Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 23, 1904, Image 1

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, .
- - -
; '
, , fPORT ; : "
, 'I
_ . . . . . . . - - . - . . . . . . -
Waiting for that report frum
t , "on re l\tdiuK , 'Ollr eyes. Yun
ill1\'e talhll nh1'1 a110llt gll1m-
en several times ; neither talk
nor timc will rellll'dy the defect.
\Vc know the tellllellc ) ' lo procrastinate -
crastinate ill eye cure. We
: kllow the good relIlls and relief -
lief that comes" ith timely at-
tention. Wc adjust glRssc for
of'islOn and -
all defecls \ gllaran-
tee rC'iults. \\'ailill ! for your
! repO't cR I3 . ;
! I. . ! d.l.t . : G
.tM"48. . . . . . . . . i
. . .
School Books ,
} ' ! t
1 Tablets
< *
- - ND
* \
" '
' * t
' : ,
' * ' School Supplies ,
it *
f' --AT--
J. G. Haeberle's :
' "
; -
II OK' Carllet for Sole.
; The Ladie Aid of the Baptist
11. : churchhas 25 yards of rag carpet
for sale at 35c , at 'W. A. George
i' & Co. store , north of square.
- . : . ' Gentlemen are your suit in a
' ' neat condition for the Fourth ? If
1" not , remember the Pantatorium
I , : over Haeb rle's drug store.
' ) . . .
- - - - - - -
Everybody . . go to Squires Bros.
Cberr' " 1 Cl1crrlesll
. . . " . . Pariies through the coun t7
that want to lay in a supply of
cherries in season can be accommodated -
modated by calling at the residence -
dence of of F. G. Perkins , twelve
miles east of Broken Bow , half
mile south of the Brown school
. house on the Broken Bow and
Westerville road. . Where parties -
ties will pick the cherries they
" can have them for 5 cent a
quart. They will be ready to
pick by the middle of n ext week.
I The late cherries will be short.
Those that want cherries should
, govern themselve accordingly.
; . r.\ Driven to n.-HIeraUnl1.
, : : ; ' , ' Living at an out of the way
, \ : ' place , remote from civilization , a
; ; : ' - , family is often driven to desperation -
. ; ' . tion in case of accident , resulting -
: ; ing in burns , cuts , wounds , . ulcers -
; cers , etc. Lay in a supply of
: Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the
. : " best on each. 25c at Lee Bros.
nJtt. drug store.
mE : i ! i YE1 : :
'rhe law firm of Moore and
I edwich has been dissolved.
Phy W\'morc of Callawav , was
in the ci"ty Sa turd a ) ' aU uding
L , D , George and wife went to
Cumrn Sunday where they are
spcnding the week visiting re-
la t'e .
'l'hl only applicant for a rural
mail route carrier that appeared
for examination last Sarurday
wa Walter ! \loore.
J. R. Ors has sold his interest -
est in Sargent and has moved to
hi. . farm near Walworth where
he ha'1 a larg-e body of land.
A. C. Dela o , postmaster of
Lee Park , ha < ; rc\irnel ! ' ! . This
IC'es a chance fOl' an appoint-
mcnt f.r ol11e ollloyal citi7.en
of that vicinity.
Di-t ! riel court adjourned Satur-
day. AftCl' a week's vacation
court will reconvene to try equit v
cases. The jury was discharged
last Friday evening.
J. J. Douglas of Callaway ,
came in from Omaha Tue da ) '
morning where he has been since
the 3rd of May , sef\'ing as juror
in the Federal Court.
ReJ. . R. 'Voods of Mason
City , preached the 1. O. O. F.
memorial sennott tn this city
Sunday afternoon. The services
were held in the M. E. church ,
Ole Stran of Aurora , was a
friendly caller at this office
Saturday , in company witb J. A.
Hutchison. 'l'hey came down
from Blain county 1'riday ! , where
Mr. Hutchison has a homestead.
Grandma Holcomb of Seattle )
Washington , is visiting in the
vicinity with her relatives. She
expe.cts to continue hcr journey
east to her old home in Xndiana
before she returns to the Pacific
Mr . Geo. Willing and daughter -
ter Irma , went to Colorado Saturday -
day to visit a sister of Mrs. 'Vill-
ing , Mrs. Reed near Orchard.
Mrs. G. O. 'Yendall of Dixon ,
I11 . , another sister is also visit-
lUg thcre. They will visit
fricnds at Denver before they
'l'he An ley Chronicle says :
! IF. 'V. Carlin was at Broken
Bow 'l'uesday of last week and
closed a deal with the Custer
National Bank to lay cement
walks around their property. "
This is the kind of permanent
impro\'emcnt the city needs and
\ve hope as the Custer National
has set thc pace that many others
will do likewise.
The editor made a trip to Sar-
gent last week by 'the way of
'Neissert and returned on the
northern route by Doris. The
prospects for mall grain is not
only tine , but the acreage is much
larger than has becn sown for
se\'cral year . 'l'he corn is a
good stand but most of it was
yet small and much of it was being -
ing worked the first time. As
hut little of the ground is foul
the chances are good for a good
crop of corn.
- - - - - - - - - -
i . . ; . " " " " " " " " " " " " , " , , * , , " " , , ' " " ' " , , ,
it.\ ; = = = =
: ' " ) . , " : . ; -r. " ' , \ - ; . , " - - - - - = A U C T I 0 N = - - - - - = : , . . ' : - : : : : - : : : : .
- -
. i , ' , = = IN THE REAL TV BLOCK. = =
. . .
! , + . , ' : - . -
. ( . . . . . . . - - - -
1 r. . : : : : Having . . decided to close out my cntire stock of : : : : :
'r' ' " ' - - - gOo d s , conSlS t. lUg 0 f . , . " . . . , . . , - - -
: , : I Dry Goods , Shoes , Hats and Notions , I
- -
; : \ ' = = I will sell the entire stock at auction , commencing Satur- : : : : :
; ' 1 : : : : day , June 25. Remember tl1at an'\ " goods boug-ht at auction : : : : : :
I E will be duplicated at the same pri e until the next auction :3
J " E on the following Saturdav , nd so 011 until the goods are : : : : : :
1 : : : : all gone. The au chen w'ill continue each Saturday after- = =
I' = = noon until the goods are all gone. This is the largest : : : :
I .i = = stock of goods ever offered at auction in Central Nebraska. = =
= = Buy at your own price while you have a chance. : : : :
- -
- -
r Remember the place ,
: : : : =
I - Munl's Store , I
= = In Realty Block , - - - Broken Bow , Nebraska. - : : : :
: ? il11111111111111111111111111111111111 + ! 111111111111111111111111111"111111 "
, V. D. Hall was over from Sar-
gent the first of the 'week.
'l'his ofiice acknowlcdges a
friendl ) ' call froUl A. D. Brown of
Arnuld 'l'ucsday.
Ner Hartley returned ' : : ) lUlIlay
froUl his \ ' git of several weels at
St. 1-4ouis , where he visited the
World's .
Dr. C. Pickett rcturned Monday -
day from a visit of several days
at S1. Louis. He reports hang
enjoyed the big fair.
Mrs. J. A. Armour and children -
dren went to St. I-4ouis last Fri-
day. 'l'hey expect to.t.a . . ) ' six
wceks or two month \'Islhng relatives -
latives before they return.
Mrs. C. U. Richardson left
Saturday for Idaho to visit her
daughter , Mrs , Ernest 'l'homp-
son. She does not cxpect to be
back before the first of October.
l Qv. A. 'V. Yale , state e\'ange-
list , occupied the pulpit of the
Baptist church last Sunday
morning and cvening. He will
supply the church until othcr ar-
rangemcn ts have been madc.
Miss Hanna Blackshone is getting -
ting up a music class in the city' .
Miss Blaclstone is said to be an
cxcellcnt musician of several
years experience in teaching , and
de en'es the hearty patronage of
our mUsic , people.
1M. . Plckms of Bcrwyn , was. .
a social caller Monday. He reports -
ports a destruct hail storm
northeast of Berwyn , Saturday
evening. The small grain aud
alfalfa was badly damaged and
the corn hailed down. He thinks
the territory effected was not
very 'extensive. '
\V. J. Taylor of Cliff , takes the
editor of the Chief to task for
not telling the whole truth about
his resolution that was defeated
by the recent populist convention.
Mr. Taylor introdu'ced a resolution -
tion instructing the delegates to
the state convention "to vote for
and use all efforts to secure the
nomination of a farmer as our
candidate for governor. " 'l'he
Ch ef in. spealdng.of the resolution -
tion stated that it wa "cham-
pioned by 'V. J. Ta'lor and
strongly opposed by a number of
delegates and that thc resolution
was defeated by an overwhelming
majority.Vhat Mr. 'l'aylor
objects to is that the Chief did
not give the names of those who
so strongly opposed the resolution -
tion and proceed to name IlK g ,
Brega , li'red Cummings , II. J.
Shinn , E. R. Purcell , W. P.
l-liggins and J. G. Painter , three
lawyers , one editor , one banker
and one true populist as the ones
who so strongly opposed the
resolution. " Mr. Taylor further
states , "that the resolution was
not defeated more than two to
one , and thal a time of day when
many of the farmer delegates
had left. "
H..llllllcr Helton1 Nc's.
Abollt t wenl } ' new nomcs IlI"c becn
added to the enrollment this week.
II7.l e 1\1oody arouscd great intcrcst III
the hislory clas IIr her eloqucnt IBscns.
sion of the early clvlcs of Nebraska.
'i'hc gramlnOl' closs will complete
ct > 'mology this wcck nftcr which thcy
will toke up syntax 111111 constructlvc
Mills Chase Icel ill thc Iliscussion of
currcnt c\'enls on Tucsllu } ' morning.
Her talk WI\9 bolll inlcrl'stin ! and in.
sU nrli'e. .
'rhe Misses Beckwith , Wea\'er 111111
Zlmmcrtnan ho\'c cach furuishcel papcm
on the Rubjcd of Ch'i1 (1o\'ernmcnt
wll cn ore wOllhy of mcntlon.
A lIig frog amuscd the shlllcnts on
Tuesday lIy jumping from room to room
but when he saw 1\1r. Sulton's c1isscct 1I !
table aillimicroscopc hc mudc just threc
Icaps for Hberty. ,
The Orthography clm ; ! ! has grown from
thrrc to twenty sc\'en nnd the interest in
this IILtllly is Rtill increasing. 1\1IS5
Gouley rcad n paper on II subject Inst
I Tuesday moruint ! which is Ilescl'\'lng of
I lIIuch praise. Thc subject is IIcing
tllught by Mr. Wimberly in IIIl cntirc
new light.
Mm. Kelllebourgh ill on the Hick list.
lr. . lIaish is rcco\'cring from his sc\'crc
i11ne s ,
'Guy ' Robinson was a Brokcn Bow visitor -
tor last wce k.
l\lr. Dodge lefllast week for Orlenns
county , this stnle.
Hurt Grubll hml purchased II ncw I
camera. I1c is now reUlly to tukc photo-
g phs.
Burt Robinson rcturucI } hOlllc 1'lIesllay
after a fcw days \'isit nlllon frienel . ! ! at
llroken How.
'rhe long look eel for 'H1I11I11Cr days hll\ '
COIIIC at lust. E\'erything in growin ! {
allll e\'erybody hltsy.
Oscar llowl ) ' anel wife IIII Willialll
Eellllulllls allli wifc ultcllllel ! church nt
Merna Snnda ' ' .
} c\'ening.
Byron Willllolh rctnrned hOlllc last I
Thursela } ' . Ill' has lIecn in the wcslern
part of thc stale thc past yenr.
'rhe Iccture at thc church , given on I
Saturday e\'ening lIy ReDc Long of
Merna , was well allelllied. Another lec-
Ltne to wen only will be givcn Saturlla ) '
e\'ening July 2nd.
A SUlll1a ) ' School picnic was' held by
the l\Ic1llu Baplist 8unelay School and
thc Sunday School of thc vicinity , at
Willian. E mun 'o grovc last Friday.
A Chill1rel1's Day program wa ! ! ren ercd
in the afternoon , followcd by n talk by
Rev. Yale , thc state cvangc1ist. A
bountiful dinner wa ! ! partakcn of hy
thosc present allli ice cream allli IClllon-
ade was in abu1\llancc all day. All returned -
turned to their hOllies havin enjoyell
t h C11l.iC I 'es.
r adies , do those kirt need
inunediateattcntion ? If so , bring
them to the Pantatorium over
Hacberle's drug storc.
- - - - -
Curett Old HurcM.
'Westmoreland , Kans. , May 5 ,
190 . Ballard Snow f-4ini mcn t
Co. : Your Snow Linimcnt cured
an old sore on the side of m.r chin
that was supposed to be a cancer.
The sorc W lB stubborn and would
not yield to treatment , until I
tried Snow T-4iniment , which did
the work in short order. My
I sister , Mrs , Sophia J. Carson ,
Allens\.ille , Miflin Co. , Pa. , has
a sore and mistrusts that it is a
tancer. Please send her a 50c
bottle. Sold by Ed. McComas ,
Broken Bow and Merna.
- - - - - - - - -
Jl"lU.t.Ull1ttll" " ! . ! ! " ! , , Jt.J' , . ' lU' ' * J 'tlU"lI'lJ.J.UIUJ.J.llt"I ' , ! , ! " ! ' , " , ' , , " . ! lJ.UI . ,
- ' " ; ; -
= - = : F'IR'EWQB. S FIREWORKS . e = _ =
I : Fireworks II
: : : : We ha\'e the largest and most complete = =
= = ' assortmcnt of Fircwork ever displayed : : : :
= = in the county. Come in an we will Cel" = =
: : : : : : ebrate the Glorious Fourth together. ; j : : :
: : : ! : : :
: : : : : g . : : : :
-1' - " .I - _
: : : : : : : :
: , : ; : =
. -
, -
, -
, - -
- - - .
- ,
_ - - ii
- -
- - .
- -
- ' ,
- _
- ;
: - : : . Remember that we are headquarters for
E everything in the Grocerl and Queens-
E. " "arc litH' , having just received a fine line of
; Classware and Queensware !
: : ; : : oJ We al ways have a complete line of Fresh
: : : i Fruits , 8Ulh as oranges , lemons , bananas ,
- : : : : 1 , Peachcs . , < : tr a wberries , raspberries , and
: : : 'j cherries by t he quart , peck or bushel.
- -
: : : : ; East Side of the Public Squart' , Broken Bow , Nebraska. 1 =
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
hnUIil'11'11r { , iUiIii'r nI n'i'11'1 + rilU nnl'11'lil'i'i' rUl1ni'UUirrl
. .
tt't""tt"t"t"'t"t"t'tttt"t"t"t"t' ' " " " " " " ' " " ' , " " " " ' 'ttt"tt"'J'ttt" ' , , " , " ' ' , " '
. . . . . .
- -
- -
- - -
: : : : : Whcn read correctlJ' , ml'ans a 5-foot sic1dc for McCormick , = =
: : : : PIano or Deering mOWCI' , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . .25 each = =
- -
: pa.XBS : : : ! -
- -
= = While it is not J'ct 11) ' timc , I will show yon a 11y :3
= = time in prices on li'ly Nets. I hought out a concern that :3
: : : : : : had to go out of husinesR and havc some great priccs to = =
= = olTer yon on Summer 1-4ap I ohe:1 ! : , Dusters and 11'ly Nets. = =
E : Leathcl' Nets , Per Pair. . $3.00. :3 -
: : : : : : 1 ha\'c also recch'cd a car of Boss Cultivators andRew : : : :
= = . -Row Sled Disc Listing Cultivators. ' ! 'hc Boss l id = =
: : : : ing Cultivator is just what its namc il11plics---the Boss of : : : : : : :
E all riding cultivators n l1l1c , and r am rcady to stand by it , :3
: : : : : and guarantce it to hc the bc t cultivator madc , casic t to = =
E : operatc , durahle and easy draft. Having bought a car of = =
: : : : : the c , 1 will sell thcm for = =
= = For anything in the linc ) 'oU can always de:3
: : : : : : p nd on finding abont what you want on my sample floors , = =
: : : : : as I carry more bnggies in stock than all the dealem in the = =
E _ count" J ' , and I don't carr } ' any hack numhers. I hm'direct . - _ : : : : : : : .
: : : : : from the factory the latest styles at the lowe t pnces. If : : : : :
= = you sce a good buggy look for the namc , plate and yon : : : : :
Evill fiud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3 :
E "The nealeI' That Savcs You Money , " = =
C.S. MARTIN , Mf [ , Agt '
: : : -AND DI Ar It IN- - = =
E - : ANT-I'.I. : : l.JS'T' CtCDS. : = =
11111 1111 1111'1 ' 11111111 11111111111111 11111111111 11 11111111111111
- . - . - - - . . . .
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - . _ . _ - - - - -
. - = = : = = = - . - - - - =
i ,
Peter Beck of Georget wn , was
I a friendly caller al t1ti ofiice
' ' ' . Mr. llec1c reports the
crop prospects linc in his c , 1ity.
- - - -
, , - - - - - - - _ .
. _
'l'hc ladies of thc M. l . church
reali ed $28 from their icc cream
and strawberrr. social Saturday
aftcrnoon and 11Ight.
i ,
- - -
- -
- - - - - - -
. . . . . E . C . . .IL OU h ) E . . . . . g
Real Estate , Loans Insurance
s N
I have omc of the be t farlM in thc county fo1' salc.
I ha\'e somc of the be t ranches in the gtate "for sale. .
I bave threc good city re idenle for sale. ft
r have some of the most desirablc city lots for Balc. .
I have money to loan on good improved farllls in Cu ter Co.
I havc monc ) ' to loan on good cily property.
I have the best equipped Insnrancc Agency in hc county.
8 8
N - - - - -
. . - = = = Gill 3 = - - - ' - - 0
- - - - -
S 8
Hail ! Hail ! HaiU Hail ! I
Now thal you have thc bcst prospect for a bumper
crop , protect it by insurancc in the old reliable St. Panlli'ire
and Marine Insurancc Co. agail1st Hail.
AC ' [ Nrr . S
BrolCn Bow , - - - - - - Nebraska.
; , < : / .r.r.r.J.r./G'-f".r..r.r..r. : : ' . . : r.r..r..r.r.r..rJ'r.J'oI''r.'r..r..r..r..QJi :
, , . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
- -
rA A , . . , A f . AA A . ' . , . - n . - r. , . . , . . . . . , . . :6it-it-t' : : : : AA , o\ A
# . . : tl : t 'j : : ! ; ( ; jj. ( ) f-t'r.-tMf ; : ( ; > :1. ; I.t ; .t ; ; t. - - ' : $ )
" ' , " = 'fl . )
: ! : " ? i ! :
ctff c'r : ! : ' , M TbT Uvn It ) T 1 R A I N , . ? ; f1t { { ! ; , : < ; ) :
cl' ' f' )
Much Weeds ! i
. > :
c : \ To get rid of them quick , get a ;
Two-Row Swede Cultivator !
. : c. , ! ( They are deat.h to weeds. . ) (1\ ( . : ) )
< 'I " '
\Ve are now making pI'eparutions ; 1'01'
< the Hny find ( .I1'Hill hurvpst. Look up t1 ? :
i what l'l'1Htil'S you will wIInt 1'01' the :
: Deering' I ewer IUlll Bindel' . I r you fi :
: 1 WHnt H new maehillp , we have them. !
: \Ve now have H fpw uargains in t :
\ Hay Sweeps and Stackers , \
: f and Iay r1akesulll ; : :
( They are the best thing on the mar- ' , :
keto Hce liS about tht'se if YOll waut =
: : . a bargaill , 'Phone Xo. 107. :
_ - '
-'I t Our Motto : "Undersell. " . m : t
: i c. W. APPLE , , :
: . I : ' " \VeRt Hide HquHre , Broken Bow , Nebl'Hslm. . . . X :
. . ;
. . .
. . .
c vvw w : t. "N . _ : _ mt. _ vwv ! i > :1jJtt.'t : 'Uv'U : { : 'U'U _ w ! vwvvv " ' : : l : ! . v'vvvvvv ! .r : ; : ! 1 : : i : ! ! v : i : VVV Y : 'A Y
, .