\ Soo\et \ , . L\brar\an \ 'IJ"a\ 11Lbraran - - t.USTER .UOUNTY EPUBLICAN' . . ' . . , . . . . , ; ' ESTABT4ISlIED 1882. . TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUN'l'Y. LARGEST CIRCULA'l'ION OF. ANY PAPER IN 'l'lIE COUNTY. _ \ r i VOL. - XXIII. . BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 28 , 1904.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.7 : - - ! I : - 'f : : , HV 'hOdY 1I0wadys i ! ! rnlcd . . by the time piece , Why 1I0t havc n reliablc mnster , Oll r whose Iii : tates arc IIc\'cr open I " to qllestion ? Have thc 0111 olle made I ight or get 1lIew Olle , Travellhl ! call1 for n timepiece , ; 1I0t n pockel pIece , YOII WOllld give nn hOllr for a minute when ! ) 'our train vanishes froltt one . , nd of the station as yon enter the other , 1 cnn makl' : yollr I old watel , ! reliable or sell ) ' 011 I one thal If ] . 1 t I . . . " . . . . eve. . . . . . _ - . ' . - .1- _ . . . I , _ School Books. I . II I I Tabletc ; I ' ? I . . . . . . r -J..ND-- I 'r School Supplies , ' f -AT- J , G. Haeberle's : . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - . - > J as. Kimberling of Des Moines , i Iowa , was a social caller at this office yesterday. He is a traveling - ing salesman for a cloUting firm. He is a cousin of J. M. Kimberl- ing of this city. L. E. Cole went to Champaign , Illinois , last week , to attend the t - funeral , of his wi fe'f ) brotheJ'T-- . . J : electriC 'an , who was killed at St. Paul , Minn. , by an electric wire : He returned yesterday morning. We learn from Rev. J. 'R. 'rea- . " , garden that Earnest Crawford's two year 01c1 child , of Kingston , was sca1c1ed to death the latter part of last week. The child lived thirtfive hours after the accident. Rev. 'l'eag.rden : : conducted - ducted the funeral Sunday afternoon - . \ noon at Kingston. - - - - - - IIruiQ\I > ' Tortured. A case came to light that for persistent and U1 1l1erciful torture has perhaps n'ever been equaled. I Joe Golohick of Colusa , Calif. , writes : "For 15 years I endured ! insufferabb pain fr m Rheumatism - ( tism , and nothing relie\'ed me , though I tried everything known. I came across Electric Bitters and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottJes of it completely relievcd and cured me. " Just as good for Liver and Kidne ) ' troubles and general debilit ) ' . Only 50c. Satisfaction lfitarantecd by Lec Bros. , Druggist. - - - m : : : : : : : : : : m 'rhe Rl\l'UlITlCAN ac1mowledges a IH1sines call from Mrs. W. P. Dear orf of Merna Tuesday. Dr. Day's mother of Roseville , Illinois , is visiting in the city with the Dr. and her brother , II. Rogers. , , 1E. . Harris and wife of W es terv iJ1e , were ci tl. visitors Saturday. They visJted with their ( hutghter , Mrs. Barrett , \vest of the city , Saturday night and Sun ay. Smith Allen , formerly of this county , now a resident of St. Joseph , Mo. . was a friendly caller - er at this otlice Ii'riday. - He is making his home now with his daughter , Mrs. ' Manifold , in St. Joe. ' 1'he Callaway Queen registers a kick against the U. P. railroad for changing its time from 11 :45 : a. m. to 7:45 : p. m. This arrangement - rangement throws their mail a I day late as it has to layover at I Kearney. 'We would advise Cal- laway to join with the people of I Arnold and Broken Bow and put in an electric line so as to connect - nect wIth th B. & 1'1. , an up' to- ate road. DR. L. B. BILON EYE SPECIALIST , W ill be at T4ee Bros. Drug Store , where he may be consulted Free of Charger Friday , August 5th , 1904. If you suffer from Sore , \Veek or Inflamed Eyes , Failing or Painful Vision , Diz7. ness , con- fusjon in the brain , that heavy , dull feeling , Nervous Prostration - tion , Sick Headaches , Facial Neuralgia , etc. , Headache Over the Eyes and in the Back 01 the Head. This is a positive sympcom of eyc.1\irain , and the p tson who dopes himself continuously b ) ' taking head ache powders , wafers , tablets , pain pills , and the various patent nervines , which are all composed of the various heart-depressents , such as anti-pyrine , ant.i-lmmnia , anti- febrine , acetanilide , bromides , and narcotics such as opium , 1I1orhine. etc. , only relieves his condition temporaril.r and at the expense of all the poisonous and deleterions afler-efi"ects of these drug's a temporary relief at the best. Stop it ! You are the person - son we are looldng for ; we can g \'e you permanent relief by removing - moving the cause of the trouble. I f we can't , we will tell you so 'honestly. ' Properly adjusted glasses afford an immediate and positive cure for the headache , as they remove the cause and are therefore permanent - manent in their effects , unlike the headache powder which 'only relieve the effects , and the ca se ( eye-strain ) is left to do the mischief - chief o\'er ag-aiu. Call earl ) ' , as we can give you better attention than if you come the last minute. - - ttttt'tt'ttttttt"tttttt"ttttt'ttttttttttttt1ttt'ttt"ttttt ' ' , , , " , , " ' , , ' " , , , , , - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - 1rHE ROCERY - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - : - - - - . - = = : : : : : : - - E : Headquarters for Gro eries , Fresh li'rnits , = = . . : : : V egeta bles , Can ued Goods. We handle : : : : : : E the O. L. ' Pure Cider . :3 : : : : : An elegant Gregory's set of. . . . . . . . " . . Vinegar. . . . . . , . . = = - - - - - . ' - - - . DISHES GIVEN . AWAY - - - - - - . . , . . = - = as prizes with coffee.Ve sell as cheap - : : : : : : = = as the cheapest. ll&'North side of the : : : = = public square , Brol < en Bow , Nebraska. : :3 : - . - - - . . I W. A. GB RGB & . I - - - - - - 111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 1111111il1111111l11il1il1111il1il1il l.ollhnnsft'r SIorl. , ' 1' . B. Buckner , postmaster at Oconto has been relieved by Dept. Marshall Harman. A shortage of $442 was found in his accouuts , which the bondsmen - men put up. Buckncr was tal < cn to Holdrege and there bound o\'er. In efault of bond was taken to Douglas county jail. A. li'ouda bas been placed in charge of the office. Samuel \Vaddington of Ortello , was a city visitor : : ) aturday. 'l'his office acknowledges a friendl ) ' call. . Joseph Scott \Veissert , was in the city Saturday and closed the deal for the Adamson residence - dence property in the southeast part of town. Mr. Scott will let his boys take charge of his farm amf stock and will move to the city after har..vest. 'l'he Rupun- LICAN extends a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Scott , who bave well earned their success in life and the rest..they will now be able to enjoy. . Sunday will be teachers day at the 1\1. E. church. At 11 a. m. the pastor will deliver an address on the subject of "Character Building. " At 8 p. m. Mrs. Crawford of Peru- and Prof. Monroe of Iowa , will each make an address. Special music is being - ing arranged for both of these services. Rev. Abem , Lewis Male Quartette , Ii'rank Stephens of Crete , and others will sing. We expect it to be an enjoyable and helpful day to aU concerned. A cordial invitation to onr citi- 7.e 1s and to all teacbers is extended - tendedGEO. . P. 'l'lu'.rns , Pastor. The City Council at its meeting - ingVednes ay night passed a r'solution recinding'its order to the county treasurer to accept 10 per cent for the 5signment tax sale certificates no\v held by the city , except from tbe owners of { Jropert ) ' . 'l'his was done with a view to allow all property ovners Jwhose property has been sold to the city for tax , to redeem If they wish to do so without the intervention - vention of a third party. The city attorney was also instructefl to take the neces ary steps to forclose on all city sales , and if possible to get into cuurt at the Septeniber term. , , . . , . , . IIIIHCb,1I " > > crHDull Foot ( I. cer Louis , J. lruger , ex-champion lQng distance foot racer of Germany - many and Holland , writes , October - tober 27th , 1901 : "During my training of eight' ' weeks' foot races at Salt Lake City , in April last , I used Ballard's Snow T4ini- ment to my greatest satisfaction. 'rherefore , I hithly recommend Snow Liniment to all who are trouble ( { with sprains , bruises or rheumatism. " 25c , 50c , $1.00 uottle. Sold by Ed. McComas , Brol en Bow and Merna. . ' Mrs. Joe Pigman and son , 'I Elba , returned the first of the week from It weel < s'isit in the viciuity of Ravenna. 'l'he anuual picnic of the Old Set tlers of Custer counly will be heM in Broken Bow , \Vednesday , Augnst 3 , 190IIon. . . John N. Dryden of Kearne ) " , will deliver the principal address of the oc- casion. Ghief Justice Holcomb was a ftiendly caller at this office last Friday. ' 1'he Judge was on his way to Seattle , Washington , where he hopes tu recuperate his health. lIe stopped off a couple days to visit relatives and his many friends at this place. : Julius Ottun , of Boyceville , \Visconsin , arrived in the city Saturday morning on his way tel l ound Valley , to visit. his parents - ents and former neighbors. lIe with his brother has been in the m rcantile busin ss in Doycevi1le bu t recently soM ou t. 'l'hey expect - pect to go into business in Luck , 'Wiscohsin. DU\U-At \ her home on Ash reek on Sunday evcning , ) uly : : q. 1904'cr ) ' sud. denly , Mis. Itanmc H. Herrick , wifc of D. I. . Herrick. Deceased \\Jis horn in New York , ! \larch :21 , 1855. She wn ! ! mnrried' to D. I" Herrick January J , 1876 , in Clay Co. , Nehraska. ' 1'0 this ullion was born uiue chill1ren of whom seven survivc her. AU of lhem are ] \ ' - iug ut home. Mn . Hcrrick was u geol ( lII ther atul a gooduelt hhor. She 10vel1 her hOlne and ' ' ; 'U9 hoPtllK to see her ( 'hi ! . dren weU-cstablished. ller suddcn death was a shock to the cOllunullily. 'rhe flln- eral wa ! ! conducted hy ReI. . . I. . . Hplcy al the home on Monllay I utul the hurinl. was ut Droken Dow cemetery. The bereave - reave ( ] fnmity Ias the syiupnthy of a11 who kuow them. Dr. Leach , the Dentist , who has been locatcd at"Callaway the - past few years , is now located in -Broken Bow in the Gleim Build- ng. His office is equipped with the latest appliances and all of the latest methods are used by him. Realizing that the dread of pain results in the los or-more teeth than any other cause , Dr. Leach makes a special effort to relieve all such sufTering. Dr. Leach is the only dentist this silj of Grand Island who administers - ministers Gas , Vitalized air or Dentalil1e to render operations painlens. By the use of Denta- line the Doctor removes the live nerve positively without pain 'Cnd immediately lfills the tooth thereby avoiding the oft repeated - ed and much dreaded visits of the patient to the dentist. His first consideration is to plcase you , if yon are not satisfied he will refund your moncy. C"t"cr"ItI ncc..nucudcct .or O. G. Higbee , Danville , Ills. , writes , Dec. 2 , 1901 : IIAbout two years ago I was laid up for four months with rheumatism. I tried Ballard's Snow Liniment ; one bottle cured me. I can cheerfl1ll y recommend it to all suffering from hke afUiction. " 25c , 50c , $1.00. Sold by Ed. Mc- Comas , Broken Bow and Merna. I I ' - - - - - . . . . ' - 'W , . II Clea-ranco Sale . Beginning July 21st , we will for the following three \veeks olTer as a , . , . . . . . " . . . , . , . . , . . . . . . . Special Inducement 20 Per Cent Off For Cash on all Summtr ! Goods , among which . are : All 'l'riit med Hats. . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . 25c h All Read ) ' toVear Hat's. . . . , . . ' . : . . . . .50c each Trimmed Ha ts : . . . , . . ,20 per cen t ofT usual.Irice Silk Coats , Silk'and Wash \Vaists , Shirt Waist , Suits , Silk and Light Weight Skirts , r4 dies' Underwear , Rain Coats , Lac Hosiery , Silk Mits. and : : ) ummer Gloves , Fahey Ginghams and all Summer Piece Goods , Ladies' Summer Suits , \Vrappers , etc. , all go at. . . . . . . . 20 per cent off. Do not delay , but come at once and get first choice as these goods will soon be gone. I B. E. PRBDMORE , . . First Door North Postotlice , - - Broken Bow , Nebraska. . : I . . . . . . . - - . . , t'tt't"t"'tt"'t"tt ' ' " " " " " " " ' " " ' " , + tt"t"'t""tt'tt"1t" " " " ' " ' " " " " " ' " ' " I Shows" . I - - - - s : : 'rlwrc will be sevornl showR here next = = s : : mo.nth , hut tilt' g'J'outest ; show of all will he Mal' . = = s : : tin's Buggy Show , and hettor still , it clon't = = s : : cost you anything to get .in but if you get out = = s : : wHhout ; buying n Bug'gy it ; will be lwcnuse you : : : s : : don't want ono. Come in uncI see nil of the lat- = = s : : l st styles in the Bug'gy line. r can show you : : : - - I More BUQQies : : I - ' - : : : than nil the denIm's in the county put together. : : : = = If. you nre going to wnnt a Buggy why not buy = = = = one UlIlt is of the latest ; dh'ont from the fnc- = = = = tory instead of buying one t mt has stood in n = : erate in house for ' ' until : : : : : : n jobbing n yeat' 01' moro = = t10 ; ] dust hns eat tho'vnrnish up. ry prices I will : : : s : : guarantee to bo lower tlIm ; ] you can buy from : : : s : : anyone in the United fHntes. : Bring Y011l' eatu- : : : : : : logue nnd priees uncI eOl\W in and see meet I = = = = have plenty .Deering , PInno ancll\lcOormiek \ l\tow- \ = = : : : el' Sic-Ides : 5-roob , $1.26 ; 6-foot , $1.36' each. = = - - E liThe Dealer That Saves You Mone , " C.S.MAR1rINMfI.Agt : : : : -AND DEAIJEU IN- : : : - : - : ; ANTI-1'I us"r GODS. ; = = il1111111111il111111111111111111111 + 1111111111111111111111111111111111'1 ' ' - . 'rwo tent meetings are in progress - gress 111 the city. One conducted - ed by tbe Christit.n church , the other by the Al\'ents. _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ - - - , Royal Betts , Sam T4ee and Miss Pearl Hunter returned 'ruesday morning from St. T40uis , where they visited the fair.'L 'L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) . ; . . . # .f. .r.t..cf..oc . . .crJl'rJ"JI.Y".cCf..cf..o'"J.I"Q'.M".r..I. : . . . . .E. c. : HOU E. . . . . . . ' I Real Estate , Loans OJ InSUrance thaye sQme of the.b S farms iulbe county for ale. I ha\'e some of the best ranches in the stat'e for Rale. S I I have three good city residences for sale. , 8 . . : 1 have some of the most desirable city lots for ale. . I have money to loan on good improved farms in Custer Co. . ' h' . - fi I ha\'e mOl1e } " to loan on good city property. , . r bave the best equippecl Insurance Agency in _ thccounty. . - - = = = -f ] - - - H s -ft - Hail ! Hail ! Hail J Hail ! fi s ' s Now tht } 'ou have the best prospectR for a bumper ; crop , protect it b ) ' il1iurance ! in the oM reliable St. , Paul Fi 6 i r and Marine . Insurance Co. against Hail. ' N . - - . ' r E. . HOUSE , I 8 J " ' AGI N"l. , " Brol < en Bow , - - - - - - Nebraska. .Y"J".rJ".r..f..cr.r Q"J'J"'J"'J".f."Q"J".1".c-.rJ.rJ"rJ"JI'rJ"'J"J"JI'rJ"J"'J' . "J"J" : J t . , . . . . . . " . , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A AAAA AAAAAA AA AAA ft Aft AAA ) : ; : Q : : tI : & : ttI : t' < > I : : tjt\ : : : : : t\t : : : : ( /f1 / ; 4rX j W TWINE , . . ' ! I T : J : : B I ; -j s . = ' . . - < < . : Su eye Sisal Twine 10e. . . } : Best De ring Sisa.l ! 'wine 12 c. .I J ' , I , . . . . 1 : 'I 'tV e re now making preparations for ' : , the lIay mid Grain harvest. Look up m i : what. repairs y u wil wunt fo ' the : 'J I Deermg , : M wer at.HI HUl er. If you m < < , want . a new maclnne , we have them. : 1 i \V e now ha'e a few bnl'gnns ill' mi : ' , and Hay RakeslI' . I j ' ' " : . 'l'hey are the best thing on the mar- : keto thw us about these if YOll wunt . ' : a bargain. 'Phono No. 107. ' : ' Our lotto : "Undersell. " , 'I t . 'I f c. W. APPLE , f : , < c' < . 'tVeRt Side SCIlH1re , Bro I \:011 : B ow , N ebruska. J\ } ! : , ) ' : & l'j. . } 1Jt J& . ) I . Jii'iij ] : . . . J& . . : iYJjtiJJt : ! : > > J : .r . . , . , ; I . . . . , . - . ' . ' , , "