- . . . \ ' - ' \ Fifty Years the Standard " . I , \ . BAIiNfi . i . - 'OWIII' I I Improves Ihe flyer and adds to the haalthfulness of the food. . , . PRIOE BAKING POWDER 00. OHICAGO. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Republican County Convention. ( Continued from 4th Page. ) the resolutions were adopted as amended. The following are the resolution - tion adopted as amcnded : \Ve , the Repuhlican's of Custer county in convention assemblcd , do hcrehy express - press our confidence in the principles of RelJUblicanism anll onr loyaltr to the pohcies which thc party pllts 11forcc , fully belicving that tbey lire the motor which start thc whcels that l rinll the grist that makes this country prospcrous and great , never looking hackward only to gain knowlcdge from lessons of experience - perience , hut evcr forwanl to highpr planes of usefllllness to the people. \ \ " arraign the Democratic party for its in- : .incerity of purpose and its incompetency to keep abreast of the times when in administrative - ministrative power. It is alwaj's pointing - ing with pride to some act of thcirs which happcned hcfoc Noah hnilt thc Ark. 'l'here is nothing in their rcccnt history of which the } ' can fcel proud , unless - less it be tbe famoull swallowing act hy which they ahsorbed the late populist party. This we ( ulmit rivals thc feat of jonah whcn he swallowcd thc whalc. We endorse the Illministrution ( of Prcsi- dent Roose\'c1t. His sturdy manhooll , unf11nching courage in uphollling right. H is wIse conscr\'ati j uclgcmcnt places him on a higher plune of maahood whcrc only manly men can staml , 111111 we , plcdge oursd'es to assist in his renomina- ' " " ' , . . tion and trilllnphant election. . ' 1o 'Resoh'cll , 'fhatas a mattcr of right utilI . oed public policy that a faithful official IS enlttled encouragcment at the hamls of IXllo'tlirc To cold draughts of air , to keen and cutting winds , sudden changes of temperah1Je , scanty clothing , undue exposure of thc throat and neck after public speaking and singing , bring on coughs and colds. Ballard's Horehound Syrup is the best curc. Mrs. A. Barr , Houston , ' 1'e cas , ' . . ' ( wri tes , Jan. 31 , 11)02 : "One , bottle of Ballard's Horehound . . ' Syrup cured me of a very bad t , cough. It is vcry pleasant tc : iL , . . take. " 2Sc , sac. $1.00 Sold bv -1t Ed. McComas , Broken Bow an , Merna. , - . " Attention , II. " Fanners " . - IJ Why rcmain in the North find stllY in doors six 1II0nths in . , the year conslllning what ) 'ou mise during the otllt r six months ? Go South where you can work out doors cvery 1II0nth in the ) 'ear , 111111 wherc you are pro. ducing sOlllcthing thc year round. If you arc astock raiser you know your stock IIrc uow I "eating thcir healls olI" anll , beshles , have to hc \rotectet \ ! I from thc rigors of wlllter hy . ' expcnsive shelter. , Economical stock fcellin ! requires - quires the comhination of hoth flesh.forllling aIlll fat-forming fee s in'ccrtain proportions. Ala1.unna und Flol'lIllI producc in ahundllnce the vclvct hcan anll cKssam , thc first u Ilcsh prollucer , anll the Ililtcr u fut producer , al1l1 the ) ' are the ) and hest fattenin ! ilia. teria s lmown to the worlel. , l\lore monc ) ' can he nuule aIlIl with less luhor. in gcneral farlll- I ing , fruit LIIltl hcrr ) ' growing ' uud truck gllnlening along our ! . e roml in the South thau in an ) ' . -w'\ . othcr scction of thc Union. . . . .t. . , . If ) 'ou are interested 111111 lIe- 'v \ - sire furthcr informlltion on the , : , t . . : . subject , Illlclress " : , , a.A.PARK. II I I Oen'l. Immluratlon and Industrial - dustrial Agent , Louisville & Nashville R. R , Co. , Louisville , ICy. I . ' j - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ihis I par1\ ' , mill wc 1II0st heartily cn orse' ' thc ahle"lull11inistration of the statc offici- Ills utilI cspel'ially cO\lIlIIcncl \ the high mornl stl\1111 takcn hy Gov. j. II. Micke ) ' , lIucl espccially cnllorsc the vcr ) ' efficicnt Ulllllill1stration of Statc Treasurer Petcr Mortcsell , 1lI111 we cxprcsq our heart ) ' IIp- pro\'al of Seuator 1\1. L. lrics anll Hcpre- scntat'c A. 11. Copscy . for their . . ahle work as legislators. Rcsolvcl. ! ' 1'hat whcrcIIs shipllcrs ship- I.ing stock ovcr thc variolls railroads 111 the Stute , arc relJuired for the Imft ) ' of thcir stock , aIlll hy thc written COli tracts ( If the railroacll'ompanics , to accolllpany said shipplnl'nts , wc re1luest our rcpre- sClltat'cs in the Stllte Iegislllture to usc their utmost endcavors to secllrc sa ll Icgislntion. as witt compell the saill Rail Roml Company to furll1sh to saicl ship , pel's frec retnrn passes to the Stlltion from which 11Ic 1' stock was shipped. AIIl1 that we I'cllnc5t our IlclcglltcS to thc sc\'cral com'entions to usc a11 honor- aule means to hring out these rcsnlts. Ant ! wc 110 cspecially cOlllm lul and rcconnnclul to hc carcful consiclcration of thc votcrs thc pains taking interest of the prcscnt State Trcasurer , Peter 1\1ort- cnson , inging thc grcatcst possihle IlIIhlieity to all thc of1 cinl of his adminis- t ration. Also to the efficicnt services rendcrcd- hy Congrcssman , Kinkaicl to thc intercst of thc grcat common pcople. That wc 'approvc the action of the COHnty Central Committcc in cndorsing thc action of the State Ccntral Connuiucc in rccommending . that thc nominution of at. . S. Scnator hc madc by the State Convention.Vc recognize in this . IIIcthocl thc nearcst approach that to a dircct votc h ) ' the peoplc that it is possi , hlc to have at this timc. AIIII wc cxprcss our disappro\'al of the prescntlllethOll of Ic\'ying damugt-s in- currcIl b ) ' reason of the location of County - ty rouls : against the scveral Road Districts - tricts thlOngh whieh thc 1'0:111 : ruus for thc rcasoll that wc hclicvc tlmt Puhlic roach ; all' thc prop rt ) ' of the whole peo- pIc allli should he paill for out of the Rend Fonll of thl' C'lunt ) ' . . J , . CANNON. j.\\lIiS : lIAGHR'rv. J. H. HVANS , HIJ UISUOI' . jos. PIG\I.\N. : ' ' resol tion from 'L'hc f ol1owi ng u the J\Iyrtle dclegation was pre- SCII tcd by t hc com m i ttec , wh ich was adopted : RHSOI.Vlio-'l'hnt il is the scnsc of this convcntiou that ouc of the Delcgatcs to thc Repuhlican National Convcntion ! thoul,1 , hc an IIcli\'c fll'lner. ! R 1\50I\'li\--'I'lIat \ \ all Ilelegates to thc State COllvcntion atC herchy instnlctcd to u.c ! all honorahle IIIcaus to secnrc thc cll'ction of such a H'prcscntali\'t . I ) m.1 IA'J'/ON FHO\I ; 1\1 "Il'j'Ili. Movcd by Foxworth that the formC ' rul of the con\'ention be changcd and that . . members 01 thc ccntral commtttee chosen by thc cOI1\'cntion beg-in thcir ( lutie inltv (1iatcly , imt ad of aftel election. 1\lotion carried. i\lotion malc by 1t\ l\I Curri { that A. I . TInnll > hrcy be nomin. atcl ! count. . attorncy. 'l'hc motIOn was sccondcd b } D. 1\1. A msberry. 'J'here bcing no othcr nomina. tions thc rules wcre suspcnde ( and 1\11' , Humphrey was nominat ed by acclamation.II' . Hum phrcy was called ont alHI addrcss ed t hc con vcn tion. 1\1 oved nt.HI second cd t ha t cac1 township sclcct threc of thei. . nttltlUCI' to constitute thrcc com mittecs to sell'ct Ilelegates to th { statl' , ! ; enator al and rcpresenta. ti'C l ,1I1ventions. Motion carried. l ( } ll call of townhips ! wa made alHi mcmbers were namel from the sc\'eral townships fo each of the cOllltnittees. 1\Io\'ed by D. 1\1. Amsberry tha the original resolution be amcn ( ] ell endorsing thc administratio : of the state officials and espccial Iy commcnd the high moriJ staml taken by GOMic1 < eYi th efi cient administration of th . statc trcasurer's ofi ce by Pete Mortesen , and approved of Sel1 _ ator Fries and Repreaentativ - . . - - - - - - - " I COl ) CY Cor their work a.B lcg- islators. I , Motioll carried. I DHLliGATHS ' 1'0 STA'l'H CONNHNTION 'l'he committec reported thl' I fol1owing dclegatcs for thc state cOllvcntion : C. J. : : : Heycns , I. P. Mills , H. B. Walker , \V. V. Iathcws , 'V. J. l icc , Jas. Ledwich , Ii" 1\1. Hublee , Geo. Palmer , A. ' 1' . Scy. bolt , . S. L. Glover , John IIinldc\ ' , g. M. Colcman , F' . C. Wilson , . l . Myers , A. II. Pestcr , F. 1\1. Curric , S. L. Cannon , l . E. Yan- Antwerp , Joc Pigman , J. I . Bowen. . ' ' . ' ' . SHNA'I'OHTA 1. nHt.t\OA'I'US. ' 1'lte ( lclcgatcs clccted to the scnatorial convcntion are as follows : Joc IIaelTele , Anton Dobesh , S. P. Bruncr , Jas. 1\lcGraw , A. 1loorcT. . S. Stcvens , S. W. .l\1cKee , A. J. Perrin , D. 1\1. Amsucrry , P. A.Talton , S. A. l obitmollY. . . P. 'l't'lIe , II. 1 . Kcuncly , l\L. ] . ValHlenherg , W. S. Delano , Jas. Chittick , John Scott , T4. ' \T. Wilson and W. J. ice , John llenjamiu. HHPRHSHN'l'A'I'I"1\ > lnHGA'I'HS. 'l'hc dclcgatcs to the represcn- tat \'c convcntion arc as follows : G. Nansel , S. S. McCollnel , Chas. r411ce , S. l ! . 1\lcWi1liams , Claudc I ) icket , II. Tb Kerr , . N. Bishop , Joe Giddings , ' 1' . J. Wood , 'Vm. Warren , F. S. Morris , R H. ' 'lclsh , Jas. Hcnry , J. 11. McGuirc , C. l . Sims , Wm. r4eser\'e , J. S. li'rancis , l . C. Wilson , J. Ii' . FoxworthY . , Jol111 P red morc. Cl N'l'RAL COtI1'l"l'lm. ; . . 'rite followiug memhcrs of thc central committce were prcsented on the call of townships : ' ' V ' . Anslcy-1'om arnc ) Algemou-J. 'V. li'airfield. Arnold-I. P. Mills. Broken Bow-D. i\I. Amsbet't'j' . . S. . Berwyn--II. Watcrbury. CI i IT- . . . Cnstcr-A. 'L' . Seybolt. DClight-'V. V. Mathcws. gli m-J as. Henry. I lk Creek- Garfield-Paul Hallmont. Grant- IIayes- Kilfoil-R. 1\1 , Coleman. T4illian-E. N. Uishop. I40up-Lon Davis. Myrtlc-'V. B. Bryan. Sargent-F. 1Currie. . ' 1'riumph-J. A. l vans. Victoria-If. C. Wilson. 'Vaync- 'Vcsterville-C. E. Cannon. 'Vood l ivcr-A. l.'onda. Doug-las Grove-II. B. Glover. 011 motion the couvention ad- journcd. ' 1'he Central Committec immediately - mediately convened on the adjournment - journment of thc coilvcntion and organi7.ed by clecting D. M. Amsberry , hairman , and Joc Pigman , secrctary. " 'CUU.DH I ' " III. 11.TIH. . \ ' IIU1UING'j'ON lwu'rl . 'l'ickcts to St. Louis aud return , gOOlI all sum1llcr. $29.00. On aud aftcr April 25 , sixty Ilay tic- kcts , $24.15. Ou mul aftcr April 27 , tC\1 11ay tickcts , " The Lif of Bread Good yeast is the life of bread-without : - yeast : bread iscold , dead dough. You never tasted finer , w hit e r , sweeter , a11- round better bread than that raised with Yeast Foam. Ittastesgooddoes good , and stays fresh and moist until the last crust disappears. )5 ) I - I I ; I' rt contains the energizing - principle of leaven in its purest form. It is made , , . \ from l1ealthful vegetable I ingredients , malt , hops , corn , etc. , in the lugest ; , cleanest , yeast factory in the world. The secret is in tlte yeast. All grocers sell ita t 5 cents a packagc-enough to mllke 40 loaves of bread. With proper cure it nevcr grows stalc. Keep it on hand aU the time. Seud for our book IIHow to Make Drcad/ru. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO" ChIcago. I , v % . : ' _ _ . ! J. _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ 9 _ - , 'l'hc Skirt NO\'el- t.r of. . t.hc lseasol1 is thc loose } , [ artlta Washington made up in Crcpe .de Chincs , Voilcs , etc. Bxamine our assort- mcn L \ - . . . . 'L'hc walking skirt , , . . ' / IS ! it .11 ! tIC I I Quse . . /f \ ' ' . , cun'c shape. Whilc , ' . \ we havc othcl' styles \ we recommend thc . \ \ . above. f ? ' " " . . A good , skirt for on I ) ' . . . . . . . . , " . . . . . . . . . .81.00 A good skirt for only. . . . . . . . I ; . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 l lcgant Wal1dn Skirts. . . . . . . . . . $ ,1.00 anl : .OO . Our Dress Skirts arc a miln'cl of beauty , amI arc true . leadcrs--Voilcs , , Crepc dc Chinc , Che\'oits , Broadcloth , and oqler fancy cOtIS. ! Chcvoit Skirts , assortc(1 colors. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.00 Broadc1oth Skirts , assortcd colors. . . . . . . . 10.00 Yoilc' , ctc. , assortcl ! colors : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 The Vote Contest . tllIy Balm. clly.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ( ' _ tlIla Zacll''Y. l\lenm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , ; ! . . Cla..a JelTnnlR , clly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 O 11'11111' tn UII. 1\ \ III lie. I Hllac'I' will gllla Hnc1 < 1\'ell. clt" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 : lwei > accullllt nf all th"lIallllR n cel\11I1r 1\\1111111' 1100101. elt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 \'UIl' " at thc Mun' IIl1tlllh , ' ) ' lIa'e n'c'h' , I : I'acu 'l'aylol' . elt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1':1 : HIli , 'nleH. thellllle ) . ' wIIlLJe..llhll . . . hL.I. ( ; e..lh , IIn" , ' , ! ! ' . cll ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :11:1 : : . l'I.lIuII'huru'clllU"e..ecel\'hlllI\'I..hl : 1.lal".4\le1'lla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JI t , Ulh ! ! 'aillte. . . city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Hallllah 1 , II1I1I1IlI . l.lIy. . . . . . . . . . . . 4l-1 } . Clal'aHl\'lel'.Iate ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2115 1\1 a. . ) ' l\1a 'loli. city. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.\hl ; \Iattlll Ne"llIalll. Al'lIohl. . . . . . . . . . 211I 1\1111 II Ie Shlllil. elly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21111 1'I11 : , ! Call1llhull. elt' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ' 1 N1I1e 'l'lrlo. . . 1\1I.l'lIa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'I : JI' \\'ah'I'III1. . . . ) ' . 1I1''l\'II. . . . . . . 25 ; lo'.alldH Ill1toll.'Ilh , ul'l . . . . . . . . . 11117 gila IhlIl.l.allawa ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ! \II \ P'a..1 Jew.tt. dt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:175 : HU I'lIa lnlrl''Ij. ell ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 lIertha Kuo e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115 XHIlYlle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISo 1\la"ler ) ' Call1llhull. ( ; "UI'IIIlol\'II. . . X'Ih I'a I Canl'lltUl. clt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 J.'lul'l'lIc. . 'l'huhle ulI. ell , . . . . . . . . . . . . ! j .1 Ifarall.I'R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ; ! I IIIIII ; ramhel'l. clt ) . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . x < _ , lIura 1" . . . . lollll,1.alll \ ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . 121 AllnlIa ! 1-"dKe. 1lt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7xI I mallll" lIa.wanl. . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Cla..a Klllldsnll. elt ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7H " 'lIIlIIa l\tllle. . , elt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 1.'lorellce 1-:1111'1'011. : clt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . i07 1''arlllllllll' ' ' ' , elt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Jus'h ! Smllh. elt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.'i'l 1 , lIth.hl'lIett. : : : ell\ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111 Mar HahlH. elt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 'IJO ' . I , I I , \Ve sell a heap HIltl e11 it ; ( 'lwnp. Oome where YOll can buy everything. - 00. ' , , RyerSOl-GeOrg-e . U . LE AND , "S.E'LIOW 1S ; ' ! : 'HE Cor..O . . .If ! ' - - . ' . . . . , : - - 11 . . . . - - . - - . - - - - - - - - $21.75. 1:01' f\ln information ahollt train scr- j vicc a k the tickd agcnt. .16'50 - - - - Unlell : ArrcHt. J. A. Gulledge of Verbcna , Ala. . was twice in thc hospital from a severe case of pi1es causing - ing 24 tumors. After doctors and all rcmedics failed , Buc1den's Arnica Salvc quickly arrcsted further inl1ammation and cured him. It conqucrs aches and ) dlls pain. 2Sc at 14cc Bros. , I Druggist. 'l'hrce large pasturcs , lWO acres for 400 horscs and cat tic. S2.00 per season 'of six months. 50 cents per month. Six mi1cs from Bro ) < en Bow. 4.1tf Wn.T.Is CAI'HII , . Cluhhlng l'I'ollOl'ltiulI. The CU ' 1'IiR COlJN'l'RtiI'IIIU.ICAN oTI'I'S ! } 'Oll a snap.'c havc completell .Irrtlllgemcnis which cnahles liS to g'e all lltusfrntcll History of Nchrasa ! for till' past fifty ycars and thc Nchraska Farmcr for $1,60. Or iustcacl of the History of Nebraska. au cstimatc on the pa l nllmissioll to the IonsilllllHPur - Haasc Hxpositioll at St. Louis to partici- patc ill the 1-75,000 I'ash pri1cs offercll for that purposc. or the Nchrasla Fanner \\'att Map At1a , or wc will gh'esuhscrip- lioll to hoth the Rtil'ulIl.rcAN ntlll Ndmlskn Fanncr and thc ehoicc of UII ) ' t\lO ahO\'c IHllncct premitlll1s fol' 1 ' 1.70. ' .1 TIME TABLE B1U.nrl N BOW. NJ B. 1.I"collI , IJcllvCr , ( lnuII.o. Ilclclln , Cillcouo. uutlc , "t. .I0ttCIII. . I"Ornuul , nUIIHRH : City , Hult I. Ic City , HI. l.ouIH. Auel HnlllrrullclHcO " 'II 100lnlH atnHI Alld AnloollllH " 'lid , . . .utl. Wc" , . No : Vuetlhuicil eKllrC88 dally , Uncoln , OlOb' lIa. t. JO upfl 1 lInea Clly. tit. LoulM. CIII oligo a1 ftlllllllnt 'llet Rud tenth . . .10l ! 11.11I Nil. Vutllmlo.1 . ull'rc ' 8 tlally. 1101011" , tiual. tlu IInUe , l'ortJllliit unit ull 1'lIclnc CUIIII IlIIillte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.101110 loel'lng ' , tllI.lul ( au , I reclllling chllir CIIU ( Horah trco ) un 1I1f(1uh ( ! trllluH. ' 1'lckull lIold IIUlI bAg. pnc : ! chockotl toIllY I'ulnt ' III th Ullltlltl Ijll\h\l \ Iml Gallalft. laturmatlon , mill's , 111/10 lI\bltl anti tlckot ran on IIr wrltu to II. L. Ormelly. av-ulil. IIr J 14'rlluclt , U. I' . A.llaD"h ! , } NoJrulla. - u. L. Olu'8ur. A ( Jnl. yo- . yoW A. THOMPSON , . ( 'UNTHAl.1'UU , < : I H ! II.mCII. rw-PlUIII : 111111 fl tllnllh'8 1111 , nurtllollro. I'rokou I ow , NohrllSKa. ROSH G. l\1001 g , Attorney.at-Law , Utili eetato lull 10lu Inulin. OWtC III lclw 1II0ck , lIrultel : 11019 , NtlJruka , . . . , _ _ . . . . . . ' ! . " : _ , . : . , tJIr . . t I . \ . . . I. . . \ o . . " . III Fllrnishin Gomls wc-mc on thc top with clc- guntllc\\ ' styles I\lIlllllatcrials. 1\lcn's lrancy Shirt ! ! . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f. .50 1\Ycn' ! ! Fanc ) ' Shirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 1\YCII'S Panc ) ' Shirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . (10 . 1\Iohair mill Voile Shirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 Absolutcl ) ' thcse I\rc the ! inest lot ttml you have secn this ycar anywhere. . ' ' . _ . - . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - D RS. It 0. & W. J . 'l'AJ O 1' , PHYSfGIANS SURGEONS. Oillco o.er i18ohorlu't ! IIrllg Ijloro. DrokE/II / Uow , ' . Nohrftlh. H ILT.J SIDg H Rli'ORDS and I > II roc .ror oy tlo bred mill sold. 1I0AI blood oCthelrclns" . Alhlrc H , G. . VAUWICII" IIrollon Bow , NolJr/lsllB. H YG ETA CREAM S'1'A'J'TON IIhhl'st mllrlwt llrillo raltl for Bliitor FRI. Ughl Hullnlr ) ! : . . . . . . . . . . Empire Cream Separators J'or ! Hillu. 'l'hOll1l No.Ol \ , . s. II. JltSllOI' . OJlerfttor , /lrokonllow. NohrMkl\ . . - - - - II. ( JON IJr , . O.II. . . . . . .lIolller In. . . . I'll III I'S. Whlll , MIIIH , 'l'.III , , ttlttlllgs , nnHollno t nlllIl'H : , 010. elc. Brokoll I OW , Nohuka. _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BANGS STUDIO. Up-to-datc Photographs. Ii'irst pri7.e winllcr at statc association - sociation 11)03. CI INTON DAY , Physician & Surg on. Ol\lco \ In rt'llr fit I hn IIlIlIk or ( : olllmorro. I1n l. donce 6th houBo IYcri ! lit tllo .11I11t/et / cburch. IIrukonllow. N"JrllekR. DH. O. L. l\1UI L NS , Physician Surgeon. : ! IIII StftlrwlI ) Irom W8"1 11I111 tll Hoaltyllook : roeltlonco , : Inl wosl & 1. K. church. ou H8mll 81th ot Hlroul. ct'T" IIrolU'nlow , Nollr8Akn - - - - - - - - SIMON UAJ\II HON , ff r903 U9crz.ll P A'I' IAW. lIoom 1\1111I1 : \ II. Honltyllock , Broken ! low , Neb 'nit. " ' . I . It'AHNBWOlt'I'lI , DENTIST , tromcu III IoUI III\"OMI COJDOr 1I0ally lIluck. DI . C , B. JOB , IDlln j)1i1 ! ) ] non ] J > ppn. I OlUco In 1I0BI.I ) ' 1II0ck. I\r8t \ 1IIIIrs teem \\'t : , 01H1. lIeeltltllce at the 1I0lpltal. < 't The Pumpkin Contest. . - Onl } ' a short time in which to obtain free seel1 for the cQntcst. Call at onr storc anl1 reghter at once. If ) 'on raisc the largest punlp- kin from thcsc secd , it will entiUc you. to a S 5 l ste ) ' Organ I.'rce. . . Wc arc.solc agents. - - . - - - - - - - c J .J. SNYDEH , i1 . . rr .AN ) ) " fiJQ DPJBn : } [ ) ] " ' 1J ! t p NO'1Y111c : \UIO JIIRt/ce / or Iho I'unco. IIJlec1ar : aUontoll ! at you 10 coJlectlnnll ICllo lIlonR tl.1k'IIl'en tOIl voach _ 3rH IIO"U1 010ClltOII\1I11 , all kilids ot le alllallorl wr1U11l1. OUlao In the rear ot HUllt o. Vommerco. Urnkoll ! low. Nohl'llska. Fl ANSE MOORR , , illlBJJn IDn : ] IDDI4ID D iJ. . 'I'WG blockll nnrlh ot Orlll1lt OOlilral 1I0tol. Pat- 1'01I8g0 Hollclloel , Prlccd rUIIROUliblo. DH. 'V. H. COr E , _ V eteri narian. f.lltcllllllltclIlJon glvoll to cull , calv08 and "IICII' . thIn al'n 111 1111 IIl1lhrtry cO/uUlIon. 'l'elo. 11110011 No 203. HU8hlooco. twu hlock , wOBI ot 80llth : : ; 1110 ! lchool 1101180. al .ce. Ba.17bet ; : 5hQP . ; lror first-class work , call at the Palace' . Barhcl'Shop. Hvcrything up-to-date. IHO DHAN , 1'roprictor. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - : nErISr : HI . MULLINS. . M. D. Mnkl'R a tllleclnlty 01 VroWII alld UrlllglJ Wt > rk. l'doeH rC8l1ollllblo. . All wurk gIIlHIIIII " .I. ( 'all 1111,1 "UII IUU betnru J.olog : olee"hcre. Olllco-Ill IIrollOlilIow tlatllllaok ! Unlldlng. IlrokolillolV , Ncbrnshll. S. . 1\1. \ DO LUUS , mntIDWlli mi\'f11il. \ AI. klnls ut work III our Ii o dODO promllU , 811d 111 nut.J" " , , oilier. r'rUetl : ; ! lhop 00 tb corno Olllhellet III the hllullre. cavl IIH A. TU.A. . . /lrokoll Bow , - . . Nebr.b. CITY BAIU1El { SnOI\ . . " ' ' . B. O. JlU1"I'ON. I'roprlelor. ; Flrsl-olau work. Hoar lteom ot Urokeu liD" " ' . St81e IIl1l1k , IIrokellBow , Nobraska. . WH LIS OAnWEI Ij : nmrYl (93' ; m ll ! ! 't11ml'Q k. . . . . . - . " . KILl-THE COUCH : AND CURE THE LUNCS - - - - - WITU Dr iKing's , New D.iscovery FOR CorjSUMPTION 60c PrieD & $1.00 t I . OLDS Free Trllli. ; I Durest tmd Quickest OUI' fol' aU TUU.OAT and LUNG TBOUD. I t LES , or MONEY DAOle. \ . . . ,