Outbound. A 10n I ) ' sail hi the \'allt S I\'room , 1 11tH'lIut out Cor thu lIort oC gluom , 'l'he'o'a o Is Car on the trackls / t11l " 'l'he wutch Is long am } the seas uro wide. * f t ; ; ' 1'ht hcalllanlis blue In the slnkltll ; da ) ' l lss 1110 a IlI\nd on the outward wu ) ' , ( Tlte Culling gulls , as tile ) ' dip anll veer , i. . , Lift mo a'ulee that Is , , "uull to henr. ' I f ( ' 1'ho Jr at wlnlls come , ' .nd the h a\'lng ' Hcn , i 'rhe restless mother , Is calling lIre , 2l The cr ) ' oC her heart Is lone anll willI , Searching tlto night for her wanllerell " - child , ' t , ; Deautlful , weariless mother of mIne , ' III the rJrt or dOOIll 1 urn here , I am ' thlnc , ne'ollll the fathom or hope or fear , f ' Prolll bourn to bourn of the dusk I stecr. ! / ' - the wake ot the stars , In the ' ; 1 111 11'1 . tille , Cram dream.to -Unlmown llrenm , , f'J I\\ : , . - - t . - " A G A 2T ! UP I J I T ' " "o . "Teuf ! Teuf ! Teuf ! Teuf ! Hrrr ! 'Vough ! " 'fhe automobile ceased Its , monotonous chant , coughed once or twice and subsided Into a state of .sllence , and , alas ! immobility. In a moment the chauffeur was oIY his scat , and poltlng about In the machinery , ' ! 'hen ho went to the door of the car. 't'lage ' and touched his hat. "Bcg pardon , miss , " he said , "but . lOhe's brolee down an'll have to go to the shop , I'm sorry , but you'll have to get around the city some other , \'ay , " The girl on the bacl , seat-a tall , handsome blonde with the bluest of 'blue eyes-uttered an exclalmatlon , . 'U that Isn't too l.Iad ! And I've got just two hours to see Washington l.Ie- iore my train goes ! Can't 'ou call another auto for me ? " , The chauffeur glanced around him , " 'Oh , : yes'm , " he said. "Of course , There ought to 1.10 some here on the 'Stand now , only there ain't. But I'll 'go In an' telephone for one right awa ' . " The man Ioolced douhtfullr : at the machine indicated , "Don't thlnl , so , lnlss , " he answered. "That's a prlvato maehlne , or I miss my guess ; still , I'll aslc. " Leaving the girl ho wall\Oll oOvor to the curl.l and addrcssed the young man sitting on the 1.I0x of a 11andsomo automol.llle , No one familiaI' with the new horseless - less vehicle would for one momcnt ltavo supposed that the one In question - tion was for hire , "Racer" appeared in every line of Its l.Iulld and costliness - ness In the exquisite nicety of Its on- 'Stru < : tlon , 'fhat an'thlng l.Iut an Instant negative - tive would 1.10 the answer to his qucry "whether that machine was for hire ? " 3tad never passed his brain , so his astonishment - tonishment ma ) ' he guessed when the ) 'oung man on thc hex started , glanced at the girl still sitting In the injured vohlcle a short dlstanco away , flushed deeply , and replied In the af- . . . . : : : L-J flrmatlve , Then , without waiting for further explanation , he promptly ran , " 111s machine to the sldo of the other , nnd halted to permit thn girl to climb In , 'fhe next moment they were swinging down the avenue at a livelY galt , The girl leaned forward , "Ahem ! " she said. "DId the other man tell ) 'OU where I wanted to go ? " "Said 'on wanted to see the cit ) ' , ma'am , " returned the ) 'oung man , 1'0- spectfullr , l.Iut In a curlousl ) ' muffied tone , Ho had lwpt his head averted , . almost as If he wished to conceal his features-a wish-if It were a wlsh- in which he had heen successful ; the girl had looleed at the machine , l.Iut . not at the drl\'er , 'Vhen the cnauffeur spol\O she , started and glanced curiously at him , , as though his voice struck some dol'- I . mant chord In her memory. "Yes , " she said , "I do want to see the city , but I want to get to the dcpot by 3 o'cloclc , My train goes out then , " "Yes'm , I'll get 'OU there in time , , . : . Golrlg East , ma'am ? " I , Again the girl 1001\Od at him curl. . \ . : , ' II I I I"i J " "i : \ , , th . . - . . . . . - /I She's broke ' down an'lI have to , . . . . ao to the shop. " , . , : I' ' l ouslr. "Ycs , " she answercd sowlr ! , , ; . . "I'm on m ) ' way to college , " " "Oh-or- bollo\'o III the higher Olillcation of women , then , " 'l'ho girl's cyes wcro dancing with , , ; ' . ' flln now , "UndOl' ccrtaln clrcllm , \ . , " stances , " she said , "Is that the capl , ; . , ' ; tol" " " . , "Yes'm. that's the capitol , ' Unller ' , . h . certain circumstances , Wha circum , " . . ' .tancos , for IIlIlance' ; ! " "Oh. a stepmother at lIome. jor In. : A stance , How man ) ' senators are there ? " "Three hundred and eighty-six , I bellovo. A stepmother might l.Ie a tel" 1'01' to some girls , of course , hut most of thorn can get away from ouo home to another without going to college , " "How ? By the way , Is that the library - . brary ? " "Yes. Whr , of course , most girls have-havc-can marry , " The man was spealelng eagarly now , I.Il1t he still I < opt his face tllrned away and threw the wordB ovcr his shoulder , "Married ! Whew ! That's a ver ' radical rcmodr. It might 1.10 worse than the other trouhle. lIow many 1.I001 < s are there In the I1l.1rary ? " "Two or three million , I helleve. Oh , no ! YOII wouldn't find It so. I'm sure , ' 1'hlnk or growing Into a spectacled old maid ! All college girls do , 'ou lenow , Then think of that ) 'oung fellow - low just longing to malce a homo for 'on- " 'on"What "What building Is that ? " "That ? Oh , the patent office or the pension office or something ! thlnlc of- " "But SUPIlOse the girl has sent him away ? " " 'rhen let her whistle him IJacl { and sce whether he won't como , " The girl glanced at the broad haclc of the man before her , while her shoulders qul\'erod with silent mirth , . - - - - - . ' - = - . ! ' - "BessIe , " he exclaimed , "Do you mean It ? " Then she pucleerod up her lips and 11e- lIberatelr omitted a clear , soft whlstlo , The effect was magical. Instantly the chauffem Bwung around In his scat and faced her. "Bessie ! " ho cx- claimed. "do 'ou moan It ? " The girl smiled at him , thourh : ; her e'es were dewy. "Of cOIII'se J : do , Ii'ranlc , " she said , "I never thought 'ou would go away as ) ' 011 did just for a word. No ! No ! Keep your seat. You can say rill that's really necessary from where 'Oll are , " "And 'ou lcnew me all the time ? " , "Of course , The mlnllte I really 100l\Od at ) 'ou. But 'ou'll malce mo miss my train , " "Train ? No train for 'ou ! I'll not tnle any chances now. Your Interest In the cUr may have lallsed , but here's the cUr hall , Shall I go In and get a marrlago license , ol'-wlll 'ou go In with me ? " lIe had sprung from the seat and stood holding out hlR hands , the light of love pleading In his e'es , "Won't 'ou go In with me , llesslo ? " he asled ugaln , FOI' an Instant the girl hesitated : then she tool { the proffered hand , "Yes , Franl , , " she said softly. "I will go with -oll-now and always. " "B1esR that old gasoline rattletrap that bl'Ol\O down with 'ou , " ho cried , . 'It must have IlCen one of Cupltl's up' to-datu chal'lots In dlsgulse-lloston Globe , . . - - - - - - - - - Head of British Army. Lord'Roherts , who has just. retired , was only the elghteonth ( ' 0l11mal11ler , In.'hlef that the British arl11Y has had since the oUlco wus create,1 In 1 GH. 'fhls gives an a\'omgo tenlll'e of near , Iy thlrleen 'ears. which Is a long tlmc for any mun to Ren'e ancl' worldng hlR war 1111 to so loft ) ' n. Ilosltlon , But. at. times the ofl\l'e \ has been va. cant , and not all of the InclUnbl > nb IlIIt theh' feet on all the 1'01ll1lls or the 1I11111er , In earllel' times the ofl1cu wus a Ilcl'qutlte ! ; of the ! -reat. CharlCf II. appolntell his tHill , the Dul\C oj 1\1onmollth , who was later beheade Ho wus followed h ) ' the nllliO of 1\1nrl , horough , 'rho Dul\O of WellIngtor waR the fifteenth In 8u'I'esslon , If 1'0 , , apilointments he counted , COULDN'T STAND FOR DEATH. But Miser , WJc : Willing to Go Half WJy-for. : Money. 1\Iarl lIauna's SIICCCSRor , Gen. Dlcl" wns In hIs youth n teller In an' Aleron IJIlnlc , Of his hanl\lnl ; eXllerlencea he sometimes sa 'H : "Ono f the dOll081tors with 0111' firm had the rcputatlO1\ hohlg a mlscr. [ d01\'t 1m ow whelh t. he was a 1I11scr 01' not , l.Iut I do Imow that ho woultt sOl11etlmes ml1lo In one Ilay thrco or four doposlts-now a dollar , now two dollars , now fift ) ' cen ts. Did1 ever hear of such a thing ? "The ) ' IIBed to tell a qllcer stOl' ' ahout this old fellow. 'fher IIsed te declare that n man onee went to him and saltl : " 'I'm a doctor , and I'll glvo 'ou $10,000 If 'oll'll let 1110 kill ) ' 011 , 1 want to see how , Cllt In a certain yeln n. man dies , ' "The old I11lsCI' wrlnlcled his fore heud. " 'Let mo think a bit , ' ho sahl. "There was n. long silence. " 'Well ? ' said the , 'Ialtol' . II 'GIve mo till tomon'ow , ' Bald , the 111 I SOl' . ' [ ' 11 think this Imslnes8 oul thorollghb' , ami tomorrow I'll give 'ou a declslvo answel' , yes or no. ' "So the man went away , and the next day ho retllrned. 'fho miseI' said to hll11 : " ' 1 can't let ' Idll fOl' 'Olt 1110 $10,000 , friend. I've figmed I f all out , and I find that ) ' 0111' money would 1.10 no good to mo after I was dead , I'll tell 'Oll what I will do , though , I'll let 'Oll half , l ll mo for $5,000 , ' " Where the LIne Is Drawn. Congressman Joe T. Rohlnson or Arkansas , who Is serving his first to I'm In Washington , Is allthorlty for the fact that whllo his state may have Its faults when It comes to gallantr ) ' with the fah' sex "otd Arlmnsnw" shows UI ) gmndlr. n'urlng his term In the legislature a third assistant clerIc had to he elected and 1Jy unanl , mous consent It wus decided that. the pluce should go to 11. woman. T\e energotlc chamllons of three fall' daughters of the state enlisted them selves and only after twentfollr l.Ialt lots , 1\1lss Hltles : , 01' , as a moml.ler des. Ignated hm' , the "LII ' of I afayette , " was chosen. "Yes , " responded John U , Tharer to whom Hoblnson was te11lng the hltcrestlng story. "Mun's admiration for woman never fiags. lie wl1l give her half his fortllne ; ho will glvo her his whole heart ; In fact ho seems ' read ' to glvo hOl' every advantage except - cept his seat In the strcet car.-Bos. ton Journal , - - - - - His True PosItion. The Celtic wit that bub1.l1es forth In the arguments of Lawyer Thomas Hiley Is alwa's refreshing , eyen his opponents having to concede polntf ! made h ) ' apt clauses In his jury addresses - dresses , A hrothcr l w'er , who had settled a probate matter , had sent In a hl1l for a. Yer ) ' largo fee and the heh's thcreullon engaged 1\11' . Rlloy to contest the charge against their form- l1l' c\Jllllsel. Mr , Hiley's 1I1ea ended In this manner : "I went to my hrother attorne "s office and I reasoned with hlm-I l.Ieggelt hlm-I Imlltored hlm-I he- seeched him to remember that he was enl ' a counsel In this case and not one of the helrs-Boston Journal. Out of Date. Some twenty yeal's ago , when WII. ton Laclmye first went upon the stage , he was rehearsln1 ; a part In "Paul Kallvar , " under the direction of the authOl' , the late Steele 1\1acl- aye , who. whllo he was admitted to ho a very callUhlo stage manager , was 'considercd somewhat old-fashIOlll'd h ' the more modern dmmatlc school. During the rehearsal \laclmye und Laclmye had a. slight dispute as to how a part should l.Ie acted , "Do you pretend to argue with me ? " Itomanded 1\1aclm'e , magestlcally , "I : haYb been an aclmowledgcd muster of the dramatic art fOI' twontr ) 'eal'S , ' " "Yes , " said Laclca 'e , "l.Iut not this twenty , " A Gallant Butterman. When the Queen of gngland , dauJh : , tel' of the King or Denmarlt , was the Princess of 'Vales , Bhe attended one afternoon , a fooll show , At this food show there was a IUS- play of huttoI' that pleased the Prln. cess of 'Vales greatl ) ' . She pmised the huttor , and to Its exhll.lltol' she said : "Denmark sends liS the hest hutter , doesn't It ? " 'l'he dealer smiled , and shook his head. "No , 'our royal hlhnoss : , " he an. swered , gallantly , "Denmlu'lc sOIlIls UR the hest prlncesseB , hut Dovonshlro sends liS the hest hutter , " - - - - - - A CIlld's Thought of God. 'rhey say ( hnt GOll 11,1'1' ver ' hllh ; But If ) 'ou look ullo"o the ) llneli YOII CUllllotjet ) our God ; 1111I1 why ? And It ) ' 011 dl down In the milles YOII ,11 ( > \1' HC ! ' 111111 In tht' uoltl , ' 1'hoUlh CI'OI1l 111111 nil thn t's glul'Y shines. God II'(0 / good , Ire Wl'nrR 1\ fet ] ! or hCII\'t'1I und earlh acrOHS IIIH fnC' - I.lku lt'cn'ts kept , fOl' 10"0 , IIntold. Bllt stili 1 C't'l that 1Iisnhracl' Sildei ! down by thl'lIII : : , thrulIh nil thlnl's ; 1IIIIt.l ( ' , ' 'l'hrollh : : lIght allt ! sOllnd or o"ery place : All If m ) ' tPllll'r moth ( > l' Inltl On m ) ' IIhlltlJI \ hl'l' 1lssell'lrl'I'lIlIrp \ , "alr-\\'nklll lilt' at nlrht , IIIltl Hald , "Who klHI < t'd rOll through the dark , lIenr ' HII sl'r ? -I'UzntJ : lh Hnrrell Brnwnlng. A UnIque Water Cooler. SevOl'al 1I0W devices nl'o Oil the mar , Icat for heepln ! ; watel' cool without puttln ! ; Ice In It. Olle III'1'allelllon\ ! \ conslHltl : of a pall which hnH all apeI' 1111'0 tOl' Ice III the cell tel" , 'rho watm Is p01\l'ell \ arr\nll : , thlll : , a11l1 even In the : ottest we " ' )1' wlll lw(111 cool fOJ twelve hour' ; ' ' 1'hI8 IH all eSlllclall deslral.lle sclU1010 for the slclc 1'0011I , . . . . " . . . , . , . , - . . h'lLII > INO A S1'UDENT NOT FfT FOR SELF-GOVERNMENT , SAYS JUDGE TArT , He ; 0 Opposed to Any Move Which Would EncourJge : Tholl' Dtslrc for Independence-G"Jve " : Responsibility Restn on American Vot.el's. The Phlllllplnc8 hlliopelldence com. mltteo to whIch Sel retar ' 'l'nft reo ferretl In his spcech nt Chicago , con. slsts , as he saltl , of "a numher of ex. rellent and IlI'omlnent gentlcmon , " Among the ltIel11bCl'S Ilre nenrl ) ' a doz. n t1nlvcrsU ' IIl'esltlont ! : ! , Including gJ. lot of llan'lml , Sl'hul'mnn of Cornell , Jordan of 1. . < 'll\nll StallfOl'd , .11' " 1\llIg : f Oherllll , and Aldo\'lnan \ of ' 1'ulano ' at cw OrleanH. We select these names hecauso thc ' alTonl convincing evl. lIence that meml.lcrshlp Is not confined to any s11Iall ! ! ectlon of the counll'r. Aside from that , the apl1l'aranCO of the nl\I11O of the Ill'oslttent of COI'nell In the list Is pecullarlr Intel'ustlng he- cause of DI' . Schlll'man's servlco on one of the Phlllllpincs commissions , Another mcml.ler Is JUdge OeOl'go Gmy of Dl'laware , who III SUllposel\ \ ha\'o dOllc some violence to his 6wn opinions when ho slgllcd the treaty b ' which the United States acquired tltlo to the Phlllpplllcs. Various I.Irnnchcs of the Christian church are represented by BIshop Pottel' , Blsholl SIJUItUng and Dr , Pal'lchurst , whllo a11l0ng the othcl' s\gnerB \ to the Indo. pondence petition are Charles I rancls Adams , Anllrew Cal'l1egle , 'V. 0 , How. ells and Horace Whlt . It wlll thus ho Rcen thut the excollcnt ami Ilromi. nent gentlemen are falrlr well dlstrln , uted , not only gcogrnphlcnlly , bllt I1lso nH regards their ( llIrslllts , On the othel' hallt ! It wOllld no doubt bo vel'y casy to mal\O UII 1lal'e ! list or representative men who wOllld Ills- sent fl'om theh' views anti agl'ce with 1\11' , 'faft that It Is not wlso fOl' our political pl1rtles to pledge the11lselves to the hulelJCl1llence of the Phlllpilines , If we 1111ponl to nl\mes fOl' authority this fact mllst be'tal\On Into account , and of COllrRe VOl' ) ' great authority I1t. taches to the name of the tlecretar : ' himself. But where there Is suC'h a IU\'iRlon of authority on great IJIlblltJ ll\leHtlon there are the Htrongost reasons wh ' each h1l1lvidual citizen shoult ! glvo It earnest consldemtlon , ant ! thl1t brings nH to 3. vel' ' dllllcult aSllect of the Philippines prohlem , ' 1'he sovereignty of the Islanda Is actllnlly rellosct ! In the voting population of the Unltell States , which acts In Its own nffnlrs as a Ilemocrao ) ' . And whllo this electorate - torate Is very jealo\ls of Its own rights , milch allvo to Its own Interests , and thorollghly well InfOl'met ! on the sllll- jects that hnmedlatel ' concC\'n It , there Is 110 proBpect that It can ever fully c0111llrehend I _ strallgo pcoplo re' movcd fr0111 It hy tho\lsa1HIB of mlleH , [ n other words , If the Filipinos aN generally Ignorant , from lack of schools , we : their governors , aI'O now and are destined to 1.10 exceptionally Ignorant as regards them from lack if contact anti lack or mclal sympathy , Heferences to the oxn11lples of ether powers do not solve the'IIrohl01l1 01' eliminate the serlollR natlll'e of whl1t Is undouhtodly a grave anol11aly umong American political Institutions. It would therefore 1.10 a most hnppy os. cnpe fOl' us If we could dispose of the PhlllpphleR as we disposed of CUbn , and this Is "hat the Indopen enl'o commltteo desires , Secretary 'faft thln1s , however , that the tlmo Is not rille ; that the Filipinos cannot ' lenl'll : : ; elf-govol'llment h ) ' Indopeni'lent pmc- tlce , hut onlr under n very long course Jf tutelage , Ile argnes , therefore , that It would he a gl'oat 'mlstalto for alii' political IJUrties to give them the platform - form oncouragemen t that Is advocated b ) ' the committee , hecause It would In- Rpll'e 3. best of natlvo agitators to a dangerous activity. 'fhat mar lie so ; l.Iut neither the gen , orous Impulses of our people aB the ) ' fire expressed In legislation , nor the fact that their dclegated authority Is temporarily In good hands can 1.10 Ruhl to clear' the situation oC its perlllexl- tlos , This much only Is cortaln , that If wo are to hold the IslandR wo must give them the l.Ienoflt or that ctel'llal vlgllanco without which the IIl.1crties or no people are saCe , The Chasm In the DemocrJcy. : ExUnlted Statcs Senator Pettl I'o\V , ono of the Bryan stulwarts , sa's he will bolt the ticket If ClovolnnU or anyl.lo y like him Is nominated. Pot. tlgrew Is not quite so hlg a perBonago as he was a few years UO , hilt ho has a puU yct amen ! ; the Democl'llts of his state. Ills views on the Cleveland - land matter are undollhtedl ) ' helrl hy a largo majority of his party In South Dalcotn. and vicinity. 'fhese views , In fuct , are very popular amen ; : ; Demo' crats In nearly all the states west of the MlsslBslPIIl , and they are cntOl'- talned In Homo of the states hetween the hlg river and the Alleghanles , lIow does Pettlgl'ew stanll on Parlccr ? The Il1'csumptlon IB that he Is against hl1l1 , 'fho Democrats "t South Dalcota , hy an ImmenHe major- Itr , are going to I1carHt , accol'dlng to accounts , The New Yorlc editor and CongreRRman Is malclng something - thing 1I1cc a clean sweep In the IlI'alrlo nnd mountain Btates , lIe will como to St. l.oul8 with n hlg dlJleg-ation ho , hind him. PettIgrew will he ono of hit : sllpporters , In hlR Intel'est many or the former Bryanlte chieftains , In' cll\dlng \ lll' 'an hll11Helr. will \Vorl" Thill Is the wa ) ' thlns at'o Hhniling among the Domllcl'at ; of the tmns- MIHslSHlppl stateR , 'fho prlnclpnl signifIcance which this has fill' the cOl\ntr \ ' I1t largo 111 thnt It ShOWB the chasm In the DOIll- : crac ) ' Is HtllI ol1Cn , As Ihe con"n ( , lion approacheR It Is 1II\OIy to g"l widol' Insteud of narrower , Th(1 olJ , , . ! J . , . " . uard of the BrYllnltos wlll vote for Hoosevolt If Clovclunll or anybolly consplcuousl ' IdentlfIl'd , , , Ith the ox' prosldent's olenll'nt of the party Bhould 1.10 nomlnatcd , This hM I.Icen nlUlOuncetl many times , BxSonator HeagQn of 'l'exas declnrcd rccently that as between HooRovelt 1\1\11 \ Clove. II'u1I1 he. Is 11 Hoosevoll man. l\Ian ' ot the lr 'unlto contlngnnt. or the IlI1rty holel this nttltllde. Prohahlr ltearnl1 Is ollJosed to n man IIIco Parker nlso , for Cleveland Is understood to fl1vor the judgo'B candldoe ' . 'rho St. ! .ol\lfI \ cOI1\'ontlon of 1904 lEI lIIcol ' to see a fight w ! lch will mnleo thl1t omQ\lto In Chicago In ISlG ! seem 111,0 1\ Jove feast. The Democmts Icnow they can not win In 1JO ! , ' In I1ny case , and the oPIJOslng bosRes In the pnrt . thoro. fore are anxlolls to have tholr feuds fought to n finish this ) 'cal'-St. LOlIlg G1c JJo.Delllocrnt. MJke : No Promises , "The hope of HUCCCSS In 0\11' worl , In the 1'hlll1'lllnes , " SIl'S Secretary 'I'nft , "IR tl'l\nq\llllity or the IJltI.lIle mind , " 'fhat Is ono rcason why ho can not Ilgreo with the weU.lntentioned and 1lI.lnformed gentlemen who 1111\0 pctltloned the two great party organ I zatlons to InRert In their platforms a prom Iso to the li'llIphwR that they wlU ulthnatelr be given hulollendence. ' } 'I , , : secretar ' assumes the Democrats will do what Is asled or the111. No doubt ther will. They hr.vo a hahlt of I.Ill1n : derlng where the Phlliplnes [ qucstlon Is concel'ned , AR fOl' the ROll\llIlIcans \ , the ) ' will mal\O no mlsta1co on this poln t , Vague promises of "ultimate Inde. Ilcndence" In part ' platforms will com. mlt the cOlin try to nothing , I.Il1t they will l.Ie sclzed on b ' the malcontents In the archhllllgo ! nnd made the haslH of a now ngltatlon. 'rho action of the political organizations will 1.10 fnlsol ) ' rCIII'esented to 11 densol ' Ignorant 11(1)0 ull1t1on aR meaning sp edy Indellt'nd. once-next month 01' next year , 'l'hero will he tll1'l11011 and tllml\lt. \ 'fhe rest. Icss nnd turhulent spirits will reaR- sume their asce\1llcnc ' . 'fho lJOuce1I1 and edllcated li'lIIplnos , who nro sutls- flf)11 ) wltl ! the IIresent Hltllatlon anll , , 'ho ollght to he the leaders of their lIeople , the al1llctod with tlmh1ltr. 'fhe ) ' will lceel ) quiet , whllo "the heathen me nnd the lleoille Imuglno q vnln thing , " 'fhe time for decision us to whether the Ji'lIIphHHI : shollld ho gl\'cn hllie. 1Il'mience cannot nrlse , sa's Seeretury 'fnft , who Imows them helter than anr other Amol'icnn , "fol' 1consider. . ahle period , lu'obahlr Hevel'al genem- tlons. " It wOllld ho ( 'rl111lnl\l folly to throw fIl'ohmnds nmon the FlllJllnos hy pl'Omlslng them "nlthnato hlllc , . Ilendenl'e , " 'fhc ' shollld ho Iu'omlsoll , al1l1 ho given wlthollt deln ) ' , hettel' tralsllortntlon fnclllties In the f01'1Il of railroads Ilnd hlghwll 's , the IIn taxed admission of all theh' p\'odllcts to the Unltell Stntes , und all othOl' pmctlcal gifts that will promote Jlrospel'lty und , consoqllentlr , lIeace. Not So , Poor as We Thought. ' The shrlnlwge or seclll'lty valllcs that hegnn with the Northm'n Paclfle IHlnic or lJOl ! has not hllli all the effects thnt were fOl\J'ed at the time. Heall ' hard timeR did not come , Slwclllation did Indeed collapse , and Investmcnt tottercd , llllt the great In- dllstrles and the grcat commerce that connccts Iu'odllcer und conSllm01' went on , mOl'e slowly-much more sJowly'- : hilt stili steadily , What we lost. In the heavy weather was not the shill of prosperity Itself , hilt some of Its salls. Whnt wo sllf. fel'ed f\'Om most was not decline of prodllclng and consllmlng ahlllty , hltt loss of confidence , However , the ( 'rops have l.Ieen Illrgo and mOl'o vaillable than In Ilrevlollll 'oars , Banle clearings IlIIII mllway eamlngs are Rhowlng todar the In- crcaslng activity In commcrce , Fluid call1tnl Is so plcntlflll that. gold goes nh\'Oad hecause It IB clumpor here than there , Wo were lIetter , off to an wo Imew. 'l'he flltnre cannot he salll to he wholl ' clear. But the gl'eat legal and flnnncial IS8110 made hy the Northel'll Secllrltlos case has heen met wlthollt rovolutlonnry proccdlll'es. Common sensa In the adjustment of I a 1.101' dls. Imtes Is plainly Increasing. With n wiRe choice as a resllit of the political campaign now Impcndln ! ! there seems no reason why the Amel" Ican people should nllt find their Jlros. perlty In 1 ! lOr. not only sullstantlnl hut gencl'a ] , A Great Economic Question. ' 1'ho ( I\Wstion of the IlI'otection and development of 0111" hOl11e IndllstrleR IH not. ono or pnrt ' politics , aH the ndhel'ents or the protectloll Illea are fOllnd In all of our great political IlIlrtles , Protoctloll Is a greut l'co : nomic IJllestlon , and we Reo whnt won dorflll effects It has hrought 'ahout In thlR cOllntrr , and ulso In Gm'many , afl(1 ( the ottorts that are now maldng In I ngland to change the economic theorleH at that country , which ther hl\\'o rlln along free trude IIncs fOl' six decades-Tho Louisiana Plant ' and SlIgal' 1\Ianufactlll'cl' , WhJt : It CIJlms : , Th(1 frce trade Phlladelllhin Hccorll snem'lnI ! ) ' remarls thnt "the Hepllh- lIean II/Irlr / IH the claimant 01' all the l'olllllr "s Ilrosperltr , Inchllllng the rlso In the Ilrlco or wheat. " Oh , no , It Is not. It merel ) ' claims to ho the earnest - est RllppOl'\ct' \ of polltles : which tend to Ilromotn ami maintain the clIntr " 1 ! prOHJlerlt ' , And thu heallty of the con. tentlon Is that expcl'h'nce hus IJro\'cll It to ho ( 'orr e't , 'rho Ican ' al'H when the Democrutlc Ilollc ) ' of free trade WIIS In ollCration are all thnt neell ho eltell to attest the fact.-'l'l'Or 'flmes. King Edward's Auto. King 1'IIWI1I'd's ' now autolllolllle Is c\I1ahlo of mal < tng slxtfI\'o mlles all huur , l , ; ; ; rr.v U ; 10 .zr ' . . . .AND .IS@ . . Never Touched HIm. "Laugh , and the world laughs wlLh fOu , " quoted the fUllny JUun as ho ! tandell in an alll'gell joleo. "But this , " rejolncd the editor , 9 o glanced at it , 'lis nlJ laughing Dlattor. " Whereupon the jol < esmlth , with ead howcd down , wandered benco Into the hither. He Was In Luck. "But can 'ou afford to marry , roung man ? " aslccd the dear girl's rathor. "Sure , " answered the wouldhe son. in.law. "I hn\'o a friend who has just been ordalncd n minister and ho is Ivillins to tlo the lenot free , just for rnctlce. " SkeptlcJl. : l\lIgg1es-Touchol11 has n wondertu l1omory , lIe can actually repeat the Ollmes at all the members of the pres. ent congross. Mltgglns-lIlIh , I'll het a dollar to n. ' 10ughnut he can't repeat the uames ) t half the men he owes , " In and Out , Dr. PomIJOIHI-All the world's a. stage , SmarlIellhYepancI : a11 the daCe ' I : OI'S , are ushe th wa 's. An Apt Pupil. Teacher-But have 'ou no excuse to offer ? Purl- : You Buld ) 'estert1ay'that ono I\'ho was gooll at excuses was usually : : flll at nothlnl : ; else. Undo the clr' umltlUlccs 1 think It hetter for mo rlf.t to tin anything that will lower me In ) 'OU1' esllmntlon.-Boston . Tl'I1.u' ! crlpt. , - - I-lope for the Future. Como ! COllie ! " cried .tho candl. iate's 1'I'lend , "don't bo dlshcartened 10 easll ' . " "Uut I'm H\II'O to. be heaton , " replied : he cIUldldute" Itlsm3 : h' . " ' )11 , lot your motto he , 'llo who 'uns and fights awa ' mnr lIve to run ' ' ' ' motllel' day. - - - Nothing to Boast Of. " don't''thlnlt DlfltlnB-"I much at \rs. aoogoo's abIlity as n mallufac' : u1'e1' . " l\Urlclns-"Wh ' , what do you nenn ? " BlflclnR-"Googoo t ld me the other lay that his wlfo made him whut ho" . S . " , Too Watery. Brnle-"Poor MI' , BlulTer , Ho trlel\ :0 : mallo UH bellevo he was Il great o\lrlRt , but trlPlwd himself dread- : ulh' . " gva-"In what wa ' ? " . 1 rnle-"ne Raid ho went automol.lll' 'ns ' In Venice. " Wanted the Best. Barher-Hel'o you are , sir. Shllve , Ill' , All right , sir. Uncle Wayl.lac1-No , ) 'e don't , mung follOl" ' No shave fur me ! I see yer slrn an' I wantol' glt tonsorl. t d , whatever that Is , an' I l\1u liar : ur It , too , ' I I" PI : ! , , ! , ! . 1I , . . - , , - - - . . . JIe-I'm just boglnlling to find my rue pluce lu the world. She-Denr mo ! How humiliating ! -Now Y01'lc Dully News , Backed a Horse and Won. "Did 'Iz Iver male IllY money back. n' 11I'SeRllIlIIlall' \ : : / " "Sure , 01 made a hm1llred dollars ran co , " "How did 'CZ (10 ul ? " " 01 hachcII him down a ciliaI' awn hln tmed th' mon for lavin' th' door Illon-New Yorlccr Two Questions. "Georio , will 'ou tn ) o me to at. nany llll1ces after we al'o mnrrledO ( " , Tano , will you he no more wl11lng a stay lot honH ! thun rOil now are 1'/ Measure of WeJlth. : "lIow rich Is he ? " "Wel1 , ho's rich enough to hav up. 'endlellls , "