Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 09, 1904, Image 7

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    " '
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r A prominent club woman ,
Airs. Danforth , of St. Joseph ,
Mich. , tells how she was cured
, of falling of the womb and its
accompanying pains and misery
by Lydia E. Pinlham's Vegetable
" DEAn MRS. Pnnm.U ! : - LIfo 1001tS
do.rk indeed when II. woman feels that
her strength is fading II. way nnd she hns
o hopes of ever bclnr ; restored. Such
was my feeting II. few months ago when
I was advised that my poor health was
caused by prolapsus or falllng of the
. womb. The words sounded 111m a
knell to me , I felt that my sun hnd set ;
but Lylio. E. Pinkham's Vegetable -
table Compound eame to me ns nn
elixir of liie ; it restored the lost forces
Bnd built me up until my good health
returned to me. For four months I
took the medicine daily , nnd eaeh dose
addcd health and strength. I am so
thnnkfuUor thchclp Iobtalncd through
1007 : Mnes Ave. , St. Joseph , Mieh.-
-$5000 forfeit If original of aboua letter pTOolng
genuineness cannot be produced.
Women would save tlmo and
much sickness if they would
wl'ito to Mrs. Pinkham for a < lvico
. DS soon as any distressing srmp- :
toms appear. It is free , and has
put thousands of women OD thor
r ht road to recovery.
/ ;
, , ' , , ; .I ;
' . ; t"
'i , : >
. .
" ' :
r , I ,
: > Especially
: : . . Mothers
, ' "l , ; "
I " , ' ; ; : The Sanative , Antiseptic ,
. Cleansing , Purifying.
and Beautifying
Propertes ! of
, ' "
: ' $ -
" I . ,
. ' . .
, : " : , ' : ' ! " Assisted by CUTICURA
A ' Ointment the
: , : , g.reat
' ' ' ! . Skin Cure of
: , ( ; , j , are
; : ; , ( , t , . . ! ' Priceless Valuel
' ! . 'I' I
: , ' " , : : 1 For preserving , purifying , an ! !
' , : : ! 'cutifying the : :1:0 , for d nsing
; ; , : , f the scalp of crusts , scales , and
"f , . dandruff , and the stopping of faU-
, . ' , , \ . " ing hair , for softening , whitening ,
: " and soothing red , rough , and sore
, hands , for baby rashes and cha-
fings , in the form of baths for annoying -
noying irritations , u1ccrationsand
inflammatiohs of womeR , and
many sanative , antiseptic purposes -
poses which readily suggest them. .
aelves , as well as for aU purposes
of the toilet , bath , and nursery ,
I CURA Ointment arc pricc1
. . .orld. CaJUIIU Soap. " " . . '
Said throuchout the ' 1..011'1-
. , . . . , . . Ia of Cb..olal. oato4
1n'lIt , -.1I..01"DI O. ( form < :
, . 1'1111. 25 < : . P" .101 01 & ( I ) . Iltpotl I Ioadoo. % 7 Charltr-
i , ou. . 1' < \ . , l'arlo.5 liDO Pals ,1I tIOD , 1 7 Coluwbva
, . ' . . . . , . " .
An. . . 1'01t. IJrur" Cbom. Corp. Sol. l"roprlttou.
. . &tDd lor" Uow to 1' , l'urit" aDd > > . . . . \Ur.D
No woman over sixteen ought to
, try to "move" her relatives by tears.
A.k YonI' Dealer For AUen's Foot-E..e ,
, \ A powder , It rests the feet. Cures Corns ,
Bunions , Swollen , Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching
. Sweating Feet and Ingrowing N ils. Alloo's
J Foot-Ease makes newar tight shoes : Uf. At
, r I all Druggists and Shoe stores , 2S cents. Ac.
I cept no substitute. Sample maned FRnB.
_ . "r Addre" Allen S. Olmsted , , Le Roy , N. Y.
" . .
: J , _ Our victories depend on how we
, ' . talte our defeats.
Jltn. IDlllow' . l5oothtoJ : ' STMlPo
For cblldren teetblJlIf' IOttcna tbojfurue , reolaee. m.
l1unmaUo , al1a.rl J'1II , CU/'c.l WUld oollu. . boUIeo
: The curse cannot get beyond Cal.
' .
. ' J. ,
, ,
The queen or Englanll ha3 a ravor-
Ito teapot of which aho IB very tend
and whllh Is In frequent use nt Sand.
rlnglllun , It Is In the shnpo or a baJl'
reI Qf wine , with n stout ohl Dutchman -
man silting astrltle. I1is cap Bervos
Cor n lid , and n gold tnp lets out the
Defiance Starch
8hould bl ) In every houlleholtl , none 80
good , besldl's 4 oz. more tor 10 cents than
Illl ' other brund ot cold watcr starch.
Arnone ) ' spendthrm Is a moral sui-
I'lso's Cure for Consumption Is lion tnfn11lblo
medicIne for ooughs and cold-N. . 8.u&UELa
Ocean Grove , N , J" Feb. IT , 11 > 00.
Ulvlng hnpplness is the only secret I
of gottlng it.
AIUp / to Date HouGekeepers
use Dellance CollIVater Starch , becauBo
It Is beticI' , aud 4 oz. mora ot It tal' sarna
It Is the opportunity " " 0 malee thnt
mnlees us.
The Best Results In Starching
cnn hc obtalnet1lonl ' b ' usIng Defiance
Starch , besldcs getting' 4 oz. more tor
tUlmo money-no cooking requlrod.
Detter n tIelutIed enthusiasm than a
doatI heart.
When Vou Buy Starch
buy Defiancc nnd gct the best. 1G oz. tor
10 ccnts , Oncc used. alwnys used.
Home.mndo ) 'olt s are nlWaYB hen\-
U.rlgglc-Stlctt LAUNDRY LUE
Won't spll1 , brenk , freeze nor spot clothes.
Costs 10 cents nnd equals 00 cents worth or
nn ' other bluing , Itour g\'ocer docs not
keep it send lOe for snml1lo to The L'\un rv
Dluo co. , 14 Uchlglln Street , Chicago.
Soma families keep n. servant Girl
antI several of her relntlons.
Lcvls' II Single Blnller" strnlght CiQ
cigar. Made b ' IlI\nll of ripe , thoroughly
cured tobacco , which Insures 1\ rich , BlltiS-
fylng smoke. You pnr 10c for cigars not
so good. Lewis' Factory , Peoria , Ill.
Nothing spoils the life lIlte living
for the spoils.
Our Big 50-Cent Catalogue 18 Now
For years th ! ] price of our big General -
eral Merchandise Catalogue has been
50 cents , but we hnve reduced our
selling prices on all kinds of ods so
tar below all other houses as to Insure -
sure almost every catalogue bringing
orders antI mnltlng new customers ,
and br : the Introduction of new paper-
malting machinery , new automatic
rotary printing , folding , blndng and
covering macIilnery wo have so re-
ducc the cost of maklns this big
book thnt we w'lll now send It by mall ,
post paid , tree to nny address on ap-
plication. .
The big boole , 'which heretofore was i
sold nt 60 cents each , and which Is ,
now free for the nsklng. Is 81hxU1h
Inches In size. contains thousands of
Ulustratlons , descrltlons antI prices ,
Is thoroughly compLete In nearly every
kind of mcrchnnd1se , including dry
goods , clothing , boots Bnd shoes , tur-
nishlng goods , notions , millinery , carpets -
pets , upholstcrlng , hardware , tools ,
electrical goods"suns , spQrtlng goods ,
sewing machines , musical Instruments -
ments , organs , plnnos , furniture , baby
carriages , croclery , cutlery , stoves ,
drugs , photogrnphlc oods , optical
goods , tnlltlng machines , moving picture -
ture npparatus , buggies , harness , sad.
dIes , saddler ) ' , watches , jOWQlry , silverware -
verware , clock , safes , .refrigerators ,
tinware , cvelJ'thlng used In the home ,
in the shop , In the tactluy and on the
farm , and all priced at prlcs ! much
lower than were ever ofered br nny
other house.
If you hnve one of our big cnta.
logues or have ever seen one you
lenow what It Is , the most complete ,
most up to date and lowest-priced cat.
alogue ever publishetIt If you haven't
our big catalogue don't fall to S'Cnd
tor one at once. If you have the big
be ok please fell your trlends and
neighbors that , the book Is now free
ii. 1 they cnn' get one for the king.
Simply on a postnl card or In a letter
say , "Send mo your Big CntBlogue , "
and the big new boole , our regular 60-
cent cntalogue , will go to 'ou l1y re'
turn mall , postpaid , free with our com ,
pllments. Please don't forget to tell
) 'our neigh1Jor who hasn't the big book
that the big GO.cent boolt Is now tree
to an'ono for Uie asldng. Address
SEARS , nOEBUCK & CO. , Chicago
How we 0.11 ( jlsllko the child thai
has its own w y , and Is Impudent !
All of us nMd a great deal of trnln ,
free to. Twenty-five Ladies.
The Defiance Starch ( Jo. will gIVe
25 ladles a round trip t.1cket to the
St. Louis Exposition , to five ladies
In each of too following states : Illinois -
nois , Iowa , Nehraskn , Kansas and
1\1lssourl wh will send In the largest
number of trade marks cut from n ten-
cent , 16.ounce pacJmgo of Defianeo
cold water laundry starch. Thl.s
me.-lOs from 'our own home , nny-
where In the nbove nnmoo states.
These trade marl.B must be mailed to
and received by. the Defiance Starch
Co. , Omaha , Nebr. , beCore Sept mber
1st , 190,1. October and November
will be the best months to visit the
Exposition. Remember thnt D 3fianco
Is the only stnrclt put up 16 oz. ( a
rull pound ) to the package. You get
one-third more starch for the same
money than of an ) ' other ldnd , and
Defiance never stlcls to the iron.
'rhe tickets to the ExpaslUon will be
sent by reglst.cret' mnll September
61.1. Starch for sale by all denl rs.
We have noticed that when women
go to 0. world'sf fair they have more
bonstlng to do about how little It
cost them than about whnt they aaw
whL\o there.
Important to Mathe. . .
J.umlno : : cardull.1 ev bottle of CABTORIA ,
a .alD and Inro remedy for Wants find chlldrm ,
and lieD thAt It _ _
BlgDatl1ro ot - . I .
lD Veo : Par Over 80 YGArl ,
no ID11 < 1 YOIl nATe .Alway. . Dought.
Y "
, ' '
. . , ,
Duslness Remedy nnd Nut a Retalla.
tory Measure ,
LINCOLN-'rhe rnllroads of Ne.
braska found nn eloquent defcnder In
'V. G. Sears , ono of the authors of the
now revenue InDefore the stnto
boarll of equalization he declared that
the revenue law was n business and
not 0. retaliator ) ' plcce of legislation.
Ie farm prolert ) ) . had been Increased
It was not just to raise the rnllroad
assessment Cor thllt reason nlone. He
nsserted that Carm lrOperty ought to
be raised , and that the authors of the
bill had this object In view. lIe main-
tnlned that year after 'car th.o rail.
roads hall paid taxes In cash , while
others had not. lIe snltl the sloclt and
bond theory of railroad assessment
seemed goo < 1 , but the state board
would have to 1001. out for the Inflated -
flated vnlues of slocls and bonds. 110
said the Chicago , 1\1lnneapolls & St. .
Paul road In his nelghbol'hooll had
been built at an expense or $16,000 a
mno. It had been honded for $32,000.
110 tl\Ou ht the latter was the value of
the road.
The estimate of the Chicago , Dur-
lIngton & Qulnc ) ' system was tIls-
cussed. The members \ discussed the
stock and bond the I'J-- \"aluntlon
minus the nt'cossary credits. Nothing
doflnlto wus decided upon , nnd the ul-
tlmato theor ' of the bonrd Is just as
Intanglhlo as the most Intnnglble form
of railroad propert- .
The Burlington reports show that
the capltnl stock Is $110,830,100 , the
number of shares of stock 1,108,301 ,
nnd the par vl ue $100. Thol shares
hnvo not" been quoted on the marlwt
for morc thnn two yenrs , dating from
the consolidation with the Northern
Securities compnny. The capital Is
aIt paid up and the Indebtedness Is
given at $166O OOOO , less $13,493-
132.66 securities and cash for Invcst-
ment In the slnltlng fund , making an
Indebtedness of $142Ci 7,767.34. The
gross enrnlngs for the ) 'enr In Nebraska -
ka were $16,652GOO.81 , and the op-
ern.t.lnl : expenses were $8,290,616.60.
Taxes paid In Nebrnslen amounted to
$50,063.88 , leaving n. net earning In
this stnte of $0,771,021.2,1. _
State Tournament to Be Held There
This Year.
NORFOLK-Tho firemen of Ne-
braslm will race at Norfolk this ) 'ear.
That was decided by the board of control -
trol of the stnte organization , anll
along In the latter pnrt of August the
speedy ones from every section of the
fire fighting commonwealth are comIng -
Ing up here to try for the prizes.
The tournament WnB held for the
flrst time' In Norfolk last year. The
bays went away feeling thnt It had
been the best tourney they ever at-
tended. . nnd slnco the day that the excitement -
citement ended they hnve wantd to return -
turn , The attendance last year was
the biggest that ever happened In Ne-
braslm , and some of the fastest records -
ords were made that Cornlmsler : carts
ever saw.
Hastings wanted the tournament
this year. So did Nehraslm City. Seward -
ard was mentioned besides. Hastings
reported a few minutes after 'tho decision -
cision was made that enough money
hnd been raised to hold the event
there. But the board of control had
acted , npd the lmockcra out of blnzc
are coming up to northol'D Nebras1cn ,
The city has raised enough funds to
entertain the drowds and entertain
thom well.
Shoo.ts Himself and DleG.
FAIRDURY.-In a. barn L. K. Lee ,
agell 73 'onrs , mmltted suicide by
shooting himself In the head whllo
temporarily Insane. The deceased
had been an Invalid for some time ,
Expect Favorable Report.
LINCOLN-The quarterly report oC
the stnte bonding bOl1l'd , eXllected In a
few days , probably will show an Increase -
crease In dewslts and 0. decrease In
loans. State"ments aJready received
fr m 0. number of banis scem to Indicate -
dicate tl1ls condition of affairs.
Charle ) ' 'Velch , an eiedrlc lInoman.
at Lincoln , fell from a thlrt.foot tele ,
phone pole , stl'iJlng the brick pavement -
ment on his head antI receiving 11.
shock from a live wlro. He was tnken
to St. Ellznbeth's hospital , and tIoctors
pronounced his oondltlon critical.
Burled In a Clay Bank.
Jam McMillen nad Vern Strall ,
bo"s 10 years of age , were burled In
I\ . clay banit near PCI'll and came near
losing their Jives. ' 1'ho boys were
playing on what Is kn'own as Indlnn
hIlI , and were digging 0. cave or playhouse -
house In the side of the hill , when the
dirt cl1ved In , burying young McMil-
len nbout two feet dee ) ) and bur'lng
'oung Strait up to his neel , . 110 work.
cd himself out and went Cor help tor
the rescue of his companion.
NebraBka Insurance Pensioner.
DES MOINES , 1I1.-Added to the list
of Indian ! I'nsloners on the bJts oi
the Des 1\Iolnes pension office Is that
of n Nebrnsltn aborigine , who signs It Lamb. He IB said
to 1 > 0 nhlo to pronounce It. . Flnnl 1111-
pel's In his case were mado. out b ) '
Agent R. P. Clnrlson. Mr. Lamb is 0.
rosldent of Nobraslm , and was 0. sol.
dler In the civil war , where he dlstIn.
gulshed himself not only by cnrry.lng
nrms , but his serial name as well.
The farm home of Den 1\Ioreo was
destro'cll by fire at Tecumsoh.
A ledge of the Fraternal I.lCe association -
ciation has been orgnlllzed nt 'alls
Cll ' .
Elmer .T , Burlctt : will delh'er the
commencement addrcss at 'Y'moro
May 26 ,
The Cnrneglo library at Hastings
will possibly be rendy for dedication
by JUly 1.
North Platte eXllresses fonr that the
lrOposed snnltar ) ' sewer WilL not bo
completed Uti ! ' ! year.
lleatrlco has apllealcl1 a damage suit
brought b , John A. Porbcs , who secured -
cured Judgment for $ j1iO.
Some corn In Cumlng county Illnnt-
cd 011 low ground fulled to como U ) )
and will hllve to bo l'ellantel1.
The college authOl'ltics' Belleyuo
are sending out the commencement
programs. John L. Webster Is to glvo
the annual address , ' 1'hursday , Juno O.
'Varron Brown , ono of Seward
county's 01:1 aud llros ) > erous cltlzens
pnssel1 away at his home In Seward ,
Mr. Brown Jived on n fnrm for man ) "
years. A few ) "cars ago ho movcd
Into town. Ho lenves an aged wife
well llrovldcll for. lIe hall no chll.
A tel ( 'gram was received nt Schu-
ler by his father , .Joscph Pollard , announcing -
nouncing the death hy drowning of
John Pollard at SpnhllnIn / n. Hood
that resulted from rain. Mr. Pollard
Is n ) 'oung married I an who 10ft
Schuyler two 'ears ago and went to
Spl dlng ,
Pollco JUdge Cosgrave of Lincoln
bound William H. Wilson ever to th
district court nnd fixed his bond at
500. Wilson Is the man who lured
1\1rs. Anna Endres with her four chll-
tIren to Llncoln under the prom Iso of
marrlago and then cast her err wbon
he had spent her mone ) ' .
A largo barn on the farm l Mrs.
Katherlno I\lattanholr : , four miles
northeust of Wisner , "vas tot Ily dc-
stro"ed b ) ' fire , with aJi its contents ,
con lsting of five hend of horses , 11
bull , fifty heal1 oC hogs , and n quantity
of grain , harness and lesser articles.
The origin of the fire Is n myster ) ' .
The grndul1t1on exercises toolt place
at Auburn. A class of twentlve re-
c lved dllomas. This class Is the
largest U1ll.t has ever grnduated from
high school , and the first to nave diplomas -
plomas given them on graduating from
the eighth grade. He , ' . A , D. Ham-
mon of Stt. Paul , 1\Ilnn. , gayo the
, class address.
The Library board of Dca trice hns
elected 1\IIss' Florence Smith as 11-
'brnrlan at the free public IIbrnry , to
uuccced Miss Jonnna Hagey. . who tendered -
dered her reslgnntlon several weelm
ago to nccept a similar position at
Lincoln. 1\IIss Smith , who was formerly -
erly a teacher In the Dca trice public
schools , Is attending college at
Chamlmlgn , Ill.
General Culver has Issued an order
calling for an examination of commissioned -
missioned officers In the National
glluI'lI , 10 he hold on June 21 , at the
office of the adjutant general. 'rhe
dates Cor the officers' scJlOol of Instruction -
struction have been set for June 21
to 25 , Inclusive. All omcers who did
not pass at provlous oxamlnatlons , and
who do not appear for this enc , wlJl
be dlsqunllfied for commissions.
Mrs. Mart Drake , who with her Ims-
band were former well-lmown residents -
dents of Roseland township , Adams
county , committed suicide at her
home nt Salem , Ore. , a few days ago.
l\lrs. Drnko had but 0. short period before -
fore been an Inmnte of an Insane hos-
III tal and ad been sent homo with
the belief that she had recovered. She
got up In the night l111d walked 0. half
mile and drownel1 hcrsoU.
The debating board of the staf ' " "lml.
vorslty has received 0. challenge from
Dralw college of Iowa , requesting 11
debntjng contest with Nebraslm next
) 'ear. No ofllclal action has 'et been
talcn : , hut It Is thought thnt the 1)1'OP-
osition will he refOlTed. Nebraslo. : Is
tr'lng to schedule debates with the
larger universities of the north nnd
east , such as l\lIchlgnn , 'Vlsconsln ,
Chicago and Northwestern.
Governor l\lIcJcy : re.allpolntecl Clin.
ton Orcutt of OnHtlla 0. member of
the board of trustcCs ! for the bllllli Institute -
stitute at NebrasJm City and the Deaf
and Dumb Institution nt Omaha. 1\11' .
Orcutt was first allPo.nted a member
of the board In 1001 by Governor Sav.
age at the time of the reslgnatlo'n of
n. F. Allen of Wabash from the board ,
110 Is one of three members , nnd for
the last two years hns been lIresldent
of the bonrd. The IJlaco has no sal.
ary attBched. '
J. D. Cotton , while temporarily In.
sane at North Platte , made a vicious
attack upon his wlCe with 0. 1m ICe.
Lightning struclt the livery barn of
.Toe Harper at Shubert , JlIlhng two
horses and knoclelng tIoWI1 ono man ,
Last weelt at Decatur $10,000 , rell'
resenting the grass and pasture an.
nulty of the Omaha Indians , was dls ,
trlbuted among members \ the tribe.
Binde then the Indians hnve been livIng -
Ing the life of the eplcurenn.
Bridge bontIs of Loup township.
Merrick county , to the value of $3,000 ,
have been registered with the state
auditor. 'rho bonds are ror UIO con.
structlon of 0. line brldgo between
Merrlclt and Nance counties. The
city of Rising hag registered $6,000 of
water honds and will construct 0. mu.
nlclpal water system.
Rccoml11cnds Pc-ru-na
For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble.
- -
If you do not dcrh'e prompt nncl/mUM-
tnct < Jry rClult.s from the use or lcrUlI\l \ ,
wrlto at onee t < J Dr. Iln.rtmnn , giving II.
full statement of 'our ease , \Lilli \ ho will
be plenscd to give you hili vlLhm le lul-
vie13 grntls.
Addrcs , ; Dr. Hnrtman , Preshlent. or
The lIartmn.u . SlLnitarIum ' . , COhUII UII , O.
- - - - - . _ -
- - -
' " "
These brantIs win guarantee you a good shoe for men : t
, Star and Crescent E. Z. Waller
Comet Cocl ( of Walk B
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads an olhers in Women's nnd Children's Shoes.
Srt ! our 'Iamt , 's Oil th sllots ) ' 0'1 buy.
F. P. KIRKENDALL 6. CO.Mln8 nr in .
, ' I
- - - - - - - - - - -
. . ' OULV PAtNTS made .otet } ' tor thll
TUE cllmslo. The ) Itand It-Ilko the
a 111 t' 5 IlOilo that won't COUlD ot-tbey Ilar and
hoaullr your ' , WrlletllrornamuotDOtU'IIaUent homo whllo tber protect It irom , \
Bull gct B Ipeelal color dcalgn wltbont COlt.
Lincoln. t obr.
. .
. .OLLOW Tltll P'UQ. "
DuU'U'nQ'c cbecked to 'Vorld' .
Irnlr ground" .
Stopovers allowed. All Altonts CRn
route you vIII. the \V ADASH. Iror boau- .
Utul World's Fair folder and a.1l Intor- '
maUon address
addressHARRY E. MOORES ,
Gen. A 't. 1)5S. Dcpt. . Omaha , Neb.
Ther arc lellled aDd eUllni : on the Grain and
GradDI : Lands , alld'are PIOHcroua and eatblied.
Sir Wlltred Laurier rc > centb sahl : "A Dew alar
haa rleen 40n tbe horizon. and It la toward It Ihat
ever ) Immllrant who teaves the land or hia ances-
tore to come and eek a fJOme for hlmeclf nGW
turn. his IBzD"-Ca ada. TherD fa
Room for Millions.
JUEE OIDc tcuds Ih'cn "wuy. Schoots ,
Chnrchl'8 , naUWnYII , Mnrket . Climate ,
IIvcrythluj ; to be destrud.
For a descrlpllve Atlas atlll other InfonDallon ,
apply to SU erlnlelldcnt Immlilralion. OUawa. Can'
ada. or authorized Canadw.n Government AJcnl-
W , V. Dennett , 801 New YOlk Lifo llulldinl : .
Omaha. Neb.
Our goods the bclt. l'rleel tllD lowelt. l'rolDl'tlblp.
ruenta. VollI'er ) ut all portraIts guaranleed. Scud
tor cataloluo anll Moea\M prl . lilt , A.ddre. .
ADA.M J , KnOLL ok co. , Nlw & Bldl. , Chicalo.
U e"J : fThompson's Eye Water
w. N. U" Omaha , No , 23-1904.
CURES catarrh of the stomach.
Catarrh of the Stomach Is Generally
Called Dyspepsia-Something to
Prt'duco Artifiolal Digestion
Is Generally Takon.
Hence , Pepsin , Pancreatin nnd n Host
of Other Dlgcstivo Remedies
Hns Dcen Invented.
These Remedies Do Not Reach the
Scat of the Difficulty , Which
Is Really Catarrh.
Ex. u. H. Senntor 1O. . Dutter from
South Cnrollnn , wns Senator from
thnt. Stute for two terms. In
recent. lcttcr to 'rhe Peru nil. 1\Icl11elno
Co. , from Wnshington , D. C" fn 's :
"I ClIn rcc mmend Perons for dyspepsia -
pepsia and stomncl , trouble. J hlJy
been using ) 'our medlclno for a short
period snrf J feel 'ery mucl , l1tH"cd.
It is Indeed n wonderflll medic/no e-
sides n good tonic.AI. . C. D tler.
The only rntlonnl way to cure t1ys.
pepsin iM to remove the catnrrh. Pcrun"
C\1t'I.'A catarrh , Pcnmll. l10eg not produce
nl'Uflellll dig'cfitlon , It cm'cM cntnrrh
al1tllcavcs the Ht01l11Wh to pcrfor1l1 dlgcs.
tlon ill 11. natural wny. 'l'hIM iH , 'nstly
ct.ter . nutl Hllfel' than re orting to art ! .
Helal mcthotls or narcotics :
l'crunn has cUn'ti moro cases of llys-
pcpkln. t.hnn ull olher rClIletlles com.
blued , "Imply CC\\1S0 it. curCH cntnrrh
where\"cr locnted. If catnrrh Is locn.tetl
in the hentl , Perl\UlL cures it. If cn.tarrh
has fllstelled itself ill the Ulront : or
IJrOI1Chlul tu eM , } 'orm1l\.C\I1'CR it.Vhcn
eutlll'rh leeomes ) hllttletl in the Rtomn h ,
l'ormm curl'S It , us wo11 in this location
us in IlllY other.
l'ol'um is not simply II. remcdy for
< l 'spcpsill. l'orm1lis I cl\tarrh rCIDedy.
l'ernull. cnres tI 'Hpelsln. ecnuse it. 1:1 :
gcucrall ' dopclltlout upon cuttu'rh.
P t your , fin. .
trade _ mark. Tell your
dealer'you.wanl the t
starch your money. can buy
'Insiston' having" ' " ttic _ best , '
It 15 16 ounces-for-ro-ce'nt.9
, No prem lums..but : one
; pound _ of .th
( starch. made" Weput nil
: ur _ moncy..lrtthc.stQrch.
It needs no cooklnC'1
' '
'It' 15 absolutely -
pure- . )
: ICglves satJstactlon"or
money back. .
nUord nannat CoHen Filled CoIT& ! ' .
We ablolalely Iaarantell It to
cnro and prneM GAUl or borD
fbouldert. NOltoI'PID" tbe Plow ,
tor It doca Itl work wblle tbD
aDlmal doel hll. Collar Bud pad
OOtu b In ed. Economlcat IUId
cheap. Lalli two to Ilre llealOnl ,
It rour dealer doeln't han < lle
thern leDd UI tl. lad et anD
prepaId to rourataLlon. \ \ rite tor
ctrclliar Dnd meUlorRDdunt book.
1b.l. . . . " IIfr.Yaletloo , h. . .
Lawn Fence '
Iron r wlre.lI1 Dr ; 8tytel ,
forrl'lIldtuee , c hllre h,80 baal ,
l'cmcter1 : I\oullri' amI boll' . .
fl'lIce ; farm lI'alell. SOlid fD'
. Clluloll'ue. '
t bu. Ion Iron and WIre Wort ,