll..d whh
the "IICIalure , of thl ! " : lld A. n. Uofimall. a
lIotor ) ' nbllc. III a 11I1 for NaiLl COIIII\Y alld verl\ \ ) "
believe the . .llCllalure tCJ the "aid I'erllilcale to
b" Irellllille.
Wltuess III ) ' hallli alll tile . . . .al of Kahl cOllrt
at Broken Uow , III . .alLl COllllt ) . tlllR27th da ) ' of
Jlllle. A. II. 190 . IEO. W , Duwu\ ' .
COllllt > ' Clerk.
ItlE.u.J lIy Jo. ; . 1'1II111.\N. Der-uty.
. : !
- - - - - - -
. . . . . . . . .llcrd Ileadcd lly. . . . . . . . .
CrimlOIl 8cottl No. 171.035.
- : . ; ' , : ' ; y..1f } ,
. J
; .
' 1
J. G. BRENIZER , Breeder of
I'ore Scotcb and Scotob TIJPpeLl Short norn Cat.
tlo. All berd DUlnbtJu .JT OOWII. Will COmtJan
lu bN dlol : aud quam ) ' with anr "e.t of nblcaKo , I
&Iy oxperleDCQ haa hngbt me tb.t to IClvo Iood
.aliitaclton. breodlng cattlelonat be raised In
thlB altllude. I expect 1.0 raise '
here tbO equal of lIu'tblllg fJIhlld ln theu'
8. I n'w bavII lIulle IIUltablu fOr tbll. ana
neU ) 'IIU'I .OtVICII , My CO" . wlIIgblfto\D hOil 10
1000 pOIlUd& . 100 .aLliOll , Ule1ll1
. , . .