. . . , ' . J o , , _ _ _ LI , n1 . ( . : ! ' ; " . r \ tIu t r hr. t ev bl , , " l'ubllibed eerf TbUA1 \ at dountf Hoat. . D. 11. AMSDEltnY. Editor . Buured atbe r lto lC4 aDroken Bow , Nub. } tbrouan u eeoonl\.GIIIH matter ror tranlmlulon \be U. 8. MaUa. _ " PlUOS : One'iear.tnMTanC4. BUD80R11"l'10N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i'our\b ATII.1iP \ 'fO In.Cultor Blotk. ADvnI\TIBlNO nATJt8. . . Ono.balt col- ODe column. per mouth , ' 7.00. , OO Quar"r column. UlDn , "er . mODtbJ . . ' tbAD qnatter PlI.mn , ,110 .0D\h , 1fiI.r. 'L 1I . - . . : ; : ' nth. -\s 4r1lncb'"ot n1 ' \ " e , 'Doh , 'par CUdI on Ilrlt pago. ( ; ceDt per month . Local lo1'ortl IDK 6 COD II per line each ILlor. \ Iou.NoUC4 cburch , end onlortaln- NoUC4 of . . ta c argcdoIle.baU rMU. menta where monor . . . ' r"te. and reeCllutlOO''OD&tJait " BoolonoUcel Weddlug \ noUce.lrft. bti.U ptlce , $ 1' pl1.bllln'Dg ' 1IIt of nta. prel . Death noUcol free , haU price for pl1bUlhlng obltlllUT noUcOl. and cardl of thanka. Legal noUce. at ratel provided bf IIlI\otOlof . obraab. - Thursday , August 18 , 1904. As bolh the democrats and populists will have presidential . lectorial tickets in Nebraska 1 'this year it wlll give a fair tes1 'of the strength of each party. The Nebraska Farmer has pur chased the . Soil Culture I' of H.V Campbell , consolid ting the tWI Nebraska Farme .papers. The is the best farm paper publishcl for Nebraska farmers. The con olidation of the two papers w.hich will contain a soil cultur 4epartment conducte4 by MI C mpbell , will' greatly increas ; t1 e value of the' paper and i should be in every farm home i , the state. I The Real Issue. - The prominence given to t1 .tariff in the democratic platfor and the open declaration in fav , of a tariff for revenue only , al against 'protection , emphasi2 the importance of that issue , a affords ground for the dec1a1 tion by prominent public In that this is the .most import " - of them all. But the real issue of the ca , paign is.not.a'ny one Qf.t1 esc , : the verdict of the people willI be given upon anyone. of hE ; though they all may be consi ed. Tl e question.to be judl . by the po : > le is that of rep I can performance versus demo. . ti promise.republican ; priuc : versus demoratic inconsistel republica success versus demo tic. failure. Everyone Imows what the publicans have done in the , ministration of the govern me There is no evidence that democrats couhdo any bette There is abundant evid .that'they could not do nearl . wel1.-Pueblo "Chieftain. " 'fhe Deneau Already \ Vl llul , - ' 'It is now settled that taJ ! Custer county will be higb nearly $2,000 than las year. , final adjournment of the I .Board of Equalization 51 , , that question beyoml all de : I" . -Beacon , August 4. . " ' " "This a sickly attempt t t ceiv the people of th c : I into the belief that taxes i : ter county will be lower fOJ r than for 1803 , when , as a 1 . of fact , the people will h : : . , raise $1,600 more for 1904 ) they id for 1903. Why 1 .honest enougb to adm 'truth-Beacon , August 1 Only a wcek intervenl tween the above statemenl the same ratio of decli 1 Beacon will n four more . have th additional amI rs proposep , w ped . . oard. Let the good w r I on. It is an old addage , . a.calf enough rope and I . ' " hang itself. The Beacon is verify ' : statemen . The Beac : Juue , after the county bo , reduced . the county Ie , \ , .ir . \ . , I " J " . ; F. W HAVEl " t ' .J weler and 01)t I W. t Ild Iqua .rake" . .ow , . Nebraska. . . . . ' ' "Of , ! . . ' ' . . : . . . . ' . \01. . . . T' 'P : - , " , . ' \ "I",1r. ' f''iI. } ' " : ; : " ' . third bel w the'1 vy. . of ) I1St year , made this statement. When the " " RHl'UDJ.1CAN says that taxes will be .lower under tbe new revenue law , it belies facts. We repeat our prediction : "The assessment roll of the state will be very . nearh 0 doublad while relatively the assessment of railroads will be decreased. " It is such wild and unfounded - founded statements that bas got the Beacon in hot water. Rather than to pursue the honorable - orable course and frankly ac. lU10wledge it was talking under its hat for political buncomf ahout something that did nol materialize it now is mahing sickly effort to maintain it ! false position. As a matter of fact the prop' erty valuation in the state exc1u sive of railroad property has enl ; , Qeen increased 54 per cent , whit railroad property has been il1 creased 70 per cent. In neithe case was the assessment doubled o per was the assessment of rar roads decreased. Instead of th property of Custer county bein raised by the state board ( equclization , Custer's assessmel was allowed to stand as made 1 ; r.the assessors and county boal , e and the assessment of othl it counties of the state , were raisl in or lowered as was required equalize them with Custer cou ty. While the average increa .of the state is 54 per cent , Ct ter's increase is less than 25 f heter's he cent above last Year. It w ' om shown to the state board th . 'ord Custer had formerly paid m ( d . . n t h. ltS porporhonate s h a e hence the difference in the 1 .n cent of increase in Custer's fav ra- Should there be $1,600 or $2 , ( . . lcn 'more ralse d. 1U C us t er com -n t the additio than last year , tax will not be borne by the it ] lm- . of Cm lmd vldual property owner in d county. The increased . val no t tion of railroad and corporat . .m , property of the county will J oier- duce 'a much larger tax than .gbel' d additional required. As a n " 1- ter of' fact , as we have be . cra1 - stated. with the state levy lp 1 emills and mills less than last Year ncY' 'county levy four . mills . less Icra- man 't axes .11 b e as h. 19 'h ( one-fifth valuation as it 'was re- valua red year on a one-fourtb a d - unless te has more property' t it has , ) Ie had last year or e creased in value. The Bea ler. attempt to make political ca ence . of the new revenue law Y so of facts very flat in the face no one knows it better than Beacon. But it is sbort ( J . . . g. Issue an d f ee 1 s It 111ust d 0 : ICes in tbing to keep its readers ' erTbY seeing the true situati'on. he. State etUed " . . .It the Old Fulk ! ' . > ubt.II One fure plus $2 ; ; ; "the rend tri great many points in Ohio. India Kentuckey. Tickets on sale Set to d e- 6 , 13 , :10 , :17 and October 11. GI ounty St. Louis and for stopovers at tll , n Cusexposition. . Final limit tbirt' 1904 See me for full particulars or wrii W. Wakeley , General Passenger m a ttl" r Omaha , Nebraska. ave to B-I5 H. I . ORMSBV , 'l'icket J than not be Republlcl\u 'l'o\Yusbll ) CUIlC lit the - , The republican electors of m 11 . township are bereby called to ed beC1UCUS ' , L'uesday August 30tb at t lICuse at :1:30 p. tII. , . to nomin ! ! ts " , At 81111 > officers and a candidate fa ine the visor for District NO.3 , and for I actio1 ! of : ; uch otber business as weelts requued. D. 1\1. Al\ISBnRR\ ' ount it $14 5 To eu 1.0"18 uud It , off the The url ngton r8 the a rk go rate for tickets oed in coaches "G' lve cars ( seat' ! free. ) On Sale Tue it will Thursda's during Augustnnd S , See me for full pnrticulars. B-I5 H. L. Ormsb ) ' , Tickel 'ing the HE NIt on , in lard had Renders the bile more ill thus helps the blood to v y one- affords promp reliet frOll : ness , indigestion , sick al ous headaches , and the dulgence of food and dri bine acts quickly , a de meals will bring the pat a good condition in a fc S , G. L. Caldwell , Agt. M. . T. R. R. , Checotah , It ] L' lClan rites , April 18 , 1903 : ' . . sick for over two years are , largement of tbe liver al The doctors did me no I I had given up all hope cured , when my druggi ! me to use Herbine. It me sound and well. " : by Ed. McComas , Br ( and Merna. , - > ' . , " ' , / , . - II , . 7 , " " . " , , , , , ; -w" 1.IjllJ.- u ' " . ' ' , "It : " " " : : : . 'e I- . . _ . . . 'the 1lncoln : I.etter. - - - Lincoln , Nebrdska , Attgust 11th , 1904. "I do 110t know whether it continuc the be of any use to light now that fusion bas been effected again. I will 110t say that I will refuse the nomination for President because ot the fusion in Kal1sas and Nebraska , believe that I feel but may you " -1'homas' very much depresscd.1'homas' candidate E. Watson , Populist for president. "It is just as I ha vC' been telling - ing the boys all the time. A is certain element in our party ( lemocratic and is using us to further tbe ends of the Democra- such an element in . , With cy. the party , and with the pie hun- ters always in the front row , .1n- l in dependent and manly action 3 convention IS impossible. 'l'bere in Ne- is to be a Populist party - braslca , an it will be a party _ which the Parker gang cannot break into and destroy. Every 'particle of cnergy which I posses will be devoted to that end.-T. 1H. . 'l'ibbles , Populist candidate for Vice-president. "I have listened to all tbat YOI ha ve said here , and desire to saJ that the officers of the nation a e committee will be with you I g this fight , a fight not onl' ) f against our avowed enemies bu friends It against our pretended work forward an. . Push the good . .Y th re will be brighter day 'd " 1man Ferriss c ahead.-Cha : er the Populist national committee d speaking to the populist bolter : to The quotations given abe , of the feelin ! n- speak eloquently se of the old populistic war horsl lS- who saw their party united ler unholy wedlock with Parkerisl 'as Clevelandism , Hillism , Bellmen .at ism and corporationism , in ata ) re convention last evening and t1 re , morning. In vain the eloque the Democra ? er Watson described or. as a "man with a h ok and lit )00 ) and exceedingly long pole , lty tempting bait changed freque : nally , and an abnormal appitite j ldifish"j in vain "Tibbles , the vet . Iter an editor of thEi Independe the party against selH ua- warned .ion out to the money changersj ? ro- vain the out-and-out populi the who have been so far from pi latciple , fought for their p rty fore istence and the , right to cast consistent ballot I two honest and the fall , for the railroad e1Ement ; , no hungry office seeker and m a democratic decoy ind spies w last in the lines worked their will Ltion the cQnvention , by a vote of than to 280 , voted to fuse with Parker-Hill crowd. con's But the triumph of the pital hunters was short lived , for , falls fusion was agreed upon delel , and began to leave tle ! hall by the and twos. There was no 01 If an ized bolt of a spectacular niJ cbairs began to somebut empty some- from the eye in all parts of the Qed ip : n to via a D II _ I Y e rcat t tlOB'L : Agent , Bread \gent. , Bread raised with Yeast Pea us Is the best foundation fi every meal. It saves many kcn Bo.w poor dinner from failure. It t 1t the best of dally bread i there It1le tte life , health and strengll1 In e own- H ow the children thrive upo r Super- Its nourishment I How the. . lhe trans- love Its sweet , wheaty taste lIIay be and fresh wholesomeness ! " Com. etu. . . . . hove low QUt\ chair sdays Qnd eptember. ' ' 'AOI , " " " -D' C ; MARK JIaI. CfU ( ; Agcnt. ' r'QA . Isthebestofyeast. id and made of the most health ' it flow' fullngredientsln the cle2 I bit i us- est way. It males bn l1d nerv- that retains freshness over-in- moisture longer than nk. Her- raised with any other ye Ise after It's the bestfor griddle cal ient into buckwheat cakes or anyll : w days. where yeast Is used. K. and Id. Ter. , 'Ihe secretsn the ye "I . was Sold by all grocers at wIth en- paclage. Each paclage t1d splcen. talns 7 cnkes-inough fo loaves. Il's the best1 reg : : J'oo > . and less of cost. Send or b ! of being . "How to Make Bread' 3 t a'ISe ( 1 free. hns made iOc. Sold ) ken ] 3ow . . . , . , . , . , . . . = -r - : rn _ ; _ ; r : ' It 'I leT's 'QZ This failing of your hair I Stop it , or you will soon be bald. Give your hair some Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fall- log will SlOp , Ihe hair will "a.ir Vigor grow , and the scalp will be ( clean and healthy. Why be a satisfied with poor hair when you can make it rich ? 8 II My hair nIIarly all came Ollt. 1 then , tried " lIalr Villor alld ollly 01111 bottle toPltell I ! Ayer" . . thick and sj : . .1 camelll r ew hair ' the 'allhll ( . . . . 'f Juat a 111110 curlr.-AII\I. L. AI. IUUTIJ. ( : , . Y. } jaratolla , . J. o. AYKIt CO. . t ! bottle. , 111,00 a . . Man . I.owell. e . . AJllJdrUKfthll. for Thick Hair { , Finally it was discovered that nearly all the Adams county delegates - egates had either gone or refused to vote , Custer county's fifteen tnen had departed 1U a body , but two were left to represent Franklin - lin , aud other counties were nearly - ly as bad off. I'n the midst of a sullen gloom the convention finished - ished its labors and tbe shameful compact with 'Vall Street was completed and out of the hall Ie filed a discouraged , depressed and s abashed set of delegates to go es home and present to their consti- inn suicide prevented. n , - ItThe startling' announcement preventative of suicide had , te that a interest been discovered will lis many. A run down system , or nt despondency invariably precede cy suicide and somcthing has been le , found that will prevent that con- dition which makes suicide li e- a lYe At he first thoug t o self- nt- destruchon take Electric Bitters. [ or It being a great tonic and ner- , .er- vine will strengthen the nerves nt , and build up the system. It's stomach , liver and also a great Ing kidney regulator. Only 50c. Sat. . in is faction guaranteed by Lee L t 5 Bros. , druggists. nn- , . . I . ' . ' . , . . . , ' II . . , , . . , , _ . . I ' ! " 't.v. , . - - " Y"'ll'CT"IIIIW . . . 'J ; , " " I' , " " ' ! II" " ' ' ' , , : : . . . , ' J , : " " , . . " , roi " : . ' \ , t" t t I I lIa ing purchased a complete line of general goods und furnishings , I 1 , . we are now ready to supply your I I wants 1 anything in the way of , II Dry I S O ! tn ! v l V oes , It t . nice line of new and up-to-date goods .IW ! ' , ' f be.pleased to have you i t' ' ' J and 'yill be. . . . . . . . ' come In and llIspect them. . I l , J. l - i. 1 ; , . ii . . " ' - - 1 - \ Remember we cmI'Y : a full and complete - , ' . ! plete Hne of Staple and Fancy 'i'lJ1 : . ' 0. MGroceries Glass and Chinaware It ; M\ \ Groceries , , it II hich we sell at . 'ic s that are lIght. OUI , hue of lm e . . . . . . . . . . i ' . il Spic s , Teas and Coffees are Fine it ' ' I locatIon on the east SIde of the , Broken Bow , Nebr. ! i ! public square , I Poalo-Sboppard 1\ \ Co \ ; t- , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , " " " " " " ' ' ' 'I ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' . I ' ' ' " ' ' " . " . : ; ; ' I" " ' ' ' " ' . ' ' " ' " " 'III1"'U' ' ' . . ' " _ " ' , . " ,11'11' , ' ' " ' ' " " " -w " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " " r' ' 'G' ' " ' ' ' ' " " ' " c : C > 'COO. V. : , \ I : ; mmm m m m mmmm mmmmm m m \ . . . . . " LL U. C. Street. I J. R. Sree-t _ : E'&ros. ' , I . . - . : Tublar and casing wells. Pumps . , and pipe fillings. Wind mills and tanks. . , m North Side , mmm - - - . - - - .Broken Dow , Nebraska. M i il > I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ m..m- - tuents a ticket composed of two poHtical forces as far apart as \1 noon and midnight. light and shaddow , right and wrong. Then someone , no one knew who , no one cared , circulated a , type-written call for aU true populists - ulists to assemble at the Capitol Hotel at 9 o'clock for the purpose of arrangingfor the perpetuation of the popu1fstic party. Ninety- i representing 27 one delegates . IT I - counties , worn .with the vigils and labors of the'Onight ' , but as determined and active as when they first reached Lincoln , assembled - . sembled and resolved to orga1l1ze league clubs in every county in the state , call another convention and nominate a straigbt ticket. I It was then tbat the delegates learned the wishes of Mr. 'Vat- son , it was then that ' 1'ibbles made himself heard , and it was I . . . e - i' an , " this the S"i' ; I I the S" 'ith- II , , - ' ' and , - 410 t e ' CASH GIVEN AWAY to Users of _ f ple- : LION , COFFEE L : In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums' . t = _ ) -tOW Would. , Yo " l..ke . aCnec li\\e \ This ? . . Great World's Fair Contost- , / In our W. Have Iw"'rdld $20 , 000 . 00 Cash 2139 people to Lion get CoUee checks users , 2139 more will get thom ' In tb. . Presidential Vote Gontest' 1 . . . . What will bo the total popular vote ca t , Five Lion. Heads cut from Lion for President ( votes for aU can- . I Coffee Packages and a . cent dldo'e. combined ) ot the alectlo. addItion to November 8 , 1904 ? . entitle you < In .tamp I , 13 , 959 . 653 peep 1 e vote d f 1 ect premiums ) to I n 1900 e on . free estl. the regular . for President. For nearest correct . one vote. The : : a-ccnt stnmp cov. mates received In Woolson Spice Com. acknowledgment to you pany's office , ToledoO. , on or before first'I I t ers our November 5. 1904 , we wl11 give . _ that your estlmnte Is recorded. prize for the nearest correct nearest estimate , etc. , , \1 \ next the send as mnny est- second prize to. . You can etc. , as follows : { 6 U mates u d es I re d . ; 1 w : : . ' ' : : : : : : : : ' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : , ' : &gggg : and First P rill of $5,000.0 ] . . each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.000.00 . t r . . Prisea-lfiOO.OO 2 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.000.00 J Prius200.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fi . . . . . . .1.000.00 to t h e one w h 0 I 9 ncareat Pr1111S100.00 . . . . . . . . . wll I b e awar d ed 10 Pr1111S- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.000.00 ' P I . 20 prlus60.00 . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.000.00 I ' res. and correct on bet h our , 'IF I or Id' 9 F a I r 60 Pr1les20.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.600.00 . 260 prllea5.00 Pr1lel10.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.000.00 Contests. prllea- .eatlal Vote 1800 , . . f 120.000.00 . We allo offer 15,000,00 Special Calh PrlzCII to Grocln' . 2189 PRIZES , TOTAL I Clerkl. ( Parllculan In each calc of Lion ColIee. ) Look on One of These Checks ? - \ How Would Your Name . aoqualo"d with It , you will b"ult.d and 1 . to g.t . .oough And . COFFEE loog that's why we advertise. . . . , will. " LION other-aod . \ If wUl take no u"'o. you . OU HeAd. Bv"ybOdy Utero " ' ' ' is no other sucb value for thu money. welt as we-wlU get a benefit. Heoce for your Llora . cODvioced we arcuslog'ouradvertlslog money so that both of us-youns PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZES l WE GIVE BOTH FREE LiP Dr r P F FCEE \ , . TOLEDO , OHIO. WOOLION IPICE co. , ( CONTEIT DEP'T. ) , , . ' j I .