Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 05, 1904, Image 2

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    - - - . .
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DROKgN now. - - N BllASKA
, :
- - -
I News in , Bdef I :
'rwo l1ew hl'lIlgU:4 : nro to ho hullt
OV'I' the Nova rlv'r lIt St. P'ltJrshurg ,
'l'lw Illst 'ellr of t ho HII al' houutl/s
\ cost l'rauco : alolle 110 Il'ss 1111111 twent '
mllllonfJ 110llnrs ,
In 1881 the LOlll1on hlrth ralo aV'
( 'ragel ! : J ,2 1101' J ,000. It stcal1ll ) ' dc.
cllncil to 2SG In 1 ! 102 ,
Korean COllllllel'CO nlllollllt to ahollt
11ft cl.'n mlllloll 111' 11111111I11 , the Imports
h'llIg 110uhlu thc ex\'ls. ) \ i
TYllhoill fev'r has hrolwn out
ll1110ng nil thl' I1l'tachmellts of marines
111 Gl'rmlHl Southwcst AfrtC'lI.
I : q101'talion of $ nI OOOOO Ioltl fro11\
N'w Yorl , Inst Wl'el , hrolw the record
fOl' out o In ono lIay sln'o 1 n01.
.1ohn D , Daly. al1 olll-tl11\e uowflpa-
pCI' I1Il1n , wcll Imown In Chil'ago anll
( Ithm' cities , IIlell at EIIhart , I'nll.
' 1'he Chicago Ot'eat Western Hallroal1
. C011\III1UY fIIell with thl' Aecretal'y of
Atato 11. cerlltlcato Il1cl'C'asln [ ; Its cal11-
tal storie from $30,000,000 to $50,000-
000 ,
Tommy 1..0\0 of Phl1lulel11hla was
J given the dcolllon over ' 1'0111111) ' Feltz
of Brooklyn rln theil' fifteen-i'onnll ,
out before the gUtllW Athletic club
of Daltlmorc1 Md.
'rhe ; Wllhash rallrond shops at Decatur -
catur , lIII.VCI'O ' orllcred closclI , by
} 'resldcut Rnrm\ay \ , 'l'he rder Is supposed -
posed to10 \ on account of uio' , strlko
order by the armen's brotherhood.
At Syracuse , N. y" the Lyceum
theater , It 'vaudeville ' house , was destroyed -
stroyed lJ ' fire. It had closed during
the season , \\ntll \ last weel" when fl
New York company played six nights ,
, While no official nnnouncement of
11. Wabash loan was made , It wus
learned from 11. tl'ustworthy source
that a loan for $6,000,000 , bearing 5
per ( .ont interest , has been negollated.
Senator lIale and others counsel de-
Jay in hulllllng maI'o battleships unUl
tne Russo-Japaneso conflict shall have
( lemonstrntcd the compu1'Iltivo utility
of the big fighters and the torpedo
Prnnl { 1\lcNamara , employed for fifteen -
teen years in Clucago , plead gullly of
murdering Captain Jennings in Drool-
Jyn In the hope of covering up his
theft of 5OOO from his western em-
Colonel Loutweln , governor of German -
man Southwest AfrIca , cl1.bles that
t 'phus has brolten out in Major Van
Glasenapp's column. Seven deaths
from the disease were recorded up to'
.April 22.
I W , A. P. Davis of Philadelphia. , sec.
I TOtary of the Gregory-Buell Mining
I comlll\ny , was seriously injured in the
I tunnel of the mine near Central City ,
I Colo. , by the unexpected explosion of
'rho president sent the lollowln : ;
nominations of Ilostmasters to the
senate : Nebraska-Thomus A. Doyd ,
Deaver City. Iowa-William G. Ross ,
Falrfieldi E. M. Smith , Wlnterset ;
Samuel H. Hall , , I4lme Springs.
At Deadwood , S. D. , 111'0 destroyed
the large Ilressed brick plant owned
y Thomas Whittaker of that city and
Sioux Falls .capitalists. I..o8s , $15,000 ,
partly covered by insurance. The
JIlin , will be rebuilt.
In a lecture In Now Orleans Dr. Isa-
dore D'er , physician at the lopers'
homo in LouIsiana , after saying there
were 3,000,000 lepers In existence , announced -
nounced that in the last two years the
problem of lOuring the disease has been
Drlgadler General Josel1h Dlcltlnson
1ast of the adjutants general of the
Army of the Potomac and chief o [
staffs under Generals 1I001ter and
Meade , during th ? civil war , dlell In
" \Vashlngton , after an Illnes : of three I
months. Ho was 72 years old.
The SupI'eme Court of Colorado reused -
[ used to admit to ball Charles II.
Mo'or , president of the strlldng miners -
ers o [ Colomdo , pOUlling the hearing
of his halleas CQrpU8 case May Ii , and
the prlsouer will''remain In the hands
of the military ! n'the bull pen.
'I'hat the pmyer meeting , "with its
cut and dried programme , " has out-
JIved \\sefulncssf \ tha't the Christian
Endeavor Society Is exercising too
much infiuence on thQ ch\1l'eh , and
that radical changes 111'e neollelt wer ,
the de laratlons of Rov. George ' 1'11)-
lor at the meeting of Congregl1tonu ! ]
, ministers In Doston.
f After receiving o e currant of .J5-
000 volts and another of 25,000 a11l ]
failing forty feet to the ground , Henr
I ElSO ) ' of Oalesburg , 1\lIch" an electric
" lineman , is alive , with the loss o [ twe
toes the only permanent Injury. EI -
sey has retul'l1ed from Kalamazoo '
where he has bean six weeks In 11. hos ,
pltal recovering. His reeovel'y Is can ,
sldered one of the most remarlm ll
on record.
The Swiss Alplno club has wlthll'
the last four ) 'oars spent $21,000 II
f 11\111111ng l'C1uge huts on yarlous moun
I talns.
j Charl s F. McKenna o [ Pennsylvan
f l. has been nominated by the llresl
dtlnt United States district judge fo
Porto Hleo.
'l'ho Pennsylvania railroad unlOl
, statton at Ilarrlsu\I1'g , Pa. , was dam
. aged by fie to the extent of , OOI
to $100.000.
I 'rho London Cr 'stal Palaeo accom
modates moro IIODplo than a ' othe
ulldlng In the wOI'hl. 1l w\l1 \ hoh
100,000 people.
A. , . . .
, . - - - - - - - - - .
Vonczuel:1 C:1tt1o for nlted States-
Will Be UseU Exluslvely for Food
and Have to Pass II Rigid Il1:1pection :
ijecldes Pilylng Duty.
W ASliiNGTON-Sln c the return
of Admiral \Valln'r and ( Jonernl Davlo
of tto : IBtlunlr.n l't1.llal cOll1mlslon ! ! to
Wr.lhlnjton from Panama they hllvo
hoon engage ! ! In worlt preliminary lO
the mectlng of the commission next
vol : : < . Durll1g the IlhlJ nco of the com-
Jliilmloll , UIIIJllcalion for IJosltlons 011
the cl\nlll fOl'co were rocelvod hy the
Ihuut1I\(1. : \ ( ' 1'hu1 fur It hils not hecu
! ! otl'l'Inlne huw the canal worl , w\l1 \
ho 1101 ( ' , hcnco the cOII1l1\lualon \ Itself
cloeR not Imow : et jllflt wllat positions
It will have rt Its I1lsJofJal. }
'rho IJI'obahlllt ) ' now Is that the
gr ut hullt of the WOI'It will he done
hy contrad. It has hc'n HlIggcslecI
thllt It I'onlltrllctlon comlJllny ho O1'glln.
IzcII to undm'tulw the WOl'I , ullcIor the
allllel'vision of the commlslon. 1'ho
orgnnlzatlon of sovel'al c01l111l\nlos ,
ench to do 11. slleelfled portion of the
WOI'Inlso has heen suggcsted.
In the anthmclte conilto \ Inq\llIor \
against the Phlladolphla & Heallln
Hnllway cOl11llany the Interstate cum.
morce commission F'rldaY cntered nn
or del' roopenlng the proceolllnl ; for fnr-
thcI' Investigation. 'rho commission
has sot the case for heurlug at New
York on loy 4.
'rho commltteo dlrccted by con \'css \
to Investigate anll rcport on the hest
methods of rostorlng the merchllnt marine -
rine of the Unltell States Frida ) ' ( 'hose
Senator Galllngol' for the chairman-
shill ,
At Friday's cllhlnet mcctlng Seero.
tary Wilson rOllO\'ted \ that the dCllart.
mont of agriculture had granted 11cr-
ml:1slon : io the Venezuelan government
to Import Into the Unltell States 1,000
head of Venezuelan cattle. Of course
the customs duties will have to he
11l1ld ou the cattlo. 'l'hey will bo ship.
pell to New York , consigned to nn ab-
battolr. No brocdlng cattle are to bo
nmong the number Imported , the ! dea
being to use thom exclusively for fool } .
' 1'he department Is exceedingly careful
about all importations of live sloel ,
nnd cach head of cattle In1ll0rted fl'O:11 :
Venezuela will ho rlglllly InsJectell. )
Postmaster Geneml Pllyno returned
Frldny from Charleston , S , C. , after an
I1hscnce of several weels sIlent In
cruising along the Atlantic coast and
In West Indian waters. 1Ie Is 1m.
proved In heaHh , though allll C ml1laln.
ing o [ 11. slight attack of gout In one
The treas\ll'Y dellllrtment forwarded
to the secrelnry of state for transmission -
mission to .T. P. 1\Iorgan & Co. of New
Yorl" financial agents of the Relmb-
IIc of Panama , a warraut fOl' $1,000.000
on nccount of the Panama cnnal pur-
Sentence of a Lieutenant for Dupll.
cation of Pay Accounts.
SAN PR NCISCO.-Flrst Lleuten ,
ant Ii'rederlclt D , Neilson , Twelfth
cavalry , who was recently tried at
the Presidio for the duplication of his
pny accounts In the Prlllppinos , was .
on Ii'rhlay sentenced to confinement to
the limits of the post where ho maybe
bo serving fOl' four montlis and to for ,
felt $1i0 o [ his pay for roe salDO petlod ,
He will als bo reprimanded In gen ,
eral orders , hut he has becn acCultted }
of any fraudulent Intent. Lieutenant
Neilson will be sent to the discharge
camp at Angel lslaud for duty and
will servo out his foul' months there.
The court.martlal which trial Lieu ,
tenant Neilson will meet again on
Monday for the trial tlf Lleutcuant G ,
S. Rlchanls , 'I'wcnt.thlrd Infantry , fOt
the same offenso. and will I.lso ) t ! '
LleutenllntV. . J. AII\Cn , ' 1'wcnty ,
clghth Infantry , for 'breach ' of arrest
. .deultelanTtloSon,1 ml4vral vhgk bl
Japs Publish Their Side of It.
WASHINGTON-'l'ho Jalllluese lega
lion has published th03 correspondenci
that took Illaco hot ween Baron Kom
urll , .1allanoso mlnlstcr or forolgn af
full'S and l\lr. Kurlnu , .1apancso mlu
Ister to St. Peter hurg , procedlng thl
lll.glnning of the Russo..1apanese war
'I'ho plll'pOSO of the llUbllcntlon Is ti
dlscloso officlall the Jc.pllncso attltudl
aud t sllcclallY 10 point out the effort :
to force Russia to an early aud cun
cluslvo auswcr to the .Iallaneso pro
posals rolatlvo to the o\'acUlttlun 0
Mouchurla ,
Kindergarten Union Adjourns.
ROCIIlSTEH. ! : N. Y-Tho eleventl
annnal convention of the InternatlO\l \
al Klndergllrten unlun adjourned al
tel' elcctlng Miss Annlo of CII :
clnnatl } lresillent and Miss Stella 1
. " \Vood or 1\lInnoapolls sccretar ' .
An onnce of get.up.and.get Is bol
tel' than 11. pound of that "tired foe
lug. "
Furnish Free Fireworks.
CHICAGO.-In ordel' to IlI'otect cnl
dron Crom InjuI' ) ' and II\'OIHH't \ : . ' [ I'm
_ damage , the Chicago Amusement al
_ soclatlon Is planning to fumlsh fro
l' firecraclors and torCllocs In unllml
oIl Cuantltles } to over ' child In Ch
t1 cagQ on Independence da ) ' . 'I'ho IIn
_ munition for IlIltrlotic celebrntiOl
however , m\ _ be exploded In th
llarls IInd public 1I1a 'groundamd ( ;
suporvlslon or a I1reman , a ph'slcla
and a memher of the asocilltion. 'l'h
OI'ganlzatlon Is call1tallzed at. . $1,000 '
I . . '
- .
Presl.ent Give ! : Approvnl to the Open.
W ASlIINO'l'ON - 'rho Ilrosilleni.
slgnell the HOAebt111 I''s rvalloll hill
Satl11'lln ) ' . In h/J\1ol' \ of the event
Cong NISI1Hln TlIlI'I\l'tt Ilrmwllted cvery
mnn 111 the whlto house of11ces with
11. rorh\l1 ! \ ! ' 1'lw clelegat Ion thcn wont
to the general land 01llco , where It
waa leal'l1C1 ! t Imt. the lal1l1 would ho
olloned 1I1111C1' the lot ory ) llan , sllch
ItS waa used In Ol ) ( llng the Klowll 11\\(1 \ \ (
Comnncho 1I\II11s \ In Ollllhoma ; , PI'OS-
IJOCt ! , . ( , aetllel'a ! TIllY reglstcr at Bunc.
steel , Fairfax l\llIl Cill\111herlaln IInlil
the mlddlo of 1Ilay , when the drawlllg
will occur Ilt Call1herlalln. Full ) Jal'-
lIpulul'f ! wl1l he given to the neW8pll'
pel'S soon ,
'I'ho : lIllnS for the CIH'I llIg of the
I'CfWI'\'atloll are not ) 'et cOlllplololl , hut
It Is expectt'll that I1l'rallgPlllents wl1l
1J0 11111110 so I hat the o/lcnlng / will tnlw
placl ! hy .llIly 1 ncxt. It la IIlwl ) '
thllt the } llan to he follOWQ11 wl1l be
the same I S that carllcli ollt In the
Kiowa anll Conianche opcnlnIn / 01 , .
laho1\1n. \ In j nOl , w'n ) the claimants
WOI'O I'eglsterell anll the orllcl' In which
the entl'lcs to hemalll.llotel.lnlned hy
11. dl'llwlng of thc l'alllC'H , This I11clh-
011 , liS carl'lcd out In Oltlahol11a h ) '
Commls8loilel' ItIchards of l1 c cenel'lll
land omce , Is gcnomlly commCllllel1 Ilt
the InterlOl' dopal'tment , whel'c It Is
Iloslrcd to llrovent such wlhl scenes
as trnnsJlrClI ) at I\'ovlous \ opcnlngs.
' 1'hOl'c are 245 qllartcr lIe'lIons of lJ\\b. \ \
IIc 1I0main emhraceU In the tprrltory
to be thrown open II1l11 the Inllications
point to 11. large numbol' of 11\'Osllectlvo \
Suggested by Both King Edwud : and
King Chrlstilln.
ST. pgTgRSBUllG-'I'he Associated
Press Is enubled to announce authorl.
tatlvely that the tall , of mUlliation In
the Husslan-.Jul'ancse } war WIlS found.
cd ullOn the pOI'sonal dcslrcs of King
Edward anll King Christian of Den.
marlt , to avoid further hloodshed and
end the conflict , hut that steps inl.
tlated have utterly failed ,
1'I'he czar , with the full concurrence
of the Imperial fall ) ' and his advls.
ers , has fil'lnly deeldell not only to reo
jcct /ll'olJosals / 1001dng to Interven.
tlon , hut to Ilrosocuto the war with all
the S011\'ces \ of the emplro until vlc.
tol'Y crowns the Russian arms , and
then , when the limo comes for lCace ,
to malw terma directly with the en-
emy. The Interfcrence of outside
powers will not he tolerated. There
Is to bo no repctltlon of the Berlin
congross. Furthermore , the Associated -
ed Press Is authorl7.ed to state thaI
Russia will In no wise consider herself -
self bound b ) ' thc IJrOllosltions made
to Japan prior to the wal' . 'I'he hostilities -
tilities . have wiped out the engagements -
ments Russia offered to malte with
Jallan regarding 1(01'011. and Manchu-
ria. Russia will consider herself free
to Impose such terms as she desires.
Town of McPherson Is Visited by a
Destructive Storm Cloud.
1\I'PlI RSON , Kas.-A severe tor.
nado strucl { 1\IcPhorson Sunday afternoon -
noon , demolish In ; ; six resilIences and
causing moro or loss othcr damage to
11rollerty , Throe persons were Injured -
jured , ono seriously. Much damage
was done in the countl' ) ' north of here.
A funnel-shal1ed cloud approached
the town from the south , following
the course of 11. 1'I\vlne. The resillenco
o [ S , W. Rlelt waa firat struck and the
house , barn , windmill and outbulld.
Ings destroyed , All the members of
the family os called except a young
man , who WIIS bruised IInd scratched ,
' 1'he resldenco of 1\Irs , S. p. Fisher
was next struclt. The building was
I ) llclwdII } and carrleli a conlderablc ! !
distance and demolished. The family
had seen the ap/iroach / of the storm
and oscalled. The large Ii'lsher allille
I m'chard was rulnod ,
Mrs. Coulter of Ogden Will Not Bc ,
Allowed to Address Federation.
SAI.T LAKI CI'l'Y.-l\lrs. 1\11lI'I"Y G
Coultcr of Ogdeu , 11 IlI'omlnont Utal :
( : Iub wonlan111 not bo I\l1owod t (
malw an all11res3 at the hlennlal con
fcrence of the Fellcratlon \Vomon'f
cllbs ! on May 17 ncxt hccauso sh (
voted for Smoot whllo a member 01
the last le lslature , Mrs. Anna D
Nllsh of Bostun , chairman of the do
mcstlc sclenco department of.tlll .
fodcratlon , the sUbject on'hlch , ItI \
assCl'ted , Irs , Coulter was to speal ,
says relloatell requests 1m vo beel
made by 1\I1's. Coulter's friends asl ,
In ! ; that she be In\'ltCll to mnlto al
address , hut on account of gcnera
opposition of club membcrs or Utah
based on 1\I1's , Coultor's suuuort 0
Smoot. the requests had bcen refused
Mrs. Coulter Is a gcntllc.
Congressman Fltzplltrlck III.
WASHINGTON , - RepresontatlYI
. , Morgan C , Ii'ltzlmtrlcl , or Tonne sel
was tll1\on 111 Wedncsday night In th ,
house and lat'r COI1\'o'oll to the em01
l. gonc ) ' hosllltlll In 11. sorlous condltlol1
I. following l\\'o IIllllel < s of ellllclls ) ' II
quick succosclon ,
Labor Dominates the Cilblpet , : : , \ 'lctorlaII's , Wat
n son , the lahol' leatler , hils fm'nHJll
s. cabinet with himself as lll'omlel' a11l
o treasurer ; 11' , Hughes. mlnistor fet
toxterllltl 11 rta l1'l's ; , 1\11' , I ( lgglns. alto !
I. lie ) ' general ; Mr , Batchelor. mlnlste
t. for homo affairs11' : : : , 1"lsher , pres
I , dent of the Board of ' 1'1'Illlc ; 1\11' , Dale
o son , minister of defence : 1\11' . MahO !
't' ) lostmllster genoml. aud MrIcOre !
nor , vlco ) lrosillcnt o [ the fcdeml m
o ecntlvo council. , I < : xcoptlng I1' . IIh
, - gins all the members of the now cal
Ino. belc'nr ; to I he labor 1Il1rt . .
Number of BIIII ; Are Signed and Leg.
lolntors Engage His Attentlon-Re.
publican IInd Democrlltlc Views of
Approprliltlons Made Thus Fill' .
WASIIINOTON-'l'ho sec01111 ses.
I slon of the li'lI1y.elghth congl'ess was
eJcclal'Pl1 adjolll'ncII at 2 o'clucl , ' 1'hurs.
I Ilay hy PresleJcnt Pro TomlOl'e ) Pr 'c ,
In the scnate , 111111 Slwalwr Cannon 111
thc house ,
Pl'c ldl'nt Hoosevelt arrl\'od nt the
cnp\tlll \ at 11 : 21i a. m , to IIttend to his
otllC'/111 / duties Incident to the adjoul'n.
mcnt of congl'css. Nearly all the memo
hel' ! ! of his cahlnct hall 1I1'0ccllc(1 ( him
a 1111 wel'o waiting 111 the Ilresillent'
I'oom , lIe was nccompal1lcll by 1\11' .
Loco , hi ! : ! SeCl'etllr ) ' , and thc whole
exec'utlvc fol'cc of the White honse , A
l1umlJl'r 0 : hills IlUsscd Wcdnesda ) '
night and 'rhul' day recelvcd his sig-
illi t11'0 \ ,
At 11 : 21i tlto III'cs\clcnt \ aflixe'l ( his
sl nature to the last of the gem oral
SUPII ] : " measures , the 110atoffico al1)1ro' )
111'Iatlul1 hili. Pl'lor to thllt time he
hUll slgncII the sundry civil , the gencr-
al eJollclenc ' and the mllltal'Y acado.
my bills , In addition to scorcs ot mcas.
' of mln01' '
Ul'ea Imlol'tanco. )
' 1'he prosldont was In almost con.
stant rOl1sultatlon with senators and
representatives concerning measures
IJresentcll to him for his slgnat\1l'o ,
Bl1Is relating to the val'lous depart.
ment , ; were refcrred stricti : . ' to memo
hors of the cablnct , who WOI'O l1resent ,
nnd. liS usual , they ) lassod upon them
before thcy were signed by the presl.
At 12:45 : ! } , m , thc jblnt commltteo
of the two branches of congress , con.
slstlng 01 Senators Hale and Cochran
and Represer. tatlves Payne , Hemen.
way and Williams , allolnted' ) ) to noU.
fy the presldont that the congrcss
was ready to adjourn , called upon
Prosldent Roosevelt In his room at
the call1to ! . 'I'ho l1rosillent Informed
the cummltte ( ! that he had no further
communication ! ! to malw to the con. ; '
gress. The committee remained with
the president ItS ! 1 than five mlnutos.
The last of the Important bills to
recelvo the signature of the president
were the river and hllrbor atHI Pann.
mil. canal measuros. All of the sur-
\'e8 which the senate p\'OYlded \ for
In the river and harbor bill were
strlckm out In conference In ono of
them the lrcsldent had 0. personal
Interest , ns it was a survey near thE
president's home at O 'stor Day. When
he noted the fact that among the
other SI1l'\e8 It hod been eliminated
he slgnell the hill and remarked.
laughingly , that It was pretty ovl ,
de t that he had no intluence with
the present administration. : :
The republican and democratic
view of the allproprlatlons made tpus
far by the Flrt.olghth congress were
presented to the house by Chairman
Hemenway of the appropriations committee -
mittee and Representative I41vlngston
of Georgia. the ranltlng democratic
member of the committee ,
"Good Governmcnt Houselteeplng"
Is the caption chosen by lr. Hemen.
way to represent his views.
"A Congress that Has Done Noth. '
Ing But Spent Money , " Is the heading
of Mr , Livingston's summar ' .
Advance the $40,000.000 to the Pana.
ma Canal Compllny.
WASHINGTON-The attorn C ) ' gen.
eral has received cohlegrams from
Iessrs. Day and Russell , who went to
Pllrls as his representatlyea to conduct -
duct the closing negotiations for the
i Panama Canal pl'Olwrty. to the effect
that the deeds of the property. nrch.
Ivea anll all ether vapers and docu.
ments which will helong to the United
States under the transfer , have ai-
read ' heen turnell oyor to them and
that the purchase vrlce of $ ' 10,000,000
hns been allvanced to the canal com-
pnny by 11. Paris sYlllllcato of hanl\Ors ,
This sYJ1\1cnte ! , It IH unllorstooll , of.
fered to pay over the money , with a
view to eXIICI1tlng ! the cOl\fmnllnatlon
of the sale , on the aS8uranco of the
attorney general that the draft of thc
sj'nilicato on the \TullClI State ! ! for
the $40,000,000 wou1l1 ho honorell on
Ilresentntion at the troosury at'ash. .
Suit to Divide Estate.
ST JOSEPH , Mo-The ! : mll ofIrs. : .
Frances D , Burnes and daughter , Mar.
. jorle , of Chlcllgo , and Kenneth Burnes
of St. Louis , for a division of the
Burnes estate. worth $5.000,000 , and
which has been kept Intact for Il Cuar.
tel' of a century , waf > called for trial
In the federal court ' 1'uesduy , ' 1'he
defendants arc I. , C , Burncs. Jumes N ,
Burnes and Virginia Burnes of St.
.Joseph 111111 l\ato : B , Gatch o [ St.
Louis , The Illalnllffs charge I. . C ,
Burnes with securln wrongfull ) ' u
lar o numhm' of shares In t he estate ,
It being Incorporated ,
Feared He Would Not Return.
: : \IO SC \\-Th 0 will of Vasslll
VoreRchagln , the Russian painter who
went down on the Poh'Ollllvlovslt at
Port At'thl1l' , has been roall. It leavcs
the ontlre estate to the widow , 'rho
\\\11 \ was made just heforo the llalnt ,
cr startell for the far cast and in It
he eXlll'esscd t ho \\'lct\on \ t hat he
would not rct\1\'n \ , General Kouropl\t ,
kin has tecgralllOd ! to 1\Iaclamo Veres ,
chllgln 00 oxpresslon o [ the s'ntlathy
ho feels with her In her riffilctlon and
) . his regrct at the 100s of lU old : :0111 : ,
. rl"le.
. . . . , . . . . l' . J , r . I . .
II E S'Il\1 _ NE R KA II' '
Wlntel' wlwat wcara a very encoU\- \
aging outlook in York county.
Pla s11\outh Is going to have 11 met-
I'opolltan street filII' from : \Iay 9 to j.l.
'rho authorities of Columbus hllvo
decreed that the grnnt firecracltor
must be sUPIJressl.'d In that town ,
Of the foul' huslncss houses recently -
ly destro 'en by flro at Sterling , three
of them will bo 1'ehullt Immedlatel : . ' ,
'rhe li'al'lners bank of Heynolds hils
changed ownership , : \11' , IInll 1\1rs ,
Power retiring In fa VOl' of T. Donham
all pre8ldent : S , H. Bacon , \'Icc president -
dent , and GV. . Bacon , cashier.
York college has engaged Miss
l\lartha Da 'ton IlO InstruC'tor of the
violin , she heln ; ono of thc hest violin -
lin performers in the' wcst. She Is a
dnughtel' of 1 lIltor Da'lon of the YOI'I ,
Hepubllcan. . '
1\1uny people of YOI'I , nro suffering
from Ilh epidemic called Illnlwyo , a
disease of the eycs lasting three 01'
foul' lIa ' but ch ' that
's , of S1 a na l\1l'c
those aflllctcd arc nearl ) ' hllnded fOl'
11. short time.
'rhe Security l1anl , of Poncll. has absorbed -
sorbed the" CItizens State bank , which
was organized there a year ago. It Is
understood that the CItizens banl < will
continuo 11nder thc new management ,
In the same hulldlng which it now
At the hl'lC'k plant of Glasgow & Dye
at Peru , Dave Gilliland In putting on
a small heat , bacl < ed against a Ic ' In
II. line shaft , which torc his clothing
all off except the lower of his
trousers. He Is badly bruised , but not
seriously hurt.
Robbers bl'o1\e Into Barnes Droth-
ers' clothing store at Hastings und
rarrlpd uway fifteen 01' twenty hlgh-
priced overcoats. gntrance to the
store was gained by smashing two
windows In the rear of the buUI1ng ! ,
It was 11. bold piece of robhery.
It Is reported upon good a11thorlt .
that the Union Pacific railroad has expressed -
pressed a willingness to extend Its Hne
from Pleasantoll to Gecrgetown , 11
postoffice some twenty miles enst of
Callawa ' providing suffiC'il"nt "
) , patron-
can be obtained to warrant the
Frank Hnnltlns. who was lodged in
jaB at Wymore on a charge of assaultIng -
Ing Julius Neumann , a merchant , is
believed to be a noted jail brealwr. He
cfcaped twice from the " \Vymore jail
within several da's , and after Marshal -
shal Acton succeeded In capturing him
each time he placed handcuffs on him.
Isaac Gibson died at his old home
in Telmmah In his nlnetthlrdear. .
Judge Gibson was born In Clark county -
ty , Inqlanl , December 8 , 1812 , and was
married AprB 4. 1832 , to Isabella
Walker of Washington county , Indiana -
ana , and she died , luly 31 , 1899 , at he
Tekomah home in her ninet-thlrd
'ear ;
Owing to the continued cold , wet
weather many of the earl ) ' sowed oats
in Platte county have rotted in the
ground and reports [ rom several parts
of tho' country sny thcse fie1cls are being -
ing plowed' up and replanted. Oats
Eown. later have not been affected ,
Winter wheat is . be looking
very good.
Ernst Subeclc , 45 'eal's ofage. . wcnt
to worl , in th Burlington shops at
Plattsm uth as usual the other mornIng -
Ing , but a few hours later he was seen
to stoop and firmly gl'asp a steam pipe ,
His fellow-worlonen quickly stepped
to his side In time to see him take
his lust breath. Heart disease Is supposed -
posed to have been the cause.
The graduating exercises of the Da-
Iwta City High sohool will be held 'in
the Methodist church on Friday evenIng -
Ing , .June 3. The graduating class will
consist of Messrs. Charles T. Mnx-
well , .101m D. Evans anll P. Dalwr gcl : -
hart. 'rhe baccalaureate -sermon will
be preached hy Rev. S. 1\1. I..esher ,
I.utheran pastor of that 11lace.
The people of Omaha are preparing
for a ver ' elahorate celobrn.lon. due
notice of which will al1ear } In the public -
lic IIrcss , and It Is proba1lle that man ) '
from outlying towns and communities
will Ilval1 tlH'mselves of the opportunl.
ty to attcnd the IIretentlots coremo-
nles there to be held ,
One of the Imllortl1nt IInll IntCl'esting
cases to he heard at the next sitting
of tl1l' SUTlreme C'ourt is that wheroln
Fred1. : . Hans , an Omaha detective
formerly emilloyed hy the Elkhorn
Hallroad cOl11pany , seels to have rc-
versed the decision of the district
CO\1\'t \ of Brown county , which sentenced -
tenced him to the penitentiary for life
for the mU1'l1cl' of David 0 , Luse In
June , 1J03 ( ,
The annuul'OIOI't of the chief of
the fire dcpartment of Grand Island to
the council showed that during the
) 'eal' the city has llad twenty-thl'ee
Il\'es \ , with a total loss of enl ) ' $1J,5 : 5.
and Il nel loss , Insurance IleductC'd ,
o [ $2,4GO , 'I'ho cost of o1eratlng } the
volunteer lIre dopurtment was fihowl1
to he olll ) ' $105Jl. ! : kl'ellll1g up the ap-
Ilal'atus not Included 111 this nor 'et
thc ( ! XIJI'I1SC of the telephone alarm
s 'tCI11.
'I'he oxcavutlon fOl' Hasllngs' nl'w
soall fuctory hUH Iwen hl'glll1 , 'I'hl'
new plunt IH to ho ! IO h ) ' GO fl'pt , tWIJ
slorlcl ! high , with a , Ieop IIHHI'I11l'nt.
'I'ho now entorprhw will ho ulJ l'utel !
hy Wlckum 111'011.
Geneml nll gclt , who has jnst com-
111eted InSIJl'ction of tIw NclJl'ulllw Na ,
tlonal guard , rl'llOrtll hlrlllwlf 11111\11
I pleased 111111 cle01l11'I1H thul tllfJl'l' u ) ' (
mcmbel's of the I-uurcl ; who wOll1l1 h (
"credits to thc rl'gllhll' arlllY. IIIl'n whe
uro most exonllol1t IHlhlll1l'K 111111 wh (
would be welcol11o achlltlons to un ,
military orgunlzatlon of hl h ! oItallHn (
nnd rClJUtatlon , "
1I 1 I -
Governor Mickey Issucs Proclamation
to the Pcople of the Stilte.
I 'I'uesduy.Ia : ' :11 : , haK hl1l set apart.
b ' OO'erllOl'1I'IOy : Ullon which to
cl'lehrato the signing' of the bl11 that ,
; made Nohraslm anll Kansas a tcnlto-
r ' , Ulon ) FI'illay lll'oceding thla da ) '
, Oovernor t'llclwy requests that aJ1l'o ) ,
Ifrlatc eXhrclsos bo held IIi all the ' .
school houses of the Htatl' and that :
on the 81111\lu ) ' lu'ecpliingehrnslm
ministers tell NehraslwnH 'of ' the
growth of the state 'rIte } 1rOClamlt.
, tlon setting alIlrt the da : . ' follows :
On the 30th day of Ia ) ' , 18r,4 , PI'esl-
I dcnt Plorco afilxed his sl nat\11'o to
one of the mosl Imlol'tunt ) ( 'nnctmcnts . .
which hus passed conllss ; ( luring the
existence ot' these Unll d States , 'rho
Inclllcnt s leading Ul to the Int rolluc.
tlon anlll1nal lJassagc of the Kansas-
Nebraslm Mil \\"ero hlS'lormaldng
In thell' character anll havc Indellhh'
stampell theh' ImpI'ess U1l011 our na.
tlonal life , 'I'he succeeding cvents
were cvel11101'0 \ decisive anll tragic In
tholr results. ultlmatcl ) ' plunging the
nort h and south Into factional Will' and
test Ing in the balance of sanguinary
conflict the mooted IU st Iou of the
times affectln ! ; human IIherty. Such
stl1'l'lng scenes as thesc marled the
enactment of the l\ansas. : e rasl\11 ,
11111 , b ) ' the 1 crms of which th ( ' future
state of Nebmslm , thcn In territorial
form , fil'st emerged fr"m the wlldel'
nl'Ss 1)'lng wcst of th1Issourl : anll
assl11ued its Initial civic responslblll-
tlos. Owing to the Intensity of the
times the cyes of the nation wore
fixed UIOI1 Nebrnslm t hen. and because -
cause of our spcctuculal' growth 1lI1\1
development t hc aUt'nlion thus attracted -
tracted has novel' becn wIthllrawn.
Much was oxpccted \obraska , but
not moro than It has heen able to
dollver. Its earlr seltJclJ1l'nts of God-
fearing , liberty-loving , school.foster-
Ing cltl7.enR cx'rt'II : a whoesome ] Influence -
fluence Ul10n the trend of national
o\'ents from the ' -ery first and laid the
foundations for thc magnificent state-
hooll which Is our heritage todar.
In the hul'1'y anll bustle of life It Is
lJl'ofitable n.t times to hrlelly pause for'
retrospective view. In harmony with
this Idea many of 0\11' \ citizens have
thought It wise to prollCrly celebrate
the semi-centennial nnniversary o [
the signing of the Kansasebrasl,1L
bill , and the ] 1lan meets with m ) '
heartj' appl'Oval. As the date occurs
on the 30th of l\Ia ' , a da ' consecrated -
crated to the memory of our soldier
dead , a delar of one day is fittinl ;
and proper ,
Therefore , I , John II. lIckey , governor -
ernor of the state ofehraslm. . do
herehy appoint and sot apart Tues ,
dar , May 31 , 1104 ! , as a. dar of COI11-
memoratlon of the signing of the Kan.
sas-Nebraslm bl11. an event of tlio
utmost Importonco to this llOople , [
suggest that on the Friday Ilreceding
the schools of thc state tallo cognizance -
nizance of the matter anll .
by appro- 0. . { ;
prlato exerelses challenge attention 1\
to the plogress ; of t1O ! half century , the
hl _ .ory attending the bil'l II of the
terrltor- : , and seck to Inculcate such
lessons of patriotism as hofit the oc-
casion. It also seems IlrO/lH / that 011
the Sahbath preceding the annlvor.
sar ' the pastms of the statl' should
malto reference to the cvent from
the sacred desl , a11\1 give to their congregations -
gregations some thoughts on the
growth and developmcnt of our commonwealth -
monwealth and the .hlesslngs of ProvIdence -
Idence that have heen vouchsa d to
us , I recommend that the 11001110
generally recognlzo the anlli\'crsary
and assist in Its ohsel'vance In any , ,
manner that seems most convenient _
It Is snld that dlstancc lends enchantment -
chantment to the vle" but the theory
falls down when applied to n. man's
view of pay day.
No Damages for Mental SUffering. , .
LNCOLN-Damages cannot he gh'-
en hy a court on account of the hc-
reavement. mental f'uft'cI'lng or as a
solace to t he next of Idn for the death
of a llerson Is the opinion of the supreme -
preme C0111't In the case of Johnson '
county against 11. 1\f. Carmen. admln. \ .
Istrator of the eHtate of .T. n. Gooch. 1
Gooch was ldlled by the hr'aldng
down of 11. county hrldgo which 'he 1
was attemllt1ng to cross with a traction -
tion engine. '
A declaration for the organization
of 11. Commercial cluh hils 1Ieen Rlgn d
b ' thirty-llvo business men of Grand
Island and others Interested In the
' of the clt ' It is oxpectoll '
pl'Ogress ) anl . . 'J
that organization will heS pcrfeeted ' 1
In a weel ) or so. .
Peter Fielding Wants DamageS.
LlNCOl.N-Anothel' dam ago suit .
aalnst ; the Burllngton Is now hororo !
the supreme court. Petct' il. Flohllng
of Mason Olt ) ' sues for 11amagos for
IJersonal injnrles r'elvecl h ' 111m
whllo worldng a Burlington handcar.
Corn. .
I The Nebrasl m gXllOrmcnt ( St.ation
has just Il11hllRhctl 1\ report OIl the . .
I tt'sts of nlnetoen yarlellmof corn , T . '
conducted Cor two 'ears br f1ft ' .nlno
I'lIrmers In various larts ! of the Rtate.
The ouject of the eXII'rlmcnts was
III ascCl'laln what ono of the various
1I1I1'-brell varieties of corn is host ; '
Hulted to the I/walltics / In which the . _ : \ . ' ,
" ,
te-ts : were muill' , The Il11l1elll1 ma ) ' \
hl' IIhtalnoll f\'lo \ ! of CORt h ' r0811101liS
, of NoIJl" ' lm UIol1 , wIlting to tile No.
h1'll81a l < : : xlll'rlll1cnl Stul lon , LlnC'o1 ] ,
! ' cboo for Bulle ! In0 , sa ,