Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 18, 1904, Image 11

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    ' " ; ' ' ' ' ' '
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" , , , ,0' : ' 1
IIiII1 : ' . ' - , , " \ . k : _ " . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , " \ "
Church Uonncll.
Last-Tuesday morning a council -
cil of ministers and delegate's
from the several Baptist churches
of the Custer Association ulet n
pursuant to call issued by the I
Broken Bow church to consider i
thQ Christian character of Rev. t
S. P. Morris , late pastor of the
Broken Bow church. In addition -
tion to the ministers of Custer
Association were invited to sit
'with the' council Rev. C. 'V.
Br nstad , general missionarj' , and
Rev. Geo. Sutherland , D. D. ,
- president of the Grand Island
College. The council was organ-
' \ . bed by electing C. 'V. Bri lstad ,
moderator ; and Rev. J. R. 'Voods
I .
of Mason Clty , clerk. Dr. Suth-
land was elected to conduct the
. examination and Rev. Brinstad
to represent Rev. Morris , who I I
. had submitted his defense in
' \ writing to Rev. Brinstad. Rev.
A. 'V. Yale was called to the
- ' - ,
, I. .
. ,
, . , ,
' ; ' \ O' ' ' ' ; ' : ' : ' ' : ' " : 1'1"L , ,
chair. 'l he charg s in substance
accused Rev. Morris of deserting
his wife and seeking a di-
vorce. from her on unscriptural '
grounds and making no prO\'is-
ions for the support of her or his
children. Ij\or alienating the affections -
fections of Mrs. Day from her
husband nnd abscorlding with
her. For contracting debts ,
which hc left without making
any honorable provisions to pay.
The entire day was taken up in
substantiation of the charges and
in hearing' his defense.
'l'he investigation was thorough
and the defense wa ably repre-
sented. After the examination
was concluded a committee of
threc , consisting of Rev. Geo.
Sutherland , Rev. S. C. Cadwell
and } ev. J. R."roods to form-
ulate a finding.
The cQmmittee's report in substance -
stance was that the charges were
sustained and recommended that
Rev. Morris' ministerial ordina-
The World's. ' Crandest and Best !
" . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Walter L. Main
World's Exposition 3-Rimr Circus.
Grea. test Menagerie Racing C rni val
, . .
> : \ -/f/j 0.v.
I. ' 7ff '
' 1 A t'lJ '
, , ; , ,
. Broken Bow , Tuesday , August 23rd
The One Great Day to which all Broken Bow and Vicinity
_ ook forward to as the Greatest Event of the year.
Positively the Only Circus of Nlerit and Magnitude -
tude to Visit this Section.
An All Feature Show that Bears the Endorsement -
. ' - ment of the Nation !
\ No Other Show in the Co.untry has under Contract -
tract such High Salaried Feaqlres and Artists !
. .
Bessie Dlavolo , daring death , defying danger in the thrilling
"loop the loop. "
Davenport & , Lowanda , only bareback equistrinn throwing
summersaults from horse to horse fonowing.
Cute Nursing Camels , adopted and christened b ) ' Mystic
Shriners of Al Koran and Damascus tem pIes.
Cute , cunning , bareback riding pony , enl ) ' one ever educated
in this act.
"Dainty Dewdrop , " smal1est specimen of mans' extant. 33
years of age , 17 inches tall and weighs but 12 pounds.
"Wild Rose , " an untutored daughter . of the forest , captured
in Cuba. Is she woman or beast ?
TI e Famous Nelson Family , of n.ine premier acrobats.
The Puzzling Nondescript , an an11ual that has proven to be
an unsolvable enigma.
\ Prof. John Gills unequalled band of forty German oloists.
pacyc1erm , that engage in battle lile veteran soldies , using gatt-
ling guns. .
Coming on its own three trains of double-length cars , with
acres of sun and watf'rproof canvass , an army of people , superb
horses , seating capacity 10,000 , complete 7.oolo ical department ,
trained and untrained beasts from forest , mounta111 an pla111. Herds
of elephants , camels and zebr-s , ! , baby lions , tigers , leopards , etc.
Amenca's and Europe's greatest riders , leapers , contortionists , tumblers -
blers , acrobats , gymnasts , athlets , jugglers , wire wal1ers , and general -
eral performers.
PROGRAM OF THE DAY : 10 a. m.-Graml street parade , a
mile in length. ,11 u. m.--Free display of Japanese da.ylight fire-
works. 11:30 . . of . 1 . .
: a. m.-Opening annex. p. m.-Ope111ng of doors
of menagerie , wonder department and promenade concert. 2 p. m.
-Afternoon . 7 . . of doors
- performance. p. m.-Opening to evening
performance. 8 p. m.-Start of evemng performance. Advance
sale of tickets , both admission and reserved chair seati. opens Aug.
23 , at 9 a. m. at post office. Same price as charged on the grounds.
Positively no advance.
_ . .
- - - - - - -
. - ,
.11 ' , , \ ! " , . " . . . . c. . , , ' \j : t. 'I" . .tl t. . , . . . 1' "
tion be revoked and' that he be
excluded from the Baptist church.
'l'he report was unanimously ad-
'opted. On motion it was ordered -
ed that the action of the council
be published in the enomina-
tional pa perRo
'l'he council \V3S composed of
Hev. Gco. Suth rland , D. D. , of
Grand Island ; Hev. C. W. Brin-
stnd , gellcralmissionary , Omaha ;
ReT. . I . Woods , 'E. II.
Burrows , II. E. Hall , of Mason -
son City ; Rev. S. C. Cad-
we11 , B. 'V. Lowe , L. Ii' . Huffman -
man of Lodi ; Re\.F. F. DeLong' ,
'Vm. Cosner , C.H.Cass of Merna ;
ReT. . 'V. Powers , James and
Austin Loyd of Bethel Union ;
John A. lIall and N. Amsberry
of Ansley ; Rev. A. 'V. Yale ,
Willis Cadwell and D. M. Ams-
berry of Broken Bow. Hev. Bar-
rett , pastor of Anslcy church was
prevented from attending by a
funeral which he was called upon
to conduct.
- - - - - - -
James Cornish of Lodi , is visiting -
ing in Ortello.
Adah Bowen returned to Broken -
ken Bow 'l'uesday.
Mrs. li'oc1ge and J. K. Cooper's ,
visited at Lodi last week.
F. C. Embree shipped cattle
and hogs the first of the week.
C. D. Day and wife spent Sunday -
day with Mrs. 'l'ye near Broken I
A. D. Hunt and wife were at
Broken Bow Saturday and went
to the DdY ranch Sunday.
Mrs. Johnson is at Broken I
Bow careing for her daughter , I
Eva , who is quite sick there.
Mrs. Beals returned from Omaha -
ha and Mason City Monday.
She left her daughter , Nellie , ,
much better.
The A. L. A. meeting is to be
held at the home of Harry an
Ethel Ashbaugh Fridayevening , ,
August 19th.
16\ .
Ethel and Harry Ashbaugh ,
Nellie and Albert Hitt , Fred Da )
and Jesse Embree , attended th (
services at Keota Sunday.
S. I { . Cooper and family wen1
to Mason City Saturday to visi1
relatives. They will stop a1
Broken Bow before returnin
, \VIiIfUIF.R.T. ; '
Al Lut er stflrtf.d his steam threshe
last week. We understand \Vm. Gard
ner will run it this season.
1\Irs. Ehner Spencer came near havin !
her toe amputated by a horse stepping 01
her foot. However , the doctor says t1la'
he thinks it may be saved yet.
Mrs. Powers had'the misf01tune : to bl
thrown from a horse and have her collal
and shoulder bone broken. At presen
she is getting along as well as could bl
1\Irs. Jesse Luther , who had been verJ
low for some time with consumption
died last Saturday and was buried 1tl thl Tree Cemetery on Sunday. 'fill
tuneral was conducted by Revs. Haycrafl
and Deuce.
The 1\1. E. church will hold a "Cen ,
tennial Cehbration" of Nrbraska 1\1eth ,
odism next Suuday. Services will bl
held both mornin { { aud afternoon. AI
11:00 : a. tII. Rev. Pmckney , p'astor of thf
1\1. E. church at Sargent , WIll deliver all
address. 'fhe afternoon will be devoteu
to short addresses relative to pioneel
Methodism. Ever'bo y are cordi all )
iuvited to cOllie and bring their . dinnen
and stay all da ) ' .
- - -
Close or Vole Coutest.
' .I'he voting contest closed Aug.
] 5 , with lots of enthusiasm. We
are so highly pleased with labOl
of the winner and her nearest op'
'ponent , that to show our appre.
ciation of their efforts we are go.
ing 1'0 give each free transporta.
tion to the World's Fair. We
are certain that the public at
large join with us 'in wishing
them a pleasant time. The vote
at the close was as follows :
Mary Maylon. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,828
Hannah Edmunds. . . . . . . . 24211 ;
The DCln11 Penauy.
A little thing sometimes reo
sults in death. Thus a mere
scratch , insignificant cuts , 01
puny boils have paid the death
penalty. It is wise to have
Bucklin's Arnica Salv. ever
handy. It's the best S lve on
earth and witt prevent fatality ,
when burns , sores , ulcers and
piles threaten. Only 25c , at Lee
Bros. drug store.
A New UUShll' l8 Veal.
The Peale Sheppard Co. have !
purchased the dry goods estab.
lisll1nent.of O. H. Mevis , whicll
they will run in connection witt ]
their large grocery business. 'l'he
firm now occupies three large
store rooms , which are cOlUlected
with arches leading from each.
- ' .
. - , ' "
, ;
The P ale-Sheppard Co. wtll add
at once to this large hne of dry
goods and will put in a full liue
of furnishing goods , hats , cap9 ,
shoes , tl'Uuls , jumpers , etc. , to
meet the demand of their custo-
mers. 'rhe Rl\l'UIII.ICAN \ is pleased -
ed to note this evidence of pros- :
Itlnrket IlelJort .or 'ruda , . .
nIiAINWhnat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 .80
"atIU1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U
U'I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.1
nro : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Uorn. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . d' . . , . . . . . . .
Ln. SroOK- . ,
/lolllI. / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 4 ,10
tilcors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 @ . 4.50
Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2.5' ' @ : ( 75
Mpllng Ohlckon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , U
Ohlok nB , per llOutld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liS
'rurko , . , per ponnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08
IIntter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Kl\'g. \ , per dozon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
1'olatOOll. per bnsh61. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SO
0010n8"lor bOllhol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
lIav. tr'r 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
lilraw.porcwt. : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
SUII"r. Grannlatod , perewt.S.50 @ 6.10
Church HervICtH.
Rev. P. F. DeLong of MentA , will
preach next Sunlla ) ' morning 011 liThe
Finished Work of Christ , II and in the
evtning his subject will lie "Happiness. "
All are cordially invitell.
A. W. V , Paator.
M. l { . ClIURCU.
Sunllay morning at the 1H. . Church
the class on probation will be reech'cIl
into full counection. Rev. D. W. Crane ,
presiding elder , will lie with' us in the
evening to preach anll administer the
Lord's suppcr. lIe will conduct the last
( c nfercnce for the year 1\on-
I ay night. Gno. P. TluTltS , Pastor.
- -
The subject of the Sunday 1I10rnhl !
sermon at the Christian Church will be
"Christ and the Working Class. " At 8
p. ut. the subject will be "What Jesus
Saill on the Cross. "
' ) I SSl { R. TltAGARDltN , 'pastor.
Htop That COUKbl
Wlen a cough , a tickling or an
irritation in the throat makes
you feel uncomfortable , tale Bal-
lard's Horehound Syrnn. . . Don't
wait until the disease has gone
beJond control. Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Anderson , 3S" , West 5th St. ,
Salt Lake Citv , Utah , 'Vrites :
1 "We think B Uard's Horehound
Syrup the best medicine fOI
coughs and colds. 'Ve have use
it for several years ; it alway
gives immediate relief , is ver )
. pleasant and gives perfect satis.
faction. " 2Sc. 50c , $1.00. Sol < 1
b , } ' Ed. McComas , Brolen Bow
t and Merna.
t '
' m m M m m m.
Dr. Leach , Dentist. ' ! 'el. 258
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2t
Dr. Headrick of Omah , wit
visit Broken Bow Saturday , Au
gust 27 , at Grand Central Hotel
Consultation and exaniinatiol
free. Practice hmited to chronil
Goods at 20 per cent discoun
at the "Krowd Bringer" Sale
August 23. Add 1st page.
Dr. Barnes , ' .rhursday the 25th
All the latest designs in wal
paper at J. C. Bowen's. 7t
'l'ierney Bros. wants your poul
try anel.wi1l pay for spring ch ick
ens , 12Y ; c ; olcI hens , 5c ; ducks
5c ; geese , LOc. 9-1 (
J-Iapgooll has openecI a pa ill
shop just south of the Globe Ho
tel , where he IS prepared to pain
buggies ancI do allldnds of work
Call aud see him. lIe is thc
l - rgest contractor . - in this section
Or. T4cach makes , crown am
bridge work that annot be ex'
celled for $5.00 a tooth. Plastic
_ fillings , 50c up ; gold fillings
_ $1.00 up ; a full set of teethguar ,
an teed tl ) ti t , $5.00.
- - - -
" 'I'O..UN.
} i'1'om my pr es in the nortl
part of town. a single horse tOl
bllggj' , hlack bed , red runniu
gears , one spoke is partly broker
out of the left front wheel. 11
was taken August o1th or 5th
Any information leading to it
recovery wilt be suitably reward ,
ed. Address , 'V , B. EAs'l'HAM.
li'all goods now arriving at the
'l'his office for neat job work.
- - - - -
J. C. Bowen buys cream alH
pays the highest market price.
J ead the "K1'owd , Bringer'
proposition in this issue.
- - - -
'V ANTED-Men with famities ,
Fair price and good houses.
Wm 1' UNION Mn.I.ING Co.
34tf West Uni n , Neb ,
Special sale _ at 'l'he Regulator ,
August 23rd.
Deafness treated at Jour owr
home by new instrument' ' th\ \ ;
Vibratone. See Dr. Headrick aj
Grand Central Hotel , Broket1
Bow , on Saturday , Angust 27.
. . . . ,
, , , . . . . . . . . . . . .
\'fQ" " " ' ' ' ' - . ' ' 1 " " " " . . . . tr l--q , - ( . -
I hlwe one , good residence
property to trade for farm prop-
ert ) ' . One good young team for
sale or trade. Some old buildings -
ings for sale. ] . C. IIomnt.
Dr. Sumuer Davis , Graud Is-
'land ' , Nebraslm , specialist in
I disease of eye amI ear , examination -
tion fOt' glasses. 2tf
Fat'lIl 14casc , Chattle Mortgage
and 'Vnrral1ty Decd blanks at
this office.
TAKHN uA sorrel colt , about
one year old.
ii' . II. ' 'VmSSHNtUUmH.
FOR SAI.1t-'l'ow. ] lots atHI a
few five acre lots in this cit ) ' .
-Allcn Reyncr.
Dr. Barnes , the eye doctor , vill
be 'at the Grand Ccntral Hotel ,
'l'hursday August 25.
Get next to the special "Krowc1
Bringer Sale August 23rd.-Cir-
cus day. .
Mone ) ' to loan on improved
fnrllls.-H. G. MoonE , Gleim
Block. 4tH
Drs. Davis and Ij\arnsworth of
Grand Island , Nebrasl\n , are prc-
pared to treat all forllls of chronic
diseases , such as rheumatism ,
stomach disorders , tumors , cancers -
cers , paralysis , l \c1nc \ ) ' disea cs ,
etc. 'l'hc doctors use bes1 es
medicinc and surgery , the X-Hay ,
hol-ait baths , electricit.r und
massage. 2tf
near the click , click , click , .of
the Regulator as she winds , np
for the fall and winter run.
Bring your chic1ens to P. J.
Simonson and get the highest
market price. 10 tf
. . . . - -
- - - - -
Legal Notices. .
LUGAL DVRU'l'18Iums'r .
All ad1'Orll oIDollti unllor thll hI' " ' ' wllhu \
charged for I\t leva I ratee , vII : : 81.00 Iwr ! unart !
for I1ret I08ortlon , IInd 60c per Il'Jl\ro fur IIlIcb
lubeuquoot InBorUon.
" .quare" Ie len IInoe or fracUon thoreor.
'l'o wholll It lIIay COllcerll :
A ! .elltloll ha'hllr beell filell III the umco 01
the cOIIIII ) ' clerk of CUKlcr cOllllly , Nebm..kl. III
v.cale ; a pllbllc roall. CIlI1lIlIlIICllllr al the II lIa I"
ter Blalc belwet'li Reellollll fOlirlecll ( H ) allll
twellt.threc (23) ( ) . towllllhil. ellrhll'ell (1M ( ) , lIurlll
ralllClJ twellt.thrcp. ( 3) ) wesl Mh 1' . M. HIIIIII'
11111 Ihellco HOlllh tiO 1'111111. thellCIJ WORt 1(1 ( n..1 !
to St'ctlolIlIlIC bctWl'ell sectlollll twellty'lwlI t2 !
, ; 11111 twellt.tlllee. 'l'hellce rlllllllllif ROlllh : , H (
rOIls or IIIIren.bouIR to callyoll or Reclloll corllel
. Rectlous 22 , 21,26 alld 27 aR Iler malll'al. ' 'I'hlt
behll. tlte lerllllual of IIIIR lOa II 011 IhlJ RIIIIII
end. All o .jectloll ! ! thereIn , or clallnR fnl
, IlalllalCollllluHI he 111 ell Iu the cOllul ) ' cieri"
ollice on or before 110011 of the 13lh Ila ) ' of Oc
tober. 1904. or IIlIch roall will be "acalell wllhnll
reforellce therolll.
III WittiCH ! ! Whereof. t have hel'eUIlIlI ReI 111)
hallll nllll Ileal of Ralll COli II I ) ' . thlH 10lh' day II
AUIlIIKI.IWI. Gno.V.1 > B"CUIIUI'Clerk. .
9.165 Hy Jo ; PillMAN , Ih II\IIY
HlmVICI , : 01' SUMMONS iiv l'UI1I.tCA'I'lO
Itl the IUHtrlcI cOllrt or CIIHIOI' couUly , NIasla \
- : -Ilia ! ! U. AllllrewR , Heceh'or lie
' . Oxfonl COli lilY IlIali ARRocla.
. tloll. } 'lallllltT.
\VIII. Lawyer. elal , 1 > efellllalllA
Will. Lawyer will laku lIolico Ihal all the 2111
da ) ' of lIl'usl , I'XJ1. ' J. A.Arlllour. COUIII ) ' jlllill
of BallI CIIHler COUIII.IRIIUcol all order of ; Ulacil
- mellt for the HUIII of $172.20 , III all acllon lie 11I1
Inl : ' Lcfore hllll wherelll SlIaH U.udrewR , n :
. celver or Oxford CUUIIIY Loall ARSOcItou ! ( I :
plalllllff , alld Will.'cr alld the Halik' 0
Callawa ) ' arc Ilcfelldauls'that : I.rollorl ) ' lIf tI. ,
defendanlVIII. . Iawyor , cOIIHllllhl1l lIf Y 0
about 25 acrcli or whe.'U III Khnck a 11I1 lIf J1 0
aboul 40 acreR of Uarll'Y III IIhoClc , IIlIW III 011 thl
- followllll : ' descrlhed real eRlato RUualo III Cllllle
cOllllty , Nebrallka , to.wlt : Nw i oe Hcclloll 16
towllllhll.15. 1I0rth of ra1l1l1125 , weHI of 61h l'
M. has bcen uUached lIuller Raid onler. Sail
cause was conllnllClI 10 the 41h day of Oclober
1m. at 10 o'clock a. 111.
111.SIl.A D. ANUHlm'fI.
Hecelver of Odonl Clluilly I.oal
lo-13-M7 1Iy SIMON CAMIIHON. IlIII Att. ) ' .
Al\IlNnMI N'I' .
_ 'l'he followlllll' IIl'OlloAed alllollllllleul to , al. .
cOllventloll for Ihu nn'IQlou of. Ihe COIIRlllllllol
- ! If the Rlale of NehrallJla , as 11I1roillafter lie
forth In filII , hi RubllllUed 10 Ihu eleclorH of Ih ,
. Slale of Nebralllca , 10 he voled IIPUII ut 1111
lI'ellcral ell'cllou to hll hehl 'J'u Rda ) ' , Novelllbol
II. A. 1 > . , IlJlJ4 :
( SltNATII PIL'I No. 114. )
A HIli for a Juillt Reholulloll n'cOml1lellllill
_ to Ihe ell'C\OrH \ uf Ihe Hlale 10 vole al thu lIexl
electlou of lIIemberH of Ihe IelClRlalure for 01
alCalnst a couvelllioll to revlso. a 11I011I1 UIII
clmulCe 11111 COIIHlltulioll of Ihe Siale oe Nobr lll'
. ku In accurdallce wllh Secllou2 , Article 15 , 01
11m COIIHtllullolI uf Ihe Slalu uf NehraHka.
lie II HOholVl"d b ) ' the r.ell'llIlatllre ur IhoSlal1
. of Nehrallka :
_ ' 1. ' 1' hat It III II0emellllcCeHSar ) ' 10 call a COli
vcutlon 10 revlso. :1I1Iellll alill challll' ' ' Ihe Con
Rlilulloll o [ the Slalo of NebraHka.
2. 'I'hat the eh clorll are n.commelllled 10 volt
at th next electloll of lIIelubor. . IIf the l.elflKla
Iurn for or aICalllRI a l'UIIV'HUlulI III mvllll'
allle\ll ; 11111 chaulle the ConHlllllllou of the Slah
, of Nehrallka.
3. 'I'hal at IInch IIcxl election or mcmherll n' '
IhtJ I.ell'llIlatnre uulhe hallotuf eacll clector'u
tlnl : ' at Ruch 1lccllulI , Hhalllll1llrllllcll orwrllll'l
III Huch a mallller Ihat Ihe oh clur call IIl1l1cah
hlH ' lIuller the law Iho wonlK : " 1"Oti
call \ III : ' a cOllvelltloll to mville , ; lInUlIII :1111' '
chaulI'e Ihl1 COlIlIlluliou of the Hlalu of NohraH'
ka , " alld "AGAINS'L'calllnlC aCOlI\'lmtlull Illre.
vise , amelld aud challICe the Cmllllltllloll of 1111
) ( ale of Nobraskl ; : " anlilf a majurlt ) . vlllhlll'
at liald eleclull Hhall vulu for a couvenllou , till
LelllHlalnre IIhall , at 1111 noxl selllllou , Ilmvld ,
by law for call I IIIC the hallH ! .
f , Geo. W. l\Iarllll , Secrelary of Slale of II. .
Slale or Nebraska , 110 herehy clrllfy Ihal till
forei/'olull propoet ! ameudmenl 10 theCunKllt1l
lion uf the Slaleof Nebraslca , allli pWI'ldlnll fOI
a COllveullou for the rel'lRloli of lIaJ.1 COIIHlltu
lion of tbe Slale of Nebrasla , III a Irue alld cur
- rect COP ) ' of thc orlilinal ellrolled bill paubed II )
Ihe Tweuty.elll'hlll Rellsloll of Ille Lelllllialuru 0 :
the Slalo of Nebraska , as II appears from 6ale
orllClnal bill , un file In my o ce. allll Illat lIaJ.
Ilrolohed ameullnlelll allll ruvlllitill of Ihe COIlII
IIlullou of thl1 Slale of Nd.ra ka1 ] sllbmlth 1
to the Qualified vulerH of the Slalu of NIhraska !
- for Ihelr allolltlou or rojecllou , at the IClmel'a
ell'cllou 10 hl1 beld ou 'I'llesday , thl ! Mlh .Iay 01
Nllvember , A. U. IIJ14.
III le"tltuou ) ' wberellf , I have henmillo liet III )
ha\ll allll allixell Ihe Greal Heal of Ihl ! Stalu 01
UOlle at IllIcoln Ihls 5th day DC July III 1111
- ) 'ear of uur Lorll 01111 'I'bouHallll Niue Ullllllreli
, alld fo'uur , of IhtJ lullelendellc" uf the Ullileli
SlaleH tbe One lluudred aud 'l'WeUI ) ' Nilltl
alld oC thlll Slale the 'J'hlrty 1IChth.
1:110. W. MAHIIII.
! l21CHIIATSIML [ ) SoCrelar ) ' of Slate.
. . .
- - - -
CouutY Court Custer COUlllY. Nebraska.
' 1'0 Ihe belrll alllillext of kill of Albert lIert
IIclllnteer , deceased.
Yuu aru hereby lIolll1t'd that RaSIIIUII Allller
son. Iluardlall and 'credltor of Bald decqalll'd
- has filed bill pelllloll III lIald courl. askinII' Ihal
I 1m may Le appolnled adllllnlRlratcr uf thu OR
tate of Albert UerlKChlllll'or. deceaRed. You an
further uQlllled tbat Ral,1 ltasmlls AlUlerson
. alll'uardlu : of the cRtalu of said dece lled hat
lIIed In tills court his relJOrt a 1111 ! ) ! Jllllou fOI
IIIHcllarllu as such Iluanllan. Said mattorB haVI
been set for bearll1ll' for AUllullt 27lh , lWI , 011
10 o'clock a. IU" at Ihe cOlmlY court rool1It :
IIroken Dow. Nebraska. when all Inl\1r"ste
! Iutles lIIay aplear aud 00 b\1anl.
1 > aled tbls 2511& day of July. 1904.
7.1-'j'j ( [ aKAL ) J. A. Axuouo ( . CUIIUt ) ' Jndlll ! ,
' - . . . . _ , . . . .
' "
1. _ ' " '
. : 'J tU' 'Q' +
United SIAtu t.lnlaMclI , l
Broken 1I0w. NehraAka , A IIlCu t 2. 104. r
NoUce I. . heroh ) ' It Iv ! ! II that Iht follo\\'IIIII' .
lIattle.1 . At'llIer ballllet1uollce ( If iliA hltl'IIUn
lu lIIake nllalllrt'o ( In AUI'INlft uf hili clallll , : wll
thll salll pro"f will I. . . IIItlle b"full' reulMer
nll.1 rccl'lver U , H. I.aml Ol1lco nt Umkoll 1Iow.
NchraHka. UII SCI.lclllbcr Itlth , 1"1 " , vl % : ) , 'OIH )
A. Jl.T.JS IIf l\It'rlla. Nl'hraka ! , lor Ihe II\\
liD Hl-cUUII S , 'I'OWI19hl" " IS Nllrlh. Hanlfe I W.
lie naillI' ' ' Iht. fullowltllt wlllles'JC ' ! ! tl1 I'ruvo
hili COUUIIIIOU" rl'lIlcleuct' " 1'011 nllli cl1lllvOIUOJt
uC Rallllallll , vlu nl'orll'n l\t. l b'cU ' ofIerlla. ! .
Nehraslml SIIIIIII'I VanUMklrk IIC Merl1a. Ne.
hr""Ionl CharieR P. ' 1'n. } loruf l\Ie.rln. Nl'hraskal
Charll'RIcIal1l1'hllll tlfI"rna , Nllhraska.
H.13-114 JA CI " WII1Tltlllt " . Re'IlItcr. !
- -
' [ ' 0 wllol1llt ilia } ' cOlIccrn : .
A IlcllUoII lIIvlnlt 1"'I11 11Ilt ! III the cuullly
clerk'lItlntco askh,1C , \'ncate a cerlalu mJII dll'
IIcrlhl'lllIlI ' follow" Io-wlt : CIIIIIIIH1I1CIIlIl' 011 Iho
II..CU"II Ihll' h'mliR ) ROlllh IIr Iho IIMlh WORt .
climer SI'CUoli 21 alllt rllUIIIIHI' lIurlll alollit
' ' ' 'Clloll IIIII ! lu I III ! lIorlh callI "ornl'r ' DC Secllult \
U , hum IheIlCI ! weNI nhlllll' RecUoir1111" 10 Ihe ! .I
IImlth Wl'Rt corlll'r of ; "cllo" 11I,1111111 . 'L'owlIsht ! , .
17. IWrl1l ul Halll'lt : 17. lI'eHlllr. . . 1' , l\I" OIId , all
ohkcllcllill tlWfIlo ! , ur clallllll lor c\aIll3ICel. \
IIIUKI1111111.1 \ III thll cOIlIIt } . cI'Jrk'lI oniee 011 or
lInCol e IIUIIII of UI.4th 11u' : IIf Octuhor. 1'101. ' 01'
lIuch ro.1I1 will he'OIcah'll wlllUlut referollco
Iherelo. ,
111 WIlIII'R'IIerl'ur ! , I havc bl'rl'll II 10 lIet lilY
hallll OIu.1 . Rl'al IIflaltl Clllluh' . IIIIR 211I1 Ila ) ! or
AUICII"II'I\II. 01:0. \ \ ' . Dnwlw.
M.J1-83 [ ! lit , \1 , ) COIIUIY CINk.
IW\ ) NO'l'ICI { .
'J'/I wholll It ilia \ . coucl'm :
' .rhlJ cnlllllllHlllullrr a 1'01 11 It't 10 view a wacl
I tlthllell fllr II } ' 11. Kn"'IC"r. 1'1 at : 1ollllllel1'- ;
11111'111 nbllul 30 rollllliulllh nl Ne cumer uC tC-
Ihlll IIII'oCe rllllllllll : ' : IlIUIII lfin rUlIR lIIorr , or
le"l1 : III1UIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl ! lrllol'IK'clllll' ' IIl1u
1'11111111111' IIl1l'1h 111111 lIl1lh 1111 a 111I"lIc 1'11I\,1. , all
III 'l'uwlIKhl1' 13. HallllI 17 , nlll , III vat'/\I" th"
I'allt 1'll't : or Ihl ! rotul UII " . .CUUII III1Q bllwelm
SccllulIl\ allll : ! II , HIIIIIIIIII ! ' " :1'11 : allli weHI haR
1'01)ortllI Iu fa\'ur II ( IIII ! I'RlahIlMIIIIICII ! :11111 : Tn.
call1lll 11I"n'lIf , allll nil IIhjl'cl\on' \ . tlll'rclu 01'
tlaltllH ftll"llallllll'R , IIII1MI he lIIelt. III Ilic ( , lIIl1lt ) .
cI' rl ' 1I ulllclJ \ Hut h"run ! 11111111 (11 IhlJ : lnl lIa ) ' of
OClOher. 1'1t14. IIr MilCh rlltltl1'11 \ ho c tahllAhed
allil l'acall',1 wlth"lIlIn'ferCllcIJ IhOI'l1II1.
III Wlllle\l8 WIIIJ\'l'"C , [ ha 1t 1I1'r01illh , I..t IU } '
hallli : lIhIAI'alllr Aahl CIIUIIl ) ' . Ihlll IHt Ilay' of
AIIIlIIIIIIIJl14. 01\0. W. 1)\\,1\\ , .
ti-lI-XI [ tI"Al. ) COUIII ) ' ClerIc.
- - - - -
AH.'J'ICJ.g- : ; INt'OI l'ORA'I'roN 01 , ' 'l'ln :
JOl1l' \ ' , \ 1.1. gy 1II'C'l'IUCAJ. : :
11I11:1111111'11 \I \ ) ' 1111'110 preRCUIII : 'l'hat we.
Jacuh l\IllIlIl' , II. I : . lnllll1/l1l1. ; C. 'L' . lIolJlday ,
' \llalll 1'IiHUI. A. J. J\lIratl. 11. J. Hanlllll.lIll ,
C. C. l1ahcllcll. Jllhll 1"IIICh , R. I { . Allell , 'V. Co.
11I11tz. Ira 1' . I\III1R. Charlc > ! II a rIll II. U. 11.
HIlUm > ! . h : > .I' " aIlNllcla\l'lllIurselvl1I IIIlt0tlicr aull
h ) . tlll' ' O IH'l'selllllllll : ulI'"cl ; " IIl1rselves loCelh. !
er fllr Iho l\IIrl'lISI ! IIf IlIrtlllllll mill boCnllllll1l' a
cllrPlIl'allll1l III 1111' Ha\l , IIC Nuhrallka , with
, II)1vet. III bulIIl , IUllulal1i alllllll'eml\ ' ell'clrl.
cal falin'III lIallllllale , cnnllllollclllll' al Uro'
liIl. 1Inw. CURlol' COUIII } ' . Nlbl'aHIa. ! b ) ' WOl ) ' oC
. \ fUIIIII. IIIIIIIUlllllulI' IhrulI.h . Ih'1 CUllllllolI of
, IIICIIIII , I.OlC ll alill CIIHll'r , III Ihu 81:11of
NellraRka , \Irtllillalluif ! al nalllI.olCall \
coulIl ' . Nuhralllca , for which l'UnIUMI ! . WII havu
allnl"11 " alllllwnJb'allollt Ihe followlulI' Articles
or IlIcllrpllmllllll :
lilt. ' 1 hI ! 11 a III 0 IIC Ralll cllrllnratluu "hall h"
'J'h" IOUI' ValllJ } ' gll'clrlcal1 < allma.1 . CUlllpallY
III Nellm"la , Ulltl tile ilIacI } of trallll-
ucthllC It > ! bUslllell1l Hhall bll 1110 elt'lIf Arllolli.
CIIUIII ) " ul CUlltor. 1111I1 Slate IIf Nollralllm. 'l'hlJ
IIIcollulfll IIr lIalll lIuard or Ull'cClUrR IIhall lllJ
, helllill Ihll clt } . or Arnaili. III Ralll Htale.
211d. 'I'hll lIallll'lIlIr III" IUIKhwSH III IItJ trallll-
aclcll by lIalil cO""l'rallc,1I Hh\11 : ho the CIIIIRlruc.
IIlIu. 1II111111aluauco allll Ol'"ratillu tll au l'leclrl.
Ctll milruallllr IIll'cIl'lcal mllwatlKUlltl bl':1uc.llell
IliUm Hlal. ) tlr N"III'\Mlm : ; tI1I1 all } ' "lIch IIlhor'
IIlah'lalll lurl'ltorlcH allo It ilia } ' aClllllru cnrpor-
ale I'lIrhl 10 ollh r for Ihal 1'"lt'OIlO.
; 11'11. 'l'he aUlhllrl7.,11 cal.llal IIllIclc oC lIald
, curJlIII':1III111 Rhall bo Ouo 1\11111011 allll 1111 oue.
hUlltln'llthH tlollars Iu HhareH lie IIIIe bUllllred
IlullarH l'acH. to ho , oUbHIrlh"11 a 11I1 110\111 all I' "
I\IIIreI L ( lJ" Boanl or lIIH'clllrR of lIalll COII\ \ .
l'IIU'11I : uh' IIIIIIco to the lawH uC 11m Slat ! of
NehraHlul. 8alll cal.llal Hlock IIItt ) ' b , ! IlicrlJas-
' , IIII a IIlaUlier ! ! I'ol'IIII..1 hy law 10 HIICh nu
allloUUI all lIIay10 \ IleolllelllwCeSllar ) ' to accolII'
111IRh Ihl' ! IUrpOHIJ or Ihlll cllqJOrlllou.
41h. 'I'he exllllell'o of thlH Cur"lII llloll Hhall
COIIIIIII'lIce 1111 Ihe IHIII IIa ) ' of Jill" ' . , \ . H. 19111 ,
au,1 IIhllll hlrlllluale 1111 Ihl , IStlllla ) ' 01 JUliO ! . A.
/1.200:1. / : IIl1lell. . IIOlliler IlIslIolVl'l1 or coutlmlel ! III
. acconlallce wllh law.
51h. 'J'IIIJ hUllhlllI ! of HaitI cor\10rnlloll lihall
he cIIIIIIIIC\l'II by a Hoanl uf DlrecturH. IIOt 101x ,
eel.1 . R Vt'li Iu IIlIlIIh..I' . 10 hlJ cleclell h } ' Ihlt
II llIc I ( IwlllerH. aUllllallly. at HIICII 1111I0 a 11I1
Illace IIR ilia ) ' ho1re crll"11 hy the hy.lawH of
. lIalll cOIIII.all ' IIUI IucolIslslellt wllh Ihe lawH of
Ihe 81\10 or Nellrallla. . . . . . . .
Glh. 'l'he "Iliccrllof lIalll nrlllratluu hall be
. a I'n'Hillclll. Vlcl'olll'I'Kllllml. SI'crl'tary amI
'l'n'aHlIl'el' . who Rhall I" , chll"lJu hy Ihe Hoal'll
IIr ) ) IrccIIII' > ! , a 11I1 whll IIhall hohl ol11ce rur Ihe
porl",1 ue 01l1J YI'ar : ulIl ulIIII 1I1I lr HlicceHllorR
Hhall he eleCIt1I alllll\ualllll'll. III ca u of auy
"aCaIlCIt IIhall bll 11 II cll 11) ' Ilin rOlllalullI1l'
lIIelllbel'R of Ihe ] Joanl of UI roclII 1' ' ' ; all of ( . .
e whlcll oJ11ceI'R IIhall he elech'll frulll alllOUII' Ihe I
, - Rloc ! < hullh > rll or "aliI Co nllll'a II II II. .
71h. 'l'lIn' hllChelll Iwwuul uf IlIIlul""dlle8f1 " to
which Ralll , 'url'lIrall..1I ' cau , at IIU ' lillie , RUb-
jecI lI elf Hhallu..1 hu ilIUm Ihall ] . 'h'oJ Jlullllrell
'L'holisallll ; uhlull olle.hllll.lrelllhR lIollal'lI.
Hlh. 'I'he IIIUllwr ; uf h..1111111 : ' Ihn UII'IIIIIIIlS or
Slllclh..hlerH for Ihll oleclloll 01 IIln'clor" . the
olecll"l1 uf onkcr. . . allll tile tll\'lhollllr COlldllct.
II lull' thlt bURltll'hR IIf Halll COI'II..ralloll , IIhall bu
r . .robcrlb"11 by Ihl ! by.lawfl all alloplcll hy the
lI..anl..f nlroclurH.
III WItU"RII When'or. 'j'he IIlIlhlrHIICIII'11 hay
hercuuln l'oIt ! their haudH allll HI alll thlH 181h dOle
, of JIIIIII. 1904 : JAcolIl\l1lLItH. y
II. I . ROlliNSON.
\ t : . ' 1' . lIor.tIlMV.
n. I { . AI.L'IN.
\V. C. JItlrz.
STATIt tll' NIWIAlIKA , t d"
( CouN'r\ .
011 IhllllHlI1 Ila } ' of JUIII' . , \ . II. I' H , befoC
IIIC , a NOlary I'uhllc , IIl1ly CnlllllllHfllolied allli
Ijuallfil'll allll rllRhllulI' 11111:1111 CIIIIIII ) ' allll IIlale
IIr Nc1H .IRlm. IllIrRollallY alll'aro.1 Jacub Millor.
B. g. nllhluKOU , C. 'I' . lIolllola ) ' , Allalll HmlKd.
A. J.l\lorll'au , O. J. lIallllllllllll. Ira 1' . J\IIIIM , C.
C. lIahcocl.Jllhll Pluch. J . g-Alloll. . C.
IhII7. . Havill 8111111I11 , CharlllA Harollu. I.ersou.
ally l(11uwu tllllllt the 1IImticai l.erllOlIIl whosn
uall" ' ' ' . .re attac\II'11 \ tn IhlJ IlIhlClllur' IlIlItru.
J lIIelll allIl "overall ) ' aClollllvh'dl'l'll : thu Halll" 10
ho Ihelr voluulary acl i'11I1 dee.1 fur thu 1llrtlU-
He. . Ihewlllllel forlh. "
. WIlIIOHR lilY hallll 011111 lIulorlal Real the datu
la 1 ahol'o wrltteJI. A. U. IIOI1ItjIAN.
Nulary l'ubllc.
SrA-r't 01' NltIIlAIIKA , t ,
COUNTY 01' CUlI'rtm. r II .
I. neu. W. Dew ! ! ) ' . CuulUyClerl ( III allli forsahl
clluuly 1111 heruby l'rlll ) ' Ihal Ihn allnexod III-
RlmlllOll1 IK , , " , 'cuIl'.1 ; lIhl acllllllwlcdlCollllI dlle
rutlll ilCCHIII11' hi Ille 1:1'I'H : of the Slale IIf NIJ-
I hraRlca IfIl'utitiu II III 1 > oJ n'cllroll1ll tllerolll : al"o
that A. \JlltTlllali. \ . bcfure whulII the Rallle waR
I.ruved alld acmllll'lI ! dICOII wall , al till ! thllu of
lallull' hliCh Jlruur alll , acklllOwlelll'tJlllont : , a
IIIIlar.I'I'uhllc III ; uIII for Ralel cuullty. dllb'
qllallllcil allll aillhorizell 10 talcu the . .alllc. alld
1 fllrll"rcol'tlf } ' tliat I alii 11'011 acrlllallll1111111 \
the 1IIII'IItlilirO lie the Ralel , \ . 0. lIolflllall. a . .
lIulor } ' Iullllc. III alld fur salll cllunt ) . ; 11111 I'erlly .
j hollovt ! Ihlllllll'lItllllrIJ 10 11111 lIalll certilicatu to
1 > IIICIlIlIluo. > ,
Wlllle H III ) ' hallli all.1 II" , III'al IIf lIalll COlut
at Hrul(1I1I 1Iuw. III Halll CIJllllty Ihlll : ! 71h day of
JUlie. A. U. 1901. GIO , W. ) ) ltWIW , ' .
Cuullty Clerk.
[ IIItAL ) By Jos. l'IOIAN , DI1f.uty.
- -
. . . . . . . . . .Ierd Ilcndcd Ily. . . . . . . . . .
Orlm&on Scott , No. 171,035. . :
if ' ; - . - . . . . ,
-f , . j
, . ,
J. G , BRENIZER , Breeder of
1'uro Scotch an It Scotoh TOPl'Qd Bhort Darn Cat.
110. AIr bl'rd nnwber. 40 OOWII. Will CDwllarO
III broedlnlf aU11 qualll ) ' wltn any wcst ot Ohlcato.
My oxperlonco hllH hught me tbat to Ivo jtDod
atllfactlun , IJreul1lnJ. : cattle mutt ho rnlBed tn
this altitude. 1 expect to raise them
hero thO equnl of oUt'tnlng rahud III the U.
B. 1 now Itavo 2 buill ! Jlltltablo for thle. a011 , . :
. next ) 'oar's lorvlco. MX COWII wolghUrom 1400 to . . . , Jr. '
2000 pounds. , Ooma an 180Q Uloro ,