, . . ! UNTED ! STATES SENATOR . . . . UScd , Pc.ru.na For Dyspepsia With Gr , t Bonofit. t ( , HON. M. C. BUTLER , I Ex-United StAtell Senntor From Bonth CnroUnn , EX-U. 8. Senator M. C. Dutler from , South Carolina , was Senator from that state fo two WrmM. In n. reeent etter from Wo.shingbon , D. C. , ho sl\.ys : , , ' clIn rY'commcnd PcrtlJ for dys. popsla snd stomach trouble. J have been uslnll your medlclno fOl' a .hort " period IInd I feci very much relleyed. It Is Indeed Ii wonderful medicine b - sides n good tonic.II. . C. Butler. rerunn. is not shnply 0. remedy for , ! ! yspcps1o. . rcnmn.ls 11. co.tnrrh remedy. I.L"cruna. cures dyspepsln. booo.uso it i51 19enero.lly depcndent upon c"to.rrh of 'tho stomach. If you domot derlro prompb nnd tmtle- Itactory results from the UfIO of lcruna. , . 'writo at once to Dr , Hartman , grving 1\ : full sto.tcmont of yom' cnso nnd ho will bo plcasetl to give.you his vo.luo.blo nd- vice gra.tls. Addrcss Dr. Hn.rtman , President of The lIo.rtmo.n So.nltu.rlnm , r-Q mbus'O. - Small Island Owned by America. Wnlto Islllnd In the North Pacific , which the United 8tlltes owns , Is bnrey ( ! no square milo In nrea nnd hns lIttle econom o value except for the gunno deposits on Its rocky sur. fnco nnd V08sibly ns a atepvlng stone ot cable connedion betwen the United Stntes nnd Its ABlatio posses- sions. Care of the Hair. It is now gcncrn.l1yo.grcOO thl\t mnny of th" 8hampoos in U80 are injurlou8 to the hair. The best trc tment Is frequent brushing and absolute cleanliness. Wash the hair In a lather of Ivory Soap suds nd rlnso thoroughly. Lot the , l s 'V tcr 00 cool 8 U. olosos the pores df the skin an prevcnts colds. . " , ELEANOR R. PARKER. Novel' play hat.pin selections. You may got stuole somo. t3 .QO vcr M. Lewis' . . Single Dln cr It strnlght 50 cigar. costs the dealer s01 marc than other 110 clgar9 , but the higher prlco enables this factory to usc higher Grade tobacco. Lowls' Factory. Peoria. Ill. A lenn nrsument Is beltor thnn n fo.t Inwault.-Itnllnn. Defiance Starch flhould be In every househo1d , none so good , besides 4 oz. moro tor 10 cents than any olhct" brand of cold wntcr starch. , , 0 , , FeJhl Umbrella Stc:1llcro. : A Parisian who has been lUuch I1n' n01ed by duns h a coonootcd hlo bGli bandlo wllh n DoworCul 1o < Jtr1a bat. tory and s\vltches on tbo WJrr at p6)'cholollcal momcntJI. Bo kr t poll co have llec1l11cd to I.Dto QQ. Find Historic BalloGa. The Montgolflor baUooa. whlob mallo the journey from Pnrln nom on December 2 , 180.1 , the ay NOt poleonvns crowned by Plus VII. , has been Cound In ono or the wreIC > OUWI : ot the Vatican. ' ' ' < 11 otLI. , . The Cat Ate the Pic.r.iT. ; . . Mllrohnll P. Wilder tello the story or wlfo who t01l1 her husband thut the cat had enten the vlo that sha hnll bnlted CDr 111m , "NoVOI' mlnll , m , den.r , N repl1c1l the husband. "r , . .iU got ) 'Ou anolher cnt. " Dtlstlng Carved Furniture. There Is no better way of dootlng cnrvell furnlturo than with pnktter's brush. This will penetrate all the lit. tlo crannlell which cou1l1 not bo toucholl by nn orlllnllry duster or brush. Give Fortune to Governor. Gen. Angel Martine ? , who diad In Collmn , Moxlco , recently , leaviOf : no fnrn 11 y , bequeathed his enUre fortuna , amountln , ; to more than $2OOOOO to the Governor or CoHmn. Egypt Losing Paypru Plant. The historically Interes\lng papyrus plant Is nearly extinct In Egypt , l1Il the only pillco where It Is now to bo toun' Is abundance Is along the Ana. 110 river In Sicily. ' . Church to Have WldOGt Nav . . Michael's Church , at Coventry , 16 to have the widest nave ot any Eng. IIsh church , It Is 125 { eet wl o. Tbllt of Yorle Minster Is 104 % foct hI wIdth. First Woman's Periodical. . . The f rot perlodicnl for womcn-f the Ladles' Mercury-was ootn 1lehed England In 170l. ! The Ladies' Maga. zlno ! ollowell renr Inter. To Remove Smell of Onlon& Jars nnd bottles that smeU of onioo.3 will bo qulto sweet and odor. less It left out ot doors fHled with sand or gnrdon mold. LOB a of Cerman Ships. During llOl-the ! Inst yenr for which the figures are complcto-Ger. many lost oighty.two reglstered'shlps. Do Your Feat Ache and Burn ? Shalco il to ' ' hOC8 Allen's J'on1' I > , Poot- Ease , n po'der for the feet. ltlmakes . tight or New Shoes feel Basy. Cure9 Swollen.llot , Sweating l"o ! , Corns lK1 l1unions. At. 11.11 Drnggists nnd Shoo Stores , 2ic. ! Sluuplo sent PRE& . Address - dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy , N. Y. The man who Is afraid ot his em. ployor will not glvo him credltuBually Iloesn't set much. ' 1'180'8 Cure for Consumption Is an Inrl1ll1blll . metllelne for coughs ntl colds.-N. . .v. SAlIUEI ; Ocean Gra\'o , N. J. , Feb. 17 , 1000 , It Is torrlblo nilvantagO to have never do no anything , but ono must not nbuso it.-Rlvarol. All Up.to.Date Houoekeepers usl ! Defiance Cold \VutCI' Starch , be. cause It Is better , and -I oz. more ot II for snme money. 1'ho greater law 'or , the worstS Chrlstlan.-Dutch. IItr. . . . " ' 10.10" ' " Soothln ! : BTOp. For children toethlnlf , BottAln. tbe KUro. , roduOel tn- l1&IDwaUon , aa'Iplln , curo. wad cull. . . a botUu. Sin soars over thQ senses or the soul. Spoaltlng to the IJolnt maltes the point. ' . j - . . . . r. ' \ . . , " " , CASTOR'IA CmmmmD : ' . . Ai . . , For Infants and Chlldron. ' " " ' ' ' I " ' ' ' " , . i : ; : : ; ' ' ; : : - , ; ( ' \ : .I i i < , : ' The Iind { You Have - , j , ' . . , . . . . . , . . . - . . - . . . ' : , . . . ! AI . B hI " " " " " " ' ' II. " " ' ' ' ' ' ' " fi"IT.11 = " " ; ways. , 0118 Bears the . Signature f Promotes Digestion.Chcerrul- nessandllest.Contalns neIlher ; 1 9plumJoforp1dnc nor 1 > fin.cral. of Nor'N.An.COTIC. 1 , n. . ' ' I'OM.JJrSJNllELPl1'CUE1l fJt1J' . : . ! " . & -kt. $4- , . JJ < < &wtl .ruJ.- . \ I n ) = - . U S e Aperfecl Remedy forConst1p non. Sour SlomachDinrrllOC . WormsConvulsionsFcvcrish- : ncssnudLoss . . OF SLEER F 0 r 0 V e r Facsin ic Signalure or b ' - , = . Thirty Years ) CASTDRIA _ _ . . , . . . . . , . . . - . . , - - . - TMiI OIIT ' eo. - " - " " " nEW . YO. .ItT. . . , . " . . " ' - ' . - ' " ' " . . . . . . _ , . . . . . - . 1 - 'I-'I" ! "I'1 . , ' . ' . . . . " " , y''I.'I'I" ; ' , "I'/ . . ' . 7' 'j.I.JI/ " . ' " ' if r ' { , , , ' 'r. , : W ' ; . \ . ? 1.'I"/'J/ , . I " , " I. / t.z ' . . . - , . . . I.'I" / ' . ! ' " : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'f " r ' 1 . ( , " c. Ji . l. " " ' / . . , " :1 : o/l.1/ , 4/ ' /I.ZfJ . i'l''ll1111.1 , / It { . . _ _ ' ' . . . . . . - ' . ' I / . / / ' - _ _ . . " . . ' . . . . . . _ ' . . , . /1..1 Temperature of Churning , Many II. Cnrmer's wlfo spoils llCr bUltor by churning nt too high a tcmporature. 'fho result Is that the product ot her churn Is grensy and lloor In qunllty nnll l > oells for hut a short time. Some people also put hot wnter Into the crenm to ma1te , the but. ler como Quicker. 'fho rcsult ot this rise In tompornturo Is to destroy the grain and at lho sarno tlmo Incorpo , rate with the hutter IL grent Ileal of cnseln , whIch Is the part th t goe9 to mallo lho body of cheese. This bul. ter Is In"reasell In quantity also.by . the Incorporation ot an l1nl1sual nmount of water. lC the butter Is mullo when the temperature of the cream la nt , snr , 8U d grecJ : , the kin 11 ot n huttOl' will result that it It came under the o'es of Unitell states dairy Inspectors would be excltldod from the mnrltct nnll the Bellors thcl'coC fined for Belling butter with n1 ter con. tent nbovo lho legal 1G per cnt. ! The women that wnnta to mnko good butter - ter must do her chumll1g when the cream Is nt II. temperature of not nbovo G5 Ilegroes. It would bo bettor to churn nt as low. nn fifty degrees , ul this Is raUter hard Cor people that hn\'o to churn by hand. The pea' plo that try to worlt the so-cnlloll two. mlnuto churns frequently have to rniso the temperature ot the cream to about 8U , degrees berm. , . getting the results that have been nllvel'tlsell. Thnt Is , the tlmo ot churning Is reg. ulated to some extent by the tempera. ture. EV ry mal < er of butte : ' should have thormometer. Ono cnn bo pur. chasoll for twenty cents , an 11 , this be. ing the case , Uerp Is no reas 1D why every person ah'ould not have the nd. vnntage of Imowlng the temperature ot their cream nt churning time. Cream In the Pantry. I It is common in our'rnrm :1Uues : to f set the cream. in the pantry or in the cellarway , where 0.11 Ithlds' of food are nlso kept. It Is sllro to say that crenm cannot bo set In such places Ilnd glvo good butter. Some people mny 111(0 butter thnt tastes ot dough. nuts , pies. cooldes , IImburger cheese , pnions , cotery , cloves , cinnamon , oruDges , apples anll the like , but most people like to ha\'o the aroml\ that belongs to butter rather than to the pantry. Probably the 0110 greatest ob. stacIe to gottlng good flavor in farm. made butter is this ono ot the selting ot mille to rlsb in the pantry. It is such a firmly sotUml custom that It ' 1":11I be with Illmculty broken up , in splto or the "fact that much such butter - ter has to bo 50111 to the poorest mar. let anll nt not above ten cents per pound. The nose or the housewlfo is so , nccustomod t < .o the smells ot the pnntry that she never thlnlts of them when she Is putting her m1Jlt away to undergo the process of cream raising. Cream in the pantry should bo nbol- , nnd in its place should come crenm In the cream room , ' 11 place sot nsldo for this operation nnd sealed against the entrance ot al1 odors. that w1l1 give th butter dlsagreeablo' ' tnste. The womnn that Iloos that Is very likely to get 1grellt reputation ns a mnlter ot fine butter. Wheat Bran For Milk MakinO. . Men frequentl ) . mlsjudgo the yaluo ot feells by their density. Thus there Is a strong opinIon among fnrmers' thnt cornmea ) is better for mlllt mnlt. iDg thllu bran. It is heavy and has a' beautiful color and the cow owner as. soclates it with rich cream. nut the fact Is , bran is , lu the main , moro val. unblo for millt maldng than Is corn- menl , in splto ot the attractive ap. , pearanco at cornmeal. Th stomach ot the cow Is better suited to talte' cllre oC bran than ot cornmeal , boo cause it is moro bulllY. The cow was mnllo for the 'purposo ot using up just such wnste products as bran woulll bo without farm anhnals to con sumo It. And brnn cannot bo ju ged by its lightness. 'rho question of using or not \lsin ! ; bran Is one that must bo ' 1eclded on Its price , compared with the prices of other 11I(0 feeds. At the snmo IJrice as COl'll It is fnr mal'O profItable to bo uscll for the maIling ot mHIt. Its IJrotehl content Is high , but not so high that the dlgestlvo np. paratus at the unimals will be Injured b ' it. American farmers should not permit a pound of brnn to go across the wnters , but should buy and feed o\'ery pound ot it , thus nol only malting - ing the profit that may bo mad out or it , but snving the fortll1ly for their land ; for the fertilizing Clutl1t1es : or bran are considernble. , The Hand Separator to St < 1Y. There has been war betwecn the ' men that'bellovo In band separators for fnrm use and the men that bel1evo thnt 0.11 mlllt should bo hauled to the creamer ) ' . The latter declare that ns gooll buttOl" cannot bo made from gathered cream ns trom the cream talen from fl'esh m1Jlt brought in. This may bo so ; but ono thing should not bo lost sight of , nnll that Is that the hanll separator hll3 come to stay , and the argument "t whettler It Is n good thing mny an well bo dlscon. tinuell. The tlmo will be belter spent If put upon the questions thnt hn vo como with it. Ever ' situation has its :1\\'n prQblell1s and e\'or ' now im'on. tlon brlngtJ It. lot of now problems. It wall only natural thllt the hanel sop. Rrator should hnvo Its now phases nud Its now questions. Some of thcso uro hard to s ttlo. The hardest Is' the ono rolntlr.g to the freshness or the cream' when delivered to the butter. mn1wr. This problem w1l1 be settled QQ 1111.0 nl1 olher questions be fore it. .14 . , . oj . . : , . " . . . . ' . . t ) , f . . . , - . -t. ' Mrs. . Hughson ; " of Chicago , whose letter follows , is another woman in high position who owes her health to the use of Lydia E. Pinkham" s Vegetab1e Compound. "DEA.n Mus. PINKIIAI : - I Buffered for several yearn with general weakness and bearing-down pains , caused by womb troube } My appetite - tite 'Wn8 fitful , and I would lie awake for hours and oould not sleep , until I seemed more weary in the morning than when I retired. After reading 0110 of your advertisements I decided to try the merits of Lrdia. ; Eo Plnltham's Vegeta.ble Compound , and I am so glnd I did. Noono can desoribe the good it did me. I h > ok three bottles faithf1 ly , Bnd besides bl lding up my general health , it drove nIl diaenso and pohoa : out of my body , and made me feel as spry and aotive as a YOUIJg irl. Mrs. Pinkham's medicines are certainly all they are cla.imed to tie. - MRS. l\I. E. HUGIISON , 47 East Ohio St. , Chicago , IlL : nIrs. Pinkham Tells JIow Ordinary Tasks Produoo DLql'lacem n Apparently trimng incidcnts in womnn's daily lifo frequenUy produoo displacements at tlhe womb. A flip on the stalrsllftlng during menstruation , stl.nding o.t Do counter , running n. sewing mnchine , or attending the most. ordinllry taslcs ml.Y : result In displn.cemcnt , ancI 0. tro.in of Bcrious evUs is stnrtod. The first indication ot suck tronble shonld be the sign l : lor quick nction. D-n't lct th6 con ition become chronic through neglect or 0. mistnlcen idea. that you can ov rcome it by exercise or leaving it alone. More than ft. million women ho.vo regained hoolth by'the use of Lydia. .E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. - If the slightest trouble nppc.us 'Which ou do not underrmnd write to Dlrs. PillldmlD , nt Lynn , lUass. , for her advicc , and a fcw timely words from her will show 'ou the right thing tQ do. ThiD advice costs you notWng , but itma.y . mean life or bnppincss or both. Mrs. Lelah Stowell , 177 Wellington St. , Kingston , Ont. , writes : U DJiAR MRS. Pnnm.ur : - Yau are indeed a godsend to women nnd if they all knew what YOll could do for them" there would be no need of their drngginq out mISerable lives in ngony. , "I suffered lor years with bearing-down pain womb trouble , nervousness , am } exoruciating hend , . ; . ache , but a few bottles of Llln. . E. Pinltbnm's VcgetalJl" CompouTIl made life look new and promising to me. I am li ht and happy and I do not know what SlCknQSS is , and I now enjoy the best of health , " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vc ctable Compound can alwaJft be relled upon to restore ! health to WOlUen who thus suffer. It is n. sovereign cure for the worst form : ) of femu.le compln.ints , - that benrinr--down ! eellng , w a.k bacle , fa11lng and displacement of the womb , inflammation of the ovaries , and all troubles ot the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors from the uterus in the early stngo of develor.ment , nnd checlcs any tendency to cancerous - ous humors. It subdues c3cltabihty : , nervous prostration , and tQncs up the entire female system. Its rccord at cures is the greatoot in the world , nnd f1houJ.cl be relled upon with onfiden Q. FORFEIT If we cannot forthwtth ] ! l'Oduoe the erl nl\lletterillUld Ilgnature. o ! $5 000 abQYIt tel'Hmonlals , which will pNve their abloluto Ienulnene . LydiA E. PInkhamIedlcJno Co. , Lyno , ) lfa" , " - - - - - , . . . - - I CONSUMERS OF SHOES ALWAYS ASK fOR THE BEST \VF. : TERN MADE SHOES. These br.ands wIll guarantee you a good shoe for men : Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker Comet Cock of Walk lOur PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Women's and Children's Shoes. See Uat our name is 011 the SllCHS : you buy. F. P.\IRKENDALL 6 , CO.MAn8 r In - - - - - , 'NEW RIVAL' BLACK POWDEIt SHEllS. It's the thoroughly modern and sclentifl system of loadIng - Ing nnd the- use of only the best moterlals which make Winchester Factory Loaded "New Rivnl" Shells give better - ter pattern , penetration nnd more unlfonn results generally - ( ally than Imy other shells. The special pnper and the Winchester - chester patent corrugated head used in making "N ew Rival" shells give them strength to withstand reloading. BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS. , HANDY BLUEING BOOK. 'n shects of PURE ANILINE BLUE. No bottles. Nopaddlcs. Nownstc. Glvcsthesnme lUlount ot bluclng , vater each w shoday.sk your groccr for lt or scnd 100 for 11 book ot : : Ileavcs. fhe Handy Blueing Book Oos , 81 E. Lakl Sts , Chicago , III. LD . ANTISEPTIC PilE CONES w JRUGGISTS. Sample FrOB. ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO" Crele , Neb. SLEEP. Colonies Pay for Defonce. Canllda pa 's to the Dritlsh govern. ment one-halt the cost or the maintenance - . tenanco of the heperinl troops pro- villcd for her defcnee , } vhllo New Zealand - . land Is n party to the naval , 'creo- . ment ot lW3 , under which she 111\'S her proportion of IU1 annunl colonlnl contribution ot $ lO OOOO for the nnvnl defense ot herself and thG Com- monwc'alth of Austrnlla. , "Virtue In the mldcllo , " says the dovll when Beated 'twixt two ll\wycrs. " ' : Dnnish. Good Proapects. In the principal paper of Altrelch , In Alsace , nppears the foUowin ndvor- UsolUenl : "Tho commune of Hlrsingor requires II. "cllpn lo man to"lm1 and loolt after the " mngo cloclt. No lI\ll\1'Y to b gln with , but this , ,111 teen 1 > 0 doublell It ser'l"lces arc satlzsfaclory. " A Woman proceeds to mOhopollZQ tIlO conversntion , then wonders wl1) ' a man has nothing to say. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomnch. . - - - - - 1 , I - , i' ' BARGAIN RA TES , On A u s' Oth Bnd I3rd ! I1nd September J th nnO : nth , round trip tloketsTm be MId via 1\1 , It. & T. U' , . , from St. Louis , Han a.s CIt" 1I1Innlbo.I , and other Mill' lJOurl nnd ) eans 8 points. to Indlnn Tcr. 'rltort ' , Oklo.homl1 and Central and o.s' " , ern 'JexBs : , I1t . $15.00 . The Southwest IlIlnvlt . The crops are food : conditions nd prospects wore novel' ' more fo.vornb . Indl n OklBbotnB IIntl 'foxas. Bre Tcrrltoryl people o.nd ocrer plenty of opportunltca ! for investmcnts of co.plto.l o.nl1labor , GO NOW I . Tnllo ndv ntnie ot this cxccptlonlll oppor'unlty. f o.i Ask mo nbout mtes 11U11 pnrtlc\llo.r ' " I'll flln\ly ! ; Cnd YOIl something new In . ! ' printed nlattcr about the Southwc ! > t. ) . , I' . "j , GeOr8D l\'lorfon ' : Gen. Pass. and TkL AaL " , ' 7 ST. LOUIS , MO. I . ; t. I .1It " II I I Ij j I 1 . , : , . , WE DEMAND II I I YOUR ATIENTION. 'I II anyone offered you 'a good , dollar ror an impufecl one ' would you take Il1 If anyone orrued you ont good' dollar ror 75 cents of bad monty would you take it 1 I We orrer you 10 ouncu of the. very best starch. made for 1Oc. Iolher brand is so good , yet ; 111 others c st IOc. for ! 2. ouncu.1 . Ours is a b.usiness proposilion. DEFtANCE 5TA CH is the best and cheapest We guarantet It satisradory. . : Ask your grocer. " I..l . . . : 'ti The DEFIANCE STARCH CO. , . . ; - ! , ' . " ' Omah4. Neb. ' > . " " I" . . . . ' , . . , , . ' . ' - ' ! . , . . . ' . : , ! , . . ' ' , , . . . " , " , . . , , ' . , . .aLLOw THB "LAG.- TAKE THE WABASH - " { . S A I N TTol 0 111 S "r. " : THE ONLY LINE . , ' " . ' . , . , . TO . THE WORLD'S FAIR , . ; , . ; ; 1\1AIN EUTRANCE. ' , . \ , , . t ' " : . Dn"ac l'ltCl'kl't to ' ' 'orld' . " ' . l nlr & ; ronnd . 1 " " ' ; Stopovers allowed. All AA'ents cnn . . ; ' , route you via the 'VADASH. l or beautiful - tiful ' , "arld's Fall' folder and all Intor- _ lUation a re R " i HARRY E. MOORES. 1 ' . . Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. , Omaha , Neb. ' . . ' ' : \ ; , .1 ' , . E X - SO L DIERS The RuervAtion N ortb Devll's DAkota Land. , Like Boon . . . , , ! ' ol'en under homoste\d low. lUjht ot entry de- ' . . termlned by drawing. conducted by U. B. omclall. Ex'suldler mllY reghter "nd l1Ie.by agent. One person can act nl A ent tor but on" Boldler only , To meet tbe demaud of soldlerl tor ogentll bave arranged with a number ut cltlzenl In Nortb JJakota , near tbee londs. to act as ngen tor . . . . t , loldler . To poy tbe agent And mysclt tor . " trouble and expenle , there will bo a cba1o ot . > ' UO.I ( ) for reglUratlon. 8bould tbe soldier draw II . . ' . ' " number entitling bIOI to tract of land. tbe same agent will tile tor bIOI. locAte and lelect bl. Iind , ' ftlr a fee ot U5.00. It tbe Boldler pretcr.be OIlY. . . . Inllelld ot I > nylng tbll fU.OO. go and Belect bll . own land. Suldler not requIred to pay ft.ro In ' . . acre on theIr land until 11z : month. after tbelr > nlln" " , ACT PROMPTLY neslltrlltJon beglnl AUi. . 8th and end. Aug. 20th. ' ' . No time for delay. Send no and your dl.cbarge , or certltled cupt tbereot , lIud 1 will lend you proper legal paJJr for your execution. I will look atter the entire molter and Bee tbat' the agent doe. hI. duty. should ) 'ou not be reslltered the money will' be promptly returned. Locil agenU wallted to wbom 1 wilt pay relllonable commlNllon for .en'lcCI. Addrcss , I . ' " ItOBT. F. UIIUCtTT. DevU's I.nke , N. D , , ' . . . , u : ' ' " Thompson's Eye Water ' , , , ' . ' " W. N. U" Omaha. No. 33-1904 . I - - . : - ; " Wlnnle-Stlclt LAUSnur nLUI : Won't ' 1'111. break. freez.e nor , pot c1othel. . ' . CO'lA IOC. I1nol eqUIII. 20 < : . wortb uf 1111 : ; utber bluin. , . - -