. , - , # , . _ . . . , : - = : : . . Tno Fourth f July at Broken Bow. . . . - - - - - - - " ; I Suurise Salute , 128 Guns. . 8:30 : A. 1\1. Band Concert in Park. 9:80. : A. M.-Order of Prooesaiou- . l'roceBs ou in ChllfHo of D. H. Rookw 1l .J 1-0tUoer of the ay . . . . , 2-Brokcn Bow Baud I , ' . : I 3--Carrinpos with Speakel8 Bud City Offioials , r l-F'1oat , olumbin lIud 48 attendants -li'ira Company O-Old Soldiers and Company 1\1. , N. N. G. 7-Bnso Ball Teams S-EquootriauD an EqueatrieuneB . . . 9-Trndo Flouts. All bUBiness hOllses in the olty alight 10 he ItI hne lO-Aneley Band. . l1-Sunday Sohool Delegations , Lei ercry f.1unday School that will hl1v" , a deleRation in line notify Rev. Trites at ouce. . 12-.Citizcns in c8rriD e8. Let nil oitizeus who can do BO decorate their i . carriages and join in Ii lit ! . LINE UF MAIWIJ.-'J'he procession will form on llrolldway willi 'Il hel1d at the coruer of llrondwlI ) ' I1ml 4tll Avo. 'rho process Iou will form wr , t frolll tbl'J ' point. 'rho line of march will bo south one block , east two blocks , north ant ! . block to BrondwoyOd tbenctJ west to southcRst COrlltI' ! of slluarc. Ibell north and. we t aronnd squnre to 4th Ave. , tllen IIvrth to lIorthwost corner of north ! lIdo IIchoot yard , then west two IJJJck ( . south ono blocl. , OI1 t one block to Gth Ave. , then south to Mnln street , thpu west two blocl. : ) , south onlblnck IHul east IfJ pllLle : of heglnnlllp' . lolegl1t\un9 \ nro to ferro 011 side streets west frllm 4th Ave. and fall In IIno as the procession pa9Ol ! ! them. Places will usslgnctl to taclJ delegation. Officcr In charge will direct the IIIW , . 11 :00 : A. M. Exercises in the Park. Invocation , Rev. Gco. P. Trites. Address of Welcome , Mayor Geo. Vol. i\pple f Declaration of Il1dependenc , : Miullie Shinn. : Address , Ron. T. J. Ivlajors. , " Tbe program will be cnlivened by music from two . . bands 'and splendid singing , by our best glee . clubs and ' quartets' . 1 : , , ' . ' . 12:30 : P. M. Basket Dinner in the Public . Park. r , 1" , . 1:00 : 4. M. Calathumpian Parade. I " . . SPORTS. . _ . A 'grand program of sports will be carried out , commencing - mencing at 1:30 : p. m. , of whicH the following .will be a part : 50 yd foot rllcc. boys under 12 yrs..t5 00 Sborter of pennl09 , lrl8 upder 10. , . . . 00 50 yd foot race , girls under 12 yrs. . . . . 5 00 Sbower of peunles.boya under 10 . . . 5 00 } I'a.t MeDs ruce. 200 pounds and over. . 5 00 Tug of war ; 10 n. sIile. " : . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 'rhroe.lollgel.l rnco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Hose < ; 'ont09t ' , : . . Mons foot race , 100 yds , free for all . . 5 00 Hook & L ddor . Contest' ' Egg rl1co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Water Fight ' Whcol Darrow rnce. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fj 00 The purses 111 nil rnce wlU be lvldQd In tbrll" prizes ns follow ' ! : First prize , 12.50 , Second , 11CiO , 'l'blrd , 11.00. . BASE BALL. . Ansley and Broken Bow Ball Teams win play a l t'a tched game of ball for a purse $50. The ball' grounds' ' are located on the north side of town. Game called at 3:30 : p. m. m.OTHER FEATURES. ' A prize f $5.00 will be given to any cOl.1ple married in the bandstand during the exercises. Two prizes of $10 and $5 will be olIered for the largest Sunday school dele- gationS' ( Broken Bow barred. ) Sunday schools participating - ing will please notify R.ev. Geo. P. 'rrites. ' A Bowery dance and other amusements afternoon and evening. FIRE WORKS. The fire worlfs on this occasion will be particulary elaborate. : More money has been expended in fire' works fpr this celebration than on any otber occasion in the bis- of Custer co un t y. " - . _ , . . . . . A SPECIAL TRAIN. . . - - Broken Bow bas arranged for a Special Train to take the people home on tbe night of July 4th after the cdebration is over. People from Merna and Anselmo will leave Brolcen Bow at 11 o'clock p. Ul. People from Ber- WYll , Ansley , 1\'I son , Litchfield , I-Iazard and Ravenna will return , leav tJg Brolcen Bow about midnight. Remember ) ' 0\1 must come to Broken Bow on the regular morning passenger , but you can return home 011 the special train. Fare for the round trip \\i11 ! be one a1 d a third regular fare. I : - , Our cOIl1Il1\lnications from Arnold - nold and I oulld G\'O\'e did not reach us until this morning , too late for this i sue. 'l'hey will be published next week. The attorue's and notaries . n - - have been doin a land officI : business in makmg out applica. tions for filings on governl11en1 land this week. Go to Racket Store for tine ginghams and chambra's. 4 fit I . . " , . . . . . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - - ' } : r i ! , "I.J : . " " 'I' . . j " " lfi.'j. 1 > 0 IlL. , : . m..I" I . ) & : & 0 + " .c /'ii'jl""i1.\ . : ; . . . . . : . ' : . . . . ; . : . . . . . . i ii. II. 'i . ; . .I , 'J ' ' ! ' . t. . , . .r : . I' : : : . } I t S a N ow Sf ore f ( ; : : : : . . , : : l ' 1" . llii1t fJ. ; . : . .itt /I. . . : ; . L { i . 51 , . . . . fr.r.rQ. fJ _ ; ; i. i.'T ' J : TI ] e Advor i ( ' : . : . . : : : , m , ' II CC > > t : : 4,1 , , -oa " i . : ; : z. : . . 'We have just put iu a new line = of li'resh and. . up-to-date. . . . . . rd , . ; Staple Fancy Groceries. . . i . , - - - - - - ftf . . : . : : ; = : Co : ) Our stock is elegant , our'prices Q . . . . : ) , 1M c : > > are low , and we are here to . t a ; ; serve you. C me in and see CD U rill U3 before plac1UE' your order. . . . . . - - " ' a.- > 1 - - ' - - - - - - - - - - n - - - - - - - - ' - fl . cS 'We are located in A. E. An- = IS I\ " derson's old stand , east of the - . . AI Iii - Custer National Bank. : : ; Respectfully yours , I Yt' ! fJ.f . ' ! Ij'1 " 1u4IJn . . ' " : ' ! . ' . . . { J : . : . r . = ; * t .11 . : " : : ' 8f - - : : jLYEll & L YEll. ri ; \ : : : : . ! ! f-t } , rt' . -Jt L .W ] : . _ ' ! " l " . . ; : ! , . . . . 't'i1 T. . _ . . 1\lt. . /I . . . , . , l.n Uu" " " "a Bef J.111e4. 1 - Arnold , Nebr. , June 27 , 1904 , Mr. Amsberry , Broken Bow , Nebraska. DHAH : : jIl-RncIoged : find a letter 1 rcceivce today , which I hope you will publish for the benefit of the boy's parcnts or fri uds as I am nol able to give any clue to the boys identity. I hope we may be able to find his friends. Yours reRpectfully , WM. SnucK. Ogden , Utah , June 22 , 1904. Mr. W. M. Shuck , T q. , Arnold , Nebrask . DUAH SIH-On : the 20th of June there was a young man about 16 or 18 years 01d killed by the cars near here and in hiR note book we find your address " and so I thought "it better to , write ) 'ou and see if you know anythmg of such a boy. lIe : weighed about 115 pounds , ha' brown hair , about 5 feet 4 inches I hifh } and had blue or Errey eyes. his body rhere was nothing on to give us any clue as to where : he came froUl or what his name , was either. Ilis body was so mangled and I torn that we had to bury him ted - d y in the potters field t the ex. peuse pf thc county ofVeber : this being where lie was ldlled. ' , Hoping that you , ll1ay know . the boy so that we might let his I , folks know 'of his tragic deatlJ and releive them of much worry rl and pain , I aUl , Yours respectfully , A. F. RIcunv. Per \V. Ii' . McINTOSU , Ass't. A number on Rural Route No , 2 , have' been in the past wee1 and left orders for mail boxes All who want boxes should comf in as early as possible , as bj having th m all . come at once something ca.n be saved Ot freight. Market Repor' for 'rGoas. : 011.111- 011.111Wbeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b Batlor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . .2 .Rro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . , - . . . Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . _ , . , \ . : . . "I LlVlI STOOK- ' . po , ' . UOIU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f. . . . . ; ; . . .i.l , ' .4 f : tUoen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 1& 4,5 > Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . .SJ @ : t. ? , 1'0t1LTBY- - ; " Chlok nl , per plluDd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 Turkoll , lIer pOilU. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 PaoUUOII- DUUer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 EggI , per dOlun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ldl OJl1jL ! lIOU&- , Pot..tooe. . per bu.bel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0111001. per bulbel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . " Hav , PI" tOil. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : t. ( ijtraw , per cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.1 ! lUll" " ' , GraoulAted. per owt. . . . . . $5,50 0 fI , Church lIer lce. . BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching srrvices both worning an , evening by Rev. A. W. Yale. Othe services as U9uu1. r.I. . CHURCH. Epworth I.eague Progrom , 8 p. U1 Suuiluy july 3 , 1904. Installation c League Officers. National advancemelJ of one hundred years , Prof. Wimberly ' 'Perls of our Nation. S. K. Warric1l Recitation , "Are we Pagon yet ? " jea SulUvan. Duties of oed citilensbip. , IJ Lomax. Special musIc , I.ewis Brothel Quartette. ClIRISTIAN CHURCH. We would'be pleased to have you al hnd these : ; en'ices once and continue : you can tiud something hdpful in suc . attendance. Sunday School at 10 a. U Sermon aUlI communIon at I J u. m. , P. S. C. E. at 6:30 : p. w. , followell by prl1cticullliscoUfse at 7:30 : p. w. PraYf : meeting at 7 :30 : each 'fhursllay evellint I Special music by church members is' . pleasant feature of these services. jese ! ' R. Teugurden , Pastor. I ' 'I bat TlarobbluK Headache Would quickly leave you , .if yo . would use Dr. King's New Lif Pills. 'rllOusands of sufferer : have prove their matchless meri for Sick aud Nervous Headachef They malce pnre blood and buil up your health. Only 25 cen money back if not cured. Sol by Lee Bros. , druggists. ' [ W STY LISH : I'W I' Soda Water. ! That's Hot a Joke , I . 'l'here are styles in drinks' M Just the same as there are' II in clothes. We would like J to be' able to get up a series " of fashion plates , showing 1 pictures of all the new H drinl { that are to be popu- lar tIm. season. j For ! 1ew drink to become r. ; the fasluon , means that it 111ust be more delicious , more ' : inviting , more alluring than any of the old ones. 1 has been difficult for us : to improve upon last year's : favorites , but we have done : it. W offer you several a ! 111 new combinations of fiuch quality that when you have tried them once , they will : , e\'eu afterwards entice the : many nickles and dimes from . your pocket whenever you " . tind yourself in our vicintty. [ -EE B O . , R a1ty Block. 1 t1it W : I iilJk J&iI , , , - 1- : . - - f Ayers Do you like your thin , rough , I short hair ? Of course you don't. Do you like thick , heavy , smooth hair ? Of course you do. Then why "air Vigor not be pleased ? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads ! of hair , that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. II I hue u.ed AJer'1 HAir Vljor for a long tilDe. It h. Indeed , a wouderful hair tonic , reltorlul { health to the haIr alld Icalll , aUd , at tblllawlI time , IIrovtlll { 1& Iplendld dreulnj ( . " lIa. JV. . T TCJol,1I1alllll , hili. T. 91.00 bottle. . . . , A J. 0. YEa " 0. All dru ! , : hU , for I.owell , 1I1a. . . Weak Hair CA..LAWA. . . . 'fhe residence ofJ ; t. McClure iu the . hortheast part of town is receiving a fresh coat of paint. 'fhe Callaway Cornet Banll ig llolng a , great lleal of pr ctlcf : work prior to th Fourth. On S nda ) ' they hel l a spctcial session in the Menger . grove. We ar inforweJi that Chos. Carter , , who went to' the tosebull severl1lmonths ago , is on his way back here , owing to th failing health of'hls wife. E. 11' . Stevens , orchardist for the Crete Nurseries , is doing great work in this fectioll : of the country , and is delivering l great lleal of fruit to our merchants. . 'fhe small son bf Mr. anllIrg. . John : { McFate Jell out of a bigh doorwn } ' on , Sunday , susfaining slight iujuries nn 11 ; very severe fright , causing it to be : ; thrown int Sp08U1IJ , Dr. McNulty reo r lieved tIlt : s ring. , Business in an lines is rushiug just be. 1 fQre the 11'ourth , anll our merchants are . , looking forworll to a most heavy tralleon . , Saturday , since it has beeu extensively . allvertised that the. busineRs houses will close ou tbe Fourth. 1 A go all substantial sille walk has been 8 built along the south side of Kimbal1 o street. This is a move wbich will lend o jnfiuence toward huildiu1 : up other walks n the town , aull a repainng of alllle a ) ' , ! J ing property is in view. rs Extensive preparations are being walle , by the business men of this city for pro. tj : per representation in tbe parolle thf 10 Fourth , and every effort will lie walle tc lZ wake this the best the towu has ever ball , . All hands are lendhlg aid , amI only ba weather will be consilleted to 1I11lr tIlt IQ program. . :5 : . rs Otto Ahrendt , son 0 f. Ahrem 1 t , wbo lives just south of town , returned tc Callaway on } : riday from Kansas City . where he has been receiving instru tioll ! - in a Barber College. lie will Rpend tht Fourth with his parents , and then will r return to Konsag City , where he hus f position owaiting him. ( Dunning has been well rep e' If sented in Broken Bow by partie : t filing 011 go ernment land. . Mrs.V. . D. Gran took Mrs , , Gipe to the asylum at I04incolJJ thIs morning for treatment. r9 Acute alaen waU lu. . . . - Deep tearing or wrenchin pains , occasioned by getting we1 - througUi worse when at rest , ,0 ] on first moving the limbs , and it I. cold or damp weather , is cu.re r. quickly b3 Ballard's Snow 1041111' a ment. scar Oleson , Gibsor. . r City , _ Illinois , 'Writes ' , Februar ) 16 , 1902i itA year ago I wa ! troubled with a pain in my back It soon got so bad I could n01 bend over. One bottle of , Ball , ard'R Snow Liniment 'cured me. ' 25c,50c , $1.00. Ed. McComas e Broken Bow and Merna. s it , . II.clIIt ! : : : : III& ! : ! & : & ' d BUStNESS POINTERS. M m mM m , . d J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2t : : Yard wide percales , I ) cents the Racket Store. 4M :1 . Th' est s cceful canner , i ; the party who uses pnre unadul .terated spices.and pure old cide vinegar , sold by J. C. Bowen Drok n Bow , Neb. 3t Ii'OR SALR-3 Registered Rei Poll Bulls. J AMI\S BOGGs , 3 miles uorth 'Veissert , - This ofl ce for neat job work. STUA YHD-One male hog. . weight about 300pounds. Pleasl notify Ed. Molloy. FOR SAI.lt-'rOw. } lots and ; few five acre lots in thifi city -Allen Reyner. Squires Bros. , have the larges stock of fly nets ever brought tl Broken Bow. 51t . Brilliantine in cream and color at the Racket Store. 46t - - - - - . Drs. Davis and Farnsworth 0 Grand hIland , Nebraska , are pre pared to treat all forms of chroni diseases , snch as rheumatism stomach disorders , tumors , can ce.rs , paralysis , kidney disea es etc. 'rhe doctors use beside medicine and surgery , the X-Ray hot-air bilths , electricity ani ! massage. 2t - r wt , Odord'a.nd. ( . SU\- : dOll ! ; at the Racket Store. 4 tf - ItMtruIlor.e. : : . 'l'akel1 np at my place of residence - dence five miles south of Broken Bow , a black mare with three white feet , bla7.e face and circle o and open A 011 lcft hip. OWIl- er will be required to prove property - perty and pay expenses. I. N. MARQUIS. Port Arthur is bound to faUi and why is the J apane1e ! ' successful - ful ! Because the\ ' get their nerves quieted before going 111tO battle by drinking copiously of Tea Leaf Brand I of 'rea , ! ' 10111 b J. C. Bowen , Broken Bow. Take your cream to P. J. Simonson. Everybody go to Squires Bros. now ; Cur..et rOI' Hole. The T04adies Aid of the Baptist church has 25 yards of rag carpet for sale al 35c , atV. . A. George & Co. store , north of square. Dr. Sumner Davis , Grand Is. land , Nebraska , specialist I ] disease of eve and ear , examination - tion for glasses. 2tf Our trade mark , 'the Pure Ol Cider Vinegar [ 01' pickling al. ways insures success-tell yom neighbors. J. C. Bowen. FON RHNT-li'our large roOUl ! suitable for family \Use. , Hoot ] well. Mrs. J. V { . Cr.eigl.lead. . , Scanlon & li'eenden at OH Keelin lunch counter , are prepar. ed to furnish you.a lirst clas ! meal on short notice. 52tl If you want fly nets see Squre ! ! Bros. : > 1t : . - Have your work done and hav ( it done right by a competau decorator. A. C. Hapgood doe ! thts work and guarautees I Headquarters , Grand Central. l Call at Scanlon & Fessenden' ! l restaurant for lunch or squarl . meal. 'l'hey are prepared tt : serve you in first class style ; The Central Nebraska Steel . Growers Association manufacturi : ime and sulpl ur Concentratet Dip , mad.e strictly by Governmen' ' i Formula. One barrel makes.40j , . = to 500 gallons for vat use. PriC4 $8.00. Address , , C NTRAL NEDHASKA STOCK . GROWERS ASsoCIA'rION , , Broken Bow , Nebraska. I = Insurance that in1l11cH. ! : 38tf R. G. MOONI . L White waistings at the R' cke . Store. ' 46t I FOR SALE OR 'l'KADJOn U S. , cream separator. ; 40tf A. H. STUCKI\\ ' . 1 _ Fine Batiste af 10 at the Rack et St01'e. : 46t r - 'fhe best Mason , Jar , and tll l best Jar Itu bbers to be , obtainc4 r may be p\1rchased of J. C. Bowen I I Money to loan on improvel . farms.-R. G. MOOR F. , Gleh ] Block. 41 t I r Legal Notices. , . ' ' ' LEGAL A.DVRU'rISSYES'l'Ii. t All adnrtllllmentl IInder tbll bea. ! will . cluuglld for at le"al ratu , Viii 11.00 p..r .qulLI , for drat IDsllfllon , And 60c per .quaru for ( IIIC IQblequoDt In.eUloll. , "iquAre" II Len lined or tracLlon thereot. - - - - : JWA U NO'fICI . ' ' } 'o wllolII It lIIay cOllcel'lI : A petltloll havillII' beell 11I1" < 1 In the COllllt clerk's oftice to vacate a I > orcloll oC roa < l COli mellcllIlI' at aboul 2U ro < ls norcll or Ille 1101'11 , weht corller or tile Ne } St"CtiOIi 36. 'j'owIIsliI I . RanII' ' ' 20. rollowlllll' callYOlilo . a . > ollit abm 30 rods we'lt or the Nil' corne. or the Se i , Sectloll 25. 'fOWIIlhlpl9 , KIIII1' ' ' ZO , :111I1 locale road conllnenchul' : It last named poilit an f rollowln" canyon In a sOllth easl < lln'ctloli on _ a rld"e and < lown Inlo can'oll alraln. 10llchln lIalf s..ctloll line at a lIolnt abolll 30 " 00.1'1 "ULIt t or the uortll w"l1 corner or the Se ( or S..ctlo f 25. 'l'owu hll' I . Ranll" " 20 , and rollowln callyon In a Kouth"rly < llrfOclloli to thll 11011 - tirst nallleo.lln Pl'liliou. hall r..po..tell III fav ( S thereor. and all objl'ctlon'i therein. 0" claim fo. . , Ialllall'ell. must be 1111',1111 th. . , 'onIiIY cieri' - otlice 011 0" b..ro..e noou or the 2nol < 1:1) ' , r AIIII"IIRt , 1m. or ! llIch 1'0:111 : will h. . vacate,1 wltl Ollt rderellce thereto , , III Wllllell. . Wllereor , I have he..ellnto SI'I III lIan < l an < l heal or lIalil cOlility. thllo ) : jlh < la ) ' I f JUlie. 14l1-4. ( ; " ' , . W. IhnY \ ' . - 1"-62 [ SKAL ] COllnt ) . Clerk. 1 R A > NO'I'1CI . ' 1'0 . wllollllllllay COllcern : 'l'he COlIIlIIls'iloner app"llItl'.1 10 view a I"oa . I > etiliolle < l Cor by C. O'ilrraanl. . .t . ai , a roa - commeuchul' at the lIorthwe t coru" . of Sccllu I , 'l'oll'nshll , H , KI'IllI'e 25. Illence "a t olle 11I11 thence 'Iouth abont Iwo miles In a point abel - IS ro < ls 1I0rch IIr liOlllhll'e"t conlt' " or H. Ih..l1 ( sOllth"a..t arollnd Ihe hili to the secllon lIue 0 . bOlllh side or 14. tlll'lIce ea'll (0 Ihe qllarter 1'01 or lIear ali p"lctlcable IheIHsllllthll'fO'iI"rl . ab llt 100 rods east or Sw ccrn. . . or Seclloll 2 Ihence sOlllh one lIaH mile. th"ce w..t 1111 ha' ' a liectlon line or lI..a. . a. . 1'l'aCllcablu to c"t..r , Section 3 , AlbO to vacatu roa < l cOllllllellCIlIIl" : the no..thwest , 'orner or Secllon IS , 'fownllhl . 14. Ranll" " 25. them : . " "Llth on. . 11I11" to tI : liuuthwesl corn"r ali sal < l Section 15. has r"IKn _ ed In r:1 , 'or or tile establlslunellt all < l reject v : catloll tllQreof. , allli all ubJectlono ; therelo , , t claims for < lalllall'eli. IUURt be till'l ! IlIlhe COIIIII cl"rk' , olllc" ou or berol' ! ! 1I00n or th. . l'1tll ' , Ia or AIIII'II..t , 1 , or SIl 1I rO:1d will b . . "lal.lIsl f ed wllhout rd..reLlc. . thereW. . III WIIIII" \\'lIcleor. I h"e : lIerellLlW ! let III ) lIalll ! an scal of ! laid COli lit ) . , Ihls 14111 da ) ' of JUlie. 1'10 1-4-,5 IIi"ALI . I.o. . W. D'WK\ : ' , f ConnlY CI.k. , I'U11I,1 ( : I.ANU SAT. I : . f Notice 1'1 lIereb ) ' "Ivell tllat lu pll..suance , _ IlilitrllCllulis Crom tile commlssloll..r of the lI'el er:1llaud olllce. uuder authorll0'101. . < 1 In hll by tectlou Z SS. U. S. Uev. Stat. , . : . III : jmende . b ) ' tile act or COUlI'reSIi al > pron. ! . . .brhar ) 2 , IINS. we will procee < l to olfer at public Hale II . tile 25th < lay or Jlllle , n..xt , :1t Ihl. . ofilcl ! . tl rollowlnll' tract or lan < l , to.wll : Nw } NI.'l , Jectloll J , township 1 . N. rallll'e ' 2 . west. A'I :111 persolls cl:1l1nlull' :1dl'er".ly th" abuve d , scribe. ! land are advilled to Ille their clalm'l I thlll olUce ou or before tile d:1Y above < leshl'n , ror the commeuceweut or 11:1111 ' 1:1le , oth..rwl' tll..lr rllrllts will be forfeit. . ! . Uued : Iliis : 'l:1y 2 . 1'1 4. . .5Q.J-S2 J.I\I1:11 WIIITEIlEAD , Rell'lliter. . . ' ' : - h. OIUtlctCaIULOCuAteCdllntr , Mettl 1" " ' ' ' ' ' In tile nauet of the e'5t:1te of Jallle'l n. Hlte" .JtCeaged. Nntlce I. . hereby arlVl'1I Ihat hi plll lIallce oC : III on.ler oC Bruno O. Un.letler , judlll ! nr th tllfO UI trlct Court oC CU5ter cnnllt ) . , Nehralka. ma < le 011 thfO 1 lh da ) ' or JUIit' . A , II. t.4 , , ror tile ! I:1le nr the real e"lall' I'r..ln , aCter de crlbe" , there will be old at the Ca t Crollt ( Ionr uC the cOllrt hOIl"e III Broken Uuw. CII'ill'r COIIIU ) ' , Ne. hrtka , 011 the 231'11 , < la ) ' IIr JIII ) ' . A. II. 1' lJ.4 , at 20'clnck III the aCt"rnuolI , at pllbllc , 'elulue tu Ihe hillhe"t hhlder 10" ca h , the Cullowlllll' d . crlbe" reall. tate. towltl 'file 1I0rah we'lt qlltrter 01 the "olllh fOaMt qllarter. the RmUh wellt qllarter oC the lIortl1 ea'lt quarter , IIII' ! lollth ea..t qllarler oCthe lIorth we"t quartl'r :11111 tile lIorth eal < t uarter or tbe I4IlIth we..t qllareer or Sectloll l'wellty.even , 'l'lIIvlIslIll' Nillel'ell , Norlh. Ranll" " 'I'weuty , W..1It IInllt' ! .ttb 1) . M. CII le. . cOllllt ) ' , Nehraska. ah' ' Mal. . will r"l1Ialll ol > en Oil. , hOllr. , lIatc < l tlll'lI lh Ila'or Jlllle , A. n" 190 . # JAMI ! ! ' ! M. DATIiS. A"mllll"tralu" oC the estate 01 I If Jal1le. O. lIate" UfOcea"ell. ' . AI.PIIA MOHOAN , ( j . ( , -t. ! ! Atlurlley ror A < llIIlnlstrator. 1 KOA U NO'l'ICI . . ' 1'0 Whlllll II 11I:1) ' COllcerll : 1 'I'he cOlllml 'Ilont'I' aPI > ollltfO < I to vlewl roa. ! . f'eUllolI..d rur by 1 > . ] . . Herrick , ( 'tal , a road cUllllllellClll1l' at the hall eCtloli corller nil tile lIurah II lie or I'Ctioli No. 3-15021 , a 11I1 rlllllllllll' hellce SUlllh tll'lO.IIII1.1 to Ihe ulIllIlIlI..r . se. : ' tlon No. tII : Ih..IIC. . , , ( IIlh 011 sal1l. . line 80 rods 11I0re or 1t"1I . AI n to , 'acate that porUmlof roa.1 No. 6:1 : . ( "olllmellCIlIIl' at till' } corll..r 011 the w.tt IIlIe IIr "CUOlI to , 1I0rth to III. . lIortli. \ " , t corner or sal" Io..cllon Ill , all III lI.wIIslilp IS. railZI , lias r..portelln ravor or the e tab' IIl1hllll'nt allli , 'aealloll thereor , an < l all objec. 1I0u ! ! Ih"l..of , or clall1l'l ru. . < lamall'r.lI , lIIust be file < llll Ih. . COllllt } . cle..k's ullice 011 IIr berure . 110011 or th" Wtll day or A UII"II'It. 190 , 0. slIch roa < l will t e . . tabll h. . < 1 alld , 'acate < l without rererellce th..reto. In wltne'lM whereor , ] have herenllto set uly hlnd and seal ur Ral < l cuullty. this ( , Ih < 1:1) ' of JllnellJO.t. cliO. ; \ \ ' . UKWI\\ ' , 5l\-W : COllllt ) ' Clerk. KOA ] ) NO'I'ICI . ' 1'0 wholll It lIIay cnllcern : 'l'he , 'omml.lulier al'loIIlINlln view a rO:1d I > t'tltlun. . . . ro. . IJ ) ' AIIII.lIallll'iun ! , a 10:1. ! cumnll'lIcllll ! ' at Ih. . qllart" . . orller l'l'\wl'eu \ "ClloIIR' allLl . 'l'o\\'nlllll' 13. Ranlle , aud rllnnhlll' "ulllh 2 i I1Il1e ! ! rollowill" the lil'Ctlol' line a'l lI..al. :1" p..al llcahle allli t..IIIII1 < < tlnlr at a POI"L ur cOlljllllctlull with a pllbllc rnad al tile 1I0rt . . .aot corlle. . or Section 30. 'l'owll'ihlJ 13 , HIII1C1' : 25 , lIa'l r"lorle.lln ravur IIr 111" . .stab. ,1'Ihllll'nt , th'l'eur , a 11 < 1 all ubjectlon'i thereto , or clallll'l rill' lIa III a lI'e'l , I1Il1l1t be fiI,111I tllI'l.oIlUt ) . Clerk' " onic. . OliO" berore nnon of tll. . 1'1111 day nr AUII'II..I. 1404.11I' ! HICh mad willi , . . IIstabllsl ! ' . . . . il'lIhullt . .er..llce IhcnHo. ] 11 Wllnes WI'I'INlr. I lIavI' 'wrelilitu ' "el.I1IY hallll alld sealer . or "al < lcoullt ) . , thl'l 14th Ila.lIr Jlllle. 190. . 0'0. ; W. UI > WI > . \ ' . [ s.\I.l : ' COllllt ) . CI..rk. . I'UUI.IC'ANURA I . Notice Is he..eIJ ) ' II'lveli that III purSliallce of . . lustrIlCtlllll ' rl'OlII the'cOl llnll lolle. . lr tll. . Gelleral I.allli Olllce" " " < ler autllorlt.ve'lteLi 111 11111I IJy' Seirldl. 2 55 ; U. S. ReStat. . , a'l alllelld. ed b ) ' IIIeact-jor COIlllre'l j appn\.t > I ! I'ebrllary 26.1 95. ' , , < l to off"r at PUcilc sale 011 the 5th , \ at oJ July. I'm. uext , at thl'l utt ce - atl 'clock.p. " III : . Ihe rollowlllll' tracI ur'lauo.l , tu-wlt : 'I'll. , IIPrlhwest qllarte. . orthelolltlleast qllarl ! t' C S lHIII Z . 'l'OWII hlal 1I0rth. Ihllll'e 20 west ! All } ' a'II < I' III'e"souli clalrnlnll' adver sel ) ' the above < I..scrlbe < l lallll'l ae advl e. ! to file their clalllls In tills ollice on 0" bdore the . da ) " abIJv ' < I"11Ilnate < l for the commeucemeut of ' al. ! salc , ' 'Hherwlse thel. . rl"hts111 be rorrelt..I. , W. A. GHKUN. < < "lrlste. . . . Ar" , ; " I. : . KRNNAHLJ. Hecelver Uat. . . Ma } ' 2:1. : 1'1 4. 51.3-57 ' ' ' ' . CONTI S'l' NO'l'ICI . UIlIt. . < I Siaies I.aud Oftiee , j . llrokenDII""Nebra'lka. . JUlie ltj. lw. . . . I A slilUcleut conte..t affidavit lIavh'lnll' beell 111. . < 1111 thl'l omc by Marillu S. Uall ) ' . conteo ; . lallt. allalniot home'ltca < l enlry No. 2l1iO. 1113de Septelllb..r Ii. 19\11. ror nortllwe"l Qllarter Sec. tI01l8'fo"'I , blll20. N. , RanII'll 211 W. . b ) ' John U. E < lwar < lll. Con e..t.ln which It I. . alleiled that Johll 11. I dll'anl. . ha'i aballdolled sal < ll:1nd and I ah'lellt thererrolll alld ha'l bt"en ror 1119re Iball on. ! year laspalt : tllat he hall falle,1 to IJUII < I'or erect a " ' "i'e Iheu'un or otlle. . pla.e of abe < le : bllt ha .tolall ) ' aball < loue,1 "aid tand. all or whlcll defectli exl t al thl'l tlllle. Sal < l par- tle'l a..e h."b ) . nntln..1 to appear , re polI < l aud ocr..r evidence touchhlll' sal < l allell'allon at III o''lock a. III. 1111 A\llI'utt \ 10. 19I\.J. berore the . . H"lI'lster , :111I1 R..cel.r al Ihe Unll. . < 1 States ] , : In < l omc. . III U..ol'1I Uuw. N'hra ka. 'file al < l COllt" tallt havlull' . III a 1'1'0".1' a I < la.it. . . IIled .Jlllle IIi 1904 " . .I fllrth racls tvhlcll sllow . - Ihat afl. . . , llIe III II 11'1' II ce IlI'rloollal ! t"\'Iceor thl. _ IIl1lc. . calillut b. ! ilia" " . It 1'1 henby ord..re < l and dl..ct. . < 1 tll1IIlIeh nulle" b. . "h' , , " by < lue and proper . .ubllcatloll in tile CU'Iler COII"ly Repub. IIcali. Pllbllshe < l at Brokell Uow. Nebra ka. 2.7- ( , . JAMS WIIITRIII\AD , Rell'lster. CON'l'l S'l' NO'Cg. Unite. ! States and Oftic ( ' . t Brokeu How. Nebralka , Juue tj.I' H. f ; r . \ , mmclellt contest a < la\'lt ha\1I11I' beenll1e. ! , III this ollie. . b ) ' 0..0..11' ' ' -utavern " , cOlltestallt , all'alntl h IIUslea < l eutry No. 2915. lIIa < l"AIIII'U t 14,1902. for SJ1 NwJ ! . NH Sw } . Section 12 , - 'fowushlp 20 N. . kallge : I W. . b ) ' Charles M. . _ Ch:1l11berlaln. COlltestee. lu which it 1'1 all"lI'ed that Charles Chamb"rlalll ha' ! abandoned ! ! ald land alld Is allsellt therefrom. alld lIall . _ beeu ro lIIore than a ) 'ea. la'lt pasl ; that 110 : lIa' ! railed to bllll < lllr . . . .ect a hou e ther."n or oilier place or.aholl. . . bill haq lolall ) ' ahalldoned sal < l land : alilif which der..cts exist at Iliis pre'lI'lIt.lhlle. Said pa..tle. . are lIe..eb ) ' uotl1 ed to apllear ; . .e'lpou < l alld ucre. . . .vhl..uce tOllchllllr Raid allellallou at 10 o'clock a. 11I.011 AIIII"IISI 'J. 190-1. befo..e the kell'lte. ! . all < l R..c..lv..r al tile . Ulllle < l Hlales 'Ian < l Oftke III U..klu How. N.bra..ka. ' 1'h. . :1ld cont.slallt havlll" , Iu a prOIr alii. da\'II. I1le < l Jlllle. . l1JH. "et lorch ractll which IIhow that afler < III" < llIhreuce per..ollal servIce or thJ lIotlce call lIut IJc lIIa < le. It Is h..reby or. dere < l and dlrecte < l Ihat sllch lIotlce be II'lveli by < llIe aud prope. . pllhilcatlull III the RCIJUblica. call. Urolell Bow , N..braska. 1-6-6..1 JUliN RI > KHKecelve. . . . NO'l'CI : OJ. ' AI'I'I.ICA'fION I.'OR IIQUOk I.ICJoNSF. . NOllcl ! Is hereIJy II'h'eli tllal the p..llllon of Glenn Jolln ell ror a IIcelise to ! tell IIq'lort 111 the viliall'e ortasoll ! CIU' . Nebra ka. I" 011 file . - with Ihe'lIIall'e cle..k uf Ral < l viliall'e : tllat tile "allle 1'1 slgu. . < 1 hy a maorlt ) ' of I h. . re..ld"nt r..ehol < le..s IIr "ahl v III all'e : that ou the lGtl ! day or JIII ) ' . lQIH , the..ahl GI..1I11 Jllhn ell will lIIak. . :1PIlIcatloli.Ido. . . \ , tlli- boar < l or trllitee" of "al < \'lIlall'e ( J..a'lnll' that lice use be "ranted hllll 10 Relllllalt111"011" aud 'IplrltuOII'l1l4nOII ; al alld II'lthlli . .al . < \1I1'lle : 011 1111 6 , III IJlock S. for th" IIIl1nclpal r'a. . clllllmenciull' May 1st. I 1'111-4 , All ) ' obj..ctlull tll the lIallle 10110111 < 1 be . ' ml < l. . III w..1I1I11I' IYIIII the villalo'e : clerk p..lo. . to , I Ille 11I.,111111' 01 at th. . . . ltlon IIr sahl board of t""ltlee" 011 tile 161h .Iay or JIIIQU \ . _ _ I Dalell this 30th Ila ) " of Jnlle , l'I\.J. ILIINN JUUNSO : < ! . A IIpllcalit. M. I. . IAMII.'Illall'e Cle..k. I.IW r. NO'fICg. An"rew Chrl"tell"oll , IInn.reRII"III. will t:1ke 1I0tice that William J. ' . lIavellle'l'r hali III..d a p"ltloli III th" Ulstrlcl CUlirt of CII'Iler cOllnty , . Nebraska , the lI..a'er IIr whlcll Is 10 callcel a ' IIlIIrtll'all"\ the north halC or tI. . . , lIllIl1ea t \ q lIarll' " ami tht' " "lIthea 1 qllarler of tile norlh. . .a t qlla..ler or H..ellllll Six , ' 1'OIl'IIRhlll 'fhl. . . . leell. Kanlle ' 1'II'ellt.ln Iillli CUllllt ) . , " " "clltell I b } ' Jalllt'l Jllllall"oll III Ioalll Ch..l"tl'lIsun , Marcil J 15. 1 9O. all < l . . . .cor < l. . < 1 III h'lOl 311 , pair" 73 , of IIII' , : 1II0rtll"all'e ' . .eellrols or hal < l COnlll ) ' . YUII arC ! reo : 1 qllln.1 . . . answ..r sahl pl'tlllOlIlI1I ur herore . tbo : 1'It < 1:1) ' ur Anllll l. 1'1O . WII..IAM J. ' . UAVJMIH. : ; . I JOliN N. UH\'D1N. : Att' ) . . I _ _ _ - - . . I . . . . . . . . . . .erd .1 Rded U ) ' . . . . . . . . . Crlm.uu Mroll. No.1 \ \ . . _ . 0c'W . , . t , : . . . . . m-J . : . 111ft , J ! . { f J. J. G. BRENIZER , Breeder of t I'uro Hcotcb ani I ! cotcb Topped ! ! borL liorn Cal. Ue , AI , ber. ! number. 40 oow. , Will COmpa , . III bre dlnlr aud qualle ) ' wllb 101 welt of Oblcago. al1 lporlellco II" , hugbt mo thlt to aclvo 110011 1"lllfA tlOD , hr udlng cattle IDult he ralliad In thlll Illtllude. I expect ' 0 "ailiu tham hura ' 1111 equal or "IIthlug rahlld lu Ille U. ' d , I O'IW bAVII bull. IIDltllllo fur tble , ana ' ut ) 'cu' . lorvlco. My cow. wejclllfrom ! 14 Q , g I. pOlUld.Ooq 11111'100 ' Ulom I , . - . . . . . ' - -