Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 12, 1904, Image 1
. - ' " , 'rH' . " 'r ' . , . - . , . . . . . . . . . "f" ill' " , . . ' , . . ' ' ' . ; . , . , , , .V r- , . , , . " ,00\0\1 . t\j\\ \\t \\\ft\ \ , \ , p \ \9 " . . . 1USTER OUNTY EPUBLIC N. . , j ESTABLISHED 1882. 'rilE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. IARGEST CIRCULATION 01' IN 'I'IIE COUNTY. j . . . VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , MAY 12 , 1904.--EIGHT PAGES , NO. 48. . ! _ _ _ _ n _ u _ _ _ _ n. _ - j - At Your Service. We arc ready to supply all ) ' 0111' ncelin \ ! the linc of I " " Silverware I t j Tablets -AND- School Supp1ie , -AT- , J. G. Haeberle"s ; - - - . _ . Suits Repaired , Cleaned and Pressed. Parties desiring clothes cleaned , repaired - paired and pres ed , can have the work done neatly and promptly hy ; l\ti s Grace Griflith , first residence south of Baptist church , or 'phone , IJ9. 1i6Y'"Patrouage solicited , . O. H. Mevis has erected a fine f Joporch on his new store building recently purchased from the Waltons. Ed. l oyse , Sccretary of the State Banking Board was in the city yesterday visiting his old time fricnds. DIED-At his home 8 miles north of Broken Bow , Isaac Burton - ton died at 10 p. m. May 9 , 1904. The deceased was born in Grant county , Wis. , 1851. From which state he moved to Nebraska to reside pe'rmanently in 1884. ] era a peri d of less than a year previous - vious he was in California. On coming to Nebraska , he located I first in Howard county , thence to I Sherman county , and thence to I Custer in 1897. His countv . . par- I I ents have gone on be ore h1111 , alI : - I so a brother and sister. He I leaves 3 sisters , 2 in Nebraska ' and one in 'Visconsin , and one J' brother near Sargcnt , together , with alll his acquaintances as those bereft. He lived a qui t I upright life and waS" held in the highest cstecm by all to whom I known. 'l'he services werc conducted - : ducted from his home at 10 a. 111. May 11 , by Jesse 'l'eagarden and , remains laid to rest in Springs- j tube Cemetery. I I I \ 1 ' J.vHEJ\TOSE' , . Purest and s\veetest ( ) f all , vhcat foods. 2 lb. packages. , lAll high-class grocers. . - - - - : : : : : : : : : : N : i\r . Joe Skclton left 'ruesda. ) ' morning on a visit in Hamilton county. ' 1' . C. II. BaycrhofTer of H.yno , was a friendly caller at this omce Monday. l oy Skelton lcft 'l'uesday morning on a blliness ! trip to Sionx City , Iowa. FOH SAIU-Ilouse and 2 lots. EIHuire } at Star Grocery of Con- cannon. 47-48 g. White of the 'Vest 'l'able , called Monday and bad his namc enrolled for thc } Hl'UHIICAN. An examination of Hural Houtc applicants f 1' carriers will be held in this city the 21st of May. IT. II. Hiatt , cIHtor of the Sar- g-cnt L-cadcr. was a city visitor Tucsday. 'I'his ofiice acknowledges - ges a fricndly call. S\\'ilt' \ Pride Soap i pcrfect- ly made of pure soap ingredicnts. li'or all W lshing purposes , it is thc most elfecti\'e laundry soap made. Mayor Appl ( ' sccms to wear his new honors as casy as though hc had held tbe position for years. 'l'he HUPUHI.ICAN predicts { or his administration clean and busincss like thro ghout. Mr. Searles , state examit1er of Count ) ' treasurcr's , was a social cailer at this office Tuesday , in company with 'V. A. Georgc. Mr. Searles lives at Ogalla and is a candidatc for Statc Auditor. Leland Lewis doscd his school in the Potts district east of Sar- gent , April 29. 'l'hc Sargent I eader says of it : "This district - trict has had 8 months school with an average attendancc of 1 I ) . 'l'be school has progressed "ery nicely and Mr. Lewis left with the best wishes of his patrons. " We note from the Blair Courier of the 4th , that : "Rev. S. W. Richards accompanied his daughter - ter , Miss Florence , to Council , Bluffs yesterday 'where she enters the 'V. C. A. hospital to become a. trained nurse. " Rev. Richards will be remembered as formerly pastor of the Baptist church t this placc. 'rhe villagc board considered applications for liquor license Monday night and all the petitions - , tions wcre rejected for lack of the requircd number of freeholders - holders as sig-ners. 'Ve understand - stand that efforts will bc made to c't the required number , in WhICh evcnt a license would most likely bc is.ue(1.-Mason City Star. Custer Countj' Editorial Association - sociation will be pretty wcll represented - presented at .the Press Congress to bc hell ! at St. I ouis next week. ! 'hose that are planning to attend - tend are : W. G. Purcell and wifc , C. 'V. Beal and wifc , Ii' . 'V. Conley and wife , 'fom Wright , F. A. Amsbcrry of the Mason City Star , and 'n , 1\1. msberry . I of thc Custer County J epublica . DmD--'Jay : 2nd , lIJ04 , infant son of John I . and Sari1 a E. Dodd , aged 5 days , Another little bud gathered on earth -t ( ; bloom iu IIC,1\'en , , for of such is the kingllom of hcaven. 'fhc funcral services werc conductc ( ] by the Hev. . Charles McCaslin a1 the home and the remains laid tc rest by the hands of sympathiz' ing ncighbors in the Kopp Ceme. ten' , by the side of his sister am' tw Ii We brothers gone bcfore. tzlldc " , 'oun" AKuln. "One of Dr. King's New I-4ifc Pills each night for two week : has pu t me in my 'tecns' again writes D. n. 'l'urncr of Dempse town , Pa. 'l'hey're the best II the world for r iver , Stomach an < Bowels. Purely \'egetable. Ne\ ' er Grip. Only 25c at Lee Bros. Drug Store. - - - - - - - - t"t'ttttt'tt"t't""t'ttttttt " ' ' " ' " " " " ' , , tt"'tttt"t''tttt"t"t"tt'tt" " " ' " ' ' " " " ' " , , ) .Protect Your Cattle. - . . . . . . - - - = - = BY VACC'INA.'r\QN. . = = 'Vc have just receivc a fresh line of Parlee Da\'is' : : : : : Blaclcegoids and Pasteur Blaclccgine. = = . . Mail orders promptly filled for . anything in the : : : : drug linc. : L.EE : : BEl..C : > S. _ 111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 I L. H. Jewett wcnt to Omaha 'l'uesday as a witness beforc the Ji'ederal Grand Jury. J. 1\1. McClure of Callawa ) ' , called Monday and had his snb- scription \'anced to 11)05. HOj' Yates of Callaway , who spent Sunday in thc cit ) , visiting his uncle AI , was a social 'caller at this ofiice Monday. I"rcd Baisch , who has been attending - tending school the pa'gt year in Illinois , returncd Sunday morning - ing and resumcd his place in Haeberle's drug store. li'red has man ) ' friends here , who are pleased - ed to have him return. W. B. Eastltam has callcil thc democratic electors of Custcr county to meet in mass convention - tion in the Court Housc , Satur- ay , May 21 , 11)04 ) , at 1 o'clock for the purpose of electing dcleI I gates to the state convcntion to' ' be heM at Omaha , June 1. Miss 'Vilhelmson , who has been teacher in the High School of Broken Bow , has been elected city superintendent. Miss Henne teacher of thc 7 and 8 grades , north side , was elected principal . : : - 'tttt't"'tt"t'tt'tttt't"'t"Tr"t"t"tt't'tt'tt'tt"tt'ttt'tTt ' , ' " " ' " ' ' , ' " ' " , " " " ' ' ' ' " ' ' 't ' 1 SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY , MAY 11th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = Just to call your particular attenti01 to our = : = = particularly strong line of Ladies Summer U n- = = = = derwear we will place on sale 'fuesday , 1\lay 17 = = 20 Dozen Ladies Cauze Vests I - - = = AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF = :1 6 Cents Each---3 for 20 Cents. - - - : : : : N 0 more than three to one customer. These - = = = = garments comc in white , blue and pink. All : : : : E nicely taped neck an sleeves , and would be : : : I : : : : : very cheap at 12Y ; ; cents. = _ = I = - - = . . , _ , . . - : : : : A New line of Sorosis Petticoats - - - . ' < - - - = = . - - Jusrr IN .0. _ . . = = - - - , - - - = = The newest thing in . = = - ' - : : : : : this hne being : : : : : - - - - g I The Featherweight Skirt. 3 : : : : : I trhese garments are as : : : : : - - : _ : : fine as silk , as soft as a : : : : - = = I muslin ; will give endless - = = : : : : less wear and remain : : : : - - : : : : Pcrfect to the end of : : : : : - - = = the chapter. /0/ / ; = = - - I Sorosis Skirts at , i . J. ' - - - - $1.25 S1.50 $1.90 $2.50 $2.65 . , . , . , . , . , E . $3.00. 3 - - g OlllSlalhluf . . . . H B DRAKE - _ ' IS. . Urnh.l 90la : . . . . _ . . - - - 111111111111111111111111tl1111 11111 1111111111111111lil111111111111111111 v- II ! - = _ _ _ . _ _ _ s. C. Waldron of Over , was a county " , cat visitor 'I'uesday and Wednesllay. Hc lndly rC\l1c\l1- \ \ I bcred thiR ofiice with a call. . gd. McComas has rccently put I 111 a drugstorc at Anscl\l1o. \ He has an cxpcri ( > nccil drug-gist , Mr. ; J. G. 'l'immcrmier in charge of . thc business. - Dcnis Hamblin , examincr of I Rural Mall I outes , arrived in the city frol1l thc west vcstcrday morning and in comp uy with ve scribc inspected the route south east of thc citj' . He was ! s , very much pleased with the route and will doubtless make a very - fa'ora ble report on it. 'J'he linc 1 roads and the prosperous conni- 1 tions of the farmers was a sur- - pri ! > c to him.V e found more , than 125 houses on the route , which was twcnty-fivc more than nccessary. He may reeommend shortening the routc. t ) . 'II".r.U. J. 1\1. Fudge and wife wc ut llroktn Bow , Friduy. . 1 Mrs. Jones is sUI'ing at Fmnk Hclwnnl ! ! jUbt at present. F. C. Hmhree went to SJldn Creek , 1\101\11a \ ) " nnd return ell Tu.esda ) ' , G. O. Joyner is lIIakin some imflro\'e- 1l1tnts. : on the place which W. J. Wilson occupies , :2 : 5 inches of rain fd' ' here last week. thoroughly , ! oaking the r.raund I\ud dele - lo } ' ng coru-plnnting. 'fhe ! : Ilest neWcomer ill tilt : vulle ) ' is of tbe south side , and Miss Laura Maulitk , } . > rincipal of the north side. MIsses Hcrger , Scroolt and Downey were retaincd. 'l'his lea.ves several placcs to lill. .1. R. Dean was clccted presidcnt of the board and 14. ll. Jcwett , Sec'y. Bent ulltll1l. The hall Ie of Mrs. Shmh Dent 011 the north sille was the seem : of a channin home wcdding on Wcdnesday e\'ellln , 1\Ia ) ' 11 Ih , whcn her daughler l\1 ss HIla C. Dent was mnrricII to .Mr , AIHhew J. 'l'he ceremony WIIS performcll in the prcsence uf a lilllileclnUlubcr of intimate fritlHls together with the illlmclliate families ofhoth of the contmcting parties. 'I'he bridc , attired in II rich trouSSCAU of white silk , ntHI the room tnstily Ilrcssed in a well fitting blnck wClhlin suit pre- sentcd thcmselvcs unnttcllltcd belore ReS. . 1' . 1\Iorris , pllStuI' of the First Baptist. church , who pronounccll the word ! ! thnt mllle them hushand IInd "wi fer .i'he entire alTair wns enc of thosc quietly elegnnt fudions that tingcl' long aUlong 1\Icmory's brightest trcmml'es. The bride , by her bright hap\y Ilispo- siton nnd the /room / hy his ster \ in111111I / - hood hn\'c both made n host of fricncls who anticipate a very hright IIIHI pl"OS- perous future for the ) 'oun couplc. 1\Ir. a1ll11\lrs. Lee willmnkc their hOllle in the Renlty 'mock. 'rhe RltI'UIIIIC\N joins llu : many frielllls in exteJl(1in con- ratulations. . " I1liltle girl , who arrived at the hOllle of 1\Ir. and Mrs. ll. P. Hdwards , Sundny 8 , Frolll all appearances the Jnpanese will lIeed no assistance frolll nny other COUll- tries , if they continue to crush the Russians - sians a ! ! they have during the lust week. The Rural Ronte Inspector was at Ortello , Monday , while inspecting the two routes which are proposed to cOllie this way frollll\lerna , It is a liltle en. couragement to those of us who arc wanting it. We are pleased to annOUllce the marri. age of llert. . Waddington to 1\Iiss Nellie Daggett of Spring Creek , which oceurr. ed Snnday , May 8 , nt the hOllle of the : : bride. 1\Ir ! ! . Waddington is II young Jally of pleasing uppearance wholll we shall be glad to welcome in our midst. Bert hatived ! among u ! ! for u long time an is well known. They will reside on 1\Ir , S. Waddington's farm in this valley. Cord 01 TIUIII , " . We wish to express our heart. felt thanks to our neighbors and friends who so kindly lent m their sympathy and aId in the death and burial of our 10vcI ] little son and brothcr. JOlIN L. DODD , SARILDA E. DODD , AND FAlInLY. , Gro"'lulC AchcN und I-aluN. Mrs. Josie Sumner , Bremond , Texas , writes , April 15 , 1902 "I havc used Ballard's Sno\\ Liniment in my family for thrce years. I would not bc witho j It in the housc. I have used ij on my little girl for growing pains and aches in her knees. 11 cured her right away. I have also used it for frost bitten fcctl " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " + " " " " " " " " " " 'I" ' " " " " " " " 'il I Badger I . - : : : : : " . = = 'rhe only successful two-row listing cul- 3 ; ; = = tivntol' madc. [ t ; is guurunteed to do = = E : bettOl' work than any eultivatol' made. = = ' : . , E : Don't ; wait ; if you are g'oing to need allY- = = = = thing' or this kind , for there hns noyor : : : E : been n. Yl'aI' that ; the mI > vly was as great 3 E : m5 the demand.Ve sold 4. CUI'S of these = = E : t'ultivators last YCnL ! and could have sold 3 E mOl'l' if we l'oul(1 ( havt' g'ot them. = = I Buggies 'I ' - - - - \Ve have just : l'eeeived anothOl' CUI' of 3 = = Buggies direct hOJll the furtol'Y. Come :3 : = = in and note : the difference or Buggies = = = = dired rl'om tlw ; factol'Y Ilnd those ; hUlldl- = = = = ed by othol' doa 101'8 thl'ough the jobbing' : : : = = hOllses. = = - - - - - - = = "The Dealer That Saves You Money , " = = C.S. MARTIN , Mflr. Agf i - . - = = -AND D AI lt IN- = = - - . ' ' ' ' ' ' . :3 : = = l-\.N'l"'J-'T'I 'lJS'r GOODS. - - 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l11111 l 11111111111 ! with good mtccess. It is the I hcst linimcnt I ever used. ' 125c , 50c , $1.00 Sold 0 ) ' Ed. McComas , Broken Bow and l\Jerna. . _ . . - - - - - - - - - - Have your work donc and have it donc right by a competant ; decorator. A. C. Hapgood docs thIs work and guarantees. Headquarters , Grand Ccntral. - . Sec thosc fine prize dishes / given away free at the Star Grocery. 48tf. ; . . ; M. ASH , . J . . , A\1ijJQ ) llONm. . , . or thirty ycarll , , crlol 8a\01 \ and m a 8110clalty or UUl.t ouoorlng of .n . :1&880' . OaU on or wrlto mo lit lJrokenlJow , Nobraaka. ! t : o'r.r..r.r. .r.r..r.M M : o' .r .r. 'T..r..r..c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . .E. C. HOUSE. . . . . ' 8 I Real Estate , Loans Insurance s . 8 I have some of the best farms in the county for sale. S I have somc of the best ranchcs in the state for sale. S I have three good city residcnces for sale. I have some of the most desirable city lots for sale. S I have money to loan on good improved farms in Cnster Co. g I have money to loan on good city propcrty. . < " B I have the uest cquipped Insurance Agency in thc county ; representing the strongest companies in the world. I hold a certificate of authority from the Auditor of the 8 s State of Nebraska , authorizing me as agent to issue and countersign policies for the following companies : 1 8 rh" rJluol allli 1,011I1011 autl ( : lnh6 ( 'al.I. ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 000 ( I ( ) ( ) ( XI lullaltlntore fire , , : , t' ( auII Rllh . . crlh,11 . . . . . . . . $11I . . . . 0011 . . . . 10 . . KuJTerora . . ) . Cuullucliial nr New Ynrl < lIalll. 1 ( ) ( J ( ) 000 00 III lIaltlmore Itn : ' ( o A"llIaor lIarUnlllllaltl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIX ) 000 00 III 11altlmorellre. Acilia or UarUnnl . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 3 52 023 00 , R lIalll. III Chlcallo lIre " . ; , A.'lua of lIarUonltaltl. ( . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( ,35 ( ) ( ' 7 ( J ( ) III 11081011 lire. . . C , ermau A merlcall I'alll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , SlNI ( ) ( J ( ) ( J ( ) III 11al1hllore lire. " _ < .111"ell IUKliralice ClI , of America Ilal < I , . . . . . . . . . . . , 500 000 ( J ( ) 111 I1altlmorc lire. Nlal"ara Jo'irc IrIHllraccc Co. , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 3011000 ( ) ( ) . : lIalll III I1alllmoru IJre. ' 1' Hllh'rK of Chlcalfo 1'1 : 1 < 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HXI ( I ( ) ( ) 110 III lIallhllorc lire , i\ l.'armers , if you will drop me a card or call at my office I N will save you from $5.00 to $7.50 on each $1,000 insurance ' you want and place it with the above companies. I E. C. HOUSE , Broken Nebraska. Bow , - - - - - - .r..r.Qr.r : .o : . : r : o'r.r.r.r..r..r.r.r .rJ.rJ'Q - - . . . . . F..r. .Mr.f. : . : r..f.r.r . .q.G'r.r.r..r.r.r.r.r..r .r..a-.r./I" \1 N OUR CAR OF 1 \ i Farn1 hnplements' . . is now here , and in which we have SOIlIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' Greed : : : : Bargain.s : ! g COIlIC in and look thcm over. I HI-inch High I41ft Sullcey Plows. . . . . . . . . $32.00 4-ha : , 30 ' 1'ooth Stecl 3-Section Harrow. " 14.50 8 Cllltl\'ators , from. . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . $11.50 up " ' I The Climax Three Wheeled Lister li x : 'l'hc lister that pleases. A good 1 Harness at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . + 11).00 A good 17. ' Harness of sclect stock at. . . . 20.00 On stock saddles we are always right. See our line of saddles for spring. J anesville Barbed Wire and Grand 10 ' Island Field li'encing. . I : Our Motto : "UNDHHsnr.L. " N I West Side : e . ! : -B . 'Nebraska. I. . I . . . " " .r.r.r.r.r.r..r.r.Q'.r Q" .r. " .r.r.r.r.rwO'r.r.r.Jl'.rJ"'J"J".r. ' , . 4