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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1904)
, - - - - - , ( USTR [ COUNTY RPUBLlCAn [ . - - - By D. M. AMSDEFtRY. _ .1. _ _ _ _ _ nnOI { N D0.W. - . NEDHA'SKA , - il News in Brief I ) -'Jro deRt ro'ed the Plrcn holel nn lJnrdlllg Rtnl/h.R ! nt Ol < luhorna CIt ) ' . Dccl\\tsc or thl ! fallut hf till ! joint IIcnlo commltteo to relll'lI II. IInthfac , tory uj.reomcnt. : ! , r.OO coni mltlel'lI in HubdlAtrlct No. G , in Ohio , wont out on 11 Htrllc. 'rho HCl'erOH , wh01l1 the OII'lIIans ! nro now fllhtllll ; In Southwellt A frlm. tlumlJtr ! 20,000 fIhtlllg , mon of a ( 'hUHI fat' 1111101'101' ; to most of the Afrklln 1111t1\0 rn.cea. 'ropl'lUfndorlell , nccol'lIl1J ; to the IIHlieHtII"a ret\ll'nH , employ J ,000 11I01'0 ) leOillo thl ! ! ) 'enr thull thcy 11111 0110 , year n/o. / "ho IIaY 1'011 Is now ' :1- : 480.000 nnnunlly. . S'cretarr Shaw IJlIS nC''rlllell whnt If ! Iwo"n IIH the 111111 Hlle for the nl'w ) Iostoffice Illllllllng nt 1.lIH AIlj.cICH. 'rho Hlte Is bOIllJlled h ) ' 'l'pTI1ple , l\lalu , New High nnd Commel'dlll Htl'CctH , 'rho cUl.tmcnt lit nll\'nnll , ellllllo'pd In hnulill' ' ; lumher. WOllt on n. strllw for pnyment In Amcl'lC'an IrIHtCIIII of 'rhl'l'o Is ' , Spanish moncy. Homo all' Ilrehension of Hympathetlc Htrll'II. S lltS lire hlhel' , prlrell al the Piii1 l ( lilem house tlllln In nny othel' g\ll'O' \ Ilenn cnilltal , in splto bf the fact thllt the Rtnto gl\'eH the bulltllng rent frpo Lnd the IInnunl subvention of $ lliOOOO. 'rhe Atlantic TranHllorlllno's Hteam' cr J\1lnncapollll , whk'it arrl\'ed at New , Yorl. from London , hl"Oulltl furt-tlvo Norman and FlemlHh RtlllllonH for ex. blbltlon nl the Sl. I.oula exposlLlon. " " II\'on the ded- "Twin" Sullivan Willi ; \ . Iion ; o\'er Gus Oardnel' In IL fust ten- round /lght / nl Toledo , O. SlIl1Ivan 1mll lho best of the throllhout , nnd hnd Gardnol' ull bul out In the ( Jighth roun . Vnrloua tempernnco organlimtonll huvo begun a camllllign to malw the Panaml\ . canal zone prohluillon tOl'\'I. tor ) ' . Prosldcnt RooHevelt Is ally 1'0- d I\'lng lellers to this oml nml III re , ferrlng them to the canal commlHslon. Vanco\1\'er haruor Is to be fortilled 'Ipon the recommen atlon of 1..01'1\ undonahl , genernl officcr command- . 3ng tllo Camullan 111 III hu'y , who In. ' ; Imcted the port a few monthH ago nnll WIIS struclt wHh Its lacl. uf . 111"0' tcction In case of wal' . An order has ueen ISlIued remand , ing to the CUBto y of the New 1"01'11 olllcera Cnptuln ohn J. Hea ! ) ' , fol' mer president of tlto Alalilm Explol'a' tlon company. Healy Is charge(1 with emhezzlemont or fun s belonging te the COnllmn ) ' , Jfom 'roben , a. famollll RCOllt ntHl In ( Hlln fighter and Intlmato friend am' ' coml11l1110n o Kit Cllrson , Is dead al Jo'ort Garlnml , Colo. Tobin Hen'ed III Hcont to the go\'ernment troops In ox pedltlons c.galnst hostllo NI\\'Ujos lUll .Mexl lIn bandits. After having Inspected the inde pendent telephone s 'stems oT. the At lantlc stntoa nnd mhhllo west the pnr ty of Independent telephone cnpltallsts ) Iead'd b ) ' J. O. Splnno of the Aile ghen ) ' & Plttsburg com pan ) ' , Itn\'o de clded to perfect within the next thm months an Independent long dlstune system. : : \11us Mary Wilson : \lcGnlley or Llr coIn , Neb. , wns ono of the fortunat . Ilsplrnnts for scholardhlps ut th Teachers' college of Now Yorle , I\ward of which were made Il\lIt weelt. Sh 2s grnnted a scholarship In mnnu training for 1904-1906 , und i8 the ani wom n st\ulent to recelvo 8uch 11 seho Ilrshlp nnd the only westerner 'UIII bonorel ! . nited States Consul Dudle ) ' at VIlI co\'er , D. C : , Informs the state dopaI' ment that about 180 laborers nl'1'l\'e at Valtcouver from Kansas Cltr10 : } Ia\'lng been induced to go UIOI'O b 1raudulent offers of high wnges 0 the Alaslm Central rnllwllY. Not ha of thorn hnd sufficient monor to pa their tare to Seattle and the rest nl stranded in v IIncoUVcr. Goyprnor Horriclt hns ordered courtmarllal in connection with t1 : recent ) 'Iots nt Springfield , at whle time the negro Dlclcson wns I'nchcd. Prlvnte dispatches from the Cnmo eons sny the Cross RI\'er rebels hn\ been completey } crushed after Rn 0 Rtlnnto fight , br a British force , i th\ territory of southern Nigerin. Second Vice President and GeneI' : Manngor Ponnlngton of the : \1Innonp Jls , Sl. Paul & Sl\.ult Ste.ln1'lo : I'll war : , n an oll1clal circular , announci that his road , having acquired the DI marck , Washburn & Oreat FallR ra war , extending from Dlsmarclt to U derwood , N. D. , wl11 be operated as lRrt of the Minneapolis , St. Puul Sault Ste , Marie rallwa - . James T. Woodward's I'emoval fro the democratic tlcltet In New Yo w1l1 be recommended by the comm tee oC three eminent law'ers selcct by Chairman Cord Moyol' to pass \1111 the eligibility ot nationnl bank dil'l tors to servo ns Preshlentlal tlecto ! 'rhe Austrian government hns : cently adopted a mixture of powder Illuminum nnd nitrate ot ammonia a bursting charge for projectiles. Dr. Cecilia Dllez. the newly npl101 ed mlnistor from Paraguay to the U tell Stntes , Is the /lI'St / minister tl country hns had here in fifteen ) ' 3 ) Colorado sUIl hol s first IJIE nmong _ he arid states In the extent its irrigated ncrengo an In the lenl .or its c'4Dals nnd ditches. The nu ller or tres to which water was Uficlal1y applied in 1902 aggregl 1 , . . . . . 7 1 . . " , . . . I , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WARSHIPS LOST TWO OF TOGO'S ' FLIET ARE DE , STROVED. PERHAPS SOME MORE ARE LOST - - - - Strike Floating Contact Mines and Go to the Bottom , Few Men Escaplng- In Sight of The Accident Happens Port Arthur. - ' Togo hns 1'0- 'rOOO--Vko ! J\IInlll'lll 1101.tcd as foIlO\\'fi : "A rUllul.t frol11 Hcal' Admlrnl ] ) e ' 1\ Sa8 thllt the cruisers ! \aHllga allli 1 : o. Hhlnll collldcd In 11 fog err Port Arthur on Ia ) ' J . "Tho Yoshino sanl" only ninety of hel' New IJclu I'avcd. "On the sume dlly' the hattlcshhl HatnuHO Htr1l ( ' ! . n HIIHsian mlno und fiall ) , . " GI\'llIg the IletllllH of the IIlsastCl' , Vice . \dmlrul Togo sn ) ' ! ! : "At J'ourtelJ1 minutes pust 1 Iu the afternoon oj' Iay Hi , In il lIeell fog off Porl . ' \ 1'th 111' , the lalIga ! rammed the oshlll0 , sllllilllg the lllllel' In IJ'ow mlnlltcs , : - ; Inel ) ' of het' ( ! I'ew wm'o , Ra ved. "Tho 1'1111110 ' 11I01'lling the llatEHlRe , whllo ( ,1'1I1Hlng oil' I'Ul't AI"lhl1l' , { 'UV' erlng the lundlllg uJ' the soltllel's , 1ill'II1'I , Il mlno tell huuts sOlltheaHt oj' the 1IIII'hor 1'111 runl' ! ' , Rho IIlgnal\)11 f01' hcl/I / and IlIstllnlly sll'lIck ILlIollwr IlIII1U. Rhe I'anl. III half all hOIlI. 'l'hr1' hnnlh'cd of h01' ( 'I'U' " WUI'O HIl\'ell b ) ' torpl'llo bonts. " P OJlII' just 01'1'1\1'11 at Cho 10'00 fl'om Dalll ) ' ha\'o 1'1101'11'11 to 1110 H.nRIII.1I ( ' ( mRul that. the .llIpllumo , : IIl'st'lasll . haltlcshlll .Shl1IJhll1ll1 Hllnl. In two mlnlltes aftcl' ( 'ontacl with the lIuh. lIIal'lnu minH , anll Ihllt thcl'O WIIS uo tlmo to 811\0 the erew. 'I'he arl'lIlent hllPlwned , It Is said , wlt.hln Rljht of Port. Al'lhnl' , I 'I'he firlll.clllHs hat.tHhll ! ! ) I-'lIjl , nol the ( ' 1'1I1fiel' ASllma , wllich Hll'llck Ihc mine on the 1I00't huw , hlld a. heay ) ' list and was also down hy the bow , hut waR l'lghlell 111111 wellt off In tow of the othcl' ( ' 1'1Ilsel's. It IR th01lghl ImlloRslhll' , hOI\'O\I' , thal she rould relll'll JlOI'I. . , ' ' . loss or lit ST. PI 'I'lmSBLJHr.--The Teast two , Iapaneso wllrllhlss Is om. dally ( 'onlirl1led. A l1Iensac dated Port A 1'1 hili' , receh'JlI hy ellrrlel' plj.- ( 'on all\1111d ( > u. was t I'll II I\m \ II ted to the umJlel'OI' enl'y ! 'I'h1l1'lIla ) ' 11I01l11lsay. \ / . in ! ; Ihat the .TIIlllllelil' : WalRhlJlR hlld hC'ulI lost ofr I ho.t 1101'1. The nWRsagl' follow'tl the OIllPCrol' 10 KOllrsl , and 110 11110 hC'l' ( ! l\IIow \ of Its ( 'onll'nts nn. tIl Illte 'I'hlll'slla ) ' III ht.rhln fOl'clgn tl.lcgrnlll hrollght 1'1111 tlullIlIE ; of the JlIlanCRO ) ] O ! R. - - - - - A NAVAL SUCCESS. t - - The First Distinct One that Russia , Has Scored. L1AO YANG- ) l. ! HIIBflian flcot ! 1c ol'd Its lil."t tlhHl1ll'l. naval ElIccenS of tlte wal' 011 Iu ) ' 10 lIy tll'lellolng ) /llId crippling , I hOllgh 1I0t the Rinl\lll" . of all 1I1'I1)rell , lalllllllSe clIHCI' III ' 1'alienwlIII ha\ ' . The HllsHlan nUa'I , WIIS. cnrofllll ) ' plnllnetl onIa : ) ' JO whlll , the , JaIJII1H > ! 'O , _ HllIIIIIIl'lln \ \ aH ( : IIIH'elltl'lIll' olllside DaIIlY. d\'olllll ; Its altelltloll to 'I'll' lIellwlln 11(1) ' , IIno C'11l'rlod Ollt the slIme IIlght. 'fhe uti a l'Id IIJ ; fOI'l'I ! WII ! ! 1I0t n reg. lilliI' tOl'llcllo heat , hilI. was enl ) ' u smull nllJltha IlIlInch In cOJ\\nHuHl 01 I' IL ) ' ( lIllIg lIu\1I1 o III r ! ' ! ' . who had with ( ] him Illl'lw jllchles , The IUllnch car. e I'lcII 1\ small mllchl1w glln nnd thrce B tI'IHdoeH , When dlll'lmcSH fcll Ilu o lallllch ( 'rI'Jlt Ollt of POI.t Arthlll' . hllg I Iln tlw lihol'o. with 110 l1ghtfl nbOlll'l ! y nnll nIow rrom the elllneR ! to he Itray her III'Cfllnce , It wus late whm s tihc guillcd the illiteI' 11110 of the .Tnp anebU sqIHIlIl'on. SlIlllllnthrongl / thc tOl'IIIllo ! hor.l plclwts IIl1d seleot IIIJ : the 1I0al'UII ! WIIl'Hhlp , 0. hlg arm OI'cd cl'lIifel' ! , she stoll ! toward hel und allcIlell : ) ( In exploding o.gal1lH hCI' Rldo R Rlnglo tOl'ledo ) , A dearen In/ / ; roar follow ( > 11 the oxplosloll whlcl echoed fl1IIHhon > . 1m medlatel : I1nnH.H ! oll\'elollccl the cl'11lsor , whlc ] e\'hlentl ) ' wa ! ! had ! ' CI'lllpled , . The crew of the cl'lIlsel' was so ( > ] a to lJo lighting the fll'C , which they II Ie Inst Hllcco ( lpll III e\tllIglIlshlnj. ; . J I slstm' Ihlll : ! took the damagcd'eHHC In tow aunll dlllaplcured ) to thc sOlltll 1'- cast , 'fhe launch escllped the ho , , ' 0 flro dlrcctod ngalnst her hr the , TIIlnl ) : b. ese fihlps , bllt , being ullllblo to ret\1\ ' : ( n to Port Arth1ll' 01' to gel Into Dnhl ) , she WIIS hC'ached not fnl' from Daln ) nl Only 1few of the hlghQl' omcer o. WNe aware of the 1111111 , the SIlCCeR ! ! ( ] 11.w'lt . Ich'JlCl1lkll \ on seCI'eC ) ' , 'I'h os IIchlo\'omellt rulsed the sllh'lts of th Is. JtusHlan ! ! allollt IInll aRhore , nnd th II. ) 'Ollllg nll\'al olilcer who was the her n of the OXIlioit wus feted nnd recon a mC\IIled rOl' the Crolls of St. George , & - - - - Krupp Works Busy. 1m DEnrU"-A RIHJclll1 dilillatch frO ! rlt Essen ta's the .TallunesoHu8Rlan WIJ It" cnuses gl'lmt lIet Ivlt ) ' In the Krup cd , , "orlls ill the conKtruction of hot on cmmon und Hltlpbulhllng material : c' Lnl'/o / ordel's for fielll Huns have bee ra. rccnl\'ed. . . . , - - - - - ra- ed Great Drltaln Will Fight It Out. LONDON.-Lol'd lIarllwlcle , 1\1\11 < ae Recretary fOl' wn1' , l'epl'llIg to Lor nt SIJCIII er ( the IIheral leader ) In tl : nl House of Lords said GI'Cllt DrUul lilt was 1I0W ut war with Thl1wt nnl1 unt it hnd hy fol'co or I1l'ms vindicate ra. , 1Is losltlon ) , hu did 1I0t thlnl. the rO e ernment ell ht to he callell on to gh a 11 dollnltj plC'll e liS to what form 1 1m ; th , settlelllent wOIIM follow the concl slon or IIOHtl1ltl ( > , 1.01'11 TweedmlJ111 at' " ( lIbornJ ) I'IHlI'JIc ; ! the OVOl'nmOI [ L 6 with willful ) ) ' M\Illln out n misslc and l lIuwhJg the conscquences. . , , . . , . I , I ' . . ' -THE IVlA RE.PUBI.ICANS. I Stand Patters Have Things Come I Their Way. J ) } S IOIJl\gS-lo"I ! IOllg I1ght be. Iwcml Iitlll 11 pat I'I'Pllblll'IIU ! ! anl1 IIl1er' , aiR Oil Ihe IlSIII' uf tariff \\'Isloll IInll l'l'clpl'o'lt ) ' 1'111111 III complotu \ ' ' ) ' complotu'lctOl'1 I for tlw fC'lIIl'r III the slnto con\'entlon I for sell'l'llllg dl'lpl-ates ( to the IIntlonlll l'onvenflon. Of twcnty-slx l1elcgnteH chosen , t w'lIty UI'O st'lnd patters Ilnd Rlx arc lII'rals , 'J'ho reEJolulouB ! 1I110pteli 11I'IIII'e thnt the )1I'otel'th'p ) , TlI'lnclplo "foulIll Its high fulfillmmll" I In the Dlnglny law , As to reclprol'lty the ) llatfor ll ceclares ! tlmt "It If ! un- wl80 to RIok ! marlleta nhroad h ) ' IInerl , Iklng 601llC Plll'ts of the nmrllets at nome : ' III Iho cltoh e for delegate ! ! there wns no oPllOHltlon to Senntor W. 11. AIIJHon , Heuntol' , I. P. Dolliver , , I. W. Blytho and ( Jo\'el'nOl' A n. Cummins for dele , Franl , H. UI'oI'IC'I' , Charlton : Jo'rnllll Simmon ! ! . Otl U1llWI1 : D. J I. Dowe , WILU' lion ; U. W. UI'lmm l slhcl'\'llIe , wCl'e ol'ctecl allernatpR. The followIng IIlstrl1 ducglltes ! to the nlltlonul ( 'om'l'utlon were chosnn III the CIlIH'Uses at JO o'cloell : 1 < 'I1'st , ? lICII'Mh W , Bailey , Wl1shlng. tOil ; e , , \ . Cal'prlltor. I.oulsa. SecOllll-.n. W , I"rench , Da\'ellport ; l1eOl'lo W. CIII'lis. Cllntoll , 'l'hl1'II-O. ; 'II. Gllletl , Independence : g. K IWElwOI'th Iowa Fulls. VOIII'th-A. II. 031eInson ; City ; /lal'1'Y / Ureell , 1)'I'OI'lIh. 1"lrth-.1. W. DoxEleo , .Iones ; E. L. C'larlw. 1.11111 , Slxth--lI. L. Wnlel'llloll , Oltumwa ; . /01111 / J\ . Ie111' : ' II Ayhla. Sc\'enl h--"III : o , I. II. 1/elldOl'/.lOn. / / Ill' dllIloln : DI' . .J. , I TloRlctlel' . Colorado. glgllth-W. 1' . Pealllliln. A ppllnooac ; 1H. / . , Tuquu , 'I'a'IOI' . : Nlnlh-(1eol'gc Wright , PoUawatta. mle ; W. S. lWIH.Iontgomer : ) ' , "pnlh-\llIhlon : IIclIII Green : E. 1 < . \\11111 ( > . HUlllholdt. . Jih\'l'nth-H ! , I , . Clcaves. Chel'olee : E , n. Valldel' ' 1II1d Orunge Clly , HCROlllllolls us IlI'esclltcll anll fulot- ! cd ( 'On I'alllllite the r01 nt1' ) ' IIpon the grellt P1'OBIIC'I'II y in'lIlenl'c ; trlumpl1 of home nllli ( ol't'lgll pollcls uf the l'opllIIleo ! n Ilarl3' : congraulnto the count1'Y 011 adjllslllH'nt of AlaRltIln boundlll' ' IIIEllllltO ; 1II'Ide In nblo anrl wide IlIlIu ( > I1I'o o [ lowaR delegation In conI'IS ; cOllllllelll1 the re'OI'd or Go\- emol' CllmmlllS : { 'IIIJOI'30 ud mln 1StI'll' 11011 of PI'uRIlIl'nt HoosC'\'ell ; eXIJI'eS ! ! uIIC'hangl'uhle hplll'l' In proteetl\'c tl\l' . lIT 1'11\01' ' ' ' ' ! ' to ; \ I''IIM'OC'I : oPllosltlon l1'ustn alld l'omlllnl's : fa\'ol' Ilonsiolls to Holdlel'H anti sulloI'll. and eXIlI'ess 1'0 , gl'cat on the 1Il'IIth of Senator Hanlin. 'i'hu clght h I"molullon ; 1''llIls : " 'Ve UI'O ollposell to trust s aUtl ( 'omblncs , o [ whatc\'el' IInllll' ( > . orgllul : Cll to cxtort \IIHlue \ allll e X 01'11 It ant prollts from the Ilcople , 'Ve I'cjolec In t II ( ' Huc'rCHa o [ PI'eslllenl Hooso\pt ! 11 ! his C'rrorts to pnful''e lu thl' cOllrlH thl' laws or con. ! ; I'PSR made 10 I'llI'll Oil' 1111J11'oJ11'1' ex- ol'clsc of IIO"pl' 11) ' lhNW gl'C'at o1'galll. imtlonR. " APPLY THE TORCH AS THEY GO , Retreating Russians Burn What They Can't Carry Away. . I-W : CIIWANG-C'hlnPHc. hanl1lt are conlllllltln depruc1atlolls In th \'Iclllll ) ' of ' 1'111 I\ow : , 81'\'I'l'Ill rich na , tI\'es who wore IddnlwcII h ) ' them from New Chwllug ha\'o heen ransomcr ! ' 11. Pavllrr. , fomwl'ly Hmslan mln , lItel' ; to I\orl'a , alld 1I0W the rellrcsenl tutlof VI't'I'o ' Alpxlefr , who Is one ! of Ihe ablesl of Russilln 11Illomats. IE , 1I0W In Poldn ami It in helleved thai . ho Is endeavoring to pOl'suadc tlH 1 Chinese gO\'lJl'i1mcllt to tal\C m'Cth \ ( . New Chwan secllon. I , Iupallese spouts Wl'I'e seen 'estll' . ' .111) ' sm'en rulles sOllthuast of I\u : I Chou. _ A part of tlH' ,1apancse IIrnn' II , lIInl''hlng fl'OIll Hslu Yl to the nlrth I' wOHI. The nlllllbel' of this I'oren ( 'an t not he obtained , bllt It Is ) mown to h4 couslderable , The HURliluns nrc mo\'lng two rC' 1 lIIcnts In aull out of Now Chwaug , fo the lII1rpOHU of ( 'I'eatln the l1uIH'ef slon amoll/ / ; the 1I1111\'C'fI that 1Il Y 111\\1 11 number ur lIIl'n hl'l'n. 'fbcse tWI t regllllents COllllH'lsL' the only IhlRHl1II \ fOl'co In this \'Ielnlt ' : the l'ellluIiHIC' il of the t'OOIIS ! hero fOl'lIIerly h'ln. . I' mu\'ed townrc1lullI01I. . l 'fho hpllef III'O\'alll-l hUl'e that tll InURHlnn nuthol'ltll's will lioon 1110\ ' It the : \lullInn fOl' ( I'S In thl' 1lIrcctlr\ \ : ' , Jlnl'bln , and It Is nut tholl ht 1\11I " the ) ' will 1'lsI , an ) ' tight on the 1.111 sTung IlOnlnslllll. - - " - - - - - - If e Burglars Secure $7,500. e 81' , PAUL , : \lInn.-A special rrnl o Helena , : \Ionl. , HIl'II : 'fho lillfe In II' o ofllco of the Billings Browlng COlli 111111 1was d'nllnltc todllr anll Ilalll'r Uloner and dlalIIondH'ul1lt'(1 at $ : were tlll\Cn. I"rell St1tphons. t1 wlltchmlln , was ahot iliaci Huril/llsi / n w01llHlod by the hUl'glal's , who I' iI' caped. I ) - - - - - - - h Russia Sends Siege Guns. s. S'I' , l'gTERSIHTRG-A larm nm n her of IIll'ge glll1S wus dlsplltchl'd the fnr CUlit from hero Satll1'da ) ' . Two Great Armies to Meet. )1' PAIUS.-Tho Joul'nnl's11I11It'n : ! ( 'I 'd respondent Ra'R : "IIUIIIIl'llInt / ( " ' 10 ollUlentll art' Imminent. The 0111)1118 ) In or the two armlc ! ! are In ( ontact 1101' 11 of Fong Wan Chung , 'fho .laIHlnC' ! d nrmy \'unclng on 1.alo Ynn1 ; hi eH \ ' - llInted nt 100,000. A Ill't'slstent 1 , 'e 11I01' , which Is not cotll1rmell ol1kla ! : DC I has it that IInother JaplmeHe corls ) nexecntlnJ ; U l1ankln ' n1llv(11IImt I lh rectcd on sOlno ) lolnt hetweln ! 1.11 11t YanJ ; nmllultden. : . ' 1'hol'o are uow m less lhln ! IGOOOl ( Inlanme } ; inlancl I rln. " , . TIGKET IS CHOSEN R PUDLICANS OF NEBRASKA MAKE NOMINATIONS. FOUR COME BY ACCLAMATION _ _ Only 0 e Ballot Necessary on Each of the Other Candidates-platform AdC1'fited Without DIscussion or Dis- sent. Clwl.'r . .r Slnr e..nn'ntilln. ' -I ( ' 0 I'rllIlllollt. . . . J01II. : . . W gIlSTI.rt ' Hlntel. ! Honl\tol' . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . " . . . . . . .I'I. I Il J , HLHKgTT : J 101l'J.1I111-nt.InIOKe- JOliX A. J'lPO H , lIurt II , C. IlIUJl\I . JJolIlllIl ! I' ) , M. l I'l"I.AN ( } , DI\WSOI1 . B , Dg ll'STBH , GIIgo AltCI'lIlLtC4-ut. LllrKC- I. M. IlA Y\iO-O. ; : T.n.ncnl1tcl' : ; 111':1.11lIAHTINlJH. : . Blltler C.O . ADA\i8. ; NUIlwllli ! I ' \'AII'NTINI. : . : , CUIllII1 'V : \ col"mlltIJemllll- , ClIAHI.t-S : II. MOTtHII.I. . l..ancllstcl' 1'1' Hldellllnl 1'lcdol"l- : I , " A. BAIlTOol'nWI1IJO , \ . c. : :3\11'1'11 : ; , lJolI IIIH .A. C. A BBO'J"J' , I > IHIU ! ' / ' . I , . : \ VAl. . HewnI'll ' \ ' . 1' . IIAII. . l'hplpH J\t , . BHO\\'N , Buffnlo J I. II.1I.HOo. . ' , J.lllwlIHter J. C. HUBINON. : : ! lJolI 11I1 ! 110\'erllol' . . . . . . . " . . . , . , J. IIIICKgy ; 1.ItJIIlellllllt CC\'l'"lIul".K ; ' ! G'Olln'ON ; 11'I'fJtlll' ) ' uf HIIIlo . . . . . . .A. OAI.t'HIiA AIIClllol' . . . . . , . . . . . , \ < J. \1. SI'llI.l. . : . .In. 'l'I'PIII-III1'I'I' . . " . , ,1'J-'I'I'll : : "OH'rl NHI' X HUIIHrllltPI1CIt'I1l " . " . , .J. \I'BHlI'N ; . \110)110) ' lh'lItJl'ul. . . . .NUHHIS llHO\\'X I.alld COlOl11ll1l-1lolll'l. . . . , . . .11.1. . gATON The repllllll'all Htate convention in Lincoln on tbe 18th [ lilt the foregoing tlclwt In nomination. 10'0111' of thc cundhlulcs WJ\'O \ numlnated by acea. ! million alld the romalndJ\ \ the first Imllot. , Vhen the ( 'OJl\'untwn was called to orllcl'1 : < I"cHHn of J.ancllHtor mon1 that Judge W. 11. Robert80n be elected (101'muncnt ( dllllnllun. 'rhe motion was ( 'uITlcd. . When pl'OlImlnarles had becn arranged - ranged and nominations begun , on 1'e. IllIesl of I1alTlson of IInll the motion tu nominate Govel'llor ? llIcl < cy by RC- l'IllmutOl1 ! was l'xpanded to Include the nomination of . G , : 'IlcGllton for lieutenant - tenant govel'nor , PetelIortensen for slate treafilll'cl' , and Nonls Brown for attorney genemi. The ) : \"cre ; all so nomlnntcd. . A. ( JllhlHha was nominated for sec. I'etlll' ) ' oj'Rtatl' , IIfLl'I' which the tclwt ! was ( , olllpletcll liS aJo\'e Indicated. 'J'hu Illatrorm , 11.1 part , follows : "Wu , Xehmslm repuhllco.n delcgate& III COII\'nt lOll aSHcmblcd , dcclaro anc" 0111' fnlth In the 1)\'lnclplcs ) \ enunciated In the IlIsl national IJlntform. 'Ve can. I'utlliate tbe 11I1I.t ) . upon Its hnrmonl. ous ( 'OIHlltlon , t hat Is II guaranty a ! Its Cllftlnlled control In state nnd na. t lou , Its I'eeul'll of grent nchle\'ement is Its pledge of I'llture ser\'lce. "We ha\'o ahhllnj. ; coul1llenco in our gl'eat . ) Il'l'slclent. 11ls virile Amel'ean. ! IHm appeals to 0111' udmlmtlon. IlJs ideals at' cI\'le duty ar an Inspiration , uls exaction I'I'0m IJl1bUc officials of HU'Jct eompllalH'c with law and honul' e01llmll11lls 0111' highest respecl. Ills 11\11I111hllllIt \ of 111Ibllc delinquents has OUI' unqnallfied allro\'al. ) ( Ills fearless ( ! nfo"rement of the sfatutes IIgalnst . _ - legal comblnatlom ; In restraint 01 l\Ide \ al1l1 l'OmI1lCl'C'e without unneces. Har ' alurm to rapltal has demonstrnt. II thc elfieJen ( ' ) ' oj' rCIl1bllcan law ancl the honest II\II'/Iose / of the republican . I ) [ I.t ) ' . "We del'lal'0111' IlClier In " / ! 0111' a Pl"otec" tl\e tal'Ift' , a h11ldamentRI VUI.t ) ' doc. trlnc thllt has lal'gcl ) ' contributed to the nation's j.l'Owth and greatness. 'V < : IlOhore to the 1lI'lnclple , and wo reflS ( ! to herome frightened al the schedules or a la W the ) ll'Ilctical uPllllcatlon 01 whl'h , Ilurlng the llaSt. se\'en ) 'eurs hus hronght to the countl' ) ' such mal" \'elous dtlollmllIt ! and phenomcnal Ilr081lerltr. "Tho plllt-aC' ) ' of a gold standnl'Cl es. taullshed br the lIurty Is IJroved b ) the unqlielltloned soundness of nIl oUI cm'.rem'r alHI Its sl1fllclent n.utlndanc ( to meet 0.11 the demands or 111l8t1) Inm'cuscd lI'ude. " 'Vc ( 'ommellli conj.I'ess , nnd CSlle clnll ) ' the Nebl'llslm members who rcn IIcl'ed sl1eh'alunble sen'ice , for till llIlssuge of laws for a great srstom 0 il'l'lgnlion fOI' the reclamation or 1 lal'Je nl'ea In this state or' fel'tllo hu 111Iwl\.Il'red soli , IInd for the better set tlemcnt of a vast section by means 0 11I00'e liberal hem ( > 8tcall privileges. "In the Illngl1age of PresIdent Hoosc nIt , wo hell \'O thnt the door or h0)11 ) and of OIIlOl'tunlt ) ) ' 8ho111d ho open tl ever ) ' wOl'th ) ' lIud descrvlnj. ; Amel'lcUJ e ellizen without distinction of rac ( o color 01' rell lon. If "In rCHlIOnHe to a IJI\blle \ necesslt , it and the ) lal.t"s Illndgc , the legl81at1ll' o hils enacted allow l'e\'enue law. I WIIS fl'Ullled to IIlstl'lbl1to the pub1l 11\11'llen with eXII't anll evcn jUlltlC ( " ' 0 1)led/e ) / the llUrtr to 11 correctlo III or u'h IneCualltiell' ) us may IIc dl ! 10 dosed und to the assessment of a' ir IJrollel't ) ' , corporate lUll' ' " pri\'ate. at It s , full \'aluo Ill'cOl'Hng to Inw , so thnt a 10 II1'OIlOl.t ) ' shall hu\'o It ! ! eql1al hnl' Ie of taxation. Wo fa\'or tho' raisin I - onlr of 1I1II'h re\'enuo as III needed t Iimeet ( 'I1I'1'l'nt eXllenses of the stnt 1\'Ornllwnt UlIlICl' the 1I10llt rigid eem om ' und fOl' a 11'1\ll1nl extlngl1lahmet : of "tho puhllc Ilubt. n. "Ullon this re'ord and these pl'lnr to IlloH we In\'lIo the 8UIJport or lrSOlJ of nil partes In the coming cnmpalgn , Mrs. Eddy Makes New Rule. II' . NIW ; YOHK-\Inrr : Dnl\Cr gdd : I. heull of the Church or Christ , S'lel , tH list , Is rellortcd to ha\'o promulgute th an llJ11enl1mrnt to the constitution ( chm'c.'h the so the against segregatIon ( tI. sexes In cluhs. As 1110st , of tll ' 11' chm''h 1I10lnhors nro also members c I ) ' . cluhs nnd allloclntons ! , founded 0 III Ilrlncltllcs that ) lrccl ldO the assocli 111- tIJ1of men end women , they 1\1'0 5'\1 110 to 1.10 I'catl ) . lIuzzled over the el 1111 ) lrcement . . .r the elIet.Iombors ( III , the : \Inonlc frato\'l1lt ) ' are uncerstoc ! . to be exemllt from the ruling. . , , . , - , . - - - - - - - - - - JAP VESSIL SUNK. Dispatch Boat Mlyako Destroyed by Mine. TOI IO-'rhe .lnlllllH'81' , lIspntch bent 1IlI\O was Ilestro ) ' l1 In 1\lI'I' : ! bay r strlllng ; IL submerg d mine. Eight ( 'asualtlI'H lire l'lllortell. 'I'he ; 'IlI 'nlwal : ! 10llt whllo assist- IlIg In the opuratlOtlH of clearing the HusHlan mines from Kerr ba ) ' , north- ( JnEt ur 'J'all nwan hu ) ' , on which Port Uuln ) ' IH situated , Admlrnl Jataolla , commonder of the thll'd aquadl'on , reo turned there Sunday with detach , ment of his squadron , protortlng two lIolllas of torpcdo bents which hnl ! ben etalled to ( 'ompleto sweoplng the bnr or by the remo\'al or the mine ! ! . Jo'I\'o mInes were dlHcO\'ercd und exploded - ploded nnd the work was being SUI- pended for the ( lay when the Mi'ulw strl1l'lt an undlflcoyered mlnc , which exploded with tremendous force under Its Btern on the port ! > Ido llnd Inflicted Immcrllle oamagc. The l\lIyallO sunk In twentt.wo minutes. Two sailors were 1IIIIed Ilnd twentr-two men were woundell. 'rhe rest of the crew were rescued. . 'fho news of the loss of the : \Ii'ako has been so 1'1'0 W 1'u JI ) ' received In To. 1110. The dangcrouH charnctcr or the wurlt In whll'll the : \lIyalw was en. gr. etl Is gcnernJl ) ' npprel'latell , but it wall then llt th&t the loss of torpedo heat No , 48' under similar circumstances - stances Thursday would ser\'o as a wurnlng 10 thosc engaged In the wort ! to excrclso the greatest care. AdmIral Kataolm reports thut the Husslnns wlthdl'ew from Robinson Volnt , northeast of Kel'\ ' bay , which adjoin ! ! Tallenwan hay.IIY ; 12 , but . they ereetcd tempol'llry fOl.t on a height northeat ! or Talm mountnn , where they mounted six guns nnd constructed nrotectn ! , : ; trenches. The \'essels or Admiral Kutaolm's squlld- ron shell cd the RUSHlans throughout Sunday , but the latter stubbornly reo talned their position. The , Tllllllneso fiotlllas , while sweep. Ing the bar : , wore exposC'd to the Rus. sian lire nil till ) ' , hut continued their work uulnjured. When the Jallllnesc tOl'lJedo boat No. 48 was destro'cdII1Y 21 in Kerr bay whHe reUlO\'lug Husslan mines seven men wel'c Idlled aud seven were wounded. The No. 48 was the /lrst / wal'shll ) lost b ) ' , IIIIlaU during the war with Hussln , ThulIralO was one of' the wal'shllS ) whlrh toolt part In the op- el'llllons at Rel'r hay , 1'allnwan bay and Hlaclmer (01' ( Deep bay ) the da ) ' Xo. ,18 was destroyed. The : \Uyal\O was a steel crulst'r or 1,800 tons displacemeut , 6,380 Indlcat. ed hol'so powC'r , C'ompleted In 1901 anll hl\.vlng an estlmatell speed or ti'ent ) ' knots. It wns 31 4 . feet long , had thlrtyslx feet beam Rnd drcw 131,4 J'eet of water , Us armament consisted - ed of two 4.7.lnah qulcle.l1l'lng 1\nS and ten ] .8.lnch guns and foul' torpedo tubes , NEBRASKA CROP BULLETIN. Week Good One for Work , but Not for Vegetation. liJl\IVERSITY 01. < ' NEBRASKA , Llncoln.-Cold. genorall ) ' dry. week : good for wm'lt , hut not for the growth \'egetatlon. . The meltn dnlly tem. pel'ature averaged : : degrees below normal. Frost occul'I'l'd In nl'arly all pal'tH of the state on Ilther the 12th , 1 : lth or Hlll IIml p ; ncrally on two or the dates , On the 14th the mini. I mum temperature WIIS generally near ! 32 deHl'ees , and In severnl central ! and wcstern counties was betwe011 I 28 dcgrees nnd 30 ; legreeA. The rainfall wns confined to light , showel's on the 12th , and the Illst day . of the week. 'rho total wepltl I amount was lesH than one.half Inch. . except In the southeastern counties . where the wet condition of the sol ] , haR caused contlnuell delay. In cen . trill und northern countles many for mers ha"e finished planting. Earl planted corn Is coming up , but 10" temperature hns IIro\'onted qulclt gel' mlnntlon and rapid growth. - - Russian Forces In Korea. SEOUL , KorelL-Reports are con , Btantly coming in of thc presence 01 Inercaslng Russian ! orces In Norther . . Korea , The govcrnor of Hang Yun .r pro\'lnco represents thllt 2,000 troop ! are distributed throughout that pro" ' _ Ince , I our hundred and fifty are III K'ong Song , on the coast. and till lJ remainder llro IIcatlerccl In the In 11 terlor , 1I"lng on the country. A forc ( . . , of se\'on Il\lIulred Is reported In thl 111'o\'lneo of P'cn GRn , at Kwl Sung north of Chang Fu and about fort miles southcast or Wlju. Seventeen Villages Destroyed. CONSTANTINOPI.I-Accordlng ; tl n lllllpateh from . . -0 "all of Bitlis , Asl aile Turke ) ' , su\'onteen vllla/es / ha" , been destro-'ed b ) ' armed insurgent In the district of Sassoun.101'0 : thm GOO Armenian families hnyo tal\Cn l'e1 uge InIush ; , I\ . town In Dllils. London's Brokers Most Numerou ! Thorc are only seyent ) ' brolwrs II the Paris bourse , ngalnst the 1,100 0 Now York Stocl. e\change nnd the 3 000 of London. 'fhe Pnrls bourse I II government Institution , exlstln UI1l olleratlng under direct go\'erumen " control. Stanlc-y L < : . ! d to Rest. LONDON-The remains ot 81 Henry : \1 , Stnnle'el'o burled In th ch1ll'ch'ard of the oltl Surl'e'llIng of CrIOl' to the burial th nation and thc Unltel\ States , In th perllons of Amlmssadol' Choate an Consul General E'llU II , paid honor t In the departed African explorer wit an Impressl\'e funeral ser\'lco held I Westminster abber. The pnll bl'a ert ; Included n grandson of 1.1\1111 stone , Arthur : \Iountenay JOIS01 Stnnle"s term r lieutenant , and ll ] Dulle of Acorn. . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - THE "COP" GAW LIGHT. Suddenly D.twned on.Hlm Why HourJo Was Dark. I'atrohnnn Hellly of the Mount V rnun )1ollco ) force wnH detailed last I Sundar IIlght , when the gllH went out all ovcr that town , to go from houII ! ! ' to housp on hlR hellt , and , whnrovOl. there were no lights to wnlO the occu- )1ant6. ) I'ur while he hud no trouble In c l1'r'lng out his orders. FJnally ho I'enched a ho.mlsome residence whel'cln 1'esldos bne of the pretti cst " Ih'lH in nil Westchester county. The ' house WIlS Hllent IlS the grave. Thera i I wnll not'a glimmer of light within. UI'R\'ely mounting the steps , Reilly rang the front door bell. For a f. moment there was 110 response. At " last the porto.l swung open , and n "cry angry ) 'oung man stuclt his face i through the craclt. I "What the dickens Is the matter ? ' " ho demanled. ' ' 'rhe gaH Is out , " the po1Jceman , started to explain , "and- " But he got no further. . ' 'It's none or ) 'our business if It IH , ' I snorted the young mnll , nlld slammed I the door In the olllcer's face. I "Before I could catch my hreath , " \ , . sahl Hell ! ) ' , In telling the stor ) ' , "there wns SIJultel'lng of matchell In the pnr- \ lor , Ilnd a great white light dawn 011 on me , I Wll8 young once m 'sclf.- , New York Times. ; THOUGHT SHE COULD WRITE. Young Woman Had One Quallficatloltt ! In Particular. : \lo1'glln Robertson , who writes sea stories because he Imows the sea from an I1cqulllntance or fifteen 'ears. returned - turned last summer to the town In. which he spent his bo'hool1. He Wllg , I something of a lion , nnd was amused to notice that ccrtaln persons who. had Ignored' ' him liS a youth and 'ounJ ; man were quite anxious to remembm- and be remembered. " ' .sImper- , "Ono 'oung womall came up lng , " said l\lr. Hohertson , in telling or. ! his visit , "and aalted me if I remem- bere her , As I hnd been a worshiper at her shrJne and had been frostbitten b ' her coldness In years gone h ' , 1 . remembered bel' and said so. . . 'Do YOII Imow : she went on. 'It i seems so Htran/e / that you should he a successful writer , Dut 'ou can't tell wherc genius will bo found. I bel10ve I could write If I wouM only try. 1 havc alwa's fclt that I could write- things. I suppose you felt the same wa ) ' ? Well , I feel just as you did , I am sure I could write. And then I ha\'e always thought that I was a IIttlo qlleer , too , ' . "Tho wa ) ' she added the .too' WIIS : dellcfous-Ncw York Times. A Lost Banl < Book. . She had golden hall' and blue e'es. . i I and she had lost bel' banlt book , "I dropped It somewhere , " she flaW to the policeman. "Where do you ; 0 think It Is ? " "Pfwhat Is It , ma'o.m ? " Inquired the- ' dl/nltary / of the law. ; " ; \1) ' hank' bool. . There was no mone ) ' in It. but some perfectly beau. tlful samples , Can't you get It tor me ? " "Sure , an 01'11 tIlry. " . . : , The pollcemo.n IJCgan to search the- " - . sldowallc o.nd the pretty girl proceeded - ed down the street inquiring for the lost artlclo from ne.wsboys , pushcart venders , IInd rabmen. "lIully gee ! " said a nowsbo ) ' ; "de loldy lost her bani. uool , . Hun to de uanle. Chlmmlo , an' glt her u1\uder , " " ; \Ie notlImow , Oranges , fi' centa , ' " said the pushcart man , impersonally. "Drive nlong In my cab , lady , " sal < 1 the cabby , "nn' look at the sidewalk. You're sure to find It. " And when last seen the pretty girl . had adopted this last suggestlon.- ' : : : hlcago Inter Ocean. \ ' ' ' ' ! I J " " f "Sub Rosa. The phrase "under the rose , " impl ) " . _ Ing secrecr , had its origin B , C. 477 , lit which limo Pal1sanlns , the commander of the con edel'Rtoleet / of the Spartans - tans amI Athenians , was enHaged In . an Intrigue with Xerxes for the subjugation - jugation or Greece to the Persian rule and for the hand of the monarch's. dcughter In marriage. The negotiations were ( 'url'led on In I a building attached to the temple of Minerva , called thc DrazC'n hOllse , thereof roof of which was a gar cn forming a bower or roses , so that the plot. which was carried on with the utmost r-ecrecy , was literally ml1turl'd under the rose. It afterwo.rd bN'ame' a custom among the Athenll1nH to wear roses. In thell' hall' when 1 elllll- ! ; secrets that ther wished to he IH > Jlt n\"lolate , I Evening. The hatIo\\'s len thpl\ . till thl' "l\lmmerln \ lell . , .AntI t.ust the 11l1rkllf'SII ereel18 along the glad ! ' ; . Ohjl'et ! ! remote thc t' ) " 1I0fall" to see. And scenes less llll1nl. IIng"ln ! ; , IJl0wy ) fade. 'l'he weary In.1Jorcr In's , to 'rret thl hour. . To IOE the Cllre ! ! of IIff' In hl1lm ' sleep ; 'rn rp t hIli bed ) ' R1HI I'ell"\\ ' It I ! ( Jc\ver. 'fllpn 10 awake rI'Ct'hCtl II. mornln/ ! ; \leep \ , All gr'f"t " 1111'1' , Nlghl'h11 rll'nceLnll quiet reign : II , " , ' 111'11 lahol' relll ! ' ! nn41 n1 ! the world bl still. t All love 10 launch Inlo I h ' ! ow.'t , : omaln. To I'IISH the mllHI or " 111' ' ' ' ' ' \ \ hii'll only slel'll can kilt. --Of.urge Gce , II' Model Corn Patch. e A 1'arldo (1\10. ( ) flll'l\Il'l' shows how e to grow COl'll scl ( > utlli'nlJr.In . a mlnla- e turo comfield thlrt-t wo fpet square , o : it the world's fall' . The Improved d ilIClhOtls of e1\ltI\'allll C01'l1 arc shown o h ' models of the cln1\hlo \ JIl'W cultivll- I h tor anti other II1nchlllOl'y IludlIssoll'i : I n mules. 'fhe machine ! ' ) ' dlsllinyed Is r. all lal.1or saving , showl1\ \ how the , work of CUltlVlltlll crops { 'aI' , be 8UC. 11 , cessrully done with tlw "mnllest ie amount of labor und the Il'al't Iosslble- ! belp. ,