Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 28, 1904, Image 2
- FREE TO TWENTY.FIV [ ! LADIES , ho Deflnnt'o Slllrch Co. will glY. 25 Indies n round.trp Uclot lo lho st. l.01l18 cxposllion to five Indies la onch or the follo\vlng slnles : illinoIs , . lown , Nebrnslto , Ionsns nl1l1 Mlssou , rl who will send In lho largest number or trade marls , cllt from a 10.cenl , ] G. ounce ) Jacltngo of Defll1nco c01l1 wnlor laun r ) " starch. ThIs means from YOllr I own home , nn"whero In lho nhovo nnmed stntes. These tl'l1do marls must ho mnllct ! to 111111 received by the Do. I. ! . ' 11nnco Starch Co" Omaho , Neb" before Seploml or 1sl , 1DOL October nnt ! No. , 'emJer will bo the hest monlhs to , 'Islt the oxposltlon , Hememhor that Uollnnco Is the only stardl 11IIt up 16 07. , ( n filII pound ) to Iho pocltnge , You get one.thlrd more stnn'h for the same mone ) " then of nnj' ether 1\11111 , I1ml Dollanco no\'er 1\1Iclis to the 11'on. 'rho tickets to the eXlloslllon will he sent hy re lstered mall September Gth , Stllrch' for sale hj' nil denIers. Women's Itnperfecllons nre knmvn only to lhel1' dressmnl\Crs , The Hngenheelt Anlmnl Pnrnl1l " RIIII Trailled AnImal ClrClli'1 ' 1)11 lhe Plko fit St , Louis nUrnets great crowl1 ! ! every 1I1l1'lIero hl'O wlM lJra tN , 1I0nll , 100"- IIr 1I1 , 11IImn8 , h 'onl1 ! ! , IH'IIr9 nllIl tlJcrl : : ! rOl1mlrlK 111 th'lr 111111\0 Jungle to othcr with donll"jltlrn lel , nnll11ulN In Irrtoct ) hilI'- 1110ny. ' 1'111. > IIngflIucclt ! trulnorll presunt the most thrJ1\ltllt \ l1'rtormnncclI ot per- ' : fed nnlmnl trnl llIg dnlly In the Rtrol cnJf ot the hue nrotll\ . You should not rnll to s < , o It , . It Is th < - uttrnc- tlon ul the " .orld's } , 'lIlr. Umhrollus anll frIends nro seldom round In the hour of neell. . InsIst on Getting It. Bome grocers Bay they don't keep Defiance Starch. This Is becnuse they hnve II. Btocl < on hand or other brnlld ! ! contnlnlng only 12 oz In a paclmge , which they 'won't be able to Bell first , because Defiance contains 16 oz. ror the flnme money. Do you wllnt 16 O . Instend or ] 2 oz. tor snme money ? Then buy Defianc Starch. Requires no cooking. "Lnugh and the worlll.lnughs with you , " And It else ] aulhs at you and thereafter refuses to talte you'BO' rlously. Graln.Eatlng Songstero , Fine vOices , It Is said , nro seldom found In a country where fish or meet dlot prdvnlls. These Itallnns who cat the most flsh ( these of Naples nnd Genoa ) have few fine singers among thorn. The sweet voices are found In the Irlah women of the country , and not of the towns. Norway Is not 11 country of sIngers , ! Jecouso they eat to much fish ; but Sweden Is a country - try ot grnln nnd song. Carnlvor-ouB birds croal ( ; graln.eatlng , birds sing. Where Most 'Wheels Go Around. There Is no poco ] In the world where the wagon or cart trnfilc Is 0/IU11.1 to that ot Newchwang. DurIng the winter - ter months , when the roads are firmly frozen , there nro not ] ess than 2,000 carts , ench car'rylng two' tons per doy , coming to the port , each drawn by from four to Boven mules or ponies ; some of these carts Ilro 'from thirty to forty days on the rood In order to reoch the marot. ] - Longest Convention. . The longest convontl n In our pom- Icnl history WI1S the Democratic na. tlonnl convention which met I1t Charleston , S , C" 111 18GO. At the end of ton dnys It had nccompllshed noth. lng , and ndjourned to meet In Daltl , moro. Even when the majority of the derogates reconvened In the last' named city they needed four da's tc nomlnnto S ephen A. Douglns ; I BACK LICK . - ; It. . ' Settled the Case With Her. t ' Many great discoveries hove been made by accldont nlld things better than gold mines have ! Jeon found In this way , for oXamllo when 'oven thE nccldontnl dlscovory that corteo Is thlJ teal cause ot ono's slclmoss proves 01 most tremendous value because it 10- catos the causQ nUll the person haE then 11 chance to get well. "For ever 25 'j'eors , ' snys a Missouri . womnn , "I sulYered untold agonies lr my stomoch and even tllq best phy slclnns disagreed ns to the cause with out giving mo any permanent help different ones sa.lng It was gastritis Indigestion , neuralgIa , ctc" so drngced along from year to year , al ' \Vaj.s halt , slcl" until finully I gave U ] all hopes ot over ! Jelng well again. "When tallng dinner with a frlenl > one day she said she had a now drin ] which turned out to bo Postum ani I lIIed It so well I told her I thougb I would stop corteo for awhllo and us it , which I did. "So for three months we had Pm . tum In place of coffee without eve hay'lng one of my old spells but wa always healthy nnd vigorous. ! .ollusbnnd kept BuyinG ho was cot vl cod It was cortee that caused th08 spells , but even then I wouldn't b lIavo It un'tll ono day wo got out ( P stum and ns wo lived two mile from town I thought to use the COU ( we iIIId In tile ) Iouse , : Th t sult of a weol's UBe of co fee ngnIn was that I had another to rlble Sloll ot agony and dIstress , pro' lng that It was the cortee and'nothh : clso. That sotHed It and I snld gee bye to Cortoo forever and since the . Postum alone . bas been our hot mel time drlnl ( . 'My trlonds nil say I am lookh worlds better and my comploxl n niuch ImprQved. All the ether mel bers"ot our family have been benol d : , too , by Postum In place of the 0 , drlnlC , cortee. " Name given by Postu Co , BntUe Creek , Mich. : J.'en days trlnl of Postum In plnco corteo or tea Is the wlso thJng 1 ' every corteo drinker. Such a trl , . tells the exact truth otten where CI tee Js not suspocted. Look In each pkg. tor the fame ' little book. "The Road to WCUVWI , " . 4 . , . - H,7 , . . . - . - - - \ , . I \ 'e. -lf i . lU Lingerie Hats. The IIngorlo hota of eX'j < 1lslto hn- IIsto or mull or fine SwIss mJrol ! er- lOB nnd Vnlcnclonnes loce nro lovelier limn over this seaaon , and Innumerable - able chnngos nro rllng tlilon comblnr.- lions of Inco and fluwQrs , Nets plnln 'Ir olled wIth lorgo chonllle wafel's ere shIrred and Illalted Into airy. hrontlrlmmcd 01)nlle3 ) nnd trImmed wIth flowers nnd DOn sllscorfs. \ . She ed strnws nnd strews of countless - less now wenvcs nro shown. Linen hata Inset with Inco nnd } 1lctureslluo In shape nro IImong the tlOW offerings as well liS moro severe IIJlen models for outing and mournIng weor. Gnrdon hunches nnd Hewer wreaths dlvldo the honors and there are many Hewers anti bud frln es whIch are used IJrofusely. Cocltndes , choux , to- settes , mercury wings , cupId wings I1m\ quills ere cnlled Into service tor lhe sailor hats , - - o Mnltlng stul'cll wllh soapy water Is the ! Jest woy to produce 0. gloss and Ilrovont the Iron from stickIng , Tile best wny to mesh pototoes Is I to ruJ them through a wire slove : ! you can then bo SUl'O there are no Jumps left. Never put taho ] linen Into soapsuds - suds until the stains have ! Jeon removed - moved by IlOurlllg holUng water through the linen. . When malctn ! ; a pudding don't tor. got to mnlO 11 plolt In the cloth at the top of ) 'our basIn , so as to aUow the pudding room to swell. When bolUng green vegetableS , odd a pleco of sugar to the water : It Is quite harmless , end preserves tbo color as weU as sodl1 would. Dofore using a lamp wlcle Eoak It In strong vlnegnr , then dry It thor- oughlj' , end It will burn bt1ghtly nnd without nny unpleasant smolw or sme ] ] . Ink spilled on the carpet moy bo talOn up without leaving a stoln If dry soIl ho apllIed lnunedlatelj' . As the saIl ! Jecomes dlscoored ] brush It off and allllly more. Wet slightly. Continue UU lhe Inl , hos dlsoppeared. Tucked Sailor Blouse. . The sailor hlouso Is over In"demand , It may vary In detail , but' oSJentlnlly : Is alwn 's the comtortablo favorlto thnt Is so Indispensable. This ono Is novel , Inaslllucb as It Incudes ] fronts box IIolted ] nnd tuclted for their entlro length and sleeves , that are tuclcd aJove the elbows whl10 thej' form full pulYs ! Jelow , end Is of pale ! Jluo I1l1en " .lth collar of whlto nnd shield nnd trimming 'ot embrolderj' , but Is qulto ns well sultod to a long list of fabrIcs. For Yl1ehtlng and slml. lar sports It Is odmlroble mode of light I wolght seryo or mohair whllo nil the mony lInen and cQtton fobrlcs n"ro much to bo deslrod for the cottOI1 gowns. The waist Is made with tronts nnd bncl , end Js finished 11\ \ the neck with a big sailor collar. The Imcl , Is plain , hut the fronts are laid In a box palt ] nt each ed o with three tucls at each sIde and beneath tbo box plaits I the closing Is made. The sleeves are . In one Illeco e:1ch , tnclted at their up- 1I0r Ilorlol1s ! anel gathered Into I straight cures , Tl10 shIeld nnd stocle collor nro separate I1UlI armnge UI1' ' - ' - - . , - i < J dor the wnlst , beIng buttoned IntI -1 Illnco ! Jenooth the "Fio.Hor collar. , - The quontlty ot mnterlol requlrel rfor the medium slzo Is Hi. ) 'ords 2 vIncbes wide , 3 % j'll' S 27 Inches wid , 1 [ ; or 2 % ) 'l1rds 44 Inches wide , with . Id yards of oU over embroIdery nnd m } 'ards of UIllllquo to n1l11O as 1I1uf 1 ] _ trated. 19 Strawberry Baskets. Is Cream 1,4 CUll butter , add gradual\ \ ' ill- 1 Clip. sUl\r , 1 ell ! : ; slightly' beat l : It3 % ounces Hour and % tCllslloonfu ] d \11 n 111:1 : , 1m Dalte , shape nnd fin with whhlDe cnmm , swcctenell nnd lIavored , an ot with strawbenios. Servo at once. 'or When the ingredients are mlxet la ] roU out very thin and cut with of. round cutter nbout four Inches i dlomoter. As soon as talcon trom tl1 'us o\'on ! ultl whl10 ) .ot warm , ron tw ' . . N ! SIdes UP BO I\S to form n sort ot ! Jon Tucked Gallor Blouse an Indlopens. able Adjunct to the Wardrobe- Gmart Box Eton Adapted for GirlIsh - Ish Figures-Some Approved Re- cipes. J > o" " ' OtH ] Jot them close together In n dlsb , to hold thom In that shnpo until they nre cool nnll hordened , then Ilrepal'o the tl1Ung by cutting the strawberrIes , sWQI en with powdered sugor nml mix with thlek whlplled cream. Fill the bnskets , I1l1d 111nce 0. whole strnw. berry on either ontl. Do not fill the hnaltets until tlmo to servo , ns the cl'oam softens the IJIlstrj' , It nllowed to stand , and the boslels ] ese their shalle , The Millinery of Summer. The largo end the small hat are In eIual fnvor thIs sCl..son. l or soml. tlress occasIons the smell 01' medium- Ellze turbon or sailor Is Ilerhnps In bolter taste , but the vogue of the wide droopIng , shoulders In costumes nnd wmlls will unl1oubtodly malO the plcturo hat more 1Jlmlar then ever. The hlendlng of dellcato pink nnd hlue Is a feature of many hots , and In the nssoclatlon not only of s1I11\1l flowers but of ribbons as well Is this I dlscernlblo. Green also Is a favored' ' COIOI' , and for the hat to complete a green tolletto or to ho worn with a blacl ( or darlt blue or a natura.col. ] ored pongee or Shantung gown , 1l Is n most attrncllve shnde. Green trim- mings-plumes , aIgrettes , breasts and ribbon velvet-provldo this smnrt touch when the hat Is block , blue , ecru or white. Drown and green Is another lOpunr ] comblnotlon. No form or headgeor Is moro charmIng - Ing than the daInty lIngorlo hat made In slmplo "baJy" ! shape out of the finest Inco or embroider ) " , with a largo ! Jew of ribbon as Its only trimmIng - mIng , These hats have a girlish er- fect , nnd to bo successful they should ! Jo worn only by the youthful anJ. wIth dainty frocls.-From The Dc- lIneator for July. Told in H"r' : g o-ydoir' : " } o'uncy stocks oro' much slmller ] thou last year. , , 'rurnovers of finest linen ere de- cldodlY dnlnt ) . . Does of I1ny sort are not very much In evidence. A new heavy pongee has on almost shnggy surjace. A fnvorlte braid for vallo gowns Is the bright-surfaced hercules. Wreaths of daintiest smell flower& done In velvet , espoclnlly dollcatey pao ] ! Jluo forget-me-nots , trim bets , . 'fho latest development of the alcove frill Is the employment of fine lace dj.ed to mntch the shade of the gown. Chiffon is aso largely used for sleeve frills. 'fho fnshlonablo decolletago llno Is ! lomowhnt higher this seoson , for , although - though the corsage Is cut lower , It Is finished Wltll a dainty tucker of mous- sellno 10 sale , chIffon or net. Pelerlno collars slightly draped In front nn finIshing to n point , ] eav- Ing the throat free , will bo much worn this summer. Another elYecllvo collnr j'oltO Is a .oltO and bertha In ono , fitting closely on the shoulders lIld then fa1l\ng \ wllh a full flnro. - - Separate Yoke and Collar. The new I1lnn of the yol\O and col. ] ar beIng separnto from the rest of the gown Is an excellent one , ns It llormlts of theIr being easily laun- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - , . , / : " ' -'r . I 1Jffi r ' . \ , . . . r . . . . . i I - - dared without the entlro waist havIng - Ing to he ripped opnrt , as Is generoUr the coso. In the simpler styles of gown this Is most deslrablo , but It Is else carried out In the moro elab. orate alles , and for the Homo reason that tllO ] ounderlng of any lace or embroidery Is a dlfficut ] tosl , unless the entlro waIst Is cleaned at the , same tlmo. In many such respects i fashion becomes moro nnd moro I prnctlcol ns tlmo goes on ; ono reason - : son , however , bolng that aJsolute ! cleanliness and llCrfecUon of detail I1ro requIred In nny garment thot Is to be considered at atl smnrt. - - Smartest Facing for Hats. Dy all odds the smartest facIng for hats t be worn with tollored dresses Is that built from narrow lIngerlo frills. A facing of net Is cut to fit the hat , then covered with Innumerable rufiles of norrow lace , either gathered , or accordlon.peated. ] Valenclonnes ] nco lends Itself best to this sort effacing facing , and If a vest , collnr and half sleeves of taco edged flouncing are , worn with the linen suit , the harmonious - monious eftect with the hat Is very good. . Misses' Box Eton. Box Etona nro essl3ntlay ] ) smart and suIt girlish figures to perfection. This ono Is adopted allko to the suit and \ . the general wrap and to a variety of materlas ] but , as shown , Is made of natural colored ponlee ! Janded with stitched sill , and matches the skIrt. The wldo soovea. nro gmceful In the extreme and n110w of wearing over bacl' and Is fitted by means of shoul- d"r and under-ar . seams. The wldo sleeves are cut In on9 piece each and are laid In box p'nlts that are extended - ed to cover the shoulder seamS. A shaped band fir.lshes th e neck and the full ones Qt the season's wnlsts without donger of rumpling , while the extended box Dlalts gIve the drooping line so essential to present styles. The Eton In made with fronts and front edges Jld ! Joth the lower edge and those of the sleeves are faced to correspond. The quont.lty of materlol requlrel1 for the me.Iu1l1 slzo Is 2 % yards 2 ] Inches wide , 2 % yards 21 Inches wide ; or 1 % : ral\ls 44 Inohos wide , with ] 'ard of sll it to trim os Illustrated. _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : ; ; ; -E 1 - - . . -1--- w , f" ' ' . . i . . \ 1/ . f' . . " . , .1 . Il " . 101 . - i , I ! , , t 1 I I I- I'I \ ' t 'I I , . 11 \ - II 1Iondsomo blouses ere over h do. d m ntl ! Joth for the odd wnlst nnd th sown. 1101'0 Is ono that suits both I , IIUr10S0B } nntl nllows mnn ) ' .yarlatlo s : . a but Is shown In I ) lo green messallne n 10 autin , with the 'ol\O of t\lcl\Od chltton , 0 vest amI trlmmlns of Chinese em- t. . 11\\'let'j' \ , rm wllto cl1ge'l ' with sllle I , . cnrd , 'tho deep fnll ! Jeow the yect an those In the sleeves bolng ot ereot Llerro ] ace. To make the house ] fa n woman of mOltlum slzo will bo r ( ! Iulred , I 1 ) 'ords of > moterlnl 21 , yarlls 27 or 2 % ) 'ardB H Inches wid . with = } l ) 'nrtls ot tucking for ) .oke , ) 'nrtls of n : : oyer lace tQr culYs nnd l j'J\rcls of lal10 for frl11s. ' (2Jl1 ) rrrf\Y % ' &d' Refused to LIsten. "Pardun me , sIr , " began the feml. Rlno victim of herd lucIe , who was forced to srJlIclt ams , as she ap. prooched the crusty old bachelor's dOlk , " ! .Jut 1 am n. . poor lone widow , ' and-OJ "You moy os well break it ort right there , " Interrupted the hearttess O. b. "I pon't use ftny leap.yenr proposals In my huslne3. " No , He Wasn't Henpec } < ed. - . . . I Mr. Scropper-Marla , 1-1- Mrs. Scrapper-Talm that , you brute , and don't let me .ever hear you eny that you are henpoclted aaaln.- Phlladephla. ] Telegraph. A Dlffuent Kind. Johnny - Whnt docs conseienco moon ? Toaqher-It is somethIng Inside or you that tells you when .ou have done wrong. JohnnY-Ma said I didn't hnve no ' conscience , But I lenow I had. Only , when I fell that way the other day , doctor sold It was green apl1les.- . Drooklyn Life. One Man's Grief. Smlthldns-I met Enpeclt. downtown - town to-doy. He told me his wlfo had left him last weelc. Mrs. Smlthklns-Poor man ! I sup- puse he's all brole up over it , Jsn't he ? Smlthldns-I guess so. When I can- ' gratuoted ] him he Insisted on openIng a smnIl bottle. I Cause and Effect. I Wife-John , do you lmow that you swore In j.our sleep last nlgbt ? , Husband-DId I ? It muct havQ been when r had that horrid dream. Wife-What did you dreom ? Husband-I dreamt I was smoldng one of these cigars you gave me on my blrthdoy. His Method. "Don't you know that It doesn't do the least goorl to apply abusive epithets to a polltlcnl opponent. " "Of course , " an ered Senator Serge hum , "It doesn't do any good. But it fissures .our constituents that you are trying to do something to earn your nolnry.-Washlngton Star. She Was O. K. ' 1 . /fJ1JLimlU1Jr. / ! ! ISJ\11M1.'t'ID.m \ ' ' ! : > > JIII1JUilllllarrUfdhJ1J. ! ! J . . " . - Mr. Knox (3 a , m-My ) dearsh.hlo ( on't be-hle.cross. I've had a bard tUA If It. Mrs , Knox--I should thlnle'lt woull1 bo a hnrd tug to carry the load j.ou'vc got. Too Sanguine. Ednn-And after our marrlago I am goIng to ] ( Oop a cool ( . Delio-You are too reckless , m , dear. Ednn-Recltless ? Dollo-Yes. You should say you are going to try to Icee } ) a cool. . Practice MnkelJ Perfec . Shoo Clork-I'JIl afraid j'OU cnn't gel these shoes on , mad om. Suppose 'ou try n slzo Inrger. Mrs. O'Rlley-Nlver do ) 'ez molnd , youns man. 01'11 be able t' glt thlm on afther 01 wear thlm a tolm or two. . PlausIble Theory. was It that originated the sa'lng "tho unexpected alwa'f hl1ppens" ? G'or-Don't know. Some fellow con. . nected with the weather bureau , ] Imaglno. Reacon Why. "But ) .ou Americans , " protested thE EnlIsbmnn ! , "ha vo no ancestors tc whom j'OU cnn point , , 'lth pride , " "Well , that is our mlsfortuno thol thnn our fault , " replied the America ! : girl. "Most cl our ancestors cam. from En'lnnd ! ; , you know. " Moisturt > In Tobaccea The pl'esenco of molsturo In tobacco . In , the Lnncot bellovos , ot some 1m- . , I.ol'lonco to pu ! lc health , since the ; , .1' combustIon of tobacco ctJlllnlnlnc a , . large proportion ot moisture Is 1m- . " . . peded , whllo ns the seneratlon of vn. " per Is Increased , so nro the chances or 1' . . . the poIsonous prlnclplo bolng carrJoc1 , ' , : , I } , b.lo the mouth. 'J , . , , . . ' A SyllogIsm That Proves Much. . . . . , " The famolls lIylloglsm of Themlsto- " . _ . . elos was that bls Infnnt son ruled the whole worltl , proved thus : , . . j My Infl1nt SOil rules his mother. ' / < His mother rules me. . . I rule the Athenlnns. . i. The Athenians rue the Greole ! ) . I - . And the Greeks rule the world _ ' . I I UnIted States Fish Catch. . , According to the Nntlonnl Geographic - ' ' graphic Magnzlno , the total catch of teed nshes In the Umted Stntes and Ahislm , as shown by the last convass , . . . . wns 1.733,314,324 . pounds , vnlued at 45,531lG . The number of men em. . . plo'ed was 214,05G , nnd the cnnltal In. : t vested wns $72,261G46. ' ' . " . , Of Wide Interest. ; , ; ' Breed , Wls" July 18-Speclal- \ , Chores ] Y. Peterson , Justlco of the ; , : Peace for Oconto Co. , hos delivered . . : ; a Judgment that Is of Interest to the ; ; whole Uuted States. Put brleOy , that . j ; > " jUdgment Is , "Dodd's KIdney Pl11s are . ; ' . the best Kidney medicine . on the mor- . ket " 1'1" And Mr. Petersen gives his reason " , : 'or ' this Judgment. Ho ooys : "Last ' winter I had an DChlng poln in my , " back which trouJled ! me very much. , ) : . I' the morning I could bardly straight.- , . , l . en my bacl , . I did not Itn < Jw what It fl . 'was but an advertisement led me ta , ; try Dodd'a Kidney Pills. After taking . . ' . ono box I can only sny they have done . moro for mo than expected as I feel " o.s well now as ever I dId before : ' . Pain In the bock Is one of the first " . symptoms of Kidney dlsClse. If not . , cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills It mny evelop Into Bright's Dlsease , Dla- . betos , Rhoumotlsm or some of the . other deadly forms of Kidney DIsease. Ban on American Dentists. The Supreme Court of Germany hos rendered an opinion that the tltlo of ' doctor conferr d by American dental colleges Is not to bo recognlzed In Germnny , constituting a violation of the Germon law against unfair' competition - tition and Is theretoro prohibited to bo used. Three hundred and twenty dentists - tists In Germony , who heretofore held the UUo of doctor from Amerlcon col. leges , are affected by this declslon. Youth a Relative Quality. Youth has 'nothlng to do with .ears f -tho rea ] YOlrlh thot accepts lIfo end I learns from It the lessons which exalt and purity. But It Is given to few . , to corry with them Into old ago the splendor of the dawn. to retain th6 I old "unconqueroble hope" to the end. These few , however , are the snl of the earth , whether they write. . or dig ; or sweep crossings. Learning RussIan at Home. . . . . Swa1l0w a white seldlltz powder , f01l0wlng It with a blue one. Then slmultaneousy ] swa1l0w a big drink or water and Inhao ] some finely powdered - dered coyenne pepper. Have a phonograph - graph handy " .hen the trouble starts. \ and you will have on record the city directory of St. Patersburg.-BalU. . moro American. . . Keep Most of Products at Home. In the city of Smj'rno. there ere foctorles that make thread ynrd , calIco - Ice prints for head wear , ! Joxes , etc. : there nro fiour mills , machlno sbops , carrlago and cart factories , and n clgaretto ta tory. None of the manufactured - factured articles , with the exception ' ; J of carpets" Is exported. . . . . . . . " ! : . ' ' Is It Not Worth While If you trav I , n business or pleasure , . to get the best service for the lowest , . , l. rates ? Ask the Erie Rallrood Com- : ' ' pony , 555 Railway Exchange , Chicago , : 'I \ tor fu1l Information. Doolets ] free de- . ! i : : . , scrlJln/ ! / ; ' Summer Tours nnd the Beau- . . " tlrul Chautauqua Lalo Region ; also : , * , . . . Cambrldgo Springs , ' , ' " New Value of Aluminum. A German experlmonter , Herr . . . , Bernhard , noting tbe structure of allJmlnum , decided tQ try It for pulUns . ' an o go on finecuttlng Instruments , such as sllrglcal ] mlvcs , razors , etc. < : Ho found that It acted exactly IIko ' I razor-hono of the finest quaHty. More FlexIble and Lasting , won't ; shn.lte out or blowout : by using I Detlance Starch you obtain better results - sults than possible with any athal brand and one-third more tor _ a.m. money. Oldest Woman In World , I Mndrltl claims to have the oldest woman In the word-Mnrla ] Nieto. ; t who hOff"lIved In three centuries , hav- lng been ! Jorn In 1781. She was twlc6 I ; married end had nineteen chlldrcn , a.U I of whom she survives. , Occoslonally n man mnrrJes because I he ImagInes a dlvorco suit Is less ex , , penslvc U n.bre . llf'p..om1so ult . , . , C < lrnu'Medals. . . I - n [ nrtuc tlal commltteo hall been , formed In Paris for the purpose or " J Btrlklng medal In honor of the mom- my of the late Prot. Cornu. The com. I mitteo Includes many members , foreign - eign nssocla.ces and correspondents ot tue Instltuto of France , as well 89 oth. or leaders In tbp scientific worM. The ! mednl wll1 bo In bronze , sllvor bronze and ollCr , and the prIce will be 15 frnncs , frnncs and 50 francs , rOe spec I\-ey. ] Dlfilcultlcs only Increase tIetcnnlftftl Uon. '