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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1904)
CUSTR [ COUNTY RPUBLlCAn [ By D. M. AMBBERRY. . DROKEN DOW. . . NEBRASKA , - H . \ Brief Telegrams I I Germnn press resents the cnptur" , of the G1)rlllnn steamer SCRndl ! ! by the Husslnns. Reported thnt Russians ha\'o been surrounded with much Joss at 'fa Tcho mno. Nearl ) ' ono million Irnmlgrnnts hove been registered at Wnshlngton ns COlli' Jng this : rear. Prices of meat will go out oC sight as a result of the continued strllw In the pacldng hQuses. Isnnc Horel , who Is wanted In Seattle - attle , Wash. , for the nllegod shooting oC his wife , was arrested at Clevelullll , Ohio. The annual cntch oC fish In Amerl. can waters Is 1G9GOOO,000 pounds , which repre ents n mone ) ' mlue oC $47,180,000. Sir 8hontung Llnng Cheng , Chinese .mlnlster to the United States , Is also accredtlell to Mexico , and ho Is now In the City of Mexico to establish the Chlneso Jegatlon. Rear Almlral II. G. Tn'lor oC the United States nav ) ' , who commnnded 1110 Indiana nt the hattle of Santlngo , died at Copeprcllff , Ont. , general hos- pital. Senntor Del10w Is credited with the statement that 'a mnn who hns acquired - quired his business qualifications In a railroad omco will maltO a success au'whero. " Herr Kubellk , the Dohemlnn violin. 1st , who Jately received word thnt ho . . . .as the proud father of twins , Is salll to have mnde uver $ IJOOOO In the iast . three ) 'ears. Governor PeabodY of Colorado Is- ued n proclnmntlon calling ort mill. tary rule In Teller comity and plnclng the Crlpplo Creele district. In charge of the civil althorlties. ) At a meeting of the propaganda It was decided to submit for the approval - proval of the pope the appointment. of the ReC. . Van do Ven of Dnton Rouge , Ln. , as bishop of Natchltoches , La. The prompt response to a prlvnto fire alarm by the workmen at. the Fore Rive ship yards In Quincy , 1\Inss. , saved the battleship New Jersey , now under construction , from dam ago by fire , Senator Falrbanles , cn11l1111nte Cor vIce president on the republican tlcl- et , has no moro devoted admlror than Mrs. Dorothy Cole , his She Is now ! j4 years old and n resident - dent of 1\Iar'svll\e \ , O. The Japanese have posted In Seoul nn announcement that the Japnnese will exercise pollco power In all matters - ters afCecting Japanese Interests. No nntlJapanese meetings will be allow- ed. The heavy expendlt ro at the beginning - ginning of the fiscal rear resulted In n denclt this month oC $19,000,000 , and In reducing the treasur ' worldng bal , i . ance from $50,000,000 , the normal fig , I. ure , to $34,000,000. It Is annouuced that passenger traC. fice over the UnlonSouthern Pacific's , out-oCf across Great Salt laleo will be , gin on August. 15. Sluco the completion - tion of this costly worlt several months ago Isomo freight trains have been run over It , but It was decided not to run passenger trains until the settling had ceased. Ensign LulO E. Wright. Jr" who I bas recently completely his cruise on ' the Dehrolt and also the olght ) 'eal's' servIce required of omcera In the navy , has tendered his reslguatlon to the secretary of the navy , anll It pro- ably wUl be accellted , Ho Is a son of General Lulco E. Wright , civil governor - ernor oC the Phlllpl1lnes. On American railroads annually I G75OOOOOO passengers are cnrrled 21- 500,000,000 miles , j Mtcr Indicting twentfour boole- makers the grand jur ) ' at Chicago ordered - dered Sheriff Darrett to taleo hnmedl- . ate steps to stop all gambling at the J race tracls In Coolt county. I ! H August 13 will be "Manila cIa ) ' " at the World's Call' In St. Louis , that " date being the anniversary of the capture of Manila by American troops. j" Secretary of War Taft and Colonol' Edwards , chleC of the lusural bureau , wUl be l > resent , and Invitations have W been extended to Admiral Dewe ) ' and l to aU the Cormor governors of the Ii archipelago. 1 toJ. . Hampton Moore of Phllndelphla , president of the National Rel1\lbllcan If league , has Issued a call to all republIcan - . lIcan state and territorial leagues , delegates - " egates and alternates and members of republican clubs throughout the Unl. ted States , to assemble In regu'lar bl , ennlal convention at Indianapolis , Ind. , October Ii and G , 1904 , Secretar ) ' Leslie 1\1. Shaw wUl bo among the spcaleers , Jules Verne says the great bulle of his work hl a been done by writing for three hours before nreakfast. Lieutenant . E , Safford , recentI ) . .of the navy , but now of the dOl1art- ment of agriculture , has about 200 , books Cram the library of the late Robert - ert Louis Stevenson. . Ely EVeare , formerly president 'of the North American Tl'nnSllorta- tlon and Trading cdmpany and connected - nected with varIou8 grain and ether . . Interests , died Frida ) ' at his homo In Iorton Park , Chicago , aftcr an III. ness of six months from cancer. - . . . . ' . " KillED BY A BOMB - - - - - RUSSIAN MINISTER OF THE IN. TERIOR IS ASSASSINATED. WAS OH HIS WAY TO SEE CZAR - AssasGln MakcG Attack Upon Officer on Busy Thorouohfare of Clty- Coachman Also 1 < ! llcd and the Horses Fatally Wounded. - - - - - S'I' . PE'rEItSUURG.-1\Unlster of the Interior von I'lehvo was nssassln- aled whllo driving to the Wnrsaw station - tion to visit the I'eterhof. A homh 'i'as thrown under the mln- Istor's carrlaHo , completely Rh tterlng . It. M. yon Pleh\'e wns torrlbly man- glee , ' 1'ho crlmo was commlt.ted at. 10 o'cloclc , The coachmnn wnR Idlled , and the wounded nnlt maddcJlled horses dashed wildly nway with the front wheels of the carrlnge. the only portion of the vehlclo rmnnlnlng Intact. Immediate- I ) ' there ensued a scene of the wildest. confusion. PoJlco nnd gendnrmes ' : " ; 'r- rled up from over ) ' direction and vnst. crowds gathered about. the spot where the lI1anglell hol1 of the minister IllY weltterlng In his hlood. 'rhe Assoclate1 ! Press correspondent wns nt the scene of the trngedy within five minutes after It occurred. 1\1. von Plehvo's shocldngly mangled hody was 1)'lng In the milldlo of the foall. It had l1con pnrtlnlly covered with n poJlco omcer's overcoat , \rlth the left arm , the bone of which wns brolon off , projecting , A policeman como up nnd rnlsed the overcoat. In order to rearrange - range It. , revealing for nn Instant the strong features oC t dead minister , whoso head was hattered almost bo- ) ' 01111 recognition. ' 1'he roadway wns : ; trewn for 100 ynrds with the wreclmgo oC the car- rlago , and pieces of the red lining of the minister's omclal ovorcont. A fmv ) 'ards from 1\1 , von Plohvo's hody la ) ' 0. shapeless heal1 of the coachman's remains - mains , l\ [ . von Plehve was said to be on his \Va ) ' to "Islt. th < J emperor , The tragedy - edy occurred on the 7.nlnJwnsld pr09- pect , 0. broad thoroughfare lending up to the Warsaw depot , where the rend turns IJharpl ) ' to the left. towarll the Baltic rnllroad station , The exact spot at which the outrngo occurred Is just hefore the brhlgo spanning the circular cannl , on the other sldo of which both stations are sltuateI , 'rho homb thrower must have lcnown perfectly well that Minister von Plehvo would Ijass the spot , for the minister mnl\Cs his rellort. to the e111- peror every Thursda ' , The Infernal machlnc was thrown. with deadl ) ' accuracy , and the assaSln was favored br the fact thnt the tramc hero is nlwa's of the heaviest , owing to t he crossing of JInes of surface cars and the continuous stream of hoav ) ' trucls. 1\1. von 1)lehve was always nl111rehenslvo of attempts upon his I1f6 , a 1111 uset1 to drlvo as rapl 11r a posslblo. The coachman. however , wns comelled to go slow nt. this point. The assassin , In In'lng 11Is I11nns , evidently Coresa. " , this circumstance , nnd while the minister's coachmnn slowed 9own , threw the bomb. The OXllloslon wnR terrlnc. and practically . annlhllatod the wool1worle of the carriage - . riage , 'fho horses toro err , dragging the axle and the front wheels. The nnlmals , though Infuriated by the wounds the ) ' had sustalnod , hnd not gntloped fnr before they fell , with pools of blood under them , It Is reported that six men are Implication - plication nml that five of them fied Into a lIttle hotel adjoining the scene of the aRsasslnatlon , and only ono , who wns wounded , having heen captured - tured , The hotel was surrounded by the 110llco mHl all Its Inmates were , nrrested , ' 1'he wounded mnn , who Is said to bo a Jew , was talcn to the Alexan , der hospital , so dnzed as to ho unnhle to speal\ . His condition was accounted - ed for h ) ' the fact that ho toole polson Immedlatel ) ' lifter throwing the bomb , Found the Town Afire. TOKIO-The Russians I1ba11l10nOl1 Tn Tcho Klao at noon on Monlla ) ' , Julr 2 , retiring before the advnnclng arm ' \mller General Olm. TIII'Y np- 1111ed the torch to TI1'cho Klao and the surrounding towns ! lnd when the Jnpaneso arrived they fonnd the flames stIlI raging. The Japanese pursuit extended be 'ol1l1 Ta Tche Klao and the JalJOnese loft wing occn , pled Yln Kow , The positions held br the Russians Sunday night south of Tn Tcho Klao conslstell of nine miles of trenches and rortlficnUons. Unhappy San Domingo Sees Peace. SAN .JUAN , P. H.-Rear Admiral IIlgsbee's squndron , the l1agshlp New , arl" and the gunboats Topea ) and Scorpion , arrived Monday from San Domingo , where the ' had el1Corted 'Bnlster Dnwson after n tonr of the principal coallt cities of the r pUblic. Admiral Slgsbee sa's the rO\-atution In San Domln o hns heon sUPl1resfied n11l1 that an oxtenlled Ileriod of 11eaco Is 1I1\Oly. , , - American Among the Injured. SAN SEDASTIAN , Spnln-Fonrteen persons were Injured here on Sundar In the llanlc at the flpht : betwecn n tiger and a 111I11 , IncllHlIng Countess POdrns J.lzn RIhi r ) ' , lJol1l\ty Uruqul , jo , the Mnrquls PILlal. vI co prosldent of the senate and fClI'll1or Spanrsh am , basstulor at the Vlltlcan , and an American whose nnme Is given as Llverstono of Now Yorlt. It Is said that. the AmOl'Icnn will 11I\t In a claim tor dnmnscs. The mnn:1 : ors oC the 1Ight are severolr blamed for whut occurred. . . . . " 'T. -9. f . , - - . . - WINNERG ON THE ROSEBUD. Namco of thc Irst Twcnty-flve That Arc& Wlnncrs. CHAtBEHI AIN , S. D-Tho eagor- Iy. awaited drawing ( lay In the dltrl- bullon of lands In the Hosebud reserVation - Vation opened brlghl and sultry. Shortl ) ' hcforo the event the stand was comfortably fillell with the om- clals connected with the drawing. En. velopcs containing the names of registered - tered nSJllrants were placed 'n the wheel which the numbers were to ho drawn , and ever'thlng was III readiness. William 1\lcCormaclc , Lancaster count ) ' , Nobrnslm , was the first name drawn. No , 2-1'alns Rugge , Ten , S. D. No. ; 'I-H. Wesley Drown , Dalwtn. Cll ) ' , Neb. . No. 4lIlton Dotson , . SlIrague , Neb , NoC1mrles J. McCormlclc , Forest - est , III , . No , G-ThomR.s Parldnoon , Knoxville - ville , la , No , 7-Leo Brewer , Grafton , Neb , No. 8-Franle .T. Beebe , Plattte , S. D. No , 9-Henry J. Rlclccrt , 'rurner' ' count ) ' , S. D. No , to-Georgo E , FlItcher , St. Louis , 1\10. No. ll-Edwnrd J. WaIlwr , Willow Lulw , S. D. No. 12-Jesso C. Morgan , Grnvlty , Ia. No , 13-Luclus C. Noulces , Lalto Clt ) ' , Ia. No , H-I1uher D. Smith , Omaha , Neh , No. 16-Gnll1t Hlcle ! ! " Sioux Falls , S. D. No , 1G-Georgo W. Dye , \lacedonla , In. Y No , 17-Androw J. I1oltberger , Rocltford , Ill , No , 18lartin C , Lemenson , Valey ! Springs , S. D , No. 19-.Tosoph T , Whlttman , Council - cil muffs , la , . No. 20-Georgo W. Wainwright. Lawton , 011 ; , a , No. 21-August. monlee , Britton , S. D , No. 22-Alcxnnder Chapman , Harri- lion county , Iowa. No. 23-DI''a11 A. Kidder , Lynn , 1\Ilnn. No , 24-Anna 1\1. Adden , Denton- vlllo , KaB , No , 25-Cllnton R , Nash , Slout CIt ) ' , In. NOTIFIED OF HIS NOMINATION. Natlcl1i1l Committee Calls Upon the Republican Nomln e , OYSTER DAY , N , Y-Prcsldent 'Roose\ was notified formally on Wellnesdu ) ' of his nomination for the presidency br the national republican convention , The ceremon ) ' took place at his country home at Sagamore Hill , three mnes from this village , In ac. cor ance with the Ilresident.'s wlsli , the ceremony was malle as simple as p08slble , , . . The formnl notification oC the action of the convention was made on behnlf of n eommltteo rel1resentlng every state nnd teTl'ltory In the United Stntes b ) ' .Tosoph G. Cannon , sl1eaker oC the house of rel1resentatives , The day 011ened with Ideal weather and arrang ments for the ceremony wore completed early. The wide v"r-I auda of the house'.at Sagnmore Hili , extending almo t entirely around the hO\se. was decorated with Amerlcnn fiags hung from pillar to 'pllIar ' , In addition , many houses In the neighborhood of the Roosevelt home and In O 'ster Bay were draped with the national colors. . Across the main street of tlte village there hung n largo R09SQvolt and Falrbanles ban- ner. Only three of the members of the commltteo were absent. Included among the Invited uests were ll1en prominent In all walks of life. Those present numbered about 125 , Spealccr Cannon delivered the speech of notification , to which the presldont. resl10nded at conslderablo length. At. the conclusion of the address President. Roosevelt held an Informal i recolltlon and rocelved' the congratu. lations of the commltte\men on his speech , Kruger's Dody Enroute. CLAHENS , Switzerland-The remains - mains of l\Ir. Krue ! : " late president of the Trnnsvaal , who died here Jul ) ' 14 , were plnced on board a train 1\1 on , duy , bound for The Hague , The fu , noral car was decorated with fiags and fiowers and the comn was covered - ered with the fial ? of the late Trans , vaal republic. New Cruisers for RuslJla. LONDON.-A dispatch to Reuter's Telegram comlmnr from S1. Peters , burg SU'S it Is rellorted there thal cruisers salll to have been bought by R'Issla In Gormnny have joined the Vladh'ostock squadron , which went. to sea especial ) ) ' to meet thorn. Japs Enter New Chwang. TIEN TSIN-Llord's ngent at New Chwang wires that fifty Japanese cavnlr'men have entered Now Chwang. ' 1'ho French fiag Is fi'lng from nil the Russian bull\1lngs. The town Is uulet. Prize Money to 8e Paid. WASlIING'1'ON-Aftar a legal bnt. tlo of several weel.s , Admlrnl Dewey and his men who fOllght the battle of l\1anlll1 nI'e to I'ecelvo theh' prlzo lOon. P ) ' on account of the capture of the Don Juan ( to AustrIa and other Span. Ish 11roI1C1't ) ' . Justlco Goulll slgnell an orllor confirmlnl ; the 1'01101'1 of the auditor In the case. 'rho amount of the property cnl1tlll'etl finnlly was fi\ : , I od at $1G57J : 5 , a SU\ll consldorab ) ) ' In excess of what the go\'ernment elalmell to bo duo. OnehaIr of the u1I10un t 'wlll be . Ilalll - to - the cl\11tors. . - - ' - " - SUNK BYTORPEOO , - - RUSSIAN DOATS AT PORT R. THUR SENT TO BOTTOM. A DARING ATTACK AT HIGHT Ru&slans Drive Japmese : : from Their Line of Defenoc-In a Later Fight , However , They Lose All . that Had . Becn Gained. - I CHEE 100-8 ; p. m.-Russlan reCu- gees who have arrived here report tllnt the Lleutonant DurkuQff anl1 two ether Husslnl1 torpedo bent destroyers - stroyers wore torpedoed und totally destroyell hy the .Tapaneso on thQ night of July 25. TOKlO-In a daring night nttack against a Husslan force cstlmated at five divisions , with 100 guns , General Olm succeeded In driving the cnemy from tholr strong lIne ot defense south of Tn Tche Klao , Advancing on Sundar , General Olm found a superior force conCronting him aUll that n heavy artillery fire from the enemy \vas checldng his men. Ho thereupon decided to hold the positions he then held and to at- tOlllpt a night surprise , This was BUC- oossful , the Japanese troops hustling the Russians Into retreat to Tn Hche Klao , The Japanese bad only 800 caa , ualtles. No estimates of the Russian loss os nre given. The Talcushan army did not partlc- Ipato In the fight , It being located to the east of Ta 'l'che Klao , Moving to the northwest , this Talmshan force fOllght nnd won a eparate action on Frida ) ' , July 22 , at Panllng , IQslng men. On Sunday morning at 9 o'c1 1c the ' .Tapanese right had reachell a blurt a IIttlo less tll n two miles from Tnl. ) lIng mountain , At 5 o'clock 111 the afternoon the Russian bntterle posted - ed In various positions on the high ! ; rOlmd opened with vigor , shelling the advancing Japanese line. The strength of the Russlnn gradually developed - veloped ( ] urlng the day. The ! tusslan fire prevented a general advan o and determined General Olm to decrdo to adwalt the avent of Ilarlmess to deliver - liver a night assault , Suddenly , at 10 o'clock Sundn ) ' night , the entire Japanese rlg'it was nurled against. the first RussZan po' sltlon east. and west of Talplng moun , taln and easll ) ' eal1tured it , At- mill , night the second position was at , tacled and b ) ' dawn the Japanese oc- cllpled the emlneluJe to the east of Shanchlatun. The Russians were n retreat toward Ta Tche Klao , At 7 o'clocleIondar morning the Japanese seized Chen 'shlsl,1an without resist- 'rmco : and pursued the Russian forcd townrd Tn Tche Klao , S'I' , PETERSBURG-A toegram ' from Genera ] Kuropatlcln was recelv- \VedncBday confirming the occupation - tion of Ta Tche Klao by the Japanese , Tuly' 25 and adding that a Japanese division had moved on Hal Cheng , NEWS OF THE ASSASSINATION. Doca Not Cause Much Surprlce In Washington Circles. . W ASHlNG'fON-Thc. fi-st omclal Information received here of the. tragedy - edy at St. Petersburg came In a short cablegrdm to the state department from Spencer Edd ) ' , the charge d'affnlres of the American mbassy In the allsence from that capital of Ambassador l\IcCormlcle , 'rhe message - ago read : "Secretary of Interior Plehvc and several others lilIIed and some wounded hy explosion of a bomb , " The cablegram was promptly forwarded - warded by Acting Secretary Adoo to Secretary Hay at Newbury , N. H. , a11l\ \ a proper expression of condolence will be dlrectel thruugh 1\Ir. Eddr. Although the assnsslnatlon Is deep- ) ) , deplored here , It cannot be : mld that It has caused much surprlso In the clrclcs here best. Informed as to the conllitions In St. Petersburg , 1\1 , Plehvo was regarded as a reaction 1st and was partlcularlr severe In his treatment of the radical clement In Russian politics , lIe was able to en. force his policies through his absoluta control of the secret service and po' IIco , Dcmands Will 8e Moderate. WASHINGTON-Tho stnte department - - ment has adllressell Itself to the Rus. sian government through SI10ncer Eddr , the American charge at Et. Pe , tersburg. on the charge of the seizure of the cargo of the A abla hy UIO Vlndlvostolt squadron. The Hamburg- American company undoubtedly will appeal to the German government to secllro the release of Its ship and com- pensntlon fur the delay In her cruise and other Items of loss. It Is deemed highly desirable to talee conservative action and avoid Irritation , Fleet Orf Yokohama. TOKIO-It Is bolleved thnt the Vladlvostolt squadron Is oft Yokohama - hama , The steamer Korea , which has saCe ) ) ' arrlvell at Yolwhama , evldentlr IJassed close to the Russian vessels. Colonel Anthony Is Dlyng. KANrl.\.S CITY , 1\1o-A special to the Star from Lenvenworth , Ias" says : Col. D. R. Anthony , the noted Kansns ellitor a11l1 a brother of Miss Sus:1n D. Anthon ) ' , the woman suf , fraglst , Is d'lng at hl homo here. Colonel Anthonr , who hus been In bad health for some time , became suddenly - ly worse , and his famllr were : sm- I mono ) ' to his hedshlo. The 11h ) ' lclau In atte11llnnco stated thl\t the 11ntlent could 11\0 no longer'than a day or two at the mlst. Colonel Anthony Is 80 nld. years , k. . , II NEBRAS ( A STATE NEWS ' . MEASURING NEBRASKA TREES. Governmcnt Men from Wauhlngton at Work In the State. NEURASKA CITY-I ; ' . G. tlI1er , In charge of aparty of govort ment men from the deI1ll1'tment. oC forcstry at Washington , D. C. , has been hero Cor the past four or five days Inspecting and measuring the timber hero. I\bouts. The part ) . Is composed oC F. Q. 1\UIIer , L , N. Godding , L , L. White , W. 1. Hutchinson , , T. D , Warner and G. " , V. Peavy. All are graduiltes oC forestry - estry In the universities of the coun- tr ) ' and are consl lered eXl10rts In that line , The part ) ' secured consldernblo data from trees In Arbor Lodge , : whore trees from nearly ever. ) ' portion - tion of the United Stntes are growIng - Ing nnd have been fm' 'ears. The company separated anll took various routes from here and will drive to tht > Knnsns state line , when the ) ' will travel north again to Lincoln and from there go Into the northern part of the atnte , The ) ' eXl1ect to be at " " 'orle In hl state for the next two months. They were joined while here by Cooper Dunn of the Nebraslm state university. ARGO PLANT CLOSES. Wnce Scale Said to Be Too 1-lIgh In Nebraska. NEDRASKA CI'rY-Superlntendent G. C. Powers of the Argo starch plant has been transferred to Pelln , m. . where ho will have charge of the lnrgo sugar plant at. that place , The Argo plant is to be closed down as soon as the starch on hand can be shipped out and It Is not Imown when It wlIl open. The plant Is In charge of ono of the other managers until It closes down , The omclall of the trust sny that the cause for the clos. Ing of this plant Is that the unions demand too high wages and that the cost of milking starch Is too hlg ? be. cnuse of the wage scale , as com _ .red to tholr other plants. It Is thought that the plnnt will be opened th a fnIl , If the wage scale can bo adjusted - ed to their lilting , LEGt LATURE'S BAD GUESS. - Acscssable Property Will Not Total More Than $289,000,000. LINCOLN-When the final compu , tationS' have been made the state honrd of equalization will find that the total \'aluatlon of the property in Ne- braslm will umount to about $289- 000,000. The last loglslature based the appropriations - propriations on the assessment of $500,000,000. The allowances have been made and In most. cases the money has been spent , so the lev ' must cover the defect. or the state must go Into debt. \Vlth the counties of Nance , Holt , Cherry anll Cedar missing the assessment - ment of state proport ) ' amounts to $27J.84G,4G2 ! , The assessable property last ) 'ear amounted to $180,290CG . . Will TeGt Inheritance Law. PLATTSl\IOUTH-Ip the allmlnls. tratlon of the estate of Darton W , Harmer , now pendlpg In the county court. an Interesting point has been brought out by J , E , Douglas , attorney - ney for the heirs , Involving le constitutionality - stitutionality of the Inheritance tax law of Nebraslm , The heirs , In Slip' port of their application to have the tax against the .estate set asldO , .allege that the Inheritance tax law , which was passed In 1001 , was repealed lIy the leglslaturo of 1003 , when a new revenue law was enucteJ which purported - ported to cover the entlro system of revenue for this stute , but. did not mention - tion the Inherltanco tax. Pay of Assessors. FALLS ClTY-Undsr the old re\'e- nue law assessors for the different pro- clncts were pnlll $ : : 0. da ) ' for the time nocessarlly spent , and last ) 'ear the cost of malting the assessments was $2,143,30 for the entire county , Under the new Illw the deputy as- Bessors got a per diem or $3 for not. more than sixty da's , The Mils flied' for maldng the assessment. this ) 'ear under the now law amount to $2,382 , being nearly $150 moro than under the I I old law. And when to that Is added : the salar ) ' of the county nssessor , whlch'ls $ GOO per year , It makes the i new law coot. the count ) ' about $7 O more a year than the old one did. . Killing Prairie Chickens. LINCOLN-According to celved Crom the western section of the stnte pot hunters are remorse- lessl ) ' slaughtering prnlrlo chlcl\Cns , The birds are too ) 'oung to be ex- coptlonallY wnrr. The hunters are IdlUng them to supply the eastern marl\Cts. Game Warden Carter will Investlgato the complnlnts. Mistook Jlmson for Coffee. . NELSON-J , 1\1. Hiatt. and wife had a narrow escnpo from death from the elTocts of poisoning. In getting break flilltIrs. . Hlntt mlstoole jlmson weed B"ed for ground cofCeo and both drank of It , and on I ) ' prompt Ul ! oC the 'IOtomach pump and hard wtlffc 0 : : the part of two doctors were were there all dn ) ' ! lnved the lIves of both , They Inro an elderl ) ' couple who live alone , 'In the snmo ) 'nrd , however , with tholr daughter and sonln.lawIr. \ . and rrs , Dnn Erwin , who dlscovored ther ! slcl. , ness efore It hal gene too fnr. , - - - - . . - - . . . NEBRASI < A IN BRIEF. I A big crop of hay Is being secured In Lincoln county. 'rho street fnlr put on at West Point proved to he a grent success. RLchnrd Dobson , of' CIa ) ' count ) ' , ( who served three terms In the Ne- - braslm legislature , Illed weelt. The Lincoln labor unions are male- Ing elaborate plans for the celebration . of Labor dll ) ' In September. They ex. ' pect. at attendance of about. 4,000 , The ochool census o [ Otoo county I. which has just been completed shows . that there are 3,578 boys and 3GO ! ) , , girls of school age between the nges I o ( 5 and 21. At the special election for the purpose - pose of voting bonds for $1 , OOO for a Eewcrago system for the city 'of Wnhoo the proposition carrIed by n vote of 253 for and 104 ngalnst. According to the completed returns of the assessor the nvcrago value of farm lands In Otoe county Is $59,94 , and the total value of both personal and real of the county Is $35,003,927. : E1.Jert Laughlin , a section hnnd Cm- ployed at Paxton , whlIo returning from OgalaIla , whore he had been assisting - sisting In clearing some wrecked cars from the line , was Injured b ) ' falling from n moving train. Ho will. re- I cover. Hans Peter'3 , aged G5 , a member of a pnrty of ten people from Gretna. 1I0und home from Bonesteel , died 111 . Norfolk from Injuries received at the junction Northwestern depot In Norfolk - folk when the special pulled In from Bonstee ! . Elghtr-five dollars per acre was the prlco paid last woelt 'for IGO acres of fine fnrm land In Grand Prairie township - ship , Platte county , The land Is six : miles from Columbus and two years ago It sold for $ G5 per acre and eight years ago for $35 , Dr. E , C. 1\lunk' Newman Grove ancI Dr. .1. G. Walker of Lindsay , charged with alleged' statutory assault on the person of Nellie Thompson of Newman Grove , were dismissed by Justice Rlcnardson after the ( "ami- nation of numerous witnesses. Harry Kimmel of malr , 0. guest at the National hotel In Nehraska elt ) ' . , lost a $2 O diamond ring In the wash room of the hotel. 1\1r. Kimmel removed - moved the ring while washing his hands and left. the room \Tlthout taking - ing the diamond. A few minutes later ho discovered his loss. A tramp was bro.lght. ! Into Wahoo from Touhy on the Union Pacific , where he had his right arm crushed under the train , He was tal < en to the county jail , where County Physician Smith , nsslsted by Drs , Dush and Tornholm , mputated the man's arm just above the wrist. John Hoyt. of Sarpy county. while on his way to'Bonesteel , met with a painful accident , He was eating this lunch , when a small chlclccn 1I0ne lollged In his throat. He immedlutelY returned to Pallllllon , but the doctor I was unable to remove the bone. The sufferer then wGnt. to Omaha to get J reHef , , . , The scl1001 cenSUii of Otoe county just completed shows there are 7,209 children of school age In Otoo county. This Includes nIl the children between the ages of 5 and 21 years old , There are 3,578 boys and 3G31 girls. The census Indicates there are twenty-one more chllrren this year of school ago , than there were last. year. Great Interest Is alrend ' manifest- ! cd In the Nebraska state fair. The , mosl spectacular featul'O of the fall' w11l be the appearance of Dan Patch , 'who , on August 30 , w11l pace one mile against time , The manngement of. the fair will have to pa ) ' $1.500 for . " t this privilege , nnd , In addition , 20 cents from every tlcl < et sold above the number when Cres-ceus appeared last year ; admission goes to 11.V. . Savage , the owner of Dan Pntch , Mrs. Rollert. Heclcnthorn. an 0111 resident of Gage county , has been pronounced Insane and ordered to the nsylum , Robert. Colson , a ) 'O\l11g man Hvlng- 11 few miles southwest. of 1\Iumbolllt , came In to receive medical atentlon made necessary b ) ' an oxploslon of some lJOwder , 11 quantity of which the young mnn ran across while burning . up some hens' nests. The box had been used about. the house and It Is supposed the powder was stowed awa ) : In it and forgotten. A voucher for $2,37 bacle l1ay due. from the Civil war was received by Adjutant General. Culver Crom the war department. The money , which had never been solicited , was accompanied - panied b ) ' a statement to the effect that. Bettlement was mode to enable- f the government. to close up Its ac. counts ( fllh the soldiers of the Civil war and to correct clerical crrors , made by the paymasters when the soldiers were mustm'ed out. of service. 'fhe voucher was for $1,72 duo Mr _ Culver for pay as n private from September - tember 21 to 24 Inclusive. 18G1 , ant ! for 53 cents duo for servlco on October - tober 14 , 18H ( ; also 12 cents for clothIng - Ing nllowance for the Barno date. Fnrmers of Sarpy county are complaining - plaining of rust. In the wheat. Thlrtrseven yenrs a o on the 19th of Jul ' 1..lncoln ) was selected ns the- call1tnl city of Nebrasltll. David Bilbo { ler was at. that time go\"o-nor of Ne- blaska T. P. Kennrrd , was secl'etnr- of state , and John Glllespio wns state- tlullitor. These three formed R. Ilros. p < ! ctlng part ) ' empowered to f tI1on \ n. definIte slto for the Call1tal Clty _ D ) ' a vote oC two to one , 1\11' . GelJille ! : ! , voting In favor of Ashland , th6 I1laco where Lincoln now Is , was chosen tor the location of the capital. J