Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 04, 1904, Image 4
. ) . . - 1I. .L - - I OIu ter ( ! to. , , tp _ tttQ ) Pu lllbcd OVOIY TbUt.da , aa Ib ' C nllty ' oat. - D. M. AMSDimtV. . . E4Jt r Bntered nt the Oltomco at Broken Dllw. Neb. } u eooond-41lue maUor tor ttanlmlulon througn thoU. 8. Malle. 8UIJBORlPTION pmos 1 OnCl Year. In od'aDCO , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00 \\fUto In OUllor Dlock.lI'onrth Ave. ADVEItTIBING HATES. One tolumn. J > er month7OO. " OnCl-half column - umn per month . " ' .W Quarter column ; ) mooth. Ii.WI1hs \ : tbaD quarter column . . . , 00 . conti ! per loch per monUl. OIUdI on Ihet page , 60 cOOtl per IDeb. pill monlh LocaI.dvorU log 1CeDII \ per 1I0e each 1010r- tlon. tlon.Notlco ot cburch falrl , loclablell and oOtertaJD- mootll wboro moooyl8 cnarged. bne.ha1f ' , lItell. Boololr noUcol and relolotl008. ono-haJfr8 Woddlog notlcel freo. hilt price for poblllnlnlJ Ult or PfClIObU. Death noUcos tree , halt price for publishIng obllulUTDOUccl.lnd cards or tha.nkt. , Lagal notlco at rates provided br II atutol of Nebraak8. ' Thursday , August 4 , 1904. T e' democratic party has und - d rtak n to ride two horses in this c < ; Lmpaign going in different directions. The result is inevit- ' 1le. ? , Before the St. Louis conven- 'tion there were a large num er of Roosevelt democrats in the country , but that number has largely increased since the con- vention. The far1I\.Cr or merchant has no longer any grounds to complain - plain that the railroads are not paying their porportionate share of the state tax. 'rhe increased 1 ! valuation of the r ilroad property . is 70 per cent over last year wh le ther property is only about 54 'per cent increase. The union labor strike is still n with no prospects of an immediate - , mediate settlement. As a result the market for hogs an cattle is at a standstill. The packers are "employing a. large numper of 'non-union men but not suffi i'ent to make a demand for the stock that is ready to sbip. . The state board has completed the assessment of counties. The 'l vy for all purposes ia six mills , , hich is two mills less than was levied against Custer county last . year. This wlth the fonr mills 'reduction made by the coun ty board will be quite an , item to - the taxpayers of Custer county. \ , It is announced , that after , September 26 , Mr. Bry n win take the stump for Parker and 1av s. Those who go to hear , "him " should take along an old , c py of the Commoner. It will i. . ' e 111teresbng to compare the . free silver Bryan with his sup' port of the g old brick carididates , :1 'I _ , 'J.'his year witnesses the open' , ing of 9,000,000 additional acref of landJ to the homesteaders , and ' jhe reclaiming of miUi l1.s ; mon If\.by \ the operation of tJle irriga' ' tion laws. The republican partJ \is the author of the two me as " ! ures th'.1t ' have been of the greatest - , est importance to the America1 " - m mm m ms m mm . . . .WITH to. P fe Old CIder VInegar and Pure , Spices lor PickUng i ' and preserving purposes , I bought of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' / . 'J. C. BOWEN , a housewife al wa.s makes a success-failure 1mpossible , 'Fruit jars , all sizes. Good quality rubbers. Pu e spices. . Pure vinegars. AUguit 1st 'is circns day- ' Parties can leave thei't'lltinc..h ' baskets , raps and other a - par l with us , and make th1s . Your Hendqua..lera. S S F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and O > > tician West Side Square. Droken .ow. Nebraska. . TT nl HI. - I h9m o ersl t1 bighe9t type of the world's ciizenship. Chajrmnn Burgess eport9 that everything is progressingly sa tis- ( actorily at central comnlittee headquarters and states th . a meeting of the new execuhve comtnittce-tbere being but two absentees-reports were received from every section of the state lan they all were to the effect that Roosevelt , the state ticket and the legislature 'were as safe as though their certificates of ele tion were already tucked away in their pockets. The majority - jority for the head of the ticket 'is epected to surpass those of the "good old days. " IJrotection Our Proller IJermunent . IJollcy , Is the title of the recent speech , of Congressman McCleary of Minnesota , which has just been published by the American Protective - tective 'rariff League. One copy free to every applic .nt. Send postal card request for free copy of document No. 82. A4dres5 W. F. Wakeman , Secretay , 339 Broadway , New Yor , N. Y. Wowan SUlfmgo In Colorado. Mrs. E n1er Wixon , one of the from Colorad.o , who attend- ed. the National Republican Convention - , vention in Chi'cago in an interview - view regarding woman suffrage in her state said : "There are between 30,000 and 40,000 more men ' . ' than women in Colorado. And yet , in spite of this difIence in the population , the woman's vote is all the way from 4J. to 53 per cent of the , entire - tire registration. "In some elections the issues are more im ortant tltan in oth- ets. : W4enever there is a matteI of vital importance 1t has the effect of bringing out the womel1 voters in great numbers. Witl1 us the women who vote are large. ly the better class. There art : very few clergymen in Denve1 whose wives do not go with the 1 , qusbands to t4epolls. Mrs. ea' body , the wife ot the chief jus' tice , the , teachers in. the pub1i ( schools. , . the wives and , mothen in t.h home-these are our chiej constituency. Our strong op' .ponents are the machine polit cJans , who cannot manipulat4 the woman's vote as they expect ed to do , foreigners who look up l o.n as inferiors , and abovi aU , the liquor dealer.s. Every . where they are the most activ . of our enemies , b cause the ; have the money , vith which t - Jmy the Leg slatures. This the , did' 'in ' California and the State ( J ' \Vashington. "When delegates to the cor - vention were chose to frame th r new charter for Denver , after th - county was divided , last yeal - the women on Capitol Hill , t11 It principal residence quarter , ca nine-elevenths of the vote in Un district. You see , that charal ter meant the moral and sanital , reglliation of Denver , the saloon the police , the care of the street The men voters either were nl much inlerested , or they felt th : it could be safely left to wome and they did so. " Mrs. Wixon declared there w not the leait ! danger of WOtl1l suffrage ever being repealed Color do.-X The Lotus Glee Club of Ne Yor , will give a.n en ertainme at the Qpera House Friday nig under the auspices of the Teac ers Institute. Tickets 50 cen1 DERDINE Renders the bile more fluid al thus helps the blood to flow ; affords prompt relief from biliol ness , indigestion , sick and nel ous headaches , and , the over- dulgence of food and drink. H4 bine acts quickly , a dose af1 meals will bring the patient il1 a good condition in a few da G. L. Caldwell , Agt. M. K. a , ' ; 1. ' . R. R. , Checotah , Ind. Te writes Apri118 1903 "I ' , , : w sick for over two years witb ( lare-ement of the liver and sple ( The doctors did me no good , a I bad given up al hope of bei cure , when my druggist advi me to use Herblne. It has mOl me sound nd w I1. " Oc. S ( by Ed. McComas , Broken BI and Merna. . - , THE DEATH CUP. 'I'J.I'M ; nendl ) ' l ulI"U" I\ellemblf' ! . SeT- . erRI Edlbl" lIlu.hruom. . l'erhnps the most deadly ot the pol- onou tungl at our woods nnd fields is the falL'ly well known death CUI ) ( Amanita phalloldes ) , IJ rtlcularly dun- gel'ou trom Its rl'semblunce to sCfferal at the edible mushrooms , tllOugh gaUt- crlug fungi for the table should be undertukell ! Jy nonc 811 ve Utose tl.lor- uughly uCIlualnted with tl.lo different species , ns it Is u\together \ too easy tor the Ignol'llnt enthusiast to wuke an error - ror whlcll wuy prove tatul to his trlends. The denth cup reterred to has a round cap , white , yellowish or green. Ish In color , and the stew ha a swollen base , sUlToundcd by an envelope , or veU , ot a white fUwy suJstunce ! , which parts as the stalk extends upward. TlIls stulk Is wllell young , ! Jut hollow at muturlty , nnd the gills ot the cup , wilich In the wendow mushrooms ure pink 01' brown , are white In the deudly variety. as nre also the spores. which call b plainly seen If Hie cap Is laid. gills downwlIr . on 1I piece ot colored paper tal' a few hours. 'I'llc 8wollen. or llUlJous ! , base Is 1I dlstln. gUlsldng characteristic. and 110 fungus of that uppeurunCf : sboukl be gathered for cooking. One of the liabilities Is tllut tllese cups way ! Je ! Jrok'en of ( wltllout due observance of Its ! Juse. whlcll hi { irten covered with earth or dead grasses , hence 110t dlstlngu1shcd trow some at the leplotas , whIch. how. ever , arc never Burrounded with tlle filmy veil at the deatll cup. 'XlIe poisonous property of this fungutl : Is largely the same aB that found In the venom ot n ruttlesnuke and also In cholera and dlphthCl'ln. and so tal' scl. ence'ls unuJle ! to produce any sutlsfac- tory antidote , utroplue , the sterna h pump dnd oll-IJUrgatives being about the only resources.-Washlngton 'Post. A KOREAN CINDERELLA. The Qunlnt Stury ut l.eAch I , the " 'Alully Drudge. In Korea the people tell a CInderella story tuat IH much more ancient than that famlllur to western pepple. The key of the latter story Is tUe s 1pper. ! Jut not so theirs. P ach BlosHom , the Korean Clnderella'H nawe. was the tamlly drudge. One day as the woth. er was slal.tllIg air with the t , "odto duughter to a picnIc she saId to Peuch Blossom , "Vou must not leave until . you have hulled a bagful or rice and . . filled the broken crock with wuter. " Wulle sitting thel'e bewoanlng her uard I Jot she heard u twitterIng and a Out- l terlng of wings. Looking up , she saW n tlocl ; : of sparrows pecking the hulla air the rice. Detore recoverIng from her surprise a little Imp jumped out of the Oreplace aud so skUlfully reo paired the crock that but a few min. utes Q.f work was requlr d , to 011 It ' \VItu water. Then she went to the pic. - nle nnd hod a royal time. 'On another occasIon the mother said. "Vou wust , Btny untll you have pulled up nil the weeds In the field. " TlIls time n w cawe out of the forest and ate up the woods In ten , mouthfuIB. Peach Blossom followed the cow Into - the woods and was led to where there wus an aJundance ! of ripe. luscious fruit. Gathering a large quantity. she went to tlie fete and was the most wel. - come guest. Her jealous sister asked about It and. on being told. deterwlned , she would get some ot this fruit for herself. When the next gula day came the sister stayed at home and let Pea ell Blossom go. The cow came out of th woods as before , and the sister follow. ed It thl\Jugh tungled brier and thorI bUBhes , with the result that her fac ( was much scratchcd und her skin deel benuty nil gOlw.-Fxchangl. ; Uelmbllcl1n'l'o\Vnlbll ! ) ( : UUCU8. _ t The republican electors of Broken Bo\ ' township are hereby called to meet il caucus Tuesday August 23rd t the COul House at 2:30 : p. tII. , to 1l0m1l1ate town ship officers and a candidate for Super visor for District NO.3 , uml for the trl1115 action of such other business as ma ) ' b required. D. 1\1. Al\ISUItRRY , COUl. ' 'rhis office has recently print 'y ed some very fine folders for R S , A. Hunter & Co. , who are ad vel s. tisiug SOlUe splen id bargains il Dt Custer county real estate. at .6 90to J..lncolnoud Jlttur . n' , On account of the Epworth League A ! 8embl ) ' the Burlington will sell ticket at $6.90. ou Angust 2 to II , inclusive. as An educational , interesting aml aUlu "n ing progruUl is offered , to which HI ; followiug will contribute : 111 Dr. Fruuk Bristol , GoveruorI.aP lett of Wisconsiu , Dr. Johu Merritte Drivel Dr. Byron W. King , Dr. M. B. C. Masol Ross Craue , Gail Laughliu , Wilber 1 w Crafts , Sawuel Dickie. C. S. Palme nt Lotus Glee Club , Mrs. Minnie Marsha ht Smith , Dr. Toyokichi Ij'cnaga of tt h- University of Chicago , Prof. L. D. Eic1 horn , anll thc ondinal Slartou : Jubih ts . Singers. Write for pamphlet , "Souvenir Talent , which will tell you ull about it. . Ild L. W. W\ , it General Passenger Ageut , 6-8 Omaha , Nebraska. IS- . . ISv tudcl "euted. , : v- lUThe startling announcemet r- that a preventative of suicide ba ter been discovered will intere ! ltO many. . A run down system , ( ' 5. despondency invariably prece ( nd suicide and something has bee r. , found that will prevent that COI 'as dition which makes suici e lik nly. . At the first thought of sel n. destruction tatce Electric Ditter nd It bdnlf a great tonic and ne ng vine will strengthen the nervI ed and build up the system. It lde also a great stomach , liver at ) ld kidne.r regulator. Only 50c. Sa ow isfacbon guaranteed by LI Bros. , druggists. . . . . " . . - Ayers Don't try cheap cough medi- cines. Get the bestt. . yer's Cherry PeclOral. what a record it has , sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures ! Ask you r doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs , colds , bronchitis , and all throat and lung troubles. "Iliave found that Ayer' . Cherry Pector.l I. the bOlt medlcille I call prelcrlbo for broD' . . ctIU.lolluollza , COUI/h. , allil hard cold. . lIl. LUDEMANl\l.D. \ , Ithaca , N. Y. 2 c..Wc. , 13\.00. J.O. , AYER 00. , All dr1l1t1l11t8. I.owell. MRis. for . Jf - Bronchitis Correct any tendency to constipation - tion with small doses of Ayor's Pills. Nn'\v In r..nNA. Mr. Haish , who has beeu very sitk is recovering. Jake Brock visited with ] amvs Ed- Ulunds Sunday. Prof. Garlich took dinner ut Mr. Ed- munds' Sunday. Dan Phymale and Lawreace Saunders visited at Oscar Boleys Monda ) ' . . William Edmuuds Bnd Will Brock were Broken Bow visitors Wednesday. Mr. Schofield of Aurora , is looking after the intercsts of his farm this week. The new wail route is starting thi J week. A l1umber have 110t put up their boxes yei. . A number of people attended the preaching atthe school house by Rev. DeLong , Sunday. A number of the young people attended - ed the singing school at l\1frna , Frida ) ' night. It was conducted by Rev. Yale of Broken Bow. $14 : zs To tit I.outs uud Heturn. The Burlington offers the above low rale for tickets good in coaches and chair cars ( seats free. ) On Sale Tuesdays and Thursdays during Au ustand September. See me for full particulars. 8.15 H. L. Ormsb ) ' , Ticket Agent. Attention Company M. The date of the encampment , which is to be held at David City th is year , is changed from Aug. 17 , . to A gust 16. Therefore all members of Company M. are hereby ordered to be at Broken Bow on or before 8:30 : a. m.Mon- day , August 15 , for a day's dr.ill before entraining for camp. Capt. E. C. Pickett , Com. Co. M. NOTIcn ORD1 R nnLOW. No member of any organization - tion of the Nebraska National . Guard will be excused from at. tendance at camp except on sur. geons certificate of disability 01 serious illness in his immediate family. By order of thE' Gov. ernor , J. , H. CULvnR , Adjutant General. - - _ . - The Life of Bread Good yeast is the life of bread-without yeast bread iscold , dead dough. You never tasted filler , whiter , sweeter , all- round bETtteJ ; bread than that raised with Yeast FO:1m. : Ittastes gooddoes good , and stays fresh and moist uutil the last crust disappears. contains the energizing principle of leaven in its purest form. It is made 1 t from healthful vegetable , d ingredients. maltj hops , :1t : corn , etc. , in the largest , r cleanest , yeast factory in : the world. tlTile secret is in the yeast. e- All grocer. sen it at 5 ceuts f - 11 package-enough to wilke s. 40 loaves of bread. With . proper care It never grows r. stale. Keep It on han all s the time. Semi for our book ; 'S "How to Make Dread"fru. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO" . e I ) "l - - . . ' I ! , * @ : i. . "I" " " " . . I Heyl Dou't you know where to get the nice t f' , . ' fruit and vegetables in town ? Just for fun go ; o to the east side of the square and take a peep I. ) , a . i. . at the extr < ; mely fine aSSClrtment of nice juicy Che r b ries ! ! : ' ! ! ' p e . a i f l i , { z(1 blackbernes bemg only about half a crop this l f year , you should get in on the ground floor. ; See those nice beets , radishes , turnips , and : f new potatoes ; fresh and the best the market i affords. .n6rThe place , you kn w wherel . I. t . it i I i\ \ tl Themtl Grocery ! 1 _ ti , I 'f' ' 0 \ ; ,15 , ' tst tll ] , . : , Just remember , the best grades of tea and I ' coffee . are. found with them , where yon can rJ &i1 bU. , all k nds of anned and bottled go ds , : , i dned frUlts and staple an fancy groceraes. \ Don't forget to .save. your tickets and et t of those fine pnze dishes ; and keep 111 nllnd \ tbat we bave a most elegant line of' ' i of'i i ! I C ! e a ln1n9 ln SIARE 1 : ' , . . . , . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ! ! III ' ' C" " " ; " "I''U' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' III''I' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ! " . t" : ' " " : : , , : : - ! ! . ' , * . 'g . . " , ; ; : ; ; " ' . i - - - p g m m m BUSINESS POINTERS. m mmm mm m m mm . Dr. Leach , Dentist. Tel 258. LosT-A a five dollar bill in the vicinity of the public square. ' he finder will confer a favor by leaving it at the RnpuBLIcAN office - fice and receive reward. I The Lotus Glee Club comes highly recommended and those who enjoy music can not afford to miss hearing thel l at the Opera House Friday night. noR' Carpet 'or ale. The Ladies Aid of the Baptist church has 25 yards of rag carpet for sale at 30c , atV. . A. George & Co. store , north of square. In order to get acquainted with the public , Dr. Leach will clean teeth free fr m Aug. 8 to 14. Have y ur work done and have it done right by a competant decorator. A. C. Hapgood docs this work and guarantees. Headquarters , Grand Central. All the latest design in wall paper at J. C. Bowen's. 7tf Farm Lease , Chattle Mortgage l and Warranty Deed blanks at . this office. . This office for neat job work. , The Lotus Glee Club as a quartet ranks among the first of . the country , and last night's superb singing by these gentlemen - men was never surpassed here. . "Every number on the program . was encored and a number of them' several times.-Lynchburg , Va. , News. The Lotus Glee Club at the Christian Church last evening' was one of the very best things that has been on the boards of this city for long . time.-Ot- tumwa , la. , Courier. J. C. Bowen buys cream and pays the highest market price. . White waistings at the Racket Store. 46tf - - - J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U Insurance that insures. \ 38tf. R. G. MooRn. I I TAKEN up-A sorrel colt , about . . , one year old. F. \VnxssnNRnDEn. . ' - Fine Batiste at 10 at the Racket - et Store. , 46tf LosT-A silver cross with 'V. I D. Grant's name on front. Please leave at this office. FOR SALn-Tow.1 lots and a few five acre lots in this city. -Allm Reyner. Brilliantine in cream and colors at the Raclcet : Store. 46tf Those wishing to attend the concert giv n by the Lotus Glee Club at the Opera House Friday nifht are urged to secure their tickets early as reserved seats are limited : , Yard wide percales , 9 cents at the Rac1cet Store. 46tf : r-.ioney to loan on improved farms.-R. G. MOOlm , Gleim ' Block. 4ltf " Drs. Davis and Farnsworth of 'I Grand Island , Nebraska , arc prepared - pared to treat all forms of chronic diseases , such as rheumatism , stomach disorders , tumors , can- .cers , paralysis , kidney diseases , etc. The doctors use 'besides medicine and mrgery , the X-Ray , hot-air baths" electricity and massage. 2tf \ " Lowshoes , Oxford's and San- , daIs at the Racket Store. 46tf ' \V ANTnD-Men with families. Fair price and good houses. WnsT UNION Mn.LING Co. 34tf West Union , Neb. Fen SAT.IOR 'l'HADl\-One \ U. S. cream separator. 40tf A. II. S'rucKnv. 'I'he uni vers l opinion is that the Lotus Glee Club "gave more delight than any quartet of voices ever heard in thecity.-Newport , \ l . 1. , Observer. ! . . - . ! ' - m m m mm mmmmm m mmmmmm m J. R. Sireet -D : [ I : ' U. C. Slreet. rms - Sree-t : Bros. , , Tublar aud casing wells. ! 'mllps , and pipe fittings. Wind mills and tanks. North Side. - - - - Broken ow , ebraska. mm m m mmm m mm ; ( - - - - j * ffiID ] I Before You Build , _ C nsult I ' Gr e C > . : J ? a pLJ:1 : : e B1 ' "U. , I 'I Contractor and Buillel' . Estimates tl I : Furnished free with plans and specifications. ' I I IUW WI I I . _ . i' M- ! > 'fu"1. @ _ _ _ _ jtJ.m \ . . , " . , . . . . , , . . . " ' . ' . " " . . . . . . . . . . ' , . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . ! A..I. . . . . . . , . . ' , . . . . . . . . . , . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " . . . . . . . . . . . , ' , . . , ' . , . . . . . . . I " : 'f/'iO\ i. ' .i . : " ; .J . : . . . , .i. m..I.LaIJ ! : , : : i :4) : . . " 'l.1 IS. . . , n..IJ..fn. .f. : ; : . . : . , & : . ' 1-:1.i.oi . : , . . . . . . , . - I/.I : . , , , . . : . ; . , , . , : . . i . ; if : . ; . , . . , . ; ? & i . . ; ' . , 'i j : . . Ih..I.e. . : : ' ; : ' .i. : i 1.1. . . . , . ! l.r1 : . . . .t. . : j ; ! . r. . i 'Vhen destrmg to figure on a bill : r _ : 1 > ' . " of Lumber caU on the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' \ ( . I fl C. L. Turner Lumber Co. : We carry a full slock > f Lumber. l > > , Sash , Doors , Mouldmgs , etc. \ . ' > W5 \ ll ' . . Agents for the Nebraska Central - , , I "j' ' ; Building & Loan Association. ; y 1 i . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . , t ) " ' . : t.f.f .I : . _ J-4"rM'r ; : , " 11A . : t.rJ ; , : tiM1 ! . r : ; Jam.'tIfJJ.n : , j f- { to ' ; : ; : ; JGiao.,1 , ; JGiao.-- : : ' , > ! t- ; : , . . . . . . . . 0 . i. / ' " \ .