' / ( ; - The Teller 01 Idles. f , & Ills frll'nll ! ! ' trill ! hl'lIrtR blot low , nnd r , their Rlran : ; 11mbI' wI're n-'earr , Thl'lr hlllld" grew chili In his , 011 their . Itln < 1 I''el ! dl'nth In'ell" , On theil' fnceR car\'cn collI , the noollllay 111111 WAS 4.lI'elll' ) " ' "I w1I1 ! l'1I 1111'11 u'llfI Cor thl'lr tr.ar" , " 11..114.1 the pitiful teller of tnles , ' 1 " I' " ' I HI" hOIl ( ' ! ! Jrew "ear I1l1d CudI'd , nnli hi , J , ! " 1'1' ' ' wl're hca"wltll Wl'elllllJ ; : I. : , . . 111" WII" till' hot "lmll1ed brow of the I it , . atroll , ! lrll1' 1111\11 who fall , , : , .r Ills \\l'rl' thl' hUII/er / alld toll while the ! iI , . 1111 Il'd world Inr SII'C\1I1I/ \ / ; : I : ' , : "I will 1 ( > 11 II1l'n thl"'for " their 11I1Ih- , ! ; ' . ler , " : mld the plt.lrm teller of tule . HIs II/ht / IItlll' 10\1' J ; : re 1\ ' wear ) ' , nllll run to a lIeWI'1' IUI'cr' , ' Ar..i Il'fl him thl' lIurple Mrrow that C'reefl'1 whl're the ! ! UII ! < Ct Jill 11'1 1IIs heart'l' hlood 111'111111'11 Its aenrll'l , nud hI' Hmlll'd lit II" brimmili/f O\'l'r- . "I will tell 1111.11 thl" for their jO'III1CI' , " t1.l1t1 the pillful teller of lulc ! ! . Dllt IIII'll at In"t 1I1'hl'1I1 how he strlllll'd . hi" ! loul for tllI II' pll'lI"U'I' , ' \ ( . " 'nd ' thc ) ' hrnllght him their /fold 111111 ' . i' I 11'h' , , laurl'll:1. Ulill the 101'lng that ' , _ I , most a\'all1' , ' . . . . ' ' " . . An < 1 Ill' kl1'w the tnate of n hO/le / fill- . . ; . . filled , 111111 the jO ) ' 110 niggard ilia ) ' ( " ; ' . ' mealHltc- f : : J . ' ' 'l'heI'hnll ha\'e thl ! ' , too , fOl' their . ' , l , ' \ hCnrtl'lllllg : , " rml the pitiful tolll'r . . " ' , ; .1 , of tth' : " ' ; -Gl'rll'\Ilo , E , l..lllg In Detroit Free , i"J : ' " Pro ! ' ! ' , " .f" " ! / If . 'f/ . : q" " " . " , r . 1- , . ' I j e J , " - . . , . - - . - .r I " . . . . . . . . - - : t The train from the cltr , Ilue at 5:13 : : , ' was more than half an hour latl' whell " I H finally drew up at Wa 'Hllie .Tunc- tlon , As It jerlwd to 11. stanllstlll all \ \ extremely pretty girl deBcelllled f'Om the chair car , anll , after IlroPlllng a heavy suit case upon the IIIatfol"n1 , ' wall\Cd rapidly towanl the waltlug- , oem , \ Among the other ] Jasst'ngers who .alighted was a 'oung IIIl1n , who , fol- 1 lowing Immediately hehlnd the girl , , delloslted his suit case III\Cwlso , and ( hen disappeared in the direction of i 'the news-stand , 'fhe two suit cases were It'ft staml. f 1ng side IJy side within a yal'd of each ( Jtber , Both were almost new ; IJoth I were constructed of a SUllol'lor grade \ .or leather , and IJoth bore ou one end. in neat , black lettering , " : \1 , II , " I A strident whistle , signaled the ap. preach of the way tl'Ulu for Comllton I ] 'arl" Miss Marlon Hollanll emerged 11'Om the waiting room , pil'ld np a , , suit case , and stooll ready to enter the > car as the train pulled In , The 'Ol\ng \ man waR e\'hlentIy fas. I , tldlous in his choice of elgars , for he i 1lad barel - time to allllrol1rlate the I other suit case and scramble up the I teps of thmolCr , I , 1\1lss Holland was soon comfortabl ' , : established with her suit l'aso safely towed away besille her , She was to attend the wedding of hel' dearest ; < 'hum that evening , and Ine\llentally \ , ; to countenance the occasion by ap' , ' . pearlng In the role of maid of 11Onor , t am ! the dalnt ' raiment upon which shE ) ] md expended II1I\'h \ time and 1 thought In choosing was far too 11re. o Ious to be intrusted to the baggage car , I The journey from the .llInction was , , not a lon one , and on her arrival at Compton Pari , a carrlale whirled her rapidly awa ' to the 1\neellll1ds' : country - try house , some distance ont. The 'Olmg man also left the train at Compton Pari" lie was met hy a fellow of his own age , and together the two' tramped along the vl11ago street toward the hotel. The sllit case with Its label of "M , II , " followell In their wake In the graSl } of a Imrter , "That was a Rtunnlng girl who came down In the Jraln with mo , " ohRer\'ed the new arrival , "I 1I01iceil hpr beforc we left the cltr , Shonldn't wonder If she had some part to Ilh1 ' to.nlght , Hather late for a woman to ho ani\ ' . ing , thongh , She'll ha vo to hustle to get dressed , " "Vcry IIlwly It was \llsH Holland , " replied hIs companion , "SIll"s l\lolly's most Intlmato friend , and Is to be maid of honor , The olhI's are all llere , I belle\'e , but slto cOllldn't gt't I th mngh anr earlll'l' , 1'00 hall } 'Oll could not meet her hefol'e the show , It ! _ . . rl , I : , , "Great Scott I" nut It Is . , to ) ) "i' ! sl'Iw 111 l' that wo Re ( ] each other first at the l'illlrch , YOII and the ushers are to have sUPPOJ' ' here with me , and there wi ) ) bo jllst r about time to get Into our togs after , ward , " I After a very lIvcly m ( > al , which wa &harel1 with the other masculine ami I therefore wholly unlmportant-mem I herof. ! . the P1'081)'tl\0 wedding party tlte best man , : \Iaurke IIo 't , Ronghl his teem at the hotel and unloclwi the leather sull case marlc1. : . II. ' JIIs first careless glan'c within It : depths gave wa ' o an eXllresslon o. tht' most Intense SUllJ1'hl ( ' . A cloul ! or gicamillg , \ocolorel stuIT had hm'st upon his vision as he : lifted the lid , 'fwo hlgh'heelod shoes elhowed one I1I10lher saucily , and a ] 11\11' of olaIJol'ately wrollght 811I , stock , Ings were close neighbors , Below them lay froth of daInty IIngCl'le , Into whose mysterIes Hoyt did not IJCuetrnte , . . "Great Scott ! ho exelaimed again. On hel' anlval at the Kneelands' , : \1Iss lIe lIand was ral1t urously greeted by the IJrlde.elect , and tlll'n hunled Into the dining room to snatch n vel' ' haty Innch , The bridesmaids were already Ilresslng , anll the maid of ltonOl' glancell anxiously at the dock as sill' , In her turn. unloc1wd a suit case marl\Od " 1\1. H. " "It's no ule ! I can't go ! " A moment later Moll. } ' Kneeland was dra ged f'Om the hUlllls of her maid and forced along the cOITldor to the maid of honor's room. "Lool , at thallI' exclaimed that lal lY , traglcall ) ' . "That" \ s a lIrecheI ' , folded drells coat , whl'h , In comllan ) ' with all the ' of se\'cl'ely \ ' " othel' paraphernalia a 1'01" rect masC'lIl1ne evening gal'h , reposed cOlltentedlY'ln the Intel'lOI' of the suit case marlclll. ; . H , " "Whatever shall I do ? " moaned : \Uss Holland , "This Is my case , t Imow , but how in the name of mlral'Ie8 dill these things get Insille ? And It's after 7 o'clocl" and I've nothing to ) Jllt on ! 1\Iy walliing snit Is out of the qnestlon , and I certainly can't weal' tlteso ! " She laughed 1t ' 8terleally , "It's no use-I can't go , You'll have 10 ho I11UTled without me ! " "Tho qu stlon IsVhat , hecame 01 ' ? " mld the bride ' ' ! ) 'onr things ! , IJI'aC't l'ally , "One might thlnl , It'US a jolc hilt wlto wOlIlII ) llay It ? Bllt 'ou 111 ni' ! 1 get a dre ' . .S Homehnw , I shollid nol feel properly malTlel1 nnless ) ' 011 sa" " me through , I'll go and see-- " ' ' ' her , lIel A light Imocl , hllt'I''nptell ! malll was stnnlllng In the hall out Ride , "I beg pl1rdon , 1\I18S Mol1 ' , " she Ralll , Ilefl'renlially , "but11' , Tom hal sent a man frol11 the hotel with this lie sa 's they got mlxod coming up or the train HOlllohnw , anll Mr , 'l'on thought It mIght hellJllg to some 0 th ! ' lallies here , If th ( > l'l"s one to g < h'Itht' man will tal\O It. " Here IIh. . IICt(1 Into the \'IJom \ a suit case marl , cd1. . II , " At Iln'elsel ' 8 : 20 t 1\0 C'l101'lIs fron "l.oIH'ngrln" IJenl1 ! forth and the 111'1 dal ] JI''sMlon swept up the churl' ! alsli' , 'fho ushel'i' ! wcre a sel of fi\ll \ 'oung fellows , and the tlx hrhlesnlUld as Ilrctly girls aM ono coulll wish t , see , But IHJllO of all the llI1't ! ' , not e\'e excepting the ! ! hlmmf'l'lng whlto.rohe I bride , uttracted mOl'o admiring atte ! lion than 11I11 the maid of honol' , wb was a radlaut. vision In rose.colore crellO , , ta\ll'lco \ Hoyt's eyes oxpres8ell tit utlllost admiration os he handed he I Into the carriage that was to tal , I thom ba'k from the ( 'hureh , lie Ilfte , cautiously a fole ! of the wsy clou , thl4t swept against bls l\1we , "One cl1n f\'m \ very IIttlo Idea ( the cffect of these ( 'relltlonH until 011 , ses ! them WOI'II , " ho III 118ee ! , aB If t hlmsulf. "neall ) ' . I should nevt'r 111\\ C glwssell that this was half so level ' Iw added , slIIllIng sh 'I ' . 1 I 8e:1 \ I lIIonths latl'r u tmmae1 .a. . , ' _ latelr attired 'oung couple " ' nl 8CI1r- 1''ln ! : down the WlIllt which stretched In frunt of II handsome bOll8e in 11 Baltlmol'e stl'l.l'l. A9 they s ) > ranl : into the carrlago 1I1t ! a woited lhem a. negro 110rter swullg jaunt II ) ' down th I wIIIl ( , He WII ! ' ! grltllllnl : fl'om cor to l'ar , nnd 111 uuch hand hu bora hcalenther suit easu , Both were marlicd " 1\1. II , " III ut'ut blucl , letters nnd hoth were lavlshl ' adorned with Imots nnd fus- teens of while I'lbhon-Luc. } ' : 'In 'o , lu Boston GlolJe , BALD SPOT CAUSED SUFFERING. Girl Suffered Because Her Ide:1 Wo. So Disfigured , "What \\'oulll lIIl' to do , " she f1\\hl \ , foltlln 111'1' hnlllll1 ttlJo\'e h'r head , "Is to SUCCOI' paid headell men ! 1'011' 11l'\'r hl'ar at1 'thlllg ahout II mall'/ ! hall' hOllI ; ; hlH'Ownlug \ glOl' ' , bl1t It.'s a sad , Hall thllto Hee It failing 111(0 Il'aYl' ! ! In Nm'l.Hllhor I1nd tlot IJo able to 11ft a hand , "Now , al 0111' hOlll'llIng house thel'e IH n man-mthCl' a halldsome mnn- who sltB lit II tahh' In fl'Ont of me. . \t the hal'l , of his AIIlIIit' ( henll Is a IIncI' ] us lal'ge us n bntter plale thnt I watlh : , day hy Ila ' , with fns'lnated eyes , as the thatch becomes thlnller nnd I hlnnol' , \\'oullin't allow u worl , of nrt to ho d'facl'd If 1 could help It , " she went on , wHl'II1I ' : "a lid I consider a human beln , espcclally a ood.lool , . In ! ; lI1ale one , ful' lI10re beantiful thlln auy ) > Iclurt' or stntue , So , Imagine 111) ' feellllgs fiS I see him snplnely allowing hltnl'elt' to he IlefaC'ell hy time , or u dl'l'h ' hat , 01' whato\'el' it Is thut docs It ! " 'I'he WOl'st of It Is , " she ( 'ontillucd , hlll'l'lod , a ! ! one of hel' l'OI11I11\llons \ mad ( ' ai' ! If' to slleal"that I Imow n 1'1'11),11 ' , \\'hal. what ( 'all I do ? ] I'all't go up to n strange man 111111 say : ' Il' , So and So , for the 10\0 of beauty - ty , I1ppl'I1I'm castor 011 to 'Olll' scalp vlgot'ollsly each IIlght , and he saved ! ' So thel' ( ' t sit , meal ai'll' ! ' meal , ami suffm' vlcal'lousl. } ' ! It' ! ! harrowlllg ! " "Why don't 'ou wl'lte an a nOli ) " mous letter to him ? " Inquired ono 01 hpr IIstClll'rs , "I lIe\'el' thought of that , " replied the gh'l , " 'l'hat's a gooll Idea , " - - - - - BELIEVE MANY STRANGE THINGS Innumerable Superstitions Prevalent mong the Sicilians. People of Sicily ut'e va81Iy sUIICl'sti- tlous , The Slclllau believes-to give u few examples-In the existence of a douhlt'.tallod lizard which con. deRceads to tal\O In Its mouth the Will' nlng lIumbers of the lotter. } ' , He he. 1I1'\'es It Is IInlucly to tUaJ'I' ' or bogln a joul'ney on a 1'uesday 01' a FI'hlay. 1I0 helle\'es In the Ilowel' of maledictions - tions and of the ( ' \11 e.'e and atte 1llts to defend hlmHelf against them b ) ' \\'eltrln , ! ; amulets-snch as the corno , It ( , OI'al Imitation of the horn oC the goat-hy slllttln thl'ee times on tbe \'Ound while IlI'onouncing a magic formula. or ( In cel'taln cllHtrlcts ) b ) ' \'odng ] the name of Virgil , who sonll'how acquired , cImlng the middle ages , 11. blzarrt' repntatlon as u magi. clan , lIe bello\'es In sorccrers , of whom It gOOlll ) ' numlwr IJI'al'tlco pro- fesHlonally on his Island , sellln 10 him , among other wonderworlln ! ; chal'ms , grotesQue colored Images of St , Paul to be attached to barren fruit trt''s and IJarrels In which wine haH somed , lIe believes that. a person bOl'l1 on a Frida ) ' Is able to pr'dlct the fnture , and that 11. pel'son born on , luno 29 ( the fete of St. Paul , who wali unharmed by the vlpel' which en' ell'eloll his hand ) Is able to do both those thlu s and to charm sel'llents heHldes , - - - - - - Senator Lunches on Pie , Sonatm' Platt of Connecticllt comN honi'stly by hIs Ihwotlon to ) lIe , He waH 1J00'n In a flecllon wht'l' ( , Ille Is II fa vol'lte allli 1\:18 \ : lI\"ed thel'o 11I0st 01 his lon life , When his lunch hOI\l \ ; al'l'lv s he entel's inlo no d talled ex , I planations , The Conn'ctlcnt senatOI I calls hli' ! ( 'olored mesHengel'o " , III1It'S , " he says , "hrlng my lunch : A vlsltOl' haJlllOned In the room 01 till' ( : ommlLtee on Cllim when thh lIallr message was dellvt'red to .JamHi ! In a few IIIlnuloi' ! the meSHen er J'J l tlll'l\,11 \ CI'OIll the restnrant , IIparlnf two cholco cuts of cIIHtul'I1 pie , "P'I'haps yon thlnl. two pieces 0 : ' )110 ) are a big lunch for a man 0 almost fOil I' scom real's , " flahl ? llr Platt lu light convt'rsatlon , 'I'he vl8ltot' Ilrotl'stl'd , hilt : \h'o Plat } IHldel1 with calm IlhlloHophy : I "Well. I hayo eaten IlH man ) ' a ! ; three pieces. " 1 Case , of Tempting Fate , r SU\1el'stltltions \ of actm' foIl : gl'n erully ha\"o e\'ldentl ) ' no place In thl mind of , Jnlla 1\larlowe , Some enl : tsl\Od her recentl ' If she holle\'es It \11 \ Oll1pns , "That qnesllon reminds mol' sail the aCII't'ss , "of IIn Incillent that oc cUl'l'el1 dllr n l'l'heal'salH of'hm I\nlhthooll : ! Was In Flower. ' Ono 0 the actors ollOncd his umhrella on tit , stag , . . , " 'Oh , 'Oll mustn't do that ! ' said 111 : n Hta o I1HlIlagt'I' , d . . 'I'd 1\1\0 \ to Iwow wh ' ? ' WllR th I' respol1se , " ' hecanse It's ball Incl" o 'SllIIply " Th downer ml/ht / ; see It und tal\O It awa ' ' ! ' " fl'om 'Oll e At'tel' which 110 fnrther exposltlo from : 'IlisHlal'lowe ; Heoll1ed neceHsar1 . -New YOI'\ ! Times , - - - - A Type , , \R I\turo' " pl'rff'l't jJIl ' Jk' hlesseI , HllI1 thuu IIf.1i WII ' III l'II.quciit / ! ! Of whut'l1hlll thllM Iii lH "I , AIIII lit < t h ' 11101 II tn 1'\1' J hrollA'ht" Willi I'lIl'Il KI\l'l't Hrm'l' III' IlIulI hat t < ollh'l , ' 1'111' faurll' or th ) ' 1'1I1I1 II' wJ'lIJht : : Thv . 1"1 aI' " Kllrl' : III ) " ( UII\II'\ \ \ mt : 1'8 , , . , , , . , . . . 1111111111111 clCHI" "I ; IIr. ' " : bar" : : : 'a'.IY 1I1t11l tb ) 1\1111 11.1' 1 < 1111'1' } I lIrlU1I : : Orm"l ! mllll\'ooJ. ( . . " , [ 8 EASY ro'OltGE1. . ' HINTS TO EDITORS AS TO THniR OPPORTUNITIES. _ _ . -4 President M the New York State Re. pUblican Editorial Association Tells H 1 1 Brethren' of the Press That They Must Keep Vital Issues In the ForeDround , Dlle uI'H'eclution ) of the Importance of the IMBII ! ) to hn dcchllJlI Itl the cum. IW I n of 1 U04'aK Mhown In the an' n\lal addl'ess of WIlliam A , Sm 'th , of the Owcgo 'rlmcs , 118 Ilreshient of the New YOI'I , Stuto Hepubllcllll Elillol'lal u"socll1t1on , at the n\letlng ! or Allr\ \ ! 1:1 : Hlghtly l'I'eslcll'nt Sm'th Ullmon. IHhci ! his hl'othl't' ell\tOl'M \ of the grave 011I1 fllN'eachlng ( 'ol1soqllelll''H of the QlIl'stlons to bo dccldell this yenr : rlghtlr II ( ! WUl'118 them that Hellllb. Ilean 1Clltot's ! o ( the Htate must. be prelllll'lJll to do their share of the t\ghtln \ If wc 1\1'0 to IWCI ) . 111 powur "the pal't ' of pwtccllon , honest mOI1 ( , ' nlHI pro IINons tlnH'B , " 'l'het.o Is no Ill1pstion of honest n1011" ) ' luvoh'cd In tht6 . ' " ' , The Domoerntlc ) .t'al"I1tl'lIgglc : I ) ll.'rty will not agllin overload ItIlCIr to : the slnldl1g Ilolnt wllh any " 113 to 1" foolishness , Thllt ISh "lIe Is deull , for , ( > \1'1' 1I0all , llut the Issue that Is110 t.I1I1 ' , as mueh alive as at an ' pre. , 'lolls 1H.1'101i 111 the cOllntl'Y's hl81ot'r. Is ] JI'ot o'lIon anll IH'OS Ilm'ous t hlll'h , Iu his alldl'Oi'S 1'I'eHhllJnt Smrth HIlIII : " 'rhls 'eal' , the IHt"folll' Ilnnlver- sal' ' of the foul1ll1ng or Ithe He)1IIb. ) IIl'an party , III'omlstH to 1m a nllmor' ! uhle 0110 , JlII'lng the Pl1st } 'OI1I' , nn off 'eal' In lJOIlt's ! , there hils heen bnt IIttio01'1 , fot' this Ilssocll1t1on to 110 , We Ilre now on the thl'eHhohl of a \'I'I'y ImJlol'll1l1t I'amlllllgn , Ilnll III'oh. ahly none thl1t have 11I' ( ' cdell It hllvo bl'l'u RO Impol'tant fal'.I'el1chlllg \ to stcatIpOI'Rlstcntl ( ' , fnlthfUIl ) ' Icpt 111 the plain vlow of tholr reuders the prlncllllos , the fncts , the conditions , the unllorl'lng caUJes oC 0111' IH'osper ous tlmos ? How man ) ' hn\'o constl1l1t. I ' mallo ) lInin the rensons for our IlrospeI'H ' anll the danerll altclll1nnl ullon nn ' lioll rtUrt' from snfe , sOllnet Hcpuhllenn Iiollcles ? Not 10 ) ler CUl1t , wo ventUl'o to flnr. Thu ' have had other things to : . ! 1 nlt of , nllli they ha\'u thollght nnll written of other things fur more thnn the. } ' have thought or wl'llten IIIJollt the olenll'nts ' end ( 'anReB or ! Il'08IHH'OUS tlmos , "Our ) leople forget caill ! ' , " Undoubtedly the ' 110 , The ' fOl'get Ubetwcen e1cc , tlOIIH , " because they 111'0 ) lermlttod te forget , It Is up to neJlubllelln olltorf ! , to I'omumbol' nIl the tlmo , and 1101 ' ' fOl' a short three lIlonlh ! ! once In U\'CI' ' foul' 'uars. If thc ' will dc I this our lJeOlo ) will not 80 cusllr for get , nUl ! dlsl1stl'ollS lallsell of mumor" 1I1to that of 18t2 ! will not be so I1ublE to OCClll' . o A Most PItiable Journal , ' Sa 'H the SIH'lntllcld Helluhllclln , re ferrlng to COlltl'OlIot' Grout' ! ! IJI'OIIOSN bond Malu : "Bnt It 18 quite posslblt that hu ( Cnntrollur Gmushoulc \ ) 1001 , for n 8hlm ) ) In tlw 1I\0ney nl l'lwt been Use of the conditlolls of business whldl glvlJ 110 a81Urallt'O ! of mailltain Ing the Il.vol of the soenllClI IlrllSIJUr' It ' lIIHlol' which thc CUUlltl'r Is suffer' I II'l'hnt / ; Shll1111 Is liS lI1uch to III ? oxppelell If 1\11' , HOllso\'olt Is ( 'Iectl'd as If the DemJ'mt8 h ' AOIno 11111\0 of fortulle should deCeat hll11 , " " 'fhls 80.'ullell IJI'OSlOt'ltr ) "IHlm whlch the ( 'nlllltl' ' Is RulTerlng"-thI8 of ( 'onrse , Is n cOlleontmtlon of IWg , slmlsm , 8UrcaRI11 allil a Hallgl'enom conilition 0 ( ' gra. } ' mathH' , Lot. us se ( under what. . "sn.cnlle ! ] 11\'OsIJOI'lty' \ SllrlngOehl Is suIT'I'lng , III 1St ! I , ton 'eUl'1 ! ago , the halll , ct'nrh1gs ! 01 SIH'lnHl1oltl and HfI'ol\O wel'o $0:1,000 : , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - WHA' " WOULD SURELY HAPPEN. - , - - 1.- r - T-O - A t r.- _ - m _ ' - . . .L , l Q " Q - , " " . . . _ - - . Uncle Sam-"Are we to have that 1lnd of cobwebs once more spre d ever the doors of American mete rles ? Heaven forbid I" the American Ileople as this 1II'0111180S to he , "You can always trust thp Demo- I rrntlc pal't. } ' to have a 'parall101lllt' IsslIe , Whell thlJ assoclatloll was formed the Dell1o'ratlc Issne WIIS free trude , eight 'ears ago It was free sll\'er , mul four yearH ago militarism and Imperialism , with fl'ee sllvt'I' as , a shle Il1sne. 'I'hls year the paramount Issue has not IJeon sharply dolilled as ! } 'ot , hut 'ou call rest assul'ed that 0111' Demoeratlc ft'lNlds will have Olle , "It 1001s now as If the brunt of the O ht will be III lho 8tato of New Yorl , : that the two olll1osln1 ; candidates will ho soils of the gmllire State , alltI that wo nro to meet Il united Damocra ( ' ) ' , thongh lIot united on IIrlnclpp ! , hnt sll11llly for the spoils of olllco , It will he no eas ' cllInllalgll ; the Imttlo will ht ! fast allil furlons , anI ! the Hepllh , limn editor's of this Rtate will hnYe to do their share of the lighting , The \'oterR , eSllcclally these In the conlltl' ) ' IUstrlcts , will ha0 to he eduratell and arousud to the necesRlty of } leoplllg the gran 11 old p rt ' In power , the pnr- , t. } ' of protectloll , hOlwst 1l10oe ' and 1 IIrOHleroUR ] tlmcs , Our people fOl'get ensll ) ' . 1\tany of thol11 Ia\'o alt'eady forgotten the ( 'ondltloll III which the ' . HelJUjJllcnn pal't ' foulld thp ( 'ountry when the ' rotul'llel1 :1oven years ago , to 11Ower , SOllp hOllscs were IIOllllllu' o theil , but the ' SOOIl gave way to Iho 1I1111''h of good times , 'rho nH1\'haut \ , the farmer , the mllllufatiurel' toul. on neW courage : the ( ' ] osod mallllfarto- e rleR " , el'l } open cd anll rllnlling on full tll11l' ! : the promises of the mart 'red e l\teKlllle ' wel'o Qukld ' fllilillpd , alld ) ' [ II'OIIIIOI'lty was aJ111l ; un actnallt ' . " ' 1'rlle It Is thut "our Ilcopio font't n easily , " The ) ' forget IHtRt Ills ( ' : waIJeII . . from : they forget alllw the callBe of Ihoso Ills and the meolls wlH'I'ehy eseapo waK made ) osslhle , Itl'l1l1hll'an llItors , lIot ulono In Now YOI'It , bllt 111 nlI tho. ! stutes of Iho Union , nro ex. cot'dlnglr prolle to fOI'get. What wonder - der , Ihell , thut their reallol's should It forgl't ! ? Ho. . . . mnllY of the 1I\\1l.I'I'H ( \ : . of the NI.YOI'I , Slate Hepllhllcan F.1l1t'orlnaRsoclaton \ ! nre hllllll lp s In lhls r'gal'lI ? IIow 1I1an ' of 11\,1II \ have . 11 the vast four rears , for e ; . . . . .L'.l" ' , 000 , Lnllt ) 'eur the bllnl , cleal'lngs 0 t\I.se : two cllles amomllell to $ IOG , 000,000 , IIn In'rease of noarl ) ' 70 ) Ie rent , As the Hopuhli = 'tlll'ell Imo\\ ' the hllnl , clearings of the wholl ) ( ' 011I1 try hll\'e 11I01'0 thall dOllblcd sillco i Ilrotectivu , turUf displaced the fro' ' t\'llile \ n\ellSlll'O or the lat : Delllocrati lulllllnlstmtlon. The Ilelnhlll'an ) seolUs to get mat del' and IIIlIdllel' I'ver ' Ila ) ' sln1\lly \ 1) ( ( 'aus ! ! Its long IJI'edlctcd allli hOled ) fo IJanie does not 1'01110. 'l'hat cdltorlll IInder the cllption "Wo ' { 'old YOII So haR been standing ! ! O lonl ; , aod ' ( Ihere arc no signs that It can he use for months or' plrhUpR } oears to COIll ( What n comment IIllOn IJI'otendell h telllgenco that a once great. Amel'l,1I lIowspallQt' will not he hllJIJY and su Islled till adversity tal\Os thu Illneo ( Ilrol'perlt ) ' , That Tariff PI'ank , It hpcomes more allli 11101'0 evlde thllt the Ingcnnlt ' of Democratic Ilia fOI'l11 IInl1ders111 bo taxed to the n most when It comes to nxln lip th tnt'llf plllnk at St , Louis , ' 1'he 1IIJ0)ll ) are mU1er IIsed to free t ra o stralldle : Ihey hllvo even been decel\'e(1 ( t\\'o c three times , hilt not again so see aHel' the experience nnder the 1m free tmlle Inw , 'rho 1I0st thlllg th nem'ratlc party cnn do Is to slil the tnrlff [ Ilanl , this tlmt' , By the wa Is Parlwr IL Clevelanll anll BI' 'lIn fl'u trallI' or a. Hili and 1\1 IIrph ' protol tlonlst ? In Spite of AD , In splt ( > of the free IIIIP hOllseH ( 189:1 : to 18913 , the' smol < elcHs C'llltl1nO ' the clmwll flll'torleR , ' the IllIe worl men , the want and slIITPI'lng of th ; period or dopresslon , alld In sllto ) . the 1)\'osllcrlt \ ) ' we are nllw enjoyln , ' In the Demol'l'I1t there Is st III a ( I'y part ) ' for fl'O tl'ade. By what trkl. I logic 01' oratory the Democl'ntS " , 'J attoml1t. to ) lersllad ( ' the l eoplo , adopt 1111 unt'proteetlon ! meaKllro Al present not vary ( 'lear , bllt thel IR no douht that nn CTOI't ! will I I lIIadp. III that IIlret'tion.-l\unsl\s CII , Jourllal I , ' - . y , ; ; AND , Mere SUDgestlon , "I lJelievo I'll Iny out a gote courM on the fnrlll , father , " sulci the roturnell cello e 'outh , swooping his gaze OVer the slopln pnsture , "All right , my son , " responded the grahalred man , "an' whllo 'ou'ro about it lot 11I0 Buggest thnt : rou turD the oM hllmo Into n. cltlbhotllm , OC COllrSQ , I'm II leotlo too 0111 fer calldy , IJut I couIc ! nct as janitor , an' . . . your mothl'r ! c01I11I do the scrubbln.- IndlanaJolls ( Sun. The Mule's Placid Smile , "Is that 'ollr mule ? " u81\OII the man ' who WIIS going Oshlng , . "YaBslr , " salll the colorell mnn , who \\1111 sHting 011 11 IlIg by the roall , "Docs ho Itlclt ? " " 'Deoll , mlstllh , ho ain't got no calise to 1lcl ( . lIe's glttln' his own wn ' right along , I'm 110 ono dat'll ha'I.de worl' ' un' dlmclIll ' . " - - - Not BeatinD His Way _ - . . = - - , . 1I1111gol1 , IIe-Die hOllsecleanlng gag WHIIt" ! ! 1110 IJI'OIl1i sllrlt ) In a neW Illaco e"cry sll'lng ) , Din mol't1in' a lady aslwd 1110 ler IJeat n rug for llIe brualfast , The Retort Courteous. Miss Blzo-I notice 'OIl'l'C cluo- ; : ) - : ! - In ! ; hon8e , Mrs. Nowcome , and J wa afraid } 'Oll might be tempted to , throw 'Olll' mltblHh Ollt. on the IJacl , lot , I jllst'lIntcI ! to sa ' that wo don't do that sort of thhag hero , 1\Irs , Nowcomo-t bllrnell al1 our rllbbll1h In the fut'naeo this morning. Miss llIzze ) ' , Including an old IJook on "rmlluette" which I might have ! ! aved for 'ou-Phlladolllhill Press , - - - His Method , "Your grl1l11lfl1lhur Is nearly 100 rears old , IIow dill ho manage to lIve so long ? " , "PUI'O contrnrlneRs , " "Contrariness ? 1Iow's thal. ? " "YOII Imow there 111'0 rnlcs pre- fil'lIwII for Iwopll } who want to ilvo 10 II ( } old'cll , he nm'el' follows auy DC them. " Rural Opinion , Mrs , C\'Il\\'oot-'J'hey \ do say that I.'anny 111111 her clt ) ' huband have a com forte hlo 11111'101' , Mr. Cmwoot-Nothlng comfortnhto lIbollt It , Why , when I Hat In my shirt 8leu\'cs and started to Bmolto } ; 'l1nIlY objected , - - - - No Malaria , "IH there an ) ' malal'la around here' ! " . aswd ] the tonl'lst , "NolIe , " was the prompt responso. " 'rhere's a heap 0' chills au' fever , hut If anybod ) ' glts to cullin' It by hllh.tonellnnmes he's lIable to glt Into' (1IIl1culty , Horrors of War , I / ? , II. I. I.I' I' I'o I'I' I't I'n If - - 1\1rs nlJRslm WrlJltt-1\ty first hus. hand died a hero In the war , it it hadn't heen for that battle 'ou would. n'l ho here today , 1\11' , Bos81m Wright-War Is , indeed , a dreadful thing , - - Pretty Close to It , "Now , that phrase , " said the tea h. cr , "Is an Idlolll , Does Imy little bet Imow what. an Idiom Is ? " , "Yes'\11 \ , " flllled little ' 1'0 III my , iG SIa'al1ps , " 'I'hl1t's what fla Is when mil C' don't. want him to huve his own way ' and he does , " - - - - - - ; , Indispensable , Lal\foutt-Somo of the grcatcut writ. ' era tell us that IlIl1tl'lmony blunts a man's l\11aglna \ tlon , T.atoIt-Nonsonso' ! \Yh ' a married - ried man must. ha vo Il SUIIl'l'h Imaging - g , Jtlon to got UI' excuse ! ! when he b able - le Bent , [ ) f i 111 Almost a Confession , Lo "Your hushiulil seems to bo ettln , ; i bnld very 1'I\I1I1I1y , " 1i11111 the faulIIY : ro friend , In "Yes , " nnswered Mrs , Ntggshy , ly " , ' ' ! handfd' ' "nlt'ro Is slu'ccb' 11 100l It > . HCIll ! 7 r-'esto ! certainlY' , . . 1