Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 14, 1904, Image 5

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, ! . ' " , .
, ; Home-made
: y Bread
. -1.
" '
" '
\ . makes Amcrican mcn thc
, : 1 ; . . tallest al ll strongest in thc
I . J. . . , ; worM-nnd no wouder. Thc
, ' most nnd best of it is baked
1 ' : / . by their wives nnd mother ,
. , . Dud raisell with the ccle-
\ . t.
. I ' " " : . bmted Yeast Foam. SucH
I I ( ' . brend ill light , swect , tlour-
: ; > . t Ishing ulllI productivc
I. ti' . ' , . of men of lIire nnd
' , , , . . , : \ if/ ' " ) ' '
/r 4 ; " is n compound of
; . ; , . coru , malle i the c1tanest
! ; . nnd best-eqUIpped factory
" , : ! In the country. It's always
i' ' : fresh and ready for Use. Try
. .
oj ' , .
. " ; , , ' It f or gTluu ' C cakes , buck-
. ' . .
It. " , I . wheat cakcs , or auythmg
i ' where yeast is used.
; ' :
1ft4f' : . Tile secret . is lI tire yeast.
' ' '
, Put up HI n tlcat package
" .
' ' containing .scven cakes-
id' . . enough to make 40 loaves of
, Y' , breall-for sc. Sold by all
I ; . : grocers. Send for book ,
. .
How to Make Bread , "
. Chicago ,
. . . - . .
A Vcr ) ' Ill'row l SI' II .
Mrs. Rittenhouse , who resides
, in the north part of the city , fell
l in a well Sunday night about 35
l ! feet deep , but fortunately was
. not seriously hurt.Vhile she
and her husband were at church
. Sunday night the wind blew the
curb' from the well. On theJr
return home she f ( > 11 in the well
. . which contained about seven feet
of water. She managed to hold
herself abo\'e the water until
, self arrred to accomplish her
' '
rescue. .she only sustained a' '
I' . few bruises.
. ' 1'00 lnch Hnin
> A fine rain again Sunday night
was one of the th ings the farmers
, . were not wanting. But very
little work was done last week in
t the corn fields because of the w'et
i condition anll a11 had expected to
get into their fields sure londay
I morning , but cou1t1not on account
the rain. Some fieldr. need
' working very much , while others
I are in fairly good condition.
Most farmers have in too many
acr s to think of getting the
weeds out with the hoe and unless -
less the.r can get into the fields
. vcr ) ' soon with their plows the
cornwill _ _ be too far along to
- -
- - - - - - - - -
' "
, WtU iEKfOSE'
l : '
; . A b sol ute 1 y f r e c
from husk 0 : flbr .
e lb , packages.
, All high-class &rocers.
I Jbh'YI ! . ( Qm im.t1IID tl h Jll.
Dod Duroo Jeney lIogs br [ llInt soltt. Badillood
ofthclr clase. Al1dreeB. U. K. O.\VWIU.L ,
Broken Bow , Nebfluka
work , besides harvest witl de"
maud their ti'mc ,
- - - - -
) ll1rtn ) " J.I'OIlHO.
' 1'he following is a list of the
marriage liccnse issued by Judge
Armour the last quartcr : '
{ Jacob \Vattcr , BelwJ.11 I
Minnie Cudmorc' , Mttchel , S. D. I
Geo. N. lIards , ClifT
{ Mabel n. Bassett , Cal1awa ) '
J ' 1'heodore Vogel , Arnold
1 Ida . I a ) ' , Arnold
Lestcr r. l ush , Merna
{ l aJ1nic L ] wen , Mcrna
Hichard Ste\'cns , Gothcnburg
{ Pcarl ' .Pogue , Over.
Chas. W. Braman , Merna
{ Ella A. Graham , Ierna
,1 Miles lIopldns , Bcrwyn
1 Clara O\'erton , Berwyn
j John Datus. Westerville
1 Iay G. Bakcr , Westerville
Bert McDonald , Call < \way
{ Louisa D. McVay , Callaway
J Arthur J. 'l'ruc1o , Brol en Bow
! Mary C. Heam , rokel1 Bow
J Jas. 11. Waddington , Ortello
1 Nellie M. Daggctt , Callaway
J Andrew J. Lee , Broken Bow :
1 gila U. Dent , Broken Bow
J Arthur M. Dcpew , Callaway
1 Carol iue llraid bri.dge , Callaw.ay
J Otto A. Anderson , Etlla
Iida l . Johnson , Elna
J Geo. L. McCrea , Herw'n
t Nelt ie M. Pcrldlls , Berw11
J Chat , . Newman , Mason City
! Mary Swanson , Mason Cit ) '
J Arthur L. Wood , Merna
1 Edith 14. Kloven , Merna
{ Hobt N. Keyes , ' .caylor
Cecil Wilhoit , Round Valley
J John Chandler , Ansley
l Mabel 1 . Morris , Ansley
Ed ward 14. Kell y , Ansley
{ Mary L. Wright , Ansley
Chas. II. Meek , Broken Bow
{ Emma Simonson , Lomax
\Villiam IIceper , Ansley
{ Caroline Mac1his , DesMoines
J Ashton C. McGUire , Arnold
! Lulu O. Zacker ) ' , Merna
Horation Booth , Callaway
{ BessIe B. V anClea ve , LocH
J Elroy P. Low , Lodi
1 Glanetto Samson , Oconto
Ray Hens aw , Oconto
{ Nettie O. Hawk , Ansley
U. D. P. H. Kermoade , B. Bow I
{ Bessie .1 ackson , Broken Bow
Burl Robinson , New Helena
{ Roselen E. Poch , New Helena
Hay O. Boyer , Dunning
{ Maud Brown , Dunning
John Dodds , Arlington , S. D. .
{ Eva Caywood , Brolen Bow
J Alfred C. Allen , Broken Bow
{ Pearl A. Young , Walworth'
J l ay B. James , Mullin
! Sallie Holland , Mulhn
J Joy C , 'l'horpe , Broken Bow
I Myrtle B. Samp , Pilot
J John ' 1' . Butler , Milburn
t Cora Sturdevant , Broken Bow
Ult.TII.I.O. ;
1\1a11l1 I.indley visitell her sister Mrs.
Anderson , Satunlay a11l1 Sunday.
l\lr. and 1\1rs. Daggetl of Spring Creek ,
were in Ortello one day last week.
Several of the Ortello girls are engaged -
ed in the pursnit' of agricnture ] these
Dick Hempstead has hought a farm on
the West Table , but will remain in Or-
tello this : year.
A 11Iistake was 11Iade last week in
printing the hour of scrvices.
1t is at S p. 111. instca of 7 p. 111.
S. 11. l\I'ers arrived from Portlanll ,
Oregon , last Itriday , for an extended
visit with his daughter , 1\1rs. Hmhree.
A se\'cre raiu a1\l1 winll storm visited
this valley Sunday evening , and quite a .
litte ] IIa1l1age was done to com. The
rainfall for the first ten days of July
amounted to almost fi\'e inches. '
'l'he A. L. A. met at the home of Matlie
Fodge last Itriday evening. Only a few
members were present and a short program - !
gram wus renllered. 'fhe next meeting I
will he July 22 , at the home of Harry and I
Hthel Ashbaugh. 1
No Plt . fuaovu.
" 1 or years fate was after me
continuously" writes Ii' . A. 9ull-
edge , Verbena , Ala. "I had a
terrible case of Piles causing 24
tumors. When all failed Buck-
len's Arnica Salve cured me.
Equally good for Burns and all
aches and pains. Only 25c at
I ee Bros. drug store.
- - - '
- - - - - - - -
Are You Interested in the South ?
DO YOU CAHH ' 1'0 KNOW 01 TIIH l\rARVnI.OUS DI\VI\I.- . . .
Gr-rea"t Cen.1ra1Sc : : > " . "
Do : ) "on want to know about rich fanninli ] ands , fertile , well located , on a
Trunk I.ine Railroad , which \\ill producc two , three al1l1 four crops from the same
fieill each year ? I. lt1d now to be had at from $3.00 to $ S.oo an acre which will be
worth from $30.00 to j.ISO.oo within 10 ) 'cars ? About stock raising where the extreme -
treme of winter feeding is hut six (6) ( ) short weeks ? Of places wh r truck growing
and fruit raising yield cnormOlH returns each year ? Of a ] a11l1 where ) 'ou can live
ont of doon ! ever ) ' da ) ' in the ) 'ear ? Of for estahlishing profitable
nlallufacturing 111hlfltriesj of rich mineral \ ocations , al1l1 splelllHd husiness openings ?
If ) 'ou want to know the details of any or all of these write me. I will gadly ]
advise ) 'ou fully al1l1 truthfully.
G. A. PAR K , General Immigration and Industrial Agent ,
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. ,
- .
8uluuaer 8cllool News.
The Misses Wright , Dutleralul Simonds
of. Ansley , enterell the sumnler Achool
Tnesllay of last weck.
Mr. Sntton is showing the science clnlls
the inside of the eye , earsl etc , ntut also
exprrimenting with electrtcity.
'I'he Misses GOItle. > ' , Moody. Wcaver ,
Zinlluenn n and G'Schwimt , eAch demonstrated -
onstrated their ability as instructor ! ! dnr-
ing lost week.
, 'I'he book-keeping class will hn'e a1l
books closed up this weck remly for inspection -
spection by Monday. SOllie of them arc
cxccptlonully good.
1\Iiss Danker of the Olllaha pubtlc
schools , cntertuinell the literatnre cluss
on Wednesday of laflt week by an inter-
estin , UCCOll1lt of the wot'k done in
Supt. Lewis ma e an excellent It1ress !
at the openin exercises on last liriday
morning. llts hints were listened to at-
tenth : ] y and will no doubt b , : long remembered -
membered by those present.
Mr. Wimberley sketched a few pictures
on the black board in the drawing class
last week. SOllie of the teachers furnished -
ed gooll profiles , while the work of
others occasioned cousiderable guessing.
'fhe progrum for examinations appeared -
ed on the hack ] hoard Monday mornin .
xalllinatious began on Tucllcay ] nlorn-
ing and will continue during the week
utthe rate of ahout four branches each
forenoon. ,
f )
Rev. 'l'eagan1en opened thc genera ]
sesfliou on 'fnesday morning after the
Pomth , b ) ' addressing the few Iremuins"
who were able to get up to school so
early. His talk was aong ] psychological
lines and was mnch appreciated.
1\Iiss Alice interestcd the JTCO-
graphy class on TUfsda ) ' with nn ilills-
truth'e ] ech11'c on the natural cnriosities
of the Rockey 1\101lntains. Miss I ink is
from Cody , W'oming , and besides speaking -
ing from personul experience she furnished -
ed many natura ] curious and interesting
views. She states that within two years
llulTao ] Bill inteu s to 'U1ake Cody his
futurc home. Some of the teachers were
rude enough to ask if she wag to be
mistress. '
'I'lte ( ] rflte Nursorles.
Frank St phens of the Crete
Nurse1' es is in this locality calling -
ing on all of his cumstomers to
see personally how nursery stock
bought of them is doing. He is
giving his customers many helpful -
ful suggestio lS as to how to care
for their trees and plants and
how to prepare them for winter.
Place your order with him for
whatever you' may want In the
nursery line and he wiU guaran-
tee your cntire satisfaction.
A Dh'thday Party.
On the afternoon of Tuesday ,
July 12 , ' a'cro.wd of jolly little
folks gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Burk , to
celebrate the birthday of Kenl1 th
Burk. The little people enjoyed -
ed themselves at games and ,
amusements , after which a lunch
was served. Kenneth received
many .useful and ornamental
ptesent . Those present were :
Mamie and Maudie Apple ,
Marvin ' 1'eagarden , Donald For-
syth , Claris and Gifford ' 1'alhot ,
Willie Bruce , Dwight Day ,
Gladys and Vera Wilson , Doris
and Cash Sharpe , Pearl and Eddy
McCormick , 'fwile 'fowsley ,
Atta ' 1'uHle , 'Valter Peale , Helen
and Georgia Moore , Ester 'l'rites ,
Opal and Ruth Bangs , Floy Os-
borne , Mable and Vista Miller ,
and Clarence Hopkins of Call-
I A lcthOlUHt J ubllel'
011 next Sunda ) the M. E.
church of this city will celebrate
their emancipation from debt in
'vcry interesting a11 day serce. .
Among visiting c1ergemen who
will be present to assist in the
services will be Rev. B.A.-Knight ,
former pastor , Hev. Abem ,
the b nd evangelist , possibly
Presiding Elder Crane and others.
A hearty invit.ltion is extended
to all to attend. Don't forget
the lecture on Monday night. It
isnew , up-to-date and interesting.
Below is a partial program for
the Sunday senice : -
10:00 : u. 111.-Sunday School. It is out
of debt.
11 :00 : a. m.-Sermon by E. A. Knight of
12 : tS p. m-Old-fashioned Class Meetiug.
7:00 : p. 111.-Epworth League \'otional
1\1eeting. Some new and interesting -
ing features.
8:00 : p. UJ.-Service of Song ami brief
Addressef > .
I-How the New Church was built ,
II. Lomax , I . McCandess ] , G.
n. Thorpe.
2-1\1) ' Part , Rev. E. A. Knight.
3-'fhe New Iarsonage ! , W. .
4-Church lIistory , Pastor.
s-Durning Mortgage by Trustees.
Doxolog ) ' .
On Monday night at 8:00 :
o'clock , Bro. Knight will gh'e a
stereopt ican lecture on Japan in
th'e church. 'rhis will indeed be I ,
a treat. No admission fee will
be charged for this. A free-will
offering will be taken to defray
- - . . . . - .
. , Price . and Qtlality !
, , , c are not posing a1 Ildlnnthropists by pretending to give
nwny goods ut loss thnn ( 'ost. You shou'lt ! bonr in mind thnt with our
( mormous stock wo cnn solI goods that moan only u smnll prol t to us ,
but ; wouldn't cq uul eost to othors. , "Then H eomos to buying'
" ' "
Don't eXIerimontwitfl choup grudos ns you might lese hundreds of
dollnl's. Our i)1'ico on the best gl'nd'os thnt. , cnn bo bought nmkc it
worth while to buy on ly the best und bind moro acres of grain.
Standard Manila. : I . . . . . , , ' " . . . . . . . . . .12c .
Standard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . ' . ' . : . . . " . . 11c
"One Good Amerl.can Dollar"'lY.'y n moro value in
n PIano Bllldel' than u. $1. 50
worth of any ether make-absolutoly the surest find best for the
money , l'oeognhmd so by every ono. OJ
" "
\I The Vote Contest.
Homombor that buggies mnde'ror
fire Owlll tuuur 1 ,1 IIflacc , we will
'Veal . , no olnfilnQU t s , n d a 1. tl lU t kl'CII , . aeeuuut IIClII the ualllCH , rceeh'lu
uuggy '
. .utl'A at the 111111'0 uutll thc } ' ha'o r'clv-
"I ' 11 t t I tl I t. t , I ' l'll f.oll . votCH. thcu . thc } ' will 1I011l\1II1RhI.
110 S t .
nU ( . ,10 rHC:0 : ; IS UO e lonp' a 1.'nlluwlllll'a.thoHcrceelvlllll'lI\'er5IX1 . :
any prico.Vith of , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ono our Hllluah 1 ,11II11I1118. c\t \ ) B
. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1\Ilry J\II'llIu. clt } :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1\11 II u 10 Hhlllll. city. 4:59
. . ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : u ) ( ,
1'arl J CII'"tt. } clly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.119J
. ' . , . . . . . . . , 2 t
t.'rallclR 111111111.VclRR'rt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. , Ih1r\lll Knllzcr. IP.I !
. e S Pillrelleo 'l'hIlRtI'HIIII. clly. . . . . . . . . . . It /
, . . .
UQGl : 1\Ia1'1I'01' } ' Call1\lholl. , . ( . J'onreluwlI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201
Clara 111I111Huuclt } . . }
Auft1I1al'u.11I'0. cll } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ,
1 1II111:1 1.lIIII.rt. cltv. . . . . . , . . . . . . . \lll _
, , ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It" .
. Iull llekel' ) J\h1rlla. . .
, , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1-
1 Jl'oug I I t t ,0 yon ulree ,1' t I r rom tl 10 [ 'ae ' t or you Iertlu CiaI'll : JelTurIR U..Wllr.cll , ell } } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , -
. .
. ,
. . . . .
' . . . . . . . . .
. . 1'lumll'u l ullm'"I1. ell }
can rest .lssui.ed\ the that QuId . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. \ . sorV1eO . s ) J(181I11SlIIlIh. ell } . Z
. ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. nraco'I'\'lnr. ell ) . -
ue In JHlC 1 a VO I 11C I e. . J\tly WllltH.R.clt . } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, . YI1I'II\ker. ell }
. .
. . J\la.HalnH.cll ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ! I
- .
OAllmembers of .Co. M. , are re-
qliested to be present at the armor -
or } ' July 18 , for target practice.
B } ' order of ,
H. l . I mNHDY ,
Com. Co. M.
CRntll- .
Is a violent il1flamation of the
mucous memhral1ce of the wind ,
pipe , which sometimes extends
to the larynx and bronchial tubesj
and is one of the most dangerous
diseases of children. It almost
always comes 011 in the night.
Give frequent small doses of Bal-
lard's IIorehound Syrup and ap-
pI } ' . Ballard's Snow Liniment ex- :
ternal1y to the throat. 25c , 50c , I
$1.00. Sold by. Ed. McComas ,
Broken Bow' and Merna.
Tlae lIurllllKIOlI'H I.o'\v naU .
StJlIIlIll R 'rouRS.
The man or woman who takd a vacation -
tion during the heutell perioll is the' oue
who lives the longest , enjoys life. thc
most 111111 does the hest work.
'l'he Burlington olTers excursion mtes
iu every direction-so low that' there is
no cxcuse for stayiug at home : Beow ]
arc some of them :
St. I.ouis allIl return : All kiwIs of reduced -
duced rates daily.
Chicagq and return : Hither direct or
via S1. J.ouis-daily low rates.
Atlantic City.and return , 40.70 , Ju ] , ) '
9 anll 10.
Cincinnati ancI return , $28.35 , Iny ] IS ,
Michigan , Minncsota , Wisconsin , The
J.ake Resorts atll ] I.ake Steamcr 'fours-
very low rutes-stopovera at St. I.ouis 011
1hrough tickets ffonling a visit to the
"Great Hxposition , " the granllest creation -
tion h ) ' the hand of 11Ian. .
Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueho ] ,
Glenwooll Springs , Colorlulo , Salt Lake
Cit , ) ' , Utuh , and the Yellowstone Park of
W'oming-practicall , ) ' half rates nil
Ask ! .lIe agent for details , or write ,
I . W. WAI0U,1t\ ' ,
Gt.ncral Pussenger Agent ,
3-7 . . ' Omaha , Nebraska.
I.I"COIO , Denver ,
< < ) walta. . Deleoa. -
Clalcalro , Dnlte ,
. . .t. .JoNeph. I-oruand ,
Illua8"8 : Cu. " , Halt l.ake City ,
HI. l.onl8 , A. nd Han Frunclltcu
All . -otnIH finsI And AIII.olnl. .
Aud HOlltla. Wes , .
No. .cI-VeBtilluled O.lI'1t'81 daU , . , LIncoln , Omit
bl , ilt. JOBepn Klnh CIIY , tit. 1.0011 , Obi
oligo and all palM" r"I' blld lIOotb..l0 .1a.lII.
No. H-Veetilluled eJl're : a dally , lIoltl. . . . , Ho"l ,
tlo Uotte , rorUanil and all I'aolllc Coaal
IlOlnta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 ( ) Am
Siooplng , dlLlog aOlt rocllnloK cbalr can ( Ioah
Iree ) OD tbrougb traille. Tick" . lold and bll ( '
gage checked to aoy polot 111 ' " United tllalu ,
and Canada.
lotormaUoo , mo , ttme tablel 1114 Ucltet
call OD or write to U. L. Ormaby , aRllnt , ur I , .
W.Vakeloy , O. p , A. , OmlPobll.l.Nebrllka. .
n. L. UnK..rCeM. ! .
. ,
Christian Endeavor Hotel ,
'VORI.D'H II'Aln ,
NT. I.CnrlH , UIHlio"rnr.
lIeadQuarlers Cor chrlht1an Icolle1111 frlcudo
oC 11I01'01 II I } ' . - A reBflcctallte hulel for rC l'eclallle
Ileol'lc. Iocalctl100 Cee frolll 11:11" to Pair
Grouuds. Sireel carR 'tllrcet frolll Uuloll Sla-
loU. ( 1Iu(1t ( for . .aCetallll , eomCorl. Cal'\cll } "
3.00J IU SIH tlally. Uacl1 hy IIII'U "C , hllh'fl
. .Ialllllnll' : ( lul cn.lllrNcd lIyVorllI'H Jo'alr"mclal. . .
'l'hOIlHlIIIR ur rCIrtlclllath'e ! \ ( ' ' ' Crolll all
RcCtl"UH IIC Ihu eUlllllry ha" " clIlaltc,1 aceuuHI-
dallulIH. nalCH arrallitcil ( II : lIlvalfcu 1t.m alltl
$ .IJ ( ) 1"1' tlay. Smul fur lIuukllt II'h'lIll ( CIIII
I'artlculars. ' 1'ell } 'ollr CrlellliR allolll It. A.I-
dress at ollec ,
CHIUtiTIAN I NtH ; \'OH lIoTln.
HI.IulIl..J\th"lIrl. \
DUS , R. U. & W. E. T.AI OT ,
( )1I100 ) o\'Or Uaoherlc's Drllg tIloro.
Drok6n Bow , - - NohrDa" . .
DR. w. II. COL ,
flpeclll aUontlon given 10 colt. . culve8 and plga
that uro In fin ulltbrUy contlltlon. ' ,1'olu-
pbooe No 203. He ldonce. two IIlnck8' woet 01
Houtll Mldo Hchool 1I0nlo. ' .
. . . . . . Df'a.lcr In. . . . . . ,
Pump. . Wlntl , Mille . . . , . 'ranke , FUtlnEI ;
EoglneB , eto. etc. I
IIrokoo JlOW , Nebrukl.
Up-to-date Photographs.
First prize winner at state as.
sociation 1903. . .
IIJ1W.Il'OIn. \ .
AI. klndl 01 worle 10 'oor 1100' 110lle promptl ,
! led to IInt-cla88 order. rRol1 fibop 011 tht'
cQrnor eonllleast 01 the bquar . I
lIrolloo 1I0w , - _ - ' Nebrilltl. :
CAl\lI ,
ff r 0Y' e 8 ccz.ll l'
AT ' .AW.
/tooms 8 Ind 9 , Realty lIIock , Broken "ow , Neb.
IIIgbB t mllrket price paid for lIulter Vllt.
1lght lIuoulug. . . . . . . . . .
Empire. Cream Separators
For Halo. 'I'bolle No. O .
8. u. JlISIIOl'i Ollorator ,
IIrol/en low , NolJrMka.
DU , ' 1' . fJ. FAHNHWOlt'I'I
proaco tn Ilolthwe.torJ1orlReally Ulotk.
' ' AND
i11 iWJBIfI4.I'i'RI } NOTA1I
III cJ : : to , I'UIII.IC
, Ilio Ju tlCft ot tlmI'ollco. HllorllllllltillltOIl ! &lInn
10 collectloll8 llellu lllons IlIkul , pl'n lee vour.h _
DrB nually exocutoll At III all killds of
wrlUIIII. 011100 In thn fl'ar of Ihnk of COlUmrrcu.
Ihoken 1I0w. Nobroska.
mm" IDll3'J ' ) ID1J..ID l21 ) . .
Two Mocks lIorth of Grantl Oentral 1I0tol. rat.
rOllllgo ollcllu.l , l'rlc08 rea81l1abJo.
. CONTHAu'roH.O ; nUIImnt.
Jj'r'PI nll 11111 [ oethnlltaa on IIhortnollce.
Ilrokoll 1I0w , NobrllsllD. :
DR. c. n. JOR ,
] tJ D n ] [ 1Q : m DIJn.
O lco In He/llty lIIock. first Itllirs teem west
enll. Hoalt1ellollllt tile lJo'llltal.
J1"ftlace : ; BaX'be Shop
} tor first.c1rlss'ork , call ut the 1'1Inc ]
Barher Shop. Hverythillg
I.FO DHAN , Proprietor.
. . -
DB. . C. I. . . l\fUIIJENS ,
Physician Surgeon.
2nd 8tllrwsy from ' \fo ' oDd 10 HOllly II10c1q
residence , 3rt ! wuat M. R. cbnroh , on 8111001\,11111
ot stroot. " ' " roken Ow , Nebrsska ,
Physician & Surgeon.
OnJco In rear ot tbe Uaok of Commerce. nr l.
lIonce 6tll hou aD weBt ot tbo dlpllet oburch.
IIrolloll Uow , Nl'braskn.
u. O. IIUTTON. Proprietor , .
Flret-clnu worK.tear / Itoom of Droken 11019
Billte Ullnk , Urokon Dow , Nubraelca.
Attorney-at-Law ,
Ileal oltalo aullioau hroker. Omce In Gleim
loCK , IlrokclI 1I0w , NelJrulllS.
) '
ITII Dr. King's
New iscovery
{ 'rico
OLDS Frco Trial.
Surest and Quickest Oure for nU