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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1904)
. , . . . . , USTER COUNTY EPUB'LICAN : , ES'rABT4ISIIED 1882. 'l'IIE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. . . . , . , VOL. XXIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 7,1904.--EIGHT , PAGES. NO.4. The' . . Silverware 1 We Sell is built on the 1lcirlooIll plan , made to last for years and years , and theu desccnd to Ule ncxt gcneration. . . 1841 ROGERS 8R S , SPOONS. FORKS. ETC. . nre ns near perfection' for this purpose os' is possible , nud we Rhall toke pleasure in showing ) 'ou nil thc late dcsigns in this reliablc bl'and. , , " . . . , . . , . . . . - - - - - - - - - School ooks , ' , . . Tablets . . I -ANn- I School Supplies , -AT- J , G. Haeberle's : " . .1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ccntral NCbr"HI' Uocl& : Cro'crH . AHHOCIQtI Dt.ccllnl _ : . ; ; ; . ' 'rhe annual mceting of the - Central Nebraska Stock Growers Association will he held in Broken - ken no v , Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m. July Ht h. Election of ofiicers. State Veterinary and : . \ . . a represcntathc of Brand Inspectors - tors will be present. 'l'he pnblic t1\'ited to attend. W. A. GHOHGH , Pres. , I. A. IHNHAU , , , See' . } ' . - - - - - Mrs. Fred li'ields of Dunning , was a city visitor 'l'uesday , the guest of Miss Ama Amsberry. - - - - - nrut' . . I ) ' r'urhu'cn , A case came to. light that for persistent and unl\lerciful \ torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe Golobick of Colusa , Calif. , write : "For 15 years I'clHlured insulTerabb pain from Rheuma- tism' and nothing relie\'ed me though I triell everrth ing Imown. J camc across lDiectric Bitters . and it's thc greatest medicine on I earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it completely relieved and cured me. " OJ ust as g-ood for T-4iver and Kidney troubles and general debility. Only SOc. , ! , \ Satisfaction guaranteed by Lee Bros. , Druggist. I I L.Ji = : ; : : : : : J Mrs. Annie 'Valton lcft \V e/lnesday morn i ng for Dead. wood , S. D. , where shc will spend threc or four months visiting , relativcs , 'l' . n. James and Miss Sallie Holland of Mullcn , were married at OIC Commercial IIotel yestcr- day aflcrnoon. Rev. A.Y. . Yale ofiiciating. Bert Kaupp of Bertrand was in thc city the limt of thc week the glll'st of Helcn Lcming. Be camc to spend the F'ourth in I Broken Bow. In the Sunday 'Schoo ) contest for the largest delcg-ation on the li'ourth , the' O. K. Sunday chuoltook first prize anll Custer Ce 1tel' \ sceon < 1. J. n. 'l'rorer of Callaway , was a city vhitI' ; ; yC'sll'nIaJ. He was looldn [ { around with the vicw of hllJi ng aCrl ) propcrty near thc city for a homc. : I Judge Armour went to 'St.1 I J-4ouisthe , first of thc vcek. lIe 1 expects to be gone until the 1Mh. lIe will visit his parents in Illinois - nois befQre returning. Ray Armour returned last Saturday from AnnArbor , Mich. , whcre he has been attending law 'school he past year. He came by the wa ) ' of St. Louis. J. II. Chapman of Kearney , came up Sunday to spend the Irourth in Broken Bow , with his wife , who has becn visiting here for se\'cral days with her sister , Mrs. Rublee. The library and goods of Rev. S. P. Morris , who left here some three weeks ago under questionable - able circumstances for parts unknown - known , have been attached by his creditors. ! . \V. D. Hall of Sargent , was in the city several days the latter part of last weel .attending'court. He i , fo.rmect.9ftbati ; : , } } SI 1 ugh ter , . : rvhblc , ) 'lIas "r turned fr U1 Chicago , where she has been at : tending Ladies Baptist Training school thc past year. Rev. F. E. Hudson , the finan. cial agent of the Grand Island College spent the Fourth in Broken - ken Bow. He expressed his gratification of seeing so large aUlI orderly crowd assembled here to celebmtc. Not a case of drunkness among the thousands of people present. Mjsses Marian and Nettie Hol- comb of Lincoln , arrived in the city Friday morning , the guests of J. C. Moore's family and other friends and relatives. 'l'hey arc the daughters of Chief Justice Holcomb and were formerly neighbors of Mr. Moore wheil they lived in this city. MAHlm D-Burt H.obinson of New Helcna ancl Miss RosIen Leah Poch of Ncw Helena , at rasidcnce of J. H. 'l'eagardcn of this city , 'l"11l1rsday Junc 30 , l eJ. . K 'reagarden , ofiiciating. 'L'he bride has been one of the successful teacher.s of Custcr county. 'l'he groom is a young farmer and is to be congratulated - ed on his excellent choice. . - tt'tttt'tt't1'tt'tttttttttt"ttt ' , ' ' ' ' , , , " + t"t"t"ft'fjj'"tt'tt'ft'f1Ytt'tt " " " ' ' " ' ' , ' ' , - , - - - - - - - , - - - - - _ - - 1- - ! I I THE CROCERY I _ - 1- 1i . . o i _ - - - _ _ I : : : : : : : : - - - _ - I - - - - - - - - E : Headquarters for Groceries , Ii'resh Fruits , = - = = = Veg-etables , Canned Goods. We handle : : : : : : : ; = = the O. T4. ' . Pure Cider f' : - : : : : An elegant Gregory's set of. . . . . . . . . . . . Vinegar. . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : : - - " - - - - - DISHES GIVEN AWAY - - - - - - - I t- = = as prizcs with coffee. 'We 11 as cheap 3 - = = as the cheapest. ZI North side of the :3 : : : : : : : , , . . - pnblic square Brolccn Bow Ne raska. : : : : : - - - - , I I - W. A. GE RGE & . I - , I - - - 1111111111111111111111111111111111il + 111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' \ S. F. Clayton has acccptcd a position as clerk in II. B , Dralte's dry goods and clothing store. \V. II. eox has shippcd his goods to Idaho and expccts to leave for that pla c in a fcw days wherc' he will engagc in fruit farming. Misses Berth and Cora Foote were in thc city 'l'ucsda ) ' to enter threc quarters more land each , near Dunning on which they had preferenc al rights. E. P. Campbell and wife of California , are visiting in the city and conllnunitv with former friends and neighbors. Mr. ; Campbell is a brother of P. Ii' . ! Campbell of Georgetown. Curtis Douglas , who , for the past ) 'ear has held down a case in thc Beacon office has accepted a pO ! 1tion with B. O. Hutton in the barber shop , with the vicw of becoming a tonsorial artist. Silas 'l'hompson of Upton , started Up'to Newport , Hock count } ' , thi's morning , where he and his sons John and Arthur havc 1,300 acres of hay to cut. 'l'hey will bale it for the market. 'Vilbur T. IIicks. Staff correspondent - pendent of the Lincoln Daily lar , is in the city with the view of writing up the town and count - t ) ' for his paper. The RUl'Unr.I- CAN acknowledgcs a friendly call. Attorney'Valter C. Crow , an expcricnc d U. S. land lawyer , formcrly of Oklahoma bar , is now associated with Ross G. Moore , making a specialty of all matters pertaining to U. : : ) . land office. Mrs. G. H. Thorpe has becn confined to her bed for several days from an injury received in one of her feet last Thursday. She was standing on two chairs in the act of hanging a picture frame on thc wall when they fell with her. Attorney A. J. Lunt of Racine , \Vis. , IS in the city with the view of closiQg up the telephone deal between J . E. and A. F. Norton and J. E. Adamson. 'rhe books are being checked up and in all probability the deal will be con- sumated i a day or two. Custer county did its share of celebrating this year. Celebrations - tions were held at Mason City , Sargent , 'Val worth , Merna , Call- away , ArnolVeissert and Broken - ken Bow. 'l'he day was fine for the occasion and as far as we have been able to learn there were no casualities. The recent rains came in good time for the alfalfa fields that. had so recently been shorn of thcir luxriant crop of hay. 1'he second . growth is starting out again .with vigor and the pre'3ent prospects wouid indicate the second - cond crop will rival the first which was immcnse. Instead of the regular after- nOO\1 \ mceting 'l'uesday , July 12 , of the O. E. F. Kensington , Miss Great wlll entertain. at a lawn social at the residence of S. P. Great at 7:30 : p. m" to which the gentlemen of thc order are also cordially invited. E. A. JOYNtH , Sec. MAHHIltD-U. D. P. H. Ker- meade and Miss Bessie A. Jackson - son of Broken Bow last'l'hursday at the home of the brides paren ts in this city , I ev. J. I . 'l'eagar- den , officiating. Neithcr the bride or groom had attained legal age , but had the consent of their parents. 'l'hey have the best wishes of their friends in their matrimonial venture. (10110 to HJ t. Ji'erdinand and Anna Conrad of Humbolt , Nebra'3lca , passed away within three days of each other. 'l'hey were the father and mother - er of O. H. Conrad of this city. 'l'he father died Monday e\'cn- lng , Junc 27 , and the mother July 1st. Mr. Conrad was 82 ycars old. In 1850 he was married - ed to Miss Anna Bermowltz. ' 1'0 thcm were horn fivcchilnren , one daughter and four sons , two of whom died in infancy. He with his wife came to America 111 1855 and tIIC ) ' had been residents of Nehraska since 1873. Mrs. Conrad was in hcr 64th year. She was a true companion a geol mother and faithful to the duties of life. 'l'hey were both members of the T-4utheran church amI were faithful an consistent to their church with which they had been connccted for fifty years. 'l'hcy leave to mourn thcml two sons , O. II. of Brokcn Bowl and Hichard of Bern , Kansasl and one daughter. 'l'he Htl'ulI' I.1CAN extends the sympathy 01 thc community to thc bereaved. ORTItI.I.O. Ne1lle Hill returncd from Maple Gro\ ' ( Sunday. P. C. Hwbree was a llroken Uow visitol Sl1tunla ) " . Practically ever ) ' famil ) ' in Ortellc celehrntcd ut Merna. Hthel Ashbaugh spcnt Sntunluy nt 1\Irs. Sunders nenr Anselmo. Rcv. Miller will fill his appointment here at 7 o'clock nc"t Sunduy afternoon. . Miss Hebhle from Cliff , was visilin ! ! hersisfer , Mrs. Wilson , the first of the weck. 'fhe Misses lIunl spent part of lust w'ck at the home of thcir sister , Mrs. 1M. Dn } " . 1\Irs. Ihmt and j. l . Baker rcpresented 01 tello at the 1\1. 1' . confcrence at Merno lust Saturday. 'fhe rainfall the c\'cning of jul ) ' 4th , nlllountcd to 1.37 inchcs Rllli stoppcd corn plowing for n day. 'fhe local hall nine playcd a match game wilh a Merna team July 4th , IInd the result was n score of 19 to 16 in favor of our boys. 'I'hcy werc delighted with the victory for the ) ' hod ouly practicel thrce times , so were hardly wcll or- ganized. 'I'he rnsh , when Mr. Hill annoUllced that his cherry orchnrd was ready" for I pickerR , was somewhat similar to the land rush at Uroken Bow last week , wilh UItS exception-Mr. Hill did 1I0t hccome so excited as our hrnve county Rheriff , and think it neccessar ) ' to call the militia. lerhaps this was due to the fact that there werc not so lIIany "cowhoys" and "desperacloc'I" : ' among the cherry pickers. _ " l1A.II.III1 n. DODDS-CA YWooD-Tuesday , Juul. } ' 5th , at 8 p. m. at the home of the brides parents of this city , John O. Dodds of Arlington , S. D. and Mi s E1 Caywood : of this city , Rev. J. Ri Teagardcn , officiating. Miss Maude , Connelly was the brides maid and Eddy CaJwood , groomsman. The wedding march was played by Mrs.Vi11is Cadwell. The bride is the daug-hter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Caywood , she is a lady of refinement and enjoys - joys the , friendship of a large circle of friends. For the last Jear or more s le has bcen in the employ of Central Nebraska 'rele- phone Co. , of this city. 'rhe groom is a stranger to us and we know nothing of him except - cept the good judgement 1le has exercised in sccu.ring a life par ner. 'l'he bride and groom left on the cast bound train at 10:20 : yesterday - terday morning for Arlington where they will reside in thc future. 'rhe best wishes of the RIWUU- LICAN goes with them. , 'rhose present at the wedding were : Mr. and Mrs. Chas Martin , Mr. and : t-'Irs. Chas.Villis , Grandma Connely , Mrs. Nine McComas , Mrs.V. . M. Barrett , Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Caywood , Mr. and Mrs. W. Cadwell , Mr. and Mrs. W. Loyd , Mr. and Mrs. 'l'e garden , Miss Nannie Barrett Miss Nellie Rector , Miss Maud Connely , Eddie Caywood , Miss Pearl Loyd , Mrs. Rogers. Church tfervlce . BAPTIST CIIURCII. Morniug subject : "IOVC CUI' the Christ. " Evening subject : "Hlelllcnts of Character. " A. W. YAr.I . U. 11. CHURCH. prearhing next Sunllay lIIorning nUll evening. Morning snbject , " 'fhe ook of Gcnt'sis. " Othcr services at the usual hours. M. It. CHUItCII. I.ocated iu the block west of the Court House. Preaching services I I a. III. and 8 p. III. Sunday School lit 10 a. III. junior Epworth Iellgnc at 3 p. III. Hp- worth I.eague lit 7 p. m. It IS our effort to make these services attrllctive and helpful. We gh'e you a cordial welcollle. Geo. P. Trites , pastor. ClmmTIAN CIlURClI. We woull ( be pleased to have you attend - tend these services once 1111I1 continue If ) 'ou can find sOlllething helpful in. such attcndllnce. Sunday School at 10 a. III. Sermon aUlI communion lit II a. III. Y. P. S. C. E. lit 6:30 : p. III. , followed by a practical discoune at 7:30 : p. 111. Prayer meeting at 7:30 : each Thursday e\'ening. Special111usic by church members is a pleasant feature of these scrvices. Jesse R. 'feagarden , Pastor. Cbeer'"I1 UeCOU1111eluted .or O. G. Higbce , Danvi1le , Ills. , writes , Dec. 2 , 1901 : ) "About two years ago I was laid up for four months with rheumatism. I tried Ballard's Snow Liniment ; one bottle cured me. I can cheerfully recommend it to all suffering from hke alUiction. " 25c , 50c , $1.00. Sold by Ed. Mc- Comas , Broken Bow aud Merna. , , t"tt"tttt"'ttt"t"t"tt"'tt'tt' " " " ' " " " " ' ' ' + 11"t'tttttt"t't""t't"'tt" " ' , , " ' " " " ' " ' " ' - - I TWINE i - - - - - - - - - - = = B y t I 10 7th of July myhl'st enr or tl\vine. = = : : : : will be here , nnd.1' will sell you llny quantity = = = = you want at. . . . . . . . . . . . = = - - - - : 11 Cents Per Pound. , - - - - l- - - - ; : : : tl'his will ho New ' .l'wine , direct from : = ; = = the factory. = = - - - - ' ' - - ' ' = - : : - , ; ' .3 - - - 1- - 'I ' Buggies I - - - - : : : I have just recoi ved two cars of Buggies = = E irect from the factory. In the two cars there = = : : : is over thirty different styles iUl'ubbel' und steel = = : : : tires. = = - - = - = "The Dealer That Saves Yon Money , " . - C.S. MARTIN , Mft ! . , Agt - : : : : : = = -AND DEAI lt IN- - - - - - , . : : : ANTI-TRtJSr.r GOODS. : = 1111111111111111111111111111tl111111 + 111111111111111111111111111111111111 . - - - - - - - - . \V ANTnD-Men with families. Fair price and good houscs. 'VltST UNION MIT.JING Co. 30tH \Vest Union , Neb. . . - - - . . : : : : - J. G. Hae erle and wife returu- cd Sunday morning from , a visit to Chicago and oth r points in . Illinois. . , - ; ; r JlJO" / .cf..oOC-Jf.o'Jf".rJ".r..o : : : : o'o : , Csq ; I . . . . .E. C. HOUSE. . . . . , I ' I Real Estate , Loans@ Insurance R . ' I I have some oCUle best farms in the county for sale. , ' 8' fi I have some of the best ranches in the state for sale. fi I have three good city residences for sale. S I have somc of the most dcsirablc city lots for sale. , g I have money to loan on good in proved farms in Custer Co. 6 ! i I have money to loan on good city property. I have the best equippcd Insurance Agency in the county. fi S - - - 8 - - i1 8 R I Ham Hail ! Hail ! Hail ! I , N 8 ; Now that yon have the best prospect for a bumper crop , protect it b. } ' Insurance in the old rcliable St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. against Hail. U I E. C. HOUSE , I R S AGENT ' 8 6 Broken Bow , - - - ' - - - Nebraska. I QrJ"'J"J"J".I.V'.r. ' J"Jf. .f'.f'.r..r..r.r..r.r..r.rJ".rJ".r..r..f'.r..r.r..r..r..r. r..rJ".r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r..r . . ft _ _ ft _ ftft _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ftAftft $ fl M (9iI ( R iNt , Much Weeds ! . , i c Two-Row Swede Cultivator ! I : ( T'hey ar death to wcedA. ) : ' . f ' ' 'I 'tV e are now making preparations for : c , the lIay and Grain harvest. Look up t& : : what l'epa rA you will want for the : : : Deering lowel' and Bin el' . .1.1 : you : , want a new machine , we have them. : : Vv c now have a few bargains in . : \ j Hay Swe ps and Stackers , ! r and Hay Rakes.11 , 'rhey are the best thing on the mar- . : keto fee us about these if you want : : a bargain. 'Phone No. 107. J : ! , - ; Our l\otto : "Undersell. " : : ; m ! C. W.APPLE , ' : . , , / ' \Vest . Side Square , Broken Bow , N ebl'aska. . : . . : " JlJ'JiJ JOO&J ' : : R > > . .W v Jlm Mira.rr > > ; ; ; . , o /I