, . 01 . . . , . . " . 1 T . I ; . rf if ! ! /1- . , . . . . 1W , . W t..J > . . , , , " ' : " " : . : ; J , . . : . . - = : : : 't:1 , : : ' " " " ' _ - ' . . . . . , . _ _ -J' ; JW " " " . ' \ ' I ' . , ' r \ 1r' - . . ' . , . . . . . . . , ) . . . . , . - . ' : . . / / . Miss M. Cartledge gives some helpful advice to young girls. Her letter is but oue of thousands - sands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who arc just arriving at the period of , womanhood as Lydia E. Pink. I ham's Vegetable Compound. II DEAn : MRS. Pr rrnA1 : cnnnot . . . > > . ' praise J.ydin. E.l iuldw.m's Vcgc- : table Compo\Uul too hiJrhly , for it : is the only medicine I ever tried which cured me. I suffcrod much from my first mentru l period , I felt so wenlt and dlzzi' ; nt times 1 oould not pursue my studies with the usu.l ; interest. My thoughts eeamo sluggish , I hl : ] headaches , ac\mches nnd sinldng Bpe11s , nlso pains in the bnck and lower llm lJ. In fact , I was sick n.11 over , i 1& l'inally , nfter mwy : ; othcr remc ies , hul heen tried , we were advised to rret \ ' LyUn. : E. Pink1mm'fI Vcgetnhle CompotuHl , nn I lUll pleased to fh"\Y that : Io ter taking it only two weeks , 0. t wonder ul chanITo for the better took place , and in 0. short time I was in , perfect health. . I felt buoyant , full of life , and found 0.11 work a pa.stime , I nm indeed glad to tell my ex ri nco with I.J ' la E. Pinkhnm's Vcgc- table COID11Ound , for It made a different - ferent rrirlof me. Yours very truly , NISS M. CAnTLr.DOE , 5331 itch..H St. , Atlanta , 011.-$5000 forfeit Ilorlglnl 01 C % o lettcr prau/'Ig l1 nwno 3caJInot baprod d. When a girl angles In the matrimonial - menial sea she is apt to catch a sucl- , er ins tend of a goldfish. lIIr"I. \ lnllow' . . ! ! 1JtI11DJ , : 8J''up. FOT dllhlrrn I cthlnlt , ottens thu ! : utnl , reduces fno 11&mm tJon , & 1I01Y81'&ln , curel wlndcuiJu. tntu . One good turn deserves anotbcl' , pnRlculnrlr : ir It Is Do turn-down. Try mr. just once and I am , sure to come again. Defiance Starch. SORE FEET SORE SORES One Night , Treatment with , . ' . I " . Soak the feet or hands - on retiring in a strong , . bet , creamy lather of . CUTICURA SOAP. Dry , and anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTfVIENT , the great skin cure and purest of : , emol1ients. Bandage " lightly in old , soft cotton 01' linen. For itching , burning , and scaling eczema - zema , rashes , inflammation - tion , and chafing , for redness - ' { ness , roughness , cracks , . . and fissures , with brittle , ' 7 shapeless nails , this treat- " 11' mentis simply wonderful , r " frequently curing in one night. C mpltll Tlomor ( 'ort. eoa.lotlof ct-nCUJU n. ; II t ' O\ \ " : : , "h.t.I . . : .fe. ; r ; Ctltrtrrhoull f . , I' ' ' ' ' , a \ . . 1'111 , 110'10. " , I Columbu. AU , 1"l1er Dul" o..m CO'P. . , . . & .1.1'100. . . . . . . . . g- tell ! lor"1lo CWo ! : VU7 Uu. BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIE I CURES cltarrh of tnc stomach. W. N. U. , Omoho. No. 25-190 Jap Gullets Malec CJean Holes. Russlnn surgeons say that. the Japanese aneso rino bullets , whllo } Iossossln& a b'Tent eal of stoPlling llowder , mn.\c small , clenn bolcs , wh h cnn bo treat e easily , nnd sive excellent. OPlor tunltles for the early recovery of the wounded uncss ] .somo vital orgnn II piercod. There have been many casel of recover ; ) ' after the Int.caUoos bnv. been llCuetrated. Interesting contrl butlons to surglca ] selenco wlll follo" the cnlling of hostilities. New.Scheme to Encourage Population Tbo latest scheme for the encollr , agement of pOllUlaUon In Prnnco it thnt of the Paris , L'ons ; & Medlter rnnl'lln Railwa ) ' oompnnr , which bm adopted the following scale In tht ease of cJUployes who ha\'o large fam ilIes : Emplo'es ; whose wages do nol exceed 2.100 francs per annum , nn who have three children or persons tt pro\'l e for , wlll receive a gratuity 01 $6 per annum ; for II. family of four , $1G : of 11vo , $30 ; of six , $ ,18 ; of seven , ! . $70 ; of eight , $82 : of nine , $166. Th re h moro Cl\tnrrh In Ihls.ccllon of the conntry than 1\1\ otbertlhDIU'e It"'ethornnd unUl Ihe Jaat fClv ) 'cnNliS , ul'l'upcd to be Incurnble. l'or n ent many ) 'enrl doctlJr. I'runouuecdlt D IllCal dl.en.o aud IIre8Crlbtl < tlncal relnedle. , ROIl by coo.tl\lIlIy fnllloll to curD wltlllclCnJ treatmeut , prollouncelilt locurable. "clweo hns "rol'cn Cnlnrrb w be n oon8111111100nl dill- I'D'O ROlllhcrcforc requlrc.conMltlltioDal trcalment. ] ( I\I\'s Cntnrrh Curc mnllulactured hy 1J Chene ) ' & Go. , Toledu , 011105 / the only cOIII < Utullullal euro on the market. 1L Is taken Internnlly In dose. frum 10 drop , \U II tCll8poonfnt. It nets dlreCtir.on Iho blood DOlI 111IIe01l8 "urfn'es of..lhe 8y.tcm. fhey ofIer one buuMetl Iiolln" tor nll cn80 It tails to cure. Send tor clrcullll'B and te.lllllllnll\l < . Ad < trl'u ; F. , I. Clm mY & CO. , Toledo , Ohl\1. \ 601c1 hv I1ru " : IU _ , 75c. , 1'nko 1Iall' . Family 1'\IIs \ tDr consUl'nUQQ , Was Uncle Sam's Oldcst Clcrk. William O. Conway , who had been employed In the land onlce III Wash. Ington for fifty ; ) 'enrs , is dead , aged 73. Mr. Conway was nplIoted ! from Maryland and was the oldest clerk In point of continuous service In Wash. lngton. Ho was appointed to II. posl. tlon In the land office In February , 18j,1. [ He began ai a clerlt nnd wns steadily promoted until he became II. . law examiner. Untl ] last Tuesday ho nttended to his work nt the depart. nt. To the ho se\Tlte who has I.ot yet become acqualnte with the new' " thlnrs ot cveryday usc In the market nnd who Is reasonably satilltlcd with the old. we would sugrest that a trial ot Detlance Colt ! 'Water Starch be made nt once. Not alone because it Is guar. nnteed b ) ' the manuf cturcrs to be superior - perior to an ) ' other brand. but beenuso : each 10e paclmge contalrm 16 OZS. , while all the other Itlnds contn-ffi but , ] 2 ozs. It Is sare to say that the lady I who Detlance Stnrcll--wlll , once UBoaS - - use no other. Quality nnd quantity must win. I 'fho recent death of nn old and much loved teneher In Phl100elphla revealed the fact tbat she had been married slxtwn years. Sbe had kept her marriages secret. because sbe wanted to continue wltb her teacblng , which the Phllade.lllhia school law would not allow. Do Your Feet Ache and Burn ? Shake i1)to 'our shoes , Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder for the feet. It : makes tight or Nev Shoes feel EMy. Omll.'S SwollcnlIot , Sweating Peet , Oorn9tmd J t1nions. At all Druggiftts and Shoo Stores , 250. Samp1c sent 1 ! REE. Ad.- dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. Successful men know when not. to tempt falluro. HO ! Fo'R RODEBUD RESERVATION. Stml. . . Dakol' HG-\Ja ( < 'reland or > nund. . . . U.S.c1raw. In. : . He"h1rall"n 1I"ln. Jllly 61 d. 23. FJtt.en yearl experlrnee tPllkl&l'ODa land ol.nlngs. Ity Nnrlllwe.t- Nil ol'tce , , 'JIIIa at nentltul , 8. lJak. 'Send 25etl. for my Land ) Ianoll , conlulnlnlt rodamallon and complete - plete JnIOTIII"lIon. 150ldler. d..lrlng a.n "I : ' < 'nt .boud wrJIo we. l"CIi r , JKlBlal. : lIoauUtl. _ u. v..a. _ The man who Is constantly harpIng on his virtues has at lenst one vice. rlso's Cure cl1anot be too highly spoken 0' . ' Bcoulb cure.-J. W. O'DmEN. s : : : 'Jhln1 : . To. . ; N , . Mlnnca.poUs. M1nn. , Jan. , 1m A brlclc manufacturer needs the enrth In bls business. The , veIl cnrne < 1 reputation nnd Incrcns- Ins po ularity of the Lewis' II Single J3inder , ' straight 5c cigar. is duo to the mniumlnetl high qualltr and arpreclatlon of the smoker. Lewis' .v'actory , Peoria , Ill. Habit may be a mnn's best frIend or his worst enemy. J I I , A striking contrast between Defiance Starch I and ar.y other brand will be found by comparison. ' ' Deflancc'Starch 6tlfrens , whitens , beautrfles without - I out rotting. It. ' gives clothes back I their newne55. It Is absolutely nure. . I ! ltwlll not InJurel.ihe I most delicate fabrics. , , For fine things and all ! things use the be9t tohere l.s. Defiance Sta.rch 10 cents'for 16 dunces. Other brands 10 ce ls for I I ) ounces. 'A arrlklng'cantrnst I ' \ 'rue DefIANCe. s''AItC < < co. . G.aha , Nth. - I CONDMNS [ GOV. PEADODY. - Mlnnecota Federation of Labor Pnsses Rcsolutlons. NEW l'L I , Minn.-Tho State Fed. crntlo\.1 of Labor , In session hero to- dn ' , ndoptctl a 8weellln ( ; resolution uC condemnation of the nctlon of Gover. nor Peabody of Colorado ill the Crlp- lile Creek mining atrl1eo anti appea ] . Ing to the president of the l'nlted Stntes ns commander.In.chlef of the milltar ; ) ' forces to compel an Investl. Gatlon of General Doll anll of Governor - nor Peabody. The resolution recites that rhht anll justlco is denied to American citizens - zens , whereas foreign citizens workIng - Ing In this countr ; ) ' n.ro granted pro. tectlon under nn aIltleal to the ropre- sentatlves of their nntlon. The State Federation of I.lloor nio ] ! adopted a } lrolI091t1on to form a fun < l corporation f01' the p\11'pOSO of aiding strllters who wish to start busine s in opposition to theIr former emllo ] 'crs. The 1Ilnn as outlined calls for n calli- tnllzatlon of $200,000 In $5 shares , which arc to he sold in limited quantities - tities to members of nfllllatell unions , lnd which will not bo transferrable. CAN'T TRUGT HER SOLCIR5. [ I < orca Fears If Men Are Armcd 11CY Will Beoome Bandito , SEOULr-Telegraphlc communIcation - tion has been re.establlslted wIth Hnm Heling. on the east coast. The Korean wnr ministry recommends - mends distribution of 2fiOO Korean soldiers - diers in various llosltlons , GO to 300 ench , along the Tumen river and Great South rend , in seveml important - tant Inner towns anll at Hum Hueng , , to prevent future Husslan raids , I The step hus not ; ) 'et becn agreCll II on , as the pollc ' Is questlonnblo in I view of the probablllt ; ) ' of the majorIty - Ity of such a force descrtln'g with their rilles , turnlnt ; bandits nnd robbing the countr ; ) ' fell { rather than OPPOSO the Russians. A number of women anQ children from Gensan have followed the foreigners - eigners to the Iountaln monastery. twenty miles from Gensan , where the latter have sought refuge. Other fugitive women and children from Gensan , numherln ! ; slxtn'e persons , ha\'e arrived at Fusan , on their WilY to Japan , PLAN CO.OPERATIVE MINING. ' - I Union Men May Open a Camp In New : Mexico. DENVER , Colo.-A new mlnlns camp will be opened In New Mexico , according to the Post , to receive the deported union miners from Cripple Creek. The Western Federation of ! , : Iners wlll worle the claims on II. cooperative - , bash and will have entire operative : ! ju- rl'3\.uctlon over their de\'elopment. Provisions w.1l be made b ; ) ' the federation - tion for all deported miner : ; , and to wls end a carload or supplies will bo sent to the now camp Immedmtcy ] ns i II. starter. The camp will he located near Tres rletlras , which Is twenty mlles south of the Colorado line , on the line of the Den\'er & RJo Granllo. There Is a district ten miles squnro r vIrgin are , and the worl , of minIng Itlll be parceled out to the union miners. They' will. wor ) ; : on the ( ' . { ) lop- Cfauve plan but the miners will be supported bv the federntlon whllo prospecting. RUSSIA PLEADS INNOCENCE. Cays It Hasn't Hurt Chinese , Unless Bandits. ST. FETERSBURG.-Russla lUll ! ! o.n. swe"ed the communication of China calling attention to the interferencl' of the Russian military authorities witb the natives of villages In Manchuria on the lines suggested In these ( lis. patches Junc 6 , asltlng for sl"ccific " In- stances. Recent Russian advlces re a'rdlng the ngltatlon among the Chinese are more dlsquletln . This is the case with the news from Kwan Tung provInce - Ince , where , It Is pointed out , the Boxer rebellion of 1900 WfiS started at about this time of the ; ) 'ear. .ST. LOUI DONUS IS PUT UP. Mcetlng of SubCommlttee of Demo. crath National Co"mlttec. ! ST. LOUIS , MO.-What in nIl prob- I1hlllt ' will lie the last meeting of the sub.commltteo on arrangements of the national cOll\'ention prcvlous to the national convention convened at the .Jefferson hotel 'Vednesdny , The members of the commltteu ex. ' pressed satlsfuction regardln [ ; the nr , rangements for the convention to be held July 6. The $ -10,000 offered aD a bonus when St. Louis waR deslg , nated the convention clt ; ) ' has been collected and is now In the hands of the national committee. Using Wireless Telegraph , LONDON.-Tho Dally Mall's Cho 1"00 corresponl1ent says : The Japa. nese consul hM discovered _ that II. . wireless telegraph npparntus is nt. tached In the night time to the Russian - sian consular Ilagstnff nt Che Fee nnd that the consulnte Is In communlcn. tion with Port Arthur. Cockrell's I Rjurleli Not Serious. W ASIliNGTON-Scnator Cockrell oflIssourl : , who wns pnlnfully In , jured Snturday by boltl ! ; Imocked down by a boy with n blc'cle ; , Is con. slderably Improved. The wound In the shoulder wns Imlnful , but It IA thought It w1Jl readll ; ) ' yled ] to trent. ment. The senator Is ot robust phYtll' cn ] condition and fortunntey ] suffered no shoec ] to his nervous s'atem ; as a result of the nccldent. HIs puso ] was normal Sundn ; ) ' and he was ahlo to recolve most of the many friends wbo ct\.llell on him. , . . , . - - - - CATARRU IS TliE CAUSE' OF MOST KIDNEY DISEASES. PE = RU = NA CURES CATARRH. " ' " , : b. - 1. ' i 411aElf.It5PRV..C\\ : Samuel R. Sprecher , , Tunior I1eadlo Court Angelina , 3,422 I. O. O. P. , 205 New High St. , l.JOs AngeleH , CI I. , wrlt.es : hI came lter n few years ago ! lufler/ng wllh cntn"l. 01 tite k/dneYl , in search of Ilcltltll. I thought tllo climate would cure me , but found I t1'as m/stnlcen. But wlwt tllo climate could nol do Perona could llnd . qnI do. Seven wecks' trial com-lnccd me tlznt I had the rlgbt med/clne , and IWDS tllcn a well mnn , I know of at least twenty fr/cnds and mcmbcrs of the 10rlRo to whlcb I belong who have bcen cured of catarrh , blacfd r nnd IcJdney trouble through the use of Perunn , Bad it ball II host of friends in this city. " SAAJUEL R. SPRECIIER. Cntarrh of the Xidneys a Oommon DIse eo - Kidney Tronblc Often Fs.ils to Be Regarded as Oatarrh 'bJ P.hysicians. Catarrh of the Iddne 's is very common - mon im1ced. It is a pity this fact. is not better known to the ph 'si-oin.ns as well 110. ; the people. J'oople hll.\"O kidney dlsense. They Wee some diuretic , hoping to gct better , . The ' never once think of catarrh. Jid- ney dlsense amI eat.1.rrh nro seldom as- ociatCtl in the mln\lH of the people , and , nlas , it is not very often associated in the minds or the ph 'sicians. Too few physicians roeobrnize catarrh of the Kidneys. They doctor for something eloo. Tbey try this remedy and thut - - . Captain .Tames L. Dcmpley , Captnln : ! ml rreclnc Trov l'oBce : Force , wrItes fr91u lUS : Fcrr ' St. , Troy , N. Y. , us follow " om my personsl exporlence wl/h Perulll. 111m Bat/sfled It Is a vcry fine TCm dy for cntlfrr/J.llJf. f CtJOOII , w/Jet/.cr of tlle bend , lunJls , stomlJc/J ot pelvIc argans. It Cllres colds quickly , and If lew doses takcn afler undue exposure prc 'cntsIIoen. . "Somo of tltO patrolmen under me bnyo IJlllo lound great 'rellef from Perona. ItJ8S curcd chronic cas s 01 kIdney nnd blndder troublcs , restored - stored men suflerlng from Ind/gcst/on nnd rllcu- mat/sOl , and I nm fully persuaded tllnt 11 Is IIn honest , rel/able medclnoJence I fully cndors /lnd recommend . " JA.AlES L. DBAIPSEl' . Officer A. C. SWl\n90n w'ltcs from G07 IIarrisoQ St. , Council JnuITs , Ill" OR follows : II All my duties compelletl mo to e out in all ) dntls of wcnt1w\ cent rlwted n so\'cre cold It'om tlmo tq tillie , which ! > cttIelin ! the hitll1e 'H , cuusillg sevcr ( palM a11 < l trouble in the l\1'l\'le orlans. " 1 nm now 111m n uew 11I1\11 , alii ill sl'lc1II111 ! hCILILh nUll give n.111u'l\lso to l'cl'11Uu.-A. C. Swnnllon. , " , : : \ , l' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uO - , m : . _ : JAME3 L. DEMP E : . J I remedy. The trou111e may lIe cntn.rrh n.ll the time. A : few bottles of 1'cru11I\ would cure them. Pc-ru-na Removes the Oause of the Kidney Troublo. . Pentnlstrilces o.t the very cent.re of the difficuU' ' , by el'luHcating the eutarrh from the kh\nll's. \ ; Catarrh is the CI Ul1e of1clt1ncy difficulty , He11lo\'o the eumlU D < l 'ou remove the effect. With un- erriug' accuracy Perunn. . goes rig-lit to the 6pot. 'he kit1ne 'R nr 600n doIng thcir work with perfect reguhLrlty. Thousands of Testimonials. ThouBt (1s ( or tcstimon1.\lH from people who have hud Iddney difICll.8e which } lIu1 gone beyond the control uf the phy- , Natural Flavor foods Wh n : rOa. . . , at a 10'15 tn IIno" what to Ilene tor lun heon-wh.n yOar lye &ometblnlt both appo- t1zlnll and aat ! iIJ/lnlt , Lrr : . ' ( Natural L.lbby's Flavor ) food Products Amnnll' the . " dellcacll'S . ClIlcll . ( " ' _ . . . many J.lb"r : are Dnn.lt " n. lIelI"09" J'at . .eal Lar. 1' < < rICAA Wal r. lI C'd Dried Heef. Pott"ll ham and ComC'd E.ef 113&11. etc.-whole."IIDc'fuodR that lrc a8 dl.Iuty UI tbey arc 1rWd- ulubitalltJaJ as they arc appetlzloJr. Asli your Grocer tbr I.lbbJ" " libby , McNeill & . Libby . . . . . . Chicago - - - - - CONSUMERS OF SHOES ALWAYS ASI ( fOR TilE REST WESTERN MADE SHOES. These brands will guarantce you a good shoe for men : Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker Comet Cock of Walk Our PRAIRIE QUEEN lcads all others in Women's and Children's Sboes. Sa tl.at our "ame is 011 tIe sllO s ) 'ou buy. F. P. KIRKENDALL & , CO.Mo.n if In . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - LO ANTISEPTIC PilE CONESV DRUGGISTS. Sample HOO. ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO" Crelo , Neb. SLEEP. Law n Fen c e PORTRAIT AGENTS 3 l : Our Iroolb the \Jut. l'rlcelI" " 10ll"CMt , l'ro'lI L hll" Iron , 01' wIre. many etvltR. lIIentw. nellv \ ' of all I"JrluIU UIIJr"ntecllicud : fOTr < eldencc. church. ' 1IJhool . , tur cuta1olue BIIII Iticnu' prll'o list.Idrcu e""I . . < ! wr ) ' ; pOll III' ) ' nnd r.or ; ADAM J. KROLL .t CO" New ! : ; rG Bide , . Chlosco. ( .lice ; rJrm Ialll" , Senti for . < 'aI3101'1I4I , . . , CLam lcn Iroa &I'd1re . rh 11 allcle4 ! . . .Ith l Thomnson's Eye "iatmr O)1AUA , NUI. ! Ire eyu , 1110 r I' 1/ slcln.n are received y Dr. Hartmll.n every ; \mr , gi\'lng Vm'\mn. . t.ho whole praise fof' ' nuu'vclous cures. Pe-ru-na Oures Kidney Discase. Pm'UnlL cures lcidney dlfense. 'l'ho reaSO:1 it. cures kidncy dlscase is beC/HUII ) it eureseatarrh. Catarrh of the IddneYIi is the eauso of moot kldncy disclL8e. l'ermUL curcs cmt.1.rrh wherever it hap- pellH0 be locntelI. It. rarely fails. If ' 0\1 t\o not derive prompttmds..Us- factory rcaults 11'0111 the use of Perunu , wriLe ILt once to Dr. llartmun , giving a f1tH rt.\tmnent of 'our case , and ho will bo pleased to Ui\'o J'ou his vulua. le advice - vice ( fru ti > > . Address Dr. nrtmnn , President of The llu.l'tlDan Sanitarium , Columbus , O. , NEW HOMES IN THE WEST Almost h lt mlltlon neres of the fertile and well.watcro.ll ; nds of the Itosobud Indian He. . ervntlon , In 80llth Dakotn , will bo thrown ol'on to settlomcmt by the Government In .Tuly. ThesG Inndll arc hest rcachcd by the Chicago & NorthWestern - Western Itallrmy's direct throulh IIncs from ChIcago to TIoDestccl , 8. D. A\I \ IIgeuts soU tickets \1\ tl115InJ. \ . SpoclllllolV ratcs. HOW TO GET A HOME 8'nd ( or copy or pamphlet 'In { ; fnlllDformt. : tlon an .otlJ.tu : or opcnlng and how to securc lCO neros of land at nominal cost , with full descrl ) o tlon of the soli. climate , timber' nnd mineraI rosourcos. toWlIs , s l1ools and churchcs.oppor , tunltlcs tor buslno ! ; ! ! oponlugs , railway ratet ! , eta. , free 00 aPJ1l1cat1oD. W. B. KNISK RN , } 'assoDjter Tranlo Manager , "w106 CIUCAOO. ILL. I I ! . .POLLOW THa PLAII.- YAIE THE WABASH TO SAINT lOUIS TUE ONLY LINE TO THE \IVORLD'S FAIR \ l\1AIN EN'rRANCE. IJIIr&ne cbcI'kl'd to 'Vorld' . I"ulr "found. . ! : toIIO\'vI' 111111"(1. All A lm cu.n route rou via the \ \ ' A I1ASU. I or ben.u- II rill ' \'orld'8 l'alr tOlt1H and nil Information - mation nddre1'R HAURY E , 1\OOR Oon. AIlPass. . Dept. . Omaha , .bl'lto