. - ( rUSTfR COUNTY RfP LlC. " . By D. M. AMSBERRY. DR01EN DOW. . . NEDRA8KA . Colombln'o now nntJonn1 nnthe. . : " 1 don't want to piny In your ) 'o.rd. " , The Jat new thing 1ft words Is "syzygy. " , Sounds 1l1to a Uungarlnn melodY , VerT likely n flying mnchlno Utnt cost only $10 would fly Just n.s wo11 o.s any otbGr IdruJ. Perhnps wo have all bcon unjust to Uncle Russell Snse. Maybe ho can't aftord to t.lIUJ a vncaUoo. Also be It remembered .thnt the Ynl-lIarvlU'd teems 9l'0 not by nny m : ms the pick 0' our colle.go nthlotes. No tenrs will be sbed over tbo woundl ! at'thoso SVMlnrds who , vero imrt'bllo goading II. bull nnd 0. tiger to flgbt. - Th ( ) czar doesn't pIny palter any. way , Itut even It ho did , you. cou1lln't pcrsnlt.do him that four at II. kind bents obo'heir. . Thnt New Yorle woman who swore thnt her husband hnd bcnhm her 1,040 tlm1f ! certainly bas a. strl1dng tnlent for figures. 'rho Savnnnah Press snys tbat "h woo plants a tree plants love. " Love unforlunntely happens to be n. 111ant of alow growth. Helnzo , the Montnnn copper king , 111ls .beon sued for $5,750,000. Even the well.to-do are not exempt from petty nnnoynncelJ , New Yorle Is to hnvo a liquor sbow. 'Evidently thnt town hns , given up nll hopes of eyer being nblo to cavturo a prohibition convention. Even It Oem Paul Kruger did lenvo a fortune at $5,000,000 to the lucltY Eloft family , 110 was nevertheless an obJeot4for universal sympathy. j How tlmo flIeB I In a month or so all the little Gcorgo Dewey Smitbs and George Duwey Drowns wtn bo celebrating their slxth ; b rthdays. . A 'A freale ot fashion has mooo calico g wns the 'popular thing : but Ii lot ot pesslmlstlo married men tear Ul t tbo situation Is too satisfactory tD last. 1'l1at Eastern profcssor wbo says , we all cat too much doubtless bas an II1Esured Income and a good appet to. Or perhaps bo's ltCelllng his wito's 1011ts , . . . . . , - . I . . . . ' " " . . . . . . - , t - - . I In t1lree months the rnllroads ot t e United states have killed nearly 1,000 , persons. Traveilng Is becoming al. most as q ngQrous n.s celobratlng tbe 'Fourth. . ' , J A new InvcntloA,1mown as the telo. crlptograpk reproduces In print can. vers tlons' over th upopbone. A gOOt1 , many ot 'em wll have to bo barred ! from tbo malls. , Kurold and Iuropatldn may b ( . . merely holding ort the bIg battle tI1 Ithey 'can find some plnco with ' [ wholly now nnd unpronounceabll name to flght it. In. f . . i The people who bOIled for natlona tbeater are dlsapp lntcd to disco vel thllt Mr. Carnegie Is not out on a fev ertsh chase for any project tbat Is sus ceptlblo of endowment. The evangelists who are laborlrn for the moral and eplrltual oovntke ment of New Yorlt city point hope fully to the circumstances that th 400 have been reduced to 200. Those at us wbo aren't In the leas alarmed by the reports of counterfel ) $100 notes begin to pride up our car w-hen wo read that bogus qunrter and half.dollars are In circulation. Tho' American Domestlo Leagu , cllllmB that It turns out flncoolt \ [ . Send their addrceses ulong. This I ' not one ot those cases vhero''O' ' sllQuld "hIde your 11gbt uD.dor a bust el , " I It Is just beginning to dawn on I { ( rea that the Japanese are 1I1\e othe phllantbropists-wllllng that the K ( Ireans Sl10Uld haV ( ) what Is left at , thel own country after Japan has bad "he It wants. The ChIcago bl1degroom who r tbo altar said IINo ! " and then fled wi , probably find a variation In bls cas lot tbo old .proverb , thnt ho wbo court and runs away will go to court eom 'other ' day. I Drazll and Peru threaten : to oott : n. dlsputo by war. They haa b.ettl walt until Japan settles her contI' versy with RUlsla. It tbey start \I their performance now they will pIt to empty benches. I Gabriele d'Annunzl , the Italic drl1matlM , replies to all requests fl his autograph that he will be de11gh cd to furnish It , but only upon a COI or' hIs worlts. Slg , d'Annunzlo clear possesses more than ono kind ot go Ius. The new Duchess of Roxburghe rClOrted to bo winnIng golden opl 101\s lu Ensland on account of h contrlb\'Uona to cbarltles. Evident ! bo hl1 1'\1nd that purchasing a duli let .Is nflt enough to get ono Into tl cholccst ot society , , clrclo . - . . - . . . - - - - . - . ' ' , . . ' . ' I All ARE ANXIOUS - NOTHING HEARD FROM THE PORT ARTHUR SQUADRON. - FIGHTING RUMORS COUFL CTHIO - - Russian ! ; lit Port Arthur Sald : : to Bo Short of Ammunition-Another story Afloat that the Port Has : : FlIcn , - LONDON-Rumors that Port Ar. thur hns faJcn ) are again current , hut appnrentlr there I no further wnrrnnt for them than on previous occasions. It Is j'egarllc as Impossible thnt Port Arthur cnn hold out much longer , hut tbere no fUl'ther news ctUwr con. cernlng the fortrclJs or the fate of the P01't Arthm' lIt.luad . on beyonll. the statlment ! from Chco Fee that the pro- teetelcrulaers Alllwid nndl Novlk hnvo entered the port ot Klanchnu , which Is Gcrmau leascd territory , According to the Cho Fee corre- IJpondent ot the Telegram the , Taps tried to hlow up the Rusllan : ! torpC < ! o boat destroJer Rl shltelnl and her crew had to sw m for their lIyes. The Banio eorrcspondent states that Lieu. tenant General Stocssel , the com. mander of the military forces at Port Arthur , perBonall ) ' commande the forces In the fight for the POBBooBKm ot the Tnku mountnln , which was ac- companaled by fel1rful carnage , ' 1'ho correspondent adds : "The Russians are Rhort at nmmu. nltlon and the garrison Is excited b ' Inc06sant lIghtlng. If the Ja mnese continue their asaaults with tresh troops the worst may hallpe . " CHE FOO-Accordlng to the latOJJt Informntlon obtainable the Russian squadron has not returned to Port Ar. UlIlr. On the nIght ot Ausust 9 ' 1lenvy cannonadllng was heartl atse 'ln the direction of Port Arthur. Advlces from the fortress sny that the Japan. ese bombarded the town , placing their batteries In dense kaolin fields , where Uler ; were etrectlvel : ) " masked , The shells dropped mainly In the western basin , where the sQuatlron was an- cbored. Ianj ot Ute shells fell upon the battleship RetYizan , but no serious damage was done elUter to the town or the fleet. Later the forts cot the range ot the Japanese field batteries and drove them out from their shel. tel' In the kaolin flelds. On the mornIng of August 10 the squadron put to sea , where hea'can. . nonlltllng was heard for seyeral hours , The result ot the battle Is not known and nothing deflnlte has been learned regarding either squadron. . NO WORD FROM LEISHMAN YET , I State Departme Heard Nothing I Froln Minister. , I WASHINGTON-The state depart. ment has heard nothing from Minister I Leishman at Constantinople slnco last , Monda ' , when he cabled that the Ilortc had promised to ( ) e thllt ho received by today the sultan' answer to hl representations touching the rights 01 , AmerIca ! } , citizens In Turlwy. It to. dny's pnagageml'nt Is not kellt the dc , l1art.mrmt prob'abl , will send adlHtlon , al Instructions to 1J.Unlster . LclshmaI1 n.s .soon as he ofllclalb' reports the n dlt\onal \ breach of faith , In that. event he Is expected to go to Sm'rnn tr communIcate personally with : .dnlh'u : Jewell , commanding the Eurolleor squadron , nnd perhaps to taltc up hI ! quarters aboard the flagshIp lymvlll thus marltlng a diplomatic crisis. FOREST FIRE IN NEWFOUNDLAN [ St. Johns Is Threatened and Blu Jackets Aid CltlzenlS. ST. JOHNS , N , F.-The rages 0 I ) forest fires along the outsldrts of St Johns' continuo and threaten the sO { : tlon In which the nsyJllm for the 111 sane , contaIning 200 patlonts , Is slt\l ated. A force of 1101lce , with a < letacll ment of blue jacltets , from the cmlse Char)1ldls and the } i'rench wnrshl TI'o\H10 , have gone to the scene In a : cl1leavor ( to prevent the' fire from d ( stroylng the nR'lum n.nd other buill : I , IngB. The confiagratlon Is so extcr slve that rallroal1 trains nro' unable t penetrate the forest. Lewis Nixon's Mysterious Trip. ST. PETERSDURG-The Associate Press learns that LewIs Nixon ot Ne' York , who has been In St. Petersbur for severnl da's , came hero at the . . . Quest of the RussIan admiralty nn that negotiations 'aro progressing bl tween the admiralty and Mr. Nixol but whether for the snle of ships , 1111 chln ry : 'r what Is .not nscertnlnabll Mr. NIXt ; a Is going to Sebnstopol Fr da ' to confer with the commander ( the mack sea fleet. Stork Nearing the Pltlace. ST. PETERSBURG-Dr , Rott , tI1 , Imporlal accoucheur , was hurrledl summoned to the Vllle A1exancler I Peter hot thla afternoon Md announc ment thence Is expected hourI ) ' . Fierce Japanese Fire. m LIAO Y ANG-Dctnlled reports a Jr riving nt hcalllluarters show that U t. right wing of the Japanese army he 1' $ the hardest fighting during the bntt Iy of last Sunda ' . A scnsatlonal fOD , u Ufe occurred nt Chobaldo pass , tI miles from the Motlen l1as8 , A brl ado conaututlng a center column I'll Is IXI with two Russian regiments fl n. the possession of Ul ( summit CO } or mandlng the Hlisslan finnIc , The .To ly . anese fired as the ' ascended , dlslod : e. Ing the Russians from the roelts al : to klllln or wounding 1,000. . 0 : = . - - DIE IN RECK. I on ne Hundred Passengers Snuffed Out. I I'UJ tJl ) , Colo.-ThEJ wreck of the World's I.'alr tlyor on the Dcnyor & Rio Grande railroad near EIen ! , seven mlles north lIf Pueblo , Sunday ovon. Ing proves to bavo boon one of the rcntcst rnllrond disasters In the hIs. lory of the oountry. Two crowdoo pasBengor enrs and baggage car were cngulfod In the torrent thnt taro out a. trestle spanning Stoolo'll Hol. low , otherwlso lmown na Dry Creele , end , 80 far ItS Is known only three of UIO occupn.nts of these cars eSClllled death. l rtunately , two sleQ1Jlng cara nnd a diner , completing the train remained on the tracle at the edge of the abyss and none ot those on boartl were killed or Injurc < 'l. How many perished probably wlU neVQl' be definitely known , for the trMcllerous sands are drlttlug over t1 bodies. Searching for the dead was hegun about midnight on an ex. tenslvo scale autl Is stili In progres ! ! t.onlght. All bodleR found were brought to Pueblo and plnced In foul' morgues ho1'o. At 8 o'clock Monda ' e'enlng soven. ty.slx bodies had bc < > . n recoverell and of these fifty had been Itlentlfied , DurIng - Ing the day bodIes were recovered all the day along Fountain river from the scene of tbo wreck to this city. At 1 o'cloclt MonlIuy afternoon t o bodies were takcn trom the slream at First strect , PlIeblp , moro than eight miles from the point where the dlsaBtJr occurred and lt Is probable that acme may be recovered even further - ther down stream. None of th bod. les are hady mutilated and all ere 111 IIlIch condition as to bo reoognlzable. Mnny Identlfioatlons hnve becn made b ' articles foul1lon t110 bodies , no persons who viewed them recognizing the features. Two carloads of human freight plunged Into the rasing torrent that destroyed the trestle over the usunllY dr ' arroyo lmown nB' Steele's Hollow , near Eden , about 8 o'clock Monday. Two sleeping cars and the diner stopped at the brink ot the hungry chasm filled with a boiling current that qulc1dy snuffed out probably 100 lives. So qulelly had the catastrophe been enneted that the occupants ot the tbree cnrs remaining on the tracle did not reallzo that an aecldent had oecurred until the ) ' alighted from the train. Then they were utterly power. less to render ooBlstnnco to the Victims - tims'ho had disappeared In the 1 ush. In ! ! waters. . Word was received from the scene ot the wreck at 5 o'clock t1lat sixty bodies have been recovered and that no more are now In sight. The search continues and bodlos w1l11n all probability bo talten out further down the stream , where they were washed and covered by the mud and sand. DEMOCRATS AND POPS. FUSE. Both Parties Will 'Support the Same Ticket In Nebraska. LINCOLN-The democrats and , popullst.a both held their state conven. tlons hero the sarno day. Each made nominations , the popullstg' convention naming five and _ the demoOl'atc roe of the state officers , ns follows : For Governor-GEOHGE . BERGE , l populist , of I..lncoln. l < 'or Lleutennnt Gov I'nor-DR. A. 'fO\VNSEND , democrat , of Franltlln county. For Stnte Tru3IlUrer-JOHN l\t. OS- BORN , populist. or Pnwnc oounl ' . For Scoretary or Stntln , E.Y A TZ- In : : , democrat , or Hlchnrdson c ) unt ) ' . For Audltor-J. S. CANADAY , popu- , list. , or Kcarney county. l < 'or Attorney Genernl-ED'V AnD 'VH'ALEN , democrat , ot Holt cClunty , ) For Lund Commissioner-A. A. WanSLEY , populist , or Boyd county. } 'or Superintendent of Public In- Btructlon-ALBERT SOFTLEY , populist - list , or Pertdns county. E h party has a sellarate electoral . . tlclet In the field and both presented platforms , I The conventions were In sosslo , , many h.lrs , nnd for awhllo It seem us If barmonlous action could not \J had , but nn II ) ' tl/e / two bodle3 sot together and agreetl upon candidates as above Iven. T. H. Watson , l > OllUJst ! nominee for preshlent , was an attenl1ant UDon thJ llOll\Jst ! llrocecdlngs. I- Ia a , RussIa Is More Lenient to Jews. ST. PE'l'EHSBURG-As - cvl enc ( ot the Increasing lonlency for thl Jaws , the exch\slon ot , Tews from th ( ranlts of barristers , followed 81ncI 1889 , Is becoming less "rigorous , Rnl It Is considered probable that I\ . com plete removal ot the dlsabUities wll result. The present restrictions havl mimr drawbacks. The Jews , llnablj to become barristers , monopollzo tllj posts of la w 'ers' office .asslstants Rnl are gradunlly attracting most of till business to themselves , emilloyln ! barrister ! ! to rellrellent them In court Reyes Saye There Is No Revolutlol1 CARACAS , Venczuela-A cabl ( 10 grnm reoolved here from DOb"Otn , dnt Iy cd August 4 , an signed b ' Onern It Rafael Re 'es , sa's thnt the rumqr 0that a revolutlOl\ has brolten out 0 contemllateli are false. . Refrlgerator Shop B'urns. r. ST. LOUIS-The relmlr shops ( Ie the Amerlcnn Refrlgorator Transl Id . comlmny , Inch1lIng ! , slxty.five refrh Ie eratoI' cars , were bU1'l\1.(1 Tuesday , 01 Lt. tailing a' loss estimated at $ : lOOOOj m fully 'coverell by Insurance. The 0 g. Igll1 ot the fire , which Is 110t II0S iC' tlyoly lmown , Is sUI1POOed to llav or boon from n sparle of a passing el n. glnel ' 1'ho cnrs destrol were va , pued nt $1,000 each. In the Imlldhll 19. whloh was . large one.stor ) ' shel rid there wus oonslderablo valuable m I r.hlnory and o ls. which were rulne , \ \ = a _ TO SINI ( OR SAVE GREAT BRITAIN GETS REPLY TC REPRESENTATION , - RUSSIA'S RlOUT TO DECIDE Vessels of PIIeutrttls Caught with Con. traband Will l1c Treated According to Discretion of Captors at the Time of Being Overhnuled. ' ST. PETERSBURG-The Russian reply to. Great Drltaln's represe.nta' tlons on the sUbject ot the Drltlsh steamer , the Knight Commander. sunk by the/Vladlvmlt01 squadron , whll < ! couchc < In tbe friendliest terms , doca not recede from the Russian position - sition as sqt forth In the prize regu. lations In regard to the exercise of the right to destroy neutrall vessela carrying contraband In caS06 of emergency , reserving the question tor discussion o.fter the war. At the same -tlmo Russin. assures Great Drltaln that the extreme resource - source to sinking neutral vessels , lIB announced , will not bo resorted to unless clrcufU3tances rcndor It hnPO& sible to take them to 0. prlzo court. Grcnt Drltaln's proposal that th Drltlsh steamer , the Allen ton , captured - tured Juyno 16 by the Vladlvontole sqmJ. < lron , bo lIeberated hpon the deposit - posit of security , has not been aocevt. Cld ! , Russlo. replying that the docu- 'ments In this case a1'O already on their way to St. Petersburg and wUl l1o.vo to be submitted to the admiralty court before further nctlon Is to.l\On. . Russin has formally notified the United states of the decision ot the prize court In tbe case of the Port. land and Asiatic IIno steamer , the Arabia , captured by the cruiser Gram. obol , of the Vlo.dlvostock . , squadron , but the statement from VladlvOftok : ! 011 the subject leaves Bome doubt as t.o whether an the goods consigned to Japanese ports were declored contra. band or only the flour , and railroad material. The Russian government manifested a friendly dIsposition In suggesting Its readiness to entertain an appeal. The correspondent of the AssocIated Press learned Inter that nothtng was confiscated In the cargo of the Arabia " , 'hlch was not designated IlIJ contra. band In the Russian declaration. The Russian repb' In the case of the Knight CommaIuler points out that the prIze regulations under wblch Hussla Is acting were promulgated nloo ) " ars ago , nnd that Great Drlt.ln did not enter a protest uutll after the present war began. 'JUDGE PARKER CALLED UPON. Committee Notifies Him of His Noml. nation at St. .l.ouls. , ESOPUS , N. Y.-The worst rain of the summer marlted the advent of the day on whleh .Tudge Parlwr was to be notified of . his nomination to , the preSIdency - Idency by the democrats. The str ct" , , : ere deluged before dayllsht. From the tops of the hills , where Uosemont Is sltuatlX\ , the wato poured In torrent. Rain was stili falllng slcp.df1y at 11 , o'clockj Judge Parker was Iteenly disappointed - pointed , as ho 1lad' hoped for a fine day. day.One One thousand pel'BOnS wore on the grouml when the judge's emplo 'cos began the decoration of the spealters' stand , Th committeemen found places at jUty.threo seats reserved for them -In the front of , the spealters' stnnd. .Judgo Parker's family was escorted from the house to scats of honor by committee composed of National Chairman Tag-bart and Stllte Cbalr- man Meym' . The same commlttoo ac- companllXl the nominee , who leaned on the arm of Champ Clarlc. Chnmp CIRrI. , chairman of the DDtI. I1catlon committee , delivered the notl. ficatlon speech. Judge Parltet was greeted with ap. I 111au80 at evocy period In his speech. He was given most respectful atten. ; tlO:1. I-Ie read the latter part of his address. He spolto evenb' , seldom raising , his voice above a conversa. I tlonal tone. He I1nlshed the speech at 2 : O. SENATOR VEST PASSES AWAY , . . - Aged Statesman Succumbs After Prolonged - longed Fight for Life. SWEET SPRINGS. Mo.-After lIn get'lng tor weeks between IIfo an\1 . death t < ( rmer United States Seilatol George Grahnm Vest 'Dasso < \ peace fun ' away Tuesday. . He had beer so n r death for the last three dnYf thnt the end came without a struggle He " , 'as conscious until about : o'clock Sunday morning , wIlen he san1 Into " s ate of coma from wblch hI . . never aroused , Ho lost the power a speech Saturda ) ' morning , but fo : I. several tlays hetore that he tantO ! very Imperfectly , and during the las t11Irty.slx hours of his lIfo his breath Ing was barely llOrceptible. The nut ter at his pulse was all that showec life stili remalnet1. The remains wll bo tal\Cn to St. Louis for Interment Citizen Forced to Leave. VICTOR , Colo.-li'ormer l\Ia 'orV J. Donnelly has decided to remov' ' with his family fro1t1 the Crlplll l' Creole IUstrlct In consequence ot r ( ) , lIeated wn1'l\ln s , "I believe my IIf r. ' . .Is In danger and 1 fenr my store ani I. hOllse will be hurned It I remain , ' 0 anld 1\11' . Donnoll ' on Tuesdn ' . Th 11' objections to Mr. DOllrtelly's llrooenc j. In the district nro from the foes ( ] ! : , the Westom Fedl.'ratloll ot l'tiinen .I . , with which he llas been an nvowc n. s 'mllathlzer since the < 1eportat-lon c d. llnlon miners was Inaugurated. , ' " ' . - " - - - - - . - - - - - . - - _ . . - fNFmASKA STATE NEWS . I J. - , . - . , VALUATIONS IN NEBRASKA. WhM the State Board of Equalization HOG Decldod On. Secretary Dennett of the Stato. Don.ro of Equalization hIlS complIed a tnblo sho"i'o'ing ' Ute assessed valuation of the various ool1utles In the state. Without the vnluaUon of the rail rand property the table below shows all other lroporty for la.st yoor and this l.C < 1r : Count ; , . . 19 31 1904 , .A lun/J . . . . . , 2.092,1i01,80 $ 4,007j04.81 [ Antelope ' . . . l,43Gr. 6.r.0 2,393GG4.00 Banner . . . . . H.01i6.00 188J17,99 ! ) J1l\lne . . . . . . Hi1G07.0S 117S08.1r. 1300no . . . . . . ,1,696,138.20 3,360,061,29 IJox Dut.w. . . G2G,2S'j0 728,816.04 Doyd . . . . . . . 1,090,1.50.00 \ l,36,002.95 ! ! Brown . . . . . 612uGO.30 C,81,2Cir..00 Huttalq . . . . . 2,14Dnli7,6r. 3,746,182.19 lIurt . . . . . . . 2,680,811C.92 4,079,7C,3.03 Dutler . . . . 2,126C79.00 4,760,237.00 CnsB . . . . . . . 1,037,7D1.90 G,141.678.00 Cedar . . . . . . : ! ,7112.101.40 : : , ! ! 7,208.00 Chr1 o . . . . . . r.24M2.00 210,499.09 Cherry . . . . . 1,769,114.00 1,425,503.20 Che1jJnno . . . nOcc,4.00 908,824.40 Cluy . . . . . . . 1,830,4G7.82 3,594,646.00 Co1tn.x . . . . . . 2,02OOri.00 ! ! 3,600,389.00 CUlhlf1B . . . . 2,417,012.00 Ci,312,690.48 Cunter . . . . . . 3,388.609.08 3,3211,218.86 DnkotD _ . . . 1,444,228.00 1,77G,276.25 blJ.\TC5 . . . . . 776,7r,2.70 7DO,863.17 DawllOf1 . . . . 1,394,701.81 2,633CiOD.28 DCliel . . . . . . 447,942.00 6r.O,441.01 Dixon . . . . . . , G78,986.43 2D74,314.27 DOdge . . . . . . ,75J,700.90 ! 6OCi2,419.73 DOUKln ! ! . . . . :4,83r,309.44 27Ci96,270.00 Dundy . . . . . . 464OD6.00 408,551.46 Fl11moro . . . lGti2,813.1i0 3,846.103.1i8 } < -rl1nk1\n \ . . . . 1,052,148.38 l,8G4OOO.1i0 lrl'ontler . . . 970,269.00 1,002,643.86 } rurna. . . . . . l,396,838.8G l,80L,771.00 Gage . . . . . . . 4,57Ci,280.00 7r.H,030.00 G1tllold , . . . . 221,700.00 3.28,40.29 ! ! Go per . . . . . 711,908.60 rf29,244.43 Grant . . . . . . 310J86.20 ! ! 30 ] ,263.30 Greeley . . . . ! l34,09S.00 1:179,052.00 : Hall . . . . . . . . 2,209,777,00 3,773,204.00 Hamilton. . . 2.241,0112.00 3,8Ci1,219.00 Bnrilln . . . . . l,03J,363.00 ( lG11,618.00 Haycs . . , . . . : H,7,124.00 3L8,381.34 Hitchcock. . . 6J1,44.21 ! ! 6H,31i5.8D Holt . . . . . . . 2,140.908.00 2,297,690.00 Hooher . . . . . G2,113.Hi 6,911i.43 Howard . . . . 1,180,340.90 1j98,235.4G [ JolYerllon . . . 2,102.1i69.00 3.6.6,302OO Johnson . . . . 2,30D,622.50 3,111,033.G5 IConrney . . . l,081,262.2Ci 2,10fi,095.28 Keith . . . . . . 417,405.10 429,180.26 Korn. Pahn. . 1104,615.00 516,146.75 Kimball . . . . 271,260.40 2Ci9,744.71 Knox . . . . . . 2.020,829,20 3,346,630.87 Lanc urtr . . . 7 ,3C,7 .301.20 12,688,893.00 Lincoln . . . . 1,232,193.20 1,745.IiDII.70 Lognn . . . . . . 201,041.51 175,268.88 I..oup . . . . . . . 204,36Ci.14 194Ci06.30 MlldlBO . . . . : : ,265(74.29 ' ,0811,711.00 ] .lcPherson. 187,409.84 146.0li'.8i ! Merrick . . . . 1,383,849.00 2,303,381.33 Nance . . . . . . 1,433,731.00 2Ci64..44 2.00 Nomana . . . . 2,432G40.95 3D37,084.51 Nucltolls . . . l,7i7,412.DO ! 2,7016,794.20 Otoo . . . . . . . 4,750,896.00 6165,089.57 ! Pnwneo . . . . 2,576,047.00 3,279,01D.80 Perkins . . . . 316,954.70 3Ci2,353.70 Phelps . . . . . ,1lCi7,568.60 2,185,668.00 Plerca . . . . . . 1,436,649.00 2.534,987.76 Pinto . . . . . . . 2,280,747.8J ( IiOriCi,8 2.26 Polk . . . . . . . 1,307,440.473,279.168.93 Hod Willow. ] ,01i3,278.95 1,320,346.87 IUl1hn.rdBon. 3,084,838.Cil 6,395.1i12.42 Rock . . . . . . . . 60Ci,426.37 r,13,230.6' Ball . . . . . . 2,42.55G.26 : ! 4.392,126.27 Barpy , . . . . . . 1,8114,134.23 2,309,676.71 Saund.rl ! . . . 3,138OlD.70 7,046,716.18 800tt'll Dluer : ! 84\l25.15' \ 5r,4,037.94 Sewnrd . . . . . 2,349,268,00 4,314.933.00 Shorldnn . . . 877,815.70 943,841.00 Sherman . . . 781,972.60 1,100,137.60 Sioux : . . . . . . 488,738.30 363,184.00 tnntfl 1 . . . . 1.M4,662.0J ! 2.i35,795.90 ! Thayer . . . . . 2,338,082.00 3,243.041.00 'l'homn.1I . . . . 79,039.11 > 87,760.00 'rhurston . . . 576,15G.60 525,767.00 Vnlley . . . ' . ' 942,1i28.00 l,63Ci,993.00 W'I1i1h'gt'n . . 2,378.i56.70 ! 3,701,807.71 Wayne . . . . . 1,860.907.00 3,490,860.62 We bater . . . . l,633Ofi6.00 2,334lDl.73 Wheeler . . . 309,492.36 292.024.77 York . . . . . . . 2,347,728.90 4,835,167.60 FILING ON THE ROSEBUD. , WIlliam McCormick of Nebraska ' ChooeCIS Best Quarter Section. NORFOLK , Neb.-FllIng : began at Bonesteel Monday morning. William 'McCormick of Wasblngton. : Q. C. , who reglsterod from his home county , Lllncaeter , Neb. , filed on the quarter tcOHon running lengthwise of the new town ot Rooec'\elt. Ruggs , who drew No. % , took the quarter section dl. recl1y . behind It. ThI"OQ new towns , Roosevelt , Durlw U1d Gregory , have been started nnd , . .alunble Quo.rter sections are beIng tl.kon up with flne discrimination. All ot the people who arc making filings 11 ? " " eTl ent1y oocomo well posted as to where they should locate. So gre6t was th rivalry for select locations th t'sonw warm disputes crose among the first 100 to go on the reservation , and for a time there wn.s dllnger ot ehootlngs , but the authorl. ties aucoooded In presorvlng order. . - - - " - - Farmer DIGCOvers a Plot. DEA TRlCE-A plot to destroy the throohlng machlno ot F. Hi SiWe. a farmer who rot31doo near Odell , was discovered one day last week. Hid. den In bundle ot wheat were found oovoral Iron bolts , a. box containing n numOOr at 22-ctlJlber cartridges , n , Quantity ot matches , ha\t \ pint bottJlJ of cool 011 , several Iron bolts and . lI of cast Iron. Another bundl ( wa found with Utese articles fast , . ened to the band : 'rwo paclmgcs con , talrling match and powder antI a to bnooo aa.ck lh\rllnllY filled with powder dor and matches. AUorney Genernl Prout has flied br1 f In too su r&u.e court In supporl at too quo \Tarrnnto proceedings In iXltutoo In that oourt against thl Northwootern Trl18t compan ' of Oma .bn , whlcl1 It is nllosed Is selling lot : tcry cJtMOO In homo bulldln ( 'och"mO. . Cfflnoral Preut denounce < It 00 Bcheme ns n. Iwlndle Md In hll brio ! Uge6 oQr language along t11j me IIn < t. The COU1pnny ngreed tt place InV'OOtors In a homo wlthlr thirty months nnd failing to do tha to 1"Oi\1nd the money paid In with ' per coot Intoroot. . Good Cropll In Boyd. I YNCH-Boyd count ) . wll1 1'011 ou the largest yield ot small grain thl : TOM 0 ( nnT < : oun ' along the norther ] tier. Onts are now' being threshel rmd : nro running out better than 81 > : t : bushels to tbo nero. Corn never 1001 ; 00 moro cncour lng. . , Struck by LightnIng. I YONS-Durlng a VOl'y severe storr. . llUt night. a barn ot L. A. Petcrno : WM struck by lightning nnd Qurnel Ito the ground , togeUwr with thre 'Valuable bofws , grain n.nd mn.cblnerJ I , . . " ' & 'I , . NEBRASI < A IN BRIEF. ' Flllmoro county has a la1'go peAch crop. crop.A new park Is proJ ctoo for Woot Point. The David City Chautauqua II ! provo Ing a great auccess. A case at smallpox WaG reported at . . Virginia , Gage countt ) " . Dodge county hn.s organlzoo an anti. 110rso stealing association. Lincoln has commenced 'maldng . preparations for Labor day. Seven persons were baptized In the l\llssonrl river at Plattsmouth. The recent hallstor mln LIncoln county did much damage to crops. O. P. David Is getting t.b Nemaha. county exhIbit ready for the state fall' . The Auburn Canning company w11l commence worle abou the 10th of tbl month. 'rho wheat yield In Johnson county this ; rear wHl average ten bushels to the ncre. Three thou and pcople were on the I grouf\ds at the opening or'tho Fremont ChautnuQua In Fremont. 'Tho Otoo Poultry comhny Is engaged - gaged In prepnrlng a. .forty.nere tract upon wblcb to ralso chlcltens. 'Vayno people bolle'o that they . . . have one of the best. towns In the state , bo.th nrtlstlcall ) " and oommer- - caJly. ! 'fwo hundred nnd ten acres of nnlm. proved land five miles northeast of Kearney Wlls Bold recentlr for ten thousand five hundred dollars , or an , ' fift . dollnrs ' o'en ) an nere. ' From 1,500 to 2,000 people parHcl. pnted In the annual meeting , and picnic - nic of th ( > Custm' County Old Settlers' aasoclratlon at llrokcn Bow. J. W. Dryden - don of Kearney was orator of the da ) " . Alma Is to have an aJfa1fn meal factory - tory , with a capacity of twent.five , , tons a day. This Is expected to In. crease the loc ll demand for alfalfn to such an extent as to ralr.e the value of alfalfa land In the vicinity. News was received to the effect that Charles Inscott , a former employo of the DUl'lIngton shops In Plnttsmouth , had one of his lower limbs blovn off as 11. result of an exploBlon In the Union Pacific shops at Omahn. . The barn ot H. W. Shufeldt , a farmer - er residing two miles noxtheast : of I < 'rltnd ! , u'as burn d. The building was wpll filled with hay n.nd grain. The stock and tools therein were savc-d. Articles at Incorpor jon have been flied with the secretary of state by. . the San Jose Mining and Milling com. pany of Albl m and Los Angews , Cal. The Incorporators are Ra 'mond A. Gardner and John P. McCullough of Albion. While plowing in a fleld , Ivnn , son of A. U. Marshall of this county , rolled out a rattle'snake Dest containing thlr- ty.two eggs. He kqled the old one , which had six rattles , and In the eggs ho found little snakes about three Inches long , Thomna Hattan , residing about sli . . . . miles south of Edgar , fell dead whlle threshing wheat. He wn.s In his UBU I health , . and had been feodlng the ma. chine , n.nd stepped down to get a < lrlnl , of water , and whllo in the act of taking a drink dropped dead. M. Pellenl a pacltlng house striker , , and wife w\re \ struck by Union Pacific passenger train No : 11 , the Colorado special , at a point about ha1f a mlle east of Avery , about three and a half miles south of South Omaha. , and'1n- stantly ItllI d. Doth were quite aged people. Sixty men , neighbors of Gerhard Tlelten at Yorl\ : county , are searching cornfields , straw stacks and out-of.tho- wa ) ' buildings hoping to find Tieken , whom the neighbors bellevo has lost his mind thrdugh the death of his wife and illness ot his family. Ho has . " been missing for some tlmo. , 'rhe tenant house on H. E. Clarlc's farm , three miles northwest ot Stelln , burned. The hOl1so was occupied by ; John Jenkins. The fire caught from the Idtchen flue. The secretary of the state 'oonlelng i boar has authorized the SoC1.Jrlty , State bank of Plalnvlew , wJch } { Is 111- . corporated b , M. D. Dutcher , J. M. Dutcher , W. M. Dutcher , J. D. Dutch- , er and R. E. Dutcher. The now banI ; : hn.s a capital stock of $25,000 and the llald.up capltnl Is $15,000. Henry RhO < 1es , a r-esldent at Hall \ county , south of Donlphan , attempted suicide b ) ' taking three teaspoontuls ot arsenic. He Is 5 years of ago and has a wlte and two sons. Ho 'Waa formerly - . merly well to do , but recently had ) financial reverses , and took to dl1nlt- Ing heavily , which Is belleyO < t to bave . caused the espondency. Out of SOO people who registered fet claims on the Rooobud drmTing eleven ffiward county people were \Tlnners , The hlghost number W II 211Ht Dr. John Andersen of Seward and James Mahoney of Germantown drew Noo. 482 nnd 483. At n5 eJCp n.o bill for the trip , Seward county Spcrlt1,500 tr 'lng for land for 300 IndIYlduals. Sheri ! ! Moses ot DeUofourche , . D. , t left McCool , with E , H. Yearsley ands 'W. II , Moore , two 'oung men wantoo s rI In Butte county , S. D. . on the cl\argo \ 1 of sleaJlng sIxteen horsca. They were " " " ' \ ' arrested on the Yearsley farm In Fron. ! : _ ' tier count' ) . , north of McCook. A gasollno steve explO < 1ed In Doa. trlco at the home at Mrs. Jacob Shllw. nnd her oscallO from serious If not ta. tal injur ) ' wns lIomowhat roo\t\rlenble , considering the fact that she 18 about 70 years of age. She ' \TlLfl thro"m across t IO room 11Y the forc of the explosion , but was not m\ldl Ihfurcd. . , . . ' . . . . , . . , . . . . . ) , . , " . " . " . , , ' , . ' , . . . . . \ " . . J ' _ , ' , , ,