Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 28, 1904, Image 8
- . , . ' ' . - - ' , , " , ' - - ' - ' " " " - - ' . - - ' ' . " ' , \ : : : " : : : : ( , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . : , 1i'i.ftl. iiI 1.rr' . . L.lIT. i'ri'rJ.r : II. ; . : IL. { Wifj' . : ! t . . . _ fJu.ltoL. i ' : " ; r { . j . 'JJ. ; _ f't.1i C\1""m..Jj"I\Il..Irt" / . ' { j , ! jiytft-i . . " : . . . . . . r.1 / " . . - " ; "I : . . . J. , I . . ' . . . 'f.i.I' . . . ; . . . .m. ' ' . : , " UIOo ; j ! it. . . 'i .ua'i 2' "lii ' 'rfr" MJi , ' " U(6'ii:1 , : , f. . . . . fJ . . . - "I. 3i ! ' = u r-\ . I jII' III : . " .I ! f"ran d . A penlng D I M : ; ; ! - u . , : ' . " , : I , ' ! " 1" " ? . . . WHAT . . . . . . ? : i I. i j lTh e R egu .1 .8 t. , . [ 1 . M W , ' \U \ " ; ; 1 A Swell , e , -To-Date Dry Goods Mf ; find FurnIshIng Store : ; I'6' ; , iM . ' 1.tM " 'i'I ji. . . WHEN ? . . . . I I CIRCUS DAY , MONDAY , AUGUST 11 , .e J lll i , , i. . i : " .1 I" : . . WHERE r" . . . \1 \ , If Broken Bow , Nebraska , North Side , 3 1 In th Opera Block , Where Yon See f1 # : J the SIgn . _ 11 \ " ' ! : I" : H . , : tj u : ' Th e "R egu ' 1 at or " . , t . I ! r f Ijo : : - , . " ' : ' ft : J. If You Want to See "Big Doin's" , August 1st. , Go to 4. _ . . . . t. \II \ [ ! ) . . . . . . . . . . . < . n ! < ; "i : J -.e e u 1d . - , or 1 . < ' D , , ' I If Yon Like Good Ice Cl'ea and Cake . ; Go to . . . . " - w. ! . . : " 1. j ! . ! . . . . -I : ' - . , " . . -JILJIL e egu1a1or ; ; , , . ' . ; . I ' : } . : ; ; ! I"i : " . . . , : ! If ou Enjoy xtra Good Music , tJ r Go to . . _ . . . . , & .IH ! iiI " : ( . . . . . . . . - . . ij " -I : . - . . . . . .e egu 1. . , or J l _ M I ! f If You AI'e Loolting For Dry Goods ' l . . , . . " , : JM i1 or F. h. lngs R 19 I 1 t , go t 0 , , - f : 1. ,1..u " . iJ : , M JI f 11,1" f 1 T E R E G U LA TOR'u Mi. : . .1 , : U "I' . If You Want Credit , Don't go to t l ] ' " ' ITHE REGU'LAT"'OR ! h . ft . : . . . : : : : Good music all day. Free ice cream [ .r all day. A good' time all' d ; lY at ; . . ! ' : .r. i T H E REGULATORI J - - ff } . I At 9 P : m. , there.'v . ill be } 'endcred the g J followIng special programme . - . . i 1 , , d , ' , " . : ' . . . . ' _ ' " ' : . " , I : ) ' D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\ [ ' II . d Sl . m f" . . . , . ! . l. : ' lane . ue. . \ ' ' .1' ISSfS 0 C0111u an nnn n , . , " O. S b'fi t. , b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 'l'l Cl" l'n . : Pentn1r Peac I lca lon Y. . Ie ovn I. ! : ' : : ' : . . V ocal Solo. b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ tSS E lntna E gbert : ' 'i " " lit . n Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Le\vis 1ale Quartette , : ; . : " , Cornet Special Solo. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . Rev. . . Putman W. ' { . ! : x : " , .t V oca 1 S 010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\.1' ISS l' \ lnnte ' Inn ' Jrij " : . Selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paragon 1ale Quartette ! \ : i - : V ocaISolo. . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S upt. J . GV . L. flli Mi . . . . . . ; : ' . & "Toasts" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. R. 'l'eagarden n. . : ; t' , Piano Duet. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Misscfi Holcom and Shinn W. 'i . m ' : II Be i.n the' Swim I . f . GET NEXT TO t 1 'i : I' a t 1 " " ; "THE REGULATOR" " ! ' ' . , . t' ' . . . . r . : ; ; : jII rmtwli1:1rr.w f. . 1 .Wf. j'i.'II'hH ' f : .M J. _ . . l . . . . ; . ! .1l.w : _ . . . . . l . ! . ) ' : i:1 I- ' L . . . . Mm . -'I"J : . . . ! ; ati.-IJj. ! l. . . Pli . . , . ( i r. I'r' . . , . . . " . . _ u. . - . . . . . . . - . . . . - - . _ _ _ -v- . - - - . . . . Mrs. Barber of Franklin , Neh. , ii a guest in the city of Mrs , Geo. Pa 1ner. She came up with her son , l rank , last l rida . v morning. Capt. II. F. Kennedy hs re- signcd as captain of Co. M. and 2nd IAeut. JD. C. Pickett has he en elected to fill the vacancy. Capt. Kennedy living on a f.\rl11 found he could not continue in ofiice in justice to himself or business. In the matter of his company being called out on the 28th of June , he exhibited a written order from the Adjutant Uencral and the Governor , ordering - . ing the company out on that date. : This exhonorates the offiers of the company for their action. Legal Notices. LEGAL ADVEUTI6KUKSTII. AU adnrtlsemenh nnder tbla head " .11I be charged for at levll ratu , vlzi 11.00 pfr aquare tor Orat In ortlon , and 'Oc per aquare for eacb aUbsoquelt Inlortlou. . "square" la len linea or traction thereat. ROAD NOTICE. To whom It lIIay cOllcerll : A pelltloll bavlllll' ueellllied III tbe oftice of tbe coullty clerk o ( Cllster coullty. Nebraska , by Henry Sweeuey aud others. fortbe establl&h. lIIent o ( a pllbllc road bell'llInl1l1r at tbe soutb west cornPf o ( section scvell (71 ( In towlIsblp 18 1I0rth , Rallire 2Z. west. HUUllhl1l' thclICe east 011 section IIl1e , tbrce I11l1es to tbe 1I0rth cast corncr o ( Section 16. Township 18 , Hallll'e 2 . A II obJectiolis thereto , or clalllls for dalllaires be filed lu tbe couuty clerk's omce 011 or before 110011 o ( the 12th da ) ' o ( A UlI'ust , 1904. or such road will be established wltbollt tberelo. III Wltnes'l Whereof. I have hcreullto set lilY hand and scal or salll COllllty. tbl ! ! 29tb da ) . of June. 1904. Gl\o. W. Dswsy. Coullty Clcrk. 4.7-74 ( S&AL ) By Jos. PIGMAN. Deput ) . . HOAD NOTICE. To wholllit lIIay couccrn : A petitio II havillII' bee II filed III the office of tbe COllllt ) . clerk of ClIster coullty. Nebraka. ! by D. W. Killenbarll'cr alld R. J. Kelleasldllir that a public road be eltabllsbed bC1I'11I1I11I1r at the 1I0rth.westcorlier , of Section 32 , Towllsblp 18. Rallll'c 21 rUloIllIIIl thellce east 011 the sectlo" IIlIe olle.bal/mlle / to the haltsectloll corller be. tween Sections and 32. All obJectiolls tbere- tt. or clalllls for dalllalr'el , must be lIIed III tbe county clerk's office 011 or before 110011 of tbe 12tb day of AUlI'ust.I904 , or sllch road will be establlsbed without reerellce thereto. III Wltlless Whereof. I bave herelillto set my hand alld seal o ( said COllllty. tbls 2'Jth day o ( Jllue.I904. Glo. 'V. Dlm'ICOllllty Clerk. 4.7-72 ( SIAL ] By Jos. PIGMAN. Deputy. SCIIOOI. , I.AND AUCTIOI'i. ; 'rbe followlllll' described lalld III Cllster COUll. ty will be offered ( or lease at pllbllc allctloll at COllllt ) . treaSllrer's omce III Brokell Doll' . Ne. bra'lka. 011 Jo'rlday. AUlI'ust 5th. 1' 20'cloclc p. III. 'rerllls o ( leaslllll' alld al'pralsed vallie ma ) ' be bad Oil appll atlon to Comlllissioller o ( Pllbllc I.allds aed Dull dill irS. I.llIcolll , Neuras. ka , or to cOllnly treasllrer at Brokell Doll' . Tbls lalllcall1lot be redeellled after second Issue of advertiRelllellt. All 36.16-25. III your reply please refer to tbls IIl1l11ber. B.297. GEO. D. FOLL1InR : , 5-j-j6 COlli. Pub. I.allds & Dldlls. ARTICI.ES OF INCORPORATION OF TIlE I.OUP V AI.I.EY EI.EC'1'RICAI. , RAII.ROAD COMPANY. KiloII' alllllell b } . these presellts : That we. Jacob Miller. D. E. RoblllSOll , C. ' 1' . I1011lday. Adam Sensei. A. J. Morall. G. J. Hamlllolld , C. C. Babcock. Johll Pluch , R. E. Alleu. W. C. Deitz , Ira P. 1\1 Ills , CharIeR I1ardlll , D. D. SlnllnR , ha'e a'lsoclated ollr elves tOlrether alld b ) ' tbese presellts do associate ollrselves tOll'etb. er for the pllrpose o ( fonnlllll' alld beCOlIIlIIII' a corporatloll In the State of Nebraska , II'ltb power to bllild. lIIallltalll alld operate an electrl. cal rallll'a ' 111 Halll ' . ) state. cOllllllellclull' at Dro. Iccli Doll' . Custer county. Nebrallka. b ) ' way o ( Aruold , . alld rUlIlIIIl1I' tbroulrh the cOlillties o ( Lincolll , l.olI'all and Cnqter. 111 tbe Stale o ( Nebraska. and terllllllatlnJ ( at Gamly. LOlfall cOllllt ) . . Nebrallka. Cor wlalch plln'o" , . we lIa'c adoph'd alld hereby adopt the 1011011'11111' Articles o ( ll1corporatlon : . 1st. 'I'bc lIallle o ( said corporatloll sball be Tbe I.OIlP Valley Electrical Hallroad COml'all ) ' of Nebraska. alld tbe principal place o ( trails. actlnilits busilless sball be the City of Arllold , COllllty of Cusler. alld State o ( Nebraska. 'I'be meetlnlrs of said Doard o ( Directors shall be beld 111 tbe city o ( Aruold. III said state. 2nd. 'l'be lIatlire o ( tbe.bllsilless to be trailS' acted by said c6rporatlc.1I sbaJ1 IJe tbe cOllstrnc- tlOll , lIIallitalnance alld operatloll o ( all electrl. cal rallroall or electrical rallruadsalld branche' ! 111 the State of Nehraska alld all ) ' sllcb otber states allll territories ai'o ' It lIIay acqllire corporate - ate rlllht to elltcr ( or tbat pnll > o"e. 3rd. 'rhe alltborlzed cal.ltal stock of said corporatloliliball be Olle 1\11111011 alld , 110 olle. bllndredtlu ; dollars III shares o ( one bUllllred dollars each. to be IIlIb'lcrluod alld I'ald as reo qllired b ) ' the Board o ( Directors oC said com. pall ) ' III obedience to tbe laws of tbe State of Nebraska. Said capital Rtock lIIay be Illcreall. cd 111 a mallner provided b ) ' law to SlIcb all alllount as lIIay IJe deellled lIeCessary to accolII. pllsh the pllrpo'le o ( tblM corporatloll. 4th. ' 1'be exlstellce of tbls corporation shall COllllllellCI ! 011 tbe 18tb day o ( Jnllc. A. D. 1904. ' alld Mhall termillate on the 18th da ) " of Jnlle. A 'D.OJ.lll1less ! ) sooner dlssolvcd or contllllled 111 a'\cordance with law. "th. , ' 1'he bllSllle'lll of 8al < I corporotlon shall be cOllduclcd h ) ' a Board o ( 1 > lrectors. lIot to ex. ceed sevell In lIulllber. to be elected by the stock holders. alllluallly. at RIICb tlllle and place as ilia ) ' IJe ) 'rcscrlbell by tile b.laws of Ralll cOIIII'aln. IIOt IIIColIslhtelit wltb tbe laws of the Slate u ( Nebraska. 6tb. The onicers of said corporatloll 8ball be a PreRldellt. Vlce.I'rebldellt , Secretary alld 'l'reasllrer , wbu sball IJe choscli by the 1I0ard o ( IIlr..clors. alld wbo sball bold onice ( ur the ) 'erlod o ( on" year alld IIl1tll their SlIcceRoors sball IJ elecled alill qualltiell. III cas" lIe au ) " vacauc ) " , It shall be tilled by th" relllallllllil lIIelllbers o ( tbe Board of IIlr.tors : all o ( wblcb onicers shall be elected frolll alllOll1r tbe stock boldenl of Maid Corporatloll. 7tb. ' 1'1" , hlll'hest allloullt o ( II111eutedlle8R to which said ; : urorat on call , at an ) ' tillie , subject - ject It lieU Mllallllot be 1II0re tball 1'lve l1uudred ' 1'llOlisallll ami 110 oue.hllmlredtlul dollarll. 8th. ' 1'he manlier IIf hollll1ll1' the lIIeelllllls o ( siockboillerll Cor the clectloll o ( dlrectorll. the clectloll oC oftir-crll. allli the method o ( cOllduct. lul. : ' Ihe IJII"IIII'S'I o ( halll c01'loratlon. shall be pr"licrlbl'II b " Ihe b.lawli ) ) all adopted by the Hoard of 1 > lrectors. III Wltll si Wher..o ( . 'l'h. . IIlId.'rslll'lIed bave herellilto s..t tbelr bando alld healll this 1Hth da } . o ( Jllile. 1904 : JACOUIII.LUR. . II. g. ROIllNtON. C. ' 1' . IhlLLIIM \ ' . AllAM SI\NfiIlL. A. J.1\loKHAN. G. J. 11 A 111 111 ON II. C. C.lIAUCOCK. JOliN PINCII. R. . AI.r. : N. \ \ ' . C. IhtLTZ. IRA P.I II. Lt : . CIIARLlttl ItIlRD&N. D. 11. S11II1IIS. STATU or' NIIII1AtlltA. t CUSTIII COUNTY. f ! I . 01llhl6 18th da ) ' o ( Juue. A. D. 1904 , before III" , a NOlary Pllbllc. dilly cOlllmlsslolled aud 'Illalified amI rebldlllll' III said cOllllt ) . alld IItate of Neuraska , per bOil all v appeared JacolJ 1\lIl1er , 11. I : . UOUIIISOII , C. 'I' . 11011lday. . . . .dalll Sellsel. A. J. Morll'all. G. J. Hammolld , Ira P. Mills , C. C. lIabcock , Jobll 1 IIICh , R. E. Alleu. W. C. 1Ieltz. Davis SIII\IIIS , Charles l1ardlll , persoll. allv kllowil to lIIe the IIleutlcal ) , er601l" wbose II a III ell are atlached to tbe Corell'oll1l : ' IIll1trll. lIIeut alld se\'eral1) . ackuowledlred the sall1" to be their \"ollilltao. act alld deed for the PIl1'l'O ses therelll set ( orth. Witlleb1l lilY halld aud lIotorlal seal the datI ! last abe , " " wrlttell. A. G. 110 ' ' Notar ) 1'1I1ANl c. STATU 01' NJuRAlKA.l ! , COli NTO ' CUIiTltK. IllS. I. Gl'o. 11. Malr. Clerk o ( the District COllrt III allli Cor bald coullty.sal. ( . COIII'l belliII' a cOllrt o ( ft.cor"l 110 herd. ) . centh' Ihat tht ! anllt'xl.11 III. strlllllelit Is ex"cllte,1 alld aclcuowl".lIn.,111I dlle Corlll accoHlIlI1C to the lawli o ( Ihe Statt ! u ( Ne. braska tu 1'lItltle It tu bt ! recorded thtlrelill also that . . . . . . f : . Uolmall. beort hem th. . I'ame wall ) 'wn'd ami ackulI\\I'lre.1 ! ! was.I th. . time of taklullllilch proof alld ackmowl..d\Cemelit. a uotary'ubllc III a 11I1 for sal,1 cUIIIII ) ' , lluly qualilled alld alithorlze,1 to take tht ! sallie. alld I furthar cenlf ) ' thai 1 alii weU acqllalliled wllh th" RllI'uallire o ( the . .a 111 . . . . . . G. 1I01lIIali. a 1I0tOr ) . ) ' "bllc , III allll fur lIald COli lit ) . allli verll ) ' believe tbe lillmature 10 thu lIald certilicate to I IJ lCellllllll' . \\'llIIelis 1111111 < 1 and tbe . .eal o ( Raid cOllrt at IIrok , , " 1I0\v. IlIlIald COUIII ) ' this 2jlh da ) " 01 JlIlIl. . . . . . . . D. 1904. ( Ju. 1i.l\1A1" , 7.11-7:1 : LSI : AL ) CJ"rk , - , . . " . ' . , < I - - , . _ - . . - - - . : . . : - - I , . , . . . . . . . . , "r' : Broken Bow , Monday : Amrust 1st Gollmar Bros. ' ENORMOUS RAILROAD' SHOWS. rl'hree Ring Oircus , : Museum : Menagcrie and Hoyal Roman llippodrome. Two Herds of Performing Elephants I . I . , The L rgast Ilippotamus : : in Captivity A Show Organized to Please the Peovle of theY orld. 'l'he . incomparable Equestrian , : Miss Lizzie Hooney. . , The Petet Family , European Stars , first appearance in America. Zelia , TOhe marvelous II and Balancer , the only act of its kind ever' seen. 20 - Funny Laugh Making Clowns. 20 . . r ! Marvelous trained Horses. 'rhe ouly Big Railroad Show coming this .year. A Grand Free tr et Parade every morning at 10 o'clock will pass through the pnnctpal streets , the most magnificent - . ficent , colossal pageant ever witnessed. Seven open dens of wild animals. Chariots , Ta leaux , Gorgeous Floats , Mounted Horses , many kmds of Music , etc. All Absolutely Free. Two Performances Daily , Afternoon and Night. DDors Open I and 7. One Ticket Admits to All. Remember the Day .and Date. : Broken Bow , Monday , .August 1st. ' - - COllnly Conrt Cnster COllnt ) . . Nehraqlm. I ' 1'0 tbe belrs alld next ot kill o ( Alb rt licit. 8chlllller. deceased. YOII are bereb ) . lIotlfied tbat Rasmus Ander. SOli. II'lIardlan and creditor o ( said deceased. bas filed bls petltloll In said cOllrt. askluir that he lIIay be appolnled admlllistrater o ( tile es. tale o ( AIIJert Bertschllllrcr. "ecealled. Yon are. fllrlher notilled tllat 8al,1 Ra"lIIlIlI AllderliOll , as Irnardlall of tbe estate o ( saI < l dcceased lias filed III tbls cOllrt his report alld lIetitioll for dlscbarlle as SlIcb II'lIardlall. Said mattersha\'e beell lIet for bearlllll' ( or Anll'lIst 27tll , 191 > > , at 10 o'clock a. 10. . at the cOllnty cOllrt roolll In Drulcell lIow , Nebraska , wllell all Intercsted Iartlell ilia ) " allpear and be heanl. Uated tbls 25111 Ilay o ( JII1) ' . 1 ? 4. 7.JOjfJ ( ! mAL ] J. A. ARMOUR. Cnnllty Jndlre. APPROPRIATION OHDINANCI . AlI ordillalice allllroprlatlllll' mone ) " ( or all c ( ty ) ' "rposes ( or the City o ( Uroken How. N. . . . IJrasla , ( or tbe l1'1cal year clldlllll' tbe first 'I'liesda ) ' o ( 1\Iay , l1J05. and IIxlull tbe 1111 III be r o ( 11I11 Is to IJe levied 1111 each dollar o ( taxable ) , ro. pert ) . for tbe pllrpose o ( ral1I111' revellne for said appropriation. Be It ordailled by thc 1\Ia'or and City Conllcll o ( the Clt ) " o ( Urokell Dow. Neliraska : Section I. 'l'hat tbere Is bereu ) ' approprlate,1 ( rom tbe lIIolleYII raised by taxation ( rolll Ihe assessable pmpert ) . of the City o ( Drokell lIuw. Nebraska. tor'arlolls ) 'lIrIlOse'l , SIlIl1S as ful. lows. to.wlt ; GeneralllIrlloses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ joe I Slreet and Url..llo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'jOO Ot1icers lIalarle < ; \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 800 l lectrlc IIgbt fllnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 UOUll and sill kill II' ( nil d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1400 I laYlllellt 011 CIl ) ' I.ots amllntercst 011 de. ferre,1 paym"t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 City IIlrhtlulrl'"rposes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 City wat"rworkli IIlIrlloses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OUO I $ ; 9.50 Sectloll 2. 'l'hat for tbe purpo'le o ( rjillllnl : ' sahl 811111S for tbe ) 'lIrpooes berelll specilled , or liO lIIuch thereof as lIIay be lIecesllary to , lcCra ) ' the actual CXtense'l and liabilities o ( sal,1 CIU' . there Islevl..d on each dollar of taxable tH'O. Ilerty In said city the followllllr' ' II11111IJer o ( IIIl11s , tu.wlt : Gelleral fllud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 mills Street and bridge. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01 IIIlIls Ot1icerM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 IIIl1ls Uefindlllll' ( ulld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 III II Iii Il1terest Oil bOlldll au" IIllIklllll' { nUll. . . . . 7mllill 1 lectrle IIIht. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511I1111 ; Sectloll3. Tbls ordlnallce sball IJe III force ( rolll and after Its 11a8'1all'lI. alll.rO\'al a 'III 11111111. cation as ) 'rovlded by law. Pallhed , adopted. al'\ed al\ll ordered IIlIh. IIlibed this 2111t day o ( J 111) ' . 1904. G. W. AI'I'Ilt.1\Ia'or. 7-77 ! ! mAL ) H. D. I'ICKITT. CItrk. ! NO'I'ICI HOAD . To wholll It may concern : A petltloll ba11I1I' beell filed III the olce of tbe cOllllt ) . clerk of Cnllter conllt ) ' . Neuraslca. asklllll' that a Pllbllc road COUllllencl1111' at tbe soutb west corner pf Sectloll : tl. 'l'owlIsblp 16. Ranll'e t9. all" rullnlllir tbellce lIortb two lulles. \"aca\ed for tile reason that said road Is IIn. pas81ule alld Is lIot travelled. All ouJectiolls thereto. or claims for damalres. 111116t be l Ied III tbe COli lit ) . clerk'/i onice 011 or before 110011 o ( the tweJtb day o ( Anlrllst. 1904 , or sllcb road wl1l be vacated wlthollt rcCerellce tbl1reto. III 'Vltness 'Vllcreo { . I have herellllto set lilY hand alld seal of said COIIIII ) ' , this 2'/lh day o ( JUlie , 1904. GEO. W. Di > WE\ ' . CUIIIIClerk. . 4.7-75 ( SIAL ) ll ) ' Jos 1'IOMAN. Depllt ) . . CON'I'I ST NO'I'ICI- : . United States I.alld Oltice , t Droken Bow , Nebra/ilca. JUlie 18 , lQO.1. f . . . . . 811t1iclellt cOlltest allidnlt : havl\'llIlI' beell filed III this ot1ice b ) " Marlon S. Dally. cOllt..S. tallt. alralnst 1I0mestead elltl ) " No. : tll70. UI de September 17. 1901. for lIortbwelit qllarter Sec. tlOII 8. 'I'owushlpO : N. . Hallll'R 20 W. . IJ ) . JolIlI 11. &dwards. , colltestl'eln wllich It Is allell'ell tllat Johll U. dwards II II aualldoue" lIalllaud aud Is absellt tllerdrolll lId hall beeu for lIIore thall ulle yeu last ) .ast : tbat b" has falle" to IJlllld or I'rect a bOllse thelCOII or otber 1.lac" u ( aIJode : bllt bali totall ) " aballdolleIRald lalld. all o ( whlcll deCeclli exlht at this tlllle. Said ) , ar. ties are hereb } ' uotltled to apllear , respolld alld offer evillellce tOllchllllr said allelatloll at 10 o'clock a. nt. Oil Allirust 10. 1\104. udore the Helrlster alld Receiver at the Uultlld States Ialld omce In IIrokell Bow , NebraRka. The Raid conteRtallt bavlnll. lu' a ) lrOper a lIdavlt. tiled Jllne 11 , 1904 , Stlt fortb factR'blcb sbow I that aft"r due dlllll'ence perRollal hen-Ice of tbls lIotlce call 1I0t be lIIalie. It Is hereby ordered alld dlr.'Cted that sucb notlc bc II'h' , , " by dll" alld proper pUbllcatlolllu thll ClIster COUI't ) ' Uepl/IJ. I IIcau , publlslllld at IIroken 1I0w. Nebraska. I .7. ( , ; JAlIKi ! WUlTKUSAD , Hei"lster . , Europe's li'amous Aerialists , The Ashtol1s. The Dahns , Sensational High Wire Artists , first appcarance in. this country and 250 other circus acts. - - . I 1WAI > NO'1'ICI . ' 1'0 wholll It ilia ) ' CUllcerll : A petltioll havillI : ' beell Hlell III Ihc oRice o ( I the cOllllty clerl ( of Cllhtcr cOUllty , Neuraska , f by C. I. . GllttenOlI aud other" asklug that a pllbllc roall be esta llshed as follows : De. I gllllllllg at the sOllth'east corller o ( Section 30. J. . . , 'l'owlIshll' 17. Hallll'e 20. I'UIIIIIIIII' thellc 1I0rth , . aloll\ ( the hectlon II lie onlllllile to Illtersect wltb . . . road rllllllllllHlit on hectlon IlIle hetweell Sectluus If } atlll2 . allli : t' } alld ; 11) . All objec- tlolili thereto. or clallll'l COI' lIalllaltes , IIIl1st be . meliin the cUlillty clerl11 ol1ke 1111'or hefore 1I00n o ( the 1lh ; dl ) ' o ( AlIlI'list. I'XH. or liuch road 11'111 be l'stabllshell without referellce thereto. III Wltlless'lwrlluC , L have herellllto Ret lilY haml alld seal u ( I < ahl coullty. tills : t'tl1 day o ( J IIl1e. 1')0.4. . Gno. W. DIWln" . COllllt ) . Cleric. 4.7-73 ( SltO\L ) B ) " Jos. I'IOMAN , I > cputy. , HOA U NO'l'ICt . 'I'o whom It . ilia ) cOllcern : A ) 'etltloll l1avlllll" heell tiled In the onice of the coullt ) " clerk o ( Cllster cOllnt ) . , Nebralila. hy J. N. Hllillolir ; 11111 othe1'l ; aliklllg that a ) llIb- , I IIc roa,1 be eMtabllshe,1 blllllIlI III If at the liollth. : west corller o ( Sec tlo II 21. 'l'owllshlp 18 , Hallll'e j 2 ; ! , rUllnlll1 : ' thellc" east 011 the S.'ctloll IIlIe to I the lIolltl1.east corller o ( Sectloll 21 : 'J'btlllce ' , lIurtb Oil sectloll IIlIe to the 1I0rtl1'east corner o ( I lialll Sectloll 21. , Also cOllllllellclllg at the sOllth.west corller of . Section 2 . 'l'olVllllhlp 1M. Raulre Z. aud rlllllllllll' thllIce cast 011 II' ' " Sccllon IIlIe to the I < ullth.l ast corner o ( Sectloll Z. Alhu CUIIIIIICIICIIlI : ' at the 1I0rth.east corller o ( I Sectloll 2Z , all" rlllllllulI' sOllth on the . .ectloll IIl1e to the sOllth.east cOrllcr oC Section ; , 'l'OWIIShll' 18. Uallll'e : tZ. All oljectlolls threto. i or clallllll for .Ialllall"es. IIIl1l1t hc llIell In the C"lIl1ty clerk's ollice Oil or beCore lIoon uf the lttb : day o ( Allltll..t. 1')0.4 , ur RIICh road will be estaIJlllllwd wlthollt referellce thereto. 111 'VltlleliRVIItHeoC. . I have herellllto set III ) ' halld amI the ot1iclal heal o ( lIald cOllllt ) " . this : t'tl1 "a ) ' o ( Jlllle , I < } ( H. GIW. 'V. DIt'ICOllllt ) . ClerIc. , 4.7-71 ( SItAI. ) lIy Jus. PIGMAN , I > eput } ' . : .r - HOAD NO'I'ICI . - t : , ' 1'0 wholll It lIIay couccrll : I 'l'h" cOlIIlIIlssloner ; IPPOlllh'd to view alld If _ deellle.1 ( or the ImhUc ! Court tu locah ! a plIIJllc . malllttltluued fLr hy Jesse Halld } ' alld tithers. , ' cOllllllellclll1l' at a ) lOllit about SO mllR west of , the 80Ilth.\\'elit ( S ' ' , \ \ corllllr u ctlon 1. 'l'uwlllll1lp 16. Rallire : tl. alld rllllllllll : ' thellce Nurth to the celltre o ( Ihe health IIlIe o ( Section 36 , 'l'uwllshlp t7. Halillc : tl : 'l'heucl1 1I0rtil aill/llr the celltre lIue of salll Hectloll ahollt 120 rolls : 'l'hellce In . a IIlIe 1I0rth o ( cast to the celltro oC the cast IIl1e o ( lialll Section 36 , 10 a pllbllc mall at that ) Ioillt , haR reportcII III la\'or uf the eolahllslllllellt ther..o ( , allli all objectioliR thelct" . IIr clallll"l " ( or dalllall'es , lIIust ue Iile" III th cOllnt ) . clerk's . omce 011 or ueforc nooll o ( the ltlh : da ) ' o ( AIIII'II"I. I'II. ur slich mall will he established wltllollt r"Cerellce tl1ereto. In'ItIlC' > S Whereof. I havc herellllto set lilY hand arul 8eal o ( lIald COIIIItbll > : t9tl1 da ) . of . Jlllle.I'N4. Gl > o.V. . DRW1 \ ' . COlillty Clerk. oI.7-jO ( SItALJ Ih" Jos. I'IG1\IA . Deputy. - I . . . . . . . . .llerd Ile..eleellly. . . . . . . . . Crlmlon 8coU. No. 17,0\5. : , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ , . , . : \11 , ; ' ' ' , . - . , ' ' ' " , 1. . , . IY : . t' . * , > . 111 . .f " , j , , ' , ' ' ' ' 'I ,1' ' : ' : " .f j' - ' , .a l r.J" . , . - < . . J. G. BRENIZER , Breeder of Pure Scotch IInll Scotob 'rOPlled Short lIorn Cat. 110. All herd nUllluera 40 oowa. Will COnll'are 111 bre llInll aud 'Iuallt ) ' wltb any WOSI or Oblcago. ) Iy ullerlence b&ll hugbt me that to Ilve Jood latlatactlou , breudlng cattle ! Uuit ue raised In this altllude. I ul'let to raise ' here tbo eQual or III1)'thllll ; " , laud III theD' II. 1 UlW bave bulla lIuUabla for tllia. and next ) 'ear'lI tlHYleo. Aly cows welgbltrom 1400 tQ pOllnda. " ' 0011I1 andlloo themt