Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 30, 1904, Image 3

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, ' . ' . ' I.
I 1 ,
II I I Writer In Eastern Journal Urge. Re : !
. I membrancc of the Heroes Clf Civil ,
Life as Well as Those of the Dattlo.
field ,
Every 'year. as Memorial day pUBes I
and the ewers are scattered and the I
IIttlo finKs flutter on the BOldlers' I
grayes and the spooc es are made sel. :
tlQg forth their clt1lms to honor and
the mUBlc watts 10lidly ot our grid for
1 them. the QuesUon recurs , "Were thcse ,
, fighting men our only heroes ? Docs
tb country hold only Ita soldiers
worthy ot remembrance ? "
The ldler Is the only servant of I
bls country who. whtte Hvlng , Is pensioned -
. sioned by. her. If ho carried . gua a
certain .number ot months In her s rv
lice , tl1 ugh ho novel' saw the face o
'battlo ' Jower , bo is sure when ho
reaches . certain age of R comfortabJe
'support ' from her bounly. 'Tho civil
I servants of the atate , no matter how
I Jong or hard their service , neither ro-
! celve nor ask n pension , nor Any rec-
iOglllUim In money.
Dut surely when they are dead wo i
, might spare thom Il. flower and bit
lof . cotton buntlngf
Engineers who died to save the passengers -
sengers they never saw , firemen who
'perished In the llames. scholars. Inventors -
. ventors , statesmen , who to uplift their
fellow-men ave their l1ves of labor ,
of seU-sa rlfice-tho , men. In short ,
who made , our 'nation what It Iii to-
day-sleep neglected under the weedy
The French have a better system
than ours.
, On one day in Ute year all Franco
honors her dead. To the graveyards
all eye ! ! and all hearts turn. The
- soldier hl.s : hiD chaplet anll flag , but so
has the dead IIcholar , the poet , the
hero of each village , the beloved one
In eacR house. Not only the great
general Is honorel1. but the poor old
mother who worked for her children
until she dropped by the way. They
do not forget to lay the wreath upon
ber grave.
It the dead can loolt baclt and kllow
-and what Is the use of our flags and
fiowers and requiems It they do net
Imow-are they all except : ; the fightIng -
Ing mCn to count themselves forgot.
ten ?
We are not all fighting men ; G d
forbid that 'we shQuld bt > .
Let us then. when another yea , .
comes around. put a new meaning
Into Decoration day , and let each town
and village and famll go out to pay
JOTe and honor to all the dead who
lived nobly here among us.-New
Yorlt World.
You can not henr the , waters tor the
wInd ;
The brook that teams , 'and taIls. anC1
bUbbleD b '
Hath lost Its voice-but anclent
stecplcs sigh
And beltrlcs moaand craz ' ghosts < : tIn-
In da.rk courts weep , and S11nke the
shudderln ! ; ' gates ,
And cry trom points or wIndy pin.
nncles ,
Howl tl1ro' the bars , and plnln among
" And the flhrlek bells ! lnd wall 1I1te , . . . .olce ! ! or the
, . I'ates !
And who is he that down the mountain
allIe ,
SwIft as II. shndow flrlrw tram the sun ,
Between the wIngs or storm ' wInds . ,
doth run ,
WIth tll'rco bllle eyes and e 'ebrows knit
with prldc'
Tho"now and then I see sweet lauhters !
play ,
Upon hIs lips , Uke moments or brlht
Thrown 'twixt the , uel blasts or morn
nnil even.
And ol en locks beneath his ho d or
gray ?
Sometime" he turns him back to wan
To hIs pale alre with Icy beard and
} 1a.1r ;
Sometimes he sends berore him thro'
tl1e all'
A cry at wl\lcomo ! lawn , It sunny dell'
And whJle the echoes are around Im
ringing ,
Sudden the nnsry wind breathes low
nnd sweet ;
. . Youn vIolets show their blue eyes I\t
hIs feet ,
i And the wild ] arlt Is heard above him'
"Inglng !
-Frederick Tennyson.
Both Tight.
Murphy , a full prlvato In the First
Dattallon Dlanlshlre regiment , was
being tried the other day for being
drunk , The commanding officer lenew
the face too well. for : Murphy had
been brought up on the old charge
times without numbor.
Punishment did not cure him , .so
the C _ O. had drawn . . . .Ivld word plc'-
tures ot the horrlblo evils of the can.
, . teen.
, . "Now. Murllby , " 110 said. "dldn't you
promlne mo faithfully that you would
: lct tiP to your uniform ? "
"I did. sor. " replied the Irrepressl-
. blo one : "a 00. bodad. I did act up to
it entolrely _ Mo uliitorrum was
tolght-Sparo ! Moments.
Truly a Wonderful Echo.
An ordinary echo Is a curious
thing : but , according to the state.
ment. ! ! of a Frenchman at a watering
place In the Pyrenees. ono echo on
the } "ranco-Spanlsh frontier Is so far
from ordinary that It must have started -
ed In America. "As soon as you have
spoken. " said the Frenchman , who
had secured an audience of wlde.eyed
tourists. " , rou hear distinctly the
, 'olco leap from rocl to rock. from
, precipice to proclplce. and as soon as
It has passed the fronUsr It aiH ! meS
I . the Spanish tongue ! Dut , : rce , J
r-- bave heard It oflen. "
( "
Sultan Is a Carpenter.
\ The sultan of Turtey ! , when a
prince , learned carpeaterlng himself ,
, and bas alw ys con tinned to take
great Interest In It. One of his first
nct19 when sovorelgn wa ! > to establish
a complete joiner's factory at Llldlz ,
In which ho 6uporlntendli the manufacture -
facture of all sorts or articles ot ful"-
. .ture , mootlr ot hJs own de81 .
- - -
Great Orators Develop Old.
The "Doy Omtor" 11M , no place In
bllerwln Cody's "A Seloctlon from
the World's Great Orat1ons" for the
reason that orators , to bo orators , ho
sa.ys , must have reached advanced
years. tn his own words : "Slnco
Imowledgo of lIfo comes only with
experience , the greatest orations nave
UBul111y been spolten when the orntor
was In UIO fullness or his powers , If
not actually old. Chat.lllm's great
speeches were all spoken in his old
ago : lf1lrnbeau's great speech came al'
most at the end of his 11te : Demos-
thones' greatest oration was hili :
Durleo WI1S 45 , vhen the first or his
great speeches was delivered , and
nearly 60 at the tlmo of the speeches
Impcl1chlng Warren Hastings. "
Indeed , the only speech In Mr.
Cody's collection delivered In the euly
lito of the omtor Is Grattan's , spoken
when ho was 34-and "that ngo can
hardly. be called youthrul. "
The man who wants the earth Is always -
ways the first to krclt when a ltttlo
dust blOWS In his eyes.
It Isn't the fast man who wins In
the race for wealth.
strong Language.
FredorIcksburg. Ind. , Juno 20.-Rev.
Enoch P. Stevens of this pll1co U8es
strong lnn l1go In ol'Jeaklng of Dodlt's
Kidney Pills and ho glvcs good rea-
lions for what ho saY8 :
' 'I can't prals" D dd's Kidney PIllII
too much , " says Mr. stevens. "They
have done mo so much good. I WI1B
troubled with my kidneys so much
that I had to get up two or three times
In the night and sometimes In the
day when starting to the waterhouso
the water would come , trom 010 before
getting there. Two boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills cured mo entirely.
"I have recommended Dodd's Kidney -
ney Pills to many people and have
never yet heard of a failure. Dodd's
Kidney Pills are the tnlngs' tor kidney -
ney dlseaso and rheumatlSm. ! "
Dodd's Kidney Pills alwl1Y ! ! cure
the kidneys. Good kidneys ensure
pure blood. Pure blood means good
health _
Tell a man he shows diplomacy and
he feels he has escaped being detected
In a direct lie.
$ too Reward , $100.
The reldere ot thle piper wUl bo plealed to lum
that tbere h at lealL one dreaded dllealo tbat Iclence
baa been able to cure In all Itl etalel ; : , and tbAt II
Catarrh , lIall'l CAtarrb Cure II tbe only pOIIUyo
. .
cure no. . . known to the medical tralernlty. Catarrb
bclng a eonltltutlonal dllealo , requlrea a cunlmu.
tlollal troatment. 11811'1 Catarrh Ouro II taken In.
ternaUy. BCUnl ( dlroctly'upon tbo blood and IIIUCOUS
lurtAcea ot tbe IYltem. tbercby deatroylnit tbe
touudatlon ot tbe dl8eale. and glYlng tbe patient
Itronilib by bulldlnlf up tbo coultltutlon au(1 IUlllt.
Inl : nature In doIng Itl work. The proprletora ban
10 mucb faltb In III curatlye powers tbat tbey olfer
One Uundred Dollara tor any cale 'tbat It tA1I1 to
cure. Send tor lilt at teltlmonlall , .
AddreRS F. J. CHENEY .so CO. , TOledo , O.
1iI01d by all DrUltitSU. 7 c.
Take l1all' . FawU > ' 1'1111 tor conltlpaUon.
A rough diamond Is worth much polIshed -
Ished dirt.
The Defiance Starch Co , wlli give
25 ladles a round trip ticket to tbo
St. Louis Exposition , to ftvo ladles In
each of the following states : Illinois ,
Iowa , Nebraska. Kansas and Missouri -
souri who w111 send In the Inrgest
number of trade marks cut from 11
ten.cent. 16-ounce package of Defl-
ance cold water laundry starch. This
means from your own home , anywhere -
where In the above named states.
These trade marks must be mailed
to and received by the De l1nce
'Starch Co. , Omaha. Nebr _ before September -
tember 1st. 19 . October' and Novem.
bor w1l1 be the bOIt montha to visit
the ExposlUon. Rt3member th t Defi.
ance Is the oniy slnrch put up 16 oz.
( a full pound ) to the paclenge. You
get one.thlrd moro starch for the
same money than ot I1ny other kind.
and Donance never sticks to the Iron.
The tickets to the Exposition will be
sent by registered mall September
5th. Starch for sale by all deal ra.
To-day's worry Is the result of yes-
terday's neglect.
Mor.e Flexlblo and Lastln ; ,
won't "hake out or blowout ; by ulln&
Deftance Starch you obtain b tter re-
Bults than pOlIBlble with nny other
brand and ono.thlrd more tor "lunO
Satan Is the father of lies and mat.
rlmony Is the mother of excuses ,
J'otr . ln.Iow'lI oothlnJ : Ayrup.
1"or cblldrCD teotbluif. . lottenl tbe gUrul , reducel tr.o
! lamme-tloD , alIa , . paIn , curel wind colJu. 2Ca : bottle.
The home of a bachelor lacls one 01
the best modern Improvements.
I do not belicTe Piso's Cure for Consumption
has an equal t.or cough'S and colds.-JoIIT 11'
lloTlU : , Trinity Springs , Ind. , Feb. 15,1000.
There Is no promise of pardon for
confosslng the sons of others.
It ! OU wish beautiful , clear , , , , hlta clothes
use Hed Cross Dall Ditre. Large 2 oz.
package , 5 cents.
Some women sweeten their tea with
gossip Instead of sugar.
' l\erIftAI1ently cared. No IItlor ne"C'III1I . _ art. .
'FITS lint day's Ule ot Dr , Kline' . o .t .r..ltelto
sr. Ikndfor FIIEE 192.00 trial bottl. Alld treaU' "
Va. uu. Xuxa : . Ltd. , 831.Arch IItreet. 1'Iill&d.lpll1& . h
A wlso Sir ! Is known by the com
pany she doesn't lteJ p.
No chromes or cheap premiums , but
a better quality and onc-thlrd
or Defiance Stnrch tor the same pr1'ce '
at other starches.
Solid business men are necessarily
hard characters.
SuperIor qunllty and extra quantity
must wIn , This Is why Defiancc Starch
I. . taking the place at a11 others.
The aimless Ufo cannot be the end ,
loss Ufe.
Important to Mother. .
Examine caretul1r eYer ) botUe at OABTOnIA ,
a .ate and eore rtJlI1cdr tor Intanta and chlldren ,
and ace that It
Durlthe . . #
. - -
Sl atnre of Chzl" ,
In UIO For Onr :10 Tearl.
TbI K1M You RATO JJwala Boupt.
Is What HI1 Bald. I
"In a ) , : nr whlllp r. loo.l.ln Up , Ih ! lAM.
I am 80 hunjrdo not turn nwn ' . I
Glv. me onll peftn ) ' . ple\le. to buy aom.
broRd ,
For I hay. eatcn nothlnK' all this dlq. . . . I
. I
'Tbo upturned fnce nnd whisper soft ntlll !
FIend with n power that would not 1M !
denl(1 : I
And Isho spoke. her pale 1I11s trembling'
110 ,
Crush',1 . In . an Inatnnt 1\11 my lIelnah
prld. .
"Bhe liltS besillo me , In thesll hnppl r
y ar ,
'Vlth RUfel tnce , tho' still 1\ child In
rm , .
And when IIhe prnys , I h nr thro' crat -
tul teArs.
Her thnnkll to 111m , who IIhelterll trom
the atorm , "
Twenty-ono yel1rs ago three lIttle
children were sUddenly bcrdt ot
fntherlnd mother-they were friendless -
less and homeless : but Il was only
ono of the mnny similar Instance8
happenIng every day-only three lit.
tle chll4ren left friendless and homo.
less : that was 1111. Dut It wn.s a crucial -
cial moment In at least one life. Rm' .
J. G. Lemen at that tlmo pastor
of a ll1rga church In Council DlulIs ,
Ill. This wan. whoso heart was largo
enough to find n place for eVer ' unfortunate -
fortunate one. took these children
Into his o'l\'n home. where ther shared -
ed the same loving. tender care that I
was bestowed upon hl1\ own little
ones. It was not long before h9 lenrn-
cd of other children who had been
left to the cold morcles of n selfish
world. Moved with compass'lon , he
took these , I1lso , to Ills already overcrowded -
crowded home. Then came the test :
money was need d. Ho had a few
thousand dollars which he had saved
up for a rl1lny day He lIttle kne\v
what the Master had In store for
him : but ho WI1S obedient and when
the news came that other little ones
had been 10ft alone , fatherless and
motherless , with no one to care for
thorn , and the command came to take
these also. to the ordinary man , with
his house filled to overflowing and a
largo congregation lool\lng to him to
bo fed spiritually. It would have
seemed lIke an Impossibility : not. so ,
however. with this man : It was
enough for him to know that his Mas.
ter , apprOved of It and bid hln to do
It. As he stepped out upon His
promises and oboyo < l the command to
go forward , the way opened before
him , nnd when he had exhnusted hi ! ! .
own coml.1ctency , never dou tlns but
that a way would bo open'ed to supply
their needs. He who ow s the cattle
upon ,8. thousand hms move ! ! upon
the hearts of H1S faithful subjects to
send ot their I'mbstanco ' that ihese
little homeless ones might bo cared
for. Larger quarters became necessary -
sary , and they were secured. Other
children were left homeless , and
found under his roof not only ElleIter
from the storm. but a loving , tender
father. as all at tne H9me delight to
call him. and. more than this 1n hi : :
oalnted wlto. now deceased who presided -
sided over the household alTalrs anti ,
was contlnuany looking attcr their
wclfaro _
From small beginning , twenty-ono
years ago. the ChrlstKm Home has
grown until now a"out two hundred
and ftcen children are cared for
there. and two thousand hlivo been
placed In good Chrlstll1u families.
The real cetnte consists of I1bout
twenty-five cottac.s ! ; and other build-
In s. all owned by an organlza lon
which has been formed through the et-
fortsof Mr. Lemen with a view of
making It D. permanent organization.
Mr. and Mrs. Lemen have been
blessed with four lovely chlldren-
three sonB and one daughter. All of
thom tale great delight In the worlt
of the Home. and on them , no doubt ,
the mantle of tholr father and moth.
er will fall. The oldest son Is glv.
Ing his entire lite to this work also.
The ocrupulous neatness and order
thnt pervades the entire Institution.
the loving salutation of "Hello.
pap ! " that rings out from every
quarter as he passen about the
, ; rounds , and the remarkabl executive -
tive ability he dlsplayo In all the
management of the alTalrs of the
Home. are sumclent to Impress every
visitor that It Is no ordinary man
who has been called to this great and
noble work. Children are taken here
from any part of the globe , and l1ave
the best possible care and training.
You , my readers. wherever 'ou ma '
be , may have a part In this grand
work. It Is a labor of love In behalt
of all homeless , sutterlng children
everywhere. The children are frequently -
quently adopted by Christian people ,
but arc never allowed to go from the .
Homo oxceptlng Into Christian families -
lies who are 11roperly vouched for.
The Ohrlstlan Home Is non.sectarlan.
but Is heartily Indorse4 ntll supported -
ed by all 1enomlnationB. It takes child.
ren from every ntate and It Is not a
local alTalr. but belongs to the world.
We have given this brief description -
tion of the Christian Home with the
hope thl1t 1111 who read It will become
IBterosted In Its woltare. I It you ha'o
money which the MaBter desires YOII
to use for such purp os , send It to
this Home. There Is no Institution ,
that Is moro worth , . of 'our gift than
this.They publish a valuable paper called -
ed the Word and the Way : subscription - ,
tion price , on y twenty-nvo cents per I
year. Wo assure you that It you will
subscrlbo for It , : rou will got more I I
than 'our money's worth , and , ve I
hope you will forward at once twel\t . - I
five cents or $1 for ) 'ourselt and three
frlendB. Volumes might bo w1ltten ;
about this Institution did space per-
For further Information and proper
description of the worl ( . addresB
Christian Home. Council BlulTs , In. .
A Friend of Homeless Children.
Selt.made men and eggs are too full
of themselves to hold anything else.
, ]
It a man bad his coat made to but- I
tan In the back , woman would never 1
Oldest Doll In United States.
The oldest bell In the United Statl"
Is on exhibition In the Now Mulco
bulhl1ng oC the World's fair. 'fho 11,11
was brought from Spain on ono of the
. .rst expeditions to Moxlco by } rathu& '
Juan de 1lndl11a , OllO of the Frnnclscon
fnthers who aCCOmlJRnled Coronl\do to
Now Mexico. It was hung In ono of
the mission churches established in
ono of the seven cltlc ! ) of ClboUI\ "
J."rom there Is WIUJ talcn to Oran
Qulvem. where It was hung In n
church of whIch the ruins nro still
vlslblo. From Gmn Qulvern It was
taken to Algodones , where It has hung
In the IJRrsh ! church ever IIlnco. Fath.
er l'ndll1a WIUJ llillod b ' his gullIes
whllo on the way from Gran Qulvern.
to Algodoncs. ' 1'ho beU weighs exact.
Iy 198 pounds. It was bnpth cll Ma.
ria Josepfn , It was cast In the year
A. D. 1355 , Iccordlng to the Inscription
which Is cnst In the bell. ' 1'ho "F" In
the word "Jo efa" Is Inverted , and
the letters "S" and "E" nro transposed ,
the mlstal\O eVld ntly havtng been
made In the mold.
The reconstruction ot West Point Is
an undertaldng of'lntm'est to the whole
country : and the result of the changes
under wa ' will bo n maaer or national -
al pride. for It is promised that the
no , , ' West Point In magnificence of
scale , tttanic hlmlJresSI\'eness and fascinating -
cinating picturesqueness " " 11I SUTllas !
nnythlng that crowns the crags of the
llhlne. The Iatlln article of the JuI-
Century will bo an authorltntlve description -
scription or "Tho Now West Point , "
the fil'st so far publlshetl on the sl1b-
joct , with drawing ! : ! fl'om the archi-
tects' IJlans , 'fhe text , Is from the pen
of S 'lvester Daxtor , and the drawings ,
the frontispiece In color , have been
made by Otto Dacher , Harry Penn ,
Dertram Goodhue , Birch Long , Jules
Guerin and Dawson-Watson.
How About the Bait ?
One of JOBelJh JetCerson's } lcl abom-
Inntlons Is a bachelor. The venel'a-
blo actor believes In early marrnlges
and recenHy ndvlsed a group of Yale
junIors to marry as soon as over ther
could afford It. "Dachelors-wb ' , I ,
have the utmost contempt for the !
whole breed of them , " he said. "The
older they grow the moro conceited I
they grow. 1 toolt one down a peg ,
though , the other day. He was tall-
Ing about this woman he I1nd Imown
anti tuat woman he hnll lenown , amI
those woman. , It seemed , hnd married.
' \Vhy you , ' I said , 'aro In danger of
getting left. Why don't you. too , get
married before It Is too late ? ' 'Ob , '
said the Imchelor , with a chucldel.
'thero are 8t111 plenty of good fish
In the sea. ' 'But the baIt , ' said I ,
'Isn't there danger of the bait becomIng -
Ing stale ? ' " .
Spencer In Russia.
Tolstol In aclenowledglng the receipt -
ceipt of a copy of Herbert Spencer's
autobiography confessed that ho did
not lIlto the English philosopher because -
cause he had lIttle heart. Dut thl1t
Spencer Is a great favorlto In Russia
modern Russian literature bears am-
pIe. witness. That very nrldlty of
which Tolstol complained appeals peculiarly -
culiarly to the feverish , materialistic
Idealism out of which nlhl lsm springs.
Probably no slnglo phllosophor hils
exerted a wider Infiuenco on Roosla ,
which has not as yet produced much
In tbo way of philosophy thl1t Is orlgl. !
Soldier Defended His Curls.
Should Mr. Hltt be elected vice presIdent -
Ident he will be 71 when he taltes the
oath of office anti In his 72d year , he
"havlng been born January Hi. 1834 , He
will be the oldeBt man ever elected to
the vice presidency. Elbrldge Gerry
was 69 when ho became vice Ilresi.
dent. and Is still the oldest man on the
list or these who have held that office.
Clinton. King. Wilson. fiend ricks nnd
Morton had all passed the slxtl th
milestone on life's highway. The
youngest vice preBldent was John C.
Drecldnrldgo. who wp.s 86 when he
was Inaugurated.
Fr < l k Leslie's Monthly for June.
"Then Men Who Malto Presidents"
Is the title of a timely article In /S.
lie's 1\lonthly for June on polltlcn , )
conventions past and present. The
small Imrt the people talw In the nomination -
nation and selection of Presidential
candidates Is 8trlldn ly shown , nnd
makes Interesting reading.
"The Mighty Men of Russia" Is an.
other suggestive article on the mon
who rea.lIy control affairs In Russia to-
day-selt.made men. many of them , I
who have had remarltahlo careers , I
Th te : , Is an Int r.estlng skotcll or , :
Wl11lam Nelson Cromwell , and a clear.
vivid account of the "Fight of Joseph
W. Folk for Honesty In : MIssouri. "
Everybody's Maaazlne , June , 1904.
Should the readers ot a ma.gazlne
have the opportunity to dlsDent tram
or comment on the nrtlcles the pub.
licatlon presents ? Hitherto , there
has been no method of replying to
edltorln.l opInions set forth In our
monthlies. but Everybody's , with Its
usual orlglna1lt . , IJroposes that &ny-
ono who does not agree with Its con.
trlbutors' views shall have the oppor.
tuntty td set them right or approve. I
as seems proper. In the new depart- .
ment , "Straight 'fall < , " In tbo June 18'
sue of 011s magazine , a number of
readers have taken advantage of this
opportunIty to crltlclse Dr. Hillis' con'
celJtlon of a consolidated church : most
of the writers fl'llnldy disagree with
his views.
Ambition Is n plpo dream preced d
by a horrlblo nightmare and followed
by a rude awakening when the pipe
goes out.
I AnI' : yo un CrOT" ! : " FAD'EDT .
Use Red CrollS Dall BlllO nnd make tbem
I " hUe in. Largo 2 OL package. 6 cents. I ,
- - - - - -
r ,
. .
Hypnotism Can Stop Heart.
AccorQlng to reoenl Investlgatl na
It alJpeara probnblo that hypnotlmi ,
can stop the action of 1porson's
hMrt , and thull cause ttol1th. A. Jour.
not , a I'"rcncJlmnn ' , reports thnt ho hns
Inere sed amI diminished the number
of 1111180 bel1ts at will , an\1 ns far I1S
ho could venture with 'Bafety. ' It 18
' 1:111 to bo also prm'ell tlll\t clrcula-
lion Is curiously ntCected , even it It
Is not qulto certain that the heart
C1\n be sllonced.
'Vllen n man Is Rshl1mcd of his re-
flglon he 18 generally justified in the
Inclat' on Getting It.
Sone frocers bay tht > y don't 1eep
Defiance Stnrch 1J cauBe they have "
stock In hand of 1oz. : \ . brantlwhlc /
the ) ' lmo\V cl\nnot bc 80111 to IL customer -
mer who haR onoe URN1 the 16 oz.
pka : . Defiance Starch tor Barno money.
FindinG' flaws In the s on Is cas-
ler than following It. any dn ) ' .
Those Who Have TrIed It
wl1l U80 no other. Definnce Cold 'VA.
ter Starch has no qunl In Qunntlty
Dr Quallt-16 OZ , for 10 cents. Other
branl1s contnln only 12 oz.
Almost ttmlf million acrell ot th fertile I\nll
wctl-watcrotllands or the ltl1SCblltl. Indian ncs-
atlon , In South 1 > akotn , will bo thrown opell
to setllemont b ) ' the Goyernmcllt III Jill ) ' . These
Innls are best reached by the Chlel\go & NorthWestern -
Western llallfmy's , direct throll h IIl1e ! ! from
Chicago to Donesteel. 8. D. All ngents sell
tlckota Tla this lIne Hpcclallow rnles.
Fen : < 1 ror copyor llRmphl t gl\'hlI ; tulliurorma.
lion :1.3 ; : ) dates or ( lJ1 lIlng and holto hlCnre ltiO
acres or laml \lomlnlll cost , with tull descrlJl'
tlon or the soli , cllml\tl' , tlmbor IIlIti m111cr/ll
resources , towns , schoob 1\\111 churchollllor. !
tunlllcs ror business ollcnlngs , rnllway rates ,
etc. , rree 0\1 I\Plll1cl\tlon.
l'assenIcr 'l'ml\lc Manager ,
JODDEn. OJ ! '
PUiJPS ! , WINDMillS and
THE DklSV FLY KILLER d..troyullthonleunc
Ilomt-lo , 'leePlnlf ' : r r : : , : ' . :
, , ' , . ! " : : t..r : ' : ' : ;
! anet . . .lIIlIot aoll
\f. 01
v : . .
- InJllr. ,
. ' " - ' .IIytblnlC
\ Try thcm olle. . . . .1
YOIl will h.
wlthollt th'IIIHNnl
t l' rJlf eul
1I' . nI.llIolIIlEn8 ,
UD IKIII > . . . . . . ,
J1kJl. , . t ,
SMOgfERS. f [ f )
5'Clt1lf beller Quality then most 10t Cltars
Your Jobber or direct from l'acterT. I'oorla. 11'
Onr KOOdl the but. I'rlcel the lowolt. I'romptahlp.
mlall. DellYCIry ot all portralU iuuanlocd. Bend
tor " 'talolue and agenU price lIto Addre. .
.AD.A1it 1. nOLL I : CO" n.w ra Dldr. . CblollCo.
W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 26-1904
; ,
. . ,
.1.\ \
, '
. .
It i5 the purest. clenn t starch made.
It is free of iniurioOJ chemicals.
It can be d where ordinarily you , would be arraid -
to t t starch of any kind.
_ That's Defiance. Your .grocer sells it.
. . . , " ,
. " I } . , ,
. .
- _ .
Lydia E.Pinkharn"s
Vegetable Compound
A Woman's RornB Y , ,
For Woman's Ills.
FREE to WOMEf\1 \
LarKc Trial Box and book Of tn. .
Btructlon8 ab50lutely Prco and P05t. .
paid , enough to provo the value 01
P xtin Toilet ( \ntiseptrc
Pnltln. . . In d"
form Co , tlaolva In
water - non-pol.onous , .
and fanuperlor Cq Ilqiit. !
antlseptlcil ( onCololn1l
alcohnl 'which Irrllatca
lotl mcd aurtocca , anlt
have no deanalna rrop-
crtlel. The conConC.
01 IIvcry box maku
mora AntilepClc 501 , , "
tlonr..C. ! . Jonacr-
Ion further-ha. more
" e. In the lomlly an. .
entbcptlc pnp ralloQ .
) 'ou can tiuy.
The rormula or a noted noston physician ,
: md used with great suct &JU n V"gl al .
Wilsh , ror Lcucorrh a , PdvlcC.tarrh , Nasal
Ciltarrh , Sore Throat , Sore EyNo C b ,
nnd nil soreness or mucw mcmbrilne.
In local trontm nt ot lomn1o 111s Pl\xtlnb Is
Invnuable. ] U el as no VR/tlual / 'V Sh'O
challenge the worlll to proclllco Ita aqunl ror
thorou hnes8. ItIAaro\'olatioilln , Q.I I\PslnJ : '
Alld hCl\lIn )1owor ) : it klllll nlllJcrmll wh c" : ;
cause InllRnJl1IRtion I\nll dl chnr OI" !
Alllealllllltllrugilstl keep I' xtlno ; } ldoo f.Oo.
.box ; If ) 'ul1r8I1u05110t.801l1\ to18 tor H. don"-
tak n 8uli tltuto- there 1IIIotlling IIkoPIU llIo.
'Vrlt torthn Free 1101 : or l' 1 tlna to-da , . .
PAXTON CO" 5. Pope Dldll..l1oltoD. Kas.
. . ,
I .
"POLLOW TIt. , LAG. " > .
. ,
IInlfJnle < < 'I1t-eke',1 toVor1cl' .
. 'olr Irounc1a.
tOIIUVl'1'lI nllowr.d. All Agentg cun
rllute yuu via the \V , BASl1 ] ror benu.
i tltlll Worltl'K Fair raIder 111111 all Intor-
. mnllon nI111r"14 11nHY W. MOOHES.
Gen. At" Pails. Dept. , Omahn. Neb
11 : ; ! 'MA CnINER.Y.
l'OltTUH.E anet drill any dcpt : : ,
by 11."i or bOrfO power.
4 : " UU'I'IUENT 8T LES.
We ch"lI.nlfe competition.
II. . . for rro. IU..I'II.d l'.III.I" II. . ' "
, InJ.Iy'd'T.A'Nl ' 1.nn.rcO. :
, ( Jbeatflut Ht. . w..r.1&t.'lu1l' ' . . .
Lawn Fe'n"ce .
Iroll or win' mnnJ 8\yle. . . . -
rorrtlIltlllICr , o\\urclJ.IlOhoOI.
" " 11I111"171l1l1l1r1)On(1 ; bolt
f"lIce ; rllrm ! r011l8. Selld 10r
II '
cilialolrue. , \
Chur.r'on ' Iran ilrlLWfr l Workt
OMAIIA , NEtt , . '
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention Thlo Paper. " ,
CURES catarrb of the litomucb. "