IJ . II "
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toc\ctJ : \
L\\rl\thUl \ \
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J. .
A World oV- : ; : f
in onr single and comhination
stone rings for II\I1ies. AtHI a
worl < 1 of heant ) ' too. A great
denl of ttlone ) ' necInot be cx-
petHlcl ! to se.me sottlcthin
ptctt ) ' ntH ! Iluite gOOI ! . Our
collection of rottlhinatiou stonc
rings is rcmarkohle for thc
heant ) ' atHI'oriety. . 1\1an ) ' of
thcse rings at sttlall prices look
as well M the \'cr ) ' ( 'xpcns'c
thing\ ! .
. -
- - -
School Books.
School Supplies ,
J , G. Haeberle's :
r _ . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Man ) ' schools of the county
will not commence the fall term
. until the middle of September ,
: on account of a large per cent of
the scholars attending the county -
ty fair at Broken Bow , $ epcember
6 , 7 , 8 and 9.
nlacu"II"u. . .
Jl When pain ! ' or irritation exist
on an.r part of the body , the application -
plication of Ballard's Snow I ini-
ment gives prompt relief. 1 . W. '
Sullivan , Prop , Sullivan House
El Heno , O. ' 1' . , writes , June ( I ,
1902 : "I take pleasure in recommending -
mending Uallard's Snow I4ini-
, ment to all who arc alllicted with
rhuematism. It is the only remedy -
edy I have found that gives im-
i mediate relief. " 25c , 50c , $1.00.
I Sold by Ed. McComas , Broken
I Bow and Merna.
i Music loving people can
f not afford to miss hearing
j Rosenbery and Long , Au.
gust 16th , at M. E. church.
Admission , 25 cents.
: : : : : i : : : : :
\V. S. Swan went to Ansley ,
'l'uesday morning.
John Delane wcnt to York
'l'uesday morning on business.
! \Iedames Bean and I4iggetleft
Tuesday morning for St. 140uis
to attend the li'air.
W. B. Eastham went to I4in-
coIn 'l'uesday to attend the dcmo-
cratic state con\'enl on.
Jocob Walters and S. P. Smith
of l ese Valle , ) ' , were 111 Saturday
and took oultheir mail boxes . for ,
route No.2.
'l'he north east District will
hold a district Sunday School
convention at Wescott 27 and 28
of Augnst. Program later.
Geo. Grecnwalt of l ese Valley -
ley , was in Monda ) ' anel ordered
mail boxes for himself and M.
O'Bricn for rural route No.2.
'rom Holliday aud J as. Stock-
ham went to lAncoln Monday as
delegates to the populist state
convention to try to prevent
Judge Sullivan , Judge Shinn ,
E. E. Wimmer , and John Conley
of Oconto , weut to Lincoln Tuesday -
day morning to attcnd the populist -
list slate con\'ention.
E. M. Searle , republican nominee -
nee for state auditor , was in the
city li'riday looldng after the
sale of school land. This ofl ce
acknowledges a friendly call.
The secretary tells us that the
unusual volume of mail he is receiving -
ceiving indicates that the attendance -
tendance at the county fair in
September will surprise the old-
cst inhabitant. ' 1'he people who
go will be entertained as they
never were before.
S. P. Smith of Rose VaHey , is
the only farmer that we have
heard of that had his crop iasur-
ed that resides in the hail district -
trict east of town. lIe only had
his crop insured for $5.00 an acre.
but that will be much better than
n th i ng'H l1td over ' 100 'aci'cs
i nsu reel.
Rev. P. J. Spraker , the Sunda ) '
School Missionary , organized a
Sunday School at IIilldale last
Sunday afternoon , with 31) pre-
r sent. M. G. Montgomery was
elected Snperintendent ; Austin
I40yd , Assistant-superintendent ;
Mrs. I4illian Chrisman , Secretary
and 'l'rcasurer : and Freel Brock ,
Jas. Stockham , who came 0 ver
from his ranch west of Callawav
Sunday night , reports a very
hea\ ' ) ' hail that extended from
his place half wa ) ' to Callaway ,
co\'ering five or six miles in
width. He did not know the extent -
tent inlenglh , bnt it extended as
far north as C. M. Blower's on
the T40up and south through Stop
I 'l'able. 'l'he center of the storm ,
about Nansel's ranch , the destruction -
I struction was very severe.
_ _ _ u _ _ _
, t"t"t"t"t"ttt"ttt"ttt"ttttttttt"ttttttt""t"t1" " " " " " , " , " , " , , " , , , " " " " " " '
: : : : : : -
Fun For 3 Niehts : !
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- -
- -
E The Van Etten and Echols :3 :
E Co. . will play fOI' three nights :3 :
- : : : : 111 t I Ie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : - : : : :
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= = August 15th , 16th and 17th. = =
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- - . . . - -
: : : : : fl'l' IS one 0 f. t I W WIg I ! test an d = =
: = mOHt humorists companies on = =
: : the road. I f you come the first = =
= = night , you will sm'e take in the = =
E whole three.fl'lwy wil1 play 3
- -
- -
I "A Eachelor's. Honeymoon , " I
"Woman Woman "
Agalnst , I
- -
; . . "After the Ball. "
- -
- -
Popular Prices : 15c , 25c , 35c.
E Secure your seats early for they =
= = will surely be hOI'o. . . . . . . . . . . . :3 :
- -
; 1 11 11111111 11 11 11111111 1111111 + 111111111111111111111111111111111111
, .
C. : : ) . Ma rtin visited 0maha
the latter part of last week.
Com any M. , will go to David
Citr ' 1 ues ay to the state en-
Hay Gad went to CI'eston ,
Iowa , last li'riday , where he has !
securcd a positIOn as clerk in a '
drug store.
Capt. 1 . C. Pickett of Co. M. ,
went to Lincoln th first of the
week on military business. lIe
returned 'l'uesday.
A ball game was pla'ed in this
city ! \Ionday between Broken
Bow and Sargent. 'l'he result
was in favor of the \'isitiug team.
Score 9 to 1.
Julius Ottun , who was visiting
here recently from Boyceville ,
Wisconsin , has decided to enter
into partnership with C. S. l\lilr-
tin of this city , and put in an .
implement store at Sargent.
This office acknowledges the
receipt of No.3 , of Vol. 1 , of the I
Arnold aud Merna Herald , a
church paper published monthly
by l ev. Ii' . Ii' . DeLoug , pastor of
the Arnold and Merna Baptist
II. W. George left this morning -
ing for Boston to atteud the
National encampment of the G
A. H. It is Mr. George's old
home and he will extend Ius visit
to October visiting with relatives
and old acquaintances.
L. A. Parmenter returned Friday - I
day morning from Colorado
where he had been visiting several -
al weeks with his uncle. He
stopped on his return trip at I
Kenesaw , where Mrs. Parmenter ! I
met him and they visited there
for a time. She came back with
Mrs. J. M. Betts went to Lincoln -
coln Monday to attend the funeral -
al of her morher , who died Sunday -
day at the age of 83. ' 1'he funer-
l was held from the Presbyterian -
an church in Lincoln Monday
evening. Mrs. Betts' younger
son and daughter accompanied
Too Miss' Gale . . .Laughlin of New
York , a law school graduate of
Wellesley and Cornnell Universities -
ties will be present at the Woman
Suffrage County Convention to
be held in this city August 15.
She is said to be the coming
"Demosthenes of the \Voman
Suffrage cause. " She has already -
ready attained a reputation as an
orator of more than ordinary
powers. She will deliver a lecture -
ture at the Court House , Monday
August 15 , afternoon.
A railroad wreck occured near
Eden , Colorado , Sunday night in
which 100 person : ; are dead or
missing. 'l'he wreck was caused
by a bridge giving way over a
dry creek that was swollen from
a cloud burst. 'l'he conditions
were not known un tit the bridge
began to give way after the engine -
gine had run onto the bridge.
'l'he engine and two cars filled
with passengers went down.
Onlr four of the passengers and
crew escaped death , by drowning.
' 1'he two sleepers and diner stopped -
ped at the brink of the stream.
A. C. Hapg.ood , the painter , is
a demonstration of the benefits
deri ved from Ii heral ad vert ising.
lIe has a good trade amI is an
artist not backward in letting
the public know it. Since he first
struck the town se\'eral months
ago he has a < l\'ertised his business -
ness liberally and as a result he
has not been idle. IIe has done a
number of large contracts in the
countr.r and city and always has
contracts ahead. He is now
about to complete a large contract -
tract for the Adams ranch which
will require o\'er one hundred
gallons of paint.
S. D. Butcher , author of the
Pioneer IIistory of Custer County ,
was in the city the first of the
week. Mr. Butcher is getting
up a boolc1et with farm and ranch
\'ieWB of Custer and Buffalo coun-
ties. Short historical sketches of
the indiddual owners of the farm
and ranches appear on the page
with the picture. ' ] 'he mechanical -
cal work of the boolc1et is neatly
done and presents a ver } ' attractive -
tive appearance. Many of the
dews show the sod house and its
surroundings in the early settle-
ment. On the opposite page is
shown his large frame house ,
barns and wind mill a nd orchard
as they appear to-day. 'l'lte contrast -
trast is not only fine but true.
Mr. Butcher wilt sell this book ,
for 50 cents.
'l'he Count. } . Fair , Septcmber ( j
to 9.-
'l'ierney Dros. shipped a Car
lo..d of fine hog to Seattle ,
Washingtou , last 'l'uesda. ) ' .
'l'he Ausle ' Dank
was re-org-
ani zed last ' 1 hursday under the
'national banl < ng law and will
hereafter be Imown as the Anslcy
Nationnl Bank. 'l'hc bank will
start in about October 1st , as a
National Bank with a paid up
capital of $25,000. 'l'he ofl cers
of the bank are : F. II. Young ,
Presinent ; B. J. 'l'ierne ) ' , Vice-
president ; C. Mackey , Cashier ;
' 1' . ' 1' . Varne ) ' , Assist. Chashier.
Directors : Ii' . II. Young , C.
Mackey , B. J. 'l'ierney , ' 1' . ' 1' .
Varne. } ' , Alpha Morgan , II.
P. Ii' . Campbell of Georgetown ,
was a friendly. caller yesterday.
Mr. Campbell 11lforms us that a
meeting will be held at the
Downey school house Saturday
to discuss building' an electric
railway line from Georgetown to
conncct with the n. & M. rail-
road. IIc thinks the most feasible -
ible point will be at Mason City.
'l'he distance is about thc same
as to Broken Bow and as the
country IS mnch more thickly
settled between Georgetown and
Mason he figures the funds can
be more easily secured on that
route to finance the enterprise.
They have given up hopes of
securing an extensian of the U.
P. from Pleasonton.
Jules Haumont of Elton , in
speaking of the rain last Ii'riday
night in his vicinity says that at
lea t ten inches of raiu fell inside -
side of two hours and others put
it at twelve inches. lIe says
that Clear Creek at 'Vood Spen-
cers was six feet higher than
ever kn0\V11 before since Mr.
Spencers residence there , which
began in 1879. He says the corn
in his vicimty was not all dr-
stroyed by the hail but that it
was all more or less damaged.
Another rain and hail visited
ha.t locality Monday night , the
h"lil stones being as large as hen
eggs , and very thick but , did
no precept able damage to crops.
'l'he next morning he and his
nephew found in the vicinity of
the lagoon eighteen sea gulls
that had been killed b. } ' the hail
and saw 1I1any more crippled.
UCllulJllcnll'fowlIRbll1 CIIIICUN ,
The republican electors of IIrokcn Bow
townshi JI are h r b ) ' call cd to lIIeet in
caucus Tuesday Angust 30th at the Court
House at 2:30 : p , III. , to nominate township -
ship officers ntHI a candidatc for SUJ > r-
visor for District No , 3 , and for the transaction -
action of such other husiness as 11I11) ' lJc. .
required , D. 1\1. Al\IS ltRRV , Com.
I < ; . .d of Ilttter IflKlit.
" 'l'wo physicians had a long .
and stubbord fight with an ab-
cess on my right lung" writes J. '
F. IIughes of DuPont , Ga. , "and
gave me up. Everybody thought
my time had come. As a last resort -
sort I tried Dr. King's New Dis-
cO\'ery for Consumption. 'l'he
beneHt I received was striking
and I was on my feet in a few
days. Now I've entirely regained -
ed my health. " I t conquers all
coughs , colds and throat and
lung troubles. Guaranteed by
14ee Bros. , drug store. Price , 50c
and $1.00. 'l'rial bottle free.
Tierney Bros. wants yonr poultry -
try and will pay for spring chickens -
ens , 126c ; old hens , 5c ; ducks.
5c ; geese , 10e. 1)-10
Rosenberg , baretone and
planlste , Is an artist , while
Long's ImlerSonatlon cannot
be sUrfassed. Hear them at
M. E. Church , August 16th.
Admission , 25c.
. .
- - - - - - - - - -
Dr. Leach makes a specialty
of or al surgery and treats all
diseases of the mouth. C ) If
I have one good residence
property to trade for farm prop-
erty. One good ) 'oung tcam for
sale or trade. Some old bnild-
ings for sale. E. C. IIouslt.
I am now located just north of
the Custer National Bank. Come
and see me for bargains 111 real
estate. Some choice acre pro-
1 > erty for sale.
8 tf RAs , ANDJmSoN.
- -
Rosenberg and Long
will give a high class
entertainment of music
and elocution at M. E.
Church , August 16. Admission -
mission , 26c.
" " " " " " " " " " " 't""t"t ' " " " " " + "t"tt't"'t''t"t"'t""t"'t " " ' " " ' ' ' " " ' " " " " '
- -
I Wagons ! I
- -
: : I bought two car loads \Vagons from = =
= = ! JHrt.ios who hnd more \Vngons than money. = =
= = Among t.hem Hro some Buel'ldns , Broeksmith , = =
= = Wloronce and LnfnyotteVngons. . As long as = =
= = these last. I am going to sell you \Vngol1s rOl' less = =
= = money than other dealers nnn buy for. Uome in = =
= = and lot me show you as good \Vugoll ns other = =
= = dealers are selling for $ B5.00 to $70.00 = =
- -
- -
- -
- -
I For $55.00 I
- -
- -
- -
= = .I. also have a car of Gang and Sulky = =
= = Plows whieh I : nm selling at. prices t.hat are less = =
Ethan ot.hor . denIers buy for. 3
- -
- -
- -
= = Gang Plows , 12 and 14 inch , $55.00 =
E Gang Plows , 16 inch. . . . . . . . $35.00 :3
- -
- -
- -
= = "The Dealer That Saves You Money , " :3 :
- -
C.S.IVIARTIN , Mf [ . Agt
- -
: : : : -AND DEALElt IN- : : : : :
- -
- -
111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 111111111111111111111111111111111111
B. } ' a new process all the CanVas -
Vas and coverings used with the
Walter 14. 1\1ain Circus are both
water and sun-proof.
_ n
_ _ -
'rwo thousand exhibibits in
farm products are already assured -
ed for the county fair. 'l'his
will be a sight worth seeing.
. .
_ v-
' " # : : # : : : f. ) ' .r.rJl
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .E. C. ROU ; : > E. . . . .
I Real Estate . , Loans Ii Insurance
. . .
I have somc of the best farms in the couut ) ' for sale.
I have some of the best ranches in the state for sale.
I have three good cil ) ' residences for sale.
S I have some of the most desirable city lots for sale.
I have money to loan on good improved farms in Custer Co.
I have money to loan on good city property.
I have the best equipped Insurance Agcncy in the county.
B . 8
- - f\.i1 -
8 - 8 8
I Hail ! Hail ! Hail ! Hail ! I
8 8
Now that ) 'ou have the best prospects for a bumper
crop , protect it by insurance in the old reliable St. Paul Ii'ire
and Marine Insurance Co. against Hail.
Broken Bow , - - - - - - Nebraska.
. . . . ' . " . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ' . " . . . . . . . . . : . .
- _ _ _ _ _ _ A - - _ _ _ ftAAftAAnftftftAAftftftft - ft ftftft _ ftftft _ _ _ .I
tt- : tmt ; : : < : t : : t4 At1 : : t : : lm : t4 : t ! ; ti m w7.- ' x ;
; } p ji ; .
ii i c \ TWINE f : .
; T : JaTEI : :
j B ,
i Euckeye Sisal Twine 10c.
! Eest Deering Sisal 'rwine 12c. !
. . .
c )
: j \ \ ' e are now ma I ( tng' { ) I'eparll t. 1011S f or tt'
the Jlay and U rain hnt.\Test. Look up :
: what l'epnirf YOIl wi II want for the :
: Deering Iower and Hinder. I f you ( ; 1 :
: want a new machillo , we have them. :
\Ve now have a few bargains in :
I Hay Sweeps and Stackers ,
and Hay RakeslI'
j ' " !
They are the best. thing 011 the mur- :
i keto Hoe liS abont these if yon want. ; :
: . a bargain. 'Phone No. 107. ;
, jl CIIIVV : : : APPLE , , ,
: , . \V est ide Hq nare , Broken Bow , N obraska. ' , .
. . . .
c . . . . . : .q.
c 1.lJ. : ! 1t..2 : t.ro..J : t : t < ! i : . ' : : tt : : t : _ ! - ri : " ' _ ! iJ:1 : . ' : r.1 .
vvv.vwvvvvwwwvwwv vv
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