Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 14, 1904, Image 1

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    - ' : '
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Improve the Sight .
, and the Appearance.
Glasses tIIlHle ulIl1 liltel1 here
arc ornalllcntallll well ullIsdlll.
I : Youllg \ > eoplcto ! think glnsses
) ; diBligl\l'lIlM \ sholll(1 ( wear ours.
t , , 'I'hey lire parti 1I1ruly neat ntHl
I I jallnty. Bllt the siMht is the
- i , ! first thillg to III. ' cOllsidered. If
. . , thut is lit all illlpaired let us
. II te t of thc eyeD nl1l1 qt
! the proper glnsses. To have It
dOlle ill lime will save IIIl1ch
; : 'U tMd r.5
II. . .
. ' . . " . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
School Books ,
. .
. -AND-
School SuppJies ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
Frank Woodruff , who has becn
employed by P. 1. Simonson , aB
meat utter in his meat market ,
has accepted a position in Grand
Island , with F. K , Parkhurst , as
. head Illan in hiVholl sale and
. retail business of meat depart-
'ment. Mr. Woodruff has madf'
+ many friends In this town during
the few months he has been here ,
who will be glad to learn of his
. rutaaU > ' Tortured ,
I I A case came to light that for
persistent and unllll rcif tl torture
bas perhaps never been equaled.
Joe Golobick of Colusa , Calif. ,
. ' writes : "For 15 ) 'ears J endured
insufferabl pain from Rheumatism -
tism and nothing relieved me
the gh J tried e\'erything known.
I came across l lectric , Bitters
; . and it's the great < ; st medicine on
earth for that troublc. A few
bottles of it completely relieved
and cured me. " Just as g-ood for
lAver and KidncJ' troubles and
general debility. Only SOc.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Lee
Bros. , Druggist.
m : : : : : : : : :
' 1'he fair dates are September
.7-8 and 9.
J. 'V. 1\Iaxon of Arnold , was a
friendly . caller at this omce Fri-
Jas. Woods of Merna , was a
friclldly caller at tIlls otlice
'Vill Kellenbarg-er of 1\Ierna ,
wa a city visitor Saturday.
'Phis otlice acknowlcdges a friendly -
ly call.
'l'he county board convened
'l'uesdaY , in regular scssion.
'l'hey will make their semi-annual
settlement with the county
ot1icers at this session.
Ira ] unyan , Bert II 1l and F.
A. Amsberry of Mason City , were
among the uumh r who took examination -
amination Satu.rday for carriers
on rural mail routes in their
\ ' ici 11 ity.
J. J. Wilson and 'V. B. East-
ham of this city attended the
democratic co vention at St ,
J-4ouis last week. Mr. Wilson
was tHe delegate from the Sixth
congressional district.
' 1' . B. Russell of Ansclmo , was
a city visitor the latter part of
last week. Mr. Russel informs
us that he has built a store at
Anselmo , in which bis wife will
put in a restitrant and confectionary -
ary business.
Geo. Papineau .came in Saturday -
day night from McKinley where
he is working on a house for John
Rinehardt. The house is 2 x30 ,
with 18 feet post and an addition
of 14x ] . When completed Mr.
Rinehardt will have one of the
best farm houses in his com-
The wind that accompanied
the rain Sunday night was harden
on the small grain , especiallY the
oats which are very heavy. and
were 'blown down badly. Several -
eral wind mills were injured
northeast of town and branches
of trees in many instances were
broken off.
A short time ago the secretary
of the County Fair , announced
that the first 50 people who would
agree to bring in a certain exhibit -
hibit of farm products to the
fair would be guaranteed $3.00
in cash and a family ticket good
during the entire. The interest
taken in this is unusual , and up
to the present time 45 out of the
50 people wanted have sent in
their names. ,
John Weheling of Cliff Table ,
was in the city Saturday. He I
nforms us that he has added I
half section more land to his pos-
sessions. 'l'his time he has taken
in the Hutchison and Scotts
i places. Consideration $2QOO
cash. John has the reputahon
for wanting all the land that
joins him. The great trouble is ,
every time he adds an additional
quartar he soon disoovers there
is another piece adjuining tha t
one. But wit h a continuation 0 f
a republican administration and
good prices for hogs he will find
a way to get other quarters.
- -
J , " ' ' " " ' , " " " " " " " " ' * " " " " ' ' " " " " " " , " " " _
"I : : : : :
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. , - - - . - - -
, . . = = Headquarters for Groceries , Fresh Fruits , ' = =
, . . ' = = Vegetables , Canned Goods. We hande ] : : : : :
. . . E the O. L. ' Pure Cider Vinegar. ' 3
. : : : : An elegant Gregory's set of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . = =
- -
. " - -
, - -
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_ ,
: : : : f = =
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- . t. - : : : as prizes with coffee.Ve sell as cheap - : : : : :
- E as the cheapest. IIGrNorth side of the 3
: - : : : : . public Sql1are. Broken Bow , Nebraska. . = - - =
- -
- -
I W. A. GB RGE & . I
- -
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il1111111il'il1111il1il1111'il11111 ' ' + 1111il1111111111l11111111111il1'1111 '
, .
, .
Greely report'J se\'eral barns
wreckcd Saturday night by the
wind storm.
li'rank Norton's new dwelling
in the south east part of the cit ) . ,
is rapidly reaching complction ,
under the supen'ision of ' 1'0111
'rUrll bull.
Geo. Honts , who recently purchased -
chased the Scanlon restaurant
building and moved it to the
east part of town is having it repaired -
paired and remoddled for a
' 1'he cement walk now being
put down in front of the court
house will vcr ) ' 'gr atl.r impro\'e
the appearance in that vicinity.
considering' the durability of the
cement it is a wise stroke of
policy and the board IS to be con-
grahilated on its good judgment.
Curt Dean , the carrier on. the
Rural Mail route No. 1 , fr m
Cal away was in the city a few I
days ago and took home with i
him a Huralli'ree Delivery wagon -
on , purchased of Hyerson-George I
Co. It was a fine one , costing ;
$75.00. It is remarkable for its
convenience , beauty and comfort.
"Parasitism" will be Jesse
'I'eagardens theme at the Christian -
tian Church , Sunday at 11 o'clock.
At this time Miss Minnie Shinn
will sing a r.1assical song entitled
"He Leadeth Me. " At 8' p. m.
Garland and Leland Lewis ,
Maurice Ryerson and Jno. 'l'uru-
er will render a selection to the
pleasure of all present.I'A Citi-
zen" will be the subject.of the
evening sermon. You are cordially -
ally invited.
ArcaGia was the victim of a
wind storm Saturday night.
The Congregational church ,
which cost 5",000 , was blown off
its foundations and otherwise
badly wrecked. No dwelling
houses were destroyed , _ but the
windows of a number blown in
and chimneys down. P. 'V.
R und had three barns blown
down and J as. Sanders one. R.
E. Lant , north of town , lost all
his bltildings except his houJe. !
A large nufnber of wind mill ! > in
the coun try were blown down and
the crops damaged one third.
The managers of the county
.fair are beginning to get busy
and reports tell us that Custer
county is going to have a fair
this year that is in keeping with
the bumper crop our farmers are
raising. The dates are Sept.
-7-8-9 , the week following the
state fair. Alreadv 2,000 exhibits -
its in farm products have been
promised and a much larger tent
than has ever been used will be
provided for this display. The
matter of special trains , mam-
moth open air attractions , big
racing events , etc. , are under
consideration by the manage-
ment. ' 1'ents for sleeping purposes -
poses will be furni 'hed the people -
ple who stay several days. In
short , the 1904 fair will be a red
hot one.
1I 1
John Crowghweell of ' 1'aylor ,
is visiting in the city this week
\vith his sister , Mrs. James
, 'l'he Custer County ' 1'eachers
Institute convenes next Monday.
A large attendance is an-
M ! m .A.llie Clapper of York ,
and Miss T-4ogan spcnt the past
week in the city , visiting Mrs.
.Alvin : Burle and friends.
Hev. T-4. L. 1 pley and wife are
rejoicing over the arrival of a
seven pound boy at their home
yesterday. Mother and child reported -
ported oing niccl ) ' .
MAHIUJm-At the residence of
the bride's parcnts in Broken
Bow on Saturday , July 9 , 1904 ,
John B. Butler to Miss Cora
Sturdevent , HeJ4. . 1-4. l pley ,
Burwell and eastern portion of
Loup county was a victim of the
wind storm last Saturda ) ' night.
Brittan's' dwelling" as well as that
of Messers Brumage , Campbell ,
D ttou were blown down. Crops
w re damaged.
r. . .1Currie of Custer COU1ty !
was 111 Omaha 'ruesday evcn11lg
on his way east , and said he is
quitting Nebraska politi s for
good , Mr. Currie said he was
g-oing to lcavc Nebraska for the
bencf t of his wife's health , and
for that reason he was taking no
part in politics this year. Mr.
Currie believes that the Custer
county fusionists will use every
effort to nominate Judge Hol-
comb for goveruor.-Omaha Daily -
ly News.
Uamah Ryerson left last Thurs-
.day morning on an extended trip
to Chicago and other points east
in the interest of the Ryerson-
George Co. He will purchase
and give particular attention to
the newest and the most : tttrac-
th'e in ladies dress and furnish-
ings. With his known ability ,
'it's needless to say that cuslo-
mers at this store will be more
than pleased in every respect.
Ramah expects to return by the
way of St. Louis.
Cbeer'UUI' : ! Ruculuweuded 'or
O. G. Higbec , Danville , Ills. ,
writes , Dec. 2 , 1901 : "About
two years ago I was laid up for
four months with rheumatism.
I tried Ballard's Snow Liniment ;
one bottle cured me. J can
cheerfully recommend it to all
suffering from hke allliction. "
25c , 50c , $1.00. So1 < 1 by Ed. Mc-
Comas , Broken Bow and Merna.
DONO I" I'OIl.Gn' "
That iu order to keep ) 'our
suits , skirts , etc , in neat concli-
tion ) 'OU must occassionally have
them clcaned , repaired and press-
ed. All work neatly and prompt-
] y done at Tailor Shop over
Haeberle's Drug Store , Broken
Bow , Nebraska.
. . cl\ S ; : , . . , . , . , . ( , Cb. . , . .1ID7."of.b. : ; : . . cS\.DJ. : : , , . .
f . . . . " , . " ' " " , . , : , ? , , , , , : ' ; ' , ; " ; , , . , " " " " : . - ; " ; : . " " " " : " ? " ' ' " , - " " " " " 'hiii" ' " , , , , , , , : , , ; , , , , f. , ' . " " " " " " , " ' " , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " , , , . , , \ C8"c , , , , , , , . , , , , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " , , . , , , , , , , , , ; , , , , , , " " " " " ' " " " ' , , " " , , , , , , , .
' 11' ( i 1
Hey ! Don't ) 'OU Imow where to get the niceRt
fruit and vegetables in town ? Just for fun go l
u ( to the east side of the square and take a peep f
_ at the extremely fine assortment of nice juicy
' I
< b - -
: Cherries , Raspberries , Blackberries 1
" -'A Apples , and delicious fruits of all kinds-the -
J blac1cberries being only about half a crop this f , )
year , you should get in on the ground floor.
See those nice bects , radishes , turnips , and , t
new potatoes ; fresh and tile best thc market ;
affords. .G6Y"The place , you know where ! h
\ : . IYf.\ \ ,
. ! '
c. ; J !
, ' I . i
" " , I ! J
v ( ) l"
i I . . ThO"H. Grocery !
alP. ) .
' Q(1. ( =
. Just remember , th best grades of tea and f '
. ( { j coffee are found w1th them" where vou can i'ftJ
bu ' all knds ! of canned and Ut > ttled go ds "
' { ft t. dned fnuts and staple and fancy grocenes. 1
( , Don't forget to save your tickets and get some
: of those fine prize dishes ; and keep in.mind' .
: I CHINA w RE aaud't aa tASSW ARE
: il 'Vater Mellons and Musk Mellons too ! : , , ; J'
: . ,
' ' ' " " "U'I " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'III ' ' ' ' 'I' ' ' ' ' 'I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " I''o. ' : ' '
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" " ' ! " " " " 'tt"'t"'t"t"'t ' " ' " " ' " " " ' + t"'t"t""tt"'t"t" " " " ' " " " " " " , " " ' " "
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: = By the 7th of July my first ear or rrwille = = '
: = will be hero , Hnd I will ell you any quantity = =
: = you wHnt nt. . . . . . . . . . . . = =
- -
- -
11 Cents Fer Pound.
- - -
- . - -
: = 'l'his will he New rrw lle , . direct from = =
: = the factory. . = =
. - ,
- " : : :
: = - - - : . . = : : , : 'rniJ - - - 'I = - =
I Buggies I
- -
= - = I have just. received two ears of Buggies , = =
= = direct from the faetol'Y. In the two cars there = =
= = is . over thirty different styles in rubber und steel = =
- : : : : : t. , Ires. - = =
"The Dealer That Saves Yon Money , " 3
: : : : : : : -
E : .ANTI-'l'J u's'r GOOIJS. = =
111111'1111il11111111111111111111111 ' + 111111'111111111lil111iilil1111il111 '
- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, -
'l'he Star Groc r ) ' will have in
about 300 baslcts of the late
cherries the last of the week. Go
I and see thcm. ' " _
: ' :
' _ I ,
Brolcen Bow bas the best half i .
mile track in the ! 1tatc and this ' /
means some fast races at the ;
September fair. I.
! i
_ I
.JCr.M'.cr oCf."''OO . " , : : ; Q'
S '
. . . . .E. c. HOUSE. . . . .
I Real Estate , Loans Insurance H
I I have 'ollie of tbe bet farlllS ill tbe eoullty for sale. I .
fi I have some of the best ranches in the state for sale.
I have three good city residences for sale.
fi I have some of the most desirable. city lots for sale.
J have money to loan on good improved farms in Custer Co.
I have money to loan on good city property.
I have the best equipped Insurance Agency ill the county.
S - fiRI -
8 - - -
Hail ! Hail ! ! Hail (
8 Now that yon have the best prospects for a bumper
crop , protect it by insurance in thc old reliabe ] St. Paul Fire
and Marinc Insurance Co. against Hail.
' AC.'ENT ,
Broken Bow , - - - - - - Nebraska.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
.rJCrJ".cr..o . : .o'.r.rJ'.r..r..rJ".r..rJ".r..r..r..r..r..r..r.r..r..rJ' . " . : .7".r.r..r/'Q 33'.Md
I , . . _ . _ . . . . . .Ht'\ . . . IIt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ! 'tA . . . - - p
< " & % ! cl : & ! & W " ' ! t : I ! : : < : & ( ; c : : & : : r. m . : t
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. .1 , ' . . j1jJ. : " .
I . TW I'N E .
I . ( c .
I T : I:1VE : : : J
I Buckeye Sica.1 Twine 10c.
: Best Deering Sica.1 .rwi e 12c.
, \Ve are now making' preparations for :
the Hay and Gruin harvest. Look up :
, : what repairs you will want for the - :
S : ! Deering Iower Old } Binder. If you :
: want a new maclnue , we have them. :
\ : \Ve now hoye a few bargains in m
, :1 . .
i Hay Sweeps and Stackers , . ,
! m and Hay Rakeslll"l '
rl'hey are the best thing on the mar- : . ! I 1'
, I keto See us about these if you want 1t
: . a bargain. 'Phone No. 107. : ; 't '
' '
' !
't Ii
i Our l\I'otto : "Undersell.n : : 11
Ij , c. W. APPLE , J ! :
! : , ; ' I' . 'tVeRt Side t3quore , Broken Bow , N ebl'Clslm.lI : : : :
e . 1 ( . : . ' ' M'1i : M ' ! i Iu . m : 'l . M ! J ( . '
.v ij w v v W .v v v. v