Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 14, 1904, Image 2

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I , n _ -
\f \ Cordial Recctlon : Given John Alex.
' : ander Dowie at Zion City.
Wllh n great I\Or hel.1 . aloft In hIs
h\l1ll : , nnll fo1\owell \ hy 11. pagennt11(0 \
that of a ruler oC olllen timeR , John
Alexander Dowie. general overseer of
the Chl'lstlan Cathullc church In Zion ,
nnd the Idol oC the 11eollle , slood wllh
harell head In his flower declte1 ! cnr.
r'lngo at ZIon CIty , 111. , June 30 , as
ho was drl\'en t:1rourh : the triumphal
urch which marl.o(1 ( the Inst 111.1' . ' of his
: JtJOOO mile tour of the world.
When Dowie's special train lJUlled
Inlo the station at Ijn Cll ' shorllr
nCler 11. o'clocl. , the whistles of the
11I1 v- iP
_ _ _ _
John Alexander Dowie.
Ince Cnctorles shrleltell. The Zion
Clt . band strucle u11 "Sec. the Con.
l1uerlng Hero Comes , " the tune changIng -
Ing to "Auld Lang Sync , " as the musl-
dans swung Into the Inno bwtween
the lines of whlto robed singers ,
smartly - uniformed Zion guards , and
: Jfficers of the church In cnp anll gown
who lined Shiloh boulevard from the
Nortll1lestern railway station to the
bannered arch at Elijah avenue. In
front oC the banll marchell 11. caval-
c:1Ilo : of horse anll foot carr 'lng huge
1.1011 banners and flags or man ' na.
A remarlmble tableau was present.
cd _ whell the procosslon reached the
twelve foot gates which barrell the
arch war. Dehllll the gntos stood ten
! lltJ ' girls of the Zion junior host.
Thor carried flags 11:111 carnations nnd
9. ' ss the breast of each wns 11. blu
_ 'allgo hearing the name of 11. coun
try visited b ' "Elijah" in his travels
an the m'ch were shown In red letten
the names of the cities where Dowl (
mot with \Infrionl1l ) ' reception. 'rh (
uames of the other cities were Ilrint61' '
In blao1e. Various designs of welcoul <
. . adorned the arch.
, Overseer Sf-elcher opened the gatc !
the chlldron burst Into song. HI
lhen handell the lcey to Dowie , wll !
stoOl up In the carriage and otTerell I
prayer at thanksgiving. Every hea. .
. was bared.
Dowie appeared younger than whel
ho wont awn ) ' . Ho was beaming wit1
( Ileasure. When aslccd tor , an IntOl
vlow he courteously docllned. It wn
learned from the Zion poll co thD
Utelr master had so far departed fror
Mrs. Dowie.
his usual custom as to insh'uct th ,
lo give nownpaper men facilities
, g"ttlng news and Ilhotographs.
During the afternoon Dowie remD
. od at Shiloh house sending telcgrn
1.1I\d preparing to take up the burt' '
or his cares. Ho announcClI that n ,
weelt wonlll see him In his office
hat Impromptu recelltlons wouhl
I In order. In Ule course or his
lnarks ho said that Zion CItr " "
; me lliace on earth that was Go ,
: Ivory inch of It. "
Divorcee on European Throne.
But ono'dlvorcee has been admit
to share a European throne dur
ho 100 rears-namoly , Empress
'ollne or Austria. A daughter or
' .1r8t Icing of Uavarln , she was marl
when barely 16 to King Wl\1iam \ J
Wurtenburg. After six years of n
rt'tlgo the latter was dissolved
; neann of n dlvorco and two years
OJr she became the fomth wlte or ]
'eror ' Francis I or Auslrla , faUlel
.aw . of the first Nalolcon aud '
'JOa16r ' or the title or emlleror or
1I0LY ROmnn eJIll'lre. '
' - -
- -
. . ' ,
! J"\
Music of "Dixie" May Well Be Called
"Amcrlcan. "
The man who wrote "Dlxlo" Is
doal1. An oldtlme mlnstrol , bo
pnssed away nt his homo In Mount
Vernon , Ohio , I1t the rlpo ago of
It Is not known whether Dan Em.
melt ever composed nnythlng else
or not , but if ho did It was lost In
the tum\1ltous ncclalm thnt greeted
the stirring notes of "Dlxlo" tram
ono end of the UnIon to the other.
It Is true thnt there was n tlmo
when the band that was bold enougb
" 7' .
.f)4H I.l:171Z'77 '
to play "Dixie" in certain northern
cities would have been greeted with
the lelnd of applause that meant bnt.
tered horns nI11 brolcen noses. Dut
times have changed. When the band
sulll1enly swIngs Into "Dixie , " North
or South , It Is now the signal for
voclforous cheers. It flres the heart
and arouses nn amllence to the high'
est pitch of enthusiasm wherever
played. None can resist Its music or
Its sentiment. It goes nlong with
"Union Forever" and "The Slar.
Spangled Danner. "
It was the marching music for the
confellorate nrmles of the south. It
I qulcltcned the step and thrllled the
heart of the weary and tattered fol
lower of Loo. Nothing ould bettm
lIlustrato the passing of all sectlona'
I bitterness anll hate than the cheen
i that are given to "Dixie" by 11. north
I ern nudlence. The volco of the mln
, c rel' is stilled , but the music 01
I "Dlxlo" will novel' dle.-Chlcago Rec
Revolution Draining the Life Blooe
of the Republic.
The Imttlo nt Tnpumbac , Uruguay
In which the casualties approacl
2,000 , indlcntes that the revolutiOi
which Ims been in progress for aye
-a year lias brol\On out in acute rorm
101' ; months the government has bem
chasing the rebels , anll , having a
Inst brought thom to ba ' in the prm
inco or Rivera , near the DrazUlal
border , bas recolved 11. drubbing 0
the hands of the rovolutionIsts. Err
bohlenell by tholr success the reb (
forces will doubtless advance toward
towards Montevilleo.
Ti10 present war Is the outcome e
an olectlon for president. 'l'he hv
political IJllrtles in Uruguay are tl
Colorados nnd the mancos-tllo rel
ami ho whites. In their turbutel
wars or the Illst eighty 'ears , !
which tJmo the countr hns sufferl
forty revolullons , ther much reser
ble the warrln houses of' Yorl : nt
Lancaster , which inflicted Ullon En
land the war or the roses. The rei
have been in control of the govor
ment for the Inst tort . years , durh
which tlmo the whites hnve be' '
righting to dlslodgo them. When bi
lots failed they resorted to bulle
At the lnst election there wns 11. deu
loclt , nnd the whites thought tll
\ tholr Imtient waiting wns to bo 1
wnrded by 11. turn at the public pun
The reds bribell six white delogat
nnd elected tholr own candilln
The whites considered this 11. sulllcle
casus bolU.
Meanthno the country or Urugu
is the unwilling victim or these CI
Ouuous revolutions. The schools I
o1osed , because between them (
sides haye drafted nIl boys lal
enough to earr ' a gun. Business
em at a standstill , and the banks I
for Umld nbout ncceptlnl ; deposits.
approprlntlon of 11. million dollars
llnbo spent , on the Improvement of 1
1I1S roads has been dlvorted to fight !
len the rovolutlonlsts. The governml
ext will soon flnd itselC in 11. sad pIli
md when the French campan ) ' , now
be proving the harbor or l\IontoyilJ
1'0llresents 11. bill of $7,500,000 for S (
I'as Ices. When payment is reful ed it
d's , lIIcely that Jrench warahlps will d
Into the harbor.
Got Dose of His Own Mcdlclne ,
teu Gus Dangulsse , a resident of P
Ing land , Oro" was brought beroro
Catlce Hoyne of the municipal C (
tJlO charged with lIItreatlng his wifo. '
'led showed that ho had cheer
[ or the woman brutally. The court
1arrectoll Officer Goetz , nn Immonl
b ) ' powerrul mnn , to chol\O the prl
lat , In arlIeI' thllt he might have pract
iim- : knowledge or how'hls wICe sutIc
, In' The officer obe'ed with n will , 11
last Ing the wIC b ater until the br
the tellow becnmo limp , Then Jus
Hovno sentenced him to thirty d
Ceremony at Seville Both Impreftslvo
and Dignified.
The boya enter the space before
the high nltar , Ulelr hals Ululer their
arms and their Ivory castanets in their
hnnds. Hnvlng genuflected betoro the
nltar they put on tholr hats anll take
tholr places fneo to face , each to hl8
nllotted position. The four tallest
boys are named the "puntas" or
heads : the four next the "segundos" .
or seconlls , nnd the two smallest boys
are the "trancns" or bars. All through
the vnrlous figures their movements
nro Infinitely grnceful and dignified ,
The dance is somethIng IIko the minuet -
uet and the chlldron tlmo their steps
to tholr own sweet voices , nccomp\J. \ .
nled by the low tone of the magnificent
orgnn , or the plaintlvo wall of the
violin. It Is qulto Impolslblo ; to de-
scrlbo the Improsalon this strange
and unique ceremony makes on the i
mlnll : the sound or those tresh young
voices rluglng through the vaulted
cathedral , the clIck ot the castanets ,
the throng or silent spectators and the
presence ot the archbishop , canons and
clergy , all In their richest choir vestments -
ments , combine to render the Bcono
Imposing , nny , almost sacred. Even
.persons who go to see this famous
dance through curIosity , end prepared
to critlclso , leave the sacred building
impressed and deeply moved.
Peculiar Diet Ascribed to Them by
Truthful Irishman ,
There Is 11. professional fisherman
of my acqualntanco In Tipperary who
lellls many pllto during the winter
months , for which ho finds ready sale
In 'the town. He told mo or ono customer -
tomer ot his who was In the habit of
so beating him down In prlco that he
felt justlfled In resorting to somewhat
questlonablo means to' Increase the
weight at his fish. In the manner or
the winner of the stalrcs in the cele-
bratell "Jumping Frog" sporting event ,
he would Introduce some weighty substance -
stance Into their Interior , stones , bit
of Iron railing , etc.
Once ho went so far as to stuff two
old hanllless flatirons he had picked
from n refuse heap down the gullet at
, ono beroro taltlng it to his customer ,
, who , having weighed it carefully , and
after much haggling , paid him a fraction -
tion less per pound for It thnn he
might have perhaps obtained elso.
where. Meeting him next day he was
Instantly nware that there was trouble
in the wind by the opening remark ,
"What do pllo feed on , Paddy ? " "Och
and indade , your Honor , but thore's
mIghty little that comes amiss to thlm
lads , " ho answered : "rrogs and fish ,
sticks and shtones they lllcc well , but
- they would glvo tholr two eyes for fiat-
- irons-Country Gentloman.
Cows on Bennett's Yacht.
When James Gordon Dennett's 'acht
arrived from Europe the other day the
persons who went uboard were aston.
ished to see two cows.
"What In the world does 1\11' , Den.
nett have cows on his yacht for ? " ono
or the visitors inquired.
"He docs not lllte condensed mll1t , "
replled ono at the officers. "s he carries -
ries his milk supply wIth him when ho
goes to Bea. When ho reaches port
the cows are taken ashore and put out
to grass. When We ! ; nll wo carry
' _ enough fodder to supply the cows for. D
long \'o'ago. The cows uro or the fin ,
est grade and give an abundance 01
mm { . "
Officers Flirted Too Much.
The Cunard company bas Issued nIl
order forbidding the officers to promo
unde the decks with femlnino passen
gel's or to participate in any socia'
events on shipboard. It seems tIial
numerous complaints were made thai
the officers were neglecting their du
tics in ardor to pIa ) ' gallant , and , be
sides , that the officers snubbed all bu' '
the pretty girls , bringing complalntl
from the ladles not endowed wlU
beauty. The fascinating wearers 0
gold lace and brnss bnttons will here
acter nttend strlcu'y to their duties
for steamship companies should talel
ns good care of their homely passen
gers as of their goodlooklng one3.
Exploring Tour Postponed.
Wlllard Glazier , the Labrador e1
ploror , wlll be unable to carry au
, e ! ! plans that .bnd been formulntod fa
te , further oxploratlons in the Lnbrado
mt peninsula this senson owing to BOl'iou
Illness in his family during the las
la ) ' winter and the fact that his homo i
Dn' Albany Is now quarantined on accol l ]
lre of scarlet fever. 1\Iuch interest ha
) th been felt In Mr. Glazier's forthcomln
go trip nnd a number or nppllcatlons ba
Is been made ror permission to nccon
11'0 pany him on his third journey. Th
An explorer Is unable nt present to mal.
to any promises for another season.
lng Three Gates.
cmt It you nre tempt cd to reveal
ght A tnle Iome ono to 'ou has told
, About nnother , mnke It pass. -
im Deforo you Bpellk , three gates of gel
. . ' These narrow gntcB-Flrst. "Is It true :
. .nThen. . "Is It I\eedful ? " In ) 'our mind
: is Give truthful nswer. And the next
Is last nnd narrowcst-"ls Jl kind ? "
And If to rench your lips nt last
It passes throu h thello Itatewnys thre
Then mny ) 'ou tell the tale. tlOr fear
, " 'hl1.t the result of IIpooeh may be.
ort. -Dufrnlo Evening News ,
Students Make Peace Offering.
IUrt The seniors In Ynle college ha'
rhe presented to Prof. William G. SUI
k l . nor , the noted political economist ,
I handsome loylng cup. Pror. SUI
ely ner and the 50nlors In his course ha'
mer had BOvcrnl differences during tl
IC 1 year on account or disciplinary me [
r I' ures and the cUt of the cup was ma' '
a d' as n peace offorlng. The presentaUI
Uital speech was mndo by Capt. Wlnslc
t co ot the bascbllll team.
. .
[ U'S. - -
h .
_ ,
Hlntc From Pari. .
The smooth , supple broadctoths
which are to be the fashlonnble tabrlc
tor the coming nutumn and winter are
being nlanufactured In browns , grnys
nnll plums chielly for street wear.
The new shade of brown called I
onion , which Is n lovely golden brown , I
will be one of the leading shades In
browns. There will be several lear
greens , male grays nnd nlclcel grars.
Of blues little Is said , but , or course ,
there will be severnl shndes of rich
blues , as there nlways 0.1'0. For house
wear there will be dellcato heliotropes -
tropes , tight blue , tight gray and palo
green , nnd tun and certall ) . pinks , Including -
cluding rnspberr ' , cherry rells and
several rose plnl\s , as well as while
and chamvagne. , " . .
Lace for Anklcs.
A pall' of lace medallion ! ! , left over
trom the summer froclt , can bo put to
excellent \ISO In trimming stockhigs
10 match the gown.
For Instance , with n pongee gown
piped with lace medallions , a plain
p lr or tan' lisle stockings were made
\'cry smart by the use or lace medallions -
lions , ono just above each Instep.
They were flrst appliqued on the
stocldngs with silk thread , In very
fine stitches , then the lisle beneath
was cut away , and the edges or the
ntocldng buttonhole stitched closely
anll fiuelr to the wrong Dido or the
medallion , Worn with brown suede
shoes , they gnve n dainty finishing
touch to the costume ,
-The Fashionable Nhlte.
No material is moro effective for
the afternoon costume or white than
the new bleached Shantung vongee
hleh Is shown in this very charming
model combined with cream colorell
point 'esprlt enrIched by motICs ot
' 3llk appllquo , Doth wnlst o.nd skirt
" 1'0 among the latest shown and talw
. .
- - .
: . -
'ust ' the sort , full folds that render the
simple silk at Its best. The deer :
, 'oko at the waist is peculiarly good
- In effect , while the tucts ] give neclle
welht ! to the pongee and the slmpl (
full sltlrt gives the long lines thn1
mean nn effect or hoight. To male (
the waist for 11. woman of medlua
. . size will be required 61.l. yards of ma
terial , 21 , 5 % 'ards 27 or 3 'Ilrds 4 ,
It Inches wide , with 1 % ' yards IS or 1 ;
I. ynrds 40 inches wide for 'oleo an (
berthn : to make the slclrt 9 ) 'ardl
21 or 27 or 5 % ) "ards 44 nches wide
Vcry Dainty Dessert.
SlIce a thin round from the stall
ends or oranges and remo\'o the can
tents. Plnco the skIns in cold wate :
tor an hour to lot them hnrllen : thm
drain and when they nre quite dry in
side fill them hnUway with pink jell '
Put them , on ice and when the jell :
seems firm fill them up wIth blan ,
mange or cream. Again lay then
on Ice and cut into quarters befor ,
Berving. Placc little sprigs or m'rU
between the qut\rters. Lemons may h
used instead or oranges if preferred
Now for Pinafores.
, 'rhe oldrllshloned plnnfore of chi\ \ (
hood has been adapted for model'
grown-up use In 11. very smart anll cor
I. venlent fashion. The modern plm
r' . taro is or Japanese sl11t , cut in on
picco , with 11. lace yolm nnd som
! ; Ilthers. It is Intended to lrotoct
. 'Uore elaborate gown , nnd can b
e.'rllwn In with 0. sash If deslroll , ]
: e.
perfectly serves the purpose or n plnl
fore without Imparting an appea
nnco or dowdiness.
1'0 Vlenne puffs.
111. Sift into n bom two cupfuls (
fiour , hatr n tenspoont111 of subar an
111' t' . pinch of salt : cream one level tnbl ,
vo et'oonCut or butter : add by degrees tIi
tlo ) 'olles or four eggs : tllen aott alternate ]
IS. the flour and two cupfuls of lnl\lt \ , the
do the benten whites of the e\ ! , : flll bu
Dn tered earthen -cups halt rull and . . ,
) \V twenty.nvo minutes : this wttl mali
< < moen puffs.
Vogue of Fluffy Parasols.
The summer girl ot to-day , while
she Is nthletlc nnd nppeRrs on the
Units , on the tennis court nnd in the
automobllo In plnln , severe nnll al.
most mannlh ! garb , satisfies the longIng -
Ing for daintiness In the afternoon
nnll evening gowns and In the fiuffi.
ness of hats and pllrasols. Nothing Is
more fluffy anll cl arming than the
cnrrlago parasol , a tiny , tan.lI1e para.
sol , in recent years used almost whol.
Iy by elderly women. Dut the girls
of to-day have recognized In the prim
oldfashloned sunshade II. means of
enhancing tholr beauty , and behold
the lIttle carriage parasol blossoms
like n garden. One seen recently was
n tangle of white chiffon and violets
hung over foundntlon or white silk
under lace. The appenrnnco was more
Ulw an overgrown bouquet than 1I1co
an undersized parasol.
Pretty New Colors.
New colors are continually mnldn
their appearance aud mnny or them
nro very nttracth-e. OnIon Is the nnme
given to one or the new colors. It I ! !
a crenmy whlto tinged with gray and
green. Gooseberry green Is another
new shade , and palo blue and Illven.
del' combinations are quito as popu ,
lar as they were last season. The
new Shades and colors are a source
or Inspiration to rn1l1lners. For ex.
ample , n hat or pnle blue silk bas the
crown covered with little cnomines in
all shades or lavender' and ImQts of
deep purple ribbon are the only other
trimmings. Orchids decorate pnle blue
hnts , and pansies in purples and lav ,
enders embellish both light and dark
blue straws.
Strawberry Gelatine , Fruit Salad.
Soak a level tablespoonful or gran'
ulated gelntlne in n fourth of a cup of
cool water and dissolve by standlnl ;
in hot water. Add the julco of hnlt D
lemon , three-quarters or n cup or sugar
dissolved In a. little hot water , and
ono and onehnU cups or mnshed
strawberries rubbed through a sieve
fine enough to retnin the seeds. Add
more sugar synlp It necessary to
sweeten more. Turn Into a border
mold to harden. Turn out and fil1
with a mixture or seasonable fruit ,
such as sliced oranges , bananas , cher.
rles , pineapples , etc. Sweeten with
powdered sugar to taste and chill on
Ice-Good Housekeeping.
Home-Made Wrist Frills.
Now that there Is such a rage for
real laco. and also for sleeve fr1l1a.
the wide-awake girl wlll utilize any
old-fashlonell handlrcrchief trimme
with lace , such as real Valenciennes
or Duchess , which she may bo fortu'
nate enough to possess , for making
sleeve flounces. By cutting them dl ,
rectly In two , joining the lace and lin ,
en caretull ) ' , and shaping the linen to
flt the wrist , a very pleasing and sat. , -
isractory effect Is obtained.
Mint Punch.
Put Into your punch bowl a CUprlL
of granulated sugar ; add the julco 0' '
six lemons , and stir until the sugat
melts. Put in three peeled lemons ,
sliced Yer ' thin , and ] eave in the Ice
until ) 'ou are ready to use it. Ad
then , n dozen sprays of green minI
and n quart , at least , or pounded ice
Stir well for 11. minute , and pour from
a height Into it , two or three bottle !
of imported ginger ale.
The Latest Idea In Sarhes. :
Sashes or soft ribbons , such as
louislno and liberty tatTeta , are shawl :
with the ends ] motted at intervals an
caught WIUI n small artifIcinl flower il ]
the same tint as the ribbon. Yellmv
roses , rose buds and cowslips are
used with canary color sashes , forget
me-nots with blue , almond blossom !
nnd roses with plnlt , and 1 > 011PY buds
aud geraniums with cnrdlnal ribbon
Colors for the Summer Girdle.
For silicon girdles to wear with thh :
- summer frocks , nothing approachC !
In dnlntlness nnd popularity the porn
padour and Dresden ribbons , wiU
borders or 11. solid color. Another fn
vorlte combination for girdles and COI' '
sago choux is In the pastel shalles. .Ii
striking Instance , which tones perfect
Iy with chnmpngne frock , Is cham
Ilagne , blue and lavender In paste
shades of loulsine sl\lt. \
The Popular Turqolse.
The woman who Is fonll of turquoise
quoiso stones w1l1 like the new dOl
collars formed from four , five or sl :
Rtnml1s .of small ones , nnd held h
place b ' straps of rhinestones. Thesl
now collnrs are enjoying n heayy saIl
with summer girls. They look yer ;
prettr with gauzy gowns intended to
summer hops.
Lovely Japanese Fans.
Lovely fans 1,1 blacle and gaUZI
hayo Japanese d" oratlons represent
Ing 11. filght or butterflies. The mothe
which are executed with true Orlenta
craft , are produced by a comblnatlOJ
) t of water color pllinting and tiny IS (
.d qulns-gUt or slifer.
0LO Gold Stamped lQather. ,
Iy Gold stamlled leath r' ts coming 11
In rnpldly , It is used tor some yer ,
: thc.ndsomo belts , as well ns for hnnd
co bags and l'ocleetboolts. ' Darl { blue an1
co blaclt , and occasionally white , nr
1 Been stamped with gilt or silver.
, . '
, ( .
HatB In Elevators.
Mon In New Yorlt nro not cn.lled
" " " , . . "
"cads , "badmannereo. nor "horrid
things , ' If they do not romoyo their
hnts when riding In oevator ] enrs wltb
worn on. The question or romovlng
the hnt hns been settled there for 1.
good. In office buildings stores nnd .
ether public vlaces men do not ra- I
IUDVO tholr hats as n rure. Once In I
awhUo n man docs , but ho has n.ll the I ,
earmnrs or eing from some other
city than the metropolis. In elevntor
cnrs or holels , If n man removes hla
hnt when wowon nro presont. he
doesn't do it because it Is the custom.
Women or New York do not expect
men to remove their hats becn\1se or
their presence any maI'o than it would '
bo expected or them In street curs. , ' ;
Dep w.s Parting of the Ways.
8eootor Denaw 8tates that when ho
was 20 years old ho was elected sec-
rOlary of state , after he had served
In the assembly , and thnt he was of.
fored the position 0 : mlnistor to Japan ,
with n salary of $9,000 n year and nn i ,
equal amount to fit him out , but ho
realized that It was the parting of the .
wnys for him , and he accepted 11. sal.
ary or $2,000 [ I. year from Mr. Vanderbilt -
bilt as attornoy' for the Harlem rail. .
It Pays to Read NCVlspapers.
Cox , WIs. , July 4.-Frmk M. Rus-
sellof thlt1 place , had Kidney Disease
so bad that ho could nut wallt. Ho
tried Doctors' trel'tment and many dit-
ferent remedies , but was gettlne
worse. He was very low.
He rend In a newspaper how Dodd's
Kidney PUIs were curing cases of
Kidney Trouble , Bright's Disease , and
Rheumatism , and thought he would
try them. He took two b : tes. .and now' ,
he is qulto well. He says :
"I can now work all day , and not
feel tJred. Beroro using Dodd's Kid.
ney PUls , I couldn't wak : acroS8 the
Sloor , "
Mr. Russell's Is the most wonderful
case ever known In ChlT.pawn Coun.
ty. This n4Jw remedy-Dodd' Kidney
P1I1s-ls mal lng ilome mlraculoul1
cures In Wisconsin.
The most precIous neclclnee a won. .
an can wear Is mnde or the two arms . .
of her child meotlng behind her shoul- . '
: L I
Piso's CUre for Consumption Is an infa11lble
medicine for coughs and colds-N. W. S. 1t1EL , \
Ocean Grovc , N. J. , Feb. 17,11 > 00.
Always tell the girl you Ioyo that
ou lava her In the same old wny and
n the same words , That Is the one
occaJlion where originality and conlSe-
quent variety would bo extremely m ,
dvIscd _
The Defiance Starch Co. w1l1 glvo
, 5 ladies a roundtrp ticket to the St ;
Louis exposition to five ladles In
each or the followIng states : II11noi8 ,
Iowa , Nebrastn ] , ! { ansas and Missouri -
ri who wUl send in the largest number
of trade marks cut rrom a 10-cent , 16-
ounce paclmge or Defiance cold wnter
laundry starch. This means from your
own home , an 'whero In the above
named states. These trade marks must
be mailed to nnd received by the De-
llance Starch Co. , Omahn , Neb" berore
September 1st , 1904. October and November -
vember w111 bo the best months to
visit the exposition. Remember thnt
lJefianco Is the only starch put up 16
oz. ( n full pound ) to the .package ,
You get ono-thlrd mora stnrch for the
same mane ) ' thnn or any other ldnd ,
! lnd Defiance never sticls to the iron.
The tickets to the exposition wlll be
Bent by registered mall September 5th.
Starch for sale by all dealers.
I hnvo been told that every crime
carries with it Its penl1lty. True. And
not Infrequently It cl1rrles thl1t pen- I
II.lty out of the reach of justice. I
Do You Want the Lowest RatclS ,
either neway or round-trip excursion , I
to any point east of Chicago or St.
Louis ? Ask the Erlo Railroad Com-
, pan ' , 555 Railway Exchange , Chicago ,
for complete Information. Three fast
, lrains dally from Chicago and St.
Louis through to New York , Boston , '
I Buffalo , Pittsburgh and other castern
points. Stop-oyer without charge at 1
Niagara Falls , Cambridge SprIngs and
I Beauttrul Chautauqua Lake.
In their secret hearts the most of
men seldom forgive their fellow man
B. faUure , and never rorgive him a suc ,
Try One Package. .
It "Denance Starch" does not plc st
you , return It to your denier. II : it.
, does you get one-third more tor the
lame money. It will , ; Ive you saUs-
[ acUon , and w111 not sUck to the iron. ,
True friendship can afford true '
Imowledge , It 'doos not depend on
dnrlmoss and Ignorance.
WorJcl' . F"lr Aocommodatlon .
nI\ble ) ( and reasonable nccommodatlons ; ( ld. .
loln World's Fair Irounds on the south side ,
with prlyuto gate ; direct from Union Stillion bJ
Marlcet strcot c\r. ( 'Vrlto for roservatlons.
Orand View FraternallIotcl , St. Louis , Mo.
The surest way to maleo ourselves :
agreeable to others 13 : } y scorning to
thlnl { them so. It we apPQl\.r fully
senslblo to their good qulllities they
will not complain or the want or them
In us.
Even the blind man can find his I
\\'ay through an open door. I
A man cannot make much lwadway
tr his cranium Is swollen. i.
If a friend pUlis his wntch an your
runn ' story , cut It snort. .
If fowls roll in the dust or sand ,
raIn la near nt hand.
Does smolO come out or a fireless ' \
chimney ?
Dlrds an fowls OIUDg rcathers Indl-
ca.t'O pl.1n. )
- _ _ _ ' I' '
. . . . . . - - - . . _ - .
- - ' -
" - ' -