Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 07, 1904, Image 8

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    - '
. -
r :
Supervisors Proceedings.
( Continued { rom 5th page. )
To bo out of the l' fuud of
roall Diat1' ct No. :1 : , Delight 'l'p. ;
aull flH lll\mngoH to their 1autl be-
caUBO bf the locatiou ofa public roud
} > otitio l tl for b > ' IJ. B. Hiloy aud
oUrora :
It : J. . , Kelley . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 00
Eliuboth l\oUey. . . . . . . . . . SO 00
l'h H. ' .1 . : l\eJIo > ' . . . . . . . . . . . 00
J. N. 'B1'I1ubeutJ1lrg. . . . ' " 20 00
.J ohl1. Car > ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G 00
J. ( V W. IJewia. . . . . . . . . . . 40 00
E. . J'I S\vick. . . . . . , . . . . . . . GO 00
'o be 1ll1id ou t , of the apeciull'oad
fUIllI of road diHtrict No. I , JGJfoil
towu hil ; IUlllml damages to their
laud bccaullo : of the locatiou of 1\
publio i'ond petitioued for by Alfred
Bcbrey01aud otherH :
JctT raon Daggett. . . . . . . . . $ 20 00
, 'ro UQ 1)llid ) out of the Hpociall'oad
fuud of dilltrict : No.3 CURter 'lIp.
F.1\1. \ G'Schwind . . . . . . . $ 10 00
'lIb b puill out of the apecial roud
fL1nd of district No. 1 , 'l'iumJh } 'fp. :
EUhtice G'ljchwind : . . . . . . . : f ; 2 00 '
Viola StivortJ. . . . . . . . . . . . , 7G 00
F. \ VEvausHU. . . . . . . . . 2000
W. Smitb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 '
S : H. DORn . . . . . . . . . . . . . fiO 00 '
F. n. Woolington. . . . . . . . 100 00
J. U. EvanH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00
Lfi'ur Eugl3a. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 50 "
AlCrod SchreJor. . . . . . . . . . 30 00 I
Wm 'Veavor. . . . . . . . . . . . 3000 I
R. C. liddJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00
EURtice G'Schwind. . . . . . . . 2 00
1'0 , bo na < 1 out of the special ron
fuud.of district No.2 'l'riumph 'i'p. ; I
uud n ! ! damngeH to their laud b '
reason , of the location oC n public
rend pptitioued for by H. G. Lallg
l111d othera : .
IT. Ii' . Colell1au. . . . . . . 00 . . $ 70 00
.r tTcrson Daggett. . . . . . . . 20 00 ' paid out of the special road
funa of dishict N'o. : J lWloil 'l'p. ;
as dl1mngos , to Jlis land because of
the locat.ion of 1\ public rOl1d petitioned -
titioned for h ' J. A. Deitz :
S. A. Defm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ao 00
' 1'0 be paid out of the specil11 l'oad
fund of diatrict No. 2 Brolcon Bow
'fp. ; I1S daml1ges to their land caused
by the location of a public rOl1d po- I
titioulJd for by Antoll Fostic , at 11.1 :
William Bl1l\lborn. . . . . . . . tI 16 00
U. G. Bl'ovn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 '
J. . G. Bl'o'vn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00
Hennall M 'el'f. ' . . . . . . . . . . . 76 00
Anna Kel1ruey . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 00
F. Dobosh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00
T. E. CJark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
C. W. Nolson. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00
To be pl1id out of the special roa ,
fund of r..lud diBtrict No.1 Loup
Tp. ; IlS damage to tbeir land caused
by the location of a } ) Ublic road petitioned -
titioned for by O. A. Snyder et al :
Amos young. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 00
E. lno11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00
Mary E. LeJilley. . . . . . . . . . IG 00
R. P. Scdtsmyor. . . . . . . . . . . 10 00
'fhos , Br 'er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0 :
. alinda oody. . . . . . . . . . 2000
J. 1\1. Bates. . . . . , . . . . . . . . 40 00
Ii. E. Chrisman. . . . . . . . . . 100 00
L. 1\usse1l. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 00
'o be paid out of the special road
fund of rend District No.1 Victoria
'J'p.j Ilnd H. P. Gates $10.00 to 'be
paid out of tbe specinlron < ! fund of
road district No 4 , VictOlin. Tp. ; as
dllmages to their laud caused by tbo
location of a publio 1'Olld petitioned
for by A. [ oody et Ill :
P. Cbristen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . II 10 00
E. Spanel. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . - 20 00
To be } mid ou t of the special road
funel of road diHtl'ict No.1 Victoria
'p. j as damages to their land caused
by the location' n. . } mblic 1'Oad pe-
titiouee ! for by S. Boyles et 1\1 :
Chas. OeHtwite. . , . . . . . . . . $ 10 00
W. H. McKnight. . . . . . . . . 40 00
To be paid out oC the Hpecial 1'oal1
fund of road district No. a Derw 'u
'fp. ; as damages to their Innd caused -
ed by the location of n. puhlic road
petitiollee ! for b ' C. L. l\Ioullgey
and others :
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
N. J J\olbo. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 20 00
N. P. N elsoll . . , . . . , . . . . . 12 50
' 1'0 be paid out.oC the special road
fuud of road district No. a Wood
Ui verT } ) . j ns damages to their lalld
cauRed b \ tbe location of a publio
road petitionecl for by O. 'd. Layton
and others : -
J. J. Jo 'ne1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 76 00
John Yeck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;
One half of each tQ be pl1il ! ou t of
the spociull'Of1l1 fund of l'oad dis- '
l'ict No.4 ; Oliff Tp. . nnd one Imlf
NIKbt WAR Uer Terror.
"I would cough nearly all
night long' , " writes Mrs. Chas.
Applegate of Ale andria , Ind. ,
"and could hardly get any sleep.
I had consumption so bad that if
I walked a block I would cougb
frightfully and spit blood , but ,
wben aU other medicines failed ,
three , $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery wholly cured me
and I gained 58 pounds. " It's
bsolutely guaranteed to cure
CouEfhs , Colds , LaGrippe , Brqn-
chit s and al.l throat and lung
troubles. Pnce 50c and $1.00.
Trial boUles free at Lee Bros. ,
drug , store.
Tbe best Mason Jar and the
best Jar Rubbers to be obtained
may be purchased of J. C. Bowen.
out of the specinl rood fuud of diH-
trict No. a Kilfoil Tp.
IT. . ' 11. Arthur ,
J. II. McGuil'o , 1 00111.
J os. 1'ollilll ! re ,
Moved and car1' ml , to Ilccopt nnd
adopt the roped of the committee.
Moved nnd carried tlmt the netion
of this board ttdwn 011 June 11 , 1110-1 ,
in regard to the gl'l1utillg of the
road peti tioll of L. J. Smith 1111(1
oth rH , bo recollsidnred alld the petition -
tition reforre back to the roud
Road committee reported 1\8 follows -
lows , on the petition of L. .J. Smith ,
et 11.1 :
We l'ecommell thl\t petition bo
gl'allted from mil rend to Itnlw : 1 ,
and that from stake 1 toitalw / 7 be
rejected , nnd the claim of 'hollms1. ;
Platt , and J. n. Laug ho rejected.
J. ' 11 , Arthur ,
J. II. McGuire , } Com.
Jos , Fenullore ,
Moved all < 1 carried , tlmt the clerk
be I\nd hereby iH instructed to raw
WI\1'l'I1nhJ on the proper fuuds for fLU
cll1ims allowed at thiB meeting of the
' 1'110 application of William J.
JolUlaon for I1dmissiou to the Sol-
dier'a Homo nt Grund I sland wn
rel1d by the cJerk.
On motiou duly made nld Heco11(1-
ud that the chairman aud cJoak ho
IUld hereby nro nuthorizod l1ud iu-
structed to sigu the propel' ( II'edell-
Lials for hia I1dm tmion to the HOlllo.
' 1'1101'13 being no furl hOl' bUHillORS
before the Boar . it wlla moveclllud
11l'1'ied to adjouru Sillo die.
GEO. W. Dbwt\ : : " Clerk ,
By ,1mJ. I > JOIIIAN , Deputy ,
H. II. TUOI\I'I , ClmirnllUl.
A UIV ( JEl Ult.\'I'ION.
The Day un Ideal Olleull 'fhollHI1UtlS
IJ1U'Ucllnto. ,
'l'he biggest celebration ever
held in Custer county on the
F.ourth was eI eyed in this city
Monday. 'l'he day opened clear
and bright and the event was
ushered in with sunrise salute of
128 guns under the management
of J. J . Johnson and S. M. Dorris.
By 7 o'clock teams began to arrive -
rive from the country and by 10
o'clock the town was full of peo-
ple. Trains from both east and
west were loaded with those
coming to enjoy the festivities of
the day with , us.
The band furnished music in
the park while the crowd con-
gregated. A 10 o'clock- procession -
cession was formed of the floats
provided , by the business men ,
ladies and gentleman on horse
b ck , the militia , the Ansley
and Bro ! en Bow bands , Sunday
School delegations and , citizens
in carriages. Among the noticeable -
able features of the parade was
the float , Columbia with 48 attendants -
tendants , consisting of little
girls from 8 to 12'years ' old , dressed -
ed in white , representing the 48
states and territories , drawn by
eight horses. Among the tra e
floats represented in the procession - !
sion were Ryerson-George , J. C.
Bowen , The Star Grocery , Broken'
Bow City Mills , 'l'he Custer
County Chief , The County Agricultural -
cultural Society , Rockwell &
Armstrong , the Standard Oil Co.
The Snnday Schools in line
were the O. K. , Custer Center ,
Union Valley and Bethel Union.
The procession was over a mile
lon .
'I he exercises in the Parle wa : ;
opened with prayer by Rev. Geo.
P. 'l'rites. 'l'his was fotlowed
with the address of welcome by
Mayor G. W. Apple. 'l'he Declaration -
laration of Independence was
read by Minnie Shinn. Music
was furuished bv the Broken
Bow Band and cliorus of vocal
music by members of the several
church choirs.
S. J. Lonergan presided. E
P. Campbell formerly ( If this city
now a resident of Califoruia was
first introduced as the firRlspealc-
er , who was greeted heartily by
those wbo recognized him as one
of the early settlers. Next introduced -
troduced was ' 1' . J. Majors , the
orator of the day. Mr. Majors
address met with frequent ap-
The afternoon was occupied in
carrying out tbe sport program
which consisted of foot races ,
etc. , shower of pennies for boys
and girls. hose contest , tug of
war , and a game of base' ball between -
tween Ansley and Broken Bow ,
in which the former won , the
score standing 6 to 7.
'rbe fireworks at night was
witnessed by a large crowd that
remained over. 'l'he display was
the largest ever given in the citJ' .
No one was injured tbroughout
the day and the best of ordeI
A heavy rain followed soon
after the fire works which made
it disagreeable for those who had
started home and for those wbo
had a lon - wait for the belated
extra trains that had been ar-
ranled for to carry them home ; a
musical program was provided
at the opera house to entertain
them , but owing to the rain a
- - -
L- "
large I umber did not go to it. I
Several of the merchants kept
their stores opcn until midnight
, to accommodate the watters.
We understand that Hyerson-
George lcept their store open
nigh t.
WIIIIIIlU SulI'rage.
, Some one has said " \Voman is
not womens friend and never
was. " 'Phis seems to be as ( lueer
an assertion as , "Man's worst
encmy is himself. " I
We do not see where women
have an ) ' complaint to make , as I
grounds fm a righn to vote. A
man who would vote aJrainst
Woman's interests and"\ just
rights would be loolced down up-
bJ' the whole human race.
In all organimtions : , Government -
ment and partnership , the executive -
tive authority i' ) placed in one
person. 'rherefore it seems just
and proper that each family
should ha\e ; an executive , and all
families do , some may be rulers
unconsciously. Sometimes the
wife is the real ruler of affairs
and often she is the most compc-
tent and justly holds the place ,
other times the success of the
family is ruined by her rule.
Are there enough women at the
head of families to justify equal
suffrage ?
If in any case the laws are unjust -
just to the woman it should be
righted. If a man and woman
with $1,000 each , get married
and afterward be divorced , the
woman would rethin her $1,000
and .0 of his property.
'l'here is surely no injustice tea
a woman in such a law.
One of the strongest pleas for
woman suffrage is taxation without -
out representation. Let us see
if they are unjustly taxed or
wronged in any way. She p ys
no more tax than the 'man with
an , equal amount of property ,
while he has a road tax to pay
and she has not. We fail to see
where she could better herself by
representation and still have .
equal rights with men.
'l'hey think it a shame to { ran-
chise the ignorant negro and not
franchise the women. They forget -
get tbey will franchise as many
ignorant negro women as there
are negro men.
In Colorado , where woman suffrage -
rage has been in for e for a number -
ber of years , the people are now
having a government that do , not
respect the constitution of the
United States. Men are being
sent out of the state without due
process of law. The constitution
gives very man the right to trial.
'rhe proceedings which are going
on in Colorado are unjust and a
disgrace to our nation. If the
women voters of Colorado by the
aid of a few just men would stand
for justice such , a condition of
her government would not exist.
Some of the women who have
been in poli tics were very rude ,
making insulting remarlcs , that
bad to be borne because they
were women. There is not a re-
spcctable man in our country who
would not lay down his life , if
necessary , for the protection of
woman. Do you think that men
do not respect the rights of women -
men above that of man ?
Old SettlerR lJlcule.
- ,
The Fiftee th Annual Reunion
of the old settlers of the northwest -
west Custer county will be held
at Jas. Lindley's Grove near An-
selmo , Nebraska , \Vednesday ,
July 13 , 1904.
I'ROGRAM-IO:30 : A.1. .
Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brokcn Bow Bmu1
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anselmo Glee Clllh
Prn'er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rev. J. P. Haney
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .Anselmo Glee Cillh. .
Addrcss of Wclcomc. . . PrcsI.AColenuUl
Response. . . . . . . . . . .II. K. Atkisson mul
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rc1Inthcws
SonI { , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' . Ierua QuarteUe
IhISII\tS of the Association. . . ' . , ' . . . . .
1\lusic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hanl !
UlNNItR-I2:00. :
1:30 : p. 1II.-l\Insic. . . . . Broken lIow Balul
Son . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .Merna Quartette
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rcv. 14. Il' H ! ey
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ansellllo Glee Clnb
Papcr-"Causcs I.eadin to Organh.atio'n
. . . . : . . . . . . .of Oill SeWers Association II
. . . . , . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . II. Jewett
Recitation. . . . . ' . . . . .Miss Grace I.indley
Music. , ' . . . ' , . . . . . , . . . .Merna QuarteUe
Paper-liThe Sod Church as An Hie.
lIIent of Ci\'i1i1.ation" . .Rev. W. C. Mil1er
Ricitulion. . . . . . . . . . . .1\1 iss Bertha While
Short ' 1'f\lkR. . . . . .Mrs. C. II. JelTonls , I ?
C. I lIIbree , Prank Cozad , John Deitz ,
. . . ReHohart , P. C. Wihonal1l ; ( ollltrs.
l\hlsic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Broken How Hand
- - - -
I1I1HehBII.-'lIyerH.uld Ioot It eerli
i Louis J. Kruger. ex-champion
long distance foot racer of Germany -
many and 1Iolland , writes , Oc-
tpber 27th , 1901 : "During my
training of eight weeks' foot
races at Salt Lake City , in April
last , I used Ballard's Snow Liniment -
ment to my greatest satisfaction.
'l'herefore , I highly recommend
Snow Liniment to all who are
I troubled with sprains , bruises or
rheumatism. " 2Sc. 50c , $1.00
bottle. Sold by Ed. McComas ,
Brolcen Bow and Merna.
- - - - - -
Drilliantine iu cream and colors
at , the Racket Store. 46tf
, .
, " .
, ,
- - - - -
- - - -
You can depend on Ayc s
Hair Vigor to restorc. color to
your gray hair , evcry time.
Follow directions and It nevcr
falls to do this work. It stops
"air Vigor
fallingofthe hairalso. Therc's
grcat satisfaction in Imowing
you arc not going to be disap-
pointed. Isn't that so ?
" haIr faded ulIlIlll was about white , It
"lIlf UII OliO hoUlu of Ayer'l 11111 , Vlgot to
1..lloro It 10 Itl fo"ner dark. rich color. Your
lIalr Vljor doc. what claim for
( crrlalnly you
II-A. 1\1. JlooUAN , ! tockluglllulI , . U.
f1.00 All ! drllll"I.I. a bottle , , , J , , " ' a . , . , A YEn . l\Ia. co" . . .
- - I for
fading lIair
( )1 tt1C ) ( IlIml hy 1.lghlulug.
Merna , Neb.-Special 'phone
to the l I\I'UllT.ICAN-On \ the night
of the Fourth 22 head of cattle
were killed by lightning in Jas.
'Voods pasture in the sand hills
northwest of Merna. From indi-
cationf the lightning struck th ( '
wire fence about a quarter of a
mile from where the cattle were
along the fence. J ight head of
the cattle belonged to'ooley ,
4 to Ed. HadclifT , 2 to Bill Coch-
ran. 'l'he others to several di f-
ferent parties , one or two to each.
m..cb'lc . HI1Ih'oalllUceUng.
The promoters of the electric
line of railroad from the west to
Broken Bow are in the city.
Mayor Apple has called a meeting -
ing of the business men of the
city to Ipeet at the court house
at 4 this evening with a view
of considering a proposition.
l verybody come.
s s
m mm xm m
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U
Yard wide percales , 9 cents at
the Racket Store. 46tf
Insurance that insures.
38tf R. G. MOOR1 .
- -
'White waistings at the Racket
Store. 4Gtf
- -
S. cream separator. ,
40tf A. H. S'rUCKEY.
If you want fly nets see Squires
Bros. 5tH
FOR R1mT-A five room house
on north side. 1. A. COLEMAN.
Los'r-On the evening of July
4th , a black Indian pony , weighs
800 pounds , has a B brand on its
left sholder , white strip down its
tace and is heavy with foal.
Anyone returning the same to
its owner , W. E. Mathews ,
Merna , will be rewarded.
Have your work done and have
it done right by a competant
decorator. A. C. Hapgood does
tIllS work. and guarantees.
Headquarters , Gr t1l Central.
Fine Batiste at 10 at the Racket -
et Store. 4CJtf
IlorHe Hade.
June 1CJth , at my yards ac Sar-
gent , 75 head of horses , some
broken , some unbroken , some
branded , some unbranded ; all
good young colts and horses.
F. M. CUImm.
The Central Nebraska Stock
Growers Association manufacture
lime ancI sulphur Concentrated
Dip , macIe strictly br Government
li'ormula. One barrel males 400
to 500 gallons for vat use. Price
$8.00. Address ,
Brokcn Bow , Nebraska.
The most successful cauner , is
the party who uses pure unadulterated -
terated spices and pure old cirIer
vinegar , sold by J. C. Bowen ,
Drotcen Bow , Neb. 3tf
li'OR SALH-'l'oW.1 lots ancl a
few five acre lots in this city.
-Allen Reyner.
Squires Bros. , have the largest
stock of By nets ever brought to
Broken Bow. 5Uf
Drs. Davis ancI li'arnsworth 'of
Granel Island , Nebraska , are prepared -
pared to treat all forms of chronic
diseases , such as rheumatism ,
stomach disorders , tumors , cancers -
cers , paralysis , lddney diseases ,
etc. 'l'he doctors use besidcs
medicine and surgery , the X-RaJ' ,
hot-air baths. electricity and
. massage. 2tf
- - - -
Low shoes , Oxford's and San-
. daIs at the Racket Store. 46tf ,
ItKtr"J'llorlle. :
' 1'aken up at Iny place of residence -
dence five miles south of llroken
Bow , a black mare with three
white feet , blaze face and circle
o and open A onlcH hip. Owner -
er will be required to prove property -
perty and pay expenses. ,
Port ArthU [ is bound to fall ;
and why is tlw Japanese successful -
ful ! Because they get their
nerves quieted before going Into
battle by drindng ] copiously of
'l'ea Leaf Brand' ' of 'rea , sold
by J. C. Bowen , Broken Bow.
'rakn Jour cream to P. J.
Everybody go to Squires Dros.
nllK Call-lel C..I' Hnle.
The Ladies Aid of the Baptist
church has 25 yards of rag carpet
for sale at 35c , atV. . A. George
& Co. store , lOrth of square.
Dr. Smnner Davis , Grand Island -
land , Nebraska , specialist \ in
disease of eye and ear , examination , -
tion for glasses. 2tf
Our trade mark , the Pure Old
Cider Vinegar for pickling always - '
ways Insures success-tell your
neighbors. J. C. Bowen.
FOR RI\N'l'-Four \ large rooms
suitable for familJ' use. Gooel
well. Mrs. J. 'V. Creighead. .
Money to loan on improved
farms.-R. G. l\IoOIn , Gleim
Block. 4ltf
Legal Notices.
All "dyerllsemont. unller tbl beall will bo
cbarged for at loval rate . vlz : SI.OO I.r IIqnllru
for first Inllorllon. IInd 60c per 8qunro for oncb
Inbccqnont IncurLlon.
A "c1Ioaro" Ic ton IIn c or fraction thoreot.
NO'l'ICI 01 , ' APPI.tCA'I'ION I OIt r.lQUOIt
Nolice Is hereu ) ' Kivell. . that Ihelelilioll / of
Gh'lIl1 Johnson for a licellse to sell liquor , ; III
the vllllIe of Masoll City , Neuraska. I > ! Oil filu
with the village clerk of said vlllalfe ; that the
, ; allle Is sllIell ! b ) ' a majorlt } ' of the re.lIlellt
freeholders IIf said , 'lIIalfe ; that Oil the 1lh
da ) ' pf Jnly. 1904 , the , ; alll Glellll Johnsoll will
make a/ll'lIcatloll uefore the boanl of Irllstee , ;
of 6ald vlllaife prayillir that license ue granled
hi III to , ; ellmah. villeous alld splrlillolls IIqllors
at alld wlthlll said vlllalCe on 101 6 , III hlock 5.
for the mUllcipal } 'ear C01ll1lle1lc11l1l May ISI.
1m , AllY objectloll to Ihe sallie . .hould he
made hi wrlllllll'.lIh the village clerk Irlor to
the lIIeeliull' or at the sessloll of said board of
trllsleeR all the 161h day of Jill ) ' . 19114. .
Dated Ihls JOlh da } ' of Jlllle , 1904.
GL1NN JOIINSON. Al.pllcalll.
3-5-,9 M. I. . r.AMn. Village Clerk.
To whom It may COllcerll :
The COIIIIIII'l'lloller a/l/lolllled 10 view a 11I1 If
deellled for the pllbllc Irood to locale a Ilublic
nltlllcliliollcd / f ( r b } ' Jehse Galld } ' allil NlherR ;
co III III ell cI II If al a "olllt aholll 9J ml" WI''II IIf
the "olllh'IVusl corner IIf Scclloll J. 'l'oll"lI..hll'
16. Hallire : ! I , allli rlllIlIllIlI' thellce North \0 Ihe
celltre of thc sOllth II lie of Scclloll 36 , 'I'owllshlll
17. Rallge : ! 1 ; 'l'hcllce 1I0rth alolll : the celltre
Iltlt of said Seclioll about 120 rod > ! : 'l'hellce III
a II lie 1I0rth of east , to the celltrc of thu cast IIl1e
IIf "alII Seclioll36 , to a 1'lIbllc road at Ihat 1101111.
has reportcd III favor of the cstaullslllilellt
Ihereof. alld all oujectlolls thelcto. IIr claims
for damall'es , mllst'be liled IlIlhe connt } ' clel k' "
ol1 ce 011 or before 110011 of Ihe 12th da } ' of
A Ullusl. 111lH. or such road will be eslabllshell
wllhollt referellce therelu ,
III ' ' 'lllIcss 'Vhcreof. I have herelllllo set m } '
halld alld eal 01 said coullly. this ; : ' ) Ih da } ' of
JUlie , 19'14 , C 1u ! , W. Urwl\.ColllltyClerk.
4-7-70 [ SltAL ) I1y Jos , 1'W IAN. Depu ! } ' ,
1WAI > NO'l'ICI .
'ro wholll II '
ilia } COllccrll :
A "elitioll havllll { beell nh'd III Ihe officc of
the cOllllly clerk uf Cllsler COIIII ! } ' . Nebrasl < a.
hy C , r. , ( ; lIl1cr"oll allll III her" asklllll' thai a
/lubllc road be eSlablished as foliowR : He.
glllllllllC allhe sOlllh.uasl corller of Seclloll 30 ,
'l'O\\'II > ! hlll 17. Hall ICe : ! O. rlllllllllif I hellcl' 1I0rth
alolll : ' the hectloll lIlie olle mill' 10 IlIlcr ect wllh
roal1 rUlIlIllIg Oil seclloll IIl1c helweell
SecllOlls III alld 20. alld29 alld JO. All objec ,
tlOIIS therctu. or claims for dalllal'es , mllst be
l Ied III Ihe COIIIII . ) ' clerk'lI ell ce Oil or hefore
IIUOII of Ihu 12t1..d y of A ugllsl. 19tH , or slIch
roul will hc cstabllllhc.1 wlthollt referellce
Iherelo. III 'Vltlle > ! s Whereof , I have henmlllo
sel lilY halld allll seal of lIalll CUll II I ) ' . thl > ! : ! 'Ith
lla'of Jlllle. IIN4 ,
Olm , W , U\Wln' , COli II I } ' CIIrk. !
4,7-7J [ Sl ALJ U } ' Jos. PllIMAN , De"III ) ' ,
'ro wholllit ma } ' co'lIccrn :
A "elilioll ha11I1f beell lilellill Ihe ollice of
the COllllt } ' clerk of Cllster COllllt } ' . Nchraska.
b } ' lJellr } ' Sweelley allil olhers , fortlu c'llabllh.
melll 01 a IlIIbllc ro 1I belrllllllllll' at the sOllth
west corller of hl'Ctioll Se\'ell (7) ( ) III towllshlll 1M
lIorlh. HallJoU , wesl , HIIUIIIIIIC thellce casl
UII seclloll IIl1e , Ihn'e miles to the lIorth l'ast
corne. . of Sectloll J6. 'l'OWII > ! hlll 1M , Halllc : ! ,
A II obj..CllolIH Iherelo , ur clalllls lor dalllalCc > !
1II11 > ! 1 he tlil'dllllhll cOIIIII } ' clerk's ollke 011 or
before 110011 uf the 121h da } ' of A IIICII I. 1104. or
lIuch rO1I1 will be cstabllshell wllholll mfcrerclI
thereto , III Wltlil'SS " 'hereof. I ha"e hureulllo
. . . , t III } ' hallll alill beal of salll cOIIIII } ' . thlll : ! 91h
da } ' of June. IIIlH. '
GHU , W. DltWln' , Counl } ' Clerk.
, i-74 ISUALI II } ' Jus , PillMAN. lIel'lIl } ' .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
'J'o whom It ilia } ' COllcerll :
A 1'1'1111011 havllllC beell filell III the COLI III } '
clerk's ollice 10 vlcale a Ilortioll of roul COlli'
mellcllll : ' at abolllO : roll" lIorlh of Ihu 1I0rlh ,
webt of thc NeH Sectloll 36 , 'l'owllllhll'
IIJ. Halllfll : ! I ) , CollowlllJ ( call'olllo a 1101111 abollt
JO rUlls wesl of the Nw curner of the Sc ! ( of
Sectloll 25. 'l'owlIshll' 19. Halll'e : 20. alld locale a
rll .1 cOllllrtellClil1C at lalll 1IlIIl'11101111 a 11I1 .
followllll { callyolIllI a " 'lIIlh cast II I rectloll O\'e.
a . .IIII/'e / alllllloWII 11110 Call'OIl al'aill.IlIchlllg /
half "ectloll IIlIe al /101111 / aboll13U rolls SOlIlIl
of the lIorth'esl cOrller of Ihe Sd of Sl'Ctioll
: ! S. 'l'o\\lIshlp 1'1. HallJe . 20. alill follo\\'lIuc
CIII'OIlIIl a ! . .outllerdl..ctloll / to the I'ullli
IIrslllalllelllll petilion. hal " 1'1)lrtl'd III fa"or
Iherl'of , alld all objectloll > ! Iherelo. or clal1ll8
for lIalllalles. IIII1SI be iiiI'd IlIlhe COLI III ) ' clerl"11
omclI 011 or b < 'fore 11011 of Ihe 21111 day of
Augusi. l'\H , ur such road will be vacaicil with.
Ollt referellce Iherelu.
III " 'lllIess " 'h..reoC , I hI\'e herellll'O I < el m } '
halld alld tieal of lIalll cOllllly. Ihl" 1IIh da } ' uf
JUlleI'IlH. ' C IO : , W.lhtWH\ .
1"2 < < ( SUAL ) . COIIIII ) ' Clerk.
' 1'0 whnlllllma } ' COllcerll :
'l'hu cOIIIIIIlsslonerappolllll'd 10'Iew a rO:1I1
1\Clltlollell fnr by C. Oslrraanl. cl " , . a ma.1
COIIIIIII'IICIIlJ ( allhe IIl1rtllwcst corner IIf Seclloll
I. 'l'oll'lIshlp H. H"1I1o'1I 25lhelll'e casl olle 11I110
Ihellce ! .olllh ahollilwo miles 10 a101111 abollt
IS n"llIlIorth of Iolllhwe t corner of H. thellce
sOlllh..ast arOlllllllhe hili 10 Ihu lIecllolI IInu Oil
hOlllh sille of H. Ihellco easllo the Ijllarler pester
or IIcar all pracllcahle thellce snlllhll'esler/ / } '
ahollt 100 mlill . .asl oC Sw CCrlllr uf Sec. 1011 : ! < < - .
thellce bouth olle half lillIe , IhclICII weSIOIl haU
KI'Ctioll IInu or lIear all pracllcablu 10 celller of
SectiOIl :14 : , Also to vacalo roall COlli lIIellcl 1110' at
.hUllorlhwest corner of Sl'clloll IS , 'I'owllshl" "
H. Hailiru : ! S. thellce sOlllh olle IIIl1e to Ihe
houlhwe"t corller allllaill S"clloIl15. hall reloort-
l'd III favor of the eslabllshlllelll allll ruJ..ct'a -
calloll Ihereof. allli all obJecllon" tlu'relo , or
clalllls for II a III a I/'I'S / , mllsl he II 1 ell III the COUIII } '
clerk' ollice Oil or beforl'llluollof Ihe 11)th day
of AIIII'III1I. 1904. ur tiuh ; mall will be eSlahllsh.
ed wllhollt refo'rellce Ihereto. III Willies. .
Whereof. I ha\'o IIcreuulo lIet III } ' halld alld
scal of said couuU' . ' 1I1s Hth da ) ' of JUlie. 1m.
1"-c.s lli1AL : ) Gco. W. UUWK\ ' .
- ; : "
hi Dlfttrlct court oC Cuftter COUIlt ) ' , Nebrallka.
III the lIIatter ur the ciliate of Jalllcs O. HAIl" , I
Nollce la herdl } ' ulvell that III pllri'lllallCC ' IIr
all unler ur lIrllllO . Ho lcller. Ju < llte IIC the
the Uistrlct cullrt of CII ler COli II I ) ' . Nebraflka.
lIIah , IIn thc ISlh day uf Jlllle. A. U. IWI , Cur the
sale uf Ihe real cslale h relll after des < : rluell.
there will tm soM at th" a t Crollt < leer uf the
court hOIl o III IIrokell Bow. ClIsler cOllllt } ' . Ne.
hrask : . , UII the : ! Jrd , da } ' IIf Jill } ' . A. U. I'\I ' , at
211'clock III the afterllooll. at PIIIJllc VCIIIIIIO to
the hllthe"t ulliller fllr cash , the folluwllllC ilL"
flcrlbell reallSIlle. : towl\ \ :
'l'ho lIorth we t qllartcr oC thu sOlltlt cast
qllarler , the I < Olltlt west quarter IIr the 1I0rtit
. 'a t IllIarlor , the ! 'ollth easl qllarlcr ortho 1I0rlh
we t Iluarier alllllho 1I0rlit , 'ast quarler of Ihe
I < 1I1I11t wcst qllarler or Sectloll 'l'weIIlY'lIevell.
' 1'IIwllshll' Nillel.'ell. North. Hallll'o 'l'wellt } . .
'V'qt ( If Ihe ( , tli 1' . l\I. CII IIr ! Cllllllt ) ' , NehrI I'a.
Halll > ! ale will n'lIIalll " 1'1'11 IlIle Itllllr.
Ualt,1 this ISlh , Ia } ' 01 JIIIIO , A. 11.,1'\11.
JAM WI 1\1. lIATK ,
Alllllllllqtralor IIf tile estale of
Jallll'n O. lIalell , III'cl'a'eli.
A'I'IIA l\IU"u'N. \ ( t
2-,3 Allllrne ) ' \,111I1111811',1101' . , _
'I'll whlllll It ilia } ' cllll , 'rll ;
'J'III ! COlli 111 IS'llllllcr allllulilleillu , 'Iew a llI.ul
1. . tllllllll'II fur hy "llIh'w lIallllslIlI. a fila II
ClIlIIlI\l'licllIlI' \ al 1110 Ijllarler corner hl'lweell
HeCIIIIII\ a 11I1 H. 'l'uwlI hll' IJ. Hallue : ! S , alld
rllllllllll ( " "lIlh 2 IIIl1e > ! followllll ( tile ! 'cCllulI
IIl1c alillear aft IIractlcahll':1I1I1 lorlllillallllll' at
a pollll of COIIJlIlICtloll witlt a IlIIhtlc fIIall allhe
1I0rlhl'a t corlll'r IIf Hl'CtiOIl 311. 'J'owlI\hlll \ 1.1 , t
I allll'o 25 , lIaH n'/lorl. ' < 1 III favllr of II" " , , ' > ! Iah , t
IishlllellllhlHl'lIf. " 1111 al1l1lojcctlllll Ihcn'to. or II
clallll for , lalllaJI's. IIIl1l1t he titl'llllIlhc CIIIIIII } ' "
clerl11 Illlicl' IIlIlIr hefllft ! 11111111 of 1111' I'/th ' < lay ' :
IIf ' \IIJIII. 1'IJ , lIr fluch fII,1I1 willI , , , l'qlahll.h' :1
"II wllholll rer.'wllce IIwrclu , III Wllllo , , , ,
WI'n'of. I ha"c hcn'ulIllI bel my hallli alld "eal I ,
IIf lIalil cOIIIII } ' . thlA Hili , Ia } ' IIf .hllw. 1'J04 , ,
f Ilm : , W. IIKW > > \ ' . I ,
1. . . ( , ( j [ IAl,1 COIIIII ) ' Cieri , . 3
CON'l'I S'1' NO'l'ICI , I' '
UIIIII'II Htale I.allli Ollice. j I
1I..I'ell How. Nehraqla , Jlllle 1M , 1')114. I
A slIllicielll cOllle"t allillal'lt lta\'lvhllC hecil J
IHelll1l tills IImce hy l\Iarlllll H , IIall } ' . CUlltI'R- f
lallt. altallli t hOlllesleul " 1110' Nil , ; : uiO , lII de 1
S"lllelllhcr Ii. l'II for 1I0rlll\\'e..t .
" . , \ \ lIuarter Sec- { \
111111 H , 'l'owlI lIhlO ; N. . HIlIIr > ! 20 W. . h } ' Jllhll ; I
H. 1'01le'llcI-.11I wltlch It I. . allclfl'd , !
Ihal Johll 11. : has aha'lIlolll'II ' "aill 1.111I1 .
allliin ah"t'litthen'fl'lllll :11I11 ha'l lice II fol' more I ,
Ihall 01111 } 'car lasl ( lat ; : Ihat he haR falle < l to (
hlllhl or onCI ! a 1I0lisc the/clIlI or olher 1'lacc uf '
ahllllj' : hili 1m" totally ahalllloll..11 Ralll lall < l , all _
IIf wllich Ilefl'cts md > ! 1 al thl > ! tlllle. Said Iar-
Ih'q' arc lIen'h ) ; 11011110.110 aHIl'ar. rC"I'UlIII ami !
olfer 1\'lIl1'lICe ! tOllchllll1' I < ald alll'llllon : at 10
o'clocl , a. III , Uli AllltllHt Ill , I'JtI4. I'forl ! the
1 "ItI > ! lei allli"lr ! al IIIl ! Ullilell I-Ialc"
I.allil Ollice III BrulwlI II ' Ne\Jra"la ' ' I
a \ \ , \ " , , 'l'hu
halll COIIII'hlalll ha"llIlI' . III a 11I'ler ( : llIilllavll. . '
lIIe" J II lie 11. I'JW'I'1 ' f"rlh facts which "how
thai aHer dlle 1llllll'cIICe per"'llIal sen'lce of IhlOi
1I0tice call 1I0t bll malle , II hI hereuy onlered alld
.lIr.'cte" Ihal flllch 1I0lice ue Ih'ell h } ' IllIe allll
lruJer pllhllcalloll III the CIIRlcr CUI..I . } ' HeluiJ. (
Jlcall. IHlhll > ! he" at Brokell lIuNehlaska ,
; : -7,67 J A ms WIltTltlllA" : . Hcghfer.
CON'l'gS'l' ' '
NO'l'ICI .
Ulltll1 SIall1s I.alld Ollice. l
Hrokell Buw. Nc\Jraska. \ JUIIC H.1904 , f
A slilliciellt COllleql allidavlt havillII' Ieell filcd
III thillollice b } ' Coorll'e : C , : .lIlav'rll , cUlllcslalll ,
"lfalll'li hUllleRll'a" clltr } ' No. : ! ' } 15 , lIIalttJAllilust
HI'N. ! . fur S Nw .f. NJ5 S\\'X. Sel'lolI 12.
' 1'lIwIIRhlllO ; N. , Hallle 21 W" h } ' Charlc > ! M.
Challlherlalll , cIHlleslee. III which II I > ! allel/'ed /
thai Charles 1\1. Challlbcrlaill ha' ! allallllllllC" .
"al" lallil allll I > ! ahselll thcrcfnllll , all,1 has
beell for IIlIIm Ihall a ) 'ear la'lt I'asl ; Ihat he
hall fall"Illo hulhlor crect a hOIl'c tllcleLII ur
ollr ! ! place IIf ahmle. 11111 haR tulall } ' ah.llltiollcd
, ; al" lall" : "lIl1f which defecltl exl"l al Ihls
I'rcSelllllllle , Sal" I artles are herell } ' 1I01llicd
10 al'llear. I'c"'lloUll " ' alld ulTr c\'hlcllcc IlIIlChlll1C
Rahl alll'lallulI at 10 u'cluck a , III. UII A Ulrllsl ' .I.
1' ' ) < .4. b"lom Ihe HCiI'lAlur aUlII ecelv.'r at Ihe
Ullitell Slaletl I. a 11I1 Ollico III IImlC1I 1I0w.
'l'he halll'tulllestalli havillII' , III a "rOl ( r am.
da"lt. filell Jlllle i. 111l/1. , ; et lurlh fIClq which
show that after lille dlllll'cllce persullal , , ! ! rvlcu
of this lIutlce call 1101 bc lIIade. It Is Iwrcby IIr.
IIcl'e" aUlI IJlrccle" Ihal "uch lIutice hc II\'clI hy
dlle :11111 proper 1IIIhilcaiioll III thu HCIHlblJca.
call. Brokell How. NehraAIa.
J.-6J JOliN HltlS' : : . Hecelver.
-HDAl ) NO'l'JCI .
' 1'0 whom It lIIay COllcerll :
A IIClilloll havillII' bC1'1I HIe" III the ofl cc of
the COLI Illy clcrl , of CUlller cOllllly. NebraRka.
hy 11 , W. KIII'lIbarll'l'r ! lllIl H , J. Kelle } ' . asklllll'
thai "IHlblle . . . .all he cqlahJlslwd beJllIlIllIu at
the 1I0rlh'weAI corner IIf Seclloll 3. ! . 'l'II\\'lIl1hll )
1M , Hallle : I , nlllIll1lr Ih"lIcu ca t'1 IJlesl'clllllt
II , " ! "lIc-l.all 11I11" to tile hall scclioll cunler lie ,
t weell sectlulIlI 1'J ; all < l 3. ! . All objectlulI ! ! Illere-
It. or clallll > ! for dalllaes , IIII1SI ue Hlu.1 III the
cOllllly c1..rk'lI olli. . . ! 1111 or hefllre 110011 uf the
12t111Ia } ' IIf AUJlIst. 1904. ( lr RIICh . . . .a'l will he .
establl"llI' < I wilhoul refercllce therelo ,
111 Wlllle'ls 'Vhereof. I havc herell ll1I set III ) '
hallll alld scal of hald COli Illy. Ihls : ! 'IIh ' lla } of
Jlllle , 11M , ( : , :0 : , W , I > lt'BCOLI lit ) ' Clerk. . .
4-7-n ISI AL ) II } ' Jos , 1'1U r.\N , Del'II\ } ' . . ,
'ro wholll It lIIay CUlicerll :
A pelilioll ha\11I1 : Imell lIIel1 III Ihe omce or
the cOllllt } ' clerk of Cllqler COli III } ' , Nehrasla ,
asklllrr Ihal a 1'lIhllc . . . .a . < l CIIIIIIIICIICIIlIl at th
hOlllh we'll corner IIf Seclloll ; : 'i , 'l'u\\lIshlp Ib ,
Hallllu 1' ) , aUlI nllllllllll' Ihcllce lIorlh twu lilliI'll.
be vaCale" for th" reasullthal saill roall Is 1111-
pallqlblc "lid I > ! lIul Ir"vcllell. All olojlctlolls ! I
therclll. or CIIIIII for II a III a IC' ! " ' . mllslJutilell \ , III I
thc CUllllt } ' clerk' " , IInice 1111 or heforc 110011 of !
Ihe Iwelflh < la } ' of AIIIII..I. . I'M ' , or such roall
will hu vacall' < I Wllhlllli . .efurcllce therelll , III
'Vltlles , ; ' ' 'hercof. I have Iwrcuillu hellll } ' halld
all < l heal oC "alii CIIIIIII ) ' . Ihls : : : 'lIh Ila } ' of J II lie.
l'IlJ , "Hu , W , I > lm'COIIII \ } ' Cleric ,
4,7-75 [ SI'ALI lIy Jos I'HMAN. : 1 > epuly.
nOA1 > NO'l'rCI ,
' 1'11 wholll It ilia } ' CUllcerll :
A pelilioll ha1I11o' beell liled III Ihe IImce of
Ihe COLI III ) ' cieri , of Cllsler CUIIIII } ' , Nehrallka.
"y J. N , Hhlllullr allllllthcrs a > ! ldlllr Ihal a pllb.
IIc roatll'e e"lahllshell helCllIlI I IIII' al lite hUlUh.
weAt corner of Seclloll1. : 'l'OWIIRIIIII 111 , Hallle
: ! . 1'11111111111' Ihellce ea'llllll the , 'clloll IIl1e 10
the hlllllh.easl corller of Seclloll ; : , ; 'l'hullce
1I0rlh 011 seclloll IIl1e to the 1I0rlh.east curner of ;
sal" Seclloll : ! I , '
Aillo cOllllllellclll1t al thu sOlllh-wesl corller of
Sectlull ; : , 'l'"wlI"hlpIM. Halliru 2 , allll rlllllllllif
tllcllce uasl ullihe SecII"1I IIl1c tu Ihc 1I01llh'casl
corner of Seclloll ; : ,
Also cOllllllellclllJ : at the 1I0rlheast corner of
Seclloll : ! , :11111 rUlIlIlIIII' sOlllh 011 Ih. . lIeCllolI
IIIII ! to tlw hOlllh.east curlier of Scclloll 27 ,
'l'owlIshlt , 111. Halliru 2 . Allobjecllolls Ihreto ,
or clallllll for llalllaifes. IIIl1sl b" IIII'll III Ihe
cOllllty clcrl's IImCI ! 011 tlr hclure IIUOII of the
t21h da } ' of AIIUllst. I'JtJ.I. ur SlIch rO:1I1 : will he
eSlabJl > ! h.,1 Wl\1lulIl referellce therlo ,
III Wlllles " 'hereur. I have hcrellllio set lilY
, hall < l alill the umclal hlal oC lIaltl COIIIII } ' . tills
I ; : ' )11t llay , of J II Ill' , I'/I ,
tIW. : 'V. 1 > 1t1COIIII \ } ' Clerk ,
.7-71 lSltALI H } ' Ju . 1'IUM\N. UCPII\ } ' .
I.IWAI , NO'l'ICg , . . ;
Allllrew ChrlRlellholl , 1It1I1-reRlllellt. will laku
1I0licc Ihal Wllllalll P. lJa"lIlIe"CI' has III ell a
Ielilioll IlIlhe 1)1lrlcl ; Cllllri of CU'Iler cuuuly.
Nl'hra"ka. Ihe I'ra"er of which II ! tu callcel a
IIl11rlll'alfU Oil the 1I0rth half of the IIlIlItlll'asl
quarter : l1l1llho slIIlIheasl qllarler IIf Ihe lIurth.
ea"l IIlIarter lIf SI'cllulI Six , 'l'owlIshlt' 'I'hlr-
leell. Hallll'e 'rWeUI,11I Ral < l CIIIIII' } ' . exeClIll'd
b } ' Jame > ! JUh"lIhllll 10 1I.\ld ChrlhllII'OIi.larch !
15 , IM'/l' , :11111 reCllnle < ll1l hlllllc JII , I.all'e 7J , of Ihe
1II0rlilarre reconls IIf Ralll CIIIIIII ) ' . YIIU are re.
qllirell III allswcr hallllletltlllll 1111 IIr hefuru the
I.I da } ' IIf 1I1f1l,1. . 1'IJ '
\\'ILLIA r I. ' , I1A\'HMH\'IH , ,
1,5-64 JOliN N. IIH\'JlIN , AU' } ' , \
I _
. . . . . . . . ' .llcrcl Ilendeci lIy. . . . . . . . . .
OrlmBon ScolI , No. 177,035. "
r _ . . . . . . . . . ,
, ' . . . ,
. . .
- f
{ - t
- . . ,
. ;
"l " . .
10,4 Il" "
r J , .
J. G. BRENIZER , Breeder of ' : . .
I'nro Scohb I\nlt Scotcb Topped Short 110m Cllt- ' ;
tlo , I brrd numbers .jQ OOWd. Will
{ COIQllaro
lu bro"l Inl : IIlId quamy wlLb IIOY "olt or Obtc\lo.
Aly tlXll rI80clIllI S hugbt mil that 10 ItIVII oed
atllrlctlon , IIrculllm : calLlo lIunt 110 raltlod In
this attllude. I UXllllct to raise them
here tlUJ equal of IIII'tltluj { ralul ! IU tll U.
It. I I1'JW Itayo 25 bulla tlultablo for thlll. loll
uext fcar' .ervlce , My cow. wolgbUrom HOO to
pound.OOUIO allllloo , thom , III
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