Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 16, 1904, Image 3
10 ' . . ' , . 0 . . 0 . . , ' ' . II I I , I . i . , ' . . . . .11.\ . . . ' . . . . . . I ' . . ? , ' : r l i / /I/ , ' . . ' / < 11. . , Ih . . . . h. . . . \ . . . . . . . : : : . . . . . . . ' . , . . " . . . . . . ' . . . - , , ' . , . ' . : . : 4'- : \ f.i/ / T a be a successful wife , to retain the love and admiration of her husband should be a woman's constant study. IVIrs. Bro""vn and Mrs. Potts tell their stories for the benefit . of all " "vives and mothers. , . . . . . . DEAR MRS. PINKUA.MLydin. . E. Pirilcham's Vegetable Com- pDtlnl will malte every mother Trell , strong , healthy nnd happy. I dragged through nine years of miserable existence , worn out with pa.ln nnd weariness. I then noticed a. sta ent of a woman troubled M I was , nnd the wonderful resuUs she hnd had from your Vegetable Compound , nnd decided to try whnt it would do for me , and used. it for three monthA. At the end of that time I TVIUi 0. different woman , the neighbors remarked it , nnd my husblmd fell in love with me alLover 1lfI1\ln. It seemed lilte 0. new e'xist nce. l'bad been suffering - . foring with Inflammation nnd falling of the womb , 'but your medicine cured thut nnd built up my entire system , till I wns int'teed like a new womnn.- Sincerely yours , Mns. CUAB. F. Bnow , 21 Cedar Terrace , Dot Springs , Ark. , Vice President Mothers' Club. " Suffering women should not fail to profit by 1\lrs. Brown's ex- pcrienecs ; .i ust as surely as sbe was eured of the troubles enumer- uted in her letter , just so surcly will Lrdin. : E. Plnlclmm's Vegetnhle C0111pouml cure other wonum who sulfcr from womb troubles , inflammation of tbe ovarieslddnoy trouhlcs , ncrvous excitabillt ' und ncrvous prostrntiou. Rcad the Htory of l'lrs. Potts to al 'i 1ll0the1s : - - - 1.1 DEA.n : Mns. PnmUA"r : - During the el\rly pdrt of my married life I wns very dclleato in henlth. I hnd two miscarril\ges , nnd both my husband and I felt very bndly as we were nnxious to have children. A nel hbor who had been using I 'dit E. Pinlc1mm's Yegetable Compound ad'\"ised me to try It , and I decided to do so. I soon felt that my appeti was incrensing , the headaches gradually decreased nnd finully disappea.rcd , Rnd my general hen.lth improv \ . I felt ns if new blood coursed through my veht.s ; , the sluggish tired feeliD disappeared , nnd I became - came strong and well. . " Wi thin a year after I becnme "ihe mother of a strong' h Althychild , the joy of our home. Yon certainly have a splendid remedy , nnd I wish every mother knew of it , - Sincerely yours , 1\Ins. ANNA. PO'ITS , 510 Parle Ave. , IIot Springs , Ark. " I you fcel that there is anything at 0.11 . unusual or puzzling about your case , or if you wish confidential ndvice of the most c rienced , "Tite to Mrs. Pink- ham , Lynn , 1\Inss. , nnd you will be adVIsed free of char1c. L ' (1ia E. Pincbnm's Ve etaho Compouml has cured and IS curmg thousands - of cases of female troubles-curing' them , inexpensively and absolutely. Uemember thi.s when you go to your druggist. Insist upon getting 8..ydia E. PlaldJam's Vegetable Compound. . lD ANTISEPTIC PILE CONES w DRUGGISTS. Sample Froo. ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE eo" Crela , Neb. SLEEP. I "I'OU-OYI THIJ I'LAQ , " TAtE THE WABASH TO SAINT lOUS ! I . THE ONLY LINE TO - THE WDRIJ)9S FAIR MAIN ENTFlANCE. 1Ju ge ellI.'ckl'd to 'Vorhl' . l nlr , , ; . .uul. . Stopovers allowed. All Agents can route you via. the ' \V ABASH. I'or beau- tltulVorld's Fair tolder and all Intor- matlon addr'csK addr'csKHARRY HARRY E. : ! ttOORES , Gen. As-t. Pass. Dcpt. . Omahll , Nob. THE nAISY FLY KillER dutr" a/fortl.coaCorHoe..r thenlHan , 1I0ma-ln ! , and , 1.lace. who" , . . " 1 , " are trouble. . - ' ' me. Clean. neal " ! l' a'l < l will not .011 0' ! : " f\'i v " ' ; : e'nao : r . b : .J : you will ne..r be wlthouttbcm.lfnot ) : oelll : ; IUIIIII.II bOlIIKIL'I , . UU V.hllt . . . . . . . . , . , JlnHlu" . . . . I. t r- OSEBUD RESERVATION MAPSI Largen eomplMe map pqblhhrd. Co ! , , , of rrui- dent' . proclanl tlon. 6end We tu W. n , l'INE , Kp. 'Ibl DOII..tecll.&nd Co. , 1I01l1.teeJ , B. D. IEWIS SINGLE . &eTlmr . .UTv BINDER ! \TRAI611I&CI6AR \ ALWAYS REL ! . BLE rour bbcr or dll'1'c& ' UIIW } o' I\01f , I'llona , 111. , 'fREE to WOMEN A Lorge Trial Box and book of Ine structlons absolutely Free and Post ! paid , enougb to prove the valu0 0 ( P xtineToilet Antiseptic Putlno is In JIO'de , fonn to dissolve III Wllter - non-polsonOUi end farauperlurto Ilqu Id ntlseptlcs contlllnln2 alcohol whleh Irritates Inllamod lIurfllcCII , Bnd have DO cleanslnsrprop. ertle , . The contents of every box make > > more Antiseptic Solu. tlonlasts Ionsrer- gOCtl further-11M mor. uses In the family IIncS dace more oed than any antbeptll : preparatloQ you CUll buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician , and wed with great success as a Vaginal Wash , for Leucorrh a , Ptlvlc Catarrh , Nas.1J Catarrh , Sore Throat , Sore Eyes , Cuts , and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills PaxUno is inTl1lua'blo. Ullod as 110 Valnnl ! : Wash wo chal1ongo the world to l'luce Its equal tor thoroughn ss. n 1.s a rc\'olatlon In clonJflng ; and healing power ; It kills nil germs wb1cu cause taftammntlon nnd dbchnrjtes. .AllleadlngdrullllM : keep I'.xtlne ; price. roc. a box ; It yours does not , fiend to uator It. Don't take a lulisU&utotltero Is nothing like l'axtlne. . 'Vrlte 'ortl1o Free Jlox 0' Putlue : tMar. : . J . : . . .PAXTON CO" 5 , Pope DtdR' , . Do.ton. Ma.&Io I Lawn Fence : Iron or wlrc. mnny slylell , . tOI r BldencecbllrcblIchool , I . ( 'tIUClery : pUllllry IInll hOI I. t"nce ; tolrm IIII"B. Senll tUI clllllloluc. l bal1l lon Icon and \\lre Wockt . OM AlIA. N D. PORTRAIT AGENTS \ ! Our I'OOd. ' the 1H8& ! . Price. the . lo\lt'oot. I'romp& .blol : menu , I > ellvcry ut all 1.tI'alu guarlnleed. Seta ; fur rslalogun RnI IgenU price lilt. Addre. . ADA1d : J , KROLL 41 : CO" .ow Era Blq. , Chlcleo , When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Tf 1s Paper. . . , . r , 0" " . . ' . . ' - . . [ 1 e NEWS IN NEBRASKA ] BANKERS UNION NOW FREE. I Court DICGolvos Injunction ano Dls. charges the Receiver. I.lNCOI N-'rho Injllnctlo\ : operatIng - Ing against the Bllnl < ors Union of the World wns dlssol\'ed b. " Uw spuremo court nnd the receh'er dismIssed , Jndgo I.'lIed , nttorner : for the com , Ilnny , hn.\'ing flied with the tourt the new b.lnws of the orders chnnged to conform to the decision nnd cmler of the court In the cnse. The costs were nllowcd ns follows : Robert H'an , ret- cree , $400 : John Power , receiver , $ :100 : : Minor Bncon , stonogrnpher , $300. $300.Tho The report hnd been previously flied with the Insurnnce delmrtmcnt , but the license wns not forthcoming for the renson thnt Deputy Pierce nUll Auditor 'Veston were not sure about some of the points. t hnt had been In controversy , nnd tWY ! desired to have the court interpret its opinion. The report fnlled to show thnt President Spinney hnd turned bnck into the order - der the money he is Illleged to hllvo tnlwn out of It In f s , not In conformIty - Ity with the decision of the court , nnd the nlldltor wns nlso uncertnln about the members who hnd been tnltcn in : by the nbsorptlon of other orders , I many past the n e limit. , without 11. medical exnmlnntlon. Th report showed also that the order hnd 12,000 members wl'en at the meeting recently - ly held in Omahn It was brought out that there were only GOOO members. The court held , however , thnt the re. port complied with the order hllnded down some time ago. Iresldent Spinney - ney nlso filed with the Insurance de. pnrtment n. release of 11.11 clllims held agnlnst the compnuy by him except the salar ) ' voted to him b ) ' the Doard of Directors. BANNER COUNTY MEN usa GUNS. Edward Sharp Seriously Injured by E. C. Lewis , KIMBALL-Edward Sharp was shot : and perhnps flltnlly woundhd by E. C. Lewis , just over the lIne in Dan. ner county. Lewis , who is n mnrrled man , bas been In 'Vyomlng for sovernl weelts nnd on his return heard that Shllrp had been paying attention to his wife. He borrowed n gun and horse and started for Sharp's home in Dnnner county. It seems thnt Lewis met Sharp and Mrs. Lewis on the road and the shooting commenced at once , Lewis' first shot going through Sharp's jaw nnd the second shot entering the back , lOdging nenr the breast bono after penetrating the lung. Sharp llrcd one shot , which hit Lewis' horse. All three came to Kim. hall , Lewis giving himself up to SherIff - Iff Bnrtholomew. Sharp is In 11. pre. carious condition , the chances for reo cover ) ' being against him. Call for Warrants. State Treasurer Mortensen has is- Bued a call for warrants to the nmount of $60,000 for June 1 G , warrants number - . . ber from 101,427 t 182,143. 1\1r. Mar. tensen also notified brolters that It was possible that the state bonrd of cducntlonnl lanels amI funds would have from $ OOOO to $100,000 to inv t I by June 14 , money belonging to the temporary school fund. This information - i tion , of course , Is not official. , ns the bonrd has not yet given its snnctlon to the Investment , but It is more than probable Hint the investments wHl be mnde. Struck by Train. FREMONT-While wnlldng from North Dend to Fremont a mnn SUI- posed to be Charles Prunsld of South Omnhll was stmck by Union Pacific trnln No. G nnel Instantly Itilled tl1ree miles from the first named place. Increase of Postmastera' Salaries. "T ASHINGTON-Thesc chnnges in postmasters' salnrles were announced : Nobraslm-Incl'ease , Burwell , from $1- 000 to $1,100 ; College View , from $ I. 000 to $1,200. South Dalwta-De. CI'enso , Hurley. from $1,100 to $1,000. Wyoming-Increase , Cody , fr8m 1,100 to $1,200. Looking for Negro Murdere . DROKEN DOV-\lnrshal Towsley has received a tolegrnm to look out f r the negro soldier who did the ltill. Ing at Fort Robinson MIlY 13. It Is thought he may be lurldng In this vi. elnlty , , . Horse Thieves In CasSo. PLATTSMOU'rHHorse thieves visited the farm of Henry Sturm , noor Nell1lwka , nnd as a result thnt gentleman - man Is minus a valuable tenm of horses , Little Boy Is Drowned. PENDER-While attempting to cross a smnll rnvlne , swollen hy the recent rnln , the 'I.yearold son of lIenr ) ' 1\1uhlo , noor Quinton , was drowned In the presence of his father. National Guard organizations from other states mny pnss through Ne , rn.slm with impunity and guns , but without ' .1mmunltlon from , Tune 1 to November 10 , becnuse Adjutant Gen. eral Culver has Issued nn order to thnt rtect. The order was necessnl1' for the reason that the troops of 'one state have no rhht to go through nn- other without llormlsslon. The with. out nmmunltJon cl Ulm wns put In be. cause the governOt' and adjutllnt gon. eral did not wemt Nobraslcn shot full of holes tram cn1' windows ) 1 ( hila , rlous soldlerB. THE STATE IN BRIEF. Croll pro pects In the vicinity or Lawrence wel'o 110\"Cr better. HepresentaU''o business men of I1l11nholtlt have orgnnl1.ed n commercial - cial club. G901'gO l'rnuher , au old nnd respected - od clU1.en of Buffalo count ) . , died al his homo near IH\'ordalc. Clllrlcs Seamen at Sewnrdms so- , 'orcly Injured br the heavy wheels of nn ioo wagon rllnulng over one of his thlghs. He wus nttemptlng to stoll the ruuawa ) ' tenm. The rUrl1 mall route out of Cnlla. wny will bo put Into effect .Tuno 16. Tho' boxes nrc all'eady being ll1lt In plnco. This Is the fit'st route In that section of the countr ' , and the farm' ers In the outiylng districts feel gl'l\e. ful for the I\ll\'antngo oriercd by this route. Bo's swlmmln ! ; In the Cedar river at. "ullorton found the bed ) ' of Charles Carlson , who hud heen worlhl ! ; on the farm of li'rnnlt Holmstedt until n. fov dn's ago , when he quit and Cl1lnO to Fullerwn. Being n strunger there , no one paid nny attention to his dlsnp. pcarnnce. ' The mlng of the will of Pntrlclt 1\Innlon , who lIvel } In South Omahll , hns brought to light the fnct thllt In- stend of being a penniless ! lnd forlorn old mnn , IlS ho was SUlposed to bo , Mr. Manion wns possessed of money nnd real estllte to the value of mora lillln $100,000. Edgnr Evans , formerly of .Tnclson county , Kansas , now under nrrest nt Falls City , wHl bo tnlen bac1e to the SunlJower state to answer to the charc , of st.ltutory assault filed b ) ' Nellie Soegoet , who clnlms to be 17 years of age. HequlsltJon wa.s hon. ored by Governor 1\lIcl\01. 1\lrs. H. O. hnox of Uncoln was prostrated by . bolt of lightning which struck 11 telephone pole just haclt of her house. The Knox family wns gllthered around the supper tnble when the lightning struck. All the mem ers of the family wore shocltCd , but nonl1 so seriously ns 1\Irs. nox. J. H. 1\IIles of Falls City WnB In Lln. coIn consulting the Durlington engln' eers nb ut taltlng the Idnlt out of the Nemnhll river. lIe has planned to strengthen the channel for thirteen anll a hnlf miles below Humhohlt , nnd he declnres thnt this wHl llrotect val. uable property from overflow. Following Is the mortgngo report for Gngo count ) . for the month of 1\Iay : Number of fnrm mortgages filell 29 , amount $ 3,057 : number of farm mortgages - gages released , 3G , amount $ 7,774 ; number of city mortgnges filed , 17 , ! lmount $8,8.10 : number of clly mortgages - gages released , 33 , amount $19,897. "Tord has reached Auburn of the dentll of Cyrus 1\r. Kanffman of Brown. vHle. He dlell at 'l'lppecnnoe , Ind. , where ho had been on nn extended visit. His remnlns will lJe brought. to BrownvlJlo for interment. 'rhe deceas. cd was about 7 years of ngo , Md was one of the old settlers of the ounty. . The United States civil sen'lce com. mission nnnounces nn examlnnllon In Omnhll on Jnne 29.30 to secure ellgl. bles from which to mnltO certification to fill nt t.wo vncancles in the position - sition of medical Interne in the gov- ernmeat hospltnl for the insnne , Washington , D. C. , Ilt $600 per nunum ench. All the offices nt tbe stnte caplt.ol WPDO closed for a few hours ns 11 mnrle of respect to II. A. Dnbcoclt , deputy state trensurer , who died Sundny. The funernl services , which were held nt the residence , were conducted by the Hev. H. C. Swearingen of the First Presbyterian church. The nctlve Jlnll. bearers were all members of the Wla. consln regiment In , , hich Mr. Dnb. coole served Ilurlng the clviwar. . The following mortgages were fllell anll releasell In SarJlY county during the month of Mny : Pnrm mortgages filetl , 3 , amounting to $46 ; relensell , 7 , nmountlng to $8,042 ; town mort- gA eB filed , 2 , amountln ! ; to $8GO ; re. leased , , nmountlng to $4,028 ; chattel mortgages fil ell , H , Ilmountlng td $1.- 381 ; released , G , nmountlng to $ l,07G , 1I0w much Is the scnse of smell worth ? Philander G. Lese estlmntes' his nt $ l ,10G.60 , and sues Lancnster ( 'ounty for that nmount , Last October while drivIng over n. slIppery brlge I..oao received a fnll , In which the low , I'r part of his nose anll his upper lip were cut oft. Since then ho has lost the sense of smell. 'Vashlngton dispatch : The seeretl\ \ . ' ry of wllr hns decided against the pro\ \ ) ' osition to mnlto Omaha headquarters lor the signal corps of the army. ThlR tntement W S made tollay by Oenem1 Chartee , chief of stnff. For some time past both Genernl Chaffeo unIT Gen. eral Greeley have plnnned to rcoccupy old Fort Omnhll b ) : estnbllshlng the hcndquarters of the corps there , as wen as the training school for this branch of the service. I . D , May , IntolY of Camp Nelson. K. y" hns been nppolntell to succeell Major Dow ns superintendent of the naUannl cemeler ) ' , loented nt Fort Ic. Pherson , Mlljor Dow goes to Springfield - field , 1Jl. A 110rse belonging' to Jnmes Colli. gm : , a farmer living Ix mlles from North Bend , wns stolen Inst weel. . ) ' a judicious use of the county telo. Ilhones the thief anll horse were trnct. ) ed ncrOBS the counll' ) ' , IInd when the man arrived in that town the vJJJn o marshn.l WIlS waiting for him nnd plncell him under arrest. , DOCTO ADVOCATED , OPERATION- PE. U.NA MADE KNIFE UNNECESSA Ytl , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MIts. EVA HAR'l'1tO , lh'\ : East lth : ! St. , New Ym'lt Clt , " N. Y. , wriles : " 1 suffcred lor thrco ' ' with < 'I\rn lC\1- corrhel IUlIl \ ccratlon lIf the womb. 'I'he doel < Jr 1I11\'IIIat.ld : IIn OPt'rIlUOI1 which 1 drended'C1' . " nmch , a1ll1l\trollg- 1 ' objectl < l to go umll'r It. Now 11\111 II. ehl\lI cd011I111. . Peruna. em'ell tIlC ; It toolc 111110 bet tIcs , but 1 felt 1'0 milch hllpro\'Itl : Ilt < 'pt tnldng it. , IlS I tIt'ended 1\11 operatlonltll1l\nch. I am to.dI1 ' In Jlerf t health 11.1111 hl1'\"o not ielt fO well lor nfwen 'carR.'I'S , l' va. lIartho. "frs. Senator I oacll , of LarJ. morc , N. Dak. ; AIrs , Senator Warren - ren , of CIcyennc , Vyo. ; Be/va Lockwood and Mrs. Oenernl Long- street , of Wasl/nxton , D. C. , are among tle prominent ladles who indorse Peru/w. MIAA Helen Holof , I aulmu . .n , Wis. , writes : " 8e'\"ern.l times during' the past two years or mon , mr f'stclII hnli IJCon gn'nth' in lIeell of 11. tonic , IUlIlnt the o tllllcS 'Per\1nl , has ht'en of { frcnt hdp lu 11\11111111 \ up the I'\'litem , l"l'st < ll'lng mJ' nppetlte ntlll 6cemlng' l'csUul 61cel1' " - Udell Holof. MiNi : \luricl \ Armltng'e , 36 Greenwood Ave. , Detroit. Mich. , mstrict , Org'nnlzer vf the Ho 'al 'I'emplarli of 'ell1pertlucc , writes follows : "I suffered for five 't'ea1'8 with utcrlne in'Cg'ull\1'ities. whlcl hrought on hJ.tI- terh 1\1111 made me It phYI'lenl wreclt. I tried doctors frolll the different Hehoo18 of medlciue , but wit.hout un : . ' Jlcl'ccptlble chnng'e in my COIIIHtron. IulUY tkHlI\lr ) I callcll on 1111 old IlUl'8e , who IIlh'isetl mo to try PcrunlulIIl promisetl goOtI results if I wou1l1 vcrslst nnd t.alto It regull\rl ' . I Itept this up for six months , I\nll tlwndllJ' gained strength antI health , ILIld when I hnd used 1lft en bottles I conflidorcd mYmlf entirely cured. I n1l1 a J'rnt.dul : , happr wowun l < Jdny.tIlIllI Muriel Armita e. Mi s IJ\1oy 1\1. Itl1'c" , 33 Davenport St. , Cleveland , Ohio , writes : . .I "I wish to nllc1 mJ' indorH4'Jncnt to thousl\nds of other w01l1on who II1\\'e heeD curc through the U80 of 1'crunl1. 1 suffered for five ycal's with BO\'cro - - - - - ' " . . . . . . . . . bnclmche , nnd when wenryor , vorrled in the lcnst 1 hud prolong ll hel\dacllU. 1I11u now In , health , enjoy lifo IUlll hU\'e 1ther an ache or pn.1n , tlumlrs'to ' I'nnm.-IJ11ey M. nlley. It. Is 110 longerlqucHtion ns towhcthc1' lc1'11I1Ienn ht } roBeli on to cure a1l811ch ca t'/I. Durlnlf the many yeurs in which I I'crU1Ihl8 becn put to test in n11 fonWA anlll\t.agcB of acute nnll chronle\rrh 110 ono yenr has put this rumedy to grenter te.'it tlllln the l1Mt 'cn.r. . If 1 1l the women who uro suffering with I\n ' form of fCllll\le wenlmCRS woulll wrile to Dr. IIartmltn , Columbus. Ohio , nml give him a. comple deHcri tion ol thclr symptoms am1 the pecuB- arltlc4 of their troubles , ho will imme- ( Hlltely reply with eompleto direcUoM for trclltment , free of elmrge. AdllrCNI Dr. Hartmlln , lrcs1l1cnt ot The lIurtmun Sanita.rium , Columbus. Ohio. . . lfHCHBSrGBR . . T al\e Down Repeating Shotguns \ Don't spend from $50 to $200 for % ! J un , when for so , much less money you can buy u Winchester Taket t I Down Repeating Shotgun , which will outshoot an I outlast the highest-priced double-barreled _ gUD , ! I besides being as safe , reliable and handy. Your I - ' ' . dealer can show you one. They are sold everywhere. 0'l \ , . . FREE I Ou J60-P.1qe Illustraled Cdt.ltogue. ij r : ( ( WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVENCONN : - . , f . - . , " . I " 0. ' " , " , . < ' ' ' - " 'I ) ' : : , t \ , ' . I" " , ' . . \ I f . . , o " ( " : \I. . . . . . . - ' ' , . I GET' A-GRASP ON OUR TR.ADE MA't ' GET TO KNOW IT WilEN YOU SEE IT AND THEN NE.VER BUY STARCH Wintour fT. DEFIANCE ST M CH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD. IT IS fTTE . IT IS'TlIE BEST AND MO E OF IT fO TEN CEmS , TItAN ANY OTUER STARCH. IT WILL NOT ROT TH , ClOTliES. YOUR GI OCE ItAS IT , O WilL GET IT If YOU AS fOR IT. nil. r . II . Ii SATISfACTION OR MONE.Y . . . . BACK : MANUFACTURED BY The DEFIA CESTARCH CO. . OMMIA , NEB. ' 04 . ,