tI , ' " , . . , . , . , , " ' . I ! IJ J . , , . . , jpo. . I : ' _ _ . ! . ; . ! : i It \ " , i , . , , 0 ; ' ( . , ' . ; : . : . , . : : ' . j , , . , . I ' , I . j 'i \ ; . ' { ' ' ' ; ' : . ' I . } . ii ii0' , ; , \ 0'A .5olutcly Pure-- : . , . , - For the third of a century the ! : - . / standard for strength and purity. . . It. I . t. m'akes the hot bread , hot biscuit , I " I. } , ' " cake and other pastry light , sweet t , . . and excellent in eve ! quality. ' . ' . ! , A " { . , No .other bakIng povder IS . . . . " ' , : . " "Just as goo d as R oya 1" , elt h er In . , i.j ; : / ' . , ' strength ; purity or'wholesomeness. . 'II- " " . ' : > > .1 ! rJt 1Ir : " I f ! , . . .j' " . \ . . 'i . 'ti\ . . ' . , . . . - ROYAL BAKING . - POWDER , CO. , 100 . _ WilliAM - ST. . - NIW YORK. . . . ; ' ' , , - _ . . , - - - . . . . . . .1' . . . - - - ' - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - . . ' , ; .tl J ! .r' 'lf Big Hhun4IIIIing' ( . " - - "i : . r. Gol1mar Bros. ' Big Hailroad : ' . ' . Show is in tile city today , qnd ? j''I the city lias presented an unUSl1- . . : ally I'cly I appearance. Large I . & . : ' crowds gathered along the streets " to witness tile i.g s reet parade " at ten o'clock tIns forenoon , and : nOlle were disappointcd. ' ! 'he k performance this afternoon was . . first-class , and was greeted y a t . , crowd which taxed the .seating capacity to the ringside. Every 'f part of the program was excel- t : , : lent , and many new and wonder- i' . . , rul f ats were introduced which won applause from the audience. \ " ' .rhe ig menagerie was just as "ad\'ertised b ) ' the Gollmar Bros. , and the numerous specimens of wild animals attracted much at- tettion ! , including the blood exuding - uding hippoptamus. 'L'o-night _ they gh'e another performance , and , without dou t will again ; fill their big tent. It's a big show and a good show and well deserves the liberal patronage - accorded it.Vindica tor , Ulune- lander , Wis. . . . 'Vi1l exhi it at Broken Bow , Monday , August 1. . $6 90 tn 1.llIcn' " nlld Itchlrn. On ! 1CCO lI1t of Um'orth - ; I.cnguJ As- seUlbly the Burlinglou will sell tickets ' . at $6.90 , on August : ! to II , inclusiye. . -t. : An educational , iutcrcsting Ullli nmus- ing program is olTcrclI , to which the following will contrihutc : Dr. Frank Bristol , OOycl1lorIaFoleltc of Wisconsin , Dr. John I\lerriUc Driyer , Dr , Byron W. King' . ) )1' . 1\1 , n. C. l\Iasou , Ross Cral\C , Gail l.r11lghlin , WilLer l . Crafls , Samuel Dickic , C. S. Palmcr , Lotus Glee Cluh , I\Irs. l\Iinnie 1\larshatJ Smith , Dr. 'fo'oldchi , Ij'cnaga of the University of Chicalo. Prof , I. . D. Hich. horn , and thc orulll1al SlaytOli Juhilcc Singers. \Vrile for pamphlet "SOII\'cllir Talent , " which will tell YOll all ahout it , I" W. WAKItI.IW , General Passcngcr Agcnt , 6.8 Omaha , Nehraska. Poplllist'I'ln-nsllll' ' UnllclIs. At the caucus Saturday afternoon - noon , the populists plac d in nomination a township ticket. ] _ _ _ _ - M . _ ' tlEATOSE Flaked wheat. 'rJ ' 8 lb. packages. All high-class grocors. .b. . . - - - - - - - W1L1JIS OADWJCIJIJ _ lb. " " { ) 'I1m Bl1 ! f.311l'I ! > n' . , H ILL SIDE IIEHFORDS and Duree Jauoy J\og \ bred IInllaold. r llJlool1 oUbeir class , AlIdrf e , 0 R. O.UHVELI. . Droken Bow , Nellfluka - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - An org-anizatiOJI was effected Uj' electing C. W. Beal chairman , and I . R Wimmer , Secretary. I E. D. 1\Iarquis was uomiuated for sl1penisor , Dean Holcomb for treasurer and Barney Marquis for clerk. Head o\'erscers : First district , G. R Hussom ; second , Bcn Holcombj third , S. M. Derris ; fourth , II. 1\1. Sulhvan ; fifth , W. A. Hayward ; sixth , B. R. l\Itller ; seventh , H. M. Coble. . , Callaway reports the shipment of 869 cam of cream in the month of June. Of these , 190 came from Arnold. ( : Iulrch Hervlc lI. ' ' ' ' ' BAI'1'IS'l' CITURC . 1\I0rning subject , "Is the Bible an Inspired - spired llook ? " E\'ening subjer.t , "Proofs of Christianity. " M. J . CITURCIT. Iocated in the block wcst of the Court Housc. Preaching services I I a. 111. and 8 p. UI. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Junior Epworth League at 3 p. 111. Ep. worth League at 7 p , m , It IS our effort to mak these scn'ices attracti , 'e aud helpful. We gh'e ) 'ou a cordial welcollle. Geo. 1' . 'friles , pnstor. CHIUSTIAN CHURCH. \Ve would he pleased to havc ) 'OU at- telHl thesc scn'ices once and continue if ) 'OU can find sOludhinl { hclpful in snch attendance. Suilliay School at 10 a. 111. Serlllon antI cOllllllunlon at 1 I a , 111. Y. 1' . S , . H. lit 6:30 : p , III. , followcd hy a practical discourse at 7:30 p. 111. Praycr mceting at 7:30 : each ' 1'hursllI : ) ' evcuing. Special music by church lIIembers is a plcmnnt feature of these sen'ices. Jesse R , Tcagarden , Pastor. nu u ' . . . .1. . ' I'V. ( ' 1'00 latc for last weck. ) Say Willic , how long lire ) ' 011 going to hatch ? Pct allli Juluis Johuson arc figuring on fitcam threshing ontfit , IIan'esting winter wheat and ryc has now cOIllIlltnccll , Clndthe crop is very geol ! . Spring wheat is sOllie damaged hy rust ami willuotmakc as much as the winter wheat. 1\Irs. Hne has hcen on the sick list for ' thc last : ! wtck , hnt is reported to be SOIllC hetter now. ; Ans Klcch. one of thc best younl { lIIen in this neighb : > rhood. has heen vcr ) ' low for mauy weeks. S. K. Ice rccc'cll inforlllation from. . . his mother , who liyes iu J\l untsota , that. she is ycry sick 1l1luot expccletlto livc. Corn is now alllnil ! hy in the vaHey allli it looks ycry finc. Frolll the prcsent oul1ook it will lIIake a gootl ! l1111 hig crop. SOllie hayc hegun to cut oats , which arc thc hcst since 1891. All oats iu this yalley will go ovcr 50 Imshelo ; to the acre , prohably 60 hushels. No I.lty HlIowli. "li'or ycars fate was after me continuously" writes Ii' . A. Gull- edge , Ver ena , Ala. "I had a tcrrible case of Piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Buck- Jen's Arnica Sal\'e cured me. I ql1ally good for Burns and all ache nd pains. Only 25c at I I-4ee Bros. drug store. _ - _ - - - - _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Are You I ntorested in. the South ? DO YOU CAn ' 1'0 KNOW OI ' , l'IIH J\I iH V1\T.OUS DlWIU.- " Ol'1\MHN'r NOW GOING ON IN ' 1'111\ \ Grrea"t Cen.1ra1eo-u.1b. ; ; ? OP INNUI\U HA1H.H OPI'OH'rUNI1'm I10H YOUNG I\II\N OU OTD ONHs-'ro GHOW IHCH ? Do ) 'ou want to know ahout rich faflnin lands , fertile , wcll located , on a 'frunk Line Railroad , which will prodnce two. three 111111 fonr crops from the same t- field each ) 'car ? Iand now to he hat 1 at from $3.00 to 1 > 5,00 on acr which will be worth from $30.00 to $150,00 within 10 ) 'cars ? Ahout stock raising where the extreme - treme of wintcr feelin ! is Imt six (6) ( ) shOl't wecks ? Of places wherc trnek growing and frnit raising yiclll cnOflllOlB rcturns each year ? Of 1Irlllli where ) 'ou can live i out of doors cver ) ' Ilay in the ) 'ear ? Of ) tunitics for estahlishing profitahle manufacturin hlliustri s ; of rich mincral O\POI \ , 111111 splcndld husiness openin s ? If ) 'ou want to know the details of any or all of thcsc wrile me. I will Ialll ) ' al1\'ise ) 'ou fully nnd trnthfull ) ' . G. A. PAR K , General Immigration and Industrial Agent , Louisville & Nashville 'Railroad Co. , LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. , , , . . . . . , , # I O"Tn o. ' I S. Watlilington'was Iloiug business at the IIHub" Satuntay. 1\lrs. Hilie Garten returned to her home in the Bow Saturday. P. C. Hmbree al1l1 family spent SllIllta ) ' wilh l'l llnrd Hill's fnmlt ) . . Hil. Da ) ' of Hurcka , linseed through our vnlley on 1\Iondll ) ' on his way to llrokell lIow. Bill postcrs , for a secOllll circus 'at Bra- kcn How during August , were in this IIburg" last Saturda ) ' , mlverlising. SOIllC of our farmcrs werc in thc harvest - vest fiellt with their machines on Sun- da ) ' , fearful that a storlll11light come aud g t crops. Rcuhen Saullers and wife of Ccdat' SOI'OU ! , C IlIC dowu to C. D. Days a htlle wlllic last 'l'hursdo ) ' , rcturning home in the e\'ening of same cIa ) ' . 111\1'1' ) ' Kellenharger , accompanicd by Miss Atkis\on of Merna , onll Dlct. Hempstead mill wife took dinncr with Hert . Waltdington 01111 wife Sunda ) ' . 'fllc lIaryesting will be well along this weck , and thc estilllatcs arc for a hig ) 'ield. cspeciall ) ' of harle ) ' , oats nnd fall wheat , where it was sown in fair tilllc , Ullli had a stan . A. D. lIunt and family otten cd church at 1\1 ern a Sundll ) ' , where the onlinance of Baptism was adlllinistcred , rcturning in tlmc ( or afternoon services at Ortello , where Pastor 1\l lIer preachcd. 1'1. J. Heals left this ( Tuesdu ) ' ) lIIorn- ing for Omaha ; where she will visit her lIaughtcr , Mrs. E. P. Hewctt , for SOIllC timc , leaving Will. Ewing I1S cook aUll P. I. . as milkmaid a11l1 utilit ) . lIIan. , NI\V ; 1I1t1.liNA , lIan'est time is here allli evcrybod ) ' is hus ) ' . 1\1 r. Brooks visitell at Jolll1 PlYlllale's Suuday. , . James Wilmoth visitell atIr ! , lIoleys Sunda ) ' . 1\11' . EdmUlllls attended mceting at Merna Sunday evening. Alice Nicholas returnell hOllle 'l'ucsda ) ' . She has becn visiting at the home of Will. 1'dlllunl18 : the past wek. PI'ohilJ1Uou Convcntion. 'l'he state prohi itionists ha\'e changed the date of their con- ven tion tu ' ! 'uesda ) ' , A ugu t I ) , one day earlier than first adver- tised. It will e held at the Auditorium , Lincoln , commencing - ing at 10 o'clock. - - - - - - Alexandria Shutz , a young 'German ' eighteen year.s old , wag relieved last week of $68 ) ' two tramps , Geo. W'allace and Frank Etteing , in a freight car in this city , which the latter had induced - duced Schutz to cnter witl1 them. 'l'he holdups were apprehended at Merna by Marshal 'l'owsley and Deputy Sheriff McCormick , and brought back to the city. 'l'hey wa\'ed examination before Judge Armour and were sent to jail to await the sitting of the district court. ' Fre Hewitt , who has been at Mullen adding more land to his possessions , was a city visitor yesterday. He is now located in Missouri as a traveling salesman. NI.bt ; " 'UM DCI' ' . 'crror. "I would cough nearly all night long , " writcs Mrs. Chas. Applegate of Alexandria , Iud. , "amI could hardly' get any sleep. I had consumption so ad that if I walked a lock I would cough frightfully and spit lood , but , when all other medicine failed , three , $1.00 hottle of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds. " It's a solutely guaranteed to cure Coughs , Colds , I4t\Grippe , Bronchitis - chitis and all throat and lung trou les. Price 50c and $1.00. ' .rrial bottles free at Lee Bros. , drug store. , Tbe IIl1rll. . toll' " 1.0v Rnte. SIJMMHR TOURS. 'file lIIun or womau who takes vaca. tion cluring the heatcIl periocl is the enc who li\'es the longest , . enjoy ! ! life the most allli does the hest work. The Burlington olTers excnrsion rates in every dircction-so low that thcre is no ext'use for ! 'tl'ing ! at hOllle. Uelow arc some of them : St. Ionis Ullli return : All kinds of reo tlucel1 rutes daily. Chicago and return : Hither direct or \.fa St. r.ouis-dnil ' low ratcs. Allantic City ani return , 140.70 , July 9III 1 10. Cincinnati 01111 retnrn , $28.35. July IS , 16Illl 17. Michigan , 1\1innesota , Wisconsin , The Iake Resorts IInll J.ake Steamel' 'J.'ours- very low rates-stopo\'ers at St. Iouis on through tickets alTon1in a visit to the "Great Exposition , " the gral\l1est \ creation - tion hy He , haud of man. Denver. Colorado Sprin s , Puehlo , Glcnwood Springs , Colorado , Salt Lake Cil ) ' , l'tah , and the Vdlowstone Park of Wyolllinpracticall ! ) ' half rates all sUlllmer. Ask Ihe agent for det ils , or write , r , . W. V.A1tHIIt\ ' . Gt.neral Passenger Agcnt , 3'7 Olllaha , Nebraska. , . . . - - - - . . CHICHESTER'S ENGLISlt PENNYROYAL PILLS 0" . , & o \ ' O'li .0 o.J e\c\\I Slib . / / co t 0. . Hart' . Alway. reliable. Ludh'a. uk } ) rugcrur . "IUt 'i'l'tn'H : JNULU' , " III Ih'd and ( oltl melallio box'jj , selllt' < 1 wllh blul ! ribbon. ' . . . . . . . . . , . 'ralit' 110 olh..r. n..r. du'Kt'ruua .ub.tI. luUo..1 " . . .llmllutlo"l. Huyor ) 'our lJruuln , or ! ! eml "r. III ol'UIII' ror . . . .rClru..ra. T..U. WI" ' , " ' ' ' ' 111111 . . n..r ror . . . . . .1. . . . " 11I1"ler , lIy r'uru ,11..11. IU.UUU'J'fsllwoulal. . Id , 1oI1lJru"1I101. . OUTOIUSTltU OUlUUOAL 00. 1100 . .IUauli JJklu.rtl , I'JUa..a. . , PA. Ihl&\1. . .aQ , " 1.1 Price and Quality ! 'Ye are not posing as philanthropists y pretending to give nwny goods at less than eost , You should bear ill mind that with our enormous stock we eun soIl goods thnt. mean only It smull pL'of t to us , but wouldn't equal eost to others , 'Vhen it comes to buying "T'\VINE" ' . Don't experiment with cheap grndos us you might. 10so hundreds of dollurR. Our price on the best grades that can be bought make it. wort ; ) } while to buy only the best nnd bind moro acres of grain. Standard Manila. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120. Standard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . 110 "One Good AIDer.lcall Dollar" wiJl buy yHl ! moro value in a Plnno BlLlder ihnn. ; n. $1.50 worth of any other make-absolutely the surest. and best for the money , l'ecogni ed so by every ono. HememlJer that buggies are mode for weor , not ol'llHments , and a buggy thnt win not stnnd the racket is not cheap nt nny price.Vith one of 0111' Bll Qies : ' broug'ht to you direct f.'om . the factory ! you can rest nRs1l1'ml of the service that should he in 811'h n vehicle. - b. . . . , . . _ I r . . -At tlie meeting of the Stock- I men's Association last week the following omcers were elected : W. A. george , President ; 14. II. Jewett , Vice-president ; 1. A. I eneau , Secretary ; S. K. 'Var- rick , treasurer. 'l'he exccutive committce elected arc : W , A. George , L. II. Jewett , II. n. Andrews - drews , Clarence Metcalf and Sam Waddington. 'l'he Association voted to join the State Associa- tion. 'l'he limit in which stockmen - men are required to dip their cattle is Octo er 15 , 1')04. All mem ers of the association are given to that date to comply with the law and parties outside of the association who do not dip y that date are to bc re- ported. 'VorldlllC NIWh. ; aud OilY. The usiest and inighhest little thing that every was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. 'l'hese pills change weakncss into - to strength , listlessness into strength , brain-fag into mental power. 'l'hey're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per ox. Sold by 1-4ee Bros. Keystone Restaurant , O'I'IS F1\SSHNDHN , Prop. Hegular Meals 25 cents. I4unch at all hours. Your patronage o1icited. North Side of Square. Highley & Honeywell , Plain nlld ornamelltal plaster : ! and hricklayern. AU work promptly Ilol1e and aatillfuction gllarant ed. Residence , three blocks wet of U. & 1\1. depot , Broken Bow , Neb. _ TIME TABLE BHOlnCN BOW. NICB , 1.:0111 , Denver , OruUI1R. , Ilelellu , ChlcR&O , Dutte . , "to JONCI.II , . .ortlullt1 , 11.IIHaH : Cu. " , H.I" J. . ke ClaY , Ht. . J..oullt , ' " lid ttulllrrUIUIHCCI AU . .0IntH Iu. . ' Alld " ' 1I..olut. . Aud Mn1l1l1. Wc. . ' . -tJ-Vlsllbulod IIJI'rellllally : ' , Lincoln , Oma hi , lit. JUlispli lilu. . . Clly , tit. Lonl. , UbI oligo and all polut. "lilt I\Dd , outh . . .10l : ; : a.1II No. U-Vest\bulod \ Oll'rV"lIlIally , 1101811. , tiuAI llu UUBu l'orUand l'acJtlc . , IUId ull Coa. ' 110 { ntM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .640 an Sleeping , dlLIng and rocl Inlag cbllr cars ( uat. 'roo ) Ort tbrougb &rains. Tlckol aold and big Rage cbuckod to InT point Inb Unltod IHutu , alld Canalla. Iolormation. mal" , thuu lablel Ind tlckol c&11 on or wrtt to U. 1. . Orm.by , . "vuur L. W. Wakeloy , O. r , .A. , UlUllbvJ.Nebrulta. . II U. L. VIii" . ' , 4f1I1M. - D US. R. 0. & W. JC. 'J' JiHOT , PHYSIGIANS tn SUIGEONS. 011I00 oor Dloberlo'/I Drllg 8toro. Drokftn 1I0w , . - NohrA. . . . . DU , 'V. II. COr41 , Veterinarian. FIpcl l altnlltioll/lvoll : to ( 'olt . I'lIlv08l1nllllllf1 thllt nf" III 1111 ulllhrlCy condition. ' .1'010- uhunu No 20.1t..sldoDIII \ ! , IIVO block . A west or 80ulh IIdll : Hehool 1Iollao. I Oa 11 , CON ItAD , . . . . . .Uoalor In. . . . . . Pllmpl , Wind , Mille , T.nk , IrIUlllr. , ( l1\801lno Ullginoll , ote. etc. lIrokoll Dow. Nobruk" . BANGS STUDIO. Up-to-date Photographs. First prize winner at state association - sociation 1903. SIMON CAl\UCItON , . I GlH 51'-90'y 80 u-9 cz.ll ll' A'l' I.A W. Itoome 8 and 0 , Realty 1II0ck , UrOll.I'n nowNe" _ S.1\1. DOJUUH , Inuuwk lllal' ! ! lD . AI. kinds 0' work III ollr linl ! 1101111 promllIt 'uIII ' In Ilrat.chUII orller. CTHoll HIIOII 1111 Ih" corner sOlltllolla\ thu a1luaro. OIVlt IlK A. TRIAl. . IJrokuu now , . _ - . Nebralka _ Christian Endeavor Hotel , 'V.U'I.n'H IrA. " , KT. I. < < UUH , I\IIHI10\\1 \ lit t. lIeallqlllrlel : H for cllllhllall I.eolll" allil frltllllH of lIIoralll ) ' . A rf.'cCalJlllhuIIII . fOrreHl'eclatol" , l"ol'le. Jocah , IIl.J f..t fnllll Calll 10 I.'alr U'OlllldR. ' Hln..1 carH , lIr"cl rrolll lJlllolI Hla- 11011. Uullt fur KallllY :11111 cO'llfurl. ' Cal'aClll' 3UUIJ III"HIH lIall ) ' . 1laeke.1 toy 11I1111 uf hhllll ! 1 Kla.IIII1.1 . ( ; IIIIIlIdlll'KellWorlll'H : \ 1.llrulliclaIH. 'l'houMa'IIIH ' of 1'1' ' " " " ilia II11 1'1'1. . frum all H"CIiOIiM or thu cuulliry ha'U elllall',1 : U'CUIIW- 01:111111111. Halo H a 1'1':1 II le.1III ahallc" $ IUI alill $2.l0 per day. HelHI ( III' IWllklel h'llIlr (1111 lalllclllarH. 'I'ell ) 'Ullr fricllIlM ahlllll 11. AII- IIreHtI al OIlC. . . CIIHII > "IAN I NUJAVUH : 1I0THL ANI ! AUlllruHIUAI Cn" HI. JoIlIN. J\UNsollrl. HYGEIA CRJ AM S'l'A'l'ION IIIgbe t market Ilrlel ! J1alll for lIutl6r Irat. 1.lglat 1I11I1ulng. . . . . . . . . . Empire Cream Separators I"or " Halo. 'l'boUI ! No.06. \ ! . tI. 11. JlltlI10l' , Ol\'rator , ! Jroken ! JOW , liobrMkn. DH , ' 1' . h ! i'AHNSWOlt'I'II , DENTIST , . . . . 'PI.O 1CO III lIolthWQU ( ogroor no hj'1Ho 1CJ > I- The Vote Contest. 0\\11111' to 0111' 1Iml1l',1 Mllace , we will kl" ! " accolIlIl..f all the lIallll'lrecelvhlll' V..ll'M at the HCoro 111111I they 1I\\'c : reech' . I'd [ 00 , 'oteR , th"11 they will hUl\lhIlRh..oI. \ 1 < 'oll.hlll' aru tlllllU recuI'hur ever EQI ) : lIalillah IMIIIIIIIlIl. city. . . . . . . . . . . . 134 : ! ( ' 1\1 a 11'ta'loll. ! . elt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150ii l\thlllio Shlllll. elty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01762 Nulll.\Taur.l\Iurlla. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3741 l'earl Jo\\'otl.clt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O'J ! I.'r\lICIH 111111111.VulHHcrt . . . . . . . . . 2U : . 1I0rtha KOllz'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IllOO I.'llIrclicII ' 1'IIOHtI'ROIi. city. . . . . . . . . . . 1219 \ ' ' . . . 120'1 1\1arlor ) Camphell. Oconeelll\\'I1. Clara KIIIUIMIIII. . city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 UN A lfllIa ] . . .IIIlO. elt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 I. : III ilia Ialllhurl. elt\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012 1.llla acIH.ryterlla. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lI XJ Clara JolTllnlH. clt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)4 C1ertlc IInm'lr ! , clt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050 1 < 'lIlrolleo 1'lIIcrHIIII. : el1y. . . . . . . . . . . . & 1 ( . JI\BMIIIHmllll , city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mill C1racl1 ' 1'\1'101' , clt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , 1\1 \\.ah.rH'clt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WI JIII'lIaler. clly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( iJII ! \ta ) ' HalIlMell ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. I . . . . . . - - . - - .T. SN.yDI H. . . Mwam ptD''ffirId ! , ANn NOl'JIX.1 : C ' 160 JII MClco or th.l'ollco. . liporllli alh1nt01l ! "hon I ! colltJcUono JUIIIIMlllonR tllk II , 1'l1n ' loll vOllch. erD nadly uJloclltud luul 1111 kllilis 0' I Knl 11111'01'0 . . . .rIU"II. 011I00 In Uln rear or l1.nll. 0' Oomnlurrll. IIrollulI Jlow. Nobraskll. . FHANSm MOORB , Wma : ' IDnn : ID ID ; B ] } ) . 'J'wo hlockl 1I0rih 0' Orsl1ll OOlltrnl 1I0tol. I'/lt. / rOll/lKn / "ollcllo.l , I'riceR rO.80Ilnlllo , W A. 1'HOMPSON. . CON1'UAUTOU IIUIImUl. JW"'Plalu , IIlItl usthnatos ullllhortnnllr.o. llrokolllluw , NuhraakA. . DI . C. B. JOB , WU fj B n ] m ] IDVID : D ] . Ol\co ( \ In Henlty lIIack , I1r t Itllirs 'oomo.t 111111. IJosI1pllell ! at the JlO.IIUul. ala.ce' Bat'be'J : : : Shop 1101' first.clas ! ! work , caH at thc Pal lice HorhcrShol' . H\'crythiug up.to.clotc. Irw DHAN , Proprietor. Dlt. O. IJ. 1\1ULIJUNS. \ Physician Surgeon. 2n.1 litalrwlIY rrom wo.01111111 Itoally 1110011 : ; ru ldellco , arll wu.t M. 8. churOh , 011 8/imO BifiD of .troe\ . lIre on ! Jaw , Nohra.ka. C1JINTON DAY. Physician & SUl.geOn. , omco In rlar ! of tbu Uank or CommorcD. no"l. Ilunco 6lh 1101110 weal of tbo dallU.t ohurch. lIrolloll ow , "braslu. CITY UAHIHClt SHOP , 11.0 , UTTON , Proprietor. Flul-nIBP. work. 1I0ar Hoom 0' Uroken Uow Slatl ! 1I1U1IIroLolI \ Uow , Nuhraska. ROSS G. MOORE , Attorney.at.Law , lIenl ootlltl' IIUllloall hrokur , Ol\cn ( \ In Gluhn Ul ck , llru\I'1I \ How , fbrlltila , . . . . -.MJrlf. - . . . . , _ . . . ' ' ' . . .r. KDll.TtiE COIUCH AND CURE THE LUNCS' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WITII Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CONSUMPTION 60c Prlco & $1.00 OlDS FreD Trial. Surest and Quickest Ouro for all THROAT and LUNG TROUD. LES , or'MONEY DAOK. .