Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 14, 1904, Image 8

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. .
, , , , ' - , . . ' .t. . . ' " " . - - - ' . .
Go\llluir \ m'OK. ' MhOW , Cowlu" .
- -
Gollmar Bros. ' big railroad
sho\v. . iJ ! in the city today a 1111
ga ve their afternoon perfqrm-
. . ance t the head of Seventh
avenue west. 'l'he weather was
ideal for a circui : : and it was a
firit-c1ass : : performan e that Goll-
mar Bros. put on. At abqut 10
o'clock they gave their parade
which was very good , containing. .
among other things , seven open
dens of animals. 'In addition tea
a very fine circus performance
the ) ' carry a first-class menagerie
of wild animals , which is very
interesting. 'l'hc sh w th s afternoon -
ternoon opened at about 2:30 : and
was good , vcry good , indeed.
'l'here was hardly a poor act in
the entire show. It was a good ,
clean performance and gave
splcndid satisfaction to the large ! !
number that attended. Another .
performance will e given this
evening at 8 o'clock.-Ashland
Daily Press , Ashland , Wis.
Will cxhi it at Brolcen Bow ,
Monday , August 1st.
. 'ubllc Hule.
Alvin Daily wilt sell at public
auction , at his farm near Mil-
burn , Nebraska , on July 23 , 1CJ04 ,
aholit 100 head of cattle , luclud-
ing fifteen good milch cows , :
thirty-five lH ad of steers , balancc
stock cattle. Also forty head of I
"hogs. A cre 1it of nine months
will bc given. Sale egins at 10
o'clock , Free lunc11.
The Custer Baptist Association
will be held at Ansley , August
26 , 27 and 28. A. vcry interesting -
ing pro raU1 has becn arranged.
Among pcrsons of notc , who will
take part in the exercises arc Dr.
Reardcn of Omaha , Dr. Suthcr-
land of Grand Island , Rev. D. D.
" Proper of DesMoins , Iowa , Gen.
Missionary , l ev. C.V. . Brinstad ,
. Mrs. VanNess of 1-4incoln. Dr.
Chivers of Chicago , may be abie
to bc there on Sunday. Every
, church in the Association is urged -
ed to . send a full delegation.
Pr gram will be published in
'I ; ) the RHPUIJLICAN later.
NI llt 'Va" , Ilcr 'I'crror.
HI wou1 < l cough nearly all
. night long , " writes Mrs. Chas.
Applegate of Alexandria , Ind. ,
"and cou1 < l hardly get any sleep.
I had consumption so bad that if
I walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood , but ,
when all other medicines failed ,
three , $1.00 hottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery wholly cured me
and I gained 58 pounds.tI It's
absolutely guaranteed to cure
Coughs , Colds , LaG rippe , Bronchitis -
chitis and all throat and lung
troubles. Price 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Lee Bros. ,
0' Il
, otO . 0(1.1 .
o c\ 81.1b . .0 . / /
( \\O .
co . .
III. ' . . . Alway , ! reliable. Lad h' . " uk Drollll' tal
t)1I1t)1It'rlIL'H ENULINII In Ked an (
. old metallIc lions , 1WI\led wltb blue ribbon
- . Taktl uo IIt"UI. . , " ' ' ' ' ! rerou. .ubaU
\ ' tutton..n. . . . 1.\110. . . . lIn ) ' or your 'urulliu
send . . . In " , ror . 'arllrular. . Te.U
' wonl"l. .Uld "Unu" " 1e..I1. . , tor . . " . . . . . . . . . I. . ld/er
by rel..rn : na" . 10.000 'I'eallwouilloli. tjQll1 bJ
" IIUO : ! I..I.on H.I. . . . . . 'II1LA. . IPA
AI..U. . &kl. , ap. . .
Easy Credit Terms
P I A NOS ! 124.71UP.
r. STOVES and RINOEssfj ?
or 011 klndo ot 60 oente up.
We are the largel' JUanuracturtri O
, earth , hue unlllDltod capl"1 and Mil
. ' direct from tha worklhop to the IIr..ld.
, bonoraillt , pooIJlo In aU par" of tbe
"arid. No o'her IDl1nUraC'urer "IU Ie'
, ou un the (10011. for foara "hUe 110w1 ,
parlnw for tl1ol11.
Wrll. for 101011111100 041' . . . Catalope No. 115
C < > . . . . .U4..s 'ac\orl. . .
" 111.83 Rlndolph St. . ClllelUo , III. . U. So A.
" ' " , . , . . ! .t.-- _ : .f t.- . > . , . . . . . . "VI'1. . . " : i\i l' ' ! . '
'l'be Old Settler' ! ) Picui will
be held on August 3rd. John
Dryden of Kearney will he the
speaker of the day.
Winter wheat , rye and barley
harvest is well under way in this
county. Several fields of early
oats are also being harvested.
Miss Loyd of Waco , 'l'cxas , arrived -
rived in the cify thi morning
fro111 the south. She is a sister
of James 140yd of Snake Hutt ,
f eports from St. Petersburg
daim that 30,000 Japancse were
killed by land mines in an attack
upon Port Arthur last Sunday
nigh t. .
Rev. J. R. Woods of Mason
City. came up this morning on
his way to Bethel Union church ,
where he will hold services
Saturday and Sunday. >
J. J. Wilson , who attended the
democratic national convention
at St. Louis last week , returned
yesterday morning. He is' n t
wcll pleased with the result. He
says the Cleveland wing of democracy -
mocracy controlled the convention -
tion like clock work throughout.
( l'I'OD' .he "Once Upon" TIme" StnKo
to " 'J'bnt ncnllnde ltlc. "
Our earl1est lustluct It ! to usk tor a
story. our Illtest to tell oue uua'sked.
Huwau lite Is boulldld ! at either end
by II phrnsc ; "OUCIIpOU a tlmo" at OU\ !
end. "thllt remllllis uw" Ilt tlle other.
Above thrst lustluct we rise grlldu.
ally , gradulllly decllulug to the Iecoud.
Not tllat tiJl , Ulll'I'lItive sense e\'cr dlml
In USi ouly Ihllt III the 1Ilenltudl' of our
powers we I1re not slIth , l wltlll1 story
tllat Is nothing mOI'e tblln a story. n
narrative tor n/lrl' / tlon's sake.
'l'he mlm ) ot n child Is nil lInpl ! ! for
tacts , tor IUs < tmpty. um ) nothing Is 80
quickly filling. so easily usshn11able. a
a disll ot facts. Facts of ctlon ure
preterred by the child to nctulIl facts
because they satisfy also Its stroug 1m.
aginative sense. Its moral and Intel.
lectual senses are still In abeyunce. De.
duce trom any story "a mornl" 'or nn
Iden. I1nd tlle cll 11 d' runs uwny rlillely. '
Tllere Iles the dllIerlnce betweln U $
and It. Our moral und Intellectual
scnses are' ourlslllng. nnd by "their
strength our iwuglnation Is propor.
tlonutely weakencd. Gt'lmm is not
enough tor us. Our moral sensc cries
aloud tor Hnns Andersen. Dumas
lcaves us cold. Our mind needs Balzac.
It Is not enough tor us thllt once upon
a tiwe there were tlireo princesses or
three musketeers who sulIered or did
some queer tllings. We wnnt those
triads to 11Iustrnte , to symbolize. to
mean something. to corrobora te or up.
set some theory thnt we l1ave formed.
to quicken our mind and alIect our
Bucll arc tlle prime needs or our mo ,
turlty. Comes Time. mowing a\voy
with his scytllo our InteHectunl and
moral cUrlosltYi nor does lie restore
to us our old imltgluntlon. lIe. crops us
bare or all but experience. Thl gs that
bave bappened-cspeclu'ny , old egoists
that we are. tbe tlllngs that have llap-
pened to ourselves-are the ouly tlllngs
tbat rouse us trom our letllurgy.
"Anecdotage" Is on ugly pbrnse. "Sec.
end childhood , " less barsll. Is not less
eoxactly descriptive. For our last sta tA ,
tbe state where narroti\'e Is absolute
despot , was our first state too.-Mox
Beerbobm In Saturday Review.
He watclled tllo clock.
He was always grumbling.
He was always belllndlland.
Ho asked too many questions.
Hia stock excuse was " 1 torgot. "
He wasn't ready tor tbe next step.
He did not put bis l1eart In his work.
He , learned nothing trom bls blunders.
He chose his trlends awong his Inte-
, rSora.
, He wlla .content . to be a second rat (
Ho ruined J11s ablUty by bait dolnt
fhlncu. '
Ho never dared to act on b1s OWl
He did not think it . worth wll110 t. .
learn how , ,
Ho thougllt It was clever to use coors. .
nnd profane langunge.
He imitated tlle llabits ot men wh ,
could staud more tllan he could.
He did not learn that tllo best par
or 1119 salary was not In 111s pay envel
Christian Endeavor Hotel
8. . . . LOVitt , , .1I..O'(1RI.
IIetdQuuterlt or cbrlstlan t > eoille and frlen !
of morality. A resp'ctabldlotel forrespectab
tleople. I.ocatcd 100 feet from Gate to' 1'a
Ground8. StrHt carll direct frpm Union St
tlon. Dullt for sarety aud cOlufort. Capacll
3.000 truest. dally. D&cked : by meu of bhrlle
Itaudlul ! ' anl1 endorsed b ) ' Worll1'11 Falrofticlal
Tlloulandlt of repreentatl\'e people frolu : I
sectlon8 of1111 cOUlllry 1It : ve eU\rttred accum
datlon8. Ratn urantred In : &dvauce $1.00 : & 1
n.oo per day. Send for booklet II'lv'ulif ' f
panlcul"I. : Tell your frlend8 abollt II , A
dren al once.
SI. I.ouls. MIi6ourl ,
Ulih8lt mutet price pild tor DUller 1'1
JJSht l1unnl g. . . . . . . . . .
Empire Cream Separators
Vor Halo. 'PbOU8 NoW6.
. . 8. D.1U81101'.Opera'or.
Droken uow. Uebrak
I :
. . -oa. . . . . . . . .
. ] , . . ' . . . . . . ) : : " .L""il. . . . . . " . . . . . . ' l"1. ' .II"
An article 011 "Womcn ill Na.1
tional Republican Convention"
of a column or moreclipped from I
'l'he Woman's Journal was re-I
ceived through the mail 'with re.
quest to print in the RUJ'UULJN. .
As our matter was made up for
the paper it was not possible t
comply with the request. All
communications arc required to
be in this office not later than I
Wednesday and reprint not later I
than'l'uesday. While articles of. .
that class may be of interest to aI I
few they would be much more
liable to be republished and read
if they were rewritten al1d reduced -
duced to half or three-quarters of
a tolumn. 'rhe one in question
would make fr'om a column and a
half to two columns set in our
body type. We hope to give
this arhcle space next week , but
the length of it may prevent us.
A big strike bythe union
laborers of the packing houses
was declared 'l'uesday noon.
More than fifty thousand laborers -
ers have gone out as the result.
The trouble arouse over the de-
niand for an increase of wages
for unskilled labor. The packing -
ing houses declincd to grant the
demand and offered to submit
their differences to arbitration.
Instead of submitting- arbitration -
tration a strike was ordered The
packing houses now propose to
employ men without regard as to
whether they are members of the
union labor league , in order to
ke p their v.lants in operation as
far as possible. The strike will
doubtless effect prices on hogs
and cilttle very materially , as a
very small per cent of what were
formerly used will be required.
It is a case where all concerned
will be loosers and no body bene-
fi ted. .
GollDlar's SlIow Coming.
Gollmar Bros. ' Big Railroad
ShoW proved to be a fine attraction -
tion and drew big crowds. Goll-
mar Bros. do not tolerate fakirs
or windlers with their shows.-
Star , Peoria , Ill.
\VitI exhibit at Broken Bow ,
Monday , Aug\st 1.
l.caB Tbpn HaUFare
The l1urlington offers another series' 01
low rate excursions to St. Louis and reo
turn on Mondays , July II , 18 and 25.
Tickets itt $14.25 for the round trip-
considerably'less than half rate. '
Tickets are good in coaches and chait
cars ( seats f ee. )
The St. Louis Exposition is tl1e tuosl
magnificent spectacle the world has evel
beheld , and its like tuay not occur agallJ
in your lifetime.
Lellue send you our illustrated folderl
or call on our agent for full information ,
. L. W. WAKJ\r.nv ,
General Passenger Agent ,
5-6 Omaha , Nebr.
LIl"n Social.
A lawn social at which ic {
cream and cake' will he servec
will be held on the lawn of th {
M. E. parse uage Friday evenin
July 15. Everybody come.
Cburch 8erylee. .
Preaching next Sunday morning ane :
evening as IIsual. Morning subject
"The Book of Exo us. " l vening sub
ject will be of interest to all.
. . } ) .
4. L. Epley , astor.
! . . -
Subjects for July 17. Morning , "Th ,
Cause of Churcl1 Divisions , and th
1 Grollnd of Church Unity. " Evening
"The Christian's Proof of Salvation. "
M. n. ClIUItCII.
I.ocated in the block west of tht : COlli
C House. Preaching services I I a. III. 1m
8 p. III. Sunday School at 10 u. II :
( ) Jm lor Epworth League at 3 p. m. Er
worth League at 7 p. m. It IS our elIol
't to make these services aUfIlcti..e ani
I . helpful. We give you a cordial welconu
Geo. P. Trites. p stor.
We woull1 be pleased to h ve you a
tend these services once und continue
you can find lI methln helpful in sue
atteudance. Sunda } ' Schoolal 10 a. n
Sermon and communIon at 1 I a. w. " \
P. S. C. E. at 6:30 : p. m. . foHowed by
practical discourse at 7:30 : p. w. " Pra } ' < <
meeting at 7 :30 : eacH Tllursday eveninl
Special wusic by church members 'is
pleasant feature of these services.
Jesse R. Teagarden. Pastor.
111 , Daa8eball p.a3iereaud Foot Itacel -
d. -
Louis J. Kruger , ex-cbampio
long distance foot racer of Ge :
- many and 'Holland , writes. 01
N tober 27th , 1901 : "During m
. . training of eight weeks' fo (
races at Salt Lake City , in Apr
last , I used Ballard's Snow Lin
, ment to m ) greatest satisfactiol
Therefore , I highly recommetJ
Snow Liniment , to all who L1
troubled..with sprains , br is s < <
rheumatism. " 2'5 ' , 'SOc , ' $ IJ
bet tIe. Sold by Ed. McComa
. Broken Bow and Merna.
'm ' " . . , , , . , ' . , ' . . ' .
: = : r
: A uers
, 1 _ . . , . . . . . . . . " " - ] 1 J I
Bald ? Scalp shiny and thin ?
Then it's probably too late.
I You neglected dandruff. If
I you hod only taken our advice -
vice , you would have cured' ,
" Vigor
the dandruff , saved your hair ,
and added much to it. If
not entirely bald , now is your
opportunity. Improve it.
"I bave " for CO
ueed flair Vigor onr
yearl. IRlOnotl'1I yelluoldandhaV8aheavT
jrowtb uf rich brown hair. due , 1 tblllk , GII.
tlrel , to Ayer'l lIalr Villor , "
lIl1lS. ltI. A. KEITH. Dellevllle , 111.
91.0\1 a boUle. J. C. A YEll CO. ,
AlidrupI/IAIS. for I.o"ell : 111.11.
Good- Hair
ltlarket lCeport for TOda , . .
OIlAUfWbea , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .bll
UarleJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Z8
Oatl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
RJo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : IS
Com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . : U
Lna 8TOOB- :
nOIrI. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 10
Hteer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 @ 4.SO
Cows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : .1.5) @ 2.75
Ublckens. per poond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ot !
Turkoll , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08
Uutter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Rggi. pordozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n
POlal0C8. per bushel. . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
.Onlon , . per boebel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
IIav. pllr ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
traw.por ctl'L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
sog"r. Grauulated. per OWl. . . . . . $5.50 @ II , to
All members of Co. M. , are requested -
quested to be present at the armory -
ory July 18 , for target practice.
By order of ,
. Com. Co. M.
Tbe DarlluKtoD' l. nY Ratc ,
The or'woman who takes
man a vacation -
tion during th 'l e ted perio is the one
who lives the long st. enjoys life the
most and does the best work.
The Burlington offers excursion rates
in every direction-so low that there is
no excuse for staying at howe. Below
are some of thew :
St. J ouis and return : An kinds of reduced -
duced rates daily.
I Chicago and return : Eitl1er direct or
via St. Louis-daily low rates.
Atlantic City and return , $40.70 , July
9 snd 10. '
Cincinnati and return , $28.35 , July 15 ,
16 and 17.
, , Michigau. Minnesota , Wisconsin. The
Lake Resorts and Lake Steamer Tours-
. very low rates-stopovers at St. L uis on
through tickets affording a visit to the
"Great Exposition , " the grandest creation -
: , tion by the hand'ofman.
Denver , Col rado Springs , Pueblo ,
Glenwood Springs , Colorado , Salt Lake
. City , Utah , and the Yellowstone Park of
' .Wyoming-practically half rates all
I : nlmmer.
Ask the agent for details , or write ,
, L. W. W AKnr.nv ,
. Gt.neral Passenger Agent ,
3-7. Omaha , Nebraska.
J. C. Moore , abst.racting. 2tf
Insurance that insures.
.38tf , R. G. MOORR. :
- -
White waistings at the Racket
Store. 46tf
S. cream separator.
40tf A. H. STUCKEY.
1 - want fly nets see Squires
" Bros. 51tf
LOST-A silver cross with W.
D. Grant's name on front. Please
leave at this office.
The best Mason Jar and the
best Jar Rubbers to be obtained
.may be purchased of J. C. Bowen.
: t
d 'rhe Central Nebraska Stock
: . Growers Association manufacture
: t lime and sulphur Concentrated
Ll Dip , made stnctly by Government
Formula. One barrel makes 400
to 500 gallons for vat use. Price
$8.00. Address ,
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
The most successful canner , is
the party who uses pure unadul.
terated spices and pure old cider
vinegar , sold by J. C. Bowen ,
Broken Bow , Neb. 3tf
' 11 FOR SALIt-Tow..1 lots and a
few five acre lots in this city.
-Allen Reyner.
: - Squires Bros. , have the largest
1 stock of fly nets ever brought tc
> t Broken Bow. SUi
Drs. Davis and li'arnsworth of
1- Grand Island , Nebraska , are pre-
11. pared to treat all forms o clironic
ll diseases , such as rheumatism ,
re stomach disorders. tumors , cLUf-
Jr cers , paralysis , kidney diseases ,
etc. The doctors use besides
j me icine'anusurgery , he X-Ray ,
s , hot-air baths , electricity and
mas8 ge. 2t1
. .
V 1
- -
Low s1.toes , Oxford's and San-I
daIs at the Racket Store. 46tf
Port ArtllUr is bouud to faU ;
and why is the Japanese successful -
ful ! 'Uecause they get thcir
nerves quieted before going 111to
battle by drinking copiously of
'l'ea Leaf Brand t of 'rea , sold
by J. C. Bowcn , Broken Bow.
Take your cream to P. J.
Everybody go to Squires Bros.
Fine Batiste at 10 at the Racket -
et Store. 4Citf
Ilor c Hale.
June 16th , at my yards at Sar-
gent , 75 head of horses , some
broken , somc unbroken , some I .
branded , some unbranded ; all.
good young colts and horses.
. F. M. CURum.
FOR SALIt-3 Registered Red
Poll Bulls. J Al\IItS BOGGs ,
3 miles north \Veissert.
Brilliantine in cream and colors
at the Racket Store. 46tf
FOUND-A boy's w tch.
IYard wide percales , 9 cents at
th Racket Store. 46tf
Farm Lease , Chattle Mortg ge
and Warranty Deed blanks at
this office.
LosT-On the evening of Julv
4th , a black Indian pony , weiglis
800 pounds , . has a B brand on its
left sholder , white strip down its
face and is heavy with foal.
Anyone returning the same to
its ownerV. . E. Mathews ,
Merna , will be rewarded.
This office for neat job work.
Have your work done and have
it done right by a competant
decorator. A. C. Hapgood does
thIS work and guaran tees.
Headquarters , Grand Central.
WANTItD-Men : with families.
, Fair price and good houses.
34tf West Union , Neb.
nSK Carpet for Hale.
The Ladies Ai' ! , of the Baptist
church has 2.5 yards of rag carpet
for sale at 30c , at W. A. George
& Co. store , north of square.
Dr. Sumn r Davis , Grand Is.
land , Nebra\ka \ , specialist in
disease of eve and ear , examination -
tion for glasses. 2tf
Our trade mark , the Pur Old
Cider Vinegar for pickling always -
ways insures success-tell your
neighbors. J. C. Bowen.
FOR RENT-Four large rooms
suitable for family use. Good
well. Mrs. J. W. Creighead.
Money to loan on improved
farms.-R. G. MOORE , Gleim
Block. 41tf
- -
Legal Notices.
AU ad1' rl1 ementl under 'bill head wlU bf
cbarged tor 11' ( el1al ratte. via : ' 1.00 per equlIIE
tor IIrsL In'8rllon , and 60C per Iquaro tor eac
nbsequonL Ineertlon.
"aquan , " II : Ion l1noe or tracUon thereot.
NOllc" Is hereby trlveu thai tile petltloR oj
Gleuu Jobnson for a IIcelise to bell liquors III
tbe vlllatre of Ma80n City. Nebr&sk : & , Is on filt
wllilihe vlll&le clerk of Hald vllllIle ; tllat tbt
Kame Is sl ued by a majorlt } . or the reshhmt
freellolderfl or said village ; tllat ou tbe 16111
day of Juh' , 190 . tbe said Glenu Johnson 'wlll
make application before tile board of trusteef
of said village praylu that IIceuse be Iranted
blm to sell malt , vlneous and HIJlrituon8 IIqnon
al aud wltbln 8&ld village on 101 6. III block 5
for Ibe muuclpal year commenclull' May hit. .
1904. Auyobjectlon to the same shoulll bt
made Iu wrltlul : with tile village clerk prior te
tile meetlul : 01 al tbe session of Raid board ul
truslees on the 16th day of Juh' . 19.J. (
Dated tblH 30th day of June. I'm.
GLENN JOIiNsON. Applicant.
3.5-69 M. I. . I..UID. Vlllale Clerk.
' . ' - .
To wllom It may concern :
'l'he comml8sIoner appoIIU.l to view and II
deemed for the IJUblic Irood to locate a publh
road petltloued (1r by Jesse Gandy : &ud "Ibers
cOlllmenclng at a IlOlnl aboul S rodH weSI 01
tbe Houlhwest corner or Section 1. Townshh
16. Range 21. and rUllnlnl : thence Nortb to thl
centre of the soulh line o ( Sect Iou 36. Townshh
17 , Ranlre 21 ; 'l'hence uorth aloul : the cenln
lIue of said Sectlou about 120 rods : 'l'beuce hi
a lIue nortb or eaSIIO tile ceutre or Ibe easlllnc
of said Section 36 , 10 a public roa,1 at tbat polnl
lIall reported In favor of tbe e t&bllsbmelll :
Ibereof. aud all objecllonli theleto. or clalnli
for " be filed lu tbe couuty clerk' ,
olUce un or efore Uooll of tbe IZlb day 01
AUlust. 1m. or 8uch road will be established
wllbout refereuce tberetu.
In \ VllnessVhereof. . I lIave bereuulo lIel III )
band and 8eal of Bald couuty. tbls 29111 da ) ' 01
JUlie. 1m. GRO. W. DRWECouuty Clerk.
4-7-70 ( SIIAL ! By Jos. P'GMAN , DepuiY.
To wboullt may coucern :
A petition bavlug b en 1IIed In Ihe office 01
tbe couut ) . clerk of Custer county. Nebraska
by llenry Sweeuey : &ud other8 , fortbee8tabll.b
ment of a public road belllnnln\r : &t tbe 80Utl1
west coruer of 8ecllon sevelll7l In tuwnshlp I !
nortll , Ranlle 2 . wesl. Runuhlll tbeuce eas' '
ou secllon line. Ibree miles to tbe norah easl
corner of Sectlou 16 , 'l'owusllhl II ! , Ranlle 22
All objections Ibereto , or clalml ( or damatre.
musl be 1IIed In Ibe couut ) ' clerk's olTIce on 01
before 1I00n of the IZtl1 da ) ' of AUllust. 1904 , 01
8uch road will be e81abllslled wltllout rerereh'l
I thereto. Iu Wllness Whereof. 1 bave bereuut (
set my lIand : &nd seal oflaid couulY. tills 2911
dty : of Juue. 1m.
GEO. W. DRWECouut ) . Clerk.
01,7-74 IIEALI ! : Dy Jos. PIGMAN , DepulY.
'l'lIe followlnll' described laud h. CUsler couu'
ty will be offered for leaH" at Ilublic auctlou : & '
, Couilly Irea8urer'lI olflc" lu Brokeu Uow. Ne-
braRka.OI' 1-'rlday. AUtrUSI5Ih , 11JO.f&t : ! o'c1od
p , m. 'l'enus of leaslnll and appraised v&lu : < <
, ma ) ' be lIad UII : &ppllcatlon to Commls81oller 01
Public I.aud8 aad Uulldh'1l8. I.lncoln , Nebras
kat or 10 couuty trea8urer al Uroken Uow
Thill laud c&uuot be redeemed after secou ,
Issue of'ldtertlsement. : All 36-16-25-
In your reply ple&se : rder 10 tbl8 uumber
D.297. GRO. D. lo'OLLMRK ,
5-7-76 Com. Pub. I.auds J : Dldtrs.
. , . .
r . "
, . "
. . . . . .
- - J. . . "
. ,
In DIlrlC:1 : cQurl of Cusler cOlhUy. Nelira ka. :
JII the matt4r ot the eBtat uf Jome ; U. Hate ; . ,
decea ed.
Nollce III hereby given that III pursua.lIe ot
all order of Druno O. IIostetler. judwe of Ibe
tile Dlslrlct conrt or Cnster connt ) . , Nebraska.
nOlIle oUlhe 1 lh day uf June. A. D. WH , for tile ,
flale of Ihe real estate herein after described. '
there will be Rolli at the It : t front door of the
COUri hon e In Broken Dow , CnRter coun ! ) ' . Ne.
braska , un Ihe 2Jrd , da ) ' of Juh' . A. H. 190-1. aL
2 o'clock In Ihe afternoon. at I'ubll vendue 10
tile hlltheSI bidder lur c3'111 , the fell wlllll LIe.
scribed real cRt ale. towlt : .
'l'he north , ve'lt qua'rter of the Routh ealiL
11Ilarter. the lIolllh west quarter 'or tile 1I0rih
ca'lt quarter. tbe fIouth east quarler fthe 1I0rih
west qllarter and the lIortll east quarter of the
houlh west quarl r uf Section 'l'wenIY.Reycn. 1
'l'ownshlp Nlheteen. North , Ran e' ' 1'wenty.
West of Ihe 61h 1' . 1\1. CnRler county. Nebraska.
Sahl sale wIll ret laln Ol > en oue hoUr.
, Vated tll18181h day o ( Jnlle. A. V. , 11)01 ,
JAM ! : ! ! M. BAT"S ,
Almlnlslrator or the estate of
James O. ) latell , lIeceased.
ALI'IIA l\OIwAN , f ,
7.6-G At10rney for Admlnlslrator.
CON'I'ST : NO'.1'ICI . " ,
Unlte,1 Stale' ! Iatlll Ol1lce. j
Uroken 110w. Nebraska , Jnne HI , t9O-l. I
A sulllclent contest at1hla , II havlvlllll' been
fllelln thl. . ol1lce by.Marllln S. Vall ) ' . conte' ! .
tant. allalll 1 hOllle8tead cUlr } ' No. MO , Ined. :
Septelllbel'17 , 1901 , for 1I0rlliwe'll qnarter Sec.
lion 8. 'l'owu bhl 20 N" Rantrs 20 Woo b ) " Jolin '
II. ElwarLl' ! , coutestl'e.ln wilich It Is alleged
thai Jobu H. glward" ha' ! abalhlulled "aid lalld
a 11I1 II ) lb'lent thererrom and ha' ! beell fur more
Ihan Olle year lasl pasl : Illat 110 hall ( ailed 10
build or erect a honse thelcon ur olher place of
abode : but haR tOlally abanduned ahlland. all
or wblcb defects exist :111111" tlllle. Said par.
lies arc herehy nollned 10 ai'pear , respond and .
uffcr evhlence 10uCblnll' s lld alletrallou at 1U
o'clock a. m. un AUllnsl 10. 1904. beCore Ibe ,
Hellister and RI'celn'r al the Uluted Slate"
1. lnd Uffice In llroken Uow. Nebraska. 'rile
bald contestanl havlnl ( , III a proper alUldavlt.
liIed June 11 , 190-1. sel ( orlll facis which sbow
tllat : &f\er due dllllCellce personal service or tbls
nollce can not be lII lde. It Is hereby ordered and
'directed that snch nollce be Ilh'en by due ant !
proper publlcallon In the Custer COUl1ly Hepub-
IIcan. tlllblished at Broken Bow. Neblaska.
2-7.67 JAMIl5 WIIiTIlIiBAV. Hetrlster.
United Slale > l I.and Oftlce. l .
Uroken Uow. NebraRka , Jllno : : I.I90 . f
A 8ulllcleni conle 1 al1 davlt havhltr been filed
III this oftlce by Gcorll'e C , Zutavern. conlestant.
atralnsl homestead eule ) ' No. HS. matoAullust
H , 1 . for S5 Nw ( , N SwM , Sectlun IZ.
Townsilip 20 N. , Ranll'e 2. Woo by Charles M.
CIIunberlaln : , contestee. lu wilich II Is alleged
that Charle'l M. Chamberlalu h3'1 abandoned
salllalid and 18 absent thererrom. alld h:19 :
beeu lor more than a year lasl past ; thai be
haH failed to bnlld or erect a honbe tllerL't.u or
utber 1lace of alxJde. but ha' ! tolally abandoned
said laud : all or which def..ctexl"t ! alIbi ! !
, present time. Said parlle are hereby 1I0tlfied
to appear. re'pond and olIer evldellce toucblnll I
said alleaatlon al10 o'clock a. m. on A ntrU8t 9. :
190-1. before the Register and Receiver at tbe '
United SIate8 I.alld Ol1lce .In Broken 1I0w. 1
Nebraska. , 'I
The said conleslant havlnll'.11I a I'roper alli ,
davit. filed June 7.1904. Ret turlh lact' ! which . I
8bow thai aCler due dllhrence per > lonal service I
of tbls notice call not be made , It Is bereby ordered -
dered and directed Ihal sucllnutlce be glvell by
due and proper publication In tbe Hepubllca-
c&n. Uroken Dow. Nebraska.
1.6-63 JOliN REltlt. ! Receiver.
UOAD NO'.1'IC1- : ,
To whom It lIIay COllcerll :
A petilloll bavlntr been filed In the office of
tile county clerk of Custer cOllnt ) ' , Nebraska. I
by D. W. Killenbarller alld R. J. Kelley.asklug I
Ibat a public road be est lbllsbed beglnulntr at I
tbe uorth.wesl corner of Section 3Z , 'rowu8blp
18. HanlCe 21 , rUlonlul : Ihellce east on thesectlou
line one.llalf mile to the lIalf section coruer between -
tween Secllous Zl and 3Z. All objectlulls tllere.
te. or clahns for damalles. lIIust b tiled In the
count } " clerl's onice on or liefore nUOII of tile
121h day or AUllust. 1904. or I\ucll road will bo : :
eSlabllshed withoul rererellce thereto ,
III \ ' { ItnessVllereof , I have lIereunto set my
halld aud seal of said counly. this 291h da ) ' of
JUlie. 190-1. GIIO.V. . Vlt\\'EV. County Clerk.
4.7-72 ( ! IItAL ) Uy JoS. PIGMAN , Veputy.
To wholll It may concern :
A petltloll bavlllir been filed III the onice of
the counl } ' clerk of Custer county. Nebra8ka.
by C. 1 , . Gutterloon and uthers asklntr Ibat " "
pnbllc road be establlsbed as follows : Be.
Irlullhllf at Ihe houth.asl corner of Secllou 30.
'l'ownlohl" 17. Hanle 20. rUlllllnll tlleuce nortb
alolll : " Ihe section line one mile tllintenect wltll
rua,1 runnlnl : " un " "ctloll line hetweeu
HecllouK I' ) allli 20. and : z' ) and 30 , All ubjec ,
\luUrI tbereto. or claims lor dalllales , must be
filed III tbe coullty clerk's ollice ou or before
nOOIl or tile 12tb day or AUIU81 , 1904 , or K cb
road will 00 establhhed wltbout refereuce
tberelo. III Witness Wbereor. I bave lIereunto
selmy haud and seal of said county. this 29lb . .
da ) ' of June. 1904.
, Glto.v. . Dlt\\'EV. County Clerk. .J. . .
4-7-73 ( SRAL ] Uy Jos. Pll MAN , Depn ! } " . ,
. .
To wholll It may concern :
A lCtltlon bavlnl : beell filel In the onice of
tile connty clerk of CnHter coullty , Nebraska.
asklul : tbat a Imbllc roat commellclllil at the
"outh west corner or Secllon . 'l'owlllibl" 16 ,
Hanl'c 19 , and rnlllllnil tllence north two miles ,
b" vacaled ror tilt ! reason that said roold Is 1m-
, passlble alld Is not travelled. All objeCtlous
, tbereto. or ClllhuK for , Iamallerl. must be IIled III
the county clerk'K onice on or before uoon of
the twelfth day or AUlust. 1m , or sucb road
will be vacated withoul refurence tbereto. . III
\ VltuessVllereof. . I bav. . hereuato bet my band
and Heal of said count , . tbls 29tb day of June.
I 190-1. GIIO. W. Ult.UCuunty Clerk.
: 4-7-75 IS : AL ) Ii } . Jos PIGMAN. Deputy.
To wbolllllm&y concern :
A IlCtllioll havhll : been nled III the oftice of
tbe counly clerk ot Custer count } . , Nebraska.
\ly J. N. Hldnour and otbers asklull tbal a public -
lic road be establlsbed belClllnlnll' at tile soutb.
I west corller IIr Section 21. 'l'ownshl" IS. Rau\rc
2" . ruunhll : tbence cast on the Sectlou line to
tbe sonth.east corner of Sectloll 21 ; 'I'beuce
uorth on Hecllonllne to tbe north.ea"l corner of
I said Section 21.
I Also commeuchltr at tile south'w sl corner of
I Reclloll 22. Townsblp 1 . Ranlle 22. and runuhllC
I tbellce east 011 the S"ctlon line 10 the "oulb..asl
I coruer of Sectlun 22.
. Also commellchllC aL the 110rtb-eaRt coruer of
, Sectloll2 , aud rU1I1I11I1 : Honth on Ihe lIectloll
lIue 10 the Houtl..east corner uf Sectloll 27 ,
, 'l'OWIIKblp 18 , Ran'e : 22. All objections threto.
r or claim" ror damalles. mnst be lIIed In the
county clerk's oftice UII or before noon of the
IZlh day of AUlusl. 1904 , or sncb roa,1 will be ,
established without reference thereto.
lu Wllness Wherl'of. I have herennto sel my
. h&ud and the oniclal seal of said COUtll } ' . tbls
: z'lh day of June , 1'Jllt.
Gno. W. Dlt'ECounlY Clerk.
4.7-71 ISltAL ! lIy Jos. l'WMAN , ) ) eputy.
: I.l GAI. NO'l'ICE.
.r Alldrew Chrlslellson. non.reslLlent. will take
nollce tllat WIlliam 10' . Ua\"eme'er has lII"d a
, pelltlon IlIlhe Ulslrlct conrt of CII ler conllty.
! Nebrallka. the Ilra'er of which Is to cancel a
I 1II0rllage on the lIorth half or the s.Hnheast
! quarter and the bl1l1theaslquarter of Ibe lIortb.
I easl 4uarter or Secllon Six. 'l'ownHbli' 'l'hlr.
! teen. Hanle 'l'wenh'.ln said count ) " . executed
. h ) ' JameK Jobauslln to bald Chrlstenhon. March
LIS. 18'10. and recorded III hook 3tJ. page 73. of the
; morillai/e records of Hald C'lIl11l ) ' . You ale reo
r qulred to answer said pelltlon ou or befofl ! tbe
Isl da ' u ( 19O-f.
) AUlfust. - . I
, 1,5- JOliN N. DRYDEN. Att'y.
r -
. . . . . . . . .Herd Ilendcd By. . . . . . . . . '
Orll1lloo BCOII , No. 177,035.
, . . A
. .
" . . . " ' " . - " ' , - . .
' . . : ' . . . . .
" , . , . ' .It
' . "
{ )
- ,
J. G. BRENIZER. Breeder of
, I'ore Scolch "nd Hcotoh TOl'lled ShorL norn Cat
! Lie. My herd nombtirl 40 oows. wm comp. , ;
r , tll bre Unll aud Illtalll ) ' wllh an ) ' well ot fblcaKo.
aly oaperleoce : 1158 hogh' me tba' 10 tlve Iood
. Mllitaelion. bruedlng catUo IDUI ! be raised In
I this altllude. I oapect : to raltH ) them
here the eqUal 01 "oflh1ug rahud lu Iba U ,
, It. I now bave ' bull. 1I0llabio for Lbls Ind.
next , ear'lt lervlce. My COWl welsh rroo : 1400
'JOO ) poonda. , Como andlUIQ thlllll.