Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 02, 1904, Image 9

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The New Pullm na.
Owing largely to 8anitary consldom.
IUons , tbo PullmlLn conpnny has ndopt.
led 0. now stnndarll sleeper whIch lit.
'tlo resembles the ornate cllrs buill
loW yenrs ngo. 'rho now stnndnrd Is
'sovorely ' plnln nnd ts do'mld or 0.11
'scroh n.nd grlll worlt.
Insist on Getting It.
Ho'me Irocers euy thcdon't Itccp Defiance -
fiance Starch beoauso they have n etock
In hand of 12 oz. brands , which they
know cnnnot he 10111 to n customer who
has once \IRed the IG oz , packuce. De-
'fiance Starch for llame money ,
A womnn's Iden of oconom ' Is to
hnvo her husband sbavo hlmsotr for
six months so thllt she clln get II. now
1 spring bonnoL
Send 25 cents for Homesteaders' Guido
containing 48 pages of Information. Omclal
ma nnd full Instructions how to got n
, claim on the Rosebud reservntlon. For es
Locating .Agency.llonostcel , S. D.
An unbrIdled tongue goes with n.n
unburdened braIn.
More Flexible anti Lilstlng ,
'Won't shaKe out or blowout : oy usllllf
Defiance Starch you obtain better results
, than pOBSlble with any other brand nnd
one-dilrd more for same money.
Lcndershlp docs not depend wholly
! on leg nblllty.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury ,
, as mercury w11l lurely destroy tbo leno of Imell
and comJ1letely deran1o the whulo syatem wben
cnterlol : It through the mucous lurfacoe. Socb
nrtlclcs ebould never bo eleapt on presorlp.
tlonl from pbYllclanl,1\S tbe damal'tO tbey
will do II ten fold to tbe good you can po.albly de.
rive from tbem. 11111'1 Catarrh Cure , ll1anufactured
'ly F. J. Cheney & Co. . Toledo , 0" contalnl no mer-
cury. and Is taken Internally , acting dlroctly upon
tbo blof\ and mucous lurfaces of tbe IJetem , In
buying 11all'l Catarrh Cure bo lure you get tbe
nulne. It Is taken Internally and mndo In TOledo ,
Ohio. by F. J. Cheney & Co. 'l'estlmonlllli : ree.
Sold by Dru { < 'lllits. I'rlce , 750. per bottle.
Take 11nll' . Family 1'1111 for con.tlpatlon ,
Never mnlte II. fool of yoursetr tt )
, please other tools.
\\rlggle-Stlelt LA.UNDRY DLUE
Won't splll , brenk , freeze nor spot clothes.
Casts 10 cents and equals 20 cants 'Worth at
I nny other bluing. If your g\'Ocer does not
j leccp It send 10c tor snmnle to The Laundrv
IBlue Co. , 14 MlchlJlan Street , Chlcal'o.
: UneMY Hes the head whoso tongue
; 1100 harder.
Keep them white with Red Cross BIiU DIu. .
.All grocers IIOU lArgo:1 : OL pliclcage , Ci CCDta.
There Is no short cut to hllpplness.
iI i I
Straighten Up
The main muscubr sup1Orts 01
body weaken ane ! let iO unci. ,
. Backache
or Lumb3lo. : To restore. strenftben
and trl htcn up , use
5t.Jacobs Oil
Price 2.5c. end 150c.
104 The Genuine TOWER:5 :
, crNlli WATfRPROOf
I , " ' ( e I CLOIHrNG ,
. Ill $ m d of the br
" : . mt.terla ! , In black or ) 'rnow.
; : , . fully u 1Mt d. and sold by
" 'I r lit.ll ) drdlw everywhere.
. , . . .
( AUADIAII . . , A. J. .
Temp co. lI.t < I. Towm co.
. . . ,
" " J.tJ ; ?
$ : Given A\vay
0 0
\lI -Wllto U8 or D k on
Alalll1 U
1e dealer for
particulars ILnd free sample card of
' . . .1'10 Sanitary 'YaIr CoaUII
De.troYldlleaeogerml and Tcrmln , Never
rubl or Icalel You can apply It-mix with
cohlwater. Beautiful en"rtoln wblte and
dellente tlnta. Not a dl eale-brcedln"out.
. . hot.water glue preparation. Duy
Alabll.sUllo In paekagel l'roperiy IlL'
belled , of paint. hardware and urug dulen.
"Uinta on Decoratlncr. " .nd our Artllt. '
Ideas tree. UDUTlSKcu.Q.,41t.,14".kll. ,
. .105 " .t..II& ' , K. r.
JOn.DEIlS 011'
1120.822 N StreeL . LINCOLN. NEBRASKA
KEEP wl1llMpegglfrcfJh ! fern
SAl . S N yeor at acost of One Cent
. . EGGS 1lIozen. . At allllrujf nutt
1. : . r grocery stOI'C. ! . Sample pkg. for 10 dol.
eg s. : : c. , prepaid. Information freo.
FRESH Qulncr Egg Presernllre Co. , Oulncr. III.
j , 1 STRAIGHT 5' ' CDGAR ,
' ANHUAlS 9 600-000\ \
Your Jobber or direct trom Factory , I'eorla , Il1.
CURES catarrh of the stomacb.
. .
, . '
' '
. , 4 f
0' ' ' 0 - ,
- - -
Heavy OrdcrD for Those to Be Uced
Undcr Low Rates.
O IAHA-All oC the rnllrouts : enter.
In ! ; Omaha nre receIving hen\ ' ' orders
for cnrs to be uccd In moving grnln
muter the low rntes now In effect nnd
which nre to bo superseded June 10
by the new rntes agreed upon nt the
Chicago meetIng recently held to Bet.
tle the grnln rnto War. I.'ortunntely
for grnln shippers , nIl the lines nro
well supplied wIth cnrs just nt thlR
time nnd the orders arc helng filled
as rnpldly ns they nro received. Any
shllJper wbo docs not get his grnln
nboard the cars beCoro Juno 10 will
have to pay n. much higher rate thnn
he would IC shipped prior to thnt dnte.
This Is the cnuse oC the rush for
Advnnce notices of the raise In
rates have been received at the locnl
ofllces of the various compnnles.
These notices state thnt the regular
tariff will e sent' out I..ICCore .luno 10
and thnt the now rates will llC effec.
tlve on thnt dute. 'I'he rates quotel !
arc : From Onlahn. to Chlcngo , 12
cents on wheat and 11 cents on corn ;
Omaha to the 1\lIssleslppl river , when
grain is destined heyond the Indiana-
Illinois stnto line , 9 cents on whent
anti 8 cents on corn ; Omnlm to 1\lIn-
nenpoUs , 11 cents Ull wheat nnd 10
cents on corn. These are the same
rates as mndo public at the time of
the Chicago settlement. 'I'he present
rates to Chicago are [ j cents on wheat
nnd 4 cents on corn , so It will bo seen
that shllJperS who get their grnln
loaded prior to the date on which the
new rntes nre effective will , when the
shipments are tlestlned lu Chicago ,
snve 7 cents per 100.
1'10 One Near at Time to tell How Ac.
cldent Happened. .
BENKEL'MAN-T. O. Jeppsen. n. . .
mason , of Strntton , for many years II.
resident of Dundy county , met with
an nccldent which cost him his life.
Mr. Jeppsen hnd been employed to re-
pnlr the Inner wnlls of II. cistern be.
longing to C. C , Barr of tbls place ,
nnd wns working nbout three feet
down from II. board nttnched to a rope
suspended from II. plclwt. fence n ove.
Shortly nfter he hnd commenced worle
the little dnughter of : Mr. Barr went. .
out to where he wns engaged , nnd. .
not finding him told her mother , who I
went out to the cistern nnd peering
down discovered the board which had
been used as n. sent nnd Mr. Jeppsen's
lead pencil floating on the water. Help
was at once cnlled nnd upon exnml.
natlon the body of Mr. Jeppsen was
found nt the bottom of the cistern.
Upon medical examlnntlon life was
IJrOnounced extinct.
It Is supposed that the rope which .
held the board upon which 1\1r. .Jepp-
sen was sitting became loose , and as
there was nothing lo grnb or to use
In saving himself he tell Into t e water -
ter and was drowned. I
Fruit Growers Organize. . ; .
TECU1\1SEH-At the recent sese
sian of "the .10hnson county farmers'
Institute Initial steIJs were taken for
the organization of the Southenstern
No rasln Fruit Growers' nssoclntlon.
The following omcers were chosen :
President , VlT. G. Swan , Tecumseh ;
vlco presidents , O. D. Dovel , Auburn ;
William Slayton , Falls CIt . ; Job Cns-
sel , Nebraslm Clly ; C , H. llarnard ,
Table Roc1t , ami E , G. Jury , 'recum-
Beh ; secretnry , AI Russell , Tecum-
Burglars at Chappell.
CHAPPELL-The general merchandise -
chandise store of A. J. Swanson was
hrolcen Into hy tramIJs and several
Bults of clothing were taken , also
Imlves , forlts nnd other small stuff.
Insane Man Attacks Wife.
NORTH PLAT'rE-The people In
this vicinity , where he lives , were
alarmed nt the cries and screams
which proceeded from the resillenco
of J. D. Cotton , one of our oldest citi-
zens. Investigation showed that the
old gentleman , whllo tempornrlly Insane -
sane , had. with a butcher Imlfe , mnde inn i
nn attempt on the life of his aged
wife. Only for the Interference of
their son the result might have been
serious. Mrs. Cotton Is now suffering
from nervous IJrostration. Means
hnve been ndoIJted to have tbe old
man safely guarded.
A Sudden Death.
GREELEY-Morsch , the eldest son
of C. H. 1\Iorsch , a ; ) 'oung mnn nhout
nineteen or twenty years of nge , wns
found dead In the field. Ho hnd gene
to work In the morning. cnrrylng his
dinner with him. As he did not return -
turn when the a "s worle should hnve
heen Ilono his hrothm' , .lean , went
nfter him nnd found him dead In the
wagon ,
H < 1stlngs Gets Next Annual Shoot.
COLU\IDUS-At : a uslness meet.
Ing of the Ne raslm State Sports.
men's association ' ' '
at the 'I'hm'ston
hotel. much Intereat wus manifested.
Bastings. Neh. . was selected ns the
lilace for holding the next annual
shO\t. These OmCHS of the association -
tion were chosen from among tho. .
members of the Hustings Gun cluh :
n. A.Olann , ure8ldent ; G. W. Ma. '
weIl , vice president , and A. M. Bern.
hnrdt , BeCI'etarv. I
. , I
I"nmllles nro nrr\'lng ! to wOI'le In the
beet fleld8 aro\llltl North Platte.
The AUburn CannIng I.'actory com.
IJnny Is malting nrrnngemcnts to dou.
lIlo Ita cnll\clty : for corn.
'rhe I1roslleets for 11 largo fruit erOI )
In the vlclult . oC Stnnhaur were noVo
er beller t11an nt I1resent.
Polle county's total assessment thIs
'ear111 lie hetween $200,000 nmt
$0100,000. Lust ; ) ' nr ItVns etween
$70,000 nnd $90,000.
Right HollIshop Bonacmn of I.ln.
coIn ndmlnlstered first communloll ,
nnd conflrmntlon to 1\ class of sixty
children nt Stnnhnur. '
Alex no lnson , ono f the I110neer
merchants of South Auburn , has sold
his stoc1t of boots and shoes , clothln
and furnIshIng goods to A. F. WIc1 '
ntrnm oC Omahn.
A move Is on foot In Beatrice to
celebrate the Fourth oC , luly In true
Amerlenn style. The Commerclnl club
and the fire department will hold II.
meeting to perfect nrrnngements.
The old homestend of the Inte Sen.
atol' Paddock , located just north or
Bentrlce , nnd which consists of u
modern dwelling ntHI one hloc ) ; of
ground , has been sold to Emil Lnng
of thnt city.
John W , Ladd returned to Crelgh.
ton fl'om NeIlgh , having III his IJOS'
session the black mare thal was stolen -
en from his livery barn. 1\11' . I.add
was \11)11ble to o tnln any tnnglblo
clew ns to who stole'the horso.
Work on the big ditch In llurt coun.
ty Is only wnltlng the arrival of nec'
essary machines , and wlII ho pushed
: lG fast ns possible. This wlII be the
largest ditch In the state outside some
of the Irrigating ditches In the nrld !
regions of the state.
Fire from unlmown origin wns Ills.
covered In the barn of George Wigton
nt Hnstlngs , The bnrn , two IJonle8 ,
buggy nnd hnrncss , feed nnd hn ; ) ' , nnd
the household furniture or Mrs. G. E.
Pucket , which were stored there ,
were totnlly destroyed.
Reports from over Hnll county say
some sections of the county Is being
Infested by cut worms nnd thnt they
nre doing considerable dnmnge to
enrl ' vegetntlon. The fnrmors sny
the only thing that wlII stol1 thom Islets
lots of wet weather , this hnvlng ItlIl-
cd them err Inst year.
A 'Committee consisting ot the fol.
lowing weIl Imown residents of Elm.
wood hnve been chosen to IJerfect nr.
rangements for the annunl district
reunion of the Grand Army ot the
Republic , which wlII bo held .Juno
30 to July 4 , Inclusive : John A. StorIe ,
James Woodard , E. T. Comer , 'VlIIls
llartlet and H. Denmnn.
The tower of the main hulldlng ot
the Fremont normal school cnught
fire on nccount of the electric light
wires becoming c'ross d. It was put
out b ' the students before the de-
pnrtment arrived and without much
damage being done. For n time. there
was considerable excitement nround
the buildings.
Grain rntes for . northwestern Ne.
braska territory. were adjusted all a
basis which was not disclosed by the
mllway freight ngents. Apparently
there was some disagreement between
the vnrlous roads , for the Chicago , St.
Pnul , Minneapolis & Omaha will 1mb.
IIsh II. tariff without reference to the
rates agreed upon b ; ) ' the Wlllmnr &
Sioux FnIls and tbe Northwestern.
Sheriff McBride received II. tele.
phone message from Murdock , Cass
count . , saying that his genernl mer.
chnndlse store was burglnrlzed ngaln
nnd three watches , rings nnd other
vnluables to the nmount of $300 talwn.
This Is the second visit of burglars
to this store within ten days , the
sheriff returning yesterday with two
men accused of brealdng In this place
May 9.
The IJrellmlnary exnmlnatlon or
William J. . Newby , an attorney of
Friend , on the ehargo of uttCl'lng n
deoll Imowlng It to ho forged amI
fraudulent was hnd before Justlre .J.
V. Shes talc at Wilber and the dc > J'nd.
ant held fOl' trial at the next term of
district court under $1,000 ball , which
wns given.
The saloons of Loren Bennett and
Peter Sorhen and the hardware store
or the Edwards-BraMor.1 COmlJany nt
Elgin were entered. Some money
and go ds were tnltCn In eneh plare.
Sheriff I"rlshle came with the hounds
from Nellgh , but the rnln since the
rnld had SIJolled the scent nnd the
dogs could do nothing. It Is suppos.
ed to hnvo been the work of home
The hOdy of William Edison , 1In. .
borer , was found under the brldgo
over the upper end of the mill pond
nt Irvlngtnn. The body wns Identified
by Zach ElIls , the storel\Ooper tllC're ,
who formerly wns a detectlvo on the
Omahn police force. Mr. Ellis sn 's
he snw IiJdlson nenr hl1l store Mondar
night. and that ho wns conslderahly
under the Influence of IIluor. The
supposition If ! that Edison feU Into
the wnter by accident and not design ,
Mrs.tIanna Bowman , one of the
plonoers of Stanton count . , died Sat.
tlrdny of old nge. 'rho deceased was
horn In Ohio elghty.four ; ) 'ears ago ,
and moved with her IJnrents to Inlll.
nnn nt nn carly age. In 18GR Rho
came to Stanton with her husband
nnd faml ! ) ' . She was the mother of
nine children. four of whom are lIy-
Ing. Two of her sons. Ell nnd llrad.
le ' , IIvo In South Dalwtn ; WlIIlam ,
near Uncoln , nnd one dnughter , Irs.
F. M. Moorhead , IIvcs In Stanton ,
with whom the decensed 8110nt the
latter days of her life ,
, .
, .
. '
. ,
In SocIety.
A woman In society is obliged to Iccep
late hours. She mUfit attend rcceptions I
n.nd balls. She Beldom n.llowlI herseH II.
quiet cvening nt homo. ner whole
time is taken up in lcceping cngngc-
ments or cntcrtnlning In her own home.
lIer system becc ncs completely run
down as n consequence. She soon finds
herself In 0. condition known ns systemic -
temic catarrh. 'fhls has also been called
catarrhal J1ervousnc .
If every society woman could 1mow
the value of 1)oruno. at such n. time , if
I they could reallzo the Invigorating ,
IItrengthening effect that leruno. would , h " 'T mueh misery could be
Lettcrs tram society women nIl over
the United States testify to the fact
that Perunn. is the ton1c for n. run
down , depleted nervous system.
Tired Nervous Trembling
, , Aching , -
bling , Sleepless , Bloodless. Renovates , Regulates , Re.
A Pretty New York Woman's Recovery
the Talk of Her Numerous
: MrR. .T. B , Finn , 8:1 : East. High strcet ,
I1ufrulo , N. Y. , " , rill'lI :
1)erunn. Medlcino Co. , Columbus , Ohio.
GClltlCIIICII-II"t fcw IICaI" ago 111acl
to uhe tip social life clItl/'elll , ns 11IY
IlcaUh 1cas eomplctely brolclI IlowlI.
Thc cloctor allvlsecl n cOII/ZJlcte / rcst for
a ycar. .As tills 1cas : Ollt o ( tTlC qIlCS.
tloll ( or a time , 1 benall to 1001 : for
some othcr 1/IellllS / o ( rcstorlllg 1111/
III llall oftclI IlCarel o ( Perlow as an
erccll < cnt tOil Ie , so I bOllullt a bottle to
see wllat it 1t'01l11l 110 for 1/Ie / , allll it
ccrtalllly tool : 1101cl of 11IY svstcm allcl
l'cjllVcllatcd. 11Ie , allll ill less than two
1/Iolltlls / I 1t'as in fIC/cct hcalth , CUlll
11010 1vhcII I fccl 100m Ollt or tlrcI ! a
closc 01' two of ] ) crlllla Is all that 1
IIccll.-.1rs. J. E. 1/1111. , /
} 'lIrA. J. W. TIcJ'nohIH , mItten , Ohio ,
write/ ! :
"I owe my health antlllfo to Perunu.
We 1"arcIJ' cull in a pl"siclun " , In fact it
hU8 hcen'cur8 : since 1 have tulam IUl\ : '
other lnCl icino than Y01\1'S. I nm afral l
of drugs , und although 1111\\0 bccn slele
many t.lmes I have tuleen only your
mctclnes. ! [ 'I'hcy are wOIJllcdulIntlceti.
'Vo 111\\0 n..vcrJ'lur o hOllRe and cnhr-
tuin n. ( frent deul 1lI111.1 do all mJ' 1\1l
work , than1ts t.o l'erunn.-Mrs. .T. W.
Free Trclltmont for Women.
Anv woman wishl1'll' ( to be pi need on
Ul0 lIst of Dr. lIurt111an's patlenta for
frce homo treatment. nUll ndvlcc IIhould
Immediately scnd name nnd H 'mptomll.
duration of dlseaso nUll tt'eatmcnt
alread tried. Dlrectionu for the first
month 8 trcatmcnt wl1H o promptly
1D\\i1ed \ free of charge. No free medl.
cine will bo tmpplled hy UO , doctor ,
hut nIl ncccssary lroctlons will bo
UClul whnt the nhove huIles nnvo to
say of Pcrunn. IlS cure for these cMes.
Addrcss Dr. Hart.mun , Presldel1t of
The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus , .
" "
I -
! .
I t ] luncheons J
' Libby's Natural Flavor Foods are U. S.
Government Inspected , perfectly packcd
ciU1ned foods , and are ready to serve at
n. moment's notice.
Veal Loaf , VlenniJ Sausage , "am Loaf , oneress Chicken , Ox Tonoues
I Are Among the Many Tempting Luncheon Meats. Ask Your ( jroc8l' for Them.
nd lor our booklet "Uow to Make Good Thlnll'a to Eat. : "
E > Libby. McN 1I1 & Libby , Chicago
5'.udJ . , ( . s Iht t'a7 best St"tb au& . ,
h' . a Cut.
r Hundreds wII ! usury ! ' - ) , r' "
Try It cncc your-.dL .
. I
We gwtmtu uUsfJctJon Of mo\.1' b1&
V ou c.\11't Iou.
Ddw1u St.uch Is - absoru ly fru Cmn. ckmala. !
It m. u the dolha look buutlful and w11 ! POt rot them.
Get II or your groea.
'u ortJU : . ( or0 CC"j-nc-thlt4 ) . mott tlun
you Cd 01 any other bnnd. .
OUAUA.itB ! .
Of T orturin . Disfi urin
"umors " Use I
Every child born into the
world with an inherited or
early developed tendency to
torturing , disfiguring humors
of the Skin nnd Scalp , becomes
an object of the most tender
solicitude , not only becausc of
its suffering , but beca.use of the
dreadful fear that the disfiguration -
ration is to be lifelong and mal'
its future happiness and pros- ,
perity. Hence it becomes the
duty of mothers of such afflict. .
ed children to acquaint them. .
selves with the be B t , the
pur e B t , and most effective
treatment available , viz. : the
CUTICURA Treatment , consisting -
sisting of warm baths with
CUTICURA Soap , and gentle I
anointings with CUTICURA
Ointment , the great Skin Cure.
Cures made in childhood are
speedy , permanent and eco-
Sold Ih.onrhoullh. "old. Cutltura AOI"\ J30. 1eto .
r ; ! : ' 2"l'r : . ' ' : I 1' i'r ; . V r : : " JO o < : t . . . o \ J
bou , . 8'1.11. . . . . . 5 Ru. d. 1r.1I I Do.n. ' 131 _
bo. An. . . r.uu Dnl' " Ch.m. Corp , . 501. 1"01',1.10" ' ,
. . /I..d 10. " 110" 10 Cure . . ' 1'orlulol. Did" . . . . .
Dwnon , . .
fem Jofaat' to Ar.
A urge Trial Box nnd book or Instructions -
structions nlMolutely Free nnd Postpaid -
paid , cnough to prove the value 01
Pox tine Toilet Antiseptic
Paxtlne III In powd
form to dJllolve 10
'Wllter - non-polsooous
nnd IlIrBuperllrto IIqul4
nnllseptlcs cllntlllninlit a
alcohol which Irrltat
Inllamcd aurfacu , aad
hllve 00 clello.lnsrpropo
crtlel. The contont.
of every box makea
more Antiseptic 501. . .
tlonIllsta lonsrer-
8'oe. further-hat more
u.ea In tl e fllmlly anet
doe , morc 5ood than .nJ'
IIntl5epllc prep.raUoa
) 'ou can buy.
The formula of n noted Boston physician.
nnd used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash , for leucorrhaa , PtlvlcCatarrh , Nasal
Catarrh , Sore Throat , Sore Eyes , Cuts.
nnd all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of fomnle 1119 Pnxtinefs
Invalua le. Used U9 Vaginal Wash wo
challenge the world to produce Its equal for
thoroughness. I t Is a revolution In cleansl" ! :
and 1umlln ! ; POWOrj it kills nil germs whlc
cnURO inllammatlon nnd disclmrges.
AlllenllnlCdrullsts ! keep l'axtlnc ; Jlrlc lroo.
n boxI ; yonrsctocs lIot , senei to ns for It. von' ,
take D.llul. stltuto- there ISIJothlng IIkol'lUtino.
' \'rlte ( or the Free nox of Pnxtlllo to-tII\ " ,
4,1' AXTON CO" S. 1'opo BldJr" Boaton. MII.
look 61g for a Home 1
Than wily not keep In view the
foct thot the forming lends of
Western .
: are sufficient to support a population of SOCOOOOI
or overl The Immirat1on for tbe past six 7ear1
bas been pbenomend.
FREE Homestead lands
easlb Dcces lble. while other lands mllY be pur
chued from HAllway ILnd l.and Companies. The
rllin 8nll ralln landa \VeUern Canada are Iho ,
e t on the continent , produclnc the best Iraln. !
111d cattle Uell on crass alone ) ready for market. }
lIlrlel. . Schoolll , RlllhvllY Illul nIl otber
( 'undltloll8 mllko l\'ctcm Canadll nn UDvl {
'Ihle 8110t tor the lIotticr.
Write to SUl'erlnl..ndenllmllllcratlon.OItIL\Ta.C. . '
ado , for a delicrh'\II'o ' A IRS. Rnll olher Inormatlo.
or to the authorized Canadian Government Allenl1
W. V. Bennett. 601 New York Lifo Dulldln' '
Omaha , Neb.
. , WELL lJJR9Ltl.5
F.taho' : : ' MACHINERY
POltTAHLE alill drill any
by .tealll or horu' pOWOT.
42 Dll'I : l nE T S'l'YL dj
We ! eompetlUon.
, Bull ro. . . .to 11I.tnIl4 { . . . .I. . . . ,
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