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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1904)
. , " . ' , , . . . . I " . . . . ' . " . , , f , . , - FREE TO TWENTY.FIVE LADIES. The Defiance Starch Co , wlll ; " 2& ladles n round.trp tlcltet to the St. Louis oxposltlon to five ladles In each cf the fonowlng states : lllinols , Jowa , Nehrn.s.ltB , Kansas and Mlsou' ! ! rl lO wIll send In the largest bumber of trodo marks cut from 11. 10.cent , 16. ollnco pncltago at Detlanco cold water laundry starch. 'l'hls mentls from your own home , nnywhere In the abov e named stntes. 'I'heso trade marlts must IJo mailed to and received by the Do. I1nnco Starch Co" Omaha , Nob" before . B ptember 1st , 1304. October and No. \'ombor wlll bo the best months to visit the oxposltlon. Remember that Uollanco Is the only atnrch put up 16 DZ , ( n Cull pound ) to the pacltage , \"ou get ono-thlrd moro starch for the Il1mo mone than ot any other ldnd , I and DefIance never sUclts to the Iron. ' I'ho Uclicts : to the exposition wlll bo lent by registered mall September'6th , Starch for sale by all dealers. The Strenuous Life. What It means to bo 0. "club man" may bo lllustroted by mentioning the clubs of which Ashel P. Fitch , who died last month In Now Yorlt was n member. Ho had membersl\.lp In the Metropolitan , the Manhattfln , New York Yacht , Lawyers' , Germanla , ArdsJey , St. Nicholas , Press , Arlon , Llederlrronz and the lletropo11tan Club of Washlnton. In addition bo was president of the Franldln County Socloty , a member of th. MetropoU. tan Museum of Art , Sons of the Revo- 1 tutlon , New England Society , l\Ulltary Order of Foreign Wars , New Yorlt Ge- neaoglcnl and Dlogr4\-phlcal S clety , Municipal Art Society , the Chamber of Commerce and the Dunlap Society , Ho was also n director In a number or banlts and other largo corpora. tlons. InsIst on Getting It. . Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch. 'l'hls Is because the ) htEVO ( I. stock on hand or other brands c ntalnlng only 12 oz In ( I. package , ' 'ihlch they won't be able to sell first , , b\cause Defiance contains 16 oz. tor , the sarno money ; , Do you want 16 CZ. Instead or 12 oz. , tor , same money ? Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no c oklng. Uncle Sam's Heavy Guns. At Sandy Hooll arc United States rdnancb proving-grounds , where Un. tlo Sam does heavy training for war. FirIng lately from big guns has been : remendously heavy , the detonations lng severe enough' to shalto the earth clear up to Staten Island , a 41stanco of , fifteen miles. On the lower shore of Long Island and at lomo places along the Jersey shore nouses shale ; : and dishes and other Artlcls ) uro brolten , wIndows are cracked , and there Is n general Imash-up , when the big guns nro fired , It is a dIsagreeable romlnder of war. Shots are fired at sea and when they explode In the water the ocean Is for a few seconds dotted hero and there with geyser fpuntalns. i Do You Want the Lowest RateD either one-way or round-trIp excursion , to "ny point east of ChIcago or St. lJours ? Ask the Erie Railroad Company - pany , 656 Railway Exchange , Chicago , tor complete Information. Three fast t trains dally from Chlcag and St. Louis through to New York , Boston , Buffalo , PIttsburgh and other eastern points. Stop-over without charge at Niagara Falls. , Cambrldgo Sprlngs'and ' Beautiful Chautauqua Lake. Men who are advertls'lng that they want with the dovll now will be anxIous - Ious to provo an alibi some day. All Housekeepbrs DIe : Defiance Cold Woter Starch , because - cause It Is better , nnd oz. more at It Cor Barno money. , Wlrlle the pessimist sees only the tllorns on tbe rose the optimIst sees o y the rose on the thorns. I LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegeiable Compound A Woman's Remedy For Woman's Ills. -POLLOW Tn. PUQ- TAKE THE WABASH TO SAINT lOUIS THE ONLY LINE TO THE WORLD'S FAR ! MAm ENTRANCE. , t. " - Dn&ne clu cftd to 'Vorld' . l lIlr Itround. . t , Stopoverll nllowed. All A entH cat I ronte YOU via the 'V ABASa. lo'or beau , , HIli I 'World's Fnlr rohler nud nl1 IUOI" I ' mattbn nddre II HARRY E , MOORES , Gen. A t. Pl.8S. Dept. , Omnha , Neb , BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIEE CURES catarrh of the stomach. . . t . . . , - , " Tnt ; tOD ' k. : - . = = -NJf : D i He@.GtJI @t The Weaver. When IIlh'or hells ring out the old , And } , Ilo ) ' the new yenl In , A spirit In the winter W 'OQs Ham ' b ' inH . ) ( to spin : No murtnl ( ' 3'0 hOR Been her race , Or wntched her labors there , l3ul crOCUR bUdD ere In her brenst , J\nd blossL'ms In her hatr. Shl ) weaves , upon her molc : loom , 'rheno'drnp's sliver sheClI , The tend or tint ot April boughn , 'rho ! ncndow' " vel\'et # ; 'roen' ' The II1no nnll the dntrodll' , Bl'nclith her t1n'crs ; grow , And nslho tollll ! 'rom do ) ' to do ) ' , Aboul her melts the snow. , So , whnt Ie cloudll nre dark with storm , . \nl1 wlndowH whllo with frosl , And volcor the running brooks In Ic ) ' , 'nics are 'lost. What Ie the wondrous' northern lights Tholr crimson banners IIIn - Stili Nature In her woodhll1ll woavcs 'rho bridal robe or Sprhll- , -The S'mnrt Set. Smallest ! ! ook In the World. The smallest b0'111 : In Ute worl Is Schloss's "Engl1sh IJlj0u Almanac for 1839. " IJmlnuUvo 1S 't Is , there are - IlhtbLrations In It. On Its pages are portraits of Prln. cess Victoria , her royal hlglmess the Duchess of Kent , Lady Dlesslngton Welllngwn , Sir I ( , ] I ! Thomas Lawrence , ( . . . ' ! . Pasta , and Bcetl.1o. ven. To euch pic' turo Is appended a shol't loem. Then follows the calendar. lnfldo the cov. er Is the Inscription , "Anna East : Her Dool ; : . " The small proportions or. the volume w111 be realized when It Is seen sldo by side with n thimble , as In the 111ustratlon. It Is three-eighths of an Inch wide by one-half an Inch high. Crabs That Eat Cocoanuts. Crabs which lIve upon cocoanuts 1 which tey plcll : for themselves are' ' found In the Coral Islands. Nature has provided this crustacean with claws and nippers of enormous ntrength , and It Is supposed that the crab climbs the cocoa palms and de. taches the nuts. . It reaches the mat rf the fruit by plcltlng and rapping with its claws at the end of the nut Where the three small holes are to be found till a slight breach Is made. 'rhen ' the nippers arc brought Into use for the rough fibers which surround the shell. These ho shreds with his Ippers and conveys to his burrows , where they Corm 0. comfortable hed ror the crab whllo he Is cnanglng his oat. Some of lhose crabs attain a length of aveI' two feet , and lIve In holes whIch they have made In the < : ! arth at the roots of troalcal trees. A Nonpuncturable Tire. There has been a growing demand from 0.11 owners and operators at non - puncturable tire. Solid tires 1111\'e been used to some extent , but they have never shown the desir- ahle res1l1ent qual- \tIp-s. \ Now comes a French company claIming to have automobiles and Nonpuncturable Motor Tire. motor cars for a solved the problem with a tire , a CI'OSS section of which Is shown In the lllustratlon , The advantages claimed for It are : Nonllab11lty to puncture , great cushion ab11lty owing to its hollow construction , nonllab1l1ty to side-slip owing to Its fiat tread , absolute securlt , ' , as It can not be twisted out of the rIm. English motorists - torists are now giving It a trial along the country roads In their Island , Novelty In AdvertisIng. A novel way of Introducing a new artlclo has heen discovered In Lon. don , A number f meD who suggest by theil' apparel that they nro grooms , valets or servants of some Idnd are sent , ahout the shops to buy the article which Is being boomcd. 'I'hey Insist \lpon \ havIng this particular artlclo and no other , rejecting any substitute which may be offered them. In man ) ' cases the tradesman has not the article In question , but Is sure to lay In a stocl ; : when a few da's later 11 drummer walts upon him with the artlclo In question. As the men are selected with a view o give the Impression that tholr employers are wealthy , the shopleeper ; : naturally thinks that the article will bring 111m the patl'Onago of 11 class he Is anxious to please. Earthquake of 1870. On November 18 , 1870 , the most severe earthqualw that has over talwn pluce In Now England occurred , It was felt all o\'er Eastern North AmerIca and was first felt In St. John , N , B" and traveled westward. It Is tltated In hlstor ) ' that when the shoclt was felt at Quebec the fact was tele. graphed 11) ' the operators to Montreal In time to call the attention of these at tl10 latter plaeo to the phenomena ahout thll't ) . seconds before the shoclt rcacll1 d them. Mammoth Organ In MaIne Church , 'fhe Universalist church at Portland - land , Me. , has a mammoth organ , In It are over 5,000 pipes , the smallest , a piccolo , being half an Inch long , nnd the largest a douhlo open diapason , 01' 32.foot C pipe. 'rho vex humana I 1top alone , having Gl pipes , cost $ GOO. . The four pi po roomR are ( 'ach as largo as an ordinary boel chamber. The organ was voiced hy J. II , Brown , . who voiced the organ at WeRtmlnster abbe ) ' . The organ Is blown by ! l three borse power electric motor. ' . . , . f . A RE , SON FOR SICI < NESS. t ICliithy khinoYI I - : take from Lbo ; ! llooll every 24' hOUI's 1i00 grains of Impure , pols. ouous mattor- more tllan enougb to ( 'ause death. Wca"cncd ktdneys leave this was to In the IJlood , and you are soon slcle. ' 1'0 Get well , cure the kldnoys wUb Doau s Kidney 1'1118 , the grel1t kIdnE'Y ' speoUlo. 2\lm. \ J. I. Dowlcs o ( 118 Core tJt. : , Durham , N. C. , sa's : "I 'Wall sick and bedfast lor over nine mOllths , And the doctor who attelldC'Ll me said ua. lOBS 1 suhmltted to nn operation for grav"l I would never bo well. 1 would not consent to thnt and so continued to Butrer. My back was so weak 1 could not stand or walk , and It nclles constantly , The first In ) ' dter 1 began - gan using Doau's Kldnoy PUla I felt roUef , Dd , a sbort tlmo 1 was up IlIDd a1'ound the sarno as ever , free ( rom backache. " A FREE .a.UAL of this great Iddne7 medicine which cured Mrs. Bowles w111 bo mailed to any part of the United Statell. Address Foster.Mil- burn Co. , Buaalo , N. Y. Sold IJy aU dealers , ; price 60 cents rer box. Ono trouble with tII0 oldest nhabl. tant Is that ho remembers too many Incidents of his boyhoOll days that never hnppened. , "ow'S This ? 'Wa.o1rer One HUlldrod Do'lar ! newnrd tor an1 cue'ot CaLanl ! Lbat cannut bo cured bT 11&11' . Catarrb Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo. O. 'We , the ullderall'l1ed bave known 1" , J. CheneT for Lbo lilt 1 ) 'eara , ao believe 111m pcrtt'etl ) ' 11l'1I- orable 10 all bualneu traDSaeUoo and lIoRlielallT aUle 1.0 unT out allY obllj1aUon.lqade by hllInll. WALDING , KINNAN & M.a.J\VIN. Wbolelalo 1)ru II ta , Tuledo 0 , naU' . Catanh Cure la taken tnternally , aellnlr dIrectly upon the blood and mueoua .urtaeu of Ibe " .Lelll. Te tLmonlats lent tree. l'rlee j Cllllta per kottle. lIold bJ' all Druggl.U. Take nail' . lo-amllyl'Ula tor eOIl.Upatlon. Baptism for , the Dead. Under the enptlon "Tho VltaUty of Mormonism , " Ray Stannard Balter writes , In the June Century : "Another do vice Which holds the people to the church is the curious doctrlno of baptism for the dead. It Is belloved that the Hvlng may , by being baptized , save their relatives 'who have gene before. A man goes to the temple and 1s solemnly Immersed - mersed Cor his grandfather , who died out of' the CaUh ; the gr ndCather's name Is duly entered In the baolt of records ; tao grandson contributes a fee , and comes the next day to be bap. tized for his ! ; rondmother. ana so on. As the result of this CaUh the Mormons - mons have delved more deeply Int I theIr genealogy , perhaps , than nny I other class of Americans. I know of everal cases In which Mormons have gone to England on purpose to trace out their genealogical tree , brInging ; : long Hsts of their ancestors , In Bome' ' cases goln bucIt to the tl11I.O ot William the Conqueror. On their re. turn to Utah they begin the process of baptism , , a dip for each ancestor. " Everybody's MagazIne , July , 1904. The most sensational featurg any American magazine has captured In ) 'cars Is Thomas \V. Lawson's "Fren. zled Finance , the Story of Amalgamated - ed Copper , " which begIns In the July Issno or Everybody'S Magazine. Mr. Lawson was ono or the organIzers of that gigantic corporation , and 110 ) mows exactly what happened to the millions that were lost through its manipulation. His 11l8t artlclo Is an announcement or distinctly dramatic Interest and promises rove lations or the highest importance to everyone In the country. Ho CronJrly states that his purpose in telUng the story Is to sot himself right wIth the tbou' sands of Investors who , thropgh his Instrumentality , put their money Into Amalgamated and have been plunder. ed. uA Day wIth Hudson Maxim. " Following the p1an which St. Nicholas - olas has carried out for several. . months , the July Issue will have an instructive artlclo designed to pre. sent valuable facts In a way entertain. Ing to both young and old. "A Day with Hudson 1\Iaxlm" Is the tItle at JQseph II. Adams' sletcll : , which w111 tell many Interesting details of the creat Inventor's lIfo and worl ; : . Hud. son 1\Iaxlm's resldenco Is In Broolt1yn , where a. visitor l1nds him as much at h e amog ! his high oxplo/3lves / s h1s cook In her IdtcMn. : Mr. Adams tells , among other , things , ot boln ! ; In. vlted to lunch on Welsh rarebit cook. cd In a chafIng dish over n lamp 1111. cd with-not alcohol , but nltrogly. cerln , Is It Not Worth While It you travel , on budlncss or pleasure , to get the best service for the lowest rates ? Ask the Erie Rallroa.d Company - pany , 655 Railway Echango , Ohlcago , tor full InCormation. Booldots trw describing - scribing Summer Tours and the Beau- mul Chautauqua Lake Region ; also Ca.mbridge 3prlngs. The joys of today and the grlers or today w111 bo Iland III hand at the setting of the sun. ExpensIve Alrlcultural ExperIence. Senator Stewart of Nevada haD also learned that farming-at loost fancy farming , "With the owner givIng no personal attention to the buslness- docs not pay , nnd his largo state of GOO acres In Virginia , whloh cost him $140,000 , hM been aold w Judge Yoo- mans , of the Interstate commerce commission for $30 000. By tbo tlmo a man thoroughl ) ' un , de1'stands the ways of n 'woman , hI ! Is BO old that ho doesn't cnre anythinll a.bout them. How Dowie Left Austrnll" , ElIjnl1 Dowlo's tlelmrturo trom Alo. anldo South Austrat1n , W S n otmngcly sncred and subterrl\nean business. In. stend or going on bOllrd the 'Mongolla from I..nrgs baYI lIke nn ordinary 11ll- man ho nnnounced that his place or cmbarltntlon would bo l.ept n durlt sacrat. Then , whllo the crowd haunt. cd the Jotttcs of GleDlce , Semaphore , LnrS ! , RIIl"en lIenle ) ' beach , ho snel ; : ed ( town to out.or.the-way sleepy , Brighton , where n launch cabin and decllneel to como out unttl the crowd all the doc } . of the 1\tongolll\ had finlahcd 1dsslng Its ( \epartlng CrlQnds amI gene uehore. At the last moment the terrltll'lt lrollhet fled up the Mongolia's gnngwa ) ' ns If the ( lQvU was behind 111m with n stlnllot nnd nl. most brolo : his nwl getting Into the cabin out of sIght. It dldn't loole Ilt all 111to the e1e\lartlll'o \ of n lropllet. I nm sure Plso'jtI CUre for Commmpt\on ! 'onTrc'l ' mr Ufo tbree yonrll ofo-J\lns. : Tnos. HonDlNs , Mllplo Street , Ner\vlcb , N. y"t.'c" . 17 , 1000 , What Our Tertltory Cost. The cost of the acquIsition of "as ! territory by the Unltod Stutes Is gh' , en In the following list : Louisiana U , OOOOOO : I"lorldn , $ , OOOOOO : 'I'ex , lS , $18,600,000 , Cattrornln nnd No" Moxlco , $16,000,000 : Arizona , ' 10,000 , ' )00 : Alasltn , $7,21 > 0,000 : PhUlpl no hi ands , $20,000,000 : 1 > nnUll11L cunal ' 40,000,000 : Panamn cnnal strip , $10" OOOOO : total , $140'i OOOO. In ndM lion , the United States when It n.n nexed HawaU assumed a debt of $4 , . DOOOOO. t30oo per 1\f. IJCwts' . . SJnglo Blnder1 Jtrnlght Go cJgnr , costs more tlmn othN : lrands , but this prIce gh'cs the dCI\lor full ; lrofit - and the smoker better clgnr , Lewlst Factory , Pcorlu , 111. Liberty's Torch a Candle. The great bronze statue or Libert ) In New Yorlt lIarbor Is always an 1m presslvo figure by dny , but at nlghl It , does not Hvo up to Is reputat101 Cor "enlightening the world. " At dus } every t..enlng a slcldy , blue light be gins to appear In the great blacl torch , and when night sets In thl ! light takes , Us plnce with the othOi harbor lights , n 11tUe high up , bu' ' not a bit moro br1l11ant than the rest It might bo cM11y talten for 0. lanterl on the masthpael of n ship , Do Your Feet Ache nnd Burn ? Shatte into your ahoes , Allen's Foot F .Se , n pow er ior the feet. It. makc : tight or New Slllitcs feel Ensy. Cure : Swollen , Hot , Sweati)1g ; Feet , Cot'ns nnc l1uniol1s. At n11 Druggists nn ShOt Stores , 25c. Sample sent 1 ! REE. Ad drcss Allcn S , Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y Ho who hath eaten salt drlnl etl \Tater. Why 'It Is the Best Is because mnde by nn entirely dltrer cnt process. Defiance Starch Is un lIke o.ny other , bettcr and one-thlr4 more tor 10 cents. A man Is good when ho Is old. . . -i1 ! IWHY HOTlEATHER { M KES WOMEN _ _ ERVORS , , I I , - A Welf Known CIlnndlnn Lndy Sends Letter of Endorscn.cnt to l > c-ruinn. 1\IIss MRry Burns , 28 Spring GnrIcn , Road , lInlUax , N. S. , writes : "llnvIl1g useell'crunn lol'imUgcstiol1aml stomach trouble nml to build up n brolen down system with the very best results , lmn plCMCl to my exp ric11co wi th this r cxcellent mcUciuo. I hnl bceu troubled . with stomach tl'oul > } o and poor ( lIgcs- tion for SQDlO ' , nml nlthough I triedl1umy remcdics nl1cl dieting , nothing - ing seemed to rcstore my 1Iealth until I _ used l'crunn. . In three months I 1Iad entirely recovered DIY health au . " Burns. Btreugth.Mary Suggestion by Dr. Ifnrtman" IJow to Combat the Nervous Depre. sl'bn Incident to Warm Weather. - Ncrvousncl\R is vqr 'common.-nmonJr women. 'hl con lL1pn J .I1I1o ' to' nmumlc ncrto c nt rtJ. 'hoJiQ1'VO Centers - ters are the l'CEo'r\'Orr lor nerve "iltaJll.y. 'rlwso eClit rli 1)N1omo ! . : l.oo lcssJ , the want. of llroJ'r 11utrltluu : 'rhls comlftloniR c8pcclally , , _ } } . ' ( luring the wnrm saMon. .IW ,1' lIn" mer nn n.rmy oC Jnv.l\1111s nro prollncc.t.19 n. trcct. . rcsult. ot wellte ncrvo\\a lItrJn Thl" ooultcasHy 110 overcome 'byt.11C use of l'orunn. . l'crllun.J\Crlkcn 'ntt.ho : root. of the trouble bl orrecUPlt' thu ( lIgcstlon , l' r'ct ( J\gc."Itlon : ! urnlsus Incl' nscc\ nutrition lor the llP'i.VO 'CM' tel's. ' hco l'crfccUy ( ligcstcl1 fom1 glv ; rcservoirs oC lieu n vltl lty which . .cto- ales strong , steady nervcs , n1\lt11 ; thla rnn.nner fortinI's1111 nourlR11csJlto. . MlssHn.uoho (1t"rn. \ > rolUlnB fiy unr ' , socIety WOl11l\n or ICllltlhI8 , :1'6np'J : n I recent letter frOI11 17 l'Lbn.m ' 8'J : c t. ' wrlles : " ' 1'0 n. /L' ty womnnyllo.O 11CrVO\lS : force ill often tnxcll 'to the utmost : from Incl or rest. n1u1 .tl'l'Cgtllu' mcnls , I know ( II not/ling wilie/a 18 a/llo lJIUc11 cncflt as l'crulln. I woldt-II. few months ngo wilen 1 fcltmystrcJlRth : glvinR' wn.y , 11.1(1 Jt soon nlade , Itsell lJIonlfest In gl'lng IDe new stfCsgth nnd henlth.AlIss Dlanehe Oroy. Pc-ru-nn Contains No Narcotics. Ono rCMon why l\wunn. 111\8JO)1I1c1 ) pcrll1ul\ent mro in , so , uuuy h 1Uc ) s T li. it eontnlns no lU'tio : ot nny Jdll 1. Pc- runn , is pcrctly : 1Im'1111eI'8. , It'.Mil'Vu useel nny length or tlmo wlt lO 'Laccu ing II. lh'ng 1ll1.blt. . llermin. (10C : no : pro- dueo temporary results. It' is 'ponno.- ucnb in its offect. , " It , hn.s no } lI\cl clYt.c ! ' 'upon , tI19 y'Rt m _ nnd lIrnehmlly c111nl pntcs .cntn.VrJ r ) 'y , r - movlUg the Cn.UKO of co.lnrrh : : , ! I.'hero. nro n.l1mUltuc1c of hUIDcs w1l.croJ > crulm lina been UHCt1 on nUtl 011 'for , _ twpu't yem's. Such n thing con1i\ , not ; ' oJitir ? slblo if Peruu coutaiuec.l any rugn 'Of n nnrcotlc nl\ture , " At thlR ROORon of the ; wo 'aro pccu11nrly 11l1blo to i'111n.ml1laUO ' 5 of 1ho stomach , unt1 howc18 , ItJftthoJla.r , of wI8 om to learn how j.Q.'tm t1lomJlort , amI in the enslRt luul Cluielcst'-mLnnor. Pcrnnn. t10eR this by its leenIln.r o\vcr eve ) 0.11 forms of cntnrrlinl. t\'oublcu. ' , 11\ . , HANDY BLUEING BOOK ' y ' For Laundry Use ' Send 100 for paokaso to G , 'fOOar , . . " THE HANDY BLUEING BOOK CO a , 87 E , Lake st. , Chicago Or Druggist ! ! : LD ANTISEPTIC PilE CONESw h5 : : I DRUGGISTS. Sample FroG. ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO. , Crele , Nob. SLEE ' . ' .r' ' 'I" ' ) ! ' .y ' , . " . - - . . _ , . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ . CASTO RIA For Infants and Children. - - - - - The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Promotes Digcslion.Chccrrul-- ness ndRest.Containg ncUller .9PiumMorp1 ne nor } J..1cral of "Nor "NAnC OTIC. . . . DI' OU./i"SAMlJEL1f1'CI/EIl J . l a ! SNd Je- " In < , , jo \ -Io . . r .r .d- rt . i ii J JIli.IIr7'IIrrm ; U S Aperfccl ncm dy forConsUp - nan , Sour StomachDinrrMoa WormsConvulsionsrcverish- ncss nL1Loss OF SLEER F 0 r 0 V e r .Thirty Years cow CASTO RIA . . . , , , . TM8 08HTIWII eO.PIINY. "KW YO" 0 " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . _ . _ .H. . . " , , . _ _ . , . , ' : ' ; ' . ' _ ' . . , . _ & ' . Ai , - - - - , . . - - - - - - - - - C'ONSUMERS OF SHOES ALWAYS ASK fore Till ! BEST WESTERr. . MADE SIIOES. These branch wIll guarantee you :1 coed shoe for men : Star and Crescent E. Z. Waller Comet Cock of Walk , Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all olhers in Women's and Chihlrcn'9 Shoes , See lIat our name is 011 tne slloes "Oil buy , F. P. KIRl ENDALL & CO.Ml1n8 ii ? In t - - - - - - - - - - Wlngle.SUck LAUND 'Y ' LJJE Won't 'i'm. break. troell6 nor .pot "loth' . . CO'lalOo , &Dd equal. 2Qc , ' ! forlh gf kIIlo\berblslal . PORTRAIT AGENTS : : : Our coeda the beat. PrIce. the lowell. l'rolDl'Uhlp- menu. DrllTory of all ForlrIlIL'IUar nl od , tlell.t ' , .r . entnl0ill11 anll ngenU prtre 1I.t. . A,1tIrc. . ADAK J. JtnOLL lI ; CO" Naw 1or& : Dldr.OhluCo , If ' = ' 7J } Thompson's Eye Water w. N. U. , Omaha , No. 27-1904 I , We would teach the Indl' . who buys ! . 11 lLesson nnmbcr Ob , Starch is nn cxtmctiOD : ofwhoat used to Dill. . ton clothes whe'D laundered. Most ' , ' : stD.rches in time I ; will rot .tho ' . , goodS' th 0/ " . I are used. to ' ' \ stiffon. \The/ \ contdr I ' b eJDic 1l.I " DefilUl& 8tar hl" ia 1b1i lui l : p e.1 It elves Qew 'life ' "to tinen. It glve , satiStaJ' , tiOD or .moricY.baclt ; ) I lIe11l US ounces for 10 centt Ilt nllgrocors , It is , very best. 'JtA.'M ACTl1RtD 111'\ , " TIle DmAHCf STMlOl ft , OMAIIA . - I NEW HOMES IN THE WEST , Almolt:1 : half m1ll101l ncres of the 'fortllo ; r.nd , , "ell-watlr : : : ll nr1iJ or tllo jiosclJlll1 lul/i / n nell. ermtloll , In South J > akola.wlll ! lo tllroy , " op"u to slJttloment lJy the ( JllverplllcutlnJllly. U'b elands lands Ute best reachcli by the Chl : ls & North. Weiitern Ua\lu1.Y'U \ direct throulh , ll1 ! 11 ' ( om Chicago to DOM3tccI , S , D. AII'1lonIS ( soIJ tickets , I tills l1upoclallow ; / : ! rates. HOV'I ' TO GEY' A HOME I , ' Benl ror:1 copyoi t\Jlml1h1et Slvillj ; 'ulllnforma. tlon cs o Jatcs 0 : opclnj ; nud 110w t JOCllrQ 1 O , : I res of llnll at nOlllhml cost ) wltlHull IlSCrJp. tlon of the HolI , climate , timber and ' 1rifD fa ) resources , tOWIIY , 8cbeols alld .Illurpllc't Oppor : tunlUes for IJIIslnos/I OIlUulll&S , , rllUw Y rat6l , etc. , free on nppllcatlon. W. B. KNKERN. / . rassenler 'frulUo Mtn8 : . . . , " " CDlCAOO. ILL ; ,