Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 26, 1904, Image 7

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I'f I
' . ;
( ) ur Big 50-Cent C < , talogue III Now
J.'or Yl'ar the prlcl' or our hl Gen.
eral : .tm'chnndlse ( 'atalosu\- ' has b ( > en
\ 60 centH. bul. Wl' hn\'o rl'dm'l'll cur
flel\ln \ prlcl's on all Idnl1s of goods ao
far below all other hO\lIl' \ 118 to In.
furQ ! almost e\'er ) ' ratnlogu < , bringln ! ;
orders nn,1 , milklnr : new customerfl ,
and b ) ' the Introlluctlnn uf new papm'
I maldn ! ; n.1chlner : ) ' . neW nutumntlt.
: rotar ) ' printing , folding , blllllng : a Ill !
covering machinery wo hllve f0 Tl.
duced the cost of mnklng thlH big
\ book that wo will IIOW send It b ) ' mall ,
post paill. free to any adllress on ap.
Tbe big book , which heretofore was
MId at GO cents each , and which 1M
" now free for the asking , Is 8 2xll %
J Inches In size. contains thousands of
Ulustrotlons , descriptions and prices ,
) 18 thoroughly comllleto In nearly e\'ery
kind of morchandlse , Including dry
j I goods , clothing. boots anll shoes. fur-
nlshln ! ; good8 , notions , milliner ) ' , car
pets , upholstering. hnrllware , tools ,
electrical goods , guns , IIporting goods ,
60wlng machines , musical Instru.
ments , organs , planas , furniture , baby
carriages , croclCr ' , cut ler ) ' , stoves ,
drugs , Ilhotograllhic goods. optical
Joods , tallng ; : ! machlnos , mo\'lng pic.
turo apparatus , buggle , harn'ss. sad.
dle-l. ! salldler ) ' . watches , jewelrr , silverware -
verware , clocks , safes. refrigerators ,
tinware , cverythlng used In the home ,
In the IIhol } , In the factory and on the
farm , nnll all lIrlced ut prices much
lowcr than were e\'er offered by any
vther house.
If'ou ; have one of onr big catn.
] ogues or have ever seen one you
] mow what : It Is , the most complete ,
most up to date and lowest.prlced cat.
Rlogue ever published. If : rou ha'en't
our big catalogue don't fall to send
for one at once. If : rou ha\'e the big
book please tell your friends and
I . neighbors that the boo1Is \ : now free
RllIl they can get one for the asking.
Simply on a postal carll or In letter
l1uy. "Send me : rour BIg Catalogue. "
Rl1Il the big new book. our regular fiO-
cent catalogue , will go to YOIl by reo
turn mall , postpaid , free with our com.
pllments. Please don't forget to tell
, your neighbor who hasn't the hlg book
, I tnat the big fiG.cent boot. Is DOW tree
to anyone for the asking. Addrels
SEARS , ROEBUCK & CO. , Chicago.
Seasonable weather Is the Idnd that
everybody Idcls about. This also (1) '
plies to unseasonahlo weather.
means careful bu'lng of the small
things as well as the large. Paragon
Typewrltor Hlbbons bear the special
guarantee of the Remington 'fYPQ'
er Company. The ) ' sell slngl ) ' for
, ' < < 5 tents each. If you bur : the Paragon -
! gen Ribbon coupon baals , you get
them for fiS 1-3 cents. Lots of Inferior
gcods cost more than that.
A New 'Damon and pythias.
From North , vales comes the roe
mantle stor ) ' at a lifelong de\'otlpn.
begun In early boyhood , between two
men , anll only ending In death at the
ripe age of SO ) 'ears. Henry Prlco
and Robert Ellis when boys strtlcl ; : up
a frlondshlp , pledging to stick to each
other until death. , , 'hen young men
they emigrated to Australia and IIved
and worl\Cd together , como weal.
come woe , for more than fifty years.
'fwo years ago they both returned
to their natlvo'Illage of Hhosllaner-
chrogog. In 'Vales. lmvln amnssed
considerable wealth. This weelc
, " IJr1ce and Ellis died wltbln twenty-
four hours of each other , both being
over SO years of age.
I. ' Mount Booker Washington.
: "Irs. Hili , an artist of Tacoma ,
I . Wash. , has been commlsslonert hone
of the 'Vestel'll railroad trunk' lines
to execute for the Louisiana Purchase
exposition .several canvases ! lustra. I
Uvo of tbe scenery of Washington
: . state. One of the pictures represents I
i :1. lofty lliOulltaln , " 'hlch tor some ren.
, son had ne\'er recel\'ed a name. Th
t artist suggested that the mountain he
christened Mount Dookor Washington ,
In boner of the principal of the 'rusk-
egee institute. Her suggestion wes
confirmed by the United States geological -
logical surve ) ' , and the name , : 'Itonnt
Booker 'Vashlngton , is now In use.
I' The plcturo will be . exhibited at St.
. . } Louis this summer.
1\ \ - - .
Indicate Improper DIet , Usually Due
to Coffe
t t i Ono . of the common symptoms or
colTeo poisoning is the bad drC'llms
, that spoil what should be restfnt
\ sleep. A man wlro found the reason
6a's :
, , \ "Formorly I was a slave to corre , I
was like a morphine fiend , could not
1 Bleep at night , would roll and toss In
\ my bed and when I did get to sleep'
; 1 ; was disturbed hy dreams and hub gob.
: : 'lIns , would wallO up with headaches
. ! nd feel bad all < la ) ' , so nervous I
, \ could not' attend to buslneE < ; . My
! \\'rJtlng 100lOd 1I1e bird tracles , Iliad
{ 'our ' belchlngR from the stomac'h , In.
tlgestlon , heartburn and palpitation
lIf the heart. constipation , Irr ( ' ularUY
of the Iddneys , etc.
"Indeed , I began to teel I hILi ! al1
the troubles that human flesh conlll
sutrer but when a fl'1edd advil f'd mQ
to leave otr colTeo I felt as If he had
Insulted me. I could not bear the
Idea , It had such a hold cm 1I1e nnd 1
refused to belle\'e it the canna.
"But It turned out that no advice \\"as
o\'er gl\'on at a more needell tllU. . tor
I finall ) ' consented to trr PMtlllll. alld
with the going ot conco nl1l1 thl ) com.
Ing of Postum all my troubles ha\'c
gene and health lias returnc'd. 1 eM
r and sleep well : IOW , nene : ! stcndled
down and I write a fall' bnnd8 yon
can see ) , can attelill to businCfS ; apln
and rejoice that I am free trolD the
mon t.or Calfee. " I'\ gi en by
. . Postum Co. . Dattle CreeJ" ' 2\lIrh.
Tt > n da's' trlnl ot Postum In pineo
or cotreo will bring sound. rmiltul. refreshing -
freshing slcc ) ! , Theru's R 1'8.1.00.
I.ooI { In each pkg. for the tamous
\ JltUo book , hThe Head to Wc1h'Ule.
. . " . . . . ' . ' . . , ' ' ' . . . . . . ' .
- -
A great d'nl or hnprovemcnt I ! ' ! go.
Ing n al Edgal' .
1\lr8. \ Patrick or 1IIII'oln wants (11.
\'orco from her husband lIecausc ho
tried to kill her.
Ed al' ha ! ' ! decided to c'lc > bmte the
} 'oul'th or July In the old.raRhloncd
There nre now \'n'ancles on the
teaching orce of the 'I'ecumsoh
schools as proposed fol' next ) 'ear.
: 'Itousel hl'Others , thoroughbrel1
stock bre ders or Cambridge. 1111\0
purchased ' 1'h } Top , the well known
IIacl ncy show hol'so.
: \trs. J.OUISl Glenson , wlfo of HeC. .
. G1enson , 11aRtor of the Congrega.
tional ehufl'h of West Point , n ed 57
yeal's died \'ery sllIldehlr hilit weC'lt.
AC'corclln ! ; to the Construction NewR
Omaha ranl/ / ' ; third among t went ' .
thl'ee leading eltll' ! ; of the count I'r In
Ow gain In building OIOrations fOl'
AIII'II o\'er the same month a 'eal' : \ o.
At the lasl meeting of the IIIl1'n' '
board of } 'n1l8 City a ( 'ommlttcl' was
allllOlnted to confer with the ( .lty C'olm-
ell to support the IIbmry b ' direct
tax. thereb ) ' maldng It a free lIbml'Y.
On comlllalnt of 10' . C. IgKl'rt ; , II fat m.
el' 1I\'lng eallt ofVest Point. l < rnnl ,
Howe. his hired man , was 1'III\I'geil
with a tatutol'Y a ffe11l' . In Ilefault
of ball the defendant remains In jail.
Da\'ls & Ma'ne. wile opC'rate tlllJ
largo stone fllllll'l'les near llIue
Sllrlngs. ha\'e about eomllll'ted ar.
rangen1l'ntR whereby the ) ' will Nect a
large stone C'I'ushlng Illant of 1,000
tons' Ilall ) ' l'allacltr.
During the next weel , two members
or the execut lye ( 'ommlttee or the
Statl ! ' 1'eaehCl's' association will Inter-
\'ew f he lIu8lnl'ss men of Lincoln and
Omahn. They will then declllc whol'o
the ll xt meeting or the organization
will lie held.
The deutr ) shm'lff or Oloe countr
founl1 about thll't . palr of fhoes near
the mllroad tmcle sOllth of Nebl'all1m
Cltr. It Is supposed that n car of
freight had been 1'0bhC'd and that
these goods WI'O not wnnted a 11I1
wel'O thrown out along the traelt.
The groC'el's of Nehraslm City ha\'e
formed an assodatlon ancl will Issllo
a w'eldy credit slip to Its members.
'rher hl1\'o all lIeC'n doing a hlg ( , I'edlt
huslness 111 the ] last and find that the ) '
ha0 many hlln l'11 Iolla.'s ] on their
bools that can 1I0ver lie C'ol1el't'c1.
Dlel , Kortllm , a man who ma1ws It
a bllslness of HtOl'lng and IHlttlng 11)1 )
awnings. hnll a fnll at Gl'nnll Islanll
whleh )1I'oyed ) falal. He was pllttlng
lip nn awning In front of the II. II.
010\.01' I'ompany RIOl'e. His ladder
HlIpled ) and he fell to the cement
WII I ) { .
Photogl'nphol's of NehraHla In ! 'if'S ' ,
IIlon at'LhH'oln elected otncerR III ! follows -
lows : 1'l'eslllent , A. e. TownHend. 1..ln-
( 'on. ) l'e-elerlHI : .John Jo" Wllfjon. Paw-
nl' ( , City. fil'fltico Iu'esldent ; D. W.
WI'I ht. Nelson. seconllI ! > o presldellt :
C. , J. I"l'nnell , Schllyler , ReC'retal'r : "T.
P. I.'rlto ; , ! rell1011 t. t I'easu reI' .
! 'cl'Hns : lI\'lng alollg dltl'h ! 'Ontes In
an ) ' IlIlrt of DOIIge rounty may sow
the l'll1hanl\Jllents III gl'nss. ' 1'he hoal'lI
f ( l.nllty sUIII'\'lsors IlClssecl a resolll'
tlon lI1aldn the pl'act Il'o allo\\IIIf. ' .
'J'her'o Is a restrl'tI\'e ( 'Ianso. howevel' ,
II.'u\oIding that th ( ' hauls mllsl not II\ !
Ic.w'rcd a111.1 that no othel' than gr\3S :
SCJ cm be sown.
: 'III's. Pauline GlrhertIS ! t\wal'llel1
Judgment In the ( 'ountr eOllrt of , Tof.
fel'son county fOl' $437 against Fran1 ,
Sheddan anll the 1\Ietropolltan 1\ru.
tllal Bond nnd SlII'ety ( 'omlluny. Sheri.
dan was a saloon li eo pOI' at Gilead. In
'I'hayor county , anll sold 1\11'1' \ ' ; . Garber's
husband whlsley that eUIIsed him to
fight and got Imdl ) ' Injured.
'fhe hod ' of John l\Tonls ' ' '
) \ al'l'h'f1 ) at
Stl.'lla from St. Louis and was tak'n
tll the home or James 1\lol'l'ls. \ from
. whl' h place the fllncml sOl'vlces were
h.-I1. ] The deceased Is a nephew of
I'll' . : \ OITI-I ! anti was omplo'ell III a
S1. . I.onls hotel and IlIt ! Wednesday
nC'C'I.ll'ntally . steppell Into an elemtm'
hatt. tnlllng a IHstanc ! ; of\'e
foot. hilling him Instantly.
Ono of the In.rgest transactions In
real estnto and personal 1II'01lortr 00'
enrl'ed at Osmond laRt weel , I hrough
the agenry of Day nl'os. & Co. , Hamo
belllg the S'urlty State Balik of Os.
mend and all the fal'lI1 lands of the
bank and of nay Bros. & Co. , abont.
140 [ ; acres , ha\'o been 110111. The a\'er.
ago 11rke of the lallli'US $40 ) ) PI' arl'e.
'J'ho all10unt In\'o1\'d In the entire deal
amollnts to about $ .OOO.
State nupel'lntl'llIjellt I owler and
DelHltyIcnrlen : have IsslIed their an.
nual I'lrclllal' to the ( 'ollnty sllpl'l'ln.
tendnts anllllrln'lpals and It contains
an endorsement or the Nebraslw semi.
cQntennlal ( 'C'I'bratlon alld Informa.
tlon of'aille to the Iwhool teaeliers
IInd superlntl'u ents. 'rhe ( 'h'IJIIlar be.
gins with an eXlu'ooslon of Sl'Rtltnde
to the MlpNllltendents for thl ! faithful
work done urlng the ) 'eal' 111111 rloses
with the admonition to the teaehel'R
and supPI'lntel1llents to complete their
worl { thoroughl ) ' .
LfJl11s AlIgn'el' , a farmer living fOllr
miles tOuthenst of A\'oC'a , hud the mis-
fOltllne to lose his ham , gmnarr.
fu'mlng { Implements. se\I'al tons of
hay , 150 bushels of oats and SI\JIlt. ) . .
five lIIslwls of whent by fire.
In the district court of Colrax coun.
t ) ' gdward and Daniel lIashhcrgor
WNQ fined $25 and $10 ! 'C'specth'HI ) '
for assault , the fm'mer ha\'lng Hlood
trlol. In which the costs ran to o\'er
5300. The costs of the case wer'e tax.
ell a alnst blm along with the fine.
} 10 will earn It out In jail at the rate
I ot $3 per da ) ' .
_ . -
I ecJ 1rcd : ; - ; ; : ' of Brother
: tnd Wife.
HED CLot'D.-Tho .hlr ) ' on the
Barll'r lI1urdol' ca tJ I'l'tllrnml a'er. .
I diet t1l1lllnl ; Fl'atll { Burlwr gul1t . of
I lIIurder In the first df'gree allli nxhlg
the penalty at death. Barleer was
! ( 'on\'lctcll of the murder of his broth.
or and hlH brothm"s wife on .1anul1l'y
: Inst. 'rho jur ' went out at 4
o'cloc1c " 'rltla ' afternoon and rl'Rrlwd !
' about { I o'clock. Hurlur was
at 'ierlllet bl'Ought Into the ( 'olll'l room
I and the \'erdlct I'eud to him. Durltlg
tlte trial ho dlslla'ed consllierablo
I nerve , laughing nnd Hllllllng IlM If ho
, was not on trlul for hlH life. 'ronlght
i when he wpo8 brought Into the court
' ! 'oom he WIlR ( onfronted h ) ' n large
I' crowd or hlH nelghhors und ho ap.
Iwared mOI'o crl'stfllllen a 1111 IHJr\'OUB.
lie walkc1 ! steadily , howe\'el' , and
tried nlt to allpeal' 11I0\11 , e\'pn after
Ill' hacl hOlml the \'el'llIct I'l'ad.
Latm'-f.'ranl , Barlwl' . who was round
gullt - by the jul' ) ' and Sl'ntClH'Id to
dl'llth I'm' the mUI'der of his III'other
nnd wife on the nl ht of .1 a 11I1 11 1' ) ' :11 : ,
was brollght Into l'ourt and rl'ceh'ed
his sentl'nc ( ' . .lufl e Allams In well
chosen words re\'lewed the cuse and
In closing Sl't the . ay of execution
for Septemller 2. The 1II'IIIoner ga\'o
110'IRlhle slgm : or trl'lIIor when ho
I'OH ( ' to recel\'e the ! -Ientence. oHhough
It wns IJlalnly e\'lIhmt that he WIlS
lallo'rlng under a torl'lbloItrllin. ! .
ACtel' his remo\'ul to the jail ho
conressl'll his cl'ln1O to Court Rl'pOl.ter
F'lIrse. He told hllll thut he shot Dan
Barlwl' twice when ho wpnt to let
him In that fatal night. . Allco Barler :
lIenl'lng the Rhots covered hel'Helf un
rolh d to the floor , Frank toro the
covel'lng. from hel' and shot her
through the head. He clnlmH to ba\'c
done the wOI'k In twenty minutes.
Wh t It Ie Shown to Be By Careful
Prof. A , E. Da\'ldson of the Unl\'er.
sltr of r\ebrnslm h:1H : made a. careful
h1\'cstlgntlon of tll'aluo or all the
I prol1Crty In Nebraulm. except thnt of
ra II I'oall 8 , nnd the results of thhl In.
vestlgatlon will bo IJllbllshed soon.
The aggrC'gates lire as follows :
\111110 of far\J1 . . . . . . . . . . $ 8G : ' . jS , Zl
Yllltll' of l'lt 'lIlId towlIl'elll
{ ' , HII ( IJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32f , OOI , OO
: llolle ' UII ' ' ' _ ' ! ! . . . . . . . . . ! II,4jl.j2t1
HIUI'JM alll1 TlJIJI'clulJlIlh'e. . 7j. 73.j 1I
J.I\'IJ , .Iocl ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IW,4jG.GGj :
l'l'ohahl'altltJ of lI\'c
: < loC'k : < 0111 III 1 ! lO : : . . . . . . : :0,000.000 :
\l1lJe or farllt 11I'Cll1t1011l
Inlt 'l'ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:0GJZ : : : ! , SJ !
pJ'ohauln'alue of IlaliT
allcl 1I0IJIIIT Ilrllllllclll 111
. 11103 . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . 30,000,000
\11 III I' of all othcr propert )
exc'cpt thnt or I'ulroa ! ! : ! . ZIIG,4Z2.1Z5
'J'otal property of the
, ,11111' excellt tllllt of
Cockle Burrs Kill ( Cattle.
Stnte Veterinarian Thomas was
called to Smartville , In Johnson county -
ty , to look at the bodies or seven ; !
henl ! of cattle thut had died e\'ldent-
I ) ' t'l'Om eating ) 'oung ( 'ockle burrs ,
The cattle were Riel , from one to two
Iays. ! their condition durlr.g this time
lJeln almost nOl'lnnl , except thnt each
8ho'd much ner\'ousness , though
th'y alllarentlr ) suffered 110 pain.
Last weethlrtone \ head f cattle
Illed near Bellron. Dr. ThomaR be.
lIo\'s thell' Ieath ! occurred froll1 cat.
Jn < le lIl11'rs.
I . , .
Big Chunks of Coal.
LlNCOI..N.-Two large hll1lIS or
coal weighing30,000 pounds 'Were
hauled In o\'er the Durllngton from
the west and sent on to the St. I.ouls
exposition. One of the lump ! ! Is xG
feet and tIle other 4x3 feet.
Prepare Cell for Barker.
LINCOIN.-Prlson authorities ha\'o
III'el1ared IL secluded cell In the penl.
tentlar ) ' for the I'C'ce11tlon or Frnnl ,
Barl'I' . Dal'l\Cr was convicted of a
doullie murler' In 'Vebster county
and will be brought to the Ilrlson. He '
will 110 confined In the cell which lwld
William Hhea. III the hOSIJltnl , and
will HllCnd the time In solltar ) ' con-
Funny Stories Cost a Fine.
O rA HA.'altel' B. Golclle , editor
nnl ! ) ltIlJlIshcl' of the "Tuyne Demu.
crat , has n\lpeared \ before judge Iun-
gl'la 11I1 pleaded guilt ) to the Indict.
lI1l'nt of mailing non-mallahle mattor.
IIJ'rofuned b ) ' the grand JUI' ) ' . He was
tine. . ) $2fi and cost ! ! . Goldle IJI'llt'd !
It couple of alleged fnnn ) ' stories In
his papl'l' to which some or the people
of'arne took \'Igorous exceptlun.
Wolves Kill Elohteen L mbs.
FHE\IO-T.-\\'ol'es ; ; m'e unusually
numCI'OUII on the Platte river bottom
this sllrlng. Da\'hl Jones. who IIv6's
on tlw Island. . hIt. ' ; hal ! eighteen lamb ! '
dostl'o'ed h ) the \'Iclous animals. It
Is supposel ! thut thew IIwlm acrust :
the south channel of the river to the
Islanl ! .
Farmer Has a Stock Disease.
DL'I'\-r-a.-Hush . ; ; : , a rnmh.
man Ih.ln fOllr and a half mileI'
sOllthwellt : of here on the Dismal rl\'er ,
I nll1lctcd by a now and unclassified
, ! 'tock cUseaso which hrolw out In hi ! !
I herll. carr'lng awar nineteen bead In
a ff'W hours. lIl1el' contracted the
I lIIalad ) ' whllo Hldnl1lng- one of Ihl1
I I 1I'ad rnttlf. ' . Ho has had medical at
I tenllalleo' and prospects are tllllt he
I wl1l Io : e the 61ght of ono ur both I''os
'rho dlHease tnke' ! the form of 1'U6h
! or er'sltlelns whnn transmitted to
Iltimnn lJelnJ ;
Could You Use Any Kind of : I SewIng
Machine : It Any Prlr.e ?
It thert'l ' Is nny plco 130 low. nny
offer so IIbernl thnt 'ou wOIIIII lhlnlc
or accepting on tr'lnl a now h"h'lrol1l. ,
( Irop cllbltlet or uprIght Mlnn'sota ,
Singer , Whl'l'If.'r & WIlfon ; , Stnndnrd ,
White or I'\ew 1I0mo Sewlns Machine.
cut out onl1 retllrn this notlco , ancl
YOII will recl.\\'l' \ by retllrn mlll1 , P08t.
poll1 , free ur cost , the hlll1llsolllest sew.
Ing mllchlne cataloJlle : ever Pllbllshell.
It w1ll name ) 'ou prlce on the tlnnu.
seta , Slner ! , Wheeler & Wilson.
White , Stanclllrll end New Homo sew.
tng machlne3 thot will surprlso ) ' 011 :
Wo wIll 1I1ake ) ' : lU a new and IItlruct.
h'o proposition. a ! lewlng machh10 of.
fer that wl11 nstonlllh '
: ) 'ou.
If rou cnn make nnrISO of any
Bewlng mal'hlne nt any Ilrlcl' , If nny
lelnd of an offer would Intl1rest ) ' 011 ,
: lon'l fall to write \IS at IIIICO ( bo s\lro
to cul out nncl I'oturn this special no.
tlce ) and get ollr latest book. our
latest otrers , o\lr new end most sllr.
prlslng proposition. Address
SEARS , ROE DUCK & CO. . Chicago.
Some pcople burn tllcir money ,
others get Into soclet ) . .
A.k Tour Dealer For Allen's J1'oot-1'IIIO ,
powder. It r&5ls the feet. Curcs Corns.
Bllnions , Swollen.Sorc. f IotCallous , Achinr :
Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's
Foot-Hase makes newer tisht shocs easy. At
all Druggists and Shoe stores. ccnts. Ac.
cept no substitute , Sample mailcd FRUit ,
Address Allen S , Olmsted , 1.0 Hey , N. Y.
1f you b ( > t on the bar the winner Is
often a 'Iorse or nllother colol' .
Sl'ml 25 I'cnts ror 110 111 1'5t I'll 11I'rs' Guido
containing ) page ! ! or information. O lclul
map aml full Instrllctlons how to ! ; ct
l'lnlm on the Hosobllllrcsern.tlon. F01'bcs
Locatinlf , &uustce1 , 8. D.
A sl e show-tho profllo Ilhoto-
. .
T.cwis' Single Binder' " litrnlght lie
dgnr. 'fho highest lll'lce r > e clgnr to the
-lenlor n11l1 the hlJ.tlll' ! < t qURlltr for the
iilDokcr. I.owl1l' Fnctory. l'eorln , Ill.
A Chinese Farewell.
After Wing Chow had 8tudlell at
Sunday school Ilnd becume a member
of a chllrch , he decorated his remarles
with Scrlptlll'al phrases , according to
Lippincott's l\Iagnzlne. lIe grow dissatisfied -
satisfied and pleaded fill' IIn Increoso
of wages. "YOI'elr lIeh woman , r I
vely poor man , " he explained , "money .
I wish YOll moro gl\'e me. " Mrs. DaRh
rejected the IIlea , and Wing Cho , , ' ap.
peered to submit. B\lt on the follow.
tng morning' , when the good woman
entered her dining room , though the
room had been swept. the tnble laid ,
and ever.thlng In perfect order. there
was no 'Wing Chow. Beneath a pillte
the perplexecl mistress fOllnd a note ,
which rea < 1 af > rollows : "You'ely IIch
" "oman , I'ely Iloor man. I asl\O ) .011
ore moner : ) ' 011 gl\'eo 11Ie none. Oh , .
Lamb of God ! I go. "
\VIggle-SticJe I.AUN1HtT nLUJ1 :
Won' I. spill , break , freeze 1101' spot dotlles.
Costs 10 ccuts IInd cqualsJ : ! ( cellts worth of.
pn ' othcr bluing. 1 ! 'our gl'OCl1r 11111'R 1Iot
kl' < 'p it scnd ] ( } o for samlllo III ' 1'111' ' I"IUlIII'V
DIuI' Co. , 14 MtC'hllan Street. Chlcaso.
A crank mo\'ement-the dl'l1I In a
luuatie & 1sy1ull1.
: :111'8. : Wln.low' " oothllll : RyrutJ.
For clllhlren leelbID . potlen. Ille RUlne. reduce" 1&
namDJaUon. a1l11' pain. curcs wind cuUo. : oolUIIo
The PatientJJoctor , I ha\'e lost
my appotlto : what shal1 1 do ? " The
Doctor-'fhat's aU right ; ) 'OU will
find it In the 1I111. "
Superior quality and extm quantity
must wtn. This 111 why Dcfianco
Starch Is ! aldng the place of all
H it was not for the frame many 0.
picture would not be worth hanging
on the waiL
1'flv. . . ( ,7 : ; ; . .
- " " ' : ' I. . . , .
, , { . . I. . . . I " \ .
I "
rj , . 1" J
f : :1 : ' ' ' 'j ! tf ; fJ
To be n succe5sful wife , to
retain the love and admiration
of her husband should be n
woman's constant study. If
sbe would be all that she may ,
she must guard well against the
signs of ill health. Mrs. Brown
tells her . story for the benefit of
aU wives and mothers.
" DEAR Mns. PJNK AII : - Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vcgetahlo Compouud
, vil1 make every mother well. &lron .
heallhy nnd happ ' . I drn ged through
nine years of miserable exll tcnee. 'Worn
out with pain and weariness. I then
noticed n stlLtemcmt of n. woman
troubled as I WILS ; and t.he , , 'onderful
results she hall hnd from your Vegetable -
table Compound , nucl dc'Ic1rd to try
what it wou1d do for me. IInd used it for
three months. At t.he cml of that
time , I wall n. . < Ii Ifl'I'c'nt woman. the
neighbors remarlccll It. and my hus-
btlnd fell in 10m with me all over
again. It seemell1l1ct' u ne , . , < < , xlltence :
I had been sufltrin with Intlnmmn-
tion nnd fallinJr of the womh , but. your
medtclne cured that. Rnd lmllt up ! DY
enUre syst.em , till I WnindcNl like n
new woman. - Hlllcl'rl'ly "ours , Mns.
CIIAS. F. Ruowr.l : ! C dtlr 'l'crrnre. JJet
Srrlngs , Ark. , VIe. . ! 'rcbldcnt ! llot en
C.:1b'150000'1'1 1pl",1 ( 'f Cbw , . IU
fJ10111f1i "IIUI/VRfU "m'II t. pt I/"Cid.
- & _ - - - -
_ . . ' . - . . ' . _ _ , , . , Y' " . r. ' . . : " " 'I.h. 1 -
Promotes OigcslionChccrrul--
nC8S nne1 TIcst.Conll\ins \ nellhcr
OpiumMorphinc nor } ncra 1.
'Nor'NAIlCO'l'IC. ' .
. . . , - , ! , ,
. . . "
J'lIn ALx..r _ SNl- .
. .
GMl.ol .
Wd 'or
' n
w . . . . . 7
I J'.J.- - < I
f'tlfl'ill < i. 1 ,
Jllitfrr.vtf1tnvr : t ,
. U S e
Aperlhl ncm dy forConsllp. ' . 1
non. Sour SIOll\llch.DinrrhoCl1 \ I ,
WormsConv\llsiol\s. cvcrish. ,
I\'ss 111ll11.s. Ol SLEEt' : F 0 r 0 V ( jj ' "
= r _ _ Thirty Years
. . . .
\"Mil OINnw" eo."NY. NIW 'f01I1I ' Om' '
.o- _ . . . .
u H _ ' _ _ mnu _ _ _
Made 11 bl l or yello" for all klnd $
of wet work. On Ie C'iCrjwl1trt.
Look for the i n of..the fbhMd
the , . . .me TOWER n the buUOI\ $ ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
" ' .1. & ' " "U' .1. ' . . . . . . "u. . . . . . . . . Hat. , . . . . . u . . . . . . .
\\1"0 IRONS
knows hey , important it Is
to use agood starch. Defiance
Starch is the best starch
. .
madt. 1doesn't \ stick to
, . , r . . .
the iron. It . II ' ivts it btauti.
- - - . . . ; )
lul soli glossy stilfness to tht
Idothes. It iII not
J .
I . '
or crack tht goods. It nlls
. . . . I
for 1m. gOts . larthe ; , dots
, I
mo 1 , Ak tht lady who
irons : It Ddianct Starch at all
. , t
.grocers. 16ol. for 10 ctnts.
Tbe DmA C ( STARm CO. ,
, tOM J1 - - NQJ )
A Doslon ph } ' idan'l dig-
covery wlul.ll and
heals all inflammation of the mucous
membrane wherever locl1ted.
In local treatment of female Ill ! ! Pax-
tine is In\'alllallle. Uscd as a dOlllhe it
is a rcnation ] in clean lng and healing
power ; it kills all discasl ; gcrms which
calise inflammalion and discharges.
'rhOllsltll(1lOf I < Jtlcrs 11'0111 women
, ro\'o thnt It Is the Irltc1'ot cure Jot'
{ oucorrh IL C\'t' clillco\'cred.
Paxtlne ncver faallJ 10 cure pel\'ic
catarrh. nas)1 catarrh , ! oorc throat , lore
mouth : lnd bore eycs. , . , , ' : lltse these
I disease are "II caused 11I11&mmatioll
i of the rnulOU'I memh. " , , ' :
For clc/llIslnlf. W h 1Ir'III nJlllpr ( ' -
Mor\'tllft tht ! hwtll " ' " , 'hllllollJt ! the
I wOI'ld to I'rodll ( ' ( ! 11"1'1/11/11. /
I I'hysiclans aud sl' " . . , , HS l \ f.rywhere
I prcscribe and endorol : l'hAtinr. Hlld thou.
san sof testimonial I. \Ilro ; pro'rilh'alue. .
At druggisls , or fool Itl I"'i'aid ' o cts.
A InrJo trll\lllwIHll : 'lIllIllwolt of
: hIHlrlll.tlOlIslt\o ! ohllt'l'flj.t' : . \\1Il\
: ' . , R , l'axtol Vol. . Dr . ' ) } 1o&ton 1f.1\lS.
. .
- - - -
JI I w , N. U. , lmah . No. 21
Promoted by
Shampoos of
r SOAp. . ,
And light dressil1gs
of cU"rrCURA , the ,
great Skin Cure and
sweetest of elnollients.
This treatment at once
stops falJing hair , removea
crusts , scales , and dand'uff ,
destroys hair parasites ,
soothes irritated , itchin surfaces -
faces , stimulates the haIr fo ] .
licles , loosens the scalp skin ,
supplies the roots with enerb'Y
and nourishment and makes
the hair grov ; upon a swect ,
wholesome , healthy sca1p ,
when all else fails ,
N. D. Complete Eltelllal and Inten1.1
Treatment for every Humur fwm Pimlk , to
Scrofub , from Infancy (0 AS ! : , ( una ltiulf 01
CUTICURA SOAP , Ointment , and Pill" 01.1
now be had of all Druggist. for One
! old Ilirougho"1 Ih , . . .orld. Cull.lOlp , 1Ifwo. CJln' .
m'D' ' . " " ' , ' lI..ol"nl , roc , Iln 101U. . 1,1 "ho."I''II. : " . , . . ,
1'1110. 15. . r.r ,1.lo ( WI. lp..11I . lo"doo/I . , _ : ( 'ha , ' . "
bou. . N < j" 1'1110 , lI"e ole /.I.'II."D. ' ' . . 131 t U lo1W
Au , . . . J'olln lI'UI" ChfDt. . Cop. , . . "I..rop'I. . . . . . .
. . : : .J 'or h II , . 10 , , . . . . . . . . . /nU , .nd U."UI7
UuIlkID. ( ! COJP.Ullr .Dd 1I."d. .
- .
ILawn Penc'c
Irul"r , win' . mallY 'ilU. " .
fl'f\lIlch'II \ ' ' ' . chur" ' , Plf11)01. / .
" "lIlt'\Ir , . .
; IHHlllr.v IUI 111I.
I. f.'nef' , 'itnll Ifal. . ! ! ! , 1'1".1 lut
I " 111111'1'111'
I t hl'Ir.r r. Iron dpd WI'Ioc. . ,
0.1 A itA. NJ-/J. :
Ourloud. the hut. l'rlt : th6 InoH"I. 1'JHnl'-II\'rr !
lU ul. . Vpllvur ) ' ur . . " l'OrllfoIlIIlIJOrilnIJuc1. . e : 4
fflr 1'1(1110\1"1' ftllli aareul. ' ! 'rlt.\ ) lIt. .lolrl1S
ADAM : J. KROLL CO. , Now Era 1IId ! : . . Qh1oarao.