. . - J ( USlfR ( OUNIY RfPU UCAA By D. M. AMSDERRY. - BROKEN now , - - NEllHASI\A . -1 \1 \ News in Bri .1l1dge Goodwill of Aurora , 111. , hns 1)en ) seleetell nS81stnnt ntorne ! ) ' gen. ernl for the ) lostofllce Ielmrtment. ) The Rllprel1l0 callrt of Inlllano. (10' cilles thnt under the Nlcholsou Illw { mloons mU1t front on 11 Btrcet , 1I0t all atle ) ' . . Heell Smoot , the : 'Ilormoll I'enator ' ; whoso fleat hns IICell prote ted , cx. presses hlB confidence that ho will not ho oUBted. Senators Clltlom nnd 1I0pltlnf ! nnd SJal ) : r Cnnnon agroctl to I'ccol1lmeml .1utlgo Goodwin or Allrora for aIJlOlnl. ) ment as aSBlstant attol'llcy gencl'lli. 'rho former confidcntlal ell1)llo'o ) of Miss Darton Is Hillel to hnvo testlfiml to n diversion 01' Hetl Cross funtls from the pllrlloSo fOl' which they were contrltJUted , The Interstnlo < : Ol1lmerce commls. slon'ordcred the Investigation of the nnthraclto ( 'oal hHlIh'y ) reopencd nml will hear additional tosthl1on ) ' at New Yorlt May 2.1. Secretary 1I100d ) ' , Congressman Foss nnd probnbly Spoal\Cr Cllnnon11I Imll on the Dolphin ahout 1I11ty 8 to inslloct the naval stallon at Glla.n' tanamo , CIIIIIl. Lyman .T. Gage. in an aldress ( hefol'o .10hn D. Hoclwfotlor , jr.'s , hlblo clasB , (1 < .1clared that aClJlllsltlon of wcalth Is not Inconsistent with the material wcl. fare'of society. Thlrty.throo cattle are dead at Tel" ra Cotta ranch , west Of Salina , IaB. , as the rosllit of careleBBness on the l111rt of wolf hunters , who sprlnlle 1'nrls green about traps. Juan Rodriguez , a citizen of Porto Rico , petitioned for a mandamus to compel the navy yard labor ooar < l to grant 111m the rights of a citizen of the Unlled Sintes to omplo'mont . Polleo Commlsloner McAdoo joins the crlllllders ! In New York who are endeavoring to fix upon the Western Union 'telegraph company the respon. slbllily of the exlstonco of pool rooms. 1I10mbors of the house commltteo of rivers ahd harbors will mal\O a per sonal Invostlgntlon of the Chicago river to learn what will ho needed to Improve lUl.Ylgatlon after the tunnels' ' 11.1'0 rcmO\"Cd. Incomplete returns from the repub , lIcan ca\1causes In IItl1waulwo show Gover'nor La l 'olletto secured posBllotly forly.slx of the 146 delegates to the stat convention , agalnBt fifty.tw twq 'ears ngo. Allen Mooney , the condemned mur. dor r ' , vho silOt and ltllled two wOIlen at Saranac Lalm , N. Y ; , on Novembm 4 , 1902 , wn.s put to denth In 1110 olec. trl < { . chair at Clinton llrl80n , Danne. mornld ) ' , N , Y. S : Mnhuoln , blerlt of the HawaIIan hOUBO of representatives , has been found guilty by a' jury of the federal court of destro : lng certain vouchers for' expenses of the hOUBO Incurred during the last regular Bcsslon. The 110rtralt of the dowager empress of 'China ' , painted by UIO Amoricnn , Mias Kato Carl which left Pelting April 21 , was diBpatched b ) ' the Pnclfie mall steamer Siberia. 'rho portrait on .arrh'al at San } t rnnclsco will bo sen . to the St. LoulB oxposltJon. A. C. Twlnger , former preBldont , nn D. C. Cornetl , former treaBurer of UIO defunct 1II0nmouth Trust com. pany of ABbury Parle , N. Y. , were sen. tenced reBpectlvoly to six and four years In state prlBon. The men were conYlcte(1 ( of 11resentlng false minutes of the tnlst company to the state banltlng . < 1epartment. Whllo it IB difficult to ascertain the exact state of the hoallh of 1111' . KI'1I' gel' , formerly president of the 'I'rans. vaal. It Is Bald on Iood : authorll ) ' that' Bymptoms of a cerebral affection uro apparent and that a consultation of I1hysiclanR has been hold. 1111' . Krugor Is now exremol ) ' weal. and constant care Is nocesBlu'y. Charging that "they are l1ractlcally In a combination or consl1lracy to defraud railroad companies , " counBel for the Michigan Central Railroad con1)any ) filed a bill In the United States circuit court fOI' an Injunction to restraIn twenty.elght tlcl\Ot brolt. ers or "BcalllOrB" from continuing In their present bUBlness. The United States hoard of the I..owls and Clark exposition to bo held In Portland , Oro. , May , lUOt , or anl7.ed wllh 'Colonel J. H. Drlgham as chair , man : " ' . C. Fox , l'elresontaUvo ) of the bllreau of American republics , WIlS elected tcmiorl1.ly ) secrotar ) ' . The board was organized that 11. commltteo might bo appolnte(1 to select the Blto for the gornment \ ' Imildlnt ; at Porl. land. Dr , W. E. WootlClul' W. E , 'Vood. end & Co. , the sllspendot ! stocl. brok. erago firm , was arrested at his homo In NQw Yorlt. poectlvo forgln s In the gllnB , wlilch nre said to have been twice re. jected , are alleged to ha0 been re. sPQnslblo fOl' the p.ccitJeut on the bat. tleBhlp lawn. . Whllo rCBlsllng an attempt of two hlshwa'men to rob him. Calltaln Carl UpIloven of the steamBlll)1 ) Alps of the United li'rult comllan ) ' lIne 'WI1.B mill" dered on the levee at Now OrleanB. H ' \Vns a f\ntlvo of Cologne , Germany , und wns 3 ( : veal's nld. I - - - - - NAVAL BATTLE ON I HEAVY CANNONADING ON EAST I COAST OF COREA. : JAPANESE OFF , PORT ARTHUR - Believed Admiral U rlu Has CloDed with the Vladlvostock Fleet-Report that Zassalltch 10 Relieved-Care for RUGslan'Wounded. . LONDON-A dispatch to the Ccn. lral Nowe , dated at Soolll ' 1'IIesdn.r : , nays that heavy cunnonalllng was heard olr Gentian , on the eatlt COlst of Corea. Monday and ' 1'lIesllay morn. Ing. It Is 11I)1)IOBctl ) ) Admlrnl Urill' fleet has BllcCeetled In engaglnl ; the Husslan Vladlvontoclt squadron. A rumor to the elToct Omt the .Tall' aneso had s'lccecded in bringing the HUBsian Vlalfvostoclt ) squadron of four cru ! er to hatllo off Vlalllvostoek was clrcuhlle ill Paris Monday , hut 11)1 ) to 'l'uesday l1Iornlng no conflrma. tlOn br.d heen obtalll < ' . 11. Evidently the above dlslllltch reforB to the same rumor. ' ' ' ' . S'1' . PE1'EHSBURG-'l'hero are per. slBtontrll11l0l'S hero of n. nllvlIl engago. ment hetween the VlatllvoBtolt and Vlco Allllllmi Kamhnurn's squallrons , but no confirmation of the reports hall llOel1 I'el'olved here Ul ) to 1 o'cloclt 'I'hursdIlY afol'lloon. ! 'rho admll'llhy SIl'S no further neWB haB bean ro cclved hero from Port Arthur. 1'AIUS-A dlslulch ) to tbo Temps from Sf. PetershUl'g confirms provlollB reports to the elTed that the Japan. ese fleet allearod ) ) off Port Arthur 'l'hurBday aud that an engagement oc. curred off Gensan , CoreaIetween ( \ JapaneBo sqlllldron and the Russlau Bquadron f01'l11 Vladlvostolt. Genernl Kourolatl ) < ln hns gene to the front from Lln. Yang to InBpect the situation perBonally. TroopB arc. , being hunled forward from the Llao Yang nnd 1\hll lon IIno to a ) Josltlon near Feng Wang Cheng. All the RusBlanB wounded have been sent baclt toward Llao Yang In order not to encumber the operntlons of the Russian army. It alllears ) cvhlont that General KO\l\'o11l111t1n IB propnrlng to glvo hallle to General K\I\'old's army If elrcumBtances wal'rant. Prlvato roorts ) , are to the effect that the fighting blood of the HUBslal > soldIers Is up anc1 that they arc thlrBt- Ing for an OIIlortunlty ) to revenge the alaughtor on the Yalu , but although the commaIHler.ln.chlef Is greatly chagrined at the mlscarrlao ! of his 111ans on the YUhl , thel'o Is 110 Idea hero that 110 will act rashly on that accollnt. Ills decision as to the ox. tended OPllosllion ho w111 malte at Feng 'Vang Cheng depends upon the location uncI SIlCCOSS of the Japanese landlngl1 \Ianchurla. : . DescentB or attempted lanlllngs are now momen. tarlly nnllclmtoll ) lIear Now Chwang ( \nd the head of Corea IHOccupy. . Ing an Interior IIno. an < 1 pursuing the tactics of Napoleon , Kouropalltln's problem w111 bo "to prevent a juncture - ture of the enemy's forceR. It IB nec. essary for him to await the evelop- ment of the , Japanese plans and ascer. taln. the dlrecllon , strength and whence the olher c01umn w111 como before deciding how to fight his ad. versary In detail. SETTL.E GRAIN RATE WAR. ThrouDh Rates to Be No Greater Than the Sum of the L.ocals. CHICAGO-After mnny futllo at. tempts the western 1'I1l1roads on 'rhursdny succeeded In COmlleting a lInnl settlement In the grain 1'I1to war between 1\1lssourl rlvor points nnd Chicago. All have agreed to malto proportion. 1\1 rateB from all 1IIls80lIrl river points and have decided that the through rates f\'Om \ Nebraska polntB toChi. . cage shall not ho lower than the om. blned locals exceptlnl1 from certain NebraBlta 110lnts h'lbutary to the Sioux City gq.tewa ) ' , the latter being n concession to the Chicago & NOl'th. wostern. 'rho mtes on grain from Omaha and Council Blllrrs will ho the same ns these from Kansas City. Heretofore the rates from the formeI' points was 2 cents 11el' 100 1101ll1liB hhher. Brazil Makes Tariff Concessions. WASIIING'rON.-'I'he state demrt. ) ment hns rlcelvetl a cablegram from the United StateB le atlon at PetrOI' ) oils , Brazil , saying the president of Brazil hils signed a decree b ) ' which Brazil grants tnrlff concessions to the United States 011 Hour , rubber manu. faGtures , paints and varnishes , con. densed mlllt , clocl\s and watches. The cablegram Bays that thIs executlvo action 11\Its \ American Hour a fraction bettor than on a level with the mills Rio do Janerlo and SantGs Paula. Prisoner and Captor Gone. OGDEN , Utah-No trace has b'en c1IBcovered of Cfllll'les Lennox , the es. caped Ilrlsoner , and Depllt ) ' Sheriff MilloI' of Silver Dow count ) . , 1II0ntana , who disappeared from 'an Incoming passenger trllin. Sheriff Qllinn of SII- \'er Dow county and ) ) ( ) lIce olUeors are engaged In Bearch of the Bllrround. Ing country. 'rho omcers bellevo thllt. the murderel' Itlllod the depllty shorlff after leaving the train , throw his hod ) ' Into the Ogden river and then eSCald. I.onnox Is wanted In Montnna for 1I1ur. or , In the Nation's StronD Box. WASIIINGTON ' ' " , - 'l'oda"s state ment of the tronRllr ) ' halances III the general fund , oxclllslvo of the lfiO- 000000 ; gold reBorvo In the division of rettomptlon , shows : I\\'allablo cash halanco , $220,192,322 : g\'ld , 112,790 , . 277. . , CZAR IG CREt\TL.V : : GRIEVED , DurnfoundeU When Told of the L.OSSCG I , Suered on the Valli , S'I' . pg'l'lmSIllTHG-The l'mpetnr ! IInllel'Hlocl to ho really rloved' ' 00tho \ 10HHeH foIlIstnln(1 on the Yalll. ' ( 'ltow ! who IInve Houn hit ! majost ) ' Ray that ho WIIS 'dumfoun ed wll < 'n ho Willi Infol'lTIctl of the heav ' fight- , In ( ; wilieh attended the 11lll1sago of I the river. As 111 well IInde'ftooll her < ' . General l\II'ollttltln'g \ ( ) Jrogram did nOL contel1llllnto such I'esltance ! to the JalJllneRO ullval1co , It Is Imld. more.ver , thnt KuroJaUtin hhnHelf i wes c'Iually ' 6urpI'Ised nnd 110 cha. ; grlned ave l' the mlBcarrlaro ; : of his . pll1ns that ho sent his I1rst telegram to the l.enoral : atanff and not direct. . to the emIleror. 'rho unllerlltnndlng I here Is that General assalllch had I slecll1c ) ordorR to avoid an'thlnIfw / ) I n. generul engagement , and It la he. I Hered that the Husslan commander I at the front tJrohably WHII deceived In rII1t ! estlmnte of the strenth of Gnn. eral K\1\'oltl's \ artillery , llOlng In entire Ignorance that 01.2 uuns had heen Ilosted and' got Into n. IJoflitlon from which ho had the gl'eatest difficulty In oxtrlcathlg' hili men. The only cono. l.ttlon { for Uw loss or the guns Is that , being without thoh' breech Joclts , they 11.1'0 of 110 yaluo to the enemy. UNDER CL.OUD OF' CHARGES- , . - U. S. Attorney McComber of Nome District Resigns. WASHINGTON.-Senator : : . er of North palmtll lIregent 1 to the Ireslclent the resignation of Melvin GrigsbY , United States atlorne ) ' for the Nome district , In Alaslm. The refllgnatlon hils heen nccellted to talw effect JUly 1. No Intimation is given as to Gl'fgsby's successor. 1\101'0 than ' Altorne ' General a ) 'ear ) i Inox recommended to the president i that GrigsbY be dismissed for dlsohe- : dlence of orders of the department In leaving his post without permissIon. SubBequently cho.rges were preferred agalnBt him , in which It was alleged that ho received $10,000 from the Pioneer 1\IIning company of Nome , the allogatlon stlttlng that the sum wnB to secure or the Pioneer 1\IIning com. pany Immunlt ) ' from United States prosecution. Grlgshy udmllted the r celpt of the monc ) ' , half of which was In cash and the other half In stoc1t 'In th Pioneer Mining company , but said It. was an attornoy's feo. The case has been pcndlng until this tlmo. IMPORTANT MINING DECISION. United States Supreme Court Decides Again Subsurface Tunnels. WASHINGTON-In the ( 'ase of the Sf. Louis l\1lnlng and 1\I1111ng company agnlnst the Montano. 1\IIning company , both ollern.tlng . In the state of Mon. tana , the United States sUtJreme court on Mon ay decided that the owner of a lode mining ( : Ialm t annot. b ) ' means of a tunnel explore the subs\1\'fuco \ of al1 adjoining elalm , even though the tunnel be run to tatJ 11 vein the apex of which IB on the claim of the owner of the tunnel. The court holds In effect that the \'eln ItselC may be followed , hut that In no ether way can the adjoining territory of another mining properly bo explored. Gtock Growers Organlz . D NVER.-Tho Cnttlo GrowerB' In. terBtuto Bxecutlvo commlttco was or. ganlzed at a convention hero and the following ofllcel's were elected : Chair. man , William 111. Turnoy of ToxaB ; vi co , chairman , William A. Harris of Kansas ; secretary , Fred H. JohnBon of Denver. Denver was selected as the headquarlorB , J. J , DlcldnBon , representing the government In the. ; beef tru8t Invsetlgallons , wus present. The gathering wus called to form a permanent organization of live stock men west of the 1\Ilssourl. Discuss Pass Privileges. CHICAGO. - ReprelentativeB oC western railroads met In Chicago. to consider the questlOl ! of rant ; lg re. tUI'l1 passes to IIvo stock shllJpers. At the morning meeting It was agreed that the low . lines shou1l1 comply with the laws of that state b ) ' grant. Ing transllortntlon within that state , but ilot on Inlerstnto buslncss. Later It was discovered that two or three lines were } lledged to the Iowa stllte commission to grant return passes to stoclmwn on all Chicago huslness and 11. second meeting was held. Japs Publish Their Side of It : . " 'ASH I NGTON-TllO Japancse wga. tlon hns published the cOI'I'espondenco that toolt place bet ween Daron Kom. ura , JalJllnOBO mlnlst r ot foreign uf. falrR and 1111' . Kllrlno , Jnpaneso min. Ister to St. Petel'sbllrg , ) Ire'edlng the beginning of the HusBo.Ja ) aneFo war. 'fho purIOSO ) of the ) lUblication Is to Illscloso olUcll111) ' the Jr.panoso attltudo I1ml especially to point. out the effortB to force RUBsla to un early and con. cluBlvo I1nswer to the .1apaneso pro. 1105a)11 ) relatlvo to the ovacllatlon of l\1anchurla. Selected a Dead Man. DE'I'ROlT.-James II. StOllo , who on 1IIonda ) ' wns selected for ono of the aBslstant reading clerlts of the repub. IIcan natlonnl cOllventlon , has been dead for a numher of months , 110 was u. llromlnent citizen of this clt ) . . Famous Artist DylnD. MUNICH , Davarla.-'ranz } van Len- hach , the famolls historical and )101'- trait I1I1IntOl' , nn president of the : : \Iunlch Artists' as:1oclatlon , Is dying. 110 sutrol'od a strotto oC apoplexy In Novcmber , 1902. , c" " . - - . RUSSIAN LOSSES OFFICIAL. REPORT OF GENERAL. KASHTAL.INSKY RECEIVED. - THE RUSSIANS LOSE 2,000 MEn T"e News Hl1G a Stunning Effect on the Authorltleo tt St. Peteraburg- Seven Hundred Wounded and Forty OfticerG Killed. s'r. PETEHSBUHG-Tho Russian es at .lhe bnttlo of Klu Lien Cheng were 2000 mon nnd forty officors- fur greater than p1'Cvlous rellorts in. dlcated. 'l'hlB IB the official eBtimate ofk. : . jor General Kc.shtallnsly , who dlt'ect. Iy commanded the dlvlBlon that suf. fered the -IJrunt of the attal'lt and whoso report waB received Wcdnestlay h ) ' the emperor. : 'Ilany arc Incllnoll to place the Hllsslan 10sBeR even higher. Generul I r.shtallnslty mentions also that moro than 700 wOlllulod had arrived - rived at Feng Wnng Cheng and these may not bo Included In the casualties. lIe made no nUemlt ) to estlmato the , Iallaneso losses , merely staling that , they must have been colossal. I 'rho magnitude 01 the Husslan losses , hl1d an almost stunnln effect on tne authorities atHl IJrollsod general grlof , mitigated enl ) ' h ' sutlsfuctlon at the hraver ) ' dlspla'ed by the Russian troops. Not for a moment was there any Intention - tention to 11I. ) ' such a terrhlo [ price for delaying the enem"s crossing of the Yalu river. 'I'hls fact was l\l1o\\'n throughout the city and gave rlso to I . renewed r < : , portB , attrIbuted to offi'lal. sources , that General Kuropatltln had omclall ) ' ccnsured Lieutenant General Zassalltch. If this was so , General Kuropalldn's telegraphed criticism of Zassa1ltch was carefully cut out of the dlBpatches which have been puh. IIshed , and the general Impression now held Is that ho will romaln in Manchuria. General Kashtallns1\Y's report estab. IIBhes the fact that the Russians SUB- talned the greatest loss In order to save the two regiments which were oceupylng Antung. The Eleventh regiment was given tbo post of honor ut the rear , with Instructions to hold back the on-com' Ing .Tapanese. The TweIrlh regiment and the Third battery's qulclt.flrlng do. tachment were directed to retlro. Dy the tlmo the latter movement commenced the Japanese had almost s\ll'roul1lled \ the RussIan 110sltlon. The 'rwelfth regiment was compelled to charge with the bayonet and Bucceed. ed In brealdng through the enemY'B line. The Second battery's qulcl.-fir- Ing detachment , without borses , could not move the guns and were compelled to abandon them. The men of the Second ballery Pllt tholr shoulders to the wheels In an elTort to push the gllns up the mountain side , but the Japanese 1Ire wes so hot that the ) ' - returned - turned to the ) Irotectlon of the Elev. .enth regiment. Nearer and nearer allproached the Japanese and a charge upon the Elov. enth regiment and the Second battery was Immlncnt so he guns were aban- doned. Then a prlost led the troops and the ) ' be nn the terrlblo march across .tho vatle ' . DRIVE ENEMV BEFORE THEM. . Russians are Unable to Check Advance of Japs. W ASHINGTON-Tho Japanese ] e- gatlon hero I'ecelved the following offi. clal cablegram from Toldo : "General Kuroltl , commanding the First army , reports from Chlu Lien Chang that on May 1 the Second a'n Twelfth dlvlBlons and the Imperial guar , forming the First army corps , had advanced notwlthBtan lng reslBt. anco on the part of the enemy , by three roadB , driving the enemy before them , and at 8 p , m. occupied the IIno extending from Antung to Lluslm Kon. The Imperial guard surrounded the ClH.'my on three sides , and , after a severe fight , captured twent ) ' gunB , with horses and carrlageB , nnd moro than twenty ollleers and many men. 'I'he genernl reserve rorps advanced b ) ' the Lla Yang rnllwa ' . The enemy was comlmsed of the whole Third dl. vIsion or the Twenty.second and Twent.fourth regiments of the Sixth Infantry dlvlRlon of sharpshooters , General l\llstchenlw' cavalry brigade - ade , with about fort ) ' gllns and eight machine guns , The enem ) ' fied toward Zeng Huang Cheug , Our casualties will not exceed at most 700. Twent ) ' . eight qulcl..flrlng suns nud largo quun. titles of small armB and ammunition were captmed. Ollr hlafield guns were vcr ) ' effective. A Husslan offi. cer who was talien prisoner Sa'B that both of th commanders of the urm ) ' corps . and the division wem wounded and .that the Husslan casualties ex. ceeded SOO. " L.IDhtnlng Kills Four Children. 1I0BAHT , Oltla.-Tho farm hpuso of Peter Schmitt at BeBsle , twent ) ' . 11vo mllps north of here , was struclt hy lIghtnlnland. . fOUl' chllliren , agcd 8 , G , . . and 2 ) 'oars , were Jdlled. ThQ ch IIdren were a810ep upstalrll. American Nurses at Yokohama. YOKOIIAMA-\lIss : : McGee , a phys1. clan , and eight American nurses , ar. rived at Yolwhama. Thor received aver vor ) ' heart ) ' well'flmO an the governor or Yoltohama < 1ollverod an address. Jap Securities Marked Up. LONDON-Jnpanoso lJol1l1s were marlwd UI 11,4 on the Rtocltoxchango 'I'uesda ) ' on the .TaJIIU1ese successes , whllo HusslanB were own. 1 , . " ' , i . , . . ' . , A GREAT DATTL.E. In Which the Japanese Troops Arc Victorious. 'fOKIO-Advleell recolved htro stnto that the twelfth dlvlBlon of the Japane30 army forced n. crosBlng of lho Yalu jllBt above Wju ! , just before dawn Sunda ) ' morning. 'l'he seconc1 pontoon brldgo across the river l1ear Wlju was completed at 8 o'clock Saturday - urday night nnd the Imlerlnl ) gunrd of the secOlul division crosse dm'lng the night. 'rho RusBlans' left flanlt has been tu-ned und a geneml allaclt hegan at dawn todDy ( SlInday ) nearly nil the Japllneso batteries on the south hanlt of the rlvor nnd a fiolltla of gunboats co-operating with the army. The Japanese hllve the advantage of posltlonB and numbers and are confident - dent oC routing the enemy. Auvlces from the front say that Japanese forces began an aUacl. on the UusslanB on the Ynlll river last 'l'uesda ) ' . The batllo was continued WedneBday Thurs ay , Friday and Sat. urday. On Thursdav the Japanese elTecte a crossing of the Yalu and secured a lodgment on the l'ight bani. of the river. The fighting on Saturday Tlt-S at long range and there was a duel with heavy [ ; ' . : ns across the river. } < 'Ighllng was res limed at da'lIght to. day ( Sundar ) . The Russian force Is esthnated at 30,000. 'I'ho ,1ap.nese 10sB Is reported to have been sml111 thus fnr. TOKIO-BuppI611ientnl reports .from General Kurold co..erlng Sun ay's fighting say : ' ' 'l'he HUBslans mudo two stands. The enemy's Rtrength Included al1 of the eliI'd division two regiments of the sixth division one cavalry hrlgade , about forty qulcl.l1rlng guns and olght machlno guns. 'Ve have tal.en twenty-eight qulclt.firlng ' guns , man ) rlfies , much nmmunltlon , more than twenty officerB and many non.commls. sloned officers c.1c1 men as prisoners. "I am Informed that Major Kashtal. In81\1 , comman er of the Third East Slb 'llln rlno brigade. and Lieutenant General Sasu1ltch , commander of the Second Siber'an Ilrmy corps , wcre wOlln e . Our casualties number about 700 and the Husslnn loss Is more than 800 men. " HAVE CL.AIM AGAINST COL.ON. Sufferers From Colon F'lre Confer With Secretary Hay. WASHINGTON. - Secretary Hay heard argument by attorneys repre. sentlng the Amerlcnn Interests In. . . . . .olved In the Colon 111'0 claims. These attorney have formally requested the secretary to deduct the amount of their claims from the fllnd of $10- 000,000 which Is to ho nald by the United States to Panama on the ground that the Inhabitants of the present new ropubllc of Panamu , while In Insurrection ag-alnst the Col. omblan government , were reBponslbo ) for the destrllctlon of Colon by fire about twenty : rears ago. with the reo sultlng loss to American property owners. These claims have been presented Beveral times In recent 'enrs to the Colombian government. which has re- pudlatec1 them as growing out of the acts of InsurgentB , so that the present method of bringing them forwnrd is new. Secretary Hay promlse to glvo careful consideration to the claims , but has decided that they must be con. sldered entirely apart from the canal negotiatlonB and as congress has madn a specific appropriation of $10,000,000 for Panama no deductions can bo made from that appropriation by tlle executlvo on account of any other clalmR. VOTING TRUST TERMINATES. Stockholders of Erie Do Not Care to Continue It. NEW YORK-.T , Pierpont 1\organ and the other voting trustees of the Erie railway company notified holders of the preferred and common stock of that company that a suffi'lent . . amount of the present . . .ollng trust certificates have not signified tbelr d sil'o that the voting truBt Rhould ho oxtendod. consequently the trust terminates - minates final1) ' on May 1. On and af. tel' that date Morgan & Co. will cease . . to transfar to present . . .otln trust ( 'ertlflcates and have arrange(1 ( with the railroad company for the delivery Df Its stoclt In exchange for the trust certificates now outstanding. Irrigation Plans for Nebraska. WASIIINGTON.-Tho secretary of the interIor haB set n.s1l1e. pro\'lslonal- ] r , the slim of $1.000,000 for the con. structlon of the PathfindCl' reservoir on the North Platte river In Wyom- Ing. Construction will proceed con. tlngent upon favorable relOrtR ) from engineers In the flehl as to various detallB sUl1 under conshleraUon , and particular ! ) ' as to whether an ad quate area of Irrlgablo land can bo found In western Nebraslm. The rosorvolr will ho of Bufficlent caaclty ) to 811pplr al1 of the land under It In " ' ) 'omln [ ; . ' Missouri Inquiry at An End. W ASIIING'I'ON.-Thnt no fllrthor proceedings be tnltcn IB the recom. mendatlon of the court of Inqlllr ) ' ap. pointed to Investlgato the OXploBlon of the after-turret of the 1II1ssouri on April 13. Thl ! court finds the ex. 1)loslon was duo to a "flare hacI. , " caused hy nn oxpllcablo combination of l1sual1) ' latent gases In smol\Cless powder , The ofllcers and CI'OW of the Missouri not ani ) ' are l'olloved from al1 responBblllt ! ) ' for the acclclent , but are warmly commelHle for the brav. el1' they showed. UNE COL.L.AR WHEAT. - Western Canada'a Wheat Fields Pro. duce It-Magnificent Vlelds-FreD Grmts of L.and to Settlers. The returnB ot the Interior Depnrt- ment Bhow that the movement or American farmers northward to Canada - ada 12 each month nffectlng larger areas of the Unltod States. Time waB. BaYB the Winnlpcg Free Press , when the Dalwtus , MInnesota and Iowa fill'- nlshod the Dominion with the malt\ built or Its AmerIcan conllngent. Last ) ' 001' , how eyer , forty.four states ar.d . districts w re represented in the of- ficinl statement ns to the Cormer resl- . , ) donco of Americans who had homesteaded - stoaded In Canada. The Dalwtas still head the list , with 4,006 entries , 1\1In- . nosotn being a close second with 3,887. 1 but with the excoptlon of Alabamll and MississIppi and Delaware every j state in the Union Bupplled BoWers j who , In order to secure farmB In the I tertlle pralrio countr ) ' of Canada. became - 1 came citizens of and toolt the oath of : alleglanco to , the Dominion. Last : rear no less than 11,841 Amerlcan entered for homestead lands in Can- ada. ada.From From the Gulf to the Doundnry. and from ocean to ocean , the trek to the Dominion goes on. Not only the : . whentgrowcrs of the central 1\1Issls- slppl . . . .alley , but the ranchers of Texas and Now 1\loxlco , and the cultlvnJ.ors of the compnratlvely virgin soil or Oltlahoma , are pouring towar s the proc1uctlvo vacant lands of the Canadian - dian Northwest. It is no tentative. half.hoarted departure for an allcn country that IB manlfestcd In this exodus ; It haB become almost II rush to Becuro posEesslon of Jand which It 1 Is feared by these Imperfectly ae- < ; Iualntec1 with the vast area of Cnn- " a < 1n's vacant ] ands , may nil bo acqulr- J ed before they nrrlve. There Is no i element of speculation or experiment In the migration. The settlers have tu l Information respecting the Boll. I wealth , the farming methods , the laws , taxation and system of go\'ern- ' / ment of the country to which they . are moving , and they reallzo that the opportunities altered In Canada are in every respect better and greater than i these they have enjoyed In tlio land they 11.1'0 leaving. Cana a can well afford to welcome cor lally ( ! Very American farmer comIng - Ing to the Domll1lon. There Is no question but that these Immigrants make the most desirable settlers obtainable - tainable for the development or the pralrio portion ot the Dominion. Full Information can be had from any authorized - thorized Canadian government agent whose addrc.ss w111 be found elsewhere - where In this paper. Not David the Psalmist. David Delasco and Henry e Millo collaborated once on a play. In which they used the Hne from the Psalm or David , "Lord how long Bhall the wlclted , how } eng shal1 the wlcJwd triumph ? " The actor to whom this. Hno fell expressed his dlssatlsractlon over It , and confi ed his feeHngs to Do 1\11110. "Aro you stuclt on It ? " the actor aslted him. "Yes , " Bald De- 1\I1IIe , "I must confess I am. You see. . the Hne Isn't mlno ; It's David's , " "t , thought so" said the actor ; "anyono ' could tel1 that was Bome of Dave B lasco's bad English. " ElectrIcity Prevents Collision. The Daltlc Is equipped with ( ' ' 'J electrical devlco for preventing collisions - lisions with other vessels. 'rho moment - ment another ship enterB the "mag. netic fleJd" of the Dultlc the needle of the Indlcntlng Instrument polnta. in the direction of the vesFel ap- nroa.chlng . of telng overt1\len , and the- steersman ] mows at once what courBO' \ ' to take. Even the rhythmic bents or Lt an unBccn steamer's screws are regIstered - " Istered by means of this delicate ap- paratus. Another sl eguard Is nD electrical conlrlvanco to show If tho- \ ! ship's lights ere burning properly. . Rheumatism In Utah , Frisco , Utah , 1\Ia.y . 2nThere Is Ih great deal of Rheumatism In this and neighboring states , and this pulnful dlseaso has crlpped ) many a strong ; . I : man nnd woman among nn otherwise healthy people. Hecently , however , there has been. j Introdll ( ' ( > (1 Into Utah 11. remcdy for . Rheumatism which bIds fall' to stamp. out this awfully painful complaint , The l1amo of this new remedy Is. Dodd's K1 < 1noy Pills , and It has 11.1- , ready wrought some won erful cures. Right hero In Frisco there Is a caBe- of 11. 1111' . Grnco who had Hhoumatlsm so bad In hl8 feet that he could hardly wall. . He tried many remedies In I vain , but Dod 's Kidney 1'lI1s cured him. him.HIs HIs wire sa's : "Wo both had Ind- ne ) ' 'rrouble , and my husban had the Rheumatism 50 hud that ho cml hardly wallt. Wo used Dodd's Kidney - ney Pills with much benefit. Wo have tried many remedleB , but nOI1O have- done us so much guod as Dodd's Kidney - ney Pills , " Similar reports como from all over the state , and It'oul < 1 seem as 11' Hheumatlsm had at Jnst been cou- quered. Llttlo WlIllo-Papa , what Is meant by forging the fetters ? Wllllo's Papa -SignIng nnother man's name to . a. cl1eclt , my boy. j ABle Your Dcnler For Allen's 1"oot-ERBe. -if A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns Bunions . , Swollen . , Sore. Hot , Callolls , Achin' " ) ( S weatlng 1-eet and IngrowingNails. Alleu'a Fool-Eas ? makes newer tight shocscasy. At nil DruggIsts and Shoe slores , 2.1 cenls. Accept - cept no substitule. Sample mailed FRIUt. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Le Hay , N , Y. Now there are rllmol"l' 01 a hoarding hooso tnlSt abroad In the land. Doard. Ing houses that will tru t would fiU II. lons.felt twant. ! I , .