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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1904)
- - . . . . . - II I II. ' I. .COUNTY ' . USTER EPUBLICAN. . . . ESTABLISHED 1882. 'l'HE OFFICIAL PAPER OF cUS'rER COUN'l'Y. I4ARGES'r CIRCULATION OIi' ANY PAPEI IN 'l'IIE COUNTY. , . . . . - VOL. XXIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA . , THURDSAY , AUGUST 25 , 1904.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.l' : ' . . - , It wo\.t I" wit" 'phonr und ticA. , . 10 A..t1tIp , up lvit" Ih" fla.t/ ' . , of bu.tinu.s thou/1l1t. ; .N.d. , . li.t. .N.v" , . faU.t. . . Smpl. in con.s truction , Ea.lIl. . Flllrd. . - . . _ . Schoo1 Bnok\ ! , Tahlets -.1.NP- School Supplies , -AT- J. G. Haeberle's : . _ ' _ - O' . _ _ . . _ - . r am now located just north of the Custer National Bank. Come , and see me for bargains 111 real estate. SOl11e choice acre property - perty for sale. . I 8 tf ls. : . ANDItRSON. ' ' ' COIIV'utloU , Rt'lmIJlJrtlll HU.I'C1'VIROI' ' ( 'fhe Republicau Supervisor Convention will be held in District No , 7 at 1\Iason Cify on the 15th day of September , 190,1 , at 3 o'clock p , m , to 'place in nomination . It ca tlidate for to he ; ooted for at the next allUua election , Hach town. Rhip will be entiUell to the same number of de1tgateR as at the last republican county convention , By order of committee , , ' 1' . J. WOOD , Chairman. Company M. of the National Guards returned Wednesday morning from Davit ! City , where they attended the state encamp- mente ItbeUlUf\tl nl. When pains r irritation exist part of the body , the .ap. phcal10n of Ballard's Snow 1-4lUi- ment gives prompt relief. l . W. , Sullivan , Prop. Sullivan House El Reno , O. ' 1' . , writes , June fI , 1902 : III take pleasure in recom. mending Ballard's Snow 1-4ini. I ment to all who are amicted Wittl rhuematism. It is the enl ) ' rem. . . edy I have found that gives im. mediate relief. " 25c,50c , $1.00 , Sold by I d. McComas , Broker Bow and Merna. - - ( - - iJ , qo.M.Cf. : , jpC , ' ; Si , - The. i . . . . . , , EarJIe ; Q s . I Grocr ! : i Fresh Fruits , Fresh Vegetables , ! : i Apples , li \V atermelons , Pure Spices , - : I Cider Vinegar. : . t I - - - I . i A Full Line of , } J Fresh Groceries - - . Yale Coffees. 'Phone 58 , . I ( : : : : E : : : : ] . ) . ' 1\ . Cooper and wife of Mont- r se , Colorado are visiting in the city with old acquaintances. W. H. and J.l . Dorgan of Lincoln - coln were in the city several days this week , the guests of C. F. 'rierney. 'rhey made the trip in an automobile. Prof. Geo. Boggs of Hastings wa a friendly calUer this a. m. He was 011 his way to Elton to visit his parents a few days be : ' fore his college re.opens. 'l'he Broken Bow schools will not open until after the fair so as to give the children a chance to ttend. 'l'his plan is also adoptee - ee } . by a very large number of dis- tncts o\'er the e < > 1tnty. Zin Grant left a samp Ie , I.'riday of blue stem grass she got off of her father's section homestead in the north west part of the county that measures six feet in length. T-4and that will grow such grass as that will raise corn , wheat , oats , potatoes or alfalfa. Prof. Zahn has resigned the position of superintendent of the Broken Bow Business & Normal Colleg-e. The board has another man in \ ' ew that will take his place. At a public meeting last Friday uight the citizens decided to .uphold and help make the school a success. . John S. Smith , who lives just west of Callaway informs us that he had thirty two acres .of winter wheat that averaged 38 bu hels to the acre and tested fI t pounds. He threshed 2,000 bushels from 40 acres of oats. His barley went 40 bushels to the acre and his macaroni wheat 25 bushels to I t he acre. A. G. HolTman of Arnold , wa , in the city Monday and orderel I his aldress changed to li'oresj ' Grove , Oregon. Hr. and' hi family left \Vednesda ) ' over the U. P. railroad for theIr new hOlm i on the coast. It is with regrel we see Mr. Hoffman and his es' ' timable family leave Custel County. ' . . . . 11'S. 1111l11ons a CIVI eng111eel i of Central City , arrived in tht 't ' city 1\Ionday over the B. 8l. 1\1 , railroad and went out with A. G I.loffman to Arnold 'l'uesday ( do engineering' work on the pro deed ! ; da111 on the South Lou ] below Arnold for the electril eilway that is proposed frol ] tlroken Bow by the way of . Am old to Gandy. \Ve are in receipt of a larg poster , printed in red , dvertis lUg the town of Kink id , lail out July 4. It is located on th Calamus I iver Valley , in th I center of T-4oup county , at th junction of the proposed lines 0 8 th Sioux Qity , O'Neil , NortJ Platte and Denver and the exter sion of the B. & : 1\1. from Burwel' ' 'l'he promoters of the new tow 8 is the Central Exchange Co , Council Bluffs. 'rhe poster tell 8 of the ad\'antages offered to b ( 8 ome millionares , by taking 64 acres homestead in the vi initJ J Great excitement' prevails in tll north part of the state over tb proposed roads and town. , P. P. Stanford of Merna , was among the sight seers in the city last 'l'uesc1 a ) ' . Dr. J. E. P ul of Columbus , Nebraska , was in the citJ , last I Sunda.y as a guest of Dr. Leacll. ! Will Davis is building a fine cottage in the east 1 , > art of town on the Hunter addItion. Grant Drake is doing the worl { . H. 1-4omax's fine residence in the northwest part of the c x is fast reaching completion. ' l'ip. ton , Wahl & Osborne are doing the work. H. E. Glass is enjoying a visit from his brother of Lincoln this week. He is an ngineer on the B. & 1\1. between f4incoln atHI Columbus. J. H. Cross of Ansley , kindly remembered this ofl ce with a social call 'l'uesday. lIe reports the best crop of corn he ever had in Nebraska. Elijah Crawford of Corydon , Iowa , arrived' in the city last Friday morning. He is visiting with the family of his daughter , Mrs. G. ' 1' . I obinson of li'leming Valley. Miss Henne , who has been visiting - iting with her brother , Walter T. , in Springfield , Illinois , for several weelm , returned home last week. She reports having enjoyed the visit very much. A. R. Humphrey and family went down to their ranch on the Loup Ii'riday of last week for a few days outing. 'J'hey were equipped with tents , a boat and other paraphanalia for a good time. \Vilmon 'V. Blackmar of Bos. ton , was elected Comn ander it ] Chief of the National G. A. R. 'rhe session closed last Friday. Denver , Colorado , was selected a the placc for the National Encampment - campment 1905. 'i J. D. Harrison , a 1 old tim { Nebraskan , press agen , of th ( Walter 1-1. Main Show ; ' .was : J welcome -caller at this offic ( Tuesday. Mr. Harrison was at employee on the Omaha Be ( twenty years ago. W. P. Rogers , wife and boy left 'ritesdav morning on a visi1 Salide , Cripple Creek and Pueblo , Colorado. Mr. Rogers has D brother at Sohda he has not seer f r 19 years. They expect to be g'one until the 15th of Sept. Ii' . A. Amsberry has sold tilt Mason City Star to Wm. Ander , son. Mr. Anderson is a practi' cal primer and has grown up it that vicinity.Ve welcome Mr Anderson back to the newspapel fraternity and wish him succes in his new venture. The absence of people from : distance at the circus last Tues , day is a guarantee that they al'l waiting for the fair. A stronl I bunch of horses are in traininl , on the Broken Bow track. Th , I 20 big racing events for the fai I will bring more horses here thai were ever Reen on the track be fore. J. G. Brenir. : r , whose ranch i three , miles south of towu , say his winter wheat is threshing 3 bushels to the acre and that h is se1ling it for 88 cents a bushel Doc bought that land three 0 four years ago for about $6.00 a r acre. 'rhere is yet plenty c such land in the county that ca ue hought for $20 to $25 an acn Philip Johnson of 01'tello , cal . cd Monday and had his subscri1 [ tion advanced se\'eral notche He informs us that his son , Marl ) raised .s,000 bushels of wheat 0 his place this season. 'l'he wit tel' whet went hetween 30 an . 40 bushels to the acre. ' ! 'he now have o\'cr eight hundrel - acres of land all paid for and at planning t build new house an ! e harn this fall. F.Ult o. IJU' r Il'K" ' . e " 'l'wo physicians had a Ion and stllbbord tight with an a cess on my right Illng" write ! ' > , It' . Hughes of DuPont , Ga. , lIalJ ga\'e me up. E\'eryhody tilOUgl 111 , ) ' tim had come. As a last 1'1 sort I tried Dr. King's New Di CO'crl.for Consumption. ' 1'1 benefit I received was strildt1 and I was on my feet in a fe days. Now I've entirely regail cd my health. " It conquers < J coughs , colds and thro t at lung troubles. Guaranteed 1 Lee Bros. , drugstore. Price , 51 and $1,00. 'l'rial bottle free. The Custer County Ii'air occurs week after ncxt , Get ready for it. It will be a hot one. Dr. Job and her father rcturn- ell last 'l'hursda ) ' from their outing - ing in the Mountains of Colorado. F. H. Young is at home again after spending se\'eral weeks in Colorado 100klUg after his stock 'ranch. He ha < \ se\'cral hundred acres of his ranch put in alfalfa this season. 'l'he Custer Baptist Association wHI cotlvene at Ansley tomorrow - row afternoon for a three days' s ssion. A number of the Bro. k n Bow church people are planning - ning to attend. 'Hazel Jewett brought to this t1ice a few da's ago a sample of \'ery fine plumbs , raised hy D. \v. Thompson in Idaho , on three year old trees. In the box of ph\1I10S receivell from 1\11' . 'L'homp- son , 1\Irs. . Jewett , : l\1is s Pearl and Hazel Jewett wcre remem- bert ll. 'l'he populist congressional convention of the Sixth District was held at Kearney Wedncsday . of last week. 'l'he enl ) ' delegates , present were five of Buffalo county - ty and one from Dawson. A. A. Worsley of Butte , Boyd county ; received the entire six votes and was declared unanimously nomi- nated. r _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , : ; For Fair Week At 'Brpken Bow Opera House one solid week , commencing I Monday , Sept mber 6th ' PAMOUS- --'rJlJt ' Arrington's Comedians Of 14 people ; all special scenery , new plays , costumes , and pretty L g' 'rls. Entire change of program I each night and specialties between - tween the acts. Ladles Free First Night That is each lady acc01hpanied , by a person holding one paid reserved - served seat ticket will. be admitted - ted free first night only. Prices , Gallery Seats , ,26 , Cents ; Chair Seats , 36 Cents ; Reserved Seats , 60 Cents. 1 Se-ats , on sale at the usual places , " The following good word for S the Arrington.'s is taken from the Nashville Dem ( > crat : IIWalter Arrington's 'l'roupe - appeared at the Nashville Opera House last Thursday , li'ri < 1ay and Saturday evenings , and made a decided hit. 'l'he house was crowded each night and the people - ple went away delighted with th performances. "His repertoire in this city consisted of " 'l'he Black Flag , " s "In Old Kentucky" and "East " and ' in the Lynne , were pla'ed order named. Saturday afternoon - noon a matinee was given , and . the company presented " 'l'he 11' I-4ittle Torment" to the utmost 11 delight of a large gathering of , children for whom the play had n been especially arrange. Ogarita , the Indian actress , appeared as the star on ' ! 'hul'sday and Satur- d < ; ) ' nig-l1ts and her acting was I. I11gh class. In her Mr , Arring- ton has succeeded in securing one of t he lt st actresse'er making hel' appearance in thil .d city. Mrs. Arrington , who ap- y pea red as the central fignre "In Old Kentucky" likewise proved : e herself an actress of no mean d ability , and both ladies came infer for much complimentary mention on all sides for their clever work. C. D. Hatfiel , the husband of g Ogarita , proved himself a'ersa - [ ) - tile performer and one appearing J. to tine advautago. IIis worl , I during the three nights' sta1U1 It was par excellence. ' 1'he remain- eing members of the com pan ) ' s. likewise did some notewort h , } ' Ie work and will aid in making the 19 productions favorites with the w theater going public. I 'l'he com , 11pany was organized here and Lll marked the opening of the opera Id season in this city. 'rhey had ) y previously appeared at Okawvillc ; Qc I and Marissa and gave the best oj sl.tisfaction : at these places. " " 't"t"t"t"'t1tt"'t" ' " " " " " " " " ' " " ' " + t""t'tt''t" " " " " ' ' " " " " " " " " " ' " - - I Wagonsl .1 : : : : : : 'C : : : : : I bought two ( 'til' loads orV figons fl'om ' : : : : : : ! )1\l'tics who hnd more \Vngons thnn mOllOY. ' , = = : : : Among tl1l'lll arC' SOll1B Bucrldns , 13rocksmith , : : : : : : , li'lol'o lCo and Lui'nyntt < .1V ngons. 'As' long fiS' = = = = these lnst r n m g'Oil1g' to sell you \V ngons for les = = money than other denIers can buy for. , Oome rt ) I 3 = = = and let me show 'Olt ns good aV ng'on us other : : : : E dealers ure selling' fOl $65.00 to $70,00 , . 3 - : : : : : , . I : : - : : : : I For $55.00. . , ' , I - - . - - \ , E 'I. ' also have fi car of Gang and SUlkY' = = Plows which I am selling at pl' cm that nre less' = = = = t.hnu . ot.JwJ' . dmtlel's huy for. - = = - - - - = - - = ' Gang Plows , 12 and (4 ( inch , $66.00. , : - : : . = = Gang Plows , 16 inch. . . . . . . . $36.00 " :3 - - - - - = - = liThe Dealer That Saves You Money , " ' 3 - - C.S. MARTIN , Mf1r. Agf - - = - = -AND Dl ALtm INs - . , . . - : - : : : : - , , s : ; AN ] II LJS'I' GOO IJS. . : : : 111 11111111111111111111111111111111 + 1111111111111111l111111111111111111i S : . . - - . . . . . . 1t'llubllCI1I1 'l'OWIIl1I111 ' ! fllll.tI . 'rhe npu : 1icm electors of Broken Bo\\ ' township un hereb ) ' called to mcet ill callcus 'l'neua : ] ) ' Augusl 30th ut the Court k : . - HOllse Ul2:3o : 1" 1\1" to uominate town- IIhip ol1icerllllll caUlJhlute for Supel' . visur for District No , 3. I\Ull for the tlIlIlS- IIctioll of sllch other bllslll sI us mil } ' he . rClJllirell , D. 1\1. AMSUltiUtV , Com. F .M".r.r..r .cr..W" . : : , QOCI 4R . . . . .E. C. ROUiE. . . . . ' , I Real Estate , Loans $ ' Insurance , R g I have some of the best Janns in the cOlluty for sale. S I have some of the best ranches in the state for sale. I have three good city residences for salc. ii I have some of the 1110st desirable city lots for 5alc. . H I have 1110ney"to loan on good improved farms in Custer Co. I I have money to loan on good city property. . I ha\'c the best equipped Insurance Agft1cy in the , comity . , g . , :8 : S ' - ' ru ; ) - - - - - 'N R . I Hail ! Hailf Hail ! Hail ! I Now that YOIl have the best prospects for a , blIl1p"r crop , protect it by insurance in the old reliable St. Paulli'ire . . ft and Marine Immrance Co. against Hail. ' : ' 8 I E. ; C' , HOUSE , ' .1 AGIN'I\ ! . , Lnroken Bow , - - - - - - - , Nebraska. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OOCO".Q .r.r .r.Q' # ) ' " " # # .r.r > > ? . _ - - . - .A. - - - - _ _ - . - - . .A - n - - .AAAAA.ft - A..AAAAA - - - - - - AAft . - - - , ; ! < : t : ; ; a < < : & : & r& it1 : ( l'i ' : & : t g1 rt ; ; ' I Have a Goo Stock of , t : ! : Ou ck Meal RanQesl ii , . ' c ; . . m rehere is no betteI' I'unge in the ml- " " CI : , ket than tlw Quick Meal.rl'his is . : the time wlwn the cook is expeeted to put on a good meul rOle thl'eshers . ; : . , : and you sh01ild tJ'eat them fairly ' m ; : uncl furnish a I'ullge ; thut , vill bake , . : ' \0 I . ' : well.-- C - - : . . ) : ; , ' -1 ; . Olll."eul' loud or ' ' ) I . .OLD CK RY.A . ONS. . . 1 , : wel'e slltppecl fl'om , LOtllsv1l1e , l.on'f'I . . , ! , r \ tu.cky , on the 22nd 01 : . Aug'ust , and . : ; - ) . wIll he hel'H by tlw tUlle l'euu . * , : : you . . . . . . . . . fl f this.rphel'e iH eheuel'Iug'ons ) ) tl ur' : " ' f : o , the Old II iekol'y , but no11e so g'ood. : : 41 .Lf YOll wunt u good \Vagol1 uuy u } : : HiekOlT. . . , : 0111' 'MoUn : "Und rsell. " : : ! I , c. W. APPLE , . , ; , i ! f _ \Vest Side Squar , Broken Bow , Nebraska. .i ' 1 _ : . : . . > > } ) , > = > } J'ti. ! : J'Ji. .r ( .t.P : . . ' " ' . ' J