Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 18, 1904, Image 1

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    I. . UST'ER . ( JOUNTY - 'EPUBLIC 'N : 7 . ; ,
. . .
- - - - ; -
T - : = :
'lief ; e dene\ \
CII as soon as propcrty Iitlcll
: Ej'eglnsscR or pcclacles arc
worn , Hye strain rcmoved.
headachcs wfn disappear 111111
thinvs ! Jurore seen IIinlly , will
stal1l Ollt clear and tlistlllct , An
eye test will costllothi.n ' Made
frce hy n graduate optIcIan who
IIsca lIIOltern scientific in8tm-
n enls. Glasses will cost very
1i t1C I1S our prices arc 1II0dcr e , ,
.1 !
" I .
, " . " "i9veeve .
. . . - - .
\ " - - - - - - - -
School Books.
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's ;
. _ _ _ _ _ . . .h. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ -
'l'he VanEltot1 and : cholos
dramatic company drew good
, ' " crowds at the opera house for
" , \ ' " three nigl1ts this week , Those
attending speak well of the COUl-
pan ) ' , and of the last
evenit g's performance , which
was very entertaining ,
' , ' Insurance that insures ,
38tf H. . G. MOOIU ' ,
. . .
- - - -
Read about the 'IKl'owd Bring-
er" Sale in this issue.
r am now lucated just north of
the Custer National Bank. Come
and see me for bargains 111 real
state. Some choice acrE : pr -
pertj' for sale.
8 tf RAS. ANDnRsoN.
[ : : : i : : : : ]
Lenis IIantl10nt of Elton , made
this oqice a fr endly ca11 yestcr-
Mrs. N. 14. eynolds and chil-
drcn are visiting atVest Union
this week.
G. Hiser of Mason City , was in
the city Saturday morning bet -
t wecn trains.
l . D. Mills of Westervil1 , 'vas
among the welcome callers..t
this onice yesterday.
: ! \ Irs.V. . A' . Ge rge's mother ,
who has been visiting here several -
eral weeks , left Saturday morning -
ing for her home in Boston.
B. W. Lowe and wife , L. Huffman -
man and wife , and Rev. S. C.
Cad well of Locli , came over Monday -
day as delegates to attend c1mrch
council 'l'uesday at the Baptist
O. L. Jillson of Emporia , Kas. ,
who had been visiting with his
uncle , ii' . M. Olmstead , a few
days , returncd home Saturd'ay
morning. His wife , who accompanied -
panied him here , will remain a
couple weeks.
Adolph Ellingson of Round
Valley , was in the city last
Thursday. lIe informs us that ,
the hail did no damage in the :
nortl1 part of the valley , but ,
damagcd the corn tn the south ,
; I
part of the vallry. I
Mrs. Sadie Holtnes of Ottowa , i
Kan. , formerly Miss , Sadie Ma-
haffy , whu was employed as a
teacher in , our public chools
about ten yeats ago , died recently -
ly of cancer of the stomach , a
fact which her friends will be
grieved to hear.
'rhe meeting of the woman
suffragists' a t the court house
Monday night was only fairly
\Vell ttended. M1ss'Gail Laugh-
lin , , the'ip'ealer of the occasion ,
ga ve a very logical aldress and
was worthy of a better house.
'I'he session was closed' with a
s mg by Mesdames Stuckey , Gut , , ;
terson , Adamson and Ta'lor.
8. K. Cooper , wife and children
of Mont Rose , Colorado , passed
through thc city Saturday morning -
ing on their way to Mason City
to'isH Mrs. S. C. Rumery , 1\1r.
Cooper's sister. Mr. CQoper informs -
forms us that he will remain in
the connty until after the county
fair , which will give him a
chance to see many of his former
acquaintances. He was one of
the pioneer settlers of Ortello
- - -
- - - . - - - - - - . -
- -
- - - - - - -
"ttttttt"ttt""tt't"tt"t"tttt1t"tt'tt1"'tt'tt'tt'tt""tt't " , " , " " ' " " " " ' " ' " ' ' ' ' " " '
- -
E .A..1.I.g-u.S"t 23rd 3
- -
. Special .Krowd Brinller" Sale
E In order to show to the public that
I : : we are "with , the people" and "for = =
: : : the people" we have decided to of- = =
E : fer anything ll our store at. . . . . . . . ' = =
20 Per Cent Discount ,
On Tuesday , Aug. 23rd
: : : : : : : ' ' : : : :
E Fall Goods are rQlling in like a = =
: : : cloud but'st and the Hegulato1' is = =
: : : just Getting'V oHml U . V for a good = =
: : : raIl and winter'H run. On "ICrowd = =
: : : Bringer" day we propose to give = =
: : : you a chance to buy the Latest and = =
= = Best at Wholesale Prices. = =
: : : Arc YO > ll interested in Fall Dress Goods and Suitings ? = =
= = Are you interestecl in other dry goods or furnishings ? : : : : :
= = Are : rou nterestcd ! n Mel 'sV men's o Cl\W' \ ! ns' Shoes ? = =
= = Are you 111terested111 sav111g money ? 5 :
= = If you are , bring SOc and get a Dol- = =
: : : Jar's worth on circus day , A.ugust = =
= = 23rd , at the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . = =
--"Krowd "
Bringer Sale.
= = "See onr funny clown. " = =
: : : "IIenr some good musie. " = =
- -
, V. J. Rice of Cliff , was n. cit ) .
visitor ycsterday. 'I'his o ce
acknowledges a fricndly c.rtl.
Compan > ' M. lcft hcre 'l'ncsd ay
morning 111 charge f Captain
Pickett , for David City to attend
the state encampmcnt of the 'Ne-
braska National Guards.
Dan \V. Gains , the horse man
reports that he sold $1S00 worth
of horses at his auction sale at
the seock yards last Saturday. .
He will hold anothcr at the same
place next Saturday.
Mrs. . Amsbcrry and he r class
of Juniors are on the South Loup
on Hmnyhery's ranch Utis weel {
for a picnic. Mrs. Cad well and
Mrs. Hont ? went along' to help
tal e care of the girls and Rev.
Yale to look after the boys.
Joe Holcomb is carrying his
left arm in a sling as the resnlt ,
of his team getting away with
him'l'ucsday evcning. He had
got out of the wagon to open a
gate and as the horses started to
run he caught. . the lines an sustained -
tained a severe strain in the
'I'he protracted meeting , : which
has been in progress in the tent
by the Christian church , closed
Sunday evening. Elder Putman
and Miss Egbert were c1ever people -
ple "and leave with their acquaintances -
quaintances as friends. Regular -
lar services will be held in the
church Sunday , Aug. 21st.
Mrs. Lue Holcomb , who bas
been visit1ng here with relatives
the past two months , left Monday -
day for Seattle , Wash. , where
she is now making her home with
her daughter , Mrs. L. E. Kirk-
patrick , Her grand'daughter ,
Helen , Joe's little girl accompanied -
panied her and will remain in-
No matter bow great a crowd
att nds the Walter L. Main Circus -
cus there should be no trouble in
'on 's purchasing tickets. The
show provides two tickct wagon
on the rounds , open at 1 and at.
7 p. m. , also has seats on sale
down town from 9 a. m. day of
exhibition , both general admission -
sion 'and ' reserved. Frequently
those actending a circus , especially -
ally where they have ladies in
company , experience : many dim-
culties in securing tickets , owing
to the usual crowd and jam
around the ticket wagon.
Main's is the first of the big
shows providing a solution of
this difficulty , and it is an i1110-
vation wInch all other tented
amusements will do well to em-
ulate. 'l'hey will exhibit at Bro , :
ken Bow , 'l'uesday , August 23.
'rhe contest for free transportation -
tation to the \Vorld's Fair at
Ryerson-George Co. store for
several weeks past closed last
Monday night. 'rhe competition
for several weeks had been very
close between Misses Mary May-
Ion and Hannah Edmunds , two
very highly respected ladids of
our city. l irst on then the
other were in the lead , which
helped to intensify the interest
of friends for l'ach. On the last
day both held back votes feeling
confident they had enough to surprise -
prise the other at the last minute.
But Miss Maylon had out done
her fair competitor and came in
at the close with 1,617 ahead.
But through the gcneros1ty of'
Messrs. Ryerson & Gcorge , Miss
Edmunds will also be favored
with transportation at their eX-I
pense. The number of votes cast' '
for the two were SO032.
leUer I.'Yl.
The fol1owing , is the dead
letter list for the week ending
Aug. 161904 ; :
John F. Cook , Tom Edwards ,
Mrs. Gilbert Guyle , Wm. Hahl ,
Haclmtt Henrr. , L. A. Moore , W.
F. Rogers , W111 D. Wright , Mrs.
Corr Young.
Parties calling for the atfove
will please say advertised.
L. n. JnwIt'M' , P. M.
It beun.allluu.
\Vhen pains or irritation exist
on any part of the body , the application -
plication of Ballard's Snow Liniment -
ment g'e prompt relief. E. W.
Sullivan , Prop. Sullivan House
El Reno , O. ' 1' . , writes , June ,
1902 "I talm in
: plcasure recommending -
mending Ballard's Snow Linj- '
ment to all who are affiicted with
rhuematism. It is the only remedy -
edy I ha\'e found that gives immediate -
mediate relicf. " 2Sc , SOc , $1.00.
Sold by Ed. McComas , Broken
Bow and Merna.
Mrs.V. . L. Graham who has
been visiting in the city with hcr
mother , Mrs. Gandy and othcr rel-
tives rctuncd home at Ottumwa ,
Iowa this morning.
Howard Holcomb of Indiana ,
is visiting' in the vicinity with
relativcs. He had planilcd to
have startt3d home ) 'esterdaJ but
he was taJcn sick last Friday
and is not able yct to travcl.
Arthur Mori scn , of Lincoln
and Christina Nclson , of Mason
City werc marricd yesterday evening -
ning in thc 1\1. 1 . church , at Mason -
son , Rcv. J. R.Vood olUciatng.
After the ccrcmony the guests
wcrc entertained at suppcr , at the
residence of the bridcs' parents ,
1\11' . & IMrs. J. P. Nelson. 'l'ue
church was elaboratcly decorated
for th occasion.
- ,
M. D. A. IJOt1go Nu. 2\111. \
Members of thc M. B.A. Lodge
of Broken Bow are hereby notified -
fied that the rcgular meeting of
the lodge wil be held 'l'hursday
evening , AugUst 2S , instead of
Frida ) ' evening. As this will be
a meeting of interest to all evcry
oue that can should be present.
D. M. AMSUltHRY , Sec.
Permit me , I through the
columns of your paper , to sinccre-
ly thank my friends in Brolen
Bow , all other towns and the
country at large , who have so
kindly given me their votes in
the contest that has been 'wage-
ing at Ryerson-George Co. 's store.
of the Globe Hotel.
- - - - - -
II lit D.
Tuesday afternoon , August 16 ,
Mrs. MyraV. . wope , age 35
years , 9 months , and 26 days.
The dtyceased was born in Warren -
ren county , Illinois , in 1868. She
moved witb her mo'ther to Broken -
ken Bow , March 27 , 188,5. She
was married to James Swope
March 14 , 1886. 1. 0 this union
was born seven children , fonr
"boys and thrce girls. The o1clcst
isabout 17 years old and the
younges't 7. Besides her husband
and childrcn sUe leaves six
brothers and sisters and mother.
Two years ago she was taken
sick and has been a constant suf. .
ferer every since. She was con-
vertcd when fifteen ycars old and
has beeu a member of the M. E.
church ever since 1892. Since
the 4th of July , when she came
with her children to thc city to
the celebration , she has been in
the city with her mother. She
was taken sick on that date and
had never sufficiently recovered
to return to her home in the
country. She was a womanuni-
versally respected by all who
knew her. Her funcral services
were held at the M. E. church
yesterday afternoon , conductcd
by Rev. Geo. P. 'J rites. 'l'he
RnpUDIICAN extends to the bereaved -
reaved the sincere sympathy of
the community.
'l'he Lincoln Dully Stur'H Writ" UI )
T4e Lincoln Daily tar gave
an extensive and highly complimentary -
mentary write up of Broken Bow
and Custer county , including the
other towns of the county in its
issue of August 6. It not only
contains reliable historic facts of
the ear ! v settlcment of the county -
ty but gives a fair statcnient of
the county's resources and its de-
velopement. . .lI.'he business men
of Broken Bow and the other
towns of the cmnty } receive personal -
sonal mention. 'l'he remarkable
increase of deposits in the Broken
BoY. ' banks , speaks volumes -
umes for the prosperity of the
people of the vicinity. Thohe
111terested in the county and the
several towns would do well to
secure a copy of the paper of
August 6 , for future reference ,
and send a COPy to each of their ,
nllcl 0' Blttler FIIClat.
' ' 'Two physicians had a long
and stubbord fight with an ab-
cess on my righ t lung" writes J.
F. Hughes of DuPont , Ga. , "and . up. Everybody thought
my hme had come. As a tast resort -
sort I tricd Dr. King's New Discovery -
covery for Consumption. 'I'he
benefit I rcceivcd was striking
'and I was on my feet in a fcw
days. Now I've entirely regained -
ed my health. " It conquers aU
coughs , colds and throat and
/ troubles. Guarantced by
Lee Bros. , druffstore. Price , SOc
and $1.00. 'rnal bottle free.
tt"'t't"'ttt't"tt"'tt"t"t , " ' ' " ' ' " " " " ' " " + t'tt'tt't"t"t''t"t"tt't1"11" ' ' ' " " ' ' " ' " " "
- - -
I Wa.gons ! I. .
- -
= = I bought two cnr loads ofVagons from = =
: p rties who hud moro 'V ngons than money. = =
IE : Among them are some Buorkins , Brol'ksmith , = =
E : l loronce and LnfnyetteVngons. . As long fiS : =
E : these lust I aUl going to sell you ' 'vV ngons for less = =
E : money thnll ether dealers cnn buy for. Come in = =
= = and let me show you as good \Vngoll : as othCl = =
E : denIers fire selling' for $65.00 to $70.00 = = .
- -
- -
- -
- -
I For $55.00 I '
- , -
- -
- - -
= - = - I also have a CHI' of Gang and Sulky ' = - =
: : : PIws which I am selling at II'ices that are less = =
E : than other dealers buy 1:01' : . = =
- . -
- -
- " -
- -
E Gang Plows , 12 and 14 inch , $65.00 ' = =
= = Gang Plows , 16 inch. . . . . . . . $36.00 = :
- -
- -
- -
= = "The Dealer That Saves Yon Money , " :3 :
- ; -
C.S. MARTIN , . . Mil ! . Agt '
- : : : : : : :
- - - - . .
: ? il11111111111111111111111111111111111 + 1111111111111111l1111111111111111111 S : ,
' -
Arthur Doman is in the city
visiting' with his parents and
many friends. IIe has been at
Shubert eb. three or four years' '
engagcd in generalmcrchanc1ise. . ,
He has sold his inte1' ! ts there and ,
will look up another location. His '
wife is with him.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ,
: . : # . ' " # " . " . . . " . : ) " ' " : ' ; : " : ' ,
R r . t
s' . . . . . E C , . 4 OU : : ) E . . . . . > ,
U . , . j
I' Real " Estate , Loans 6J Insurance 1
j ' ,
I have some of the best farms in. the county fOr , s le "J
6 I have some of the best ranchcs 111 the state for sale. ' . " > , '
I have three good city residcncesfor salc. '
I have some QC the most desirable city lots for sale. , .
R I have money to loan on good improvcd farms in Custer'Co ; '
g I have money to loan on.good city propert ) ' . " : ,
8 I have the best equipped \ Insurance Agency in the county. 88 . ' , 1 I
S - - = f\ ; ] - N . . \ )
8 -
I \
1 Hail ! Hail ! Iiail ! Iiail ! . :
Now tbat you bave tbe best prospects for a bumper .
crop , protcct it by insurance in the 01 < 1 reliable St. Paul Fire
s and Marine Insurance Co. against Hail. ' "
i E. C. HOUSE , I ' ;
8 . AGENT , 8
8' B , . 8 ! , . .
Brokcn Bow - - - - - - Ncbraska. - - -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ' " . " . . " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' " : ' . . " . .
_ _ _ _ AA _ _ _ _ AA ftAAAAAftft1ftAAAftAft - - - - - - _
; o . : & ; 6j : a t ! : tI.'t : : & ; ti \IAft \ : j ;
i TWINE . -
: . . , ;
. . . X1'TE i I
! - : :
, )
c I .
! B Buckeye Sisal Twine 10c. i . . ' , ;
: Best Deering Sisal 'l'wine 12 c. \t :
ea m. t ,
: \Ve are noW nmking preparations for ;
the lIay and GraHl harvest. Look up : " '
: what repairs yon will want for the. I :
: " Deering , Mower m d Binder. If.yoti"
c want a new macll1llo , we have , them. " =
V " e now have a few bargains in . :
Ii Hay Sweeps and Stackers , .
il and Hay Rakes.1 ; .
rrhey are the best thing on the mar- :
: I keto 8ee UB about these if ! you want :
. . 'l.hone No. .
: a bargain. . 107. I- "
- Onr : Motto : "Undersell. " . , t
i -i , C. . W. . APPLE , "I '
. ' \Vest Side Square , Broken Bow , N ebrusk . '
_ .f ) L } ! ; . . . . . . '
. . . . "