Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 23, 1904, Image 6

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: Drief Telegrams
Moro than thlrty.ono th01lsanll five
hundred Joraolls ) pal for al1mIsslolI to
Phaltcslearo's ) hlrthjllace last. year.
WillIam D. J\lrKlnl'Cy \ of Champaln ,
wnf ! lIomlnated for congrces by the
" ( ' 11II1IIIcl111 convrntlon or the NIII"
tCl'nth : IllInoIs dIstrIct.
O'noral Shermnn Bell claims to
] mY'Idellco which will hnng from' '
thirty to forty men for recent dyna.
mlto olltrages In Colorado.
.JOwph } o'arr of ntcbmonl1. : 'IIo. , , .hot
and ldlle(1 ( hIs son-In-law. Chnrlrs noy- I
hili'll. with a shotgun nenr Reyhllrn's '
hOIlI\ ( ' . and then surrendered to the
"We were all trl'atel1 1IIw dogs nnd
\\1'1'0 glatJ to get away , " was the 1'0'
Inllrk of the SOllth Afl'lcall conRtahll-
lnry who recently returned to ItaIHax ,
Nova Scotia.
Tlw state charter board of Kallsne
r < : , fllsed to grant a IIcenso to do busl-
. .
ncss In KansM to the Kansas Natural
Gas compan ' , a corporation organlell : :
under the laws of Delaware.
The Islalld of Nordstrand , the only
portion of once fortllo North FrIes.
Il\lId , which Is as yet unreclalmed , Is
now TO bo sa'e(1 ( from the sea h ) ' th"
construction of a lare , < 1 'I\O. .
The secretary of the InterIor has
wltlllrn.wn ( l1iOOO ( acres of lanll from
r.eUlement In the Dllffalo alld Lander
dIstricts III W 'omlng' Oil account uf .
the Shoshone Irrigation project. I
The joint army and ua"r board has i
postponed until next ( all the consIderation -
ation of the question of control or
wIreless telegraph systems operating
on the coas1.:1 : or the Unlte < 1 States.
SlIperlntendent 1\lelvllle , the head of
Scotlan < 1 Yard , has retired after a ser.
vIce of over thlrtr.ono ; years. On the
occasIon recently he waR presented
with an address and a checle for over
$ ] 0,000.
A contract was let at St. Paul ,
! \lInn" to a 'l'acoma , WMh. , firm for
the erectIon at Tacoma or a $ iCiOOO
hospital buildIng ( or' the Northern Pa.
clnc railroad emplo 'es' beneficIal as. ,
soclatlon. I
Dr. Eugenio. Metzer of Kansna CIty' '
haB just rfcelved ( an appoIntment to
the woman's table ( or research worle
at the zoologIcal station at Naples null
will sail ( rom New York cIty the last
tlf thIs month.
The Court or PardonR , at Trenton ,
N. J. , refllsed to commute to life 1m.
IJrhlOnment the sentence of Anna Val.\ \
ontlnc , who Ie to be hanged In Dergen
county on Jllno 15 for stab1.Jlng R"sn.
Galza , at I.odla. - -
Samnol M. Durbank of Arizona , a
:1ry : goods merchant , attempted lelll
hImself hy cllttlng' hlA throat In i\
law omce In Now Yorle city. Ho Is
now a prIsoner In a. hospItal , charged
with attempted Bulclde.
On a tombstone at the head of a
rravo : In ono of the dog cemeterIes
In Paris Is thIs Insrrlptlon to the mem :
ory of lI : bravo St. Bernard : "Ho saved
the lives of forty persons and was
Ie III ell by the' fort.fir8t. "
Loclwd In each others embrace ,
the doail bodies of Hlreo ) 'Ollllg men
were taleon from t11e dam at Mlltual
No. 4 plant of the H. C. Frlcle Coleo
company , tount Plea.sant townshIp ,
near Greensbul'l , Pa _ 'rwo went In
bathIng , anll berond : tholr delth ) , not
helng a.ble to swIm. The thIrd a.t.
tempted rescue.
The "potato , Idng" of AmerIca IB
JunIus C. Grove , a negro , who has
farms In the best lJection of I\ansas : ,
and whoso credIt Is good for $100,000
ut the hunlell : any day. Doolcer T.
WashlllGton tells the Interesting storr
of the success of thIs man and hIs
wIfe , for the ' began the trIumphal
march together without a dollar.
The execlltlve board of the Wor1l1'8
fair has announcell the otllclal figures
for Ma ' as follows : Paid admIssIons ,
542,028 : admIssions b ) ' puss , not
counting worlemen's passes , .IG9,3G3 ,
maldn ! ; a totul of 1,001,391 persons attendIng -
tendIng the OXllusltlon In May. The
number of worlemen admitted has not
been gIven out ! lnd cannot bo learned.
AssIstant Controller 1\1ltchell , In a
decIsIon reversIng the audItor of the
War department , holds that the 1'0'
moval to theIr homes of the remaIns .
ot omcers unll soldlors who ma ' Ille
In military camps or at other plnces
while on duty , Is to be done at go , ' .
ernment expense , the same as If death
should occur In
the Philippines or
Alaslcn. .
' 1'he death recentl ) ' oC Joromc
Sha'oheal1 , a mom bel' of the Slou
trIbe or IndIans of
North Dalcota. rc
moved a valuable frlond of the g'0\ ' "
ernment and an example IIf the hesi
sort or educated Indhm. The son III
a trIbal policeman , who hud In hI !
day assIsted In the capture of Slttln {
Dull. Jerome was educated at Humll
ton , Va.
The State 11epartment has opp1lel
to the MexIcan government for the ex
tradition of Samuel V. l ull'rson , will
Is wanted In El Paso. Tex. , on I
charge of emhezzlement o ( publll
money while acting In the caJluclt :
of assIstant to the calk.ctor or CtlS
toms at that place.
John L. l\fcAteo , assoclato jllstlC' '
ot Oklahoma , ( rom 189. ' to 1902 , dlel
In Chlcngo ,
Chlneso report that battle wa
fought on June 0 withIn Boven mile
at the Inner Cortlficatlona ot Port AI
. , .
Japanese Capture Prisoners nnd Tnke
FOlH"teen Guns-Russhtns Chnrged
with H.wl rig Displo1yed Japanese
Flag to Deceive TheIr Adversaries.
TOKIO-TllO RussIan hope or ro-
1I0vlng the ) lr < : ' ! : ! lJure 011 Purt Arthur
by thrcLtC'nlng the rear uf Genera.l
O1e 11 , the cUllllnando1' of the Japllleso
forcNI Invl'sllng the HURslall strong.
hold , came to un enll at Tcllssu , a.
poInt on the ro.llroad fifty mlle north
of Kin Chen alltl twenty.fivo miles
north of Vllfangow , when the nus.
slnnll were outmaneuvered , enveloJled
and swceplngly dofeatel. ( They left
over 100 dead on the field nnd the Jnp-
aneso caIlturoli : JOO prIsoners and
'fourteen quicle.fil'lng fiell1 guns. The
Itusslans retreated hastily to the
The .Japaneso charge that the RussIans -
sIans vloluted thu JaIlUneso fiag. Cer.
tnin officers nver thnt during the
fighting a body of RussIan soldIers
nllpeare(1 ( carrying a Japanese flug
and that the Japanese artlllory , do-
celved h ' thIs tlng , ceased firIng upon
that pllrtlcular bUlly of Russluns. om-
clal dispatches from the Japanese
commanders made specific charges or
thlll tla ! ; vIolation.
Early estltnates of the JaIlancso loss
say that GOO men were lellled or
wounded. The .Japnneso attacle1ng
force was divIded into rIght o.nd 10ft
columns anti brgan the advance on
Tueadar along Loth sllles ot the rail-
roa(1. 'fhey encountered the Rus-
slalls east or Vafandlen and druve
them bacl < . At a late hOllr In the af.
tcrnoon the RussIan ! ! held a. line be-
tweon Lung Wang 'rlso and Tafang
Shen. The .Japanese artlller ' openo < 1
on thIs line aud' the RussIans respond.
The she11lng continued for two
hours and It was folluwed by the ad-
. . .anco of the Japanese line to a posl.
tlon extcndln ! ; from Lung Chla Tung
to Yuhotun. Darlmells Jlut an cnd to
the fighting , The Japanese dIspatched -
ed a column to the westward "towo.rd
l ucho.u for the purpose or coverIng
the Husslnn rIght wlllg and to protect.
tholr left and rear.
DurIng the nIght It becume apparent -
ent that the RussIans were holng re.
Inforcell and It was decIded to malee
a general a.ttacle In the mornIng and
force the RussIans Into a defile bacle
of Tellssu. When murnln ! ; came It
was dIscovered that the RussIans held
a lIne extendIng from Ta Fan ! ; Shen
to Chen ! ; Tsu Shan wIth a. force esH-
mated l\t over two dIvIsIons.
The Japanese commander males
DO estimate of the Husslan losses. but
says they probably were great. Among
the RussIans captured b ' the Japnuese
Is the colonel of the' Fourth roglment
of rlfies.
'rhe Jal111neso planned to envelop
the RussIans near Tellssu and they
succeeded admIrably. While the maIn
Japanese force was movln ! ; north
along the rn1lroad columns were
sWIm ! ; 10 the left and to the right
and Ilnally converged o.t noon on the
main Husslan posItion. The RussIans
In thIs 11051t1on were at a Illsadvan-
tage , but the ' held It. wIth determlna.
tlon until 3 o'clock In the afternoon.
At thIs hour they were routed. The
Japanese cavalry continued to pursue
the enemy and probably In11lctod can-
slderablo ) lIInlshmellt.
Teller County Sets Aside Fund for In.
CHIPPLE CREEK , Colo.-Deter.
mined to brIng to justice , If llOsslble ,
every person 11111111cated III the 1l1Ile-
pondenco drnamlte oxploslon , the
county commlsslonCl's have approprl.
ated $10,000 for the sor"lce3 of n spe.
clal prosecutOl' and to furnIsh other
asslstanco nccessarr. Samllol D.
CrU1ll11 , attorney for the 1\1lno Own.
ers' assoclatloll , has been enguged us
Blwclnl llrosocutor.
' 1'ho situation In the distrIct In quiet.
Deportations are now being made on
the reglllar tmln3 , and of these pCI' .
sons It Is requlrod enl ' to get out of
'fe.ler count : , .
Lost at St. Louis Fair.
ST. LOUIS , MO.-Two mysterIous
11Isappearances have been r01l0rte(1 at
the 10WII , buildIng at the World's faIr.
The pollco have been noNfied and are
nuw searchIng for thG ml lng per.
Rons. Buth are Uten. One Is Dr.
Flsh01' of Yulo. ta. , who has not been
so n slnt' ( ) Tuesday mornln ! ; . His
wIfe Is dlst.1'II.ctell. The other ellsap.
pearanco Is that of Calltaln Rnntlolpll
9r ' . lIe Is 7G ) 'el1rs of ago and dls ,
appcaredVednesda ) ' afternoon from
the Palace of AgrIculture.
Bids on Bonds.
J.INCOIJN , Nob.-The state boaI'll 01
educational lam's ' and funds will all
; , 'ertlse for $100.000 of state bonds tc
; he pllrchnscd for the Investment 01
. the 11ermanent school funds.
I Fast P : lssenger Held Up ,
BUTTE , 1\IonL-1'ho North COo.s
; LImited. the finest traIn on tlu
: \ Northern Pacillc , WaS held till enl
ml10 east of BIJar Mouth , the scene 0
. last 'ear's boltlul1 of the same tro.ln
when gnglneer O'Neill was 1l1Ied
'rhree exploBlons of d 'namllo on thl
express Clll' completely demollshol
a the car , as tar as I'ellorts are ohtuln
iI' nhle.ho engIneer was le1l1ed In th ,
fig \t wllh the rohbers. The rea
hraleemnn was SOllt hacle to nct'
, . 1\1ollth , conveyh1 ! ; word of the hol.lul
spcclal was s nt out ( rom Mlslul
Denies the Statement lasued by the
Miners' Fcderatlon , I
D l'JYEH , Culo.-"I thlnl : the war Is , .
nearly ever , " saId Governor Peabody.
tonday. "I have news from General
Hell that the CrIJIJlle Creele mines
open and runnIng today and there Is
comllllratlvely IIttio dlsr.ffertlon
among the men. 'rllCre Is no news ot
further trouble or any lIItCllhood of
of any.
"I don't lenow how many more men
will bo deport d or whether any will
boo 1 l.1avo bearll nothln ! ; on thIs
"I learn Crom Calltnln Bullccley
Wells oC Tellurldo that the unIon men
there concede that theIr cause Is lost
and those of them , vho are accopt.ablo
to the mlno owners are at worl { agaIn.
Ono hundred and fifty caI1Ilbie men ,
whether unIon or non.unlun , hl\vo been
InvIted to go to worle anll the Invlta.
tlon will be speedily IIccellted.
"In SlIverton and OIlI'l\Y Ileaco
reIgns. The troollfJ all been or.
dered from Las AnImas county and
only 1\1ajor Hili remaIns to 10ule after
the cl9slng UII or the details of the
campaIgn. "
Governor Peabody sent the follow.
Ing reply to a message he receIved
from the IndlllJtrlal cOllncll of Kansas
City , condemnlng\ actlun :
"Tho fllct thut ) 'our council In.
< 1orses the assassins , train wreclelng
and dynnmltln ! ; by the lawless element -
ment In the Cripple Creek < 1lstrlct but
proves the necessIty for my present
action In suppresslu ! ; all sl1ch from
the soil of Colol'lldo. Decomo wIse be-
Core you attempt to teach , "
Stated at Washington that He Will Be
Succeeded by Secretary Moody.
WASHINGTON-Although the attorney -
tornoy general refuses olther to deny
01' tu amrm the statoment. It Is learned -
ed from a hIgh source that It Is his Intention -
tention to retire trom the cabInet
withIn the next few days , or as soon
as hIs allpolntment as Unltod States
senator from the state of pennsylva.
nla shall bo receIved from Governor
Pennypaclwr. He will be succeeded
by 1\11' . MoodY , the present secretary
of the navy. It Is saId that a.fter a
conference with the presIdent Attorney -
ney General Knox concluded that hIs
action In retirIng at once from the
Department of Justice would be In ac.
cordanco wIth the splrlf"of the constitution -
tution , whIch provIdes tha.t each stAte
shall ha.vo two senators and empowers
the ! ; 'overnor to allpolnt In case of va.
To Deliver PrIncIpal Address at Anti.
Parker Mee.etlng.
NEW YORK-W , J. Dryan , it Is an-
nOllnced , will be the princIpal speaker
at the convention of New York democrats -
crats opposIng the nomInation of
Judge Po.rlwr and wblch will be held
In Cooper Union June 20. Frederlcl {
. W. HInrIchs of Brooltlyn , who was
the fusion canclldate for comptroller In
the last munIcipal campaIgn , and who
In 1896 was the candldnte for lieutenant -
ant governor on the Palmer and Buck-
ner tlcleet , also will slleale. Tbe con.
ventlon was orIgInally caHed to meet
Juno 18 , but the date was changed to
June 20 In order that Mr. Dryan mIght
be able to attend ,
To Extend Roat : to Pacific.
MEXICO CJTY.-If the plans ot the
ChIhuahua & PacIfic railroad are not
Imlosslble ) ot completion by reason of
the rug'edness ! of the country from
the SIerra. l\Ia.drc to the PaCIfic coast
the road will bo extended to the west
coast In the dIrection from
Guorrero , ChIhuahua. and crossIng the dIvIde at Temosachlc. ThIs
statement Is authorIzed by WillIam K.
Kyan , of the Now York firm of Ryan
& Dudley , who are buildIng the extent
slon . : orn 1\lInaca to TemosachlC.
Pay of Officers on the 1t 1mUs.
WASHINGTON-Secretar ' Taft on
Monday decided thut army omcers
sorvlng on the Isthmus of Panama In
the construction worl , ot the canal
shall recelvo 50 per cent addItional
from the canal commlslon ! ; ! over the
pay t o1 are entitled to under the
law. In Irany cases thIs Is not satls.
factory to the omcera , and It has been
sugg'ested ' tllllt men ser\'lng In Independent -
pendent posItion , should recolvo such
compensation an wOllld he palll cIvil.
lans doIng the same character of worle.
Bridge Arbitrary at ISGue.
CHICAGO-Merchants from Omaha
und Counell Dlurrs conterred In Chi.
cage with executive omcers of the
Chlcago.Councll Dluffs roads concern.
Ing freIght rates from those points to
places In Iowa. The question at Is ,
sue Is the brldgo arbItrary , which the
Dlurrs men InsIst. shaH be enCorced to
I Iowa poInts. The omelals told them
to 'filo written statements wIthIn ten
I days.
t Reserves Are Cnlled Out.
ST. pETERSDURG-Tho calling oul
of the reRorvell In several dlstrlctf
was annollnced toda ) ' . It toroRhad' '
ows the dIspatch of COliI' Volga corps
. whIch wus predIcted In these dls
patches n month ago. The lattol
would glvo General Kuromt1 ) < 1n 200 ,
000 more men ,
Japanese Sink More MInes.
LONDON-A dIspatch to the Cen
tral News from Toldo sa's that while
fiotll1as of torpedo boat. destroyers anI
torpedo boats were supporting thl
military bombardment of the forts a
Slaoplng Tao ( on the Kwnn Tung pen
Insllla , between Port Arthur and POl'
Daln ) ' ) , Tuesday morning , the Rlls
i. sIan llrotected cruIser Novl1 , and tOI
I ) torpedo boat destroyers mndo a sortll
I' from Port Arthur. The Jallllnosl
I' arshlps rotlredltIBuccossCully en
I'I I deavorlllg to lure the RussIans Inte
L. the open son ,
' . , .
Loaded with Women and Children on
a Sunday School Outing-Disaster
Occurs on the Ead River at New
York City. .
NEW YOHK--One of the most ap.
I pa\lln \ dlsallters In the hIstory of
New York tra'lc ! In Its IntensIty. llra.
ltIutfc In Its episodes , and deeply pa.
thetlc In the tendoI' ago at most of
Its vIctims , toole place today In the
East rIver , wIthIn a short dIstance of
the New Yorle shore and wIthIn sight
of thousands of persons , the ma.jority
of whom were powerless to minimize
the extent of the catastrophe.
By the burnIng to the water's edge
of the General Slocum , a three1eclcod
excursIon steamer , the largest In
these waters , more than 600 persons ,
the majorIty of whom were women I
and children , were burned to < 1eath
ur drowned by jump In ! ; overboard or
by beIng 'thrown Into the whIrlpools
by the lurchIng of the vessel a.nd tho'
frantIc rush of the panlc.strlclcen'
IJ1lssengers. '
ApproxImately 483 bodIes ] 1I\.VO
been roco\'ered I1nd nro now beln ! ;
tagged I1t the morgues of llellovuo
hospital and Harlem. DI\'ers were
stili hus ' at 11 late hour taltlng bodIes
Cram the hold of the vessel , which
they sar Is cholcll wIth the remaIns
of human beIngs , whllo the bodIes of
scores who leaped or were thrown
Into the rl\'er had been recovered.
It Is the season of Sunday school
excursIons In New Yorle bay and the !
Lon ! ; Island sound , the latter one of . .
the most plcturesquo bodies of wa.ter
In the countrr.
Great proparatlons had been ma < 1o. .
for the seventeenth annual Sunday i
school excursIon of St. Mark's Gor.
man Lutheran church , the congrega.
tlon at whIch Is drawn from the < 1enso
population of the lower East and
West SIde , and the General Slocum
had been chartered to carry the ex.
cllrsionlsts to Locust Grove , ono of I
the many rcsorts on Long Island
It Is varIously estimated that there
were between 1,600 and 2.000 persons
on the General Slocum when It left
the pIer at ThIrd street , East river ,
.though the Knlckerboclwr SteamshIp
compan ' , whIch owns the Slocum , of.
ficlally states that the . number of
passengers was 8i3 , that beln ! ; only
one.thlrd of the vessel's capacIty. It
Is thought , how\ver , that there were
several hundred children in a.rms , for
whom fares 11.1'0 not usuaHy charged
on these trips.
On board the decles oC the steamer
a.s It passed UII river the scene
was one of merrmI11t1ng. . A mass
of fiags fiuttered In the June breezes ,
the bands wOt'e playln ! ; and the children -
dren were sIngIng' , dancln ! ; and wa. . .
Ing handlwrchlefs and flags In an.
swer to the salutations of those on
shore or from passing steamers.
At the extreme ea.stern cntI ot Ran.
dall's Island , orc" Ono Hundred and
Thlrt.fifth street , there Is a. stretch
of water known as the Sunlwn Mead-
At thIs poInt , just as the crowds
were watchIng the gaily decorated
steamer from the shore , the General
Slocum t ol , fire , an < 1 as the ago ot
the vessel ( It was built In 1891) ) had
resulted In the well seatlonln ! ; ot the
wood , wIth whIch It WI1 tdmost en-
tlroly bul1t , It was soon a mass ot
fiame. The fire Is saId to brok.
en out In a lunchroom on the torward
deck through Ule overturnIng ot a
pot ot g'rease. The wInd was hIgh
and an orrorts to subdue the fire were
were futile.
The Death List Grows.
NEW YORK-WIth unceasln ! ; ef.
fort search Is gaIn ! ; on for the bodIes
. of these who perIshed on the Gen.
eral Slocllm. What the list at vlc.
tlmll w1l1 totul scarce anyone dare
, 'enturo a. guess , but whatever the
number may be there Is hard ! ) ' a par.
o.lIel In the hIstory of 11Isasters where
deaUl came to so many In so brIef a
perIod or time.
Pollco and health department offi.
clals ha.\'o placed the number at 11
Ilgure as hIgh as 1,000 and more , but
It " , 'ould seem that the mo.xlmum fa-
ta.ltty will not Inrgely exceed 700.
Ml day ] ong'r-from sunrlso until
darlmcss , shut. fr even the melan.
choly satisfaction' of watchln ! ; tor the
I deal1 , anxIous searchers kept up theIr
I vlg'llanco and at dusk there had been
i recovered 36 bed log , tor the greater
I part women and children.
r.uuians Suffer Reverse.
LONDON.-Tho Shnn'bal ! eorre-
I Sll011l10nt of the Mornln ! ; Post telo-
gra)1hs ) , under date oC Juno 8 : "Gen.
eral Stakelbllrg's RussIan brl'ado ! ,
: marchIng In the dIrection of Port AI' .
tlmr , surrerml a reverse on Saturday
_ near Wafangtlen and retired to Tashl'
chIao. "
Parker Leads In itils6tliSTppt.
JACKSON , 1\lIss.-Tho domocratlo
IItato convention to name delegates to
the nntlonal convention at St. LOllIs
meets hero ednesday. There are 2G8
votes In the state convontlon and the
, Indlc-atlons tonIght are that Parlwr
will como to the convontlon wIth a
majorltr of the vote InstructCtl for
hIm. Ono IIl1ndroll and\'o Is
majorIty , amI ho lIas 127 Instrllcted
votes with halt a dozen moro coun'
, . ties ) 'Gt to act , John Sharp WlIIlams
) will IIIwly bo the 11ermanent chair.
man of the convention.
J -
, ,
. . . ,
. '
" , ' ,
. , " '
. - . ) .
. . ,
O'Neil Land Office Hns Many Appll.
C:1nts : for Big Homesteads.
O'NEILI.r-Inqulry at the local land
office brIngs out the fact that from
twenty to thIrty strnngers are vIsIting
this pll1co dally In search uC home-
steads. Many persons are filln ! ; on
160 acres under the ImpressIon that I
when the Klnlmld bill talws effect on I
Juno 28 , that they call then talce
three more qllarters and some under
the ImpressIon that such a filln ! ; now
will give the Rppllcants a preference
rIght to a < 1jolnlng land. It Is certaIn
that such a filIng made now will not
give any preference rIght to adjoIn.
In ! ; lan < 1 , but It. Is believed by some I
well Informed persons hero that such
an applicant may on , June 28 malco I
application to nmend hIs orlglnl11 en.
try an < 1 that If such an application Is
made before another filing Is made 011
the Innd deslrell In the amended application -
plication , an < 1 there would bo II. possibility -
bility of the entry as amended beIng
allowed to stund. JUdge 1lnln1d Is
talt1ng an Ilctlve Interest In loulelng
after the rIghts of the settlers In hIs
district. and hopes to have such a construction -
struction Pllt upon the Io.w. The
jUdge receivetl word from WashIngton
that the fillng-feo on 640 acres will be
$14 , the same amount as heretofore
charged for 160 acres. There is yet
nn open quostlon regardIng the rIghts
of those who have homesteads and
have not. made proof , where there Is
no . . .nca.nt land adjolnhl ! ; being able
to tale three quarters not adjolnhl ! ;
but the jud'e ! Is malt1n ! ; an effort to
! ; 'et a liberal construction whIch will
110rmlt such filIngs. Such 0. provIsIon
was In the judge's orIgInal bill In plain
words and It Is believed that the b1l1
as passed will be construed to permit
taldn ! ; lan < 1 in thIs manner. The last
congress also passed a bill allowing
persons 'who have talcon homesteads
and have abandoned or reJlnqulshed
their former entries to take another
Hundreds of Prospcctlve Homestead.
ers Camping Out.
NORFOLK-WIthin the last ten
days the town of Bonesteel , the tel"
mlna.l ot the Northwestern bra.nch
whIch runs out or Norfoll" has practically -
tically doubled In size. From n. vl1-
lago of hardly 400 people eight weeks
ago it has < 1eveloped Into a little cIty
ot GOOO today. Everywhere In Bone-
steel Is to bo hoard the constant rappIng -
pIng of the carpenter's hammer. Tbo
lumber yards are busy and the dr 1) "
men are on the jump , gettln ! ; new
stock settled. Out around the town ,
stretched tor a mile or so , are Innumerable -
erablo whIte tents whereIn bunk hundreds -
dreds ot prospoctlve homesteaders
who got In ahead of the rush.
'Vomen of Bonesteel have made
proparatlons tor the reception ot the
Incomln ! ; throng ot women who will
want to tale chances at the free homo
Northwestern omclals In Norfoll {
have ordered all general agents of the
company to male no a.rrangement thIs
year whatever for Fourth of July specIal -
cIal traIns , as every ( 'ar with wheels
on will be reQllired for use on the na.
tlonal day for the transportation of
the Rosebud rush. RegIstration begIns -
gIns at Fairfax , Donesteel , Yanlcton
and ChamberlaIn on July 5 and con.
tinues till July 23.
Found Dead In Saddle.
IIA Y SpHINGS-Durlng a severe
. .ain and thunderstorm Sam Lane ,
a rancbman a.UlI farmer JIvIng eIght
miles west of here , was Idlled by light-
nIng. Mr. Lane was a horsebacl { , rId.
Ing hIs fences when the storm came
up , and ho and UIO horse were Instant.
ly IdlletI and he was found shortl .
Ilfterwar < 1 sItting In the saddle.
Dr. Lang Is Dead ,
YORK-A specIal from po.wtuclcct ,
Rhode Island , announcIng' the death
of Mr. B. F. Lang was recelvell here by
l'lends of the doctor. He WIlS a. resl.
dent of thIs clt ) . tor some time and
WIl8 appointed superIntendent of the
homo tor feeble minded at Beatrlco
from thIs city.
Valuea In Gage County.
BEATRlCE-Accordln ! ; to the as.
sessors' booles the total estimated as.
sessed vauatlon oC personal property
In Deatrlco for 1904 Is a.bout $350,000 as
against $206,000 for 1903. The total
assessed valuation of the "ounty for
the year Is $8,400,000 as agaInst $5"
300,000 for 1903.
Cow H : I& Tuberculosis.
State Vetlnarlan Thomas was cn1led
out In LIncoln cOllnty to examIne a
slc1e cow , and dIscovered the anImal
was amlcted with tuberculosIs and
had her shot. It Is not Imown how
] eng the cow had been affilctcd
though ono ( amlly had been usIng her
'Dille for about fpur
What 11 Flah Swallowed.
SEW AIm-Among quantities of
fisb caught ( rom the Dlue rIver last
week was one that was observed to
have a pocullar pouch beneath Its
mOllth. On ollenlng' this four ten.
penny nails and a 1.cent pIece , coined
In 1880 , were dIscovered.
RUSHVILLE-Qllartermaster Crow.
dol' rode In Crom Dordeaux and rOlort. )
ed that a roan named Lane. who lIvl.'s
tcn miles northwest of Hay f1rlllgs ,
was killed br lightnIng while chUll.
1'lnlO wood In th ) 'ard.
, -
Quartermnster Crowdor rode Into
Rushvlllo from Dordeaux nnd reported - .
ed that II. man named Lane , who Ives '
ten n 1e8 northwest or Hay SprInge , t
was 1 < 1l1ec1 b ' IIghtnln ! ; whllo choppIng.
wood In Ule yard. .
The g'rand jllry of Douglas county ,
after thlrty.three da 'G of doUberntloll , , .
reported to the rourt and was dls- t
charged. It returnell thlrty.six IndIctments -
ments , slxtmm of wblch wcre submitted -
ted wIth the fina.l repurt.
The largo threeslor'arel101150 or
the Dlacle DI'os. 1\llIlIng company at
Beatrice was partly deBtro 'ed b ' fire.
About 10,000 sacks or fiour wore stor.
ed In the blllldlng , all of whIch wns
rulnell by the water tlnd smolte.
The commltteo In charge lias de.
clded to hold the Southwestern Log
Roiling assocIation mooting' this 'ear :
at l\lcCoole , The affaIr will last nev-
eral < 1a 's anll Is expected to brIng
several thousand people to thnt city.
Fred Flaslca.nd : Jf .HJert Brehm
were hrought to Dcatrlce from Wy-
more by Marshal Acton an < 1 lodged In
the county jail on the charge of as.
saultlng a BohemIan named l..alm with
Intent to } elll. 'fhe - were bound over
\Vymore to dIstrict court In bon-ds
or : jilUlJ each.
The nudltor's office Issued II. certificate -
cato to the Bankers' 'Union of the
World of Om 11II. and the fraternal
order now has the prIvilege or conducting -
ducting Its busIness In the state. The
cortlficates states that It was issued at
the hebe3t of the supreme court.
The Injunction agaInst the Danlccrs'
UnIon has been dIssolved by the supreme -
preme court.
Prof. W. W. Cool , of the UniversIty -
sIty or Nobrnslm C01lege of Law ] 1D.5
resIgned bls lJsillon nnd will accept
II. profess'rshlp of law In the University -
sity of Mlssuurl. LIghter ' \vork and a
substantial Increase In salary arc the
Inducements whIch have caused Prof.
Cook to lenve Nebraslcn. The State
unIversIty loses a strong man of high
SIx months In jail and II. fine of
$100 was awarded to Charles H. WIl.
son by judge Holmes at. LIncoln.
Wilson Is the nian who beguiled Mrs.
Anna Endros It. widow of Des 1\Iolnes ,
Ia. . , Into comIng with her children to
LIncoln under promise of marrIage.
After livIng with her until he bud
used un all her money he < 1rove her
from the house with blows and
A fa.nner hy the name of Rhine-
helt , JIvIng six ml1es northeast of Fremont -
mont , showed s'mptoms of Insanity
In an attempt to 1 < 111 his children.
. , . .rs. Rhlnehelt , seeing that there was
danger and tllat the man was deranged -
ed , left him and toole the children to
the house of a nolghbor. SInce then
he a.ttempted to tlllm hIs lIfo by cut.
tin ! ; his throat. He Is not 1II(01y to . .
At Clc.\r Lake , about twenty.five
miles southwest of Ainsworh , Franl : :
Ulapper , the 16-'ear-old son of Franl\ : I
Clapper , Sr. , wIth a lot of othel'
frIends was : lot the lalw fishIng an
started to swim the lalce where it Is ,
about 200 yards wIde. He got wlth- '
In thirty feet of the opposite shore
when he sank to rise no moro In
about seven feet of water. The body I'
was recovered.
The supreme court has heht that
the evIdence In the case In which
John Flclccnscher received a jlldg- '
ment ugalnst the UnIon Pacific Railroad -
road company for $1,175 for Injurios.
received In a pralrio fire a.lleged to
have been started hy It. spark Crom an
. engIne belongIng to the company was
: not sufficlont to sustnln the verdIct
, and therefore the < 1ec3Ion ! of the low-
I er court was roversed.
Consldorable curiosity hns been man.
Ifestod regnrdlng the Idontlt ) ' ot the
mysterlolls "John Doe" who subscrIbed -
ed $ GOOO , toward the Omaha nudltor-
lum buildIng fund , at a. time when the
nudltorhun comJIlny waR Yer ) ' much
In 11eed of moner. 1t develops that
It was the Burlington ral1road.
The supreme court In the case of
the Aachon and Mucnchen 1.11'0 In.
surance coman ' agn.lnst the cll ) ' or
Omaha. decided lho.t It has no orlglno.l
jurIsdIction because n1lmiclpo.l rove.
nuo Is not Included within the SCalIa
or the term revenue as used In the
state comtltuilon. The court holds \
tha.t the constitution gIves original J
jurisdiction in cases Involving the j
state revenues enl ' and not munIcIpal I
taxes. i
Word hns lleen receIved In Grand \
Islnnd of the death of Mrs. Joseph
Smith of Columbus , 0. , and her burIal \
at Toledo. She Is the wife of Jos'eph
Smith. ex.pollceman , who made a rec.
ord aJalnnt creoles In that section ,
later receIved a. posItion as special om-
cor of the Wheelln ! ; & Lalco ErIe , anlI
Is at present chIef of the detectives I
of the IIorldug Valle ' road. trs. I
SmIth met her death hy falling down !
a cellar wa ' . I
A commltteo oC farmers met at
Greeley for the purpose of talleln ! ; over )
tIlO alh'lsa1Jlllt of operating an elevator - \
vator at that poInt on the cooperative
)1lan. ) Conshlerable Interest was
manIfested and a meeting Is called for
the 18th.
An exrurslon for members of th6
CommercIal rlub of Omaha has been
arranged \'Ia the Union PacIfic , which
will run as far west as Sldne ) ' . ' 1'110
object of tile trft ) Is to llc-mlt bush
ness men of that cllr to become ac.'d : with the 11\\lel'S : : In the towns
and cities along the 1Ino.