Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 11, 1904, Image 4
- 'I - u ttr IJIR. . ) teJj biicqn l'ulJll.bed Yor ) ' Thured. . ) ' 101 the Count'loat. : ! j " D. M. AM nmtY. : . . Editor . f Sn\ercd 101 Ihe Lomco 101 Droken Dow , Nob. } . . . IOOOnd-ol&lll maUor for Iran mlnlon ihrouln Ihe U. 81 Mal" . ' l'nIOS BDUBOnll'TJON : One Ye.r.luadvanc < : l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It.OO I , . . .OtUco tn OulLor Dtock. ourLh Ave. ADVEHTJBIN'J UATR8. Une r.otumn , IHlr mon&h117.00. Ono.half col- IUiInj , JIt1.l montb } " , .00 , , QparlO , column , 'P ! ' ! mODlh , . . . .00. LOlli llian qdart r 'cotamn , ro conta per tnch I'or month. ( ) a"h on Orel page , 60 eonLi per tuob , p61 monlb Locat.dverU lni & conte po , IIno och I".or. 1I0n. ' ' NoUoo of cburch fa Ira , 10Cllbtoi .nd eutertaln. menta wbere monor 11 cMrged , one.hatt rMet. toolol ! ) ' noUco , .nd r.lolutlon. . one-batt row. . WoddlugrwUcei tree. hatt price for publllniog 1\.t \ of 11rtlIeut8. ! DoaU.I noUooe free. balf price tor publl.htug obUulllnotico. , and card. ot tbankJ. Legal noUco .t latUI provtdod b ) ' . ' .tIlLo. of Nobrllu. Thursday , August 11 , 1904. The populist delegates of the state convention have proposed to fuse with the emocrats provided - vided the democrats will allow them to name all the state fficers an they will allow the democrats to nominate the legislative - lative ticket. Where the pops have nouunated candidatcs they will withdraw or ignore them. 'rhe American voters have never shown , a disposition to support - port a platform of evasion effron- . .try and cowardice , nor will the voters of Nebraska endorse such a platform or the nomine s whose sole ambition is prompted by a desire for spoils at the sacrifice of principle. President Roosevelt's order lowering the old age limit to 62 years for pensioning old soldiers is a just order and should have the commendation of all loyal citizens. Yet we notice some of the opposition papers arc finding fault with the order. President Cleveland made a. similar order establishing the old age limit at 75 years and $6 a month. President - dent McKinley lowered it to 65 years and changed 'the rating to $8 a month after 65 years , and after 68 years at $10 month . and after 70 years at $12 a month , maxium. , President Roosevel . t's order is in line with his predecessor - ' cessor and puts the private on the same basis of the navy officers who are retired when they attain the age of 62. At this writing it is useless to predict what the populists andl democrats may do to-day in their state conventions. Anything' they may do will not surprise the public. Many of the pop delegates - gates were instructed against fusion but the calling of both conventions at Lincoln on the same day had no other object in view. If they do not fuse it will be no fault of the leaders. But let that be as it lUay the republicans - cans are not loosing any sleep over general results. For the last four campaigns they have had to contend against fusion and the result has been from 5- 000 to 15,000 republican majority. There is no reason why a much , larger majority should not be given to the republican ticket this year. Reports from the populist and democratic state conventions yesterday would indicate that a fusion will be effected on the state tic1eet , two set of electors. Par1eer and Davis electors will head the democratic ticket and Watson and Tibbles electors the pop ticket. Should' this plan work as contemplated the populists - lists are to have the candidate for governor and the other candi- .dates prorated. Spoils and not principles will be the controlling .factor . of both conventions. Their national platforms are \ F. W. HAYES , . 3 eweler and 'O ' > > tician . . West Side Square , .roken Bow , Nebraska. , 1 . . . , widely apart and any deal madc will be so palpable inconsistant that it will not be a vote getter in Nebraska. 'l'here will be thousands of honest pops and democrats who willnol sanction such tactics. ' ' Be'acon "it is 'I'he says now settled that taxes will be $2,000 higher than last year. 'l'he State voard settled the Iluestion beyon a doubt.- Why did not the Beacon deal fair with its readers and tell them the truth about the work of the state board. 'l'ell them that the state board reduccd the lev ) ' in Custer county - ty from eight mills last ycar to five this year. And further tell thcm that the increase in property - perty valuation in the county was only about , 25 per cent while the increase of the railroad property - perty was 70 per cent. And not the farmers and stockmen would contribute to the $2,000 additional - al amount , but that and more would be contributed by the corporations - porations ? Caucus Dille Changetl. - - Owing to the change of date of the show from the 27th to the 23rd of August , we have chang- the date of the republican .town- ship caucus to one week later , viz : August 30. All parties interested - terested are requeste.c1 to note the change of date. D. M. Al\ISDIUmV , Ch'm. A Scurrilous Atlack. ' 1'he Omaha World-Herald declares - clares that the republican 'press of the state will "take it indignantly - nantly to task" because it protests - tests against the service rcnder- cd to the republican state central committee by one of the govern- or's clerks. But the republican press isn't very hot under the collar. It considers the 'Vorld- Harald's scrced about the villainy of a 'state employe drawing a salary and doing somcthing in politics as well a scurrilous attack - tack upon those estimable fusionists - ists , Jim Dahlman , who was secretary - retary of the board of transportation - tion at $2,000 a year when chairman - man of the democratic state com- ' 1uittee ; P. L. Hall , when he was chairman of the same committee , drawing his salary as secretary of the state banking board , and J. H. Edmiston , who inspected oil for big money while chairman of the populist state central com- mi ttee.-State Journal. VINIt the Old IrolkH. One fare plus $2 for the rand trip to a grcat many points in Ohio , Indiana and Kcutuckey. Tickcts on sale September 6. 13 , 20 , 27 and October I I. Good via St. I.ouis aud for stopovers at the grcat cxposition. l1inal limit thirty days. See me' for fult particulars or write to L. W. Wakclcy , Gcneral I'asscnger Agcnt , Omaha , Ncbraska. 8.15 II. 14. OIUlISD'l'icket Agent. NebrnHku } 'urnlshel ! Cm'n (01' 1111180111'1. - - In a private letter from II. Ii' . Higginbottom of Foresteli , Mo. "He states that it is ver ) ' dry.there and poor prospects for corn crop. He says that corn is selling for 65 cents a bushel there and it is shipped in from Bcatrice , Nebr. So you see Nebraska has to help poor old Missouri. " 'Ve would like to spare old Missouri some of our rain as well as our corn as we are having more rain than we need. U IUUII Nit Renders the bile more lluid and thus helps the blood to , flow ; it affords prompt relief from biliousness - ness , indigestion , sick and nervous - ous headaches , and the overindulgence - dulgence of food and drink. IIer- bine acts quicld ) ' , a dose after meals will bring the patient into a good condition in a few days. G. L. Caldwell , Agt. M. K. and ' 1' . R. R. , Checotah , Ind. Ter. , writes , April 18 , 1903 : "I was sick for over two years with enlargement - largement of the liver and spleen. The doctors did me no good , and I had given up all hope of being cured , when my druggist ad'isetl me to use IIerbine. It has made me sound and well. " SOc. Sold by Ed. McComas , Brokcn Bow and Merna. .14 :115 : To Ht " 'onlll una Retnrn. The Burlington s thc abo\'e low ratc for tickets Eood In coaches IInd chair Cats ( seat. frec. ) On Sale Tuesda's al\ll \ Thursdays during Augustam1 Septeulber. See me for full particulars. 8,15 II. L. Ormsby , Ticket Agent. _ - - - . - . , I M - JOUI1 ! ! C ; : Jcml ) , I e are in receipt of L ; clipping- from the Stillwater Gazette , Ok. , in which appears a notice tlf the death of Jonas Coffman , formerly of Ansley , this county. 'l'h dc- I ceased located in Custer count ) , two miles southof Ansley in 1878 , ' : having movcd here from Merrick county. Jonas Coffman was bom April 21 , 1839 , in li'airficld county , Ohio , and died June ] 2" 11)04 , at his home in Stillwatcr , Oklahoma. At the age of 20 he was married to Lucinda Cotchall in Wells county , lndiaua. 'ro them were born cleven children. Ilis wife died in 1883 while he resided in Custer county and was buricd on their homcstead. He married Mrs , Emcline Hen- dricksbn in 188 ( " who survivcs him. At his request a family reunion - union was held last fall in order that he might see all his children. Mrs. B. F. Amsberry and lrs. Chas.Vaverling of Anacortes , 'Vasbington , and Mrs. J. E. Sae- ten of Hastings , Nebraslca , daughters of his , were at Jhe re- union. ' ! 'he two former stopped off at Broken Bow on their way to Oldahoma. 'rhe deceased was a Union soldier - dier , , having enlisted in the U. S. army in 1862 , and sen'ed three years. Besides his wife he leaves six children to mourn his loss. flUS'1' . ' 01M nmuu. The Kliut . : , 'cry 1I0llHcwirc Ukes (0 IIl1n on lIel' 'l'l1bh So'cn UaYR 11 Wccl , . "How to Make Bread" is a little book that evcry bread maker - er ough t to own , and can own. ' 1'he Northwestern Yeast Company - pany of Chicago is sending it free to any housewife who writes for it. ' 1'his book tells some facts about the art of making bread that are new even to the most experienced. I t says and proves it that the secret is in the yeast. It shows that a pure vegetable yeast , 1i1ee Yeast Foam , which is made of the finest' malt , hops , corn , etc. , brings out the nutty flavor and nutritious qualities of the wheat in a new way , a'nd makes sweet , wholesome bread that keeps fresh and good so long as the batch lasts. Yeast Foam is sold by all grocers at five cents a package , and IS having a wide and increasing - ing sale. More nnn more HIe best housekeepers are learning the virtues of a yeast that can be kept on hand all the year round , that turns out never-failing good bread which keeps 'their families heatty , and makes them eat and eat , atHl eat. Send to Northwestern Yeast : Com pan ) ' of Chicago , asking for their interesting book , "How' to Make Bread"-free. A Dl'strnctlvo lIall ' Custer county had up to last li'riday been congratulating itself that but a very small portion of the county had been visited this season with hail and great hopes were entertained that owing to the lateness of the season , no damage to crops would result from that source this year. Hopes in that direction have becn disappointing. 1-4ast Friday - day evening a strip of country extending from Hound Valley to the head of Elk Creek , a distance of t.wenty-five miles or more from. . two to threc miles wide experienced - perienced a very destructive storm. Most of the small grain in its course was in the shock and in many instances was only partially d maged , while in a few instances the grain in the Hlllcidere'cnh'd. . The startling announcement that a preventative of suicide had been discovered will interest many. A run down system , or despondency invariably precede suicide and something has been foun that will prevcnt that condition - dition which makes suicide like- ly. At the first thought of self- destruction take Electric Bitters. It being' a great tonic and ner- vine will strengthcn the nerves and build up the s'stem. It's also a great stomach , liver and kidney regulator. Only SOc. Sat- isfactlo11 guaranteed by 1-4ee Bros. , druggists. I - - - 1. I - , Ayers . . . - - - . . . - - - . - - Feed yo lit' hail' ; nourish it i. Ive it something to live on. Then it will stop falling , and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is Ihe only "air Vigor halrfood you can buy. For GO years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. . , JIlT mrll to 100 vor , . loort. Jlut .flor 1Isllll ( Ayer' IIl1lr VI or II .hort tlmo It IorllIlI I" IrOlV , hllCllllllV It Is I"urlrell hll'he , IUIlIt. ' 1'10" SOeln8 n 81.1ellllj,1 . re.ult to Inn IIlIer lcJlli : , . , " almost wltlollt ' 1111) 111118. , I. 11. l'U'IW , toloraclo : 81'rlng8 , Colo. 1.00 , n holllo. . , . . J. . . , (1. , AYlm . . co. . . . . All lrlll1ll. 1.w.II. Mil. _ _ Of. _ for a _ . . . . . _ _ _ . . . Short Hair shock was completely threshed out. out.1'he 1'he greater damage was sustained - tained by the corn crop which gave every prospect of an abundant - dant yield. As is usually the I case all fields in the cou rse of the storm did not fare alike , some being much worse damaged than others. I Tn some casm1 the destruction was complete , ouly stubs of the I stalks being left , yet a great majority - jority of the fields were so badly damaged that but little if any thing will be realized. Hound Valley , French Table , Swiss Valley , east half of Hose Valley , Spencer's Park , the Muddy valley ! n the vi.cinity.of . . Berwyn , were HId uded 111 the lme of the hail. ' ! 'he rain was very heavy iu vicinity of Clear Creek. A 11 the bridegs from Mm elys' to \Vestervitle are said to be washed I out. ' Attcntion COntllauy 1\1. \ The date of the encampment , which is to be held at David Citr : this year , is changed from Aug. 17 , to August HI. 'l'hercfore aU members of Company 1\1. are her by ordered to be at Broken Bow on or before 8:30 : a. m.,1\on.lo day , August 15 , for a day's drill b fore entraining for camp. Capt. E. C. Pickett , Com. Co. 1\I. NOTICH OHmmn.ow. \ . No member of an , ) " organization - tion of the Nebraska National Guard will be excused from attendance - tendance at camp except on surgeons - geons certificate of disability or serious illness in his immediate family. By order of th ( ' Governor - ernor , J. H. Cur.VHH , Adjutant General. . Mrs. A. TI. Copsey of 'Vester- ville , is here visiting her , , Mrs. Gilbert li'ritcher.-Clmdron Journal. Mrs. Copsey returned home last Saturday morning by the way of Omaha. Bread Success 'Vomcn whouseYcastPoatn . are nlways succcssful in the art of\king. 'rheir brcad is light , toothsome. sweet ns a nut , and fun of nutrimcnt. 'l'hcir families have wcll.nourished bodics nnd good digcstlons. Nine timcsoutoftcn whcn brcad gocs wrong thc fnult is in the ycast. If you sccm to have lost the knnck of goo hread , or nre anxious to improvc , try the ycast that'f1 mnde of wholcsome and healthfnlmalt , hops and corn j the ycast that's frce froUl hrcwcry waste oroUlcr harmful ingrcdicnts j the yeast that smcBs diffcrcnt , I tastes diffcrent and nevcr growl1 stale j thc ) 'east that balds the IIccret of the best bread you over tastcd. Remembcr- The secret is ill the yeast. Ycast l oam is sold b ) ' nll groccrs at 5C a packagc. Each package contains 7 cakcs-enough to make 40 loavcs. "How tolake Dread , " fi're' . Just II postal. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. , Chicago. l I . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t . wt. . 1 , ; , i.i : . t9. . : , ; , . " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'iiI'i ' ' ; : : , IIcyl Don't you know where to get the nice t ' ) J ; ; fruit and vcetables in town ? Just for fun go " : ' to the cast side of the square and take a peep . ; ) at the extremely fine assortment of lIice juicy I ij Cherries , Raspberries , Blackberries : : A Apples , and delicious fruits of all kinds-the i \ , blackberries being only about half a crop this , vear , Y011 should get in > tI the ground fI09r. i M See those nice beets , radishes , turnips , and 9 ( , new potatoes ; fresh and the bcst the market - \ ( H affords. ' 1'he place , you know wherel I L - . i 't1 ! " . 00\ I , " , ] i . : I . . . . . \ : . . - \ 1 i . ( J ' ( ( : : \I' ' ' " ( - ; . ' ' j' % : Ij ( I" " i 'r ; Just remember , th best grades of tca and ; I'- l- coffee are found wtth lhem , where you can . , , , ; ' . . buy all kinds of canned and bottled goods , iW 4' I(41' dried fruits and staple an fancy groceries. , ' , . Don't for et . . your tickets and -et ! I " ! ' " of those hne pwe : ( hshes ; and keep 111 uund : I , , ' . that we have a most elcgant line of . I i CHINAWARE and CLASSWARE ; . ' i ( j 'Vater Mellons and Musk Mellons tool $ . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . , . , . . . . , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , ; , : - ' ' . . ' " " . . ; " . " . , " " " " " - ' " ? ' ' < ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ; ' ' . ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' GJ It G. : " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ! " 'i ' ! ! ' ' ' ' ' . ' , " , 'I" ' . " ! ! " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' " . " . . " - ' . ' ' ' F . . " "J ' ( 1\N \ " ( 'S'qJ.r -qxv : o " 'oo' 'D'3 -rcr$3 ) ' : 'CW ' . " m x m * m m m m ! BUSINESS POINTERS. i m m mm Dr. Leach , Dentist. 'reI. 258. A \'ery large per ccnt of the schools of the county will send school work to the fair this fall. Dan 'V. Gaines of Rock county , will have 300 draft , driving an saddle horses here Saturday to sell at auction , at the B. & M. stockyards. Six months time will be given. LosT-A a five dollar bill in the vicinity of the public square. 'rhe finder will confer a favor by leaving it at the RHPU I.ICAN office - fice and receive rewar . All the latest designs in wall paper at J. C. Bowen's. 7tf Hapgood has opened a paint shop just south of the Globe Hotel - tel , where he IS prepared to paint buggies and do all Idnds of work. Call and sce him. He is the largest contractor in this section. Don't forget the horse sale Saturday - urday at the B. & M. stock yards. Dr. Sumner Davis , Grand Island - land , Nebraska , specialist in disease of eve and ear , examination - tion for glasses. 2tf li'arm Lease , Chattle Mortgage and Warrauty Deed blanks at this office. 'rhis office for neat job work. J. C. Bowcn bu's cream and pays the highest market price. If you want a draft , driving or saddle horse at your own pricc , attend the horse sale at the B. & l\T. stock yanls. White waistings at the Hacket Store. 46tf Low shoes , Oxford's and Sandals - dals at the Racket Store. 46tf WANTlw-Men with families. li'air price and good houses. Wm"T UNION MUIING Co. 34tf 'Vest Union , Neb. . " - . . - - ' . , J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf i Insurance that insures. , 38tf R. G. MOORI\ . - , - - 'rAKEN UI'-A sorrel colt , about 1 . one year old. I Ii' . H. 'VmssImREDEH. _ l Thrce hundred horses will be I ofTered for sale at auction at the ' B. & M. stock yards , Saturday , Aug. 13. A credit of six months will be given on approved notes. Fine Batiste at 10 at the Racket - , et Store. 4C1tf " LosT-A silver cross with 'V. D. Grant's name on front. Please I leave at this office. FOR SAln-Tow.:1 : lots and a few five acre lots in this city. -Allen Reyner. Brilliantine in cream and colors at the Racket Store. 46tf Yard wide percales , 9 cents at thc Hacket Store. 46tf Money to loan on improved far1l1s.-R. G. MOORE , Gleim Block. 41tf ; Drs. Davis and Farnsworth of Grand Island , Nebraska , are prepared - pared to treat all forms of chronic diseases , such as rhcumatism , stomach disorders , tumors , cancers - cers , paralysis , kidney diseases , etc. The doctors use besides medicine and surgery , the X-Ray , hot-air baths , electricity and massagc. 2tf CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS &to 0' " . 1i0f" . & ' \ .0 o'0 \ 8"6 . / / \ / (1\0 lIt/t"t \ ) " co\ 0. . H"rt' . Alwav3 rellable.- Lad I. . . , aslr : nrugrl t tor ( : IIICln'iTIn'H JNOLIHI. , In lied and , Oold Tn" " no metallic oU.r. boxes. n. . . , . . . ealed . . . . . da. " ,1111 . erou. blue .ubdl- ribbon. ( . .Uo. . " nud ludhUo. . . . of . Jluy . your Drull.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , or Hend .11'0. In slam/ > for l.arU..ul. . Tt'.U luolIl"l" and" n..lI..r ror I.adl. . . . . illltiter. ! ly rtturll Jllall. IO.OOO'l'estlwollhdll. Hold b1 all Druglsla. OIUODEBTBR , ODEMIOAL 00. 8100 Mudl.oll 1"IIiLA. , PA- AI.aUo. . &kb . .p. . . . . - - - - - - - - = ---.L.- - - _ - . . . - _ _ _ _ * K m * ! > < W J. H. ! ' : : II" U. C. Sireel. .e-t : a . , 'fuhlnr anl . l .p ) e fittings. WhHl mills nnd tanks. ; North Side. - - - - Broken Dow , Nebrnskn. J x m z m m mm m . , I . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - i a IOO Before YOLI BUlldl _ Consult I 100 cr : : e < > . : : E = - a pl.n. : e au. . . , J IIDlfi Contractor and BuiIJer. Estimates tl I I . , Furnished free with plans and speciJications. ID , ' IUU ! llIt UIl lUIU1 'IUUlUUI . I UI I 1 r = r = r = : = r = r = Jr = ' ' - WID .J'- = --rli ) ( ! ) \ ' " 1" , - , . . . : . . . , . . . . . . : . . , . . . . . . . "I"'tL."I. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . I."L. . . . . . , . , . . . . . ' ' ' 'I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t. : ,1- . . i ! . : 'il. 1. ' : 'i.t : i. : : : . : . : : ; . : ia : : : 1 : 'tll 'I..Ib' ; : J.n. : : . . . . /L. . . ; . : , , , , . ; : Jj. . , 'nn. ' , . ' : : : : 'F 10 : 'lII l.i'.i ; : ; , 'La ' : I'I. : , ; ; " ; : ; JL. li . . i . ' , " m .I..i ; : : na. : ' i ' "Ii IJ. . . . . i11..1ir : : : : ! .Ii : . . , i1r . : . i . . , ; . . . . " When desiring to figure on a bill II ' ; . : ' , l.J ; of 1-4ul11ber call on the. . . . . . . . . . : -I " . J , ; . : ; 'i ' ' : ! I'f , ' l. C L . Turner . Lumber C o. fid fi ' : ! 'i -d 'Ve carq' a lull stock of Lumber , i Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc. Nl I" . . ' ' . . ! : . Agents for the Nebraska Central Building & Loan Association. i ; ' . ( ! ; ' .t ; : > > ] t. . . . J 'fitttYJ.r . ' _ ' " I i. - t-tYJ.r ; : : ! ! ! . : : i ! . . . . . . . ; ! lr ; ifJj ? i : : . : : : : ) ' : I ) ' ; : I.tI : : . : . . : r . . . " > L