Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 05, 1904, Image 7

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j I W o 111 envho , york , whether in the house ,
I store , office or factory , very' ' rarely have the
r ability to stand the strain. The case of
, Miss Frankie Orser , of Bos'ton , Mass. , is
interesting to all women , and adds further
proof that \voman's great friend in need is
Lydia E. l = > inkham's Vegetable Compound.
II DEAB : MRS. PI K AM : - I suffered misery for several 'cars. My back
ached and I had bearing down pains , and frequent hendachcs. I would often
'Wake from 0. restful sleep In such pain nnd misery that it , vould be hours before
I could close my eyes again. I dreaded the long nights nnd wcary days. I
could do no work. i consulted different ph ' ! licllDs h ln to get relief , but ,
finding tho.t their mcdlclnes did not cure me , I tried 'Lrdia ' ; E.I > > illlcl1nm'y
Vegetable Compound , as it wns highly recomended to me. I am glad that
I did so , for I soon found thnt it WIlS the medicine for my case. Very soon I
was rid of every nehe nnd pain nnd rcstored to perfect henlth. I feel splendid ,
11:1ve a. fine o.ppetite , and hn\'e gained in weight Do lot. " - MISO FRANKIE ORSER ,
U Warrenton St. , Boston , Mass.
Surely you cannot wish to remain wealc , slel ; : nnd dlseourlgel ,
nnd cxhaustel wltb each day's worl ; : . Some derangement of the
feminine organs Is reponsi111e'for this exhaustion , following any
'kind ' of worI ; : or effort. Lydia E. Plnlchmn's Vegetable Compound
un ! help you just as it has thousands of other women.
i I he case of Mrs. Lennox , \vhich follows , proves this.
" DEAR MRS. PI K AM : - Last winter I
broke down suddenly and had to seck tllO
advice of II. doctor. 1 felt Bore 0.11 over , with
a pounding in my hend , and I ! . dizziness which
I hnd never experienced before. I hnd I ! .
miserable appetite , nothing tasted good , nnd
gradually my henlth broke down completely.
I The doctor said I had femu.Ie weakness , but ,
although I took his medicine faithfuHy , I
. I found no relief.
II After two months I decided to trv whnt
0. change wculd do for me , and as Ly la E.
Plnlcham's Vegetable Compound W8.8
strongly recommended to me I decided to
. , ' it. Within three dnJ5 I felt better , my
.Ii . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . appetite returned , and I could sleep. In
, , . . . . , _ another week I was able to Bit up part of
I t'- ' ' . . . " the dny , and in ten days more I was well.
o. ( , j. : , - . . . .r- ' : My strength hnd returned , I gained fourteen
' " I pounds , and felt better and stronger then
I bad for years. I gratefully aelmowledge its merits. Very sincerely yours ,
. BERT E. LENNOX , 120 East 4th St. , DlxQn , 111. "
, FORFEIT If we cannot forthwith prodnee the orlglnallettert and .Ijtnature. or
S5000 aboTe kalmo1 &lJ , wWeh .m prove their absolute jtenulneneu.
Lrdla : E. J. > IDkhlUD ! led. Vo. , L7DD , lIan.
Lu cheoY'\.s
Put ! nto Summer '
a variety living-it's
I J not the time of year to live near . the
kitchen range. Libby's
Send t da ] ' for the little booklet. "now to Make { , " md Thln to Eat , " tutl of IdeaR on quick ,
' de1lc1oull lunch . .torvlnll' . Libby' . Atlas of the World mailed Inc for 5 tWtKCAt . .tamp II.
I' t Libby. McNeill 6 , Libby. Chicago _ I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
. Mustang liniment
is n. positive cure for Pilcs.
" . WE41ftiER\'VSE\ !
I WEll l ll K . R
< (
? fJR BU \ ) 1 .
\ A reputation 'e1.tendlng over
\ . .5lxty-.slx years ol'\d our
' ; ! uarol'\tee ore of
I , every arment be n the
i' : .sIGN Of' TH fISH.
I " There Are many'Imitations. .
" ( t , ure of the nalM' II
\ \ . . TOW . R on the butte
, , " \ ON SALf : IVfRYYYJreRe ! '
. , , ' 11. . JTOWIR ! O&O"TON , MA _ U. s. A.
'TOWU CANAPIAN Co..L1lU104. ; r nONT Atl.
Had to Believe His Wife.
Judge Parr ' of the English judlcl.
nry tells of a feeble.loollng man , who
was relmlwd for supporting a rldlcn-
lous claim made by his wife. "I te11
you candidly I don't believe a word of
your wlCe's stor ' , " salll Judge Parr ' .
"Yer may do as ) 'er 111.0 , " replied the
man , mournfully , "but I've got to. "
Love Is a fierce combination of the
world , the nesh and the dovll. At
long Intervals sometimes an "X".ray
of heaven is thrown In.
Defiance Starch
should bl ! In fVer ' hoUChohl ! , none 110
good , hN.ldl'I 4 oz. more for 10 ccnts than
un ' othcr brand or cold wllter tnrch.
No condemnation of wrong Is 80 ef.
fective as the commendation of right.
Clcnr white clothcs are sign that th.
hOllhokoeper U808 Hell CrOtiIi 1311.11 lJluG.
Largo 2 o . packllgc , ccnta.
Never judge a womnn'a courage by
the way she avoIds un Interview wIth
u mouse.
_ .
M.eets With Opposition In the Intterlor
, Deparment. .
WASIII\G'l"ON-.1ud 0 Klnlmlll's
hl\1 \ 11cl'mlltlnl ; s'ttlement of 040
lIereM of 111I111 h o homestcaders In the
110rthwl'sl sl'etlun of Nl'l1raslm It Is
cl1lltlent1 . IJl'lIevell wllbe \ 81gnell b '
Ihl' lll'oshlent hofOl'o the dissolutIon of
the Iresont ) 80sslon , "ho 111\1 \ went
to the White 1I0uso WOllnesdn ' nlet. .
noon nl1l1 wns at once referred to the
I1l'cl'etar ' of the Interim' for a rellort.
Antlcllmtlng this nctlon , Senntor Oil"'h1ul .Jllllge llnlalll ca1ledlllon
I ho 1)I'l'slllent ) and commissioner of
thu 1'n'raI Innd olllcu In hehnof \
Iho 1I1eaSUI' ( , ' . 'I'ho )1resldent. ) who
'las } ICell In favor of the 1I1enslll'c ,
naturn1ly refers 1I1nltm's denllng with
I a 11(1 ( problems to the Intm'lor delllu.t.
1IIent. and huro the grentest OI)1osl. ) )
1Ion to the bill hns been found.
Aflm' the visit of SCllI\tor Dietrich
and .1udge Klnlmlll to the preslll'nt ,
\\'hl'l'o the ' hall a satisfactory confm' . i
encl' , t11l' ' had nn Intm''lewith
Commlsslollt'I' Richards. The com.
mlsslolH'r has IJCen olIIOSed to the
)1rollOsltion ) of Incnmslng the n\lmbm'
of ncrcs that mn ) ' ho entered IIpon
hy IlIl Intendh1t homesteader , even
though the oXJ1 rlmont watto ! l1e con.
fined to the sand hll\ \ section of Ne.
hmslm. Both gentlcmen f'Om Ne.
I1rnsm ) tool { II hanll In showing Com.
mlsslonel' Rlchnrds the reason thnt
1)I'omltell the 1111I anll while the ) ' I'e.
fused to give out any del1nlle Information -
mation as to the result of their con.
ference wllh the head of the laml de.
partment they contented themselves
with the ] lredlctlon that the bill
would be slgnelWhllo \ everything
has seemingly been clear sailing fOl'
this measure , It Is not out of place
now to state that n vel' ' hostile feol.
Ing prevailed against the bill , not
onh' In the public lands committee of-
the house , but also. In the Interior
department , from whence the ] lresl.
dent receives advice regarding land
matters , and the passage of this bill
in the fnce of this quiet hut deter.
mined OPIJosltion mnlws Its passage
even more noteworthy than would 01' .
dlnarlly l1e the case.
.Judge Klnlwld llIl's worn grooves
in the stone pnvement hetween the
house of relJresentalives and the
rooms of the enrolling and engrossing
committees. Ho has been n shadow
upon the heels of the ! .Jill , and It Is
to his doged determination as well as
to the efforts of Senator Dietrich that
the bill Is now In the hands of the
president for signature , IUld every.
thing points to the 1111I becoming 1\
In w.
Strong Squadron of Armored Cruisers
on the MVc.
CHICAGO-A special ca.Jle ! to the
Dall ' News frqm Kohe sa 's :
Under full steam a strong squadron
or Japanese armored crulJm's : was 0.J.
served this momlng maldng its way
northward in the .Japan sea. It Is believed -
lieved that the vessels are on their
way to attempt to cut ocr the Russian
squadron that appeared at 'Von San ,
on the east coast of Korea , yesterday -
day It Is feared , however , that as the
czar's cruIsers are superior In speed
to those of the mikudo , they mayes-
capo In safety to the shelter of Vladi-
It Is also stnted thnt the Japanese -
ese have succeeded In luring the RUf-
slans [ rom protection of the Vladivo-
stock guns and that there Is another
Japanese squadron between them
and their retreat , but these are mere
Bills Pass In House.
W ASHINGTON.-Wh < > n the hOllse
met at to o'clocl , It was still the leg.
Islatlve day \Vednesda ' . a recess
having been talwn Tuesdav until thnt
hour. DIlls were passed.
To regulate the dlrposal of public
lands released and excluded from pu.J. !
IIc forest reservations.
'fo estal1l1sh a life saving station
at 01' near the emtranco to 'l'lIIamool ,
ba ) ' , Oregon.
Hatlf 'lng and confirming the pres.
ent right of way of the Oahu Hallway
& Land company ; thl'Ough the mllilary
reservation or Kahaull ( , HawaII.
: \11' . HenHJllway calle.1 up the can.
fel'ence re 1 > 01' t on the general den.
cienc ' hili. The report was unanl.
mousl ' adopted and the house then
proceelled to the conshleratlon of the
conference report on the sundry dvll
appro1 > rlat Ion bill.
Omaha Man Instantly Killed.
COI..U\1llUS. ; O.-Geol'fo C. Coff.
man of Omaha. Neh. , was Instantly
Id1lell hy 1\ street car on the High
street viaduct Tuosday. 1\11' . Coffman
came here to meet his son , " \VIl.Jcrt !
Coffman , who lives at his mother's
\Varsaw , O.
Jury Says that Graves Is Guilty.
DES' ' i\lOINES. - Charles W.
Gmves , a furniture dealer , charged
wllh mlll'dering his wife auel hurnlng
the bed ) ' , was found gullt . In the dls.
trlct court here , It jury recommending
life Imprisonment.
Brave Man Surrenders to Cupid.
CHICAGO-In recognition o [ his
heroic conduet at the time of the ox-
1)loslon on the battleship t1ssourl ,
Chief Engineer Studdnrd of that vessel
was given a furlough of several
months. He came to this cll ) ' to visit
his brother , GUti Studdard , and at once
fell In love with Miss Cathel'lne Hur-
10) ' , the Hlster of his hrother's wire.
lie procured a marrlago lIeenso and
tomOl'row the wedding will take place.
} ; ; nglneer Stlllldal'll will leave with his
wire for It vll'lt to hili former home
In IrelullIl.
- -
- - - - - -
, " , . . " ' ' ( -T. . ' 'f"
, . . . . .o r .
Chrlsttanlty In Japan.
Mnny or the promInent men or
J'nlJnn nro ChrIstians. To this creed
bolon , ; ono 111t'l11bor of the ImperllLI i
cabinet , two ju gC3 of the supreme
court , two presidents of the lower
house or 11\rlln1l1'nt : , three "Ico mInis ,
tors or I3tnto-not to mention a host
of omclnls In the lower rnnts , In
the present parllnment the 11resldent
nnd thirteen , me1l1bt'rs In 1totll mem.
bel'shlp of 300 are l'hrlstlnns. In the
army there are lti ; Chrlstlnn olllcers ,
or 3 per cent of nil , and the two Inrg.
eat bnttleshhJs I ro eonunnnded by
Chrlstlnns. In Toldo three of the
I , ; reat dnlly vapers hl\\'o Chrlstlnn edl.
Growth of City Clubs.
The growth of city clubs of high
clnss has given cnuso to Ollen e 'ed
nmnzeml'nt In this generation. In this
metrollOlIs there nro two such 01'1\111. '
zntlonll , each of which hns 1I10re thnn
three thousanl1 members nnd ench 01
which owns real ostnto "nluml nt
mnny hundreds of thousllnds of 1101.
lars. 1\lost of the well Imown clubs
III thl Cnlllnl are lIo\ll'lshlng , nnd
show In every wny thnt they nro mnn.
nged , , 'lth Btl'll\ng \ nbility. Club IIfu
In the Ilrlnchml communities of thl
cOllI1tr ' hns mnde giant stl'ldes In a
third of n century.
Latest Society Craze.
Accol'llh'g to the English pnpers ,
the latest soclet ) ' craze Beoms to be
the gnmo of magic crosses. ' 1'hreo
crosses , of 8mall size , anl1 In n num.
bel' of yurlous colors , nro lalll Oil U
tal1lo in II. straight line , nnd the lIeI"
SOIL holds n magnet , which ho moves
slowJy dowll the line or crosses. Ono
11 ' one , hut not In rotntlon , the crosses
are attachel1 to the magnet , nnd when
they are at last nil arrangel1 in order
, the eXlert cnn gnln an Insight Into
the character and fate of the oxperl.
menteI' . Even cabinet ministers hnvo
consultel1 ho magic crosses.
A Hurry.Up Call.
Crrus : Townsend Brady , the nuthor ,
had occasion to consult his physician
for a slight ailment on nn extremely
cold day. He was l1uslly engnged In
his literary work on the doctor's arrI.
val. Hurr 'lng Into the reCeltlon hall
from his lIl1rary , he said : "Doctor , I
wish ; ) 'ou to get through with mo as
speodll ' as posslbl , 110ft : the hero
and herolno by the sillo of a Ijttlo
babbling I1rook , and' I'm afraid they
will freeze to denth If 1 don't got
back soon. "
So sacred Is the Derson of the Em.
peror or Korea that to touch his bOciy
with a weapon of Iron constltutes.hlgb
treaoon. Rnther than vlolato this
tradItion , allowed
nn abscess to Imt an end to hiB 1\fJ \
In 1800 , l1ellevlng It would be wrong
for him to submit to the surgeon's
lancet ; .
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow ?
'I'hen UBI ! Defiancc Starch , It wJ1llceep
them whltc-16 oz. tQr 10 cents.
A man Is worth what ho tales out
of the world , not what he lenyes In it.
The Shorte8t We : ?
cut of an atllck 01
Is to us/ !
St. Jacobs Oil
Which afford ! ! net only sure relief ,
but a prompt cutc. It soolhes.
, subdues. and ends the : : uferln\ : \ : .
Price , 25c. and .50c.
11 ; : d MADHINER" '
l'OIlTAnr.E I1n,1 drill any deplh
h1"team or ho..e 1,0wrr.
42 IHo'I"EHE\T 8T LES ,
'Ve . challenl:8 comp llllon ,
St" tor t. " . 111.,1.104 1"1. , . . 11'.4 ,
Inu.k TA I\'JIILJ. CO.
Obut..t . litoV " 1".100 , 10" "
Lawn Fence
Iron or wire. mllny 1I1)'IIJR
for rt'8 hlenc' ! . c II II reh . cllool
l'elllelt'I ' ; pU\llIr ) ' 111111 hn
. 'l'nCI' : f/lrm " , "I II , Selld tor
caalolc. .
ChzlT.flcn Iron erd Wire WOBI
5' Ch or beller Qualih' than most 10' CI4ar
Your Jollber or direct Hum , 'aclory. l'eorla. 11'
PORTRAIT AGEriTS J 3 ! : : :
Our ood. tllo he.t. I'rlce. thl ! hJWCHt. I'rompt-hll"
meDU. flelh'ory IIf 811 } 'onruUI KuarllJlleed. Send
tor ralalolluc all.1 alltnla prlre lIat. AI'reu ' )
ADAM J , KROLL & CO. , N.w 1rI11J1dc. . Ohle"o ,
W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 18-1904 ,
- - , " " . . - - ' - ' " , ; . " " ' , : . _ - - - - . . . , - - - . . . . ' , . .
" \ " " , . ; ; : 1f. . ' ,
p' . .
, ,
. . " f ' '
0' " ' . ' .
. .j' , . ' , I' n' . . ' . ' . ' . ,
. .
. ,
- - - - - - - - - I
"I Know Pe-'u-n is a fine Tonic fo a
Worn Out System. " 0
/ '
. ,
Hon. Nelson Rice of St. Joseph , "f/cfl. , knows of n largo number of f .
grateful patients in Ilis ( : ountyVllo Ilave been cU1ed by PeruDa.
lIon. Nelson nlco , Mayor of St. , ToBoph , Michigan , writes :
The Pcruna Medlclno Co. , Columbus , Ohio :
Gentlomcn : " 1 wish to cougrntulato 'Olt on tl10 succes ! ! , of your etrort ! to
win the conlhlonco or the ImbUe In lIeel1 ot I'ellahlc medlcIno. I know . , \
Perunllis II fine tonic for /I wom out system and n 5pcclf/c In ClIses of ' . , ' .
ClItlJrrlltd d/fflcultlcs. You fIlVO a fllrgc Dumber of grllte/ul pntlentJ in
tills county wllo bav used Perunll lInd Iavtl been cured by It , lInd who !
prals It abov all other Cled/cine. . Perona has my beart/cst good .
wsbes.Nelson Rice. i
. . - Q : I
Weak Nerves , Poor Dioesti n ,
Impure Blood , Depressed
The sun 1m ! ! just crossed the equator on
Its yoorly trip north. ' .rho real equator Is
shifted toward the north nearly eighteen
mil os every day. With the return of the
lIun comes the oodlly ills peeuUur to sprIng.
With ono person the nprvcs are weale' un-
other person , digestion poor ; with others
the blood Is out ot order ; nd at1l\ \ ethers
bavo depressed SIJlrits and tired looling.
I All these things Bro especially tl'no of
these , vho hnvo been sutrerlug with ent.arrh
In nv lorm or In grlppo. fA course 01"PoJ . 'I
I'unn Is sure to corrcct 0.11 . these coudltlona. \ \
It Is nn illC'1\1 prhll ( I1\mllolno. ForuUl' ,
oes 1I0t Irl'itate-It invlgorat s. It. docs'
1101. telIllJo > inrlly 8thnulnto-l 8trongthens. I
It O < ) uallzcB the circulation 01 the blool1"
tranquilizes the lIerVOU8 8ystom auel rOIf'u-
lates the OOl11ly lunctlons. Porunnmllko'
Porunn\ ,
110 IIIlmy IIprlng nwdlclnes Is not S \ mply . .
IJhYIIo ! or IItImulant or nervil1o. It is Do . ,
natural tonic and invigorator. '
It 'ou 110 not receive promrt and satlstal ) ' :
tory results II'oni the use 0 Poruna""rit '
at once to Dr. lIul'tmall , Riving II. full :
statement or your ease , and ho , vIII bo ;
pleased to give you 11 8 vnluablo ndvico
Addrcss Dr. Hartman , Preshlont at Tht
I lInrt.mnu Sanltarium.Columbus , Ohio I
" ' . . \ . ) 'i
. h1 '
. _ . , J .
. , . ' '
lI. " ! : : "
. ' . , . ' ; ,
:1 ! . . , 'I
' .
. I ,
. . ) I
. ' " I. . : ,
, . . . . . i
: ' . II I
. 1
It ! the pur t , cleanest starch mad ) \ I
It is rTee or injurioU5 chemicals. . .
It can be : used where ordinarily you would be _ arr id
to use starch or any kind.
That's Ddiance. Your grocer sells iL ,
OMAttA , NEil.
w. L.
$4.00 , $3.60 , 83.00 , $2.60
" \V.I. . . . Douglas Hhocs
are worn by moro
men than any other
, make. ' 1'ho ren80n
is , they hold their
Rho. 1)0,11 thettol' , wcnr
longer , and IHl\'o
greater intrinsio
Yalu thl1n any
other shoes.
Bold { 'eywhe'c.
. . . . . . . . . . .
J.uuk r. " "m" nnd " ' . toll " ' "
UUIIIIIIM 1I 1'1I ( ) urmln ( ) ultllklll , , , , hlch 11
I \\'"lIIr'lh,1 t01l0'h" 11I""t ) 'uhmt
L"lIthor ) ' , , ( ' " . Faat Calor CUtl"1 uacd.
tlliou hI. 1/111 1,2. . , ' .nta.'lr. . . Wrllflror 1)111..1011 ,
\V. L. VOUUI.AS , l1roclltOU , JUau.
JOD Ena OJ (
.20.1122 N Street. . LINCOLN. fjE RA KA
. . . -
The FREE Homestead
Western :
MIllions ot aces ot macnlficenl Grain an Gr. . .
Inll : land 10 lI" hau as II f. " " III. or by purchan
from nsUwa1 Compalllu , Loin. ! ( .olllorallolls. ela.
Oood Crol' ' ' ' dell/IUul ( 'II"ute , 8J1lendhl ,
Bchool Bystcm , Iertcrt I\ocllli cUlIIIIUOUa ,
exceltlounl rnllwn1."h'IUltn/mlIUld . 'Wenltb '
and nfUuIJllce nClulr6tl ( 'l&lIlIy. .
The 110Plilalion ot'ellern COlla a Increud .
1211 000 by Immlcrallon durin Ihe past year. out
50(0) belnr ADledcalll. ' "
Wrile 10 nearesl aUlhorized Canailian G 1'erment
enl tor Canadian Atlaa alld olher Intorwallon-
( or addren SuPt , ot ImminationOllawa.Canad. > -
W. V. Dennell , SOl Ne" York LUll lJullcln& .
Omabll. Neb ,
CURES cnturrh of the stoma.cb.