Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 02, 1904, Image 4

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II News in Brief
The clncmllogrnllh : In helng used
by Paris surgcons In toa'hlng atudo\ts
how to Ilcrforlll vnrlou.8 surglcul ollor.
The now .11l1I neso war loan of $00-
000,000 Ilt 92 , to run ten years , at r
} IeI' cent , hus heen tlllten by .Jallllneflo
A lalw hils been tllscoverod on KII.
din Inland , , Lapland , which contains
fresh waleI' on the ton and suit water
on the hollom.
'flIO bull lighters who were l'ngaget" ,
to glvo performances at the Bt. Louis
oxposltlon , hn.vo loft the City of Mexlr
co for diolr dostlnn.tlon ,
Kid ' 1'raller , n. member of the noted
Jones gang of ouUawn , hits been tolwn
prlsonor by a tkputy swrlff ; and Is In
Jail at Culbertson , J\lont.
It Is the conscnsus of olllnlon thnt
1ho .1nnaneso will storm Port Arthm
ns soon as the necessn.ry nrrange.
menta can bOo cOlllpletod.
Prlvato nllvlc08 frolll Vlndlvostolc
to St. Petersburg state that the cruls.
er Dogat 'r 111114 run on the roclts In
the harbor. The government , how.
uvor , still denle14 this.
.In.mes P. Holligan , widely Imown In
tolegrullh circles formerly chief op
eratoI' of the Western Union at Chi.
cage , died from. 1 > 1111ll0nary troublo.
'rho conteatotl theory that pearls
nro duo to II. llllraslto In the oyster
wns first advn.nccd by mlllpIII In 18j2. [
Several recent observers hn.vo con.
11rmc the vIew.
Thomas 1\1urdoclt , I ) . retired building
contractor , who WII.S postmaster of
Hock IslllI1d , Ill. , for ten years allt\ \
1Ilnyor of that city for two terms , dIed
III Kansns CIty , aged 83
MyerS. IfUllCS : ! , prcsldent of the Dnr.
on do HIrsch fllnd and promlnontly.
Identified with mllny other locn. ! nnd
I1ntlonal orgnnlzntlons , dropped dend-
In n. Droadway cnfo In New Yorl. .
The tarIffs for the groIn rates to
the south , under the now adjustment ,
will go Into effect Juno 10 the snme
} date n.s these to ChIcago nntl St. Paul.
The rates will bo restored to tholr
normnl bn.sls. ,
A report from General Juropntltln
8tll.t09 that ho dId honor to the
wounded soldiers nnd to these who
hl\.vo been decorated for gallantry by
pnsslng In rovlow before them with
the entire army.
Mrs. Stelln. Hammond of Seattle ,
Wash" dropped dond II.t the homo of
her sister , Mrs. J. N. Savllrd , nt St.
Ilul , MInn. , after the litter had un.
lorgono 11. dangerous ollern.tlon tor can.
cer of the stomach.
_ . , Lowls Oliver , wh , In COmlH1.ny with
Fred Losarge , stele $3 and two
lrom II. butcher shOll , has been glyen
' a lIfo sentence In Marquette prIson by
.1udgo Wiest at Mason , Mich. It . was
, his third offense for burgillry.
Mllrshall , the Drool < lyn player , won
the first IIr\ZO \ of $1,000 and the Cllm.
brld o SprIngs championship at the In.
tOrIwtlonal cheEs tournament. Ills finn -
nn ! score was 13 poInts won and 2
lost. comprIsing 111 vIctories and four
drll.w games.
Major Sylvester , the superlntendont
ot pollee of Wnshlngton , unnounced
that 110 l1ad destroved all the 111mg
ot the movIng plcturos talten a day
or two ago by thentrlcnl parties on
, the east front ot the capitol buildIng ,
when PresIdent Roosevelt WII.S Impel"
sonatetl In the n.ct of helping 11. fictl.
tlous negro Into hIs carrlnge.
Ground has been brolton at Souu
ChIcago for a gigantic colto oven , to
cost $1,000,000 , and the first of Its
It1nd over established outsldo the an.
thhraclto regions of Pennsylvania.
Many experIments In colto production
have becn made outs\do \ the anlhra.
cite fields , but always with Indifferent
success as the quality of coal was
t found to be faulty.
II \ ; . Trouble hn.s been brewing at the
"I " Jowa university for some tlmo. Pres.
I Ident 1\lacLenn has Incurred the III
will ot some at the faculty and for-
; 1 mer students and they made an effort
I some tlmo ago to Imve him declared
I ! II. falluro nnd tlemandcd his reslgna.
lion. It Is snltl that thIs resulted In
I a feeling among the rogenls greatly
In fn.vor of the vresltlent.
' \ Tennessee prohIbitionIsts placed
themselves on record In state convention -
tion II.S opposed to the nomInation
ot G nernl Nelson A. Miles for tht )
presidency by the prohIbItionists on
. the ground thnt he Wl1.B not II. proml.
nent prohIbItionist , ' merely 11. recep.
tlvo candldnte , and that 110 could not
" poll the full party strength In the
south on account of his war record.
The arrIval of quantities of Amerl.
can gold In pa'ment or the Panama
U' ' cllIlnl purchase oxcltes the wortder.
I , ; ' I ment , of Pnrlslans. A Inrge crowd
gathered at the St. Laznro railroad
I atntlon to see a train of four cars ,
carr 'lng 178 barrels of gold , being 11
shipment ot $9,000,000 ly the Froncll
line steamer Lorralno which al'r\'et ]
at Havro from New Yorl , . The ex ,
cltement Wl1.B such that the police fenr ,
ed It would bo nccessll.ry to summOI1
reInforcements , but It 11Ussed ff well
The gold was lllaced In the CredIt
" Lyonnnls.
While drivIng to theIr homo neat
Arlol . Colo. , Mrs. C. W. Herman and
her son , l < 'ranlt Ingles , was shot and
Idlled by. Marshnll Humphreys , whe
rode Into town and surrendered hIm
self. There has been II. toud betweoIJ
the two tnml1l1es.
, .
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f. , . . "
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Thle , However , Is an Unconfirmed
Dispatch from Russian Consul at
Che Foo-Japilnese Are Said to
Have Lost Three More Cruloer : : .
S'I' , pg'l'EHSBUnG-lt Is reported
thut I'orolgn MInIster Lumstlorff hns
receIVI ! ! ! a message from tllo Husslan
cOllsul at Cho 1"00 sayIng that the
Japanese l1ave malle n. lan(1 ( attaclt on
1'0I't Arthur untl thnt In doing no they
lost 11)OUO men Itllictl nntl wounded.
'rhe Husslan loss Is Illaccd n.t :1,000 :
I/on. ) Tile ultllllllte outcollle or the
IIglltlng Is 1I0t statmJ.
'rho St. Petorshul'g corresllOJHlcnt of
the Paris 1\tatln Hays that It Is 1101"
Histently rumOl'cd tllat tllo Vludh'o-
stolt HqllUtirun lias cnllture(1 ( tllreo
cruisers tllat were 1I0u ; l1t by JalJall
trom Ul1l1e.
' 1'110 I : > t. Petershurg correspondent
of the London Central News says
that tlICI'O was an OXllluslon Monday
on bour < < l the hatlleshlp Orel at Cron.
stadt anti that tcn Htolwl's WOI'O Idll-
cd. 'I'ho vessel , the rOllort snys , was
dlunaed ! anti It will talw wee Its to
elfect I'epalrn. ' 1'110 explosion , accord.
Ing to the tllSlllltch , WIlS the result or
an IlccUmulutlon or gas In tllo lnmlt-
era.UUN l"UU-'l'he calltaln or a Uus.
, " ( . " ,
I _ "
Interior Denartment - Busy with Prep-
W ASIlING'l'ON-Sccretary IIItch.
coelt , apprel'latlng the necessity 01
IJasslng upon certain I'elltures of the
Klnltultl hill throwIng open the north.
west scctlon of Nebrnsll1. for setlo ,
ment under the amended homesteal\
laws , has turncd over to the geologl.
cal Eurvey fur rOlJOrt thnt portion of
the IlI'ovlslons of the bill whoreln cere
tnln lands which , In the olllnion of the
Hecretary of the InterIor , may bo rca.
Ronahly Ilractlcablo of In'latlon , nro
oxomlt froll1 Its provisions. 'rho dl.
rector of the survey , Prof. 'Volcott ,
has commlsslonod two of hIs corps to
loolc over the rround : ; 111'101' to the
duto when tno hill goes Into effect ,
Juno 28. 'rho Klnkahl bill provIdes
thut the secretary of the InterIor
shaH , after examlnutlon , exempt from
the Ilro\1810ns of the law these lands
that may he reasonably practicable to
Il'rlgat by means of wuter conducted
from naturul streams hy gravity , and
the secretary shall , 111'101' to the dnto
when the law goes Into effect , deslg.
nate anti oxelude from entry Innd ! ! ,
partlcuhu'ly nlong the North Platte
rIver , whIch , In his ollinlon , It may
ho Ilosslble to Irrlgnto through 13p'
eratlons under the nntlonal Il'I'lgntion
la w or by 1ll'Ivate enterprise. The
law further states that the secretary
thereafter shaH from time to tlmo
open to entry under the nct nny of
the Innds so excluded , which upon
furthCl' Investigation he may conclude
cannot be practlcnlly h'rlgrnted In the
manner as above set forth. Two
members of the engIneer corps of the
geologIcal survey arc now In the section -
tion Included within the limit ! ! of tha
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Sixty thouEand Japanese with artillery are reported to have appeare
thirty mllea north of Mukden , having marched around through the moun.
talns. If this 10 true. Gen. Kouropatkl n will find his retreat to Harbin cut off.
sian merchnntman , who 10ft Pqrt AI"
Umr on May : W. and Is among the
recent arrivals from Dalny , saId In
an IntervIew that the whole Japnneso
fleet had not returned to Port Arthur
slnco the ljth [ Inst. , when , besltl s
the Imttleslllp Hatsuse , another big
vessel struclt a mIne und was towed
nway dIsabled. Gunboats nnd tor.
pedo boats returned off the port on
the 20th Inst. , when the RussIans
succeeded In slnltlng a small gunboat
and two torpedo boats. 'rho Hus-
slans are now confident of holdIng
Port Arthur with the 30,000 men stationed -
tioned there , exclusIve of the nav ) '
and the crowds of mechanIcs worldng
upon the damaged warshIps , all of
which. excellt the Czarovltch and the
Hetvlznn. are reday to rejoin the l1eet.
'I'heso will also bo read ' for sea sen'-
Ice by June 1.
The entrance to the harbor has
been clellred and small boats now llaSS
In and out freely fl'om Port Arthur
to Daln ' .
The forts on the land side of Port
Arthur have been completed nnd are
now prepnred for n. severe .contost.
Of the few soldIers left at Dalnr ,
, the majority have gone to Port Arthur -
thur , and the only tlefenses left there
now are the mInes In the hllrbor.
The attempt of the .Japaneso to
land troops In the KIn Chau gulf on
the IGth Inst. fallell owing to Insulll.
clent water to 110at the boats.
There hns been no fighting In the
Ylclnlty of Port Arthur up to Satur.
( la ' sInce the Kin Chau fight on the
1ith [ Inst. , when two squndl'ons of
Japanese clwalr ) ' were wIlled out.
only eight mon.of . . . whIch escalletl.
- - -
Invited to the White House.
W ASIIINGTON-Prosident Roose.
velt onIondar : extendetl nn Invltn.
tlon to the Mothodlst Protestant con.
ferenco thl'Ough Hepresentatlvo Atl.
amson of Georgia , to bo recolved at
the Whlto house 'rhursday afternoon.
The Invitation wus accelltod. A spo.
clnl commltteo of fifteen was author.
Ized to deal with the question of
church union. 'rho co-operation of
the conference wes nsl < cd In 11 move.
ment flr an expression trom all Pro.
tostant denomlnntlons on the ques.
tlon of remarrlago alter dlvorco.
- ' - -
Klnltnld bill looldng over the terrItory -
tory for the purpose of decIdIng upon
the lands susceptlblo ot IrrIgation ,
and their Instructions are to maIm as
earl ' rellort as posslolo In order that
the sections reserved may be posted !
conspIcuously In the territory and at' '
the land office which will have charge
of this busIness , for the benefit of In.
tendIng settlers.
Fifty.three Men , Women and Children
Are Massacred.
J\IANILA-A report has heen re.
celved hero frolll Camp Overton , on
the Island of 1\lIndunao , dated 1\lur : 15 ,
stating tllI t a mllssacro had tal\On
place on the 12th Inst. , near Mala.
bung on the southern coast of l\lInda.
1"lftr-threo " 1"llIplno
men , women
and ehlldrcn , emlllo'os of the United
States mllltnry government at Mnla.
hnng , anti their families , were sur.
1II'Ised at mIdnIght whllo asleep by
the Datto Ails Ilnd a band ot 1\Ioros
fl'om the Hlo Grande valley , nnd
The chlof aUtl hIs followers es.
caped heCoro the alnrm could be
Details of the massacre are meager. ,
1\J Ilj 01' General Wood hns been In the
Interior of Mlndnnao since 1\Ja ' 12.
Cable communlcatlou between 1\lanlll1
Ilnd illhltlanao III Intcrrulltell nnd the
wires Ul'O down In the Intorlor of the
Island , 'fho I'oport of the maHsacro
was recolved h ) ' mall from 11. corrOo
spondent at Cllmp O\'erton.
Trust Will Share Pro1iI : ; .
NI W YOHK-OiUcers oC the Amel'l.
( 'an Smeltlnl ; and Hefinlng comllln ) ) '
will withIn 11 few dnrs divIde $100.000
In ( 'ash I\mOll their ellllllo'es Iliac.
conlnn'o with the profit.sharlng
scheme antC\ ) : : , cell two 'cnl's n o. AI"
rnllgemontn 111'0 now b ln malic to
tll vldo the cash In IJI'ollol.tlon to the
I\mount or earnln s. Manngors , BUller.
. 1\3slstant manngers nn ns.
slstnnt sUlCrlntendelts ) , togeUlI'r with
foremen. assistant Carmen , chemists ,
assarlsts amI 11. numher of others will
partlclpato ! I u o fu d.
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After Engagement with I < orean Troops
They Burn the Shrines-Telegraphic
Communication with New Chwang
ST. PE'rEHSBURG-Therc are In.
dlcatlons thn.t . General KurOIJD.l1t1n Is
preparIng to malw a vcry important
move agn.lnst the enemy.
Ono of the reasons for this belief
Is the suddenly Incrensed restrictions
upon the wnr. corrcspontlents at' the
The provalllng belief here Is that
General Kurol's n.rmr Is In difficulties.
SEOUL , Korca-A telegram has
heen received hero from Gcn San , on
the east coast of Korea , sayIng that
the Russians , aCler the engngemcnt
with Korean troops at Ham Heung , on
May 19 , burned the shrInes anl1 the
royal mausoleum whIch were erecled
there by the founder of the present
Korean dynasty In the year 13G6 , and
which were regarded by the Koreans
as sacred. ThIs aplmrent wanton des.
ecratlon of tombs In a land Imbued
with the spirit of ancestor worship
has caused excited denunciation of
the Russians on the part of the Seoul
ofIlclals. ( Ham Heung Is on the coast
of Korell. and about fifty miles north
of Gen San. )
'rhe Cossaclts which are believed to
be at Kyong Song have , nccordlng to
Korean rellorts , about twenty guns
wIth them. If thIs Is true thIs artll.
lery probnbly Is composed of trans.
Dalkal horse batteries , several of
whIch were nttached to the First corps
at Vladlvostolc before the war.
A Japanese who has returned here
from Yongampho reports that there
are only a few Japanese troops there.
' 1'he people are quIet , but they do not
welcome the Japanese occupation because -
cause of the severity of the mllltll.ry
authOl"lties. 'I'ho RussIans loft man ; ) '
thousand feet of useful timber at
There are not more than 8,000 sol.
dlers In the garrIson at Seoul. Dar-
raclts whIch heretofore were filled are
now vacnnt , the troops having gone
north to Anju. The local gendarmes
nre being transferred to Yongampho ,
Wlju and An Tung.
ST. PETERSBURG - Telegrnphlc
communIcation with Now Chwang Is
Interrupted , nnd prIvate messages for
Ilolnts south of Llao Yang are refused
here at the telegraph office.
'l'he nature or the Interruption with
New Chwang Is not l\11own , but the
cause fOl' refusIng messages south of
Llno Yang is the complete absorption
of the lines for military purposes.
Country Being Fortified and Uneasl.
ness Felt.
WASI-lING'I'ON , D. C.-Military
measures on II. large scnle begun recently -
cently by Venezuela are gIvIng rIse
to a great deal of uneasIness and a'p.
prehensIon here. It Is stated that a
French company sold Cnstro's govern.
ment 1,500,000 lines' worth of artll-
ler ' , which Is' beIng plnced In fortifications -
fications at Puerto Cabello and other
Important coast ports. The compan '
also contracted to supply II. force of
sltllled artlller 'men to man the guns
for n. certaIn perIod. i
.Just what this expensive armament
means , when Venezuela Is so poor , Is
a matter of speculation here nnd there
Is some fear It Is the forerunner of 11.
repudiation hy Venezuela of liability
for fmther Im 'ments of Installments
of Indemnlt ' under the awards of the
recent arbitrations.
Number of Persons In the Employ of
the Government.
W ASIIING'rON.-A bulletin wns Is-
sued hy the census IHlreau 'Vednes- :
da ' whIch gIves the totul number of
omplo 'es In the executive and cIvil
sorvlco of the Unltell States as 150"
383 , ' 1'heso figures Inchldo only those
emplo 'es who nro required to tnlw an
examination. . About 85.000 postmas
tel's are excluded. as are about 15,000
omplo 'es at small salarIes In the llo1d
brnnches of the war department , about
16.000 emllloyes ut navr 'ards. who
are classIfied , but appointed under
navy yard reiulntlons , , nnd 11. Cew thou.
snnd In other parts of the servIce.
Of the 11i0,383 gIven , 26,676 are om.
plo'ed In the DIstrict of Columhln ;
137,016 are males. 1:15,576 : are natlvo
born , and 102-131 are engaged In ( 'Ierl.
cal worl , .
Upon ConcluGlon of the War. ,
PARIS-'rhe St. Petersburg corre.
epondcnt of the l cho do Pnrls snys :
"I nm ahlo to nffirm that RussIn. Is
preparln to mobilize 2,000,000 sol.
dlers In Enropo on conclusion of tllo
wnr with Japan. } , 'orelgn lInlster
Lamsdorf has Informed so\'ernl mem.
bel's or the dhllomatle COI'JIS that ho
was uneasy on the sUbject of ChlnD
Hussln. ho saltl , had adhered unre-
sorvetll ' to the terms of Secretary
IInr's note , but It China should vlo-
late , or permit the ylolatlon of neu.
trallt ) ' , Russia would nct "
. . {
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Jury Finds Tyner and Barrett Not
Guilty After Deliberation.
WASIIlNGTON.-Wlthln twent ) ' .
two minutes of the retirement of the
jury iu the cnEe of .James N. ' 1'yner and
Hnrrlson J. Darl'ett trletl on charges
of conspiracy In connection with their
duties of law omcers of the PostofIlce
department , a verdlcof not guilty
was returned. 'rhe throng which fill.
cd the courtroom throughout the argu ,
ments to the jur ' hardly bad time to
leave the building heforo ho jury wns
back and the foreman announced that
a verdict had been reachod. General
TJ'ner , expecting a longer walt , haq
boon wheeled . from the room and his
nephew nnd codefendant hastened to
glvo an order which caused him to re.
General T 'nerJ\ppeared greatly ex.
cIted as he attelllpted to face the jury ,
and when the verdict was returned he
hro1w dowwn completely. Several of
the jurors wellt with hIm and all of
them shook hands with hIm.
: rho Tyner-Darrett case was begun
on Mny 2 and has been before the
court nIneteen full days. A great mass
of tcstlmon was offered. ' 1'he prosecution -
cution brought forward nn "army of
wlttnesses , II. majority of whom were
former officers of bond Investment
companIes , through which Harrison J.
Dn.rrett . , the junIor defondnnt , wa.s alleged -
leged too have profited after he left
the Postoffico department by practicIng -
Ing beCore hl5 uncle , who remaIned In
the department
Plant Will Be Rebuilt at Once , More
Modern Than Old One.
OMAHA-The burning of the Cuda-
hy pacltlng plant at Los Angeles , Cal. ,
occn.sloned a loss of about $200,000 ,
and Is to bo rebuilt at once.
The fire commenced Tuesday after.
noon , supposedly from spontaneous
combustion. George Parlts of thIs
cIty left for Los Angeles to suporln.
tend the rebuilding of the new plant ,
and James Phillips will soon follow
to superIntend the mechanIcal pnrt
of It. Manllger Murphy said :
"The press dispatches put the loss
at $400,000 , but the total loss will
probably be less than $200,000. It Is
fully covered by Insurance. The worlc
of rebuildIng Is to commence at once ,
under direction of Contractor George
Parlm of thIs city , and the new plant
will be more modern than the one
destroyed by fire.
"Tho plant was entirely destroyed ,
excepting the warehouse , whIch Is
vII.luable. "
He Concludes to Serve His Sentence
of Nine Years.
NEW YORK.-Davld Rothschild ,
who was convIcted of grllI1d larceny
In connection wIth the Federal bank
falluro and sentenced to servo nIne
yenrs In state's prison. Instructed hIs
attorneys to wIthdraw theIr motion
for II. certlficat of reasonable doubt.
Asslstn.nt DistrIct Attorney Sand.
ford announced after Rothschild's conviction -
viction that If the former bank presl.
dent made II. fight he would ImmedIately -
ately call to trIal other IndIctments
now pendln agaInst hIm , and It Is
saId that Hothschlld has concltided not
to Invite this action , but to begIn
servIng his sentence at once.
Hanna's Portrait on Bonds.
WASHINGTON-The secret.\ry of
the treasury has ordered the plates
prepared for prInting the Panama
bonds. The portrait of the late Sen.
ator Marcus A. Hanna Is to be prInted
Admiral Evans' Son ASGlgned.
WASHINGTON-Orders will be Issued -
sued at the bureau of nn.vlgatlon as-
slbnlng LIeutenant Frank I. Evnns ,
son of Rear AdmIral Robley D. Evans ,
late commander of the Asiatic station -
tion , to command the Sylph. This Is
consIdered one of the choicest assIgn.
ments In the navy. LIeutenant Pres.
ton , Its present commander , by re.
quest , has been transferred to the
Kentucly. Lieutenant Evans has just
returned from the AsIatic station ,
where he was on his father's staff.
Miss RooGevelt Off for St. Louis.
WASHINGTON-PresIdent Roose.
velt arrIved hero from Groton , Mass. ,
where ho particIpated In the prlzo
day exorcIses of the school at whIch
two of hIs children are students. 1\IIss
Roosevelt , accompanied by 1\Irs. Wat.I I
ers of this cIty , left for St. Louis.
St. l.ouls Has $70,000 Fire.
ST. LOUIS-A loss of $70.000 was
oocasloned hy a fire that partlall ' de.
stroyod the buildIng at Second street
and Franklin avenue , occupIed by the
Amerlcnn SUllply comllUny. Insur.
anco Is pm'tlal.
One New Case of Yellow Fever.
1\IEXICO CITY.-.The superIor board
of health rellorts there I ! ! ono new
case of 'ollow fever on the Isthmus
of Tehuantepec. Vera Cruz reports
no new cnses.
One Hlr Figures In Tria ) .
DEDFOnD , Inll.-Frlln ( "s esslon
of the trIal of James lcDonald for
the mur er of Sarnh Schaefer , Dr ,
, Joseph Gardner , n microscopist , testl.
fietl that red mustache hair had been
found In 1\IIss Schaefor's hand nfter
her mm'der and were very similar
to these In McDonald's mustache.
Three of lcDonald's mustache hairs ,
tmrroptltrousl ' detached from hIEIII ,
lJOI' lip by a bnrber while shavln Mc.
Donald and these found In illiss Schao'
fer's Imnd were Introduced In ovl.
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' , I.
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- - - - - - - -
Does the Question Apply to Thl&
Great Public Work-Prospective
Bidders and Prospective Workingmen -
men Desire to Know.
WASIIINGTON-One of the most
Importnnt questions with which the
Panllmn. Canal commIssion will short- ' .
Iy have to deal Is whether the present -
ent eIght-hour luw. act of August 1 , . I
1892 , aplilles to the construction of
the Panamll. canal , and whether , lC
passed , the elght.hour bill now before
congress w11l so apply. Not only are :
thousands of prospectlvo contractors.
and subcontractors vtlnlly Interested !
In 11. decisIon on these points , but also
the publle at lllrge , as the n.ppllcatlon .
of either the presnt laws or the pendIng -
Ing bill would extend the tlmo of construction -
struction at least two years and Increase -
crease its cost by many millions or :
dollars. It Is understood that the
Amorlcan Antl.Doycott assocIation. .
whIch Includes In Its membershh )
many builders and dredgers nnd others -
ers who may become dlrectl ' or IndIrectly -
rectly Interested In canal contracts.
will undertalw to secure n decIsion
from the proper officials. In thIs
event Mr. Daniel - Davenport or :
Bridgeport , Conn. , the executive :
agent of the assocIation , who has.1
been so promInently Identified wltb'l
the opposItion to the elght.hour bill , .
will have chn.rge . of the case.
' 1'he leaders of organized labor aro' ,
also 1001 < 1nl ; Into the matter carefullyp
for although the canal w111 bo located
far from the United States , It w111 bo
dug on AmerIcan terrItor ) ' , or terrl-
tor ' under the jurisdIction of the
United States , and bo constructed I
and owned by the government , antI
the appllcntlon of the elght.bour prIncIple -
cIple to a goverment work of thIs
magnitude would not only be n.
triumph. but have a far.reachlng and.
, they believe , wbolesome mornl effect.
On the other band , those who , IIke
Mr. Davenport , regard the present
elght.hour law as vicious , and the bill
for Its extenslona as soclnllstlc , hold
that under no cIrcumstances should
either bo so applied.
It Is nrl1ted by some that as the
cnnal zone Is entirely under the control -
trol of the canal commIssion , acting ,
of course , under the supervIsIon of
the secretary of war , and by the dIrection -
rection of the presldont , the elght-
hour act of 1892 does not ex proprIo
glvore apply to the zone , and that until -
. '
til congress shall determIne otherwise -
wise the mntter rests entirely wIth :
the commIssIon. It Is further represented -
sented that as the canal w111 neces-
sarly be constructed so largely by la
bor other than from the UnIted
States , the commission will not restrict -
strict such labor to eIght hours a day.
But while It Is not probable tbat the
commIssion would undertake to en.
force thIs law should the canal bo
censtructed dIrectly under Its super. . . :
vIsion , what the prospective contrac. ,
tors want to Imow Is whether they [
would be exempt If the work should
be done under contracts and the ' ,
should be fortunate enough to secure \
some of them. In the absence of an - '
authorItative ol1lnlon In advance they ' , :
fear the question mIght bo raIsed at !
a later time by the labor organlza-
tlons at home and they mIght be . .
heavily mulcted. i
\ r
Japs Have Concluded They Must Take
the Stronghold.
CHICAGO.-A specIal to the Dally
News trom Toklo savs :
Port Arthur Is to be talwn by storm
the moment proper proparntlons hnvo
heen completed. Slego guns have yet
to be placed In posItion and the land
forces appoInted for the assault have
to be strengthened. The unexpected
loss of two fine vessels have emphasIzed -
sIzed the Insecurity of sea power anti
the authorIties feel that no chnnces
i must be talwn that would encourage
Hussla to send out the Dnltlc sea fleet.
counting on findIng It harbor of refuge
In Port Arthur.
It Is realized thnt the stormln of
the fortress w111 Inevitably cost many
lives. but It Is saId that the waters
where the Japanese shIps are forced
to maneu 'or are becoming so dnn-
gerous because of floating mInes that
heroic measures are Imperntlve. Un.
del' these circumstances It Is thought
that life will be economized by stormIng -
Ing the stronghold and ellmlnatln It
and the adjacent waters from the area.
of actual conflict.
Bryan Wins In Primaries. 1
O\iAHA.-Dr'an : democrats carrIed :
every ward In the cIty where the\ ' ( >
was a contest In the prImarIes held
yesterday for the sclectlon of dele-
ates to the county convention , May
28. Tho'defcat of the Success league
people was declslvo , the Dr 'an dole-
gn.tes receiving 868 vote ! > to [ j01 for
the opposItion In the seven contestml
wllrds In Omahll.
Russian Story Is Not Conlrmed.
ST. PETEHSDUHG-The report cn-
bled to the Associated Press thnt tno , .
foreIgn oUico had recolved n. telegram
from the Russian consul at Cho Fee
roportlng that the Japanese had made
a land nttnelt on Port Arthur antI hatl
lost 15,000 men Itllled and wOlltltled ,
and that the Husslnns lInd lost 3,000
men , Is true , hut ns nothIng conlrmn-
tory lias been recolved trom any other
source the report Is not glvon cro
tle11co. The consul In Ills telesrnm
snld his Information wn.s obtaIned
J fl'ilm Chlneso sources ,