Worth RqlYlemberi"a.
Every ono ot JI I linows how paintul
Il Is to bo callell 11I1\lIcious name8 ,
to hl.ve ! hls\'charactcr \ undermined by
ralso Insinuations , ETery ono Imows .
nlso , the pleasllro ot recolvlng Idnd
loole , n warm greeting. Dy that pl\ln
nnd by thnt pleasure let us judge
what wo should do to others.-DeaD
Stanley , ,
Fewer .jiours at Same Pay.
Four years ago the worltlng day In
nl1 l re'ncl tactorle3 woo ono of twjjvo
h llrs , n year later It was eleven bOllrs , ' '
nnd then It cnme dowli to ten and
baIr ; bllt slnco AllrJ111t has been ono
.ot ten hours. T < ! sarno wnges are
' 110111 for ten hOllrs ns were pnld when
.twelvo houra were worlod.
' , . . -
i Africa to Be Cotton Flold.
, Africa , owing to her climate , soil
and 11oI1ll11\11on" is bottcr fItted tor cot.
ton producl1on than any othcr ot the
conl1nents ot the globe , and will he.
omoo the greatest Sll1111y } flcld ot that
. staillo nfter clvllized methods ot gov-
, eOrnmont and economies have become
.u.Qmlnant thoro.
i. '
Proved Beyond a DoubL
MllldleaeX' , N. Y. , July 25.-Spo- (
'clal.-Thal Hheumatlsm cnn bo cu ed
, has been proved beyona a doubt by
Mrs. Dotsey A. Clawson , well known
here. That 1\1rs. Clawson had Rheu.
mnl1sm and had it bad , all her ac.
Qualntances know. They also know
she is now cured. Dodd's Kldnoy P1I1s
did it. Mrs. Clawson tells the stOl'Y 01.
her cure as tollows :
" 1 was an invalid tor most five
yetlrs caused by Inl1nmml\tory Rheu.
matlsm , helpless two.thirds of the
time. The first ) .car L1 . could no do
na much as II. baby c nid do ; then I
ralllod II. muo bit and then II. relapse.
Then II. year ago the gOllt sot In my
bands n.nd . teet. 1 sutrcred untold
agony and in Augllst , 1903. , . , hen my
llUsbnnd dlod 1 cOllld not ride to the
"I only took two boxes of D.odd's
1Idney Pills a.d In two weeles 1
could walt on m-jclt and IiBW my own
wO'Jd. 1 dug my own potatoes and
rathered my own garden last fall.
Dodd's Kidney P111s cured mo. "
Rheumatism is caused by uric acid
in the blood , Dodd's Kldnoy P11Is put
iho Kldn ys In sbape to take all the
uric ncid out at tbo hloorl.
House Fly Is Prolific.
An ordinary house fly will lay 10
eggs , during Its exlsronoe. and 90 per
cent of them w11l bo hatched out.
Twelve or tbirteen generations or files
nr produced in an ordnary summer ,
Uses for FIre Eno'nes. '
In sarno of the country manslQns of
England fire engines 11.1'0 . leept , which
con bo driven by the ordinary eloo- '
trlc.lIghting current when desired at
critical . moment , or tbo fire cn lno
w11l wash the outside of the windoWs
without endangering the Uves or serv.
Scientist Gathero Specimens.
Dr. Gottfried Merzbacher , who haa
been engaged tor two years on a scien'
tlfic expedition In the Thlanshan
mountains , In Central Asia , has returned -
turned to Mllnlch with many objecla I
ot geological paleontological. Eoolog ! .
cal and botanical Interest.
Cherokee Chlcfs' PortraIts.
. 'Arranged upon the walls In the ex-
ecutlvo offices In the capitol building
In Tablequah , are the portraits of near.
ly nil the Cheralteo cblefs wl o have
ruled since the tlmo at John Ross ,
'who was principal chief for torty can.
secutlve years.
America's New Rich.
I In the 30 years Crom 1870 to 1890 the
lJOpulation of the country doubled ,
while Its wealth moro than. trebled ,
the Increase being more than $ G4,000 , '
000.000 , or enough to create nearly
100,000,000 new m11110nalres.
Water In Grass.
The amount of water given ort by
au acre of grass Is estimated at thIrty -
ty hogsheads : l day. About 300 parts.
by weight , ot water pass through II.
plant to one part fixed and asslmllat.
cd In its tissues.
Hoiland Cmalers.
< Th owners of the cnnni boats In
Holland practically spend their wholl !
Uves on them , The tather or the tam'
:11.is usually the paptaln , the sons and
& : aughters the sailors.
. " IIQulck as Thouoht. "
! "Qulcle as thought" Is not iV\r ]
Qulcle. While a light wave woull
travel around Ute equator In II. secone
n nerve wave makes but bout lO (
feet a second.
Glass Houses Are Materlalllng.
Glass houses or a vel' ) ' substantia
kind can now be buill. Silesian glass
maltors are turning out glass br : ' KI
for all sorts at building purposel
Christian Nnmo for PresIdents.
, '
Janies has been the 'tavorite Chrl !
linn name tor prasldents. Wo hav
bad fivo-Madlson , Monroe , Poll
Dlchanan nnd Garfield.
Maonetlc Sand In Java.
\ . Masnetlc Irqn sand has recontl
boon dl covered on the south coast (
Java , and it Is reported to bo vcr
Few Stars Give Shadow.
Except the sun and the moon , enl
Venus. Jupiter and some at the brlgb
est llxed stars give a sensible shado\ '
Have Hard Task.
Two t110n are attemptln to ere !
Au.trnUa on bicycles.
Speaker Cannon , Chail'man of the National Committee -
mittee , Makes the Addressl
Chief , Executive Touches Upon Some of the Issues
That Will Be Before the People in the
Coming Campaign.
, Tilly 2ith , Prcnl ent , Roosevelt was
formalnotllled \ or hl3 nomination for
the presillonc ) ' By the national ropub.
IIcan convention. The ccremonr toole
plnco at his country home nt Snga.
more Hili. 'I'here was , first of nIl , nn
informnl rocelltlon , at the conclusion
of which SlICnltcr Cannon , chairman
of the notlllcatlon cpmmllteo , deliver-
ell his ful rcsH , ns follows :
Mr. PreKlllent : 'rhe Ileoplo ot the
Unltetl IIllIlell : ! Jy hlod , hero lilt ) . , edu-
clition ntHl IIll1Ctlco Ilre 11 lIelt-govern-
InA' people.'e hn vo lIometimoK hoen
RuhjlJct to projuilleo IInti emlJl\rrallll-
mont from harmful condltionN. hut wo
Imvo outgrown IH'ejutilco lUHI overcome
contlltionK as rlllllllh' as llOsslblo. hllv-
Inl ; ' duo ro ard tu law IIlul the rights
ot Indlyhhlllls.0 hllye somotlmca
1I11\11u mlstakos form II talso IlellKO of
aecurlt ) . or trom a doslre to chanl'o
polloi 011 , Ills tell II ot lottillg' well ellough
alonc , merely to aeo what would IlI\p-
[ 1011. but we hnve IIlwllYs Imhl the Iell-
IIlty ot Ull\ylflo UCtiOIl ut the ballot hex
and ol\tlurod \ the HUfferlnA' until under
the law , throul'h the IJQl10t box. WO
hllvo returned to corl'oct policies.
' 1'oKtetl h ) ' oXllerlollco no III1t1on hUH HO
Ruccollsfully Holvcd all pl'ohloms nnd
choHon proper pollclos as 11111' nlltlon.
Ullder the loud ot the ropubllcl\n party
tor 0\01' tort ) ' YOl1rs , the Ullited StlltoS
Crom bolng II thlrd-elasH power amonI ; '
the nl\tlolIlI hils become In e\'ory respect -
spect IIrst , ' 1'ho people rule , 'rhe people -
plo rullul ; ' It III nlCeSKary that they
should be comllotent to rul" , Comllo-
tonc ) . relulreK ( not only patriotism , but
matorllll well-bolng' , cducatlon and
Btl\tecratt ,
LllJornl comllollHlltion tor labor
ml\ltos IIlJural clllltomerll or our Ilrod-
UCtH. l'ndor thiN policy of protcctlon
our homo market affordll ull our 11001110
! 1. hettcr ml1rltot than haH any IIthor
poollio on carth. nnd thill , too. even it
we did not Nell any of our Ilroducts
II.broad. In nddltlon to this , wo have
: : omo to bo the / \'reatest oxportlng 11I1-
tlon In the wurld. Per the ) 'oar endIng -
Ing Juno 30 , 1904 , our experts to for-
ell'n countries wore valued Ilt $1,460.-
000,000 , ot which $460,000,000 were
nroducts ut the tactor ) ' . The world
Coil In our debt IIll1t ) .ear $4iOOOOOOO.
Iln Increase of $ i5OOOOOO ever the pro-
: odlhg YOl1r.
DIIl'lIlllln or IJl'lIlol'racT.
This policy ot Ilrotection has alWaYR
been Ollpollod by the , of the
rOllUlJllclln party und s oppoHod by
them toda ) . , III tholr last natlollal
phlUorm , adopted at St. LoulH . , tI\.oy
denounce Ilrotection IIR rohher ) . ThOY .
never have been glvon 110wor , lJut the )
proceed by word Ilnd nct to destroy
the polloy of Ilrotection. Tholl' pln.t-
'Corm Is as 11l1ont as the grave touch-
InA' the gold Htandard and our cur-
rOlley Ryatom.'helr \ chosen . leador.
attor hlH nomlnullon , hu\.IIIS' heon as
sllont liS the aphill" UII to thllt , time ,
ont hili tole l'lIm , IIlw ng In flulJstanco
thllt the gold IItllnllnl.tl Is ostahllllhed
I\nll that ho will A'overn hlmaelt lIC-
cortllngh. If ho I1hou1l1 bo eloutod ,
Correct ro\'onuo Inws , IlrotecUon or
free tr/ule , the gold atllndurll und our
eurroncy srlltom , ull do pond upon the I
! enthnont of the majority of our people -
plo us voleo , ' at the ballot box. A mll-
jorlt ) ' mllY change our revenue . tlll\VN :
11 majorlt ) ' mllY Chl\nKO OUI. currony
laws : u majorlt ) . muy ties troy the Kold
standllrtl Ulllt estuhllsh the IIlIver
! tllnllunl , or. In lIeu of eIther or hoth ,
malto the troasur ) ' nuto. nonlntereat-
1J0llring amI Irredeemable , the Hole
Btllllliard of vulue.
, Since the ropulJllcnn part ) . was 1'0-
storoll to powor. In 18:17 : , under the
101ld of McKlnloy , our ountr ) hils
Ilrosllered In 11roilucUon IInd In commerce -
morco us It never IlrolillOrotl boforo.
In wealth wo IItund Orat umollg ull the
nutlons. Under the 10l\d of \\11 11 11In
McKlnlo ) ' the wnr with Spain WUH
apoedlly brought to It succesllful con-
clusion. Umll'l. the trollty of pouce und
our uctlon Culm III free , und , unller
ItUUrantees wrlten In It II constltullon
tlnll our ICA'lslutlon , It Is ullllured thllt
It will ever romaln treo'u also nc-
Iluirod Porto Hlco. Guam 111111 the Phil-
11)lllneli br II tl'olIY the ratlllclltion of
which Willi enl ) . pOIIIIllJlo b ) . the voles
of democratic lIolIItorli. Civil go\'orn-
mont hUll boon ostabllshed In Porto
Rico , IInll wu art. ! jOllrnoylnA' towurd
civil / \'o\'ornmont In the Phlllppinoll UII
rllphllr liS the lIooplo ot the l\l"chIIIOla-
go are 1I1J10 to recel\'e It : IIml thill , too ,
notwlthlltl\l1l11ng the Cuilio CIT of "Im-
Ilorllllhnn" I'alsod h ) ' the domocratlc
Ilnrt ) ' and still InslNtetl upon , which lOll
to Inaurrectlon In the Phllillpinos nml
tends to leall to fllrthar Inllurroctloll
thore. ' } 'h11 I'ocord : of the rOlluhllcun
\lIlItor the lenll ot'l1l1l1m : \Ic-
IHlrtr ) . ' hllll pnHllod Into hIHtor ) . . " 'ho
dllros allHull It ?
In IlIIrllllllneo of the usuul clIstom the
con\'onton appolntell Il commltteo. ot
which It honor.1 ! mo with the ehlllr-
munshlp. to wllit Ulloll ) 'OU nlul Intorm
rOil of Its action , which duty. spolllting
tor the co IIlln It ll\ < ) , I now chlJerfllly IlelO-
term , with thu hOllo 111111 thu conlltlent
lxpectuUon thllt a majority of the poo-
1110 of the rOllulJlIc will In No\'oll\her
I IIl'Xt IIPllrtl\'o the action uf the convention -
tion hr choosing eloolors who will UII-
sure ) 'OUI. oloctloll to the IlI'csldencr
I as your own IIUCOOIIIIOI' .
At the close ot Mr. Cannon's all.
dress , Presll10nt Roose.elt , stnnl1lng
on the vormula oC his homo , unl1er 11
fcstoon of American 11ags , sllOlw as
follo\\'s :
Mr. Hpealter 111111 Gentlemen ot tlH
Notillcllllon Commltteo : 1 11In 1I0ep ! )
, sollslblo for the high honor conferl'\l \
upon me IJr the relll'esontlltl\'eH of 1111
rel1ubllclln pllrty ulIHell\hluli In con\'en'
tlon , untl I UCClpt the nomhll1t1on fill
the Ilrollillone ) . with : mlonm I'ellllzll'
t1lm ot the obllgatllJnR' I IIKSUII\O. :
henrUI ) ' aplnOIWu the declarl\tlon 0
J1rlnclllulol which the ropubllcan nlltlon ,
nl commlttoo hll ndoptell , IIntl I\t slHn
future tlllY 1 Ihllll cOlllmunlcato to you
Mr. Chlllrml\n , moro ut length unl ! II
detail tormul wI'ltten accoplallco 0
thonomiliu tlon ,
' 1'hrco ) ' 0111'8 I\A'O I 116cnmo prestIe \ . _
110causo of the del\th of my lamontel
IlrodecoHllor. I then atlltell thl1t It wa
my to cI\rr ) " out hlN 11I.lnclplo
and IHlr\IOIiO \ tor thl' hOller and the Interest
terost of the countr ) . . ' 1'0 the heat 0
m ) . uhlllty I hl1\'o Iccpt the 111'0111114
thus mlule , It next Novemhor m ) ' eoun
tr"lllcn conllrm at the IHllhl the actio
oC the convontlon ) 'OU rCprOSllIt ,
IIhlllllillIeI' l'ro\.ldoncn. continuo
, \ \ . t
worlc with 1m e.e IIlnglo to the weltar
of all ollr poople.
A III\1't ) . III ot worth enl ) . Insofar a
It prol1l01f1s the nl\tlonlll Interost. an
c\'ory olllclal , IIlgh or low , can s"n'
hili IlIlrty hOHt hy rOllllorlng to the pee
1110 the bOllt sorvlco of which ho I
call1\ble. EI'Cectl\.o ' o\'ernlllent come
onlY a8 the rCKult ot the luyul CO-Ollor
a tlon of IIIl1n ) " dlneront : 110 rs 0 11I1 , ' 1'h
momherll of \ollIlativo \ mujorlt ) . , th
ollleol'lI In the varloull dopartmentll (
the atlmlnlstrlltlon , IIn,1 thu leglalntl" .
nnll exucutlve IJranl'1Il'1I 1111 toward OtiC
othol.\ mUllt worlt tOl-tothor with lIubol
II dlnl\t \ on ot lIolf to thu common " 1Il1 I
Ruccosltul Io.ernmollt.0 who ha
been entrullted with Ilowur as publ
tler\.unts t lrlng the ] 11t ! ' ! ro\.cn ; years ot
nllmlnilltratfon IIl1tl le"llIlatlon now
CII1I10 hcfol'o the llOlIplo ClllltOlit to ho
jllllll : ! hy our l'ocul'd uf nchlo\'ement ,
III the 'OIlI'II thllt hnvII gene h ) . wo
huvo 11111110 the dooll IHIUIII'O with the
word : Ullcl It wo ure contlnuell In power
wo . IIhllll IInl4\\'ervllI"ly follow out lho
A'1.ont IIncs of ImhUe pollc ) . which thl !
ropllbllcan l'U't ) ' hllH alrendy Inlll
dlJwlI : u IlIIh Ie to which wo uro
KlvllIA' . , IIntl Hhull ve , n. united , IInd
thol.cCoro an elllc ent , HUPllort.
: \1111' ( ' I'urtlllillh' 'I'hnn OI'JIOllCntll.
In all ot this WO 111'0 moro fortunate
thun our ollllonolltll. who now 1I11pelli
for cOllllllonco on the ground. which
Rome oxprolls and aomo seole to hll\'o
conllllolltlull ) ' undol'atoI , that It trl-
umphunt the ) ' may 1J0 trusted to prove
fllillo tu ever ) ' prlnclplo which In the
InHt olA'ht ypnrs they hnvo Inld down
I1S vltlll , allli to 10l\ve Ulullsturhml
those very IIctR of the admlnlstratloll
lJeclIllso ot which they alllt' that the
administration Itsolt lJe drlvon from
powcr. Soomlngly tholr prcsont attl-
tudo liS to tholr Pllst record III thnt
Home of thorn were mlstukon and oth-
orl ! Inslncoro.'e make our appeal In
11 wholly different Hplrlt.Vo uro 1I0t.
constrained to keep sllont on any vital
question : our policy III continuous , Ilnd
III the snmo tor ull aoctlonll amI locall-
tlos. There Is nothlnA' oxperlmontnl
about the government wo ask the people -
plo to continuo In powor. tor our Ilor-
formnnco In the past , our proved gov-
ornmcntul olllclellcy , la gunrllntee as
to our prom lacK tor the futuro. Our
opponents , eIther ollonly or secretly.
IIccordlng to tholr several temperaments -
monts , now IIl1k the l'OOPlo to trullt
tholr Ilresont prom laos n consldoratlon
of the tllct that thp ) " Intolld to trol1t
tholr past promillos liS rtull and yold.
\\0 know our own minds and wo hll vo
Itopt ot mind for a sulUclent
long-th of t mo to glvo to our policy
coherence antI sanity. Inluch a fun-
dllmontal matter as the ontorcement
of the law wo do not have to depend
upon promlseR. but merely to aRk that
( lur record be tnken as an earnest of
whnt wo shall continuo to do , In dealIng -
Ing wllh the great organizations
Itnown nil trusts , wo do not hayo to
oxpll1ln why the ll1ws were not enforced -
forced , hut to point out that they actually -
ally hn. vo bcen enforced to Incronso
the offectivonoNII of tholr enforcomont.
'Vo do not hllvo to propose to "turn
the rascala out. " for we have shown
In very deed that whenever lJy dlllgont
Investigation IpulJllc olllcial can b3
tound who hnll botruyod his trust ho
will 1J0 punl/lhod to the tull extent of
the law without re'lrd / to whether ho
wall appolntod under a rcpulJlIcan or
n. domocratlc administration , 'rhls Is
the clUclont WilY to turn the rascals
out and to keep thom out. and It hns
the morll of slncorlty. 1\1oroovor. the
betrayals ot trust In the Illst lIevon
} 'onl'S have bcon Inshtnillcant In number -
bor when compul'od wllh the extent of
the pUblic lIel'\'lco. NovoI' has the administration -
ministration of the A'ovornment boon
on a cleaner and hlghor level : novel'
hils the llUlJlIc , worlt of the nl1t1on becn
do no more honestly and ol11cl ntly. '
Unnll1c to Chnnrc Good l'ollelt'll.
Assuredly It Is unwlso to chllngo the
pollclell which have worltcd so well
and which . IIro 110W workIng so woll.
Prosporlt ) hns como at home. 1'ho na-
tlonnl honor and Intorcllt have been
uphold abl'ondVo have placod' the
IInllncos of the I1l1tlon upon I\ . sound
gold bl1l1ls.0 hllvo done this with
the aid of many who were formerly
our oJlponenta . , lJut who would nolther
oponl ) support nor sllontl ) ' acqulosco
In the horoHY of unsound IInl1nco , anti
we hnvo done It aKalnst the convlncod
and vlolont oppoHltion of the mallll of
our 11rcsent opponents who Ntlll refuse
to rOCl\I1t the unaound opinions which
tor the moment they thllll < It hll'xpo-
tIlent to nasort.0 know what we
mean when wo IIpenk of an honest and
IItublo currenc0 menn the slIme
thlnH' from ) 'car to ) .ear. " ' 0 do not
hnvo to avoid II dollnlto nnd concluslvo
commlttlll on the most Importunt Issue
whIch hUll recently been lJeforo the
pooplo. al\ll which ilia ) . ut an ) . tlmo In
the nel1l. tutUI'O bo before thorn again.
UPOII the Ilrlnclllles which underllc
this ISHuo the convIctions of hal ! of
our number do not clallh with these
of the othol. half. 1:10 : long ns the rc-
publlclln part ) . ! s In power the ! ; old
st:1I\llnr(1 Is settled , not liS a lIIatter
of tOIl1IIOl'nl' ) ' ) . , not
hecnllHo IJf IIh ftlnA' conll \ lions In the
IIrolluction of g-old In cm'taln mlnlnl ;
ccnters , hut In nocordnnco with what
wo ro rnrd as the fundnmontlll Ilrlncl-
plOM of national morallt . IInd willdom.
Under the financial 10H'lslution which
wo Illwo onlcted tholoo hi now ample
circulation tor every buslneHs need ,
and , every dollar of this clrculatloll Is
worth 1 dollar 111 gold. " ' 0 lune 10-
tlucod the Intorcst-hoarln ! ; debt IInd In
stili Inn or 1(1/11'0 the Into relit on
thnt dobt. All oC the war tnxos Imposed -
posed durlnH thc 8pl1nllh Wil' hn0
Iwen r"nw\'ell with IvI ow to \ '
the lleoJllo Ilnd to prevent the aceumu-
Il\tlon oC an unnoCOl5l1r ) ' NUrlhlll , ' 1'ho
resul Is thllt hardly over before IlI\vo
the . OXIOlultiuroK IInd Income ot the
Ao\.ol'nment closelY corrospO\lled ,
In the lRCl11 .ear that has jUllt clollod
the excelll ot Income ever tbe ol'dlnar
oxponlllturcN Wili $9,000,000 , 'lhlH doe
not tl1lto nccount at $ OOOOOOO expend.
ell out of the IccululntEI MUllllus fOI
the Ill'chllsO ot the Istllll1n clnal , It
III IIn cxtrlorllnl1l' ) ' Jlroof of the Hounl :
IInl1nelnl condItion ot thc < nntlon thul
Instead of folowln the uNual COUI'NO II'
Much mutol's and throwln the burdN
Ullon \ollorlt ) . by an IN9UO of bond !
wo were uhlo . to ml1lto the IIOmonl
outrlKht allll ) .et nftol' It to ha\'o In thl
trenaur ) ' 1 lurlluH ot SlGOOOOOOO
M'I'eO\'ol" wo were Ilblo to pny $5,000. ,
000 out ot hantl without cauHln
IIKhtOllt . dstul'lJlnco to lJulllno:1 ! tl '
Coultr ) " on High Ilnl- .
" ' 0 have ennctod a tnrlff IlIw undol
r which Ilurlng the Ilallt tow ) 'Ollrs th
. country has attalued hl'lght IJf a
torlal - 110\'er . )
woll-bclnj boflro 1C'IOt
\\'lgeN 1\1'0 hlhor thlll . .or hefore
'hat when over the need 11IIell lhor ,
3 Ihou11 ho rouoljullt'nent of til : tlrl
Ichellulel Is lltuhlol : IJlt Iuol
challecau , .nh : mtel ) ho mlte 011 :
bVthoac whoso \ ' to the '
bV\ 110\'otlol
I \ e of 1\ protect\.o tUI.lff Is horlJnl
fnoltlon : for otherwl/e the ehnngo
woull 10t amolnt to 1'lllIuatmont lJu
to l.ollel\ ! The reudjlltmont whol
11110 mUHt mllnllll Ilul nut Itclltro
the IHoltoetlvo prlnchle , ' 0 thu tlln
- or. the morehnnt , the Il1nutuctuI.el. thl
Is vltul : hit Ilel'hlll11 lther mln I
10 much Intel'ested 11 Iho wugu work
- or In the Illntol\ICe of our Ilresen
economic R'lItel , 1J0th 111 rlllIrdl th
thn turlff. ' !
Innncos 111 'Ihu Ntllllnr
ot living ot 011' wlgo workerfl III hlKh
or thln thlt of I1n : ether cOlntrr , un
It Clnl0t 10 rell1ln unloHI wo hlvo
tnl'lff which alwu '
Ilrotletvo wi )
keep UI a mlnlmul u rlto of dutut
Iclent to cover the IUfforonco betweo
lhe labor hero : , '
COlt . altl UIIoul 1 II
who. IIko OUI. . "
oP\onents. "tenoulc
robblr ) ' " the rob
protecton IH eXlllc
Ih. commi thomseh'(1 to the IlropoRI
tOI thllt If they wrl to 1'0\110 tll
tl1rlff no hetHl would be 11111 to tll
nocllslt ) . ot moetlng thlll Ilffof'ne
botwocn tl IItandlllls of Ih'llA' t [
' here olher
wlgo wO'kerl unt 11 COUI
trloll : ulll t\reCoro on thlll 1IIInt th" :
Intugonhln to our Ilolltlon II tUlldr
menial lero agllin wo uslt tlt thl
llromlsc ; ul11 ourl 1J0 jUdgOll l ) Wil
hn ! lon done In the Immolate ( pnt I
\Vo uslc thn t "ohor 1111 HonHlblo men. .
Iomfaro the worklngl ot the preHont
II riff 11W. anl the contltons which :
obtllln , untlor I with the workings of
the IlrocQlln tnrlff law ot 18:1 : IIld
the Clllltlona which that tarif ot 1894 i
helped to bring ulJolt.
All to lclllrCcIT.
We bolovo In roclproclty wl h tor-
011 / nltlonll on the termH outlnod In
Prolilont McKlnlor'1 IUHt speech ,
which urged the cxton/lon of our tor-
olAn uUlrketll by roclprocal agroo-
montH whenever they coult ho mudo
without Iljurr to Amorlcun Industry
1 nd Inhor. I Is a Klngular . tlCt thllt
the Inly gront roclproclt ) treaty 1'0-
"tlopted-that wih CulJa-was
ccnty . ollosod Ilono lJy the reprosol-
of the ' which
tlth.OI vcr ) pllrty now
ftatof that It favorl ! reciprocity. And
here ugaln wo IIslt tmt the worth of
our worts bo jUdged by cOlparlllg
tholr doolls with ours , On thlK CulJuu
rOllproclty treaty there wore at the
OUtllOt grlvo dlfforoncos ot oplnlo\ :
nmong our/lolvcl ; Int thu 101ibiu
thilI In the neAltation und rlltillca-
tlon of the trollty. all In the leglHla-
thm which carrlell I Into effect , WUf
the highly practcaly mlnnor In whllh
wHhlut sl1erlco of prlnclplo these tlf-
foreleclI of olllnion were roconclod.
'Ihol'o was no I'uptre of 11 great IHrty.
hu t an cxcolen t 1I'IetcII outeomo , the
roslllt of the harmlnlolc CO-opul'ltion
of two luccelslvo prosltcnbl Ind two
conresses. ' Is -
IIlceellllvo 'Ihlll 11 1-
IUltralon oC the I O\'ornlnH clJclt : )
which ontltel UK to . the confllcnce oC
the not enl In
Iloopio . ) our . purpoHes
hut In 011. pructleal nbll ) to achlevo
tholo PlfIISOS , JUdging . lJy the history
of the Illt twolvc ) .Olrs , dowlI to thlll
\'or ) ' . month , Is thel'O justllcatlon for
hcllo\.lng tnnt -
untor slmiiur cl.cum-
Itllncos with IIlmllur Inltlul dlffor-
11t .
onceK of Iplnlon. OUI. ollpOnOltl would
ha"o achlo\.etl nny practcII rosul ?
\Ve hlvo already Nhown In actuul
fuct thut our polcy Is to do fllr and
OIUI I justlco to all mon , paying no
hood to whether 1 man Is rich or poor :
Ilaying no heed to his ruce , his creed ,
or his IJlrthplace.
CUlllul antI I.ahor.
, Ve rocognlzo tlo orga'lzatlon ot
capial Ind the orgllnlzatlon ot labor
as naturll outcomeN of our Industrlll
H'stem , glch kInd of organizaton 1&
to he tavored so long IS It acts In a
aplrlt of Justlco Ilnd of rOl'ard tor the
rIghts of othorR , I ach Is to 1J0 granted -
od the ful protection of the law. and
ollch In turn III to bo hold to Rtrlct
ohedlencu to the law : tor no man Is
ahove I and no mln below It. The
humhlest Individual Is to have hlH
rights sateguarded all scrupulously as
these of the sl'ongest orA'llnlzatlon.
tor each Is to rocelve justlco , no more
amI no loss. The prolJlema wih which
wo have to deal In our modern Industrial -
trial al1 socllil Ifo are manifold : lJut
the spirit 11 which It Is necessary to
approach their solution III simply the
spirit ot honosty. of courage , and of
common sonso.
Jrr.cuton 111 CunnI ,
In Inn.uguralng the great work ot
Irrigation In the west the . admlnlNtra-
tlon haa boon ,0nalJlod IJ ) congrosR to
talco ono of tno longest strldcs ever
tulton under our government towar
utiizing our VIISt national domain for
the settler , the actual homo-malter.
Ever slnco this continent wa discovered -
covered the need of the Ilthmlll canal
to connect the PIcU1c aud the Atantic
has boon rocognlzcd : and ever slnco
the birth of our nation such a canal
his lJeen plan nod. At last the dream
has become 1 roalty. 1'ho . Isthmian
canal Is now 1J0ing buit b ) the gO\-
ornment of the United StlltoS. 'Ve
the nogotlutlon for Its construction -
struction with the nlcost und most
Icrupulous honor. and In a spirIt of
the l rgot genorosl ty towllrd . these
throuA'h whoso torrltor ) It was to
run , l vorr sinister oI'Cort ' which could
be devised IJr the spltlt ot fllctlon or
the splrl 0 solt-Interest WIS made
In order to dofollt . the treaty with Panama -
ama uld thoru ) prevent the conaum-
ml1t1on of this work. ' } 'ho conatruc-
tlon of the cunal III now an assured
tlCt : but mOllt cortulnly . It III unwlso
to entrust the ca1n.lnK out of so momentous -
montous a poley to these who hlvo
defeat the whole '
ondolvorod to undo 1'-
Our forolgn Ilolc ) ' hns lJeon 10 con-
ductetl thaI , whie not ono of our just
clllima his heon flacrlllccd. our rolatolns
wih al foreign nations are now of
the mot' peaccful ldnd ; there Is not
1 cloud on the horizon. 'rho last CUtllO
of Irritation lJetwoen UI and any ether
nation wall removed b ) ' the Hottlemont
ot the Alaskan 1J0undary.
In the Clrrlbean IICIl wo have made
oed olr promises of Independence to '
GulJa. and have proved our aHsertlon ;
tlmt our mission lu the Islnnd was
one of justlco and not ot solf-aggran-
dlzomont : aud thorohy no 10SH U1U by
' action In Venezuela nnd Panama
wo have shown Uillt the Monroe doo-
trlno Is a Ivlnl ; ' realty. doslgnod for
the hlrt of no nation. but for the pro-
toctlon ot clvlll : > ton on the wcstorn
contlnunt. and for the pouco of the
world , Our stond ) ' growth In power
hlill gene hnnd In hand with 1 strongth-
onlng 1111 position to UIIO this power
with ftrlct regard for the rIghts of
othcrH , anll for the catso of Interna-
tonal justlco Ind good wi.
IJt'lrt. Prll'ulhhl , or " 'orl.t.
" ' 0 oarnelltly dOHlro trlendshlp with
al the nutionN of the New and Old
\\'orlll : I1nd wo ondolvo1 tlJ pllco our
rolatlons with thorn Ullon a lJasls ot
1eclprocal advantage Inatoad of hos-
tlllt ) . . " ' 0 hold that the plosporlty ot
.llch Is nn aid and not I\ . hindrance -
. naton
drance to the prosporl ) ' of other nations -
tions , " ' 0 IIcol Intornatlonal nmly for
the Iamo reuaons that malto us be-
10ve In pOI\CO wI thl n our own borders :
anll Wl fllek thls'lle ce not hOCIIUIIO wo
are atrllid or unrel\d ) ' , lut becauHo wo
advantageous. think that POICO II right as wol I1S
Amorlcan Interests In the Pacifc
hl\vo rapidly Irown. American ontor-
prillo his Il1ld Il callo IICI'OSI this , the
A'roltost of oceans , " ' 0 huvo proved
In oI'Cective ' fushlon thn.t we WINh tbe
Chlnoo emplro wol IInd dOHlro Its In-
I tegrlt ) ' and , Indopondonco.
Our toothold In the Phippins
KI'onth. IItl.ongthonli out pOfltloll In the
compotltlon for the traUo of the onst :
hit wc uro A'o\'ernhll ; ' the 1hlPIlnos
I In the Intorollt of the Phllppino people
tll'nsolves. , Yu hn.vo alread . ) ' glvon
thol a lurA'o Nhllrl In thh. "overn-
ment. and OUl p"rpolle Is to Increase
this shuro lS rupldh' us they gh'e evl-
donco of Incrol1llng 11nOlill for the
tllllt. 'rho great mnjO.lty of the om-
clals of the Iflnne : . where olectlvo or
alIPolnt".c. are nlroady natlvo . FI-
nos , \VI are now 11'0 \ 11 n A' tor 1
loglslltivo assombl . ' 1hls Is the lrst
Htoll tu 1J0 taken ) . thu tuture , and
. It would bo omlnonth. unwise to do-
) clorc whlt OU. next Htoll will ho unti
. thlll tltep hnll hoon talton nnd the
llst are munlfoRt. ' } 'o have gone
rosulK than we Ilvo alrolln ) ' gene In
giving- the IslnnderN 'n ' constantly In-
crellslng melHuro ot sclt-govornmont
wOlltl hlvo been disulltrolll. At the
Ilrollcnt moment to A'ive Ilolllcl\l Indo-
to the Islalill would resul
n the Immedlato loss ot civi rights ,
I IIborty and pulJllc order , as
11 rllO\1
regards the mnSK of the I I\lnos. for
the mljorlt ) ' ot the Islanders have been
gl'on these grollt ! Joons h ) ' UII , Ind
onlIteell thom /uto because wo vlgl-
_ lantly Hutogll1rtl Inll guarnteo them.
' wltlulru w our government from the
IslanolK lt this tlmo wpull mcun to the
the 10ls of hil hllre- !
llornKO nl1lvo . " 'e have estnlJ-
civi the INlunds I government b ) '
_ Ihihot . Ils/IHtcd hFllilinoll , " 'e
s nro stoadll ) IItl.lvlnS' to tl'ansfol'm this
K Into solf-govornmcnt . hr the Fipino !
_ uB/lsted b ) Amorlcanll ,
t 'rho which wo uphold
o Ihoull nl'llel to ul countn'n10n. . In
d of onr cpuntn. . Above al
, _ they Hhuulc1 glvo us strength wih the
II ull women who ure thl Hlllrluul
a len ot thollo who uphehl the hands
'II oC Ablahnl Lincoln : for wo IIro strlv-
, _ Inl to do our worlt In the slllrit wih
n whloh 1.lneoln nlproneholl hla , Durlnl
0 the lo\'on ) ' nrs . tlt hn\'o jUlt 111\1101
10 tl'ro IN no llut ) . Iomeatlc or forolgn ,
, _ which WO hl\vo 8hlrlod ; no neCl'/aury
I _ tusk which wo hl\ve not pertormod
I ' with rl'n onllhl" olcloner. \\0 have
10 novoI Illl'nlltl Impotence , \\0 have
" 0 no\'or : onKht roCIe In critcism 111
ir complaint InHlelul ot nctllJn0 tace
I _ he tuturo with our IIUHt nnl our pres.
Ir ent iK 11\rl\ntonl of our IlromllCM , unl )
I _ wo are l'ontent to ahlli or to tal h ) '
Ir thr"'ortl which wo IH\'Q made 61\ .
It are 1"ltn )
. " ,
The Defanco Starch Co. wi gLo' ' .
25 ladles 0 round.trp tcket to to St
Luis ox positon t five Indies In
each of the Colowlng states : 1lnols ,
10UB , Nebraska , I ansas ad Missouri -
ri who Bend In largcst
wi to num1r
of trdo mark cut from 0 lO.cent , 16-
ounce nQkago of , Defiance cold water
In.undry . starch. means Iom your
own hme , nywhero In the above
name states. Theae tndo marIes must
be ; nled to and rcelvo b the Do-
tanco Starch Co. , Omah Nob. , before
Sptember 1st , 1904. October and No
vembor w1 be the best moths to
visit the CposIUon. Remember that
Uefanco la the only starh put up 16
02 ( II. fl pund ) to the plcl'age.
You got one-third more starch tor tbo
same money than or nny other Itlnd ,
nn Defanco never sUcls to the Irn.
The tekots to the exposition wi be
I sent by reistered mal September 6th.
I Starch tor sale by 11 dealers. '
How good a raw barrel3 oonce
Bounds the day ahert
Mow's This
We Oer Ono lundrol Dolan ? newlr fO auy
CIO of GItrb . lacnD , be cured by Ialll
Cla 1. J. CUEEY & CO , . Toledo. O.
Wo. te nndenlied have known 1. J. Cheney
for te JR1 yeaN. and beloe blm perecty hon.
otablo In aU bu lne. and
Iranuctona IDIDelaly
all OUaDY obl"llonl m.d by hll fr.
, KJul & .
. . Toledo O.
Wbol..le Drullll.
nll'l CAlar Cr II taken Interaly , aoln
direcly upon the bled and mucoul Iurf.cel ofb
IYltm. cle S4lby Tellmoliala allrORil.u lentre. , . l'rlc 70 CODt par
Take ' for
lal'a Famiy Pia . oaUpaUo
Origin 01 Vet L01t.
I Is hard to toU wbro th wearing
at the \L frst bnd voge ; many
think i orllnto in ECpt , for I
was wrn there centurl0 Ig. The
Grok brldC woe chplets inaead o
Il. se wrts wee pluckd
the th tor
by bris s e Co
luck They usuaUr , were mad at wil
thyme , myrto ; c\'erreo and rses.
Roman . maidens wore yellw veil
cl.owne wih a wroth ot vrblnB
Peel Ar Be Unpractical.
Thre Is 0 very prety mtlo poem
blglnnlnl wih " lte dnde
. " Mar
lon , sming on te layn. EE
It I sound prety , doesn' It ?
" , on
lte dandelon sming
the law. So many thing Iound
. pretty in . petry that Ire post whe
me ot o doom-Atchison Gobe.
I Csum Like a Rambow.
When Daraon "was 0 ) "ung mln ho
once nt on a cl\ton 'rip to Corfu
In thi etraordlnar costume : "A
blood.red ahlr with silver buttns as
big , as shHlngs , an Immense Bcar for
girdle , fuU of pletols and aggers , red
CD red slpprs , broad blue.stlped
lacket an trosers. HiB servant , engaged -
gaged for the oclon , wore a Mame
luke dres ot crmn nnd gold. with
white turban thirty yars long , Id
! eab gUterng lke a rainbow. "
Where Snakes Are Fenrd.
In Val di Rosa , Itly , the serpnt Is
I traditonal terror. and the plaC Is
: elebrted tor a crious relgous cus-
om Imown as the rie ot the sake.
an Ascenson day the priest solemn-
: y lmmerses a harmless water fmako
! n a huse antquo basin , dng up on
\onte Bruno. The mountineers bo-
( Ieve thnt by rosen of this cer mony
ai the other snakes that intest the
ccunty w1 perish.
A Pro Pe.
A rustc youth , with laughing eye
sn.t . on II. fence munching pie. A
top.eared rai , wlh II. palnt.brush
tal n ar b o clover dId regale.
bumble bee came buzzlns along.
inl paused to sing the mule a song ;
out the mule for music had no car ,
.0 his heels few up In the ntmosphere
-and over the top of II. cherry tree
the boy soared on to eternIty.
Not a Bit of It
A man who thCght his rn wn
rn made a fed find that brought
bim bacle to pereot Malh.
"On year a ! I was unaMo to per-
rOIm' any lnbor and in tact I W tel
by my physicians that tey could do
othlng turer for mo. I W tast
sinking away. for In atace of grip
had left my stomach so weak It culd
not digest any fed sufciont to keep
mo alve.
"Ther I was 1us watng away ,
growing thinner every day and weale-
er , realy being snuted o.ut simply because .
I getlny nourishment.
cause cuk no
Crom food.
"Thon my sister got nfer me to
Grape.Nuts had done
tr fd whch
much god tor he and abe finally persuaded -
suadod be Rnd alJough n other fd
bad doe mo the leasL Wt ot good my
stmach handled th Grape-Nuts tram
to first and tbls 1'od 8upplo the
I ho ncoed. In three '
months I was s strong 1 moved { rom
Albany to Ban Francso and now on
my three meals or GJpe.Nuts and
cream eTer day I am strg and vigorous -
orous Ind do fiUNn hour' .
" 1 belevo ue Ilcltest persn 1 the
world culd d 88 1 do , cat three
meals of noting but Grpe.Nuts nnd
crem and son bo on their. fet again
in the nush of best healh lko me.
"Not only am I i portect phlcal
healh agln but my brain Is stronger
an cearer than It e'er WB on the
old diet I bO you wl wrio to the
1 Bond About
yu GrapNuts
tor I want Bee my friends Id
"Just think thlt a yor ago I was
, dying but tdY , alhough 1 nm ovr
55 ) onr o ago most people tke mete
to be less than 40 , and 1 feel just
young ! I lok. " Name given by Pos-
turn Co. , Datte Crock , Mlc
Tero's I rel&m.
Look tor the " .
lte bok "T. Rand
, " pkg.
t Welv1e i ech
Mikman Stol Alway Hndy.
While passing a pture. recenty 1
eaw II. ted to her
cw wih 0 rpe
horns about ten feet long w h a ce
llar blok lo t the end of to rpee
I did not know whnt It waS tor , Ane
aske the ano 0 to cw. "Tbat's
' " . "
mUldn' he. "I
mo sto" slld mik
In the pasture and wh I fnd me
Danger cw , m News. stel Is aways hand.- .
T. Wi Irs Mother
Mothor'Gray's Swet 'Powdo tor Cn.
dron , uo by Mother Oa . nurse in
ChUdron's .Uo , Now Yok , Cur Feve ,
Ishnss. Dnd Stprh , 'ohk Disordor.
move and rcguft thl an dCtry .
Wors Sld b1 al Drgsts , 2. Snmple
FUiE. AddrQo S , yN.Y.
The Coton Crp tn Egypt
The sowing o cote bgins gone
nlly about the of Fobrur In
upp r Egypt ad terminates in the
frst fortight , of AprU In tbo most
northerly pinces o 'lo er Egpt ;
ocasionall i ox pUonal yars , the
Gwing Is cntnued right up t the
end at Aprl without any Ilry to
the cop.
" , " j ' I
Canada's Atr ctfone.
The Dminlc Ehibitin 19 ono
that attract huqdrods 0 tousands
each ) \ . Th1 year i wl be held
in WI1lpg Manitoba ( Canada ) , and
wih the materol aststaoo given it
by the DminJon Overnlot , i w1
bo one of the most suc Oul over
held. Desldes the number or special
attrlctos that wi. bo otcred , there
w1 bo brught togeher an Qxhiblt
ot th Agrknlural and Idustrial re
sources ot as Is
suc rarel
attempted by any cultry. Visitrs
w1 be In numbers from
tbo l
the UnUed SlteD , owing to th low
rn.tQS . otero by ranwaya , cnnectng
the Canadian roads.
wih I Is ex-
peed thnt Hon. Clford &ton , Min-
Ister o the Interior. wi be there
on the aeaTng day to delaro te ex
hlbll0n op. splndi oporunity
w1 bl afored by thIs exhbition to
friends. Hotel
. w1 b quie ample
Wash Sheep With Fir Engine.
A use for enGine -
remarkab to fro
Gine In aicultral Enln Is sheep
washing. whlo may ' b sen In pror-
ress OI a larG' estate & Uxbrldce . ,
about fittce mUes ! Lndon _
Thce a lte stem fre ano thrws
glllons a on of
11 miute to feeco
each animn Even horses 61 wlhed . I
tn a simiar mannc. .
Imprnt t Matfer.
Eno carfly c'er'btl of CASrR
n uCo Blno to : ad
an rme ilt chldre
Bee U _
I t
BlgDtr o " .
1 Us For Over 30 YOn
T K YO Io AADoulht
W < 1 St Unmasked.
WaU Stro Is a Wonerlad to
most of us Even toe who hove
rlsltd tir money ony know tat
their money is lost e1 do nt know
how the trick ' done Anon ,
Captain Webb Invent. some
contlTanc In which ho Csn.ys . to go
over the Niaga or
Finacl trough
the Rapids. For 0 few days the world
gapes at him Ind the
waters swalow him. .
In the ser s ho is now for
EorYbody's Magalno , Mr. Llwson
promises to strip te dlsgiso from
Wal street He w1 describe Te
Thing in ,
01 is hideousnes so that
understanding-run. he who runs udesta ad \
A , voman's Ieo or eomy Is to
trade some old ting she needs for
fC. some now ' fmg tat she ha no use
Pleasanty sosasonablo w1 bo John
, Burrough's arUclo In the Augst Century -
tury of "What D Animals Kow ? "
! in contnuaUon ot the lately
: publshed. Mr. Burrghs paprs boleves
that the unite
anlmns BUc isnor-
nnce wih Buch apparent knowlego ,
such with such .
c vocs.
that In our estmato of thom wo ae
apt to r te their wit eiter t higher
or too low. His artcle In The Cen-
tury's Midsummer Holiday Numher '
\1 discuss in dotal the crious Ig-
naranco aimal show so ofen ad
w1 rank Dtwln , Llod Morgan ,
Charles St. John ,
nd Thedore
Roosovel . as authorllos on natur
An Ohio spinster has been frrcsted ,
for abductng an elght'yel.old boy. '
Next tmo she'l know enough to t
one of her size. ,
. 0
The JulyAtantc , In Is hlndsom6
new dress , with
opens an artcle on
"Washingto in 'Vatme , " drawn
trm Ralph Waldo Emerson's journal
of a visit to tot city In 18G2 recrd. \
ing pen pictures and notes of conver
snions with Lncoln , Seward , Bum. I
ner , Chase and others. Arbbald H.
Grimko contributs 0 thougtul pa'I l I
per upon "Wby Dsfranchsemont Is I
DI , holdin that apart kor is 1e. I
saly. it Is disticty injuri us to the
best interests or the whlo south aa \
well as bad fo the neg ad that I
It forebodes a futurQ .
sometme c.
test In conseuonce ' 'etwon the I
bor system a the south Id the 1& 1
bar syst m or the rest of te naton.- i ,
I is up to a man to pay his rnt ergot
got 0 move on himsel.
Ty me just once nd I am
come aln. . lur
Delance Starc.
Bmoken fnd ' I Bingle Dlnderl
Itrtlght / cgnr bttr quiy t n mol 1
\ , .
1 brnd , - Peria Il.
The man who
ao I
a bd ma just fed out {