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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1904)
\ Soola\1 L\btnt\an to8lato 11\ B : USTER COUNTY"EPUBLICAN. . ' : . - ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. LARGES1' CIRCULA'l'ION OF ANY PAPER IN TIlE COUNTY. , . VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOWJCUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAYJ JUNE 9,1904.uEIGHT , PAGES , NO. 52 , ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - " . \ " r , "Eye Dont's. " , , Don't "Cool" with 'lInr cye . If the ' hother 'onlnlI \ ' wa ' CIJIIIIn ! Ii : "lid I'll tell you what the trouhle I . . Don't select yonr ownlfla selllt the , & outsel. hnt 1(0 10 IIno who ha ! ! lIIade ' : a HUhof \ thc e 'c amI It" cOllllitlflns. t Thoroul1.h mcalllhwtloll trCI flf , charll'c. lIulI't "Ihllll J'on IIt'eLl ulasr.cs" hccan c ' " 1111\ friend ha , ; : told yon so. l { YUUI' C'efi ha"c aoto ten HO bad that you are tclllnir your ' friends auout thelll tlll' ' lIIalcl',1 the I III III cd laic attelltlon of a COlllpeo , , , " 0" " , , " , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School.Books. . . . . . . . Tablets -AND- Schoo ) Supplies , -AT- - J" G. Haeberle"s : - . . - . - , - \V. L. Gorsage of Westerville , was a city visitor the latter part of last week. This office acknowledges - ledges a welcome cal1. This oflice acknowledges a friendly call from Byron Clark of Plattsmouth , who arrived in the to attend the district ' ' . city Monday - . ? trict court. Drlveu to UCH,1CI'aUon. Li\'ing at an out of the way place , remote from ci vilization , a family is often driven to desperation - tion in case of accident , resulting - ing in burns , cuts , wounds , ulcers - cers , etc. Lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the best on each. 25c at Lee Bros. drug store. L : : ; if : : : : : N . 'l'he Broken Bow Business College - lege closed last Friday for the. summer scason. 1lrs.Y. . B. Bryan of Kingston wm ; vi ! ' iting in the city the first of the week with relatives. Jacob Cover of Algernon township - ship , was in the city Monday , attending - tending the pop convention. O. C.'Iurphey : of Callaway , was a city visitor Monday. 'rhe RHl'UIII.ICAN acknowledges a fricndly ca1l. Garland I-4ewis , who taught a nine monUm school at Sumner , arrived home last week. Mr. Lewis intends to attend college at Grand Island the ensuing year. year.W. W. 1\1. Vannice. deputy assessor - or of Broken Bow township outside - side of Brol en Bow reports that the valuation of realestate is $608,626. Personal property , $2,536. Milce Scanlon and Otis Fessen- den have bought Dan Keelin's restaurant. Both Mr. Scanlon and Mr. 'Fessenden are experienced - enced men , and we predict for them success. A. D. and Mrs. Hunt of Ortel- 10 , came Gown Saturday after their girls , Clara and Achsah , who 'have been attending the business college here the past year. The term closed last Fri. day. "N. S. Turnbull , deputy assessor - ser of Custer township , brought in his returns the first of the week. The real estate in Custer township foots up $514,980 , and the personal proprrty $229,972.80. Mr. Turnbull's books show'up in good shape. II. J. Edington of East Cus- ter , was a city visitor Saturday. Mr. Edington will leave in a few days with his wife for Colorado - rado , vh re the.y'will : gp the. summer with the hQpes of improving - proving Mrs. Ed ington's health , who is troubled with the. asthma. . MARRIED-At the home. of the bride's parents near Berwyn , May 29th , 190t , in the presence of the members of the families and a few friends , George L. McCrea and Miss Nellie M. Perkins ; Rev. Bellis , officiating. The groom is the grandson of Elder Ja es Mc- Crea of Berwyn , and a prosperous - ous young farmer. The bride is one of Custer county's accomplished - lished teachers. Th young people - ple are starting out in life with the good wishes of a host of friends. I Mrs. I. A. Colcman went to Omaha Tuesday to have her cyes treated. C. G. Brenizer wcnt to Omaha Tuesday as delegate to 1\lasonic Graud lodge. Andrew Snyder aud wife win leave next Sunday for St. Louis , where they will visitJthe fair. E. M. Coleman and Mr. Jaquot of Merna , went to Omaha 1\1on- day to attend the mceting of the Masonic Grand lodge. Clark Waters arrived home last week from Ainsworth , whcre he completed a term of ninc months school as principal. . H. lD. Hall of 1\aSot { City , was a delegate to the pop county convention Monday. He made the RurullI.lcAN oft ce a friendly call. call.The The O. E. S. Kensington wilI mcet with Il' II. Jewett , Tuesday - day , June 14th , 1904 , at 2:30 : p. Ul. All members of th O. E. 8. invited. E. A. JOYNItR , Sec'y. 'rhe District Court c I1\'encd in this citv Monda ) ' with Judge Hostetler'presiding. . -Cl.'his is a jury term and two or thrce weeks will be required if all the cases come up for trial that are on the doc1cet. Prof. J. G. Minnick left 'l'ues- day for his home in AbiIene , Kansas , where he intends to engage - gage in the real estate business with his father-in-law. He will keep posted on Brol n Bow through the RnpuIILIcAN , .which he ordered changed to his Kansas - sas address. Dr. P1c1 tt reports "a fineltime at Taylor on the 30th. The crowd was large and the orderly manner in which the exerC1ses were conducted was c mmenda- ble. No ball games nor even a stand were allowed on tbe day set apart for honoring the memories - ories of the defenders of tbe I country in its dierst hours of i need. The church was tilled to overflowing , more people being out an. acc.ount of lack--of room. The people were very at- tentive. " 1\1. T.Yhite of the Nebraska Farmer , was a city visitor Satur- day. He was on his return trip from Alliance , where he attended a stockman's meeting. He says" there was a good attendance and an interesting session hcld. The 640 acre homestead law was under - der discussion , several of the larger ranch men being very much I opposed to it. Congressman Kinkaid addressed the meeting after he had been arraigned by one speaker , fully justifying his -action to the general satisfaction J of most present. . - - - - - - _ , " " ' " " " ' " " . " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' " " " , " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' - - - - - I - WaSIl . . Goods , Special. I - - - - - - - - , A delayed purchase ofVash Goods gives our customers the benefit 3 = = of the big cut in prices always made by wholesalers at the end of the season = = to clean out their stocks ofYash Goods. 'tVe got in on the ground Hoer - - = = and now offer our friends a nice fresh assortment of seasonable \Vash Goods = = E at much below the reg'ular wholesale prices : = = - - ( - - . . - - - - . - - - E - 10 Cent Princess Batistes at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . 7c = = E 1236 Cent Josan1cl Satinee Lawns at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c 3 = - = 15 Cent j LLCkSleD B istes t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10e - = = Ipton IITIltles f : : : : : - E 20 Cent Printed Dotted Svisses at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12yc ; :3 : - - E 25 Cent Palazzo Stripes , very neat at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15e : E 20 Cent Chrysalide Mercerized Fancys , at. . . . . . . . . . . . 14c 3 , 25 Cent Mercerized Silk Zephyrs , at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18c 3 = = . : : : : - - - - - ! ] = - - - - - - - - - E One Lot No. 40 , Silk Taffeta Ribbons t. . . . . .10e yard 3 One IJot No. 40 , Fancy Ribbons-at..lOc : a yard ? I Good LL Muslin at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c n yard - - - - - - - - - - I . These goods will not last long at these prices-First customer get r = = the best selections. : :3 : - - I H. B. DRAKE , I - E - AL\.iVA S ELLING TI E MOS' ! ' SI IOES. : : - - . . . : _ : : : : ----0' 1 11 11111 11 11111111111111 111111111111111111111111l11111111111ifll111111111111111111 , : [ [ 1111111111111111111111111 - - 1) . H. O. HII'It. ' \O \ Sl'IlulI. ! ! I 11roken 110w is especial1y favored - i ed this week with the presencei of the Supreme Chapter of the P. g..o. of Ncbraska that convened - vened in thin city Wedncsday morning. 'rhe B. & 1\1. railroad ran a special train from Ha\'enIHl'rues- day night for the accommodation of. the delegates from the east I to attend the li'ifteenth Annual session of Nebraska Grand Chapter - ter of the P. l . O. now in session here in the Presbyterian church. Delegates numbering 57 , representing - presenting 35 chapters in Ne- braslm are 1n attendance togethcr with state ufliccrs and ladies prominent in P. ] . O. circles. 'rhe state olTtcers and those prolhinent in the work present are Mrs. M. I e Weber , Pres. S. C. G. ; Mrs. Jcnnie Burch , Supreme - preme organizer , and Miss Mary Osmond of Iowa and editor of the l ecord ; N. G. C. Pres. Mrs. Chas. Parmele of Plattsmollth. President Parmele opened the cOI1\'ention. 'rhe address of welcome was delivcred by Mrs. Nellie Humphrey of lIlis ity and the response by Mrs. Carrie M. Pcterson of Aurora. A S910 , "A Summer l rain" was beautifull ) rendered by Mrs. Laura Sheetz of Omaha , and elicited an encore "Oh that we two were Maying. " . A report of the suprcme convention - vention , ' written by l\Irs. Mary McKinnon of Lincoln was read by Mrs. Jones. Report of Grand Chapter ofi cers followcd. 'l'he dfternoon session cOI1\'en- I ed at 2 o'clock. A vocal solo by Mrs. Sheetz I was followed bya - solo , " 'rhe Swallows" by Mrs. Della Adamson - son of Broken Bow. Charters were granted to new Chapters at Alliance , Ful1erton , Havelock , Fremont and North . ( > latte. After Chapter reports , Memorial hour was observed by < \n open meeting. Miss Minnie Davis of Beatrice presidet , giving - ing the memorial address , after which the f llowing program was given : S lectloli u ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladles Quarlettu \'Iolln Solo. . . . . . . . . . 'Nearcr 1\13 God to'rltee" Prof. Garllchs. Hrolnll Uuw. Vocal Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . ! . . .Harbor liar" . l\rh. Laura Shcctl. Sclcct Read Inlr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ou r } o'rleluI" ! I I rs , gllzaucth Klrllpatrlclc , o Yurlc. I At 7:30 : the convention was I entertained by the band concert I in the park. At I ) o'clock p. m. a model P. E. O. meeting was conduct d by Chapter S. of Broken - ken Bow. The white and yellow color decorations-ornamented the front and show windows of a large' number of the business houses of the city in honor of the presence of the P. E. O. ladies. Some of the decorations are espccial1y fine and elaborate. Drayman Smith had one of his drays artistically - tically decorated. li'ree entertainment - tainment is being furnished the delegates and visiting members and the local Chapter is endeavoring - oring in every way to make thcir g-uests fecI welcome in our city. 'l'he session will conclude this evening wIth a public reception at the opera house. G. Ii' . Christy of Round "alley , kindly remeil1bered this ofi ce with a friendly cal1 yesterday. The summcr normal school opened1\1onday , with Prof Herbert - bert Sutton of Grand Island , and Prof. Wimberly of Ansley in chargc. \V. W. Potts , wife and daughters - ters , Maude and Madge have planned a trip to the Yellow Stone Park this season by an o\'er- land route. Besides b'ing equipped - ped with team , wagon , tent and camping outtit the girls will have a couple of saddle ponies to use when they want to change their mode of travel. They expect to I start Friday or not later than Monday. The Rnl'UBLICI\N wishes them a pleasant trip. . _ . . _ - - - - - - CurCH Olet Horcli. \Vestmoreland , Kans. , May 5 , 1902. Ballard Snow Liniment Co. : Your Snow Liniment curet ] an old sore on the si e of my chit ] that was supposed to be a cancer. The s re was stubborn and would not yield to trea tmen t , un t il ] tried Snow I-4iniment , which dill the work in short order. M ) sister , Mrs. Sophia J. Carson , Allensville , Mifi n Co. ) Pa. , ha a sore and mistrusts that it is tancer. Please sen her a 50c I bet tIe. Sold by Ed. McComas Broken Bow and Merna. " " " " " " " " " " " " 't"t"t""t"t"'t"'t"t"t" ' " " " " ' " " " " " ' " " " ' " " ' " " " .1-2-5. . . . . . . . . - - : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Whcn read correctI.r . , means a 5-foot sickle for McCormick , : : : : : : . - : : : : 1")1 ano or cCrJng mower , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25 each - : : : : : : f. . - - - ILIBS : : : : ! - - = = While it is not yet Ity time , ] will show you a l1y = = = = time in priccs onli'I ) ' Ncts. I bought out a conccrn that = = : : : : : had to go out of busincss and ha\'e some lrreat prices to : : : : : E : offcr YOIon Summer r4ap I obes , Dusters amI Ply Nets. = = - - = = Leather Nets , Pel' Pair. . $3.00. = = - - - - . - : : : I have also recen'cd a car of Boss Cultivators and : : : : : : = = I-Row Sled Disc Listing Cultivators. L'he 11m ; ! ; = = = = ing Culth'ator is just what its namc implies-the Boss of : : : : : = = al1 riding culth'ators made , and 1 amrcady to stand by it , = = : : : : : : : amI guarantce it to be the bcst cultivator madc , easiest to : : : : : : : : opcrate , durablc and casy draft. Having bought a car of = = = = these , I will sell thcm for : : : : : : - $25.00 . - : : : : : : For anything in the lluggy line you can alwa's deE - = = E : pcnd on finding about what ) 'ou want on m ) ' sample Itoors , : : : : : . : : : as I carry more buggies in stock than all the dealers in the = = = = county , and I don't carr ) ' any back numhers. I buy direct : : : : : : = = from the factory the latest styles at the lowcst prices. If = = = = you scc a good buggy look for the namc plate and you : : : : = = . \vill find. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3 : = = "The l'ealer ' That Saves Yon Money , " = = C.S. MARTIN-Mflr. Agt E : . -AND Dl.ALmt } IN- : : : : : = = ANrI'I-rrI tJS'l' c.OOlJS. 3 111 111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - 'rhe county board of supervisors - ors met in adjournell session Tuesday. Dr. R ll. Mullins and wife left yesterday for S1. Louis. 'L'hey will go by Oscaloosa , Iowa , and visH a few days before going on to S1. I-4ouis. 'rhe DI"s son , Dick , went with them. - - - - - - - - - - - - I Leslie Mc.Williams , who is in chargc of a n. & 1\ [ . bridge gang in South Dalwta , came home last Friday on a fifteen day lay olT to visit with relatives amI friends. . . FOR SAJ.H-House and 2 lots. EnCJuire at Star Grocery Co. of Concannon. 52-1 . - , - - . J Q 7 JJJJ ' ' . . ' . . . . E' C'ROU f.j . : E ; . . . . fi I Real Estate , Loans If Insurance. 1 I have some of Ihe he llarms in the connly for sale. I S I bave some of the best r nches in the state for sale. 8 R I have three good cit.r residences for sale. 8 1 have some of the most desirable city lots for sale. 6 S I ha\'e money to loan on good improved farms in'Custer Co. 8 8 I ha \ 'e'mone ) ' to loan ou good city property. S I have the best quipped Insurance ) ' . in the county ; 6 S represcntlng" lhe strong'est compames In the world. I I , hold a certificate of authority from the Auditor of the R State of Nebraska ; authorizing me as agcnt to issue and countersign policies for the following companies : . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . S 8 II"eq.ool1111 \ rU1l1lon all' ! Glol. ( lahl.$1 IHJI ) 1100 m lu Ballimoro fire. " ' , " ( : \1111 . "lIh . . crll" . . . . . . ' . < I . . $11I . . . . IHIII . . . . 110 . . Huffcn'rA . . IHHI ( ) J\I IHI . " NI"m I lire. Contlncnta lur NI\\ ! JI 11.lhl. in Ballllllflrc { } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5kl ( HHI fl. ! ( III lIa fI : . Aclna of Ifa IlflOnl I'a It\ \ IIll1wro reo 0 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 3H5:1I'IH : ) lire. Aclnaur lfartflOnll'ahl. : - III Chlcallo " l1 : .l Aetuaof lIarlflOnll..III. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:15 : IH , ; fll ) In l1o llOn I1re. { } N nurlllan , \ nll'rlcIIlahl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 1M ) IH ) , ) 1"1 In Italthuoro lire. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tAkl filII ! ( HI . QlleclIIIHurallcuCII. ! \lIIcllca It.lhl. Inllaltlmorul1re. { } ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3m 1100 00 . NlalfMao'irn InHllraCC' ! Cu.laltl In Ualllllloru I1n ! R 'J'rulcrH of Chicalfll I.ahl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOll IIH ) 10 In'lIallllllOro fire. R Farmers , if ) 'ou wilI drop me a c1r < 1 01' can at lilY ofi ce I wilI save ) 'OU from S .oo .to $7.50 on each S , OOO insurance 6 ' . you want and place It with the above'compal1lcs. E. C. HOUSE , I Brokcn Bow , - - - - - - Nebraska. . : ; - . . . : : : : : : . . ' : ' . : . " . . 'O : J".r.r.r.r..r. Q'J".rJ".rJ".rJ".rJl' - , '".rJ".r..O".o'q . . " : : : . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . OUR . CAR OF Fan11 IU1plelnents I 8 . . ' 8 R 1S now 1 lere , al1l 1. w 1'1 I R we have some. . . . . . . . . . . : Greed : : Bargain.s ! Come in and look them over. 16-inch High Ltft SuI key Plows. . . . . . . . . $32.00 4-bar , 30 Tooth Steel 3-Section II arrow. " 14.50 S Cultivators from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.50 up i The Climax Three Wheeled lister . . , . x nat. r he hstcr t I lat p 1 eases. eases.&i &i & g A gooll 'Y ' ; IIarness at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : f11J.00 ; R A good 17. ( Harness of select stock ilt. . . . 20.00 On stock saddles we are always right. See our lin ! : 8 of saddles for spring. JanesvilIe Barbed Wire and Grand g Island Field Fcncing. Our Motto : "UNIHWSltJ.L. " I C W. APPLE , I West Side Square , - - - Broken Bow , Nebraska. tbc . ( / . : . . " # # . . . " . . . # . # . ; .o' . .rJ.r.r.r.r