Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 30, 1904, Image 6

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Dy D. M. AMSDERRV' ' .
I Brief Telegrams
The onglnCIJ or n. first-elMS lJ tUo.
ship cO t about $700,000.
' } 'ho strocol. rnllronlls or NottlnKhnm ,
Englnnd , n city or 2iOOOO ! I > opuintlon.
uro owned and run by the common.
wcalth. .
Jucgo A. 1\1. Wool160n o [ St. Joscph
was nominated Cor upreme judge or ,
l\1lssourl nttho democratic convention' '
hcld at St. Josclh.
l..ord Grlmthorllo , Ilcer , cloel\lnnkcr.
church restorer , and In one sense
father o [ the British har , haa just cel.
abrll.ted his 88th hlrthtlay.
Rov. John Gnrdner Murray has declined -
clined to bocoino blsholl or Kentucky
and w1l1 remain rector of his Ilresent
congregation In lJllIlImore.
'rhe manufacture and sale of to.
baceo Is monopll1.ed lIy the Austrian
government , and this monopoly brings
Into the treasury. over $27,000,000 a
' } 'ho Canadian Pacific railway , Is
ollenlng a largo unthracllo coal mlllO
at Bnnff , Northwest 'l'errltory , and In.
vltes tellllera.for Ih'lvng ! n tUllnel1,200
feet long.
Ellward Auglllnll1lugli , first p.rloner . ! !
tnJwn by .John llrowit's men In the
famous raid of 1859 , llas been In the
drllr business In Il11110.IIapo1ls . , nearly
( arty years ,
1 : n' ' llph Is In the future to I e an
ol.tIltH\1 : subject In nil public schuols
In Saxony on the ground that It Is
"the most widely used civilized Ian.
gllnge In the world. "
The Drltlsh steamship South Amor.
lea , which arrived in New Yorlt } o'rl.
! Jay from Shields , hrul a .narrow os.
CUIIO In mld-sen from running at tult
sllcel\ Into an Iceberg.
1'1:1 : th Dalcotn owno a street mil.
\ VUal Dlsmarck to carry mf'mll rs
of the leglslaturo to and trom the
, Cl1pltol , Dut one car Is myned nnd
CIJIH'uted 011 tho' s"8t :1m. :
Tho' governor or Nagasaki 1ias offi.
clal1y thnnItod the British consul
there for the sorvlces rendered by
the British steamer Dunbar In rescue
Ing survivors of the HitachI.
A dispatch from Mullen to the Cen. I
trol News na's two ambulance trnlns
have arrived there. having on board
38 officers allli 734 men who wore
wouuded In the tight at Vufangow.
Dominic I. Murphy , who hns been
clected sec.etary of' the Panama an.
al commission. Is a native of Phlladel.
Ilhla , where he was born 67 years ago ,
lHI was ecucatell In the public
Kent J. Loomis of Parltcrsburg , W.
VII" 'brother of AssIstant Secretary
of Stille Loomis , dlsnppeared from
the steamer'KallJer , Wltholm 11 , on
which he sailed . Juno 14 on route to
Ab > 'sslnla.
Party feeling Is running high In
Parlo over tho' Investigation Into 11.1.
leged attemllts to , corrupt members
\ or the government In connection with
, the question at the CXI1UIson ! of the
monlts ot the Carthusian order.
Emperor William Is sending Dr.
Grnbensee , ono of the best known
horse breeding slleclallsts of Germany -
many , to St. Louts to study American
breeders' methods for eXllerlenco.
A unique plan , for the heating of
residences Is about to bo Imt In opora.
< : : ; :
tlon nt Gtenwood Springs , Colorado.
Water from the famous boiling springs
Is to be pIped Into town , and so great
Is the SUl1ply that. houses can be heat.
ed at n Ver ) ' trilling eXllense.
An amusing InventiOlt Is the "chro.
11101Ihono , " which wns recently ex.
hlblted In n LOlHlon theater to an In.
vltcll a\llllonce. It combInes the cine.
matogrnph with the gramaphone. ' 1'ho
11gures move as In lUe , and give utter.
nnce to songs or conversation In hare
mony with natural nnd oXIIl'esslve se ! ! .
Cocella Logan Connol1) ' , the author
and playwright , Is dead at the Ger.
man hospital In New Yorlt. She was
born In 1834. HQr father was C. A.
Logan , one of the pioneer theatrical
manl gers In the far , , 'est. She went
on the stage early In life , but left It
on becoming the wife of M. KllogS' ,
an Amorlcan lIalnter In Parle.
Commlsslonor IUcharde of tbo gen
I'oll land office , wbo Is at. Thief Hlyel'
Falla , Minn. , conductln the sale of
lands on the Red Lnlto Indian reser.
. vatlon , telegraphed the department :
"Havo sqld the sixty tract ! ! schod.
uled tor today for $101,234 : lowest
11rlce Ier acre , $ ! i.25 : highest , $18.30 :
avcrago , $10.80. Very satisfactory. "
' 1'hQ minimum prlr.e fixed by Inw was
$4.26 11. r ccre.
At the meeting of the Central As.
soclatlon ot Railroad Officers at St ,
Louis the Om1Jha nosoclatlon was add.
ed to tbo memboralll11.
A floating theater Is being construct.
ed by n mannger In Amsterdam. It
witt accommodate 2,300 persons ant
w1l1 have a restnul'ant and bar.
After qualTellng o\'er money matters
tors , Samuel l\IerlnJ.ola \ ; , 49 years old
of Ground , 1.1. I. , Iclllec ] bls brother
or , Thomas , oged 82 , with an axe , IIhol
his niece , Mrs. Cannan Pletra , In Ut (
thigh and arms , nnd attemllted suicide
by cutting his tllroat. '
Great Pemonstrntlonj'Notwlthst 1nd-
Ing the Nominations Were Assured
In Advance--Vlce PresIdency Goes
to Fairbanks of Indiana.
For Presldent-
Theodore Roosevelt of New York.
For Vice Presldent-
Charles W. Fairbanks of Indiana.
CmCAGO.-The swift , sure current
of IHlbllc opinion for tbo second time
In the history of I'cpuhllcan coliven.
tlons , on Monday reaulled In the se.
Jectlon of n national Ucltct without a
dlssontlng vote. 'fheodore Uoosevolt
for President and CharleH W. Fair.
[ un hounded demonstration. Hats were
tossed high In the air , slate em.
bleme were .wnved and flags fluttere
from every hand s though stirred ;
by ft. gale. .
When Governor nIllclt o [ Now York
made his speech nominating President
Roosevoll to succeed himself as presl.
dent the delegates In the republican
convention Ahowed there Is no o.bsence
of onthuslasm In th 'lr raults when oc.
caslon justlfie < 1 exhibition of that qual.
Ity. Ii'or twenty.fivo mInutes the grent
throng tohl Its aprohatlon of the con.
ventlon's choice tor Iresldent.
Pandemonium brolte loose when the
spealtor announcell tho.t Ulero were
994 votes and ! ! ! H had been cast for
Roosevelt. A grent. picture of the
president was carrlell about. througli
the hall. It was foltowed bY' n bnn.
nQr carried by the Oregon delegaUon
bearing the words : "First gun , Oregon ,
' 23,884 Uoosevelt. } I'orty per cent re.
publican gdln. "
Alabllmn Ilgaln ylehIed Its } ) Iace at
the head of the list when the roll call
Senator falrbanks.
- -
banIts for vice presldcnt received ov.
ory vote In the convention.
Regardless of the fact that the nom.
Inatlon of one . had been . assured for
months and the other tor days , tbo
announcement of the choice was ac-
compnllsbed by n resounding demon.
stratton which attested the candl.
dates' universal popularity. Tbe
cheering was lead by.figurcs Imown
the urendfh of the land and echoed
by n mighty throng of enthusiastic
l1en and "radiant women assembled In
tbe Coliseum to witness the crowning
feature as weU as the close , of the
, national convention that marts the
seml.ccntennlal of the publican party
In the United States.
No Jess than 10,000 men and worn.
en participated In the ratification ot
the Ilarty program and the consequent
rQar of cheering and lmnd-clnpplng
was deafening. The band , stationed
high ninong the gIrders of the hall ,
was drowned by the tumultuous Ilnd
Paul Morton for Cabinet.
WASHINGTON-Paul Morton of
NebrasltC ) who Is being urged by
President Roosevelt to enter the cab.
Inet , arrIved In Washington hurs'
day and was driven from the depot .
dtroct to the White house , where he.
dined with Mr. Roosevelt. Mr. Mor.
ton spent something more than three
hours with the presIdent and left
about 11 o'cloct ] for New York. "Any.
thln that. Is said Ulust COlllO from the
president , " sahl Mr. Morton as he left
tbo White house to talto the train tor
New Yorle.
As to Morton and Cabinet.
W ASHINGTON-ll was stated on
high authorlly tha.t Paul Morton has
refused the offer of President Roose.
velt to become a member of the offi.
clal family a3 secretary of the navy ,
to fill the vacancy made by Mr.
Moody's l"It'omotfon to ntttornoy gen.
erlllllhip. Tlie reason nsslgnOll tor
Mr. Morton's declination Is that ho Is
, In line for a high promotion In rail.
roall lire. He Is now vice president
nf the great Snntn Fe railroad system.
. .
Russians Return from Corea.
POSSIET-The Husslan force sta.
I tloned at SlnvlansImya , near the Co.
I rean trontler. has returned from that
place arter having waited two months
for the Japanese advance.
Attendance at World's FaIr.
ST. LOUIS.-World's Ii'alr Grounds.
-Tho following are ol\1clal figures o [
attendance at the Loulslaua Pur.
chase ox position fOI' the weelt ending
June 18 :
Monda ) ' , GG,143 : Tuosda ) ' , 7iH3 ! :
. Wednesday , 74,188 : Thursday , 83,34G :
, Frld ) ' , 8'1,1194 ; Saturda ) ' , 87,024 : totals -
tals , 475,187. The altellliance during
the wcek , while not qulto cquJlllng
the total of preceding week , shows n
substantial gain over each day save
Wednesday. That was Uberty hell
day , when school children attonded.
, I
. . .
was started for nominations : lor vice
president. 'l'he rank this time was
gIven to lawn and Senator Dolliver ,
taking t e platform , named Senator
Fnlrbanlcs : 'J'he speech was an elo.-
quont m1dorsement of the candidate's
qualUlcatlons and was reQtlved with
tremendous applause. Seco dlng
speeches were made by Senator De-
pew , Senator Foralter , Governor Pen.
nypacltor and Senator Carter of 1\Ion-
tana. All were alplauded to the echo ,
and the great popular demonstration
which greeted the unanimous nomina.
tlon by the convention wns an enthusiastic -
siastic tribute to the Indiana states.
man whose ame was thus joined with
When Illinois , Nebraska , Missouri
and Georgia were called annoutJCo-
ment was made that the candldncy of
t'avorlte sons had been withdrawn. 'l'he
entire vote therefore was cast lor
13enntor } o'alrbank8.
The usual re olutlons of thanks to
officers of the convention and to com.
mlttees on arrangements were adopt-
. ed.
Idaho Stage Held 'Up.
SILVER CITY , Idaho-A lone ban.
dlt , with a shotgun bns held up the
outgoing stage to Murphy , near the
summll a tew miles from this place.
Nine passengers were forced to alight
and give up their valuables. 'l'he robber -
bor the11 demanded the mall saclt ,
which ho ransaclwd. The stage driver
wns then ordered to drive on. ' 1'he
robbOl' wore n billcle maslc and his
shoes wcre covered with cloth to pre-
\'ent leaving n traclt for pursuit ,
Sherlrr McDonald and posse are In
Can Supply Volunteers ,
ROME-General Rlcclottl Garibaldi
Is continuing what he calls his prep.
aratlons against Austria. Ho writes
that there are already In existence
900 committees which are capable of
providing 33,000.volunteers . with
. . . Cholera In Persia.
WASHINGTON-Vice Consul John
TYler at Teheran has notified the
State department that at the end 01
May there were 2i0 ! cases of r.holero
nt Sultanabad , which Iii the prlnchm ]
center ot the Persian carpet trade
with Amerltm.
Russians Set Losses HIgher.
ST. PETEHSDURQ-The reports 01
heav ) ' fighting at. Hal Chen are do-
nled by the general starr. The Japan.
ese continuo to advance from Sill
Yen nnd Ulere are continuous sltlr.
mlshs between outposts , but no tur ,
ndvanco of Genornl Oh-u's arm
has been reported. The Russians
: losses at the battle of Vanfangow ar (
now turning out to bo heavlor as th (
reports of the various regiments COlll (
I In. The ) ' are now 1)laeell by a con
I servatlvo official statement at 4.000
but It 18 probably more.
. -
Nival Developments Are Looked for
In the Near Future--It Is Probable
that a Blow Will De Struck by
Land and Sea Simultaneously.
ST. PETERSBUltG-'fh" Imml.
nence at a bnttle In the northern
part of the Llno Tun ; ; penlneuln 1:1
admitted by the War cmro and Is In.
dlcated succinctly In today's dlspntch.
08 trom the Associate'l Press cor c'
spondents at Llno Yang , Kal Ping anll
other points on the railroad.
'rho week of sdrmlshlng ] around
Sill Yen retarded General Kurokl' ! !
oporatlons , permitting Genera ] Stak.
elherg to reach Kal Ping , the rear
glard slowly tailing back on Senuchen
before the Japanese advance. Mean.
while largo forc s , are hurrying south
from Llao 'Yang to checlt both Gen.
eral O1m and General Kurokl.
It Is beHeved here that General
Kouropatkln's object Is to prevent. a
juncture of the Japanese armlQs. On
the other hand , the nlm of the Japnn.
cao apparently Is to drI\-e - the Rus.
slans out of the Llao Tung penlnsuln ,
preparatory to a march on lIao Yang.
The approacl of the rainy season
will more than , like precipitate mat.
ters. Nothing Is Imown of the reported -
ported occupntlonn of Halung Yal
Chen ( Hsi Yung Ya Chong" or YI
Yung. Cheng ) by the Japanese. If
the report shoull ] be correct , It. agrees
substantially with the Japanese plan
of advance , as It Is understood here ,
but It Indicates that the Japanese
outposts are turther forward than
Russian ndvlces IndIcate.
It Is not 1)etraylng ) Vice : Admiral
Skrydloff's plans to say that Import.
\lnt naval developments nre imminent.
In the tar east.
The admiralty has no news of the ,
reported loss of two Russian torpedo
boat destroyers err Port Arthur. The
latest dispatch from Rellr Admiral
Wllhoft , In command of the naval
forces at Port Arthur , dated June 17 ,
reports all well there.
The British ambassador , Sir
Charles Hardlnge , Is not presenting
a protest against the selzuro ot the
British c01ller , Allanton , by the Russian -
sian Vladivostok squadron In view of
the Russian declaration that coal Is
contraband of war and qwlng to the
Irregular1tr : or the ship's papers.
They Declare for a Presidential Ticket I
of Their Own.
FREMONT , Neb.-The populists of I
Nebraskn In state convention declared '
for a prcsldentlal ticket or their own
by an , overwhelming vote , but at the
ame time defeated nn amendment
speclfically demanding that the noml.
nees on that ticket be members of
the populist party. Forty-eight dole.
ates were selected to represent the
state at the national convention that
Is to meet on the Fourth of July at.
Springfield , 111. Ex-Senator W. Y. AI.
len w1l1 undoubtedly head thol l a. '
The resolution , which was , Introduced -
ed by former , United States Senator
W1I11am V. Allen of 'Madison , Is gen.
eralfy admitted by the delegates , to
favor fusion with the Bryan democracy
In the event that the latter secures
control of the St. Louis convention ,
but that 1l demands . n. straight populist
tlck t In the eve.nt of the supremacy
of the C1evelnn wing of the party. I
Both Senator AlIen nnd George } 'red
Wllllams of Massa.chusetts wete men.
tloned as prottllslng materia.l trom
which to maIm the selection of n presidential -
dential nominee.
.Undlmlnlshed Ilevotion to William J.
Dr"an was a distinguishing feature of
the convention.
Flying Machine rn Oklahoma.
LAWTo.N , Oltla.-Prof. Jonas Cook ,
superlntondent of the Chlckasha public -
lic schools. who Is conducting the normal -
mal Institute of Comanche county , In
the presence of County Superintend-
ent. Nelson , G. W. Bonannon , 'profes.
SOl' of scIence In the Southwestern
Normal college nt Weatherford , Okla. ,
nnd 'V. F. Kerr , n newspaper correspondent -
spondent of Lawtot\ , made Ills Urst
trip with a new fiylng Ul.\chlne he has
recently Invented. He sailed Cram tbo
summit of Mount Scott. In the Wichita
Oppose Harsh Measures.
ST. PETERSBURG-M. t.lndor ,
vice president of the Finnish senate ,
In conference wIth Minister of the In.
erlor Von Plehwe , discussed the po ] .
Icy of the Russian government. In Fin.
land In vlow of the assassination of
Goverenor General Dobrlkotr. Minister
Von Plehwe expressed himself as
I nverso to harsh measures In consequence
quenco of the act or one man whoso
. vlows were only hold by a small par.
tlon of the Ileollle , but recommends
I continuation of General Dobrlltorr's
Howard Geta No New Trial.
FRANKFORT , Ky.-The court of
appeals overruled the petition for ro'
I hcarlng In the case of James D. How.
ard against .the commonweatth , who
was given a Ufo s6'fltenee ' or. the
, hargo of murdering WIlliam Goebel.
, The petition says nothing of tll ap.
, . Ileal tp the United States supreme
court as that matter will be consld.
ored by the SUllreme court on the writ
of error , this court haYing granted a
. atay of the mandate . for forty days
for that Imrpose.
State Doard Has a Joli Certifying Rail.
road Valuation ,
LINCOLN-Th stato. boarll of as.
sessment having completed Its work
ot Mscsslng railroad property , Sec.
retary Dennet Is now busy , assisted
by nl1 the state house clerlta that
Could be drnrtcd Into service In corti.
fylng the , asscssment out to the varl.
ous county clerks. This work should
be completed by the 27Ul , but from
the amount of figuring neeonsary to
comply with the new revenue ] nw , un.
loss much additional help Is brought
Into servlco It will be an Imposslbll.
Ity to do this. '
As a final action at the board an.
other change hM been made In the
grand total , madng ] this $4G,084,087.76.
This was occasioned by n reduction of
tlte nssessment of the Great. Western
from $48,000 to $2G,835. To maIm up
tbe grand aggregate of the rallrond
proerty ! the dlrrerent systems ot the
state were valued as follows , one.
fifth , of which amount , being the as.
esse < 1 valuation : Union PacIfic , $62"
878,049 : Durllngton , $101,184,996.76 :
Missouri Pacific , $10,1108,538 : Chicago ,
nock Island & Pacific , $10,42G,330j St.
Joseph & Grand Island , $3G49,7i0 ! :
Wilmar & ; Sioux Falls , $ ,604200 ; : Chl.
cage & ; Northwestern , ' 34GG3,200 :
Chicago , St. Paul , 1\1Inneapolls & Om-
nha , $11,524.300.
The Increase In the total assessment
of railroad property , som $111,000,000 ,
Is by. far the greatest Increase ever
handed down by any NebrasQ. ] as.
sessment board , but oven that. large
nmount of Increase shoulIl occasIon
little 1)l'otest from the railroad companies -
panies when taen ] Into comparison
with assessments levied against them
years ago when tlte roads were In
value worth little compared to what
they are worth now. The main line
of the 1.Inlon Pacific was assessed this
year at $10,000 a milo , while away
back In 1881 the average value per
mile for this system was $11,552. In
1894 It was asscssed on the main line
at $11,500 n mile , while from 1888 tor
four years the assessment of the main
Une was $11,440 a mile. rom that
lime , with the exception of one , year ,
lno assessment was graduall ) ' decrease
ed,10ugh tlte property each y ar became -
came more valuable , the loot l1vo years
preceding 1903 the assessment being
: j,800 on the main Une. In that year
It. was increased to $9,900 a mile still
beIng $1O ; 2 less than the nssessment
at 1881.
, \ The Burlington has just as IItle
room tor protest as the Union Pacific ,
tor this year It was assessed on the
main line at. only $15,470 , while bact ,
tn 1885 , tno highest ot any year ex.
'cept th present , It was assessed at
$12G12 n mile. Then began the gradual -
ual decrease In valuation until the
climax was reached last yar , when
the assessment on the maIn line was
$10,600 n mile , lower than It had been
lor six years.
Saved , Child's Life.
J" REM NT-Lloyd HavenrJ , a member -
ber of th p hl & S11ephard ball teaw ,
saved the liCe ot a two year" old 1 lld
near Ames. Ho was driving In near.
.Tyall with the other players to North ,
B nd" where a game was to be played , i
when he spied the mtlo one sltttng
111 the middle of the tracc playing.
Halt a mile away the Union Pacific
through train was alproachlng at the
rate of a mile a minute. Havens hurriedly -
riedly jumped from the vehicle and
rescued the child trom Its perllous
A Bla Potato Patch.
SCCTT'S BLUFF-T. C. Bottom &
Co. have just l1nlsh d panttng 400
acres of potatoes. This " ,111 make a
total acreage of about 10,000 In this
Cars Mangle Three Children.
AINSWORTH-While the eastbound
rrelght No. 82 , George Mills conduc.
tor , wns switching In the yards bor ,
the hind trucks ot a fiat. car ran over
the 3-year-old son of Mr. Ellis , kill.
Ing him Instantly , also the 10-months-
old babe , who died an hour later , and
badly mangled the foot of another 6.
year-old girl : .
Boy Drowned. While SwImming.
NORFOLK-Willie Stnhl , 14 years
old , stele nway to swim with com.
rades . Sunda afternoon al\d was
drownOlI In the Elkhorn river. His
comrades denied the accident , declar.
Ing Willie had gone homo , and hid' his
clothing In a barn to conceal the fact.
Smallpox Has the Day.
SCOTT'S DLUFF-At a meettng or
citizens It was decided not to celebrate -
brate this year on account of thc
smallpox scare. At. present there Is
but one mild case and It Is thought
that It can be controlled so that there
wilt bo no further danger.
Harvest Hands Wanted.
The association of free employment
bureaus , composed of the labor com.
missioners of fiyo states In the wheat
belt , of which Don C. Despain or Ne.
braska Is president. wilt soon have
an 011110rtunity to demonstrate wheth.
er It can do the business. Last week
President Despain received word from
Kansas tbat that state would require
the Importation o [ about. 21,000 n\ln
to handle the harvest. The harvcst.
Ing beguns Juno 20 , at which time
special rates wilt .be glvon by the
I Flag day was qulto generally ob. .
served throughout the atate.
Dcatrleo 1mB sent fn."Jt " horses to
Iowa under control of Fred Rollore.
The Grand Army of the RepubJI& 1/
, will hold a reunion at Franklin Augus'
Owen D. Peppon , wantcd for larcenY'
as bailee at Daltota. City , hns been a
restell at Topelm.
A reward of $50 Is orrered tor reco\ ' .
ery of the body of young Dessey , ra
centty drowned at Elk CIty.
Three CMes of smallpox have devel. .
oped In ono of the hospitals at the Sol. .
diers' borne at Grand Inland. J
Gibbon will celebrnte the Fourth In
grand style this ) 'oar wIth stoom
merry.go.'rounds and games and race
of al1 kinds.
Grand Island colt ego , whIch startelT
the year In debt , -Is out of debt alllI
han $13,000 for n new dormitory whleh.
,1s under construction. and about $2i ! , '
000 has been added to the endowment'
.Jullus Kushman , a farmer residing
south or Nebrnslm City , wa ! ; klclted
In the jaw while unharnessing a team.
The kick of the horse broto } his jav
nnd caused concussion of the brain.
He I not l11tely to recover.
.Vlolatlons of association rules wer
charged by members of the State 1m.
plement dealerfl 'In ' session at Lincoln. .
Some of the members , It was said , .
were either robbing the farmers with.
exorbitant rates or gIving Inferior
machinery for good money.
Sixty.two graduates of the medical
cotleges of the state took the examlna. '
tlon before the state board of medical
examiners for pormlts to practlc
medicine In the state. Of the number
al1 but two were up to the requIred
standord and w1l1 be Issued licenses.
The residence or Frank 'VoU , whO'
resides In Glenover , Gage count ) ' , was
struck by lightning at an early hour
In the morning , The family was away- ' 1
from home with thq exception of M .
WoU , and when he arose he found thO'
roof on fIre. The fiames were extln.
gulshed by.the neighbors , who formelI
a bucwt ] brigade before much damago-
re u1ted.
John Cloupek , n farl1ter about 27'
years o age , living five miles east.
and ono mile north or Ulysses , waS I
, ( ound dead In his cornfiel . He went
to the field after dinner at1d had pow' "
cd only- three rounds. 'Vhen tound ,
'the hOl'ses were stnndlng where they-
had stopped when the man teil err thO'
cultivator. Death Is supposed to havO' :
I been due to heart failure.
Undertakers of the state. In com'en-
tlon at Grand Island , elected the following -
lowing officers : President , .J. 'V. Butt , .
Nebraskn' ' City : first vIce president , . .
president , George Darling , A11Iance
second vice president , A. J. Jackson. .
, Plattsmouth : third vice president. C
E. Troyer , Dorchester : secretar1 I
George Brown , Superior : treasurer , NJ
P. Swanson , Omaha. ' I
Jacob Shaw alii } wife. pioneers of' !
BeatrlC"c , celebrated the fIftieth annl- \
, , 'ersnr , of their wedding last week at
.thelr home in that city. They came t
Beatrice in. 1864 and erected a log'
house on , Court street where M. S. ;
'Volbnch's dry goods store now stmtds ,
four years later building n brick reHI
dence on 1.Iarlw t street between
Fourth abd Fifth streets , whete : theil
now live. . '
The nssessment of Cass county ,
which has just been completed , show&-
a large per cent Increase over the re ,
turns ot one ear'ago. . The total v l-
uatlon of the county Is $30,7348.425 ,
The valuation of real estate Is $24-
491,875 , and of personal pro erty $ G , .
246i50. ! There are 1l.G2G horses val. ,
lIel at $1G2OGO : there are 28,43i ! head
I of cntUe Talued at $ GG2.755. and 3GOlT !
bna.d of hc.s : \ ' : ucd n ! . 10A25.
The County Board Equalization'
of Hatl county Is In session reviewing
the work of the assessor and his various -
ous township duties. Over the assess-
ment of a ) 'ear aGo , under the old law , . j
there Is an Increase In aU Idnds or .
property of 71 per cent , The largel' "
portion of It Is In PQrsonal property. '
The call for $ ! i0,000 or state warrants - 1
rants Issued by Treasurer Mortensen
ten days ago , for June 10 , Is now In
effect. The majority or the warrantff
are held by the pcrmanont schoof
fllnds , and consequently the cash on
hand In these funds will he IncreasQd
a considerable amount. Money IS'
coming Into the treasury at n lively
rate and the treasurer expects to'ls-
sue another call for $ ! i0,000 warranlH
betoro the end of the month. '
The conyentlon of un ertakers In
Fremont listened to an address by Dr.
S. R. Towne , the slate medical Inspec.
tor of Omaha , His subject was "Tho
Standard DeaUl Certificate. " He be.
lIeved that steps should be taten ] fOl'
the appointment of death recorders In
each county of the state. The. boarel
of health , he said , has conslderabla
difficulty In keeping track of all the
deaths In the state , especially tho.o- :
which occur In the smaller towns.
Mrs. George R. Reed of York Is Investigating -
vestigating the death of her brother.
Mr. Gcre , a former resident of York '
county , who died near McPherson , .
Kan. < I
The arst dlvoce suit ever appealed J.
to the Nebrasl < a supreme court. hy 1\ " ,
colored person was filed last week by
Napoleon Donaparte 'Vashlugton , who \
Is tlot pleased with the decision 01
the Douglas county district court '
granting the divorce petition of his
wlfo , Mamie L. Washington , and
awarding her the custody of their
only Clblld , Ruth.